Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, February 06, 1867, Image 2

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U. i G. R, FRVSISOER, Editors.
Wednesday, February 6, 1867.
■ •. . . • . .
of 3 month 2.
• • - • •
* • ox Aitvert:r>in2r.
n - C
Bu- . ... .* i v. ir e 0
Caution • • r <• N •••<./. 1 50
Tav-:-:. 1. ■ 1
Rf. * N ■ * . r . •- . c
J-.b 'Work.
X: it-t-a of tVr m Ytl v < r*. i ;m<- nt
Mr-, tin M -hb-r ha- i,k- .. .-barge of -be
Ki-h.; ; J?:! . ir. y an i Xornial
Srho.r . -ii pe - -ii; 1 !•: ry—f.ro
ed mt -ting <<f-tot-kholder- M. <s li.
It. Company—J.o n.aiiu: >■ ure- b.>t
from Drew - patent—>' w -lock of br-f
farm ir It- -Ji: .• R—torativ. Liquid
Enann-!-. A-troi gv, ,ve.
4 o|>|cr!ieat! Intrigue*.
W'.iie in - ..- ion- o. tlii-- State th-.-
'• demoi-r . -v" i- denouncing An irew
-■ - -
and-h:t!i rein ilicun-. x* re- -ilingto .11
kind- ot tri ■ riery :sn• i intri.Ue- to - --tire
ofliln tlii- district this L especially
the ca.-c. a- no - -iit-r • -- - eombina
tion fail than r - j-ut in motion.
the man with the big foot. The la.-t j-ro- ;
duc-tion of tbi.- kind i- the nomination of !
liuvid Caldwell, of Huntingdon tor A.—
6'--or of the 17th district, in place of J. !
Sewcil St- v.ait, dir. < ildwcli was. dur
ing the entire war, a bitter denouncer of I
everything Cni ui, whether -oldier orcit- !
. S -
give him bis quietus in a manner that
will det ail : ;.c nominations of that
4*.;ja<l .Enrols.
\\ e believe the tax p jye: - 01 tins ••oun
i\ oul<i lnut y.uliy • .itlit them.-- ivc-.- bv
ment of the subjoined laws. We have be
and we believe our sugi: -siion- in each are
better than any thus tar proposed. The
zan matter, while with our |i. |>>~ition ail
the oomp r,,nt men in each district would
! ■
name was in the b x until drawn a- a Ju
LIO :< enu<-o-,f. w- .. That the a—
<b eted in Maivjj, ]h i;, in the -tverai
J>o. .; ati i i own.-lup.- of Mifflin coun
ty -nail continue in olJicv until the dav
utter rue Celierai Election in <>-toiler
each -i.- at in Mini county ahull beeleet
:"r 'V> < that tie- d: , 0 f
maki.ig tb.- trim.ami as<c-in.- !lt -hall
tail upon the 1,-t year of in- term : ami in
ca.se or the m ah. resignation or inabilitv
pt-ryj-- -r- oi ,-ayh town-hip >aid eountv
eh -m-1 Hi m-.- M .run pr--cthe tri.-n- i
:i". and the Chief BuigwJ
ana M-i.mr m-mo. rot the Town Council i
in i a :-h B irough .n said - ounty, shall per- i
form a:x tfj• dm;.- now enjoin- i up-,a
Assessors; and that all laws in- :
( -"ti-t: tent With t!i<- above pr-.vision- be i
h b"T :, rb' b v :
thfc\ re; -.t • to Mi,mil ei.untv.
imLA .tvi. i> ,il iioi:-. I
Ti ' : ' ; bom and afte. 1
, b a ,-t a -hail be the dutv ■'
" ' ' r 1,1 tie? eountv of Mifflin
on or before t'e- • ,t-, v v • •' ;
each \ i-i.r r . -. \ " N ' 1,1 ,L ' r " !
Sfor^i e m-ar Z r' S h 1 diStr,Ct
CourtsT nm,V^ lUg Ju<J ges of the
atlorneys, j usUees of ASnstobS'
ail who..,- unahle to n-ad and wrih Tn
uo love ...... ; -atioo- - : ' '
andSfo^,S^£l Ufi^JT On S
,"" vv law!
~ : M : ""i -e].:trately fold.-d 1 •
the .-.mm: seiomra and sheriff; each one
• iulv' 1 "" 1 ,u;i - v '-hoo-:- an assistant to IK
i i" " " from sunt win -1 the imni
\? '"a- an< C destroyed. When all
tfie distn.-ts nave been complete<l in the
same m. um-r and the proper number of i
name- placed m the wh, r l from whirl,
juror- are to be drawn, it shall be closed
and setded as now provided by law: and ;
mat ah law- ineon.-i-tent with the above '
pro\ tsxoijs be and the same are herein- re
pealed so tar as they relate to Miftlin coun- j
11 two or three in each district will take
a sheet of paper and head it as below, it is
probable both can be passed:
T VJi Be Presentativeß [or Be- j
Mej of the Commonwealth of Pennsvl- '
van ia:
jhe u . -rsiytied, citizens of Mifflin 1
: • your honoiSe
bo lj to timet the iollowing laws for said 1
county, arid will ever pray, &c I
[Cut out the proposed laws, paste them !
on the sheet, get -lLMiatures, and forward
the petitions to Kirk Haines of the .Sen
ate, or James M Brown of the House, or
bring them to this office ami we will at
tend to it.]
Middle Creek Railroad.
\Y e learn from our exchanges along tin
proposed line of this road that stock con
tinues to be taken, and that Messrs.
1 hompson and Alexander are hard at
work in furthering its construction. The
President addre--. d a spirited meeting at
Sunbury last week, when a committee
was appointed to solicit subscriptions, so
that we shall s<K>n know what that sec
tion i- willingto d-< to secureit-terminus.
Mr. A! x nd r i- -uec- fully operating
in Snv :er.
£>V* i he Receipts and Expenditures of
Mifflin county, as furnished by the Com
missioner.-, will be found in our japer to
day —the general statement on first page,
trie ].■)!• house account inside. Tie se,
with other advert -ing. leave us but little
room tor new- -f which however there
i- but little stirring of any kiu-i. but as
ti. -y are ..." int- to all taxpayers, they
will ! -.•pel■ i. - -jutiniued an I comment
ed upon according to the kind of spectar
cle- worn. l"i. ]>;>— ed by job work
or prevented by some other cause, we
P'.irj -e i-.- siu_r ;.n extra i.• ii week du
ring ti. • r -tnainderof thi- month.
The Nation::! Publi-hing Company, -5"7
Minor street, Philadelphia, will shortly
publish a work by Ait x. 11. Stephens, en
fir!- ] "A History of the late war between
tile .-ban tr.. ilia it- origin, cause.- atld
Z i_l. r, MeCurdv <fc Co., Publisher* of
standard \vt rks. dti Chestnutst.. Phila.,
have now in press a work by Ir. L. P.
Brockett and Mrs. Mary < . Vaughan, en
tit led, "Woman's work in the Civil War."
it will be illustrated with numerous fine
I ru: by Lib hey and Sartain.
and i- to e -attain ai- -at 700 octavo page-,
including sketches of nearly 200hklies,
and brief notice- of about 40' other-. :
wiiile a just trib-uie will be paid to tin ;
tho'i-aiids of nameles- heroines who sac- I
rilie. I -o mueli to give aid and relief t< j
our .-utiering soldier.-. Thi- work i- pr> - |
j .red under tin- -an tion and approval <>* '
the I'. .-.Sanitary, Western .sanitary, and
[ . s. Christian < ommi-.-ion.-.
UI< VLTT"I.-T hive made arrangements to
furnish both papers for the low price of
'wo d< ii;.: -an 1 a halfper annum. Those
wh > ]■ refer the semi-w< • kiy Kv. Post. ean
liave it and the Agriculturist for four dol
lar- a year. These two paper-stand >ec
ond t-> non—the American Agriculturist
is know!-d-j. 1 t'i be the be-t journal o;
it- character i;i the world, while the rep
utation of the P< -t extend.- to the bounds
of 0..r continent. and thence even to the
shores of the obi world. With these two
papers, a family will be fully informed of
all that oee ii - iu tj lt . 1 of literature,
art, science, politics, and what i- -fx.k. n
"} : i ! -mi—r-1 in the great centres of
civil-/ tion. A idrcs-. Win. C. Pry ant A-
Co., Publishers of the Evening Post, 41
Nassau street, cor Liberty, N. V.. or, Or
alis • Judu vg < 0., 41 J'ark Low, N. V.
a&jienal ,Motirfs.
Free to Everybody.
- N 'R - • AI. 1-; , : 1 O.J
Xr,y. T.
Know Thy Destiny !
-Madaml L. ]■. iiioKNTo.v, the gredt
' ■ w •• -i in-ss"?-J to T-jjrself, you will re- |
" l * T LOlji; . A . lr-r- :Q
" '• - :m ' ! K. 1- Tii as: • , J*. O. UJX 213, II r. !-
Wonderful but True
MAi <A M !', jll-,MI N'.i 1 ()X. tlie world
r-,w: ,t Aer. -i.-t a:, i -iDtiimbull-Uc C'.airvovant
'• i!i • : -:r.vova,t sute, .Itllneatei the very fcator
: " ' re to n,*:-ry, ari lby the abi of an irj
a-.rume-.t of am-:. ■ power,known a> the I'sycbomolropc,
- - sr "'Ato ;to-luc- a perfect and llfe-Itke picture ofthe
;i - t-iat- of birth, &£ -, tlepo- tlon. color of eyes
• 1 - !r - --o hfty cents, au-l -tainpc-l envelo, e
a i.Jri - i to >!,.!• -.-If, you will receiv the picture by ie !
turn ru .... t-.■ _• ihcr with Jestre-i Information,
tii' A ;ir - • i;, c nSJenc-, .M(itKiEUDU Runya
-■N.i-..., p.w.-t.Trv-.N y. p;iv
A Aging Lady returning to her
c -iiiirj lome, afti-.r a sojourn of a few months In the city,
h.-,r lly recoftnizel by lier/rlcnds. In place of coarse
■ •-•••!, ■ ■■■■-ii faci. she ha i a soft ruby complexion or al
•■■■* bii smoothness. nd lostpa-i oi twenty-three she
•ea. j : r arel but eighteen. Upon InijuJry as to the cause
OI so i-r a chatixe, sli- plainly told them she used the
CAia A.-sIAN BALM, and considered It an invaluable a.--
qui- tlou to any Lady's toilet. By its use any Lady or
U nth man can improve their personal appearance an
• '' " elmpU- In Its combination,as .Nature
■•■'-. I !- - tuple, yet unsurpassed in its efflcacy In drawing !
• uipur.t-.-:, troiu, also, healing, cleansing and beautifvinK ■
tie skin ate! complexion. By Us direct action on the'eut
v.e ,t .raws from it ail its impurities, kindly healing i
the Vim., and leaving the surface as Nature intended it i
I" '' "•' r - -'nooth an 1 beautiful, l'rice sl.sei t
by Bail or Express, on receipt of an order by
W. L. CLARK & CO.. Chemists,
• " ,'i West Kayette street. Syracuse, N V
y on!y Amt:ric " Agents for the sale of same.
Li.nri.iowK, February 6, 1807
>V heat, red, per bushel |2 05
white •• o
Corn, old, q ,
Kggs per dozen
Butter per lb
Hour is retailing at the following prices-
Lewist-iwn Extra Family per cwt. 7 00
Superfine , 600 |
Extra family per bbl 14 00
Superfine Jg 00
Buckwheat per cwt, 5 00
Phil ml e 1 pit i n Marltcts.
Boof Cattle are quoted from 5 to 12 for
common, and 13 to 15] for prime: Cows
Muill syUaW ' c ' e P ~h gross; Hogs
Fi-OfR. —Sales of a few hundred barrels
? chiefly Northwest extra family, at 61 lain
50, including Penn'a and Ohio do do at
" sll 75a14; fancy brands at >l4 s!>al7 ; ex
• tras at s!>alo 50, and superfine at $3aS 75.
t liye tlour at $7 25. Corn Meal dull.
WjteaT.—Small sales of Penn'a at $2
Bb.n3 lo for red : Southern do at So 10a3 20.
and white at $3 20a3 40. Rye from $1 35
to 1 3S "p bus. for Western and Penn'a.—
Corn, sales of new yellow at 94a'J6c* for
prime, and 97a9<c for Southern. Oats at
57a5v for Penn'a.
Cloverseed i~ in fair demand at .$$ 50a9.
Timothv at >3 75a4.
m ?T ejTTA / -o
r PHIS 1 n.-titution, formerly the proper
.ty,"rf C; Z. 'Sharp, and lately purchus
-1 d by M. Monler. Co. supt. of Mitllinco.,
has been thor-ughiy renovated andrefur
*'i* "< i. ihe water [>ij>,- ha ve been relaid
j to t he building, and other improvements
' made so a- to make it one of the mot
Ins£itutions in the country V
teachers' class will be formed at the open
ing of the session and will be continued
The summer se-sion open- on Wedne—
"V. Vpril 10th, 15,;7, and continues
iwt-nty weeks.
. 1 Tuition, boarding, light and
ruriMsljeo rooms, pr -• —ion, sno.ou.
l ho.se ,i,-siring admittance shouldapr.lv
early. lor furtln-r particulars, address *
martin mohlkr, prin.."
Lewistown, Pa., until March 20th,
id after which at Ki-haeoquilla- P. O.
Weber & Son.
I [ A \ I-. the largest assortment and I ,-t
1 I selected -tock of
in tins section of court in-,
brown >ugars from lo to 15 c-t- 1
White >ugar 1(J ..
Pulverized, Granulated and Broken Loaf!
Levering'- Syrup, >1 go per Gallon,
<iU " t
Extra Prime Coffee, o (l f . t
Prime Coffee, j
Also, a large -tock of
mackerel and herrtng.
Ground Alum, and A.-hton's Refined :
Dairy Salt.
>hephard's Pitt- ur_ Crackers always !
on hand. |
| )I ESLf ( s i I.E.
* . , Vi 'l l >o offered at public sale,
bj the undersigned, residing on the Par
ser tarrn. ju-t below Lewi-town, on
THURSDAY, Feb. 21, 1867,
the i'o!lowing per-onal projverty, to wit:
a lot of Shouts. Separator and Thresher.
" 1 iiicinufucturc, 1 o rtro • two
horse Tread Power and Threshing Ma
chim .two-hoi-. wagons, thimbleskeins.
1 entirely new; these wagons ironed in the
nest possible manner; six-mule Wagon:
nev. -prmg Wagon; Plow< and Harrow*-
new top Buggy, new two-horse
R! " --h, with a variety of other arti
e:es. too numerous to mention.
- de to eoiinnenee at 12 o'clock m. of
-aid day, when terms will be made known
: ' WM. It. (JItAHAM.
!)S KLH > 4 LE.
1 W ill be sold at public sale, bv the
suo- Tiber, residing on the It. U. Jacob V
farm, on
Wednesday. February -it. I**G7.
ill ■ lull nving personal propertv, to wit:
1 Colt, 4 Milch <\>w-, 3of them fre-h; 1
;• ouiil' Durham Bull. Young Cattle, 1
Breeding Sow, a lot of Shouts, 1 four
horse Wagon, 1 two-horse Wagon, 1 im
proved MeCormiek Reaper. 1 Raritan
Mower. Hay Ladders on Wagon Red.
Hay Bake, Corn Planter. < 'orn Plow, Fod
der ( utter, l'low- and Harrows, Thresh
ing Machine and Horse Bower, Cultiva-
- Log Chains, 1 Fifth Chain, Cow
' liains, Horse < tears. Single and Rouble
trees. 1 pair Spreader-. Rakes and Forks.
1 J aiming Mill, Grain Cradles, and a va
riety oi other articles too numerous to
mention. Also, One-half interest in 52
Acre- of Wheat in the ground. Sale to
' °? 11111 c*11 Ci*~ io o cl<>< -tv. it. in., wlu'U ten 11>
will be Jua le known.
f'ebb-dt SAMUEL RIDEX.
Experience Proves there are only-
Two Valuable
Machine Stitches :
ifUJI BMMJi h JiiilLli
'PHK Grover A Haker Elastic-Stitch Sewing Machine-
A are superior to at) other.- for the following reasons
1. I l.ey sew mreet from the -pools, and require no
rewinding of thread.
2. They are more easily understood and used, and
leas liable to derangement than other machines.
3. They ar- capable of executing perfectly,without
'•riaugv of adjustment, a much greater variety of work
than other machines.
4 Ihe Much made l>v these machines is much more
nnn. . ~,-u. . and durable, t specially upon articles
hi :i require to be washed and ironed, than any
other stitch. J
5- I his -titoh, owing to the manner in which the
under tiiread is inwrought,much the most plume
and Leantitul in use. and retain, tins plumpne- and
• '-aiiiy even upon articles frequently washed and
irooe<i until tney arc worn out.
L Ihe structure of the seum is such that though it
be < ,,r broken at intervals of only a few stitches it
durable ° Pen ' rUn ' ° r rRVCl ' l ' ut relnains fin au,i
7. I'tilike other machines, these fasten both ends of
toe -.-am bv their own operation.
" With these machines, white silk is used upon the
right or face side of the -am, cotton mav lie used
upon to-other side without le.-senihi: the strength or
durability of the seam. i„s can bo done on noothe. .
e" or Ku,: -ik SaVUlg Ul '°" 14,1 UrtiC,eS BtitCh
-- D".-e machines, in addition to their superior
merita as instruments for sewing, by a change of ad i
lu.-tment, easily learned and practiced, exlcute the !
rnenUl'work.' 1 pem,anent embroidery and orna-
Call at P. F, LOOP'S
Lewistown, February 6,1867. j
REAL estate
T have on register for sale the folio win
-L real estate :
A Farm of 13:5 lores, in Wayne
township hur a short distance from At-
.Mills, on road leading to Newton
Hamilton. lioam.-s.of which are e lea red
and under cultivation, feneed and divided
),?. E" 1 veniet.t liehis— rental 11 ier timl:er.
J lie unorovement-consist of a I.<> > Hi.
Weatn. i-.oarded. new Hank Barn and oth
er outi-un-iing-, e.\e. llent Orchard, <fcc.—
1 here 1- a line meadow on t>e- premises
with running water, and a well at the
door. Price, s iOOO- 2• tO cash, balance
111 two annua! payment-, with interest,
i ussession will be giv t n 011 Ist April, it
desired, lhis is a cheap farm, and will
prove a bargain to any purchaser.
SO ti res oi Land. situate in (iran-
Mde township, op the Penn-vlvania Ca
nal, about 0 miles west of Lewistown, 82
acres cleared, well fenced, and ingoodor
der. and - acres in timber. Theimprove
inents consist o! a t\\<. story Li>g House
weathernoardetl. good Hank Barn, Corn
< rib. Muoke House. Hog Pens, Hlack
--muli .-hop. &c. This laud i all arable,
, : ' :i a '' li; idaiice of limestone 01; it. atni
a landing on the canal, .-<> that coal can
be proear- d with little trouble. It is only
iiait a mile from a railroad station po-t
">,.ce and -tore. Most of the fencitnr is
p..st ami rail—the posts !0.-:i-t—and about
• > locust ] >• 'st> could now be cut on the
pit mi-i 1 liere are three good sprites
on the place, two of them near the dwel
ling and some g Dollars
per 4< re. riiis a line jdMji: rtv for a
larmer, and has I ■ cu noted for rai-iii"-
good crops.
For furth. r information inquire of
Cicen- d Agent for-ale of Heal Estate,
i.ewistown, February F-;7.
A - N adjourn < d meeting of the stockhold
.* Y•is 1 : i!t- MitHin and Centre Countv
Hai I road Company will 1 .- Held in Jh-ed--
cdie. 011 MON DA V, the 11th day of p.•!,.
to receive the annual report of the
Head, and to attend to such business as
may be brought before them
, ~ , A T. THOMPSON,
!) re w ! s
nmbi rjnajja&
3I RE SEA nvc s.
P 111 ". A" AT ' ,v ' •nt■ • •: iP
"" ' '• ' :i " ' ■■■ set.::, W1..-T, I.HS
- '• ' -'tic. . r v. rii. 'J'!, -
' A l ' '*.■'• ' ' c ' : :■p. j 1.. :. -.it. :■
!•' -s I--autifu! an : fair,
' ; . an
: • ' '-t• j 1 irils s"f-.. at • •I,
' si. i - 1 e very hran an m;u i.
CHI St' Kit COM I.
For ( arlnifj the ]{ t >r of either Sex into
1 ' nry an I Glossy I'mglets or
lb. •vy M 1 ssive Cutis.
I {
1 the onli
1 •' 1 !: "- T url straight hair.andat toe
• t.'ie g] .. v app-arance The
1 ■ • t-i — .- .. ,o,i (jeljjj t! , v
'' i! 1 - !):• -1 •• .. L
I • Vri ito the Am.-r. t; c ..
t .. . . ' '-ARK & CO.CiiemisU,
It-i '-lj > „. H. -t Fayette st.. S\ ra- tise. N. V.
For Removing Superfluous Hair.
T' 1 TflE this ismluat h d 1 hd rv
* ' •- itiselfa.*beingat>almostiitdispensi-
.".iil. tutr.a •• l-.-.nitv. is fit-:, v appLe i.'ioc-s not
" lr;i " r :r " T" • h "' a-'.s .i:r,-.?tlv ■ a tho roots.
1 is H.irt eit-A t-.. e UK.ve .uf.. rflueti® ha.r fr- in I.iw
■ e eads or from any part of the body, completely,
t ana r.i n.-ally .-xarptcing 'la- - nie. leavitictf.e
'fYrf, '=• 1 This is the only article
•" ' "e French, and is the only real eSectnal de
pilatory id existence. Priee 7i cents per package,
:* ' u f" n • a.V .; .it-s-w, ; , n receipt f rtii T'ier,
tv UEitoKi;. SHl'Ti's i C.. . Chemist.s
.etn-iv ->o River street,. Trov. N. V.
Ih- --, aw y your false rixzes, vour switches, vonrwis—
An.; nJ ni >n: rwn 'uxur-.iut i.:i!r.
Coni'- .i.'- ,c ycthful •me Bg'v .md fair,
Ai 1 rej o- a your own luxur .ait i .ur
V 11 11 r 1-,■ ra.'ir i. i.r nrem ba!l t;ea-is 'from whatever
I cause it may i.-u fallen eat) and f .r.nn> a growth
ol hair upon the £tee it has ooequsl. it ill force the
1 mii *i t■ • i_F' av ti("tii t:... smoothest lane m from five to
eight wi • K-. or I. 1 r upon hnld heal- m from two to
tbree months. A few ignqrant practitiooers have as
serti-a . li.- re is n .'lung that will force oi hasten
the growth ... the hair ..r heard Ti.rir assertion- ire
• thousands of living witnesses (from their own
experience) can beat witness. Bat many will say, how
are we to dtsttnjreish the genuine from the spurious!
I: eertainiy difficult, as nine-tenths of the different
Preparations advertised forjhe hair an i beard are en
tirely north.r-s. and you may have already thrown
away la: _• amounts in their purchase. To*such we
would -,.y, try the Rc-parator Capilh; a will cost vou
not.-ttigtit :• i lycomes upt(. tirroprvs. ntatn ns.
v . r drm gist d >cs not k ep r, send t s one dollar
a.u we w h forward i po.-tuatd. 1 -nether w th a receipt
f-.r tie- I!, ney, whim, will be returned vou onapplica-
Uon providing entire satisfaction is not given. Address
f .,-. .. , • b-CT.AKK A CO, Chemists,
fcb6-l\ No. 3 \\ e.-t l ayette st., Syracuse. X. Y.
There comctli glad tidings ofjov to all.
To young and to old. to great and to small-
Ine beauty which mice was .- precious an'i rare.
Is free for all and all may be fi.ir.
By the use of
T For Improving and Beatifying the Complexion.
IHE most valuable and perfect preparatmn in use,
for giving the skin a beautiful pearl-like tint that
IS onlv found 111 youth. It quickly removes Tan, Freck
les. Firnpies. Blotches. Moth Patches. Sallowness
Eruptions, and all impurities of the skin, kindly heat
ing liic same, lest skin white and clear as ala
ha-ter. it- use can not be detected by the closest
S'-rutiny. and being a vegetable preparation is per
fectly harmless. It is the only article of the kind used
by the i- rench, and is considered bv the Parisian as
indispen.Wible to a per tec t totlet. t'pwi.rds of 30. oO)
bottles were sold during the past vear. a sufficient
guarantee of its efficacy. Price onlv T5 cents. Sent by
mail, post-paid, on receipt of an order, bv
BEKGER, 8111-TTS A' CO.. Chemists,
feS-l.v 285 River St, Troy, N. Y. j
Mutual Insurance Company.
Capital, ttt,soo,(NN>.
THIS Cotr.nany continues to issue Policies of Insnr-
A ance on Buildings and Personal Property, in Town
or Country, at cash or mutual rales.
JAMES It V \ !v I\ , President,
janlo. 67 Lewistown, I'a. j
Chas. in Gibbs, esq., Treasurer, in accL
with John Taylor, Jas. C. Dysart, and
John ll*. A b arns, esq#., Directors of the
Poor and of the House of Employment
jor the ( "unty of Mifflin, from Jan. 8,
1888, to Jan. 18, 1887.
To cash fruni Jubu Taylor 15 00
do do do 40 Ou
do Mot.es Miller 25 00
Ann. ut County funds appropriated
to pay orders of Director? of Poor 7406 05
7486 05
By amt. of orders of the Directors of
the Po r lifted 74i 1 94
By freas. commission 74 11
4 s G 05
He the Auditors of Miffiir.
unty, elected an i sworn a;cordin£ to lav,
; having examined the accounts arid voucher.-
of Chas. \\ GiiLs, Tieasurer f the Direc
tors of the Po, r and of the II iue of Em
plnynnnt f>r the County of Mifflin, fr tn
January 15, 1 >tst>, to January 16, 1807, do
•ertify that we find the account balances, and
I that we have cancelled the orders ptid by the
said Irea-urcr. Given under our Lands, ct
Levristown, January 10, I^o7.
BAM L. H McCOY, - Auditors.
Attest: Jus. S. Wareaji, Clerk.
Richard Gallagher, Steward, in account
With John Taylor, ./. Dysart and J.
H . A earn*. Esq*.. Directors of the Poor
and the How-' of Employment for th*
county of Mifflin, from April Ist, 1888.
to Janueuy Ist, 1867.
, To anv unt of orders on Treasurer, $155 £,
Wi :am Hamilton. 35 j
t. t,*ker for Inset hides, 27 55 I
L>. Madden for eight bushels oats 3 1- ;
balance 'ue, gi7 8o I
ssul 33
By cash p-.J Moses Sample f r pickle stands, 1 £
tor t. f cr.itii knife. 2-..
" • appk butter stands a hooping bbls, 3 ti
" One hundred ::>> buckwheat o -u
A' r r nl e ; ogpaupersioandsending
fr- rn po?r hou->e. 39 c
* r ' -- - •- of M. J. Weiser, 5 .
for altering stock, 4 !
pruning, re:,ard, 5 oo I
torn a- p. ante, j
" white wdatr.au, 4 95
h ™ e - , 60 i
cabbage plants, 3 60
KritOfll 111 '">s
blackberries, j
*■ sharpening saws. -t
four hundred pickles, 3 00
" thr. T ,'iaer barrels 3 <v,
one I u-hei turnips, 5
seeping chimneys, 7
oHck. baker. 2 00
forty bu-bcis rye, 4;, 0 .
* making --lothing for poor, lb 75
t.,ree qcarters salary m steward, 3ou
$5Ol 33
Balance due R. Gallaher. 4- .
S m d rotted tn* farm —425 bushels wheat 300 bun
°*SJ - " , bufih ! • >™ and made 27 loads of hay.
1 ? h ar 'a rUk tlf" tru f, k bushels petUOM,
':_" J " :i -b U bushels beans, 16 bushels to
uifiioe> ana iireen corn for u-e.
Stwer i ■. lit i t j - even weighing &.-51 pounds, and
16 weighing 3830 po UQ 1-.
Stock on form—6 horses, 2 ,-olts. 16 head horned cat
tle. 1 breeding s,. w an .s ghoats.
, f " "•'■ ■ ■ -te..l: ur ..orsc wagon and bed. 1 two
norse wagoo an-i bed. 1 truck wagon, 2 old >ets? Lay
ladders, 4 plows. 2 harrows. 2oomcultivators, 1 wbeel
, P'? l j•"■kmg forks, a dung :• rk. 4 pitch forks, l
c-ed. - doable sets plow gears, 1 double set tug har
ues-. I single set harness. 1 orn -heller. 1 grain drill.
1 -.thog x. 1 hay rake, 1 old threshing machine and
1 old windimll.
Hurt. : cif p. - Hp:,--: fer Paupers—ls haps quilt
-o:iv'[ls,P'u[ ls ,P' ue ' 4 pair drawers, 5 sun bonnets.v
ie. -. : p.,,; -Kings. 14 j. 4;r st-.ckings to, t
ea, 4. stints, chemise, 2# aprons, 28 -n e e i21 pair
p,.iow sops, oj dresses, 7 bedticka, IX cape, Mpair
| ant-. 4 r. . ,t _ was, U : arn ls . Rp made, 5 barrels
.taut, t..tr, . s c.uer made int.- appie butter auu
i * oarreis for vinegar.
; Number in Poor House January 1.1566, 41
I Admitted through the year on orders, 35
| Born 'ln house during year,
! Whole number of inmates for 1866, -9
Mied in the house, 3 '
l-'o ad out o
Discharged, oy
Number in Poor house .January 1,1167,
Dut door paupers through the veHr, im
died 4
discharged 44
taKen to house 6 53
Out-doc.r paupers Jan. I,lß67,supported in
part by the county 55
Whole number of paupers Jan. 1.1567
We have also nv7 mL-tne pers- as in the Penna Lu
uatio Hospital, via: A Ida Sellers Robert Btark. Sa r ah
Gibboney. Busan Charters and Mary J. >l:tcheil.
I u addition to the a ove ttiere have been 250 tran
sient paupers surported tor a short time (mostly ovi-- j
night) without oiaer or entry on the register. " |
We the undersigned Auditor? of Mifflin county, i
emoted an -i sa l rn a ■ oroiug to law, having examin
ed the ace ante of Bcb 1 Gallaher, Steward ot the
Poor House, irom Apr:! 1, 1566, t--January 1.1867,
do certi;t that we find a 1 alaiiee due to ihe said Rich
ard Gallaher, fr-.-ni the Dir-c-torsof the Poor on tlie
books, of two hundred and forty seven dollars and
J CDUt> t-4i Soj. Given under our hands, ai
Lewibtown, January lo t !>• 7.
Attest: Joseph S. W aream, Clerk.
List oj Orders issued from Jan. 8, 1860,
till Jan. 1.1887, for the support of Poor
at the Poor House.
Jos. Bw\.-rs. med. i attend.on RhodaPearson 2>i Oil
Jane r erguson, cooking 4 jf,
John Barger, Esq., fees on orders of relief 1 60
N. Comfort. Esq., j 0 . 4 ,.
Jos. Hafilv E-q- do 5 60
(eo. \V. Tuomas, Esq., do i-> an
N. J. RadieiU, Esq, do 4 hat- <43
same do 9 ,
Aaron Elliott. Esq., do i 4,,
Levi b.lass, Esq., do 4 4,.
i arta,n - f -'T- do 5 c.'
A. reliXy merchandize 3 , ;
John Taylor, m full of service til! N0v.26,
18t6—2 years 409 qq I
James C. Liysart, in full of services till Nov. 26
1666 50 00
Moses Miller, Esq.. on account of salary 75 CO
John Taylor, expanses in removing 11. M.
Lea alien to Illinois 9X oo
J. L Gr tfit.i, in full forbarberingto Aug. 18, "86 29 cm 1
1- rank. Geise i Co., merchandize 152 31 '
John Kennedy do 23 18 !
Henry Zerloe " do 35 51 ,
Pratt. Law i Pratt do 46 IS
H. M. A R. Pratt do 125 00
Natlian Kennedy do 102 98
John B. Belheimer do so 46
W. 11. Weber A Son do 82 06 |
F.J. Hoffman do 65 96 i
Geo. Blymyer & Son do 22 95
Rittenhouse Ji Mayes do So 90
James Parker A Buns do IS 53
B. J Brisbin A Co do 10 53
Dr. G. W . Hoover, prcfes-ional services in full 150 00
John Davis, saddlery and repairs 45 45
Jam*-s MoCatterty. biaeksmitning 8 03
William Willis, coal 7 41 j
Geo. Miller, re pairs 8 60
Powell Harvey, do 1 30
John Feenev, do g75 ;
John M. Ealey, do H 75
Reese. Slagle i Foust, repairs and plow points 535
Peter Clum, repairs 3 "5
A brum Shull, do 2tu
A. Eisen se, repairs and tinware
William McKee. repairs .
Freeburn A- Bpaugier, meat fz
Alfred Hull. do f
Matthews A Griminger, do .Uj ~7
John Zigler, do •
H. J. S lis, do .7* ft
Andrew- 11. Treaster. fifty bundles straw '
w "'" Z
D. Madden, do ? 9 19
J. F. Hamaker, bal. on account for work 2
Lewistown P. C>., box rent Ac j.
William R. Graham, Lumber ~ ,
a. w c ffls ees - u or s eTS of r ?. ,ief a . 1 S
Isaac Ward, bringing Gth. Bean to House 1 j
P. F. Loop, i&ho^s
W. C. Thoruburg, u *5
Ricnardl Ga.'laher. freight paid on Mrs. .• U 25
goods " w s
E. Fry-singer, tobacco and pip---.* , 5 M
Jo*. 8y •-Is. coring itch in House a ' 28
Charles Prur, f<,r coai 5u
John Alexander, beef cat 00
Jchn Taylor, - - *2
YY. H McAt'-e. 2 bushel- *-ed wheat - **
J.C. Bivrnycr a < o_ piaster "
Henry Corn fort lime ® frl
Jha l-tylor, bringing j-,or to house, fare t ' '■"
Jarue? C Dvsaru •• " - ' • '
j E CrisweH, 4 pairs bUokct* J M
; A Troxeii, hat* "i
: Mary Jane U e:---r. conking - W
John W. tr.'.u.v, saiarv as cierk
bj UO
For Out Door Poor. I "" i 23
'""asper Dull. h., ding John P.-rri- IJ, rear
uir- ;-. •: ior Hurjnujition Co., i< -
pot Msry
1 • : ' •p.. fi-r -• •• ** *'■*
John Duck DI
•J. h • :>t* iijHii. 1 ro- board E B. Br- vn ? >}
: K- Gtles. support of self and children S2
-• ; . .-nktns, - Exra Joskins "
j : " * Ferguson io ks is 2
B*rati HochntMß, •• Manßtmiu, n2
i-. i i.'otn, u *• .. ' 10 VJU
,J w Kooi-on, • j. ilo'hhouir 1 •* w
EhPkfo% his brother :
u T- Mel r j *
' • V tbers, Jor board ng bar d F< „ter ? j|2
Mary Larimer for support of Vm. Lindsay i*
L men, Mary E I r
'jToid""' : £
joiiu xra ... -naraho aen ao 2!
;Lewt--J - David Owen* £*J
|A. Fe,,x. : .-offing ®
A- Hur-h Larger, " '•
It. Rolhrook." >~ u M ">
G. V. MiT'-'jell " a -4 A
J \ .rut. ..
Jam., - Mahon. " *
J. C ex 'l nses rfttnovmg paupers fj v)
J-din -M. -S'iit rent of bouse for J.Ort - 1 ®?
;■ - ■ ■ CrMr- .a-: 4 .n.:h-a I;
-• Co ' and mer. for Mr-.
V" • ; ~}> ' : ng for John Perri* jSS
• • •• M, , I.C . „ -
Mc< •>y x R.-ihrer ** •• ..
j-J. Mills, grwn, *c, for John BLAllieon IS
J '■ 6ibl ney,drugsfe>rMrs. Aley jS
John So< • -K. boarding, eotfin. Ac- for ■ "•
S. Sen :-. proj's Ac., for G. Wearer* fomi!, 2
ucorgeiseyior, four, Atx, for Jacob Searer ' -
,-ash for Ann Stnngfcilow sft
Jaw-s T . jnij-on A Sons, ..
\ 4 Mc J S ™f*' ®r W. Thompson A mother -
meeheudise for Wm-lindsav lo -
•°?' '-"Prct.sN.us for Mr*. Cornelius A ct. (H't 1 a
•j- :.n u ebb. " .. '
Johp fi.- - G-Wearer A farm!- J : '^
b •• •' M. M rraiSß A ! . ,
h. . . A Virphy. mer. for J hr, Lov.ntc ; -•>
r. r. exp -of Ann Kemp, at confi: -
M-ry B-y-r. nursing ■■ - .
H-ct Z t be, mer. for O. D. P..
A Felix, " " " : j
J < .■ . over A Co- floor and coal for O-D P.?.
a Maves, merchandise - 93 si
H xl. U i.er A son, •• u ~ t;
Frank. Geise A Co- " .
< ieo. Blymyer A Son, • •<
Kohie: A.Murphy, u ™
Pratt. Law A Pratt, j
P .M. Ort. Atee ' I 0 :
•! !- Hi me*, .. „ J, J
- .rn■ 7• I 1 .>eum. - „
W: .am Shimp, - .. . "
W. C. Thornb rg, shoes •;
Amount of orders for O. I). P- 1 -* . s
for poor at House, 25*123
r> r < 4d i -
.T"<- Brewer, for salarr o :<
Ponn'a Luij.,:..- Hospital "n --
Gee rge Whir.-, fc-e- in suit V, 01
loht, L. Brower. in fail for labor p*..
< ookson Green, on aee't of •• i„- nn
Paul Gibboricy. •• {.j S
hij Peachy, interest t -'
K :iar i Galiaher, ou accT of salary
. . to pav .Vv st h'ds {ON
* 1 ■' ■"*• tsxe? on Lohr'sand
property w Qc .
M K. >loser, for harrow '!
l A illiam Noble, for 2 pumps -%j n
sanjuei Uorley. for making corn plow 14
Gross amount orders issued $6143 p
Auburn. Golden. Flaxen and Silken Curls,
piyIl CED i.v the use of Prof. I'EBREI'X FKI
-1 i... .... CfIEVEI'X. OneappJicationwarranted
to curl the most straight and stubborn hair of either
-X .a; • Wavy nn-'icts. or heavv massiv- - hA
been used by the fashionables of Pans n -i London.
A'l h :, . ie i TAUf y-?Z rosulte. L-.es n- injuryto
the ha,r. Fnce oy mail, sealed and postpaid il Pe
mailed free. Address BERGER,
?Ht risA CO,Chemists, No.2* BtTerat,Troy,N\ Y.
&o,e Agents for the I mted States. febGly
FORCED to grow upon the smoothest face in from
I -;.ree : r e r v Dr. >EVI rVF < RV<.
i Ai RA 1 r.l R( APILLAIRE. ihomost wonderful dis
•v.verv ia modern science, acung upon the l>c.r iund
, 1 . , n _ ff aimost.mira a, is manner. It has hern
2fS v a: IL i witb :•; most
.. . . . ng success. Names of all percow will ■ e ree
- and if enure satisfacrion is not given in every
n.-.anee.the money vri iu- .-heerfullvr, find, ; p.-iee
> mR v- ''' °'-' d and postpaid. sl. Descriptive :■ u
*hUr r a e ?? n mailed tree. Address BERGER,
SHI ils A CO.. Chemists. Ko.MS River street. 1 r-v.
N • 1.. bu.e ac ca :> for t! le ai u> d truttes. feb6-ly
The World Astonished
QHK r.-veals secrets no mortal ever knew, shere
k. store* to happme-s those who, from dolefui ev*E,
catastrophes, crosses :n love, loss of relattor.-'and
fnends. loss ot money. A<>„ have Isrcomc de- - cent,
tshe brings together those long separated, gives :-
tnation concerning absent friends or lovers re- o'es
-t or spdeu property, teds you the bti-ne-* vi; are
—st qualined to pursue and in what v-.u *1 )'• :• *t
-uc e-stul. causes speedy maniages and teli-v 1 the
wen dft) yofi wiU marry, (pTesyou tik® oam®, likeness
and characteristic of the per-.-i. BbereadsyourverT
thoughts, and by her almost supernatural 1' r- un
veil- Ihe dsra and hidden mysteries of the future.—
1- rom tlie si.trs we see in the tirmanent—the malefis
stars that overcome or predominate in the conrigur*-
tton—-trotn the aspects and poeitioiis of the j.;.nts
and the BXtd Stars in the heavens at the time of! r'.h,
she deduces the future destiny of man. Fail not to
consult the greatest Astroiogist on earth. It costs Jo#
but a tptie. and you may never again have *0 favorable
an opportunity Consultation fee. with likenes- and
alldesiTedinforrnation.it. Parties hvmgata i,-\.t.ee
can i aunit the Madame by n.aii with equal safety and
satisfaction to themselves, as if in person. Yfu.iand
exploit chart, written out. with ali inquiries answered
:u, i i:k. .-- o:., :,.-ed. sent ty mail on receipt ofpriCS
above mentioned. The strictest secrecv wiU be main-
Mined. and ail ere-p nuence returned or destroyed.
Rcf-rctt- es of 'he highest order (tarnished those de
siring them. Wr te plainly the dav of the month and
year in whi- you were born, enclosing a small lock
o! hair. Address Madame h. V PERRIGO,
jel&ly P. O. Drawee 2&a. Bcvfalo, N. V.
2T2RKSIB xr® SG®lEiB
i 1 you can be cured permanent, v and at striding est
■ . "if U toUls j' UK fU<v '" i - > winch has attended thu
n - " 1 " ° ~iti.Ss2 u,rPb I*C*land JiervousWeak
,n s-. Genera! Debility and Prostration, h— f Mus
nfvi.ith'rnc- lmpotcticy. or any of the conseepienoes
of youtntul ,ndiscretion, renders it the m. -t valuable
preparation ever discovered.
e U .*™L r r nu,v '' ail affeetioes, depression,
excitement, incapacity to study or bu-,iie*s. ic-. of
Sn^:s"?^^. t hbiightsor > elfd
health If .1 ' i W 'L restore the appetite, renew the
ne.il,l, e, those who have destroyed it by sensual ex*
ces or evil practices,
loung Men. be humbugged no more by "Quack
< t.-rs and ignorant practitioners, but send witlmit ■
delay for the Elixir.and be at once restored to health
and .lappiness. A Perfe t Cure is Guar ante- iiu eve
ry ltistatu e, 1 rice. it. or four l-ott.,-- to one adlre.-s.td
uc xutle is sufficient to effei t a cure 111 ai! ordina
rv ciiNps.
spcc.l v and permanent cure (., ct, Ure
tfira! Discharges, crave I. Stricture, and ali ailee :10ns
01 tne Kidneys and Bladder. Cures effected hi from
otic to nve days. They are prepared from vegetable
extract* that are harmless on the system, and never
nail-Ita the stomaA-h or impregnate the hnath. So
change ot -i tt is necessary w hue using them, n.-r Joes
!,'.^. ir „ ! o o UI aU) manner interfere with business
pursuit*. Price. *1 per box.
Either of the above-mentioned articles will t>e sent
b- any address, closaly *e.iled. and ne-t-paid. hv mail
or express, on receipt of price. Address a'.i orders to
, a.. BERGER, SHUTTS A Co-Chemist-*,
fcbo-ly No. 2so River eitreet, X'roy, >'•