'LJI 3A2 3 7 ? 3 , LOCAL AFF AIRS t-g 4 TI RliEl DI.WER will be _ -v 1 at the z\]prentices' Hall Festival tivday. from 12 to 1 o'clock. Price SO etc. Fried or -tewed Oysters separate. t Uildren will be admitted free this after ; from one to three o'clock. - .MUTHING NUT. —J. Irvin Wallis s nianufaeturing some new stgte, double •.-liver-lustre TEA and COFFEE }>< iTS, and you will also find bargains in Hoi • Furnishing Goods, at the Big < tof fee Pot Sign. fe'4-lt ?>", ' rrove has add • hi- of 10,- 000 differeut thiogs &elf-Raismg flour, an arri.-le which no liou-ewife will wish to be without, if once tried. [We have been using this flour in our family for several months, and can add our testimo ny to its being what is represented —the mo-t convenient tiling ever introduced. — Eds. Gazette. The World Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York is one of the reli able companies in which a man may run the risk of insurance with a pro-peet, so far a- human foresight can go, of realiz ing expectations. It insures on two prin -—the mutual, in which the in-ured 0 r 'wo year- becomes :t partieipat r in ti. iividends, which annually increase: ati 1 'ue iu'U-participating, the rate- of wlii'-li are said to lie lower than any other J. F. FrueaUti', Hollim applications for insurance or fur • ;• r inforniati >n can be made, an i p r - :i- d- -i 'ing i 'calageneiesshouldapply. RoBBLRY AMI ATTKMUTKI' INCKNDIA KISM. —MczVtee- Lewistown Mill was t-n --tt i - , We.'mc-day nizrht. and the mom y :rawer robbed o{ a few cents change which had been left there. Two bag-of flour holding about 206 pounds, were also -mien. The wor.-'. feature in tl;e tran-ac >'i however remain- to l>e told, as an at ••enr't w is made to - t the mill on fire, i:.e floor haviim IC en covered with oil and an <'ld bolting cloth stuck in the mouth ti.-- stove with the expectation that it \\ th 1 catch and set the floor on fire. It unit however without doing -<, by the thi : opening the upper door, and thus saved u- from an extensivetsonflagration. It b with much regret we chronicle the • ti: a any out i> in our midst win can .t i. rateiy fire buildings, as in such case no one is safe or can tell at what hour he may rise and find his property in flames. Suspicion we learn attached to a man in town, but Mr. McAtee being absent, no arr--t wa-made. The empty bag- were found on Saturday morning on Sample's manure pile. ACCIDENT — Horse Hurt.—On Wednes : y evr-idne la-t a horse and sleigh driven 1 y two young men came into collision at sample's corner with the tongue of a >1; igh from the valley, driven by Messrs. Thompson. The tongue penetrated the horde's -houldcr three or four inches, makimr a severe wound. The evening wa- extremely • >ld. and both were no doubt driving fast. Me.--rs. Thompson were on the right as the law directs, an observance which every driver of a vehi cle ought to be careful to follow in all ea st—. and especially in town. The tongue of their sleigh was broken. Two horses attached to a sleigh belong ing to Robt. Montgomery ran away on Sunday last, uj setting the vehicle, throw ing out a lady and little boy. bruising the latter'.- head, but not injuring the former. The horse- ran on the pavement at > tm plo - hotel, and demolished the sleigh .a their juu—age among cellar-door-, aw rinzr-po-t-, ve ha- a large !• tof Valentines, 1 :i)]ri-ing -erion.s, -titirieal. comic, -■ ft - ®p, langui-hinu. loving, cat-nu-up. timental. funny, detrimental, hyporbole au. super-phosphate, antipodiacal, green. and ornamental —to suit all age-, svxes, conditions and colors. LOOK HKRE ! I—RUAD1 —RUAD THI- !1 — 1 Vash ' Birthday Coming!! —Tbe ladies : the "Mite Society" of the M. E. church, v .11 give an ENTERTAINMENT on the • veningaof the -Istand 22' 'of February, in the basement of the church, to increase their funds. Supper each evening com • ii lug at 5 o'clock. All kinds of liosists and their accompaniments. Tickets one I'oiiar. Also, Confectionery, Ice Cream, Oy-ters, and Fancy Table. The liberal ] tr age of a generous public is earnest ly >ol kited. n.iturday last was Ground Hog Day, a- he did not see his -hadow, the wise I: ' n >ay that he remains out and that the Vi ntec i- broken. We suspect, however, c it the ground hogs lookeot to wallow in the sand, f -r a mouthful of grass or roots on which t" make hi- thanksgiving dinner. M <• arc sorry to see that Chark- 6now n colored; has b*cn sentenctsi to the I uiti jitiary for larceny by the Clearfield aty court, lie was a fine bov, served with distinction in the celebrated Massa 'usette 54th duriog the war. but proba ' • tnrough evil associations was let policy aiwags. "THE SPARKLING STREAM," is the ti tle of a new Temperance Music Book, published by Charles M. Tremaine, 481 Broadway, New York, which contains a choice collection of melodies, adapted to the use of temperance lodge—, and socio tii-s, meetings, Ac., and also for the parlor and concert room. This collection em braces nmny popular temperance song-, set to late and good music. On the whole, the book is destined to supply a want, in the temperance world. For further par ticular address the publisher. A half-breed darkey but full-blooded j rascal, calling himself JacobCh&voss, who | figured here some week- ago, was arrest ed at Beading for swindling a woman at Lebanon out of sixty dollars by promis ing to marry her. Here he had a wife . with him. fear The greatest little lamp yet invent ed is to be found at Grove's. It.- wick is j merely saturated in a certain fluid and placed in the lamp, when it will burn four hours and over without the use of oil or fluid, giving too a bright light. RANGE OF THE THERMOMETER. The following i.- the ranee of our thcr- j momuter from the 30th morn's noon, even'g Jan. 3d, i_ b. z. 16 16 31. 14 22 114 Feb. 1, gO 5d 43 g, 34 34 36 3, 36 41 39 4, 3g 44 40 5, 38 38 38 The indications for a break up were strong since last week, rain having fallen : on Saturday and Monday, but the weather ! is again getting eol ler. On Tuesday we j had some light snow squalls, with a strong : western wind, and this morning the ther- ! mounter is again below freezing point I• .r<: -or ri-:n_. On Sundav the latter stood at 28 7-10. The first lightning this I year was observed on Saturday evening, i Special Retires, isr O T X o E . T!i- t> tuiiful P; no Furti— of lit: •vf.ir.y 4 O .are ; !• y all z- ■ : ! .zes t>> the I ' TV.- -uroen:.- f the k.ml. We - ,nti"t Mteae-t vhat - want to make a nri- , : - ti-:: ,-nrn: ni re ' i*„ uzu we ar- - •* , 1 : ... -..t "• c. the lan.t >i ::npr >vem*nt H:. ■•V.T 1- i I attained. Hvf.r- th'v !.a i Ur> -igtit th<-ir PtHtin- t<*> ■ !*ir pre ■ • " n with i:.-?rumv:.t f-< trakers ef tl.i --j untrv at4 Ear pe. an i ree-.red thd hy thi ma- . ,!w rM. -■ ' t y itii;-.rve ruent- •e- y ap|. •it y - '..'tit : > •'. ir Piitr.us, .•: nuted that a m<.-re {>•::• • ,;i- ; -ttunjera 1::.- '■■Ti IJ. . - :, V" *' "'• I - achu . ' i ti.- paradox of making exr-ellence more - moit "Escels-ior."' novl4-ly FRIGHTFUL EXECUTION ! I* s *, ' ■ ■ : zrey 1 ea 1-, t-y endeavoring to 1 darken thern witii nteialhc dyes that Scorch and Blast ! ti '■ - ■ *' r . •. 3&ST A v o.j t • ... v ; -rril ;e DISI K.! l(i Nt; ttIEN IS, .iM'l t- - onl •' ill- tfreat to'. ? staple of Airier. 1. CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE, ; vrh-cti not only iu!an?am - p--"iL>9 ail of j i t-.ack an.l I row . i v . strengthens and ; heaut'.nes the hlr. Manufactured by J.CBISTADOBO.Y \: •!! • . N -'v Voj;. S.M by Druggist*. A Iby ~ Hair I'r. "hts. Jar.23-l;a. ALLCOCK S POROUS PLASTERS. LAME BACK. New York. Nov. 23. ISSO. T. Aiicock 4 Co.—U-T c-'.ien : 11 .rely - lAVr- 1 severely fr.-tn a weakness • nk. Havlr.'li- r 1 y-eir[darter- ; :nu iirec. tnmea.leJl r csi— of e.is kind. I j.-oenred one, i ill th- r tit was a. I ciold ■ i - re. As njr> piaster cur ; ret me In a we- k. Y ars rer, fttliy. J. BtiKiu-. t 1 ! r<; the llr.::idre*.h H - . j CURB 01 CKICU IN HIC B.\ I. AND LUMBAGO. 1 ■ : s. N. Y.. y 4 W;j Me- -s. A. cock 4C■ : i 1 f yo .r A,>r. 'i . :ji c.irei n:e ■' a crick in : i wh . Ua trou -1 me : - -nse ti: ••. ,-.tj 1i.• mv - L 11. SHERW I T). Jr. n. N -33 Br t-Iway, N tv Y k. ;• -r.- ... he .. a > :.v ig vt ry severely ir luml-iy.-. On Tlmrs- | ' - : - - • e i'l - i . 1 ; ' .- i r. M •• . ...It - . Z ■ i ;i* J.i- a :no-t i pain in her back and loins. S.i'd ty sit Dragglsia. Jai^-lm. TO OW9ERS OF HOF.SES rpll 1 SANDS of hur - y. -'ru::. C . T.,.-ae -1 It v. ly c re v rv cas". "yi en wbett Crat taken. The ( -! Is t '■■■ d i ir. Every own -of ah should I have a ! o: i:. - - '.< '-. *■ :vt ir u-e It j. warrant* • i s iper. •- to a: ;■: ng .is - fo- the cure of Cut-. Win i Galls, j - ■ T . Lit im -nt Is n<> new tetli- ly. It has been ueJ an ! tdi-Uy r> jiii a--1 U rs m* i inidecoun- ! I \ U:-. !j to ..a ovcr-iriv.-ri lior-c. It acts i.ke taa/lc. ' ' ~-r, are eonst-antlv r-pe:ve i : >m tk- 1 ra.. 1 • z sta'des of I Fnsl i'id r it. Th • ! rated II -am Woo-JtrufT. of trot- : I tine fame, base-edit ' c yea--, .nd says It is far superior j to any other be baa tried. ilektoiiSy ttodttottsnbr I ■ t■ . in. His a t.irf-e is figs: Nr\v Y s.Lonc J-i. ni. Rec eci, Lfr Toy. - Venetian ll>>rse Uuiment Is put op In pint bottles. Take no dlier. Sl id by the Ilrugjciets ••>, Co' i". Intfiriiza, Jfoarst ness, {'roup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump tion, and for the n'irf of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the dis ease. > w - is (he fl..i of Us /ttJgmgr ■, v namr- Mfg|lf -r; ■ ' ,/■ its cures, that In a! •*g*y fg, fci J> y Z dy-Sl fl-Jvlt/ A isO ' ' s'e ;•••:- publicly t dft 7s. w .' •' 1- en sRs : alarm g srlbKlb wjl. ■ vey it-s; . rtlseasps __ t . When " e -w-" —t ''O aj>;ia' ito er*pe< r --vat lot:, an 1 wh. -e its i Irt.irs ,l?;g art k • , (ije jut.: .- n • -rr hesita'e whai aii■!i lote to rr., ■y f -tlied.stres s '.cand tat'nierotis aßecttt. .- of the pulmonary organs Incident to ov climate. While nianv Infcrl'jr remedies i th- ist nj. .n the coninttmiry li.ive fai'.el and been dtscari • .' . i c : ned tr nds by < very trial, conferred bene fit- lie atll te ltbey e*n never io-.'et. and produced ci-• - • . uunieron. and too remarkable to ! forgotten. We car, n >-:re th- pubi c, that its juidty is careftlllv kept up to t! lie-', it ever 1...S been, and 1 .at it may be r*' -d ■ 'i to do lr th-tr relief all that it hss ever done. Great numbers of Clergymen, I%Jg|i iana. htatestnen. and ath r - :.. ■■■ ..t per* rases, have lent their naaies to certify the u ; iratleled nsefu.iie-- of , thev r.. g v -ti : with a'm fall de-rrlp'-tons of the complaints our r. uiedles core. T. - who ree.uirr an alien.: .•• r.'-i; ue "J purify the Mood " Sod Ayr'ft'.inif. .vt. re-w ar'.lla the ose to ; i,-.. Try it once, aod von wfß coaoodo its value. Brepi". : by I'R. J. < AYfciK A Co.. Lowell. l s .Id by Charles Rut and all Druggists and dealers in mod : tcine everywhere. Jan 2J-2oi. I ITCH ! ITCH ! ITCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! WHEATON'S OINTMENT "WILL CURE THE ITCH IN 48 HOURS. A so-- ir. - - ALT RHEUM. ULCERS, CHILBLAINS, and all ERI FfIONS OETHBBKBL Price 5n cents. • r - ■ uildruawi-t.-. l.y-enking s.xty cent-to • ■ -- k iVattw, Sole Ayenta. 17t> Waarmtyton street, Is -ton, ail! l>e forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United States. scpo'od-ly MARRIED In this place, t the Lutheran parson age, bv Rev. J. B. Reimensnyder, on the 9ih ul:., JOHN QUAY', of Strode's Mill to "Miss MOLLIE ROOK, of Lewi-town. In (Jrauville town-hip, :;t the house of tbe bride'- j .in nt-. on the 3i-t ult., by liev. J. B. Reimensnyder, JOHN SPOON- J.Y, of Perryville, Juniata eo.. to Mis- .BA :i AII ANN CON RAH. On the 31st., ult., by Rev. W. Down-. J sis WILSON DENSHIRE to Miss MAR THA L. ( AVANAI'IJ it, both of Granville t i\vi."..;p. In tlii- place, at the residence of tlie bride's mower, on the3lst ult-, by Rev. J. B. Iteiinen-nyder, MARTIN, of Be catur townslop, to Mi.-- MAOOIK QUI<.- LEY. t". ? A Huntingdon county farmer n iint'tl A ightwiiio, had no Ir-.- than -ixt\' turkeys killed by foxr- during the pa-i season. I? -- A i >oy named (• dlan, aged about t-n year-, re -.> him at Galitzin, wa-. 1 range*l u "Ut tw. i mile- under tlie ears, and when d -covered, w - taken up lifeless. 'l@ About four miles from Lilly's Sta tioii, on the Allegli ny Mountain,*;! man ' i ■ t ni-i moiiruing to -:i>r,v its ioya. y. Tne rehel Mayor ol (i ilve.-lou liav-imr tipplied to < t*n. Siieri ibot Tor ;• ;.vt t < receive the corps with civic honor-, that hero promptly r< fu- i, d < i:t:s ji: A wUId -auction nno >vcmciit _. ring honor to th >se who lately attempt cito t! >troy o.: governint nt. Four convicts, Foster Henry, Joel l-.veriiart, (. ii.uir- Ritter a d (J tleiii Bohner, s. i,t-n -. Dat la-t < "Ui t oiHun ringdon county, w-re taken t<. their new •i larters in Allegheny city by the Sherifi 1 -t week. (4oflicit g< - u>- iytwoyear a -1 • L month, the re-t fir one year and one month. D. F. Jones, who plead in - iiilty, wa- sent to the State Lunatic Asy lum at Harrisburg, and Alex. Everhart and Mi< l.ael ivuhii are lodged in jail fi.i six month-. —J. - Et- m Nof BS3 ?..g \si> VO. £ BANKERS, LI-:\YIS'TOWN, PA., C • iwd rMTii::ane-- promptly made. I -t i: . : a time .••{• . r,2i-iv. &c. ON" IIAXD, a tir.o assoftment of Cap. Letter and N" tc- Paper. Also. F.uev C re i Pap r ar.i E-aefa -in variety a! jar. 30 F. J HOFFUAN'S. Soaps ! Soaps ! V LARGE assortment of 8 >aps. We call speeml attenti >n to the CELEBRATEIi OLLN'E; this is one of the very best and cLtcipr-st Soaps in use. Fir s-le at j m3O F. J. HOFFMAN'S. War Against High Prices. ( L ILDING HARDWARE at Hoffman's T B A 3! T> for th •" /'■ ■ >pf'_. Xo mors Enormous I'ro ii* for Coti-uitf , - to Bag. Fifty i ■ nts to On< Dollar per Pound Sav i d tn; B ofiug pour T> as direct front flu Importers. 1 V. RELI.KI V 1.. IMJK'R*•T T> I-. In connpettor wit . invir larcf WlWll'Hle baf •luv. dtteTMtoed t> Intro MM ibt-lr Ti-a- (Itnvllf to nmmiiill t lap Me. I ' . It W• ' btti in Backages Of "ti" found oh) Ipvtrd. 6 ■■ *f "I 1 .-eaJ t!.- in a supvri.-r art:,... of Ten .it 5 t- i 1 ■ , •• • , 'aTicts art i :ako tii. Ir - -.-r- f r.i.rof the s GIo • im I ■ :c, all 1 v a ; .'i! >f :■"!. tw -ntv. or llllTf 1- '■•• i J. -r<"*to i - :we will f-n-l tUeT- sj.ut nj ir - .'ncKair-'-. rv h the nstr> of e.n< b ;• -- ■ tr.xrk on c. ail -t. km I iue box. A- a mnat rogemxt ; , •>.- per- •: z't :-z up tb" club we will-. nlf r ' • i. t -r -rv ••-, a:, av;r., corn| iiincntary pa; kaze on sb t vvtit We c.iti - . ICM * < v.--v low; but when it ! takn; ' t * ti," i.r - —,' zlat -. .' ' --. i f I a'- • an t KeUiler, ba- each to reap a an-l an-l tbe innu tu' ••• Ca'tazv-. Co •pcraz"-. lu-urancrs. Storagee k.~ w : •t- 1- ii.t.-.-i th: .. —J. -v reach tin c ' - -. a: ; rt-.i ,v th'- W,- pro;- S v to i.- w i.i f . pr-'its an : • -. - . It n r'mains with mnxto .-ay whethertbeyaba! siv.j 50 c I- to il > ; 1< • -rv ; -;ti it T t i".v pur has*. - • •• ■i t ireth<-;r earhinzs t . b"-t I u-cl co-bet we us. I' ■ t-Al - a: 1 ->!>.:< lIEALH - wl-hinz Tea- to sell acain can arccnimi>.iat--l with tmall padfageete suit thcti tr.i c. but r-• reduction can be rnaie, as these are oii wn -■!• sale prr. • -. PRICE LIST. How,?. •'Riack 7'. j. SI "0. f l 10. best SI 2S. per ponr.d Kuz■' -li It-, akfa.-t. i Black iU. 90. SI.OO. best SI 25 per lb You;, z Ho "-••-! 5.95. Sl.tO, exira $1.25. sn--riot $1 50* per pound. Mixed. Ttn-tn a-.d BiaeV" 7% 9). 9T best SI.OO, per 1 niperiai, [Green. Si i >t per pound. ** ir,, SI .0, sl.l , $1 Nt.-l ••• - ; ound. iiunpowder, (Grecii) $l3O, best $1 tio per pound. COFFEE DEPARTMENT. We have lately aZ,. la Co five Department to onr estab lUhmeiit, an J allb iuch we cannot ; romlv- tii- cor.sumet as prcat a saving as we can o- T- is, (.tbe margin for protii oaUoffttt being verr small.' yet wa can aell Coffees fully 23 r cent, cheaper than retailer, cltarpe. Our Coffees cume iireel from the Custom House ai.d w. roast an i grtn 1 them perfe 'ly pure, put np In I or more pour, J packaM, at an advance of 2 cents per pound. Our Wholesale Brlct—Ground Coti-es— i U re H!o 25 V cent* per pound. Best Old Government Java, 40ct*.' Best C-> . ' . p i . fs. ,-I.M'ING -MON KY.—Parties sending or ter-1 >r lea- than S3O for Teas or C-rTee- should send with the : orders P. O l'raft or the money, to save tbe expeme of collecting bj Kxpress. But larze orders we will forward Lv Fx; r*saanc collect on delivery. Wo shall be happy at all time? to receives call at ou; Warehouse from persona v;-.ting tbe city, whether deal ers or not. T. Y. KELLEY & CO., Late Keileyi V ought, jas2i3iii 5e VKSfcY iTRFET, MIW YORK. DIBIJC SALE I , be offered at puldie sale hy the residing near Locke's Mills. Nlitnin county, on Fridaj. Februacj *th, the following personal property, to wit: EIGHT WORK HORSES, 4 Volt*. 4 Springers, 1 Fr. >h Cow. 7 head loung Cattle. 1 young Durham Bull. 2-3 head oi Southdown and ('otsdown Sheep lot of Hogs, l Broad-wheeled Wagon, 2 twi.-hi> r >e Wagons, 1 Spring Wagon. 2 oee scans, Haraeas and Gears, 1 Boiler, i t ... Lake. Hay 1 ..rk. Hay J.adders, large < e i; vat' r, Plows. Harrow-. Forks.Rakes, aie. a variety oi other Utensil-, too nu mero'.'s t< •. mention. Also, Household and Kitchen Furni ture. Also, One-half interest in 04 acres of wheat in the ground. >ale to com in en ce at 9 o'elK-k a. m. when term- will be made known. W.M. F. OCKER. I jf t ' he uiuler.-igiied will offer at pub- I'l s; ' e ' J '" s Fes id en ee on ihe farm of John Allen, sen., in tiliver township, on FRIDAY, February loth, 1867, the following personal property, to wit : SIX IIEIU UP GO )D WORK HORnEN, . 1 Mare with foal, last BpringColt,2Cows, i S head of young Cattle, 13 head Sheep, 10 , >ii"a:~. Jb oper atj.i Mower, combined, i N \ - •* iliser - pat 4 nl Thresher, ' :< uier and Baeger. trotting Bugiry. new r ■; TIIL \. aa-tu, Hay Rak< . 1"! avs. Culli i vator, Baddle and Bridie, 2setsof : tu-: Harness, 2 sets light Harness, Collars, J >ri lies. 11:.iters. I. ai!'!. an-.l F nyietr. e-, ; Plow Gears, Screw Plates, Forks, Rakes, and other articles, too numerous to men tion. S;tb to e. niiiiK itee at In o'clock a. in., when terms will be made known. JOS. M. ALLEN. Oil AS. CAUGHLING, Auctioneer. OIH'H A\> COMtT StL!i.—liy virtue if an order of the Orphans' Court of Mifflin county, the undersigned, administrator of the L-tan !' f. ,nd situate in < iranville town . shin. Mifflin county, adjoining laud- of Lewi- < w. 11 —. Mrs. NVerU. Kno. li Myers' heir-. Joshua Morris, n and othei-. < .n --taining 'me Hundred and Thirty-two Acresandone hundredand fifty-six perch es, neat measure, whereon is erected a i wo Mory Fr; ;ne !i a good New Hank B-.rn wi;h a < orn-Crif and Wagon : Shed attached, and other outbuilding.— ' There is also a fine Young Orchard of ■ loio'' lruit on it, a \vi 11 of go 1 water at the door, and a line stream running war and two go >d springs on the place. I he farm is in good order and is a desira ble -11 uation. S de to commence at 11 o'clock, a. m.. when terms will he made known. SAM! LL H. Md.'OY. Adm'r. At the .-aino time and place, the uuder- I w i'd n-11 tin-other undivided half part of th. a 1 >ove desirable tract of land -<> as to eiiaiiie the purchaser to obtain atitle for the w in de tract. ALMIRA W. PENEPACKER. J. L. PoitTKR, Auctioneer. janno FARM of'liO AC RES FOR. SALII, M II i ATE in Wayne township, Mitliin * county, on turnpike road, within \of : a ins!" "t Atkinson's Mills, store, school, blacksmith, Ac., and within 21 miles of Penna. I!. R., about 70 acres cleared and the balance in excellent timber, prime oak. 4c. This property will be send very low and t<> suit purchaser. Personswish ing to examine the premises will call on J. Glasgow, esq., or C. N. Atkinson, near : premises, and for price and terms see or , address A. J. ATKINSON, oct24tf Lewistown, Pa. Adolphus F. Gibboney, ) Common Pleas vs. - of Mifflin coun- Isaae Stine. J ty. Foreign At tachment, No. Y>U. January T, lst7. Returns attached as the property of de fendant : Five acres of Land situate in Wayne township, Mifflin c-ounty, Pa., covered with young brush, with no per i son in actual possession, bounded as fol low-, viz: on the north by lands of Robert Carr, on the north-east and east by lands of James Bice, on the south by lands of John Kintzer, and on the west by John Cochran. December 21, 1866. So answers jan2 W. T. McEWEN. Sheriff. ATE of John Edttt Iston. dec. I J Notice is hereby given that letters of Administration dt bonis non cum tastu rnfntsanmxo, on the estate of John Ed miston, late of Derry township, Mifflin county, dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in Lewistown, Pa. i All persons indebted to said e-tate are re quested t< make immediate payment, and : those having claims t.> present tin m duly authenticated for settlement. JOSEPH S. WAREAM. jan2. Adm'r. / liVTIOV. * My wife, Anna Mary Mclvim, hav ing left my bed and board without any just cause, all persons are hereby cautioned not to trust her on mv account, a.- I will pav no debt- contracted bv her. JOHN" 11. Me KIM. Lewistown, Jan. 30,1867.-2U' "VTOTICE. The following named persons, aj>- jKjinted Collectors for their re-jx-ctive dis tricts are hereby notified that blank bonds can be had at the Commissioner's office, , and that a meeting of the Commissioners will be held on Wednesday. 13th Febru ary, 18' to approve their bonds and issue the duplicates: James F. Mi-Near for Wayne township. George W. .Stine, " Oliver Frederick Ross, " Bratton John Cupples, " Granville Peter Albright, " Derry Jacob Lauver, Jr., " Decatur John Riden, " Armagh " Joseph Kyle, Jr., " Brown James Buiiek, " Union Andrew Cook, " Menno u George Miller, " Lewistown Bor'h. Jus. M. Stevens, "N. Hamilton " John Atkinson, " McYeytown " By order of the Board. jan3o JOS. S. WAREAM, Clerk. BRISBIN Has Men's Buck Gloves at $1 25 1 50 " " Gaontlets 1 25 " " Mitts 1 37 Men's Wool, Cotton and Berlin GLOVES for sale cheap. jan3o. SHINGLES! SHINGLES ! 100,000 White Pine, Lap & Joint Shingles. ALSO, PLASTERING LATHS & PALING, For sale by GRAFF A THOMPSON. Lov2l-Cm* Mil." y. Mifflin co., PA. EMPIRE SBCTTLE SEWING MUHi.NES. Art- superior to all OUR s for FAMILY AM' MANUFACTURING PURPOSSB. Coct.i:n all ti>e intest improvements; are speedy; n .... !—: dura! and ea.-v to ■ rk. li .-*• .••• . .re free" A cents wanted. Libera! d - : .-i • i v- •:!• jnTnenta made. A ' .ress EMPIRE S. M. CO.. Plo Broadway. New York. sepiCWv Lewistown Coach Manufactory. Junction 3d ARE. N hand. <>r ;l2 Agent 9, Lewistown, Pa. OCICE AITD 523 the Great REDLCTION in the Price of jan3o at BRISBIN'S, [near the Jail. | A. J. NORTH, WITH S. A. COYLE & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND Produce & Commission Mer chants, til.'. Market street, Philadelphia. A. COYLE, sep2M;m J. \Y. LAUGHLFS. S. S. CAMPBELL & CO. Manufacturing Confectioners, AXN WIOLI-ILR DLALESS IN FOREIGN FiII"ITS,NI'TS,&C. So. BU3, It AC 11 STKUKT, PHILADELPHIA. ALSO, MA> I FACTLEFIUS OF ALL KIMIS OF Molasses Candy aii'i Cucoanut Work. so ptl 2*66-1 T. OCRIVE\ER SI iivevor. v • ve two object- are perfectly attained, with the least possil !•- . rpenie. In appearance • is like the Parlor Gas Burner, vet so constructed. ' that you can throw nearly ail the heat up atahra when needed, or turn d an at will; and in r. paid to econ omy. :t ha-I -ii - .-ntitieally tested, and found that the Amaaa Sti ftnaii produce more heat from a 1 gi y e ri quantity of c .1 than any other stove m use. Call and examine for yourself at the l!:g Coffee Pot ?ian- nov2S-2m DOBBINS' E L 1: CTIt I c SOAP SAVES TIME: SAVES MONEY! SAVES LABOR! SAVES CLOTHES! SAVES WOMEN! AND ALL GROCERS SELL IT. It is used by cutting into small shavings and dis solving in hot water, tt.en soak the clothes five to tea minute-, and a little hand rubbing will make them a* j olefin as hours of hard machine rubbing would do, with ordinary soap, and the most delicate fabrics re ceive no injury. We can reter to thousands of farm lie- who are using it. and who could not be persuaded to do without DOBBINS' ELECTRIC SOAP, Sold by aii leading grocers throughout the State. Manufactured only bv DOBBINS & LOVE, WHOLESALE OFFICE: 107 South Fifth Street. oct3l-6m Philadelphia. Dobbins' Electric Soap is for sale by F. J. Hoffman and D. Grove. GOOD NEWS FOR ALL. 13. GROVE VITOI'LD respectfully inform the citizens of Lewis- V town and surrounding country that he t.as opened an entire J3 J(32 J/ for the 3HI OLID -A. "Y S , to which he invites the attention of the public. The Stock is large and consists of ail kinds of such as Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Syrup, i c_, Ac. Coarse $f Fine Salt. Old Meat. F ,sh. Coal Oil. ir Spices—Butchers' Pep per, Cinnamon, Allspice, Cloves, Nutmegs, Ginger, ; Mace. Ac., AC. Dried & Canned Fruits, I Cranberries, Bake Raisins, Citron, Apples, Cider, | cider \ inegar. &c n Ac. NUTS, Peanuts, Walnuts. Chestnuts, Filberts, Almonds, Ac. CONFECTIONERIES, ' Candies of all kinds, French and Common. Sugar ! Toys of all kinds, fresh and fine, very cheap. Toys for the Holidays, Tin. Wooden and China, Fancy Boxes and Baskets for Holiday present- Dolls ot" all kinds, large and -mall, very en .-at Portmant aus, large and small to ; suit all who need them. A large assortment of Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Hair Oils, CJY always on hand. Plenty of OY STERS, ihe best Baltimore Oysters can be had fresh at ; Grove's, very cheap. Give him a call and save money, as he will sell cheap ! for cash. N.B.—All kinds of country produce taken in ex j change for goods. deeia