Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, February 06, 1867, Image 1

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    ®o © ©o 280 S-Us"iTSHST©ISIIiy IPWSaHsaisiESa
Whole No 29G6.
Poor House Business.
The Directors of the Poor meet at the Poor
JI .use on the 2d Tuesday of each month.
CHSOI 77. 31LDSS.,
Attorney at .Law,
Cilice Market Square, Lewistown, .will al
tend to tm-iness in lYlhilin. Centre and Hunting
don counties mv 26
TIT "f T f -*5 pvs {±2 /■, ayy
—. w J w-Tj
Attorney at Law,
OFFERS his profe.—nmal services to the citizens of
Mifflin county, orle o aitli D. W. Woods. <-q .
Maiti street, below National Hotel. uiy2
Practicing Physician,
Itelleville, N1 i ill in County, Pa.
r\!;. DAHI.KN has been appointed an Examining
jl .-ur •• .i for Pensions. 8-ildicrs requiring exaui
i will find liitit at Ins offloe in Believiilel
Belli vibe. August 22,18u6.-y
J. S m S T M
K1 si'ic TFITLLY ttu'orm the citizens of I.ewistown
vie. vicinity, a few doors from the Town Hall, in
Ms!n -to ' til it be i-prepared to do all kind of work
■ ■ ': 'of Ins protes.-ion in tiio most scientific ~tatii
i Whole Set*. Partial Sets, or Single Teeth m
-• ;i Gold. Sliver, or Vulcanite Base, man elegant
i,inani.kc manner, and on the most re...-ot.ii
term- He guarantees bis work, or no pay.
I'.: 'i .!:>;• ic t-ntion paid to the extracting ami filling
of' in the most approved manner. nov7-Cm
Teeth Extracted Without Pain !
By M. R, Thompson, D. D, 8,
without ttie its'- of Ciiloro
form. Ether, or Niti ousox
.. ?w i'ie. and is attended by no
danger or bad effects.
K. ■- ve" , / Olfi. e west Market street,
D y fS ■ near Eis'-nbi.-e - hotel,
wl.ere he can be found for professional consultation
i: i the fir-t Monday of each rnontii until the fourth
M MV. when lie will be absent on professional bu-i-
Btss one week. seplU-U
tLiL^—i_i_ w
<AI FFi.'-- hi- professional services to the citizens of
U Lewistown and vicinity. All in want of good, neat
work w: ' i'. well to give nim a call.
He may be found at all times at bis office, three
d> -- .-a-; of H. M. A K. Pratt's store. Valley street,
!R._ h/L. XEEVER,
lytic u-e of NITRtH'S OXIDE or
.- I- 1 igbing Gas. Teeth in-cried on all
I I I r tin.- diflferent styles of bases. Teeth
itn t h ttiosi approved manner. Special atten
veil to diseased gum-. All work warranted.
Ti ■ ms reasonable.
'a': at Episcopal Parsonage, Corner of Main and
Water directs. jylS
The suliseriber has just received and will
BK| keep on hand a select stock of Men's. Bovs'
and Youth's Boots. Ladies', Misses and Chll-
Iron's Boots and Shoes of various kinds and
styles, t i which he would invite the attention of his
UH) the public generally. As it is his intention
my dealer in the county, those in need of winter
'- or -hoes are inviretf to eall and examine the
stock, whi'-h will be sold at very small profits,
but F"R ■ i-H only, at the sign ot the Bio SHOI;, next
• to F.J Hoffman's store.
>ol West Market st., Lewistown,
si-ks. Cloaks, Hats, Bonnet*, i .adieu Fine DHEI s.S
GOODS and Trimmings.
Patterns of latest stylos always on hand.
Millinery and Dress-Making
executed in the most approved style.
Lewistown, April IH, 186;.tf
J A. & W. R, McKEE
HWE removed their Leather Store to Odd F*el
lnw>' Hall, where they will constantly keep
i and, Sole Leather. Harness. Skirting and Upper
L ,i:!h r. Kips, American ami French Calf Skins, ilo
-. Linings and Bindings, and ;t general assnrt
hh 1 Shoe Finding*, which they wni sell cheap for
Highest market price paid in cash for n ides,
t . : skins and Sheep Skins.
•„ . . r.N'n ': 6 < T1
s/VW \ySty iJD ■ >' A' *1 ■
wnnti-d, for which the highest market price will be
pa : u Cash. ap4tf
THE undersigned has a large stock of both
1 H cue made and Eastern manufactured Boots and
which he otters at price* lower than he has
- . f-T fmir years :
" 'stln k, d. Boots, warranted, from $2.75 to 5.00.
•• K : . '• •* " " 4.00 to 0.00.
•• t'a't", " " extra 4.50 to 6.00.
I'- ys' Boots, 1.00 to 3.00.
' ii ■ thick Brogans, doublc-soled, 200 to 2.50.
Hen - split •• warranted very bad, 1.10.
I - shoes, price ranging from 1.25 to 2 25.
\ - the taxes are to be reduced again on the first day
"f ' _'n-t. it also enables us to reduce our prices.
IIOME-MADE WORK of all kinds made to
: at reduced prices. So come on boys and girls
• i examine for yourselves.
Trunks, Valises and Carpet Ha^s
' '>n hand. Gentlemen will bear in mind thai no
I- will be given out unless paid for, aud if re
i in goocforder. the money will t>e returned, if
i" : -t.-d. But when* goods have been soiled or
i. liny will not be taken back —please hear this
a -as some folks think that wearing for u
tii no don't injure the sale of them afterwards,
20,000 MAJORITY!
To the Voters of Central Penna.
"LMsK riON !* over and it ho* been decided Iy about
- majority that the Tobacco and Cigars sold
ry !£••:< Tobacco and So gar Store cannot be
s ' ! ":■'■ i either in Quality or Price.
!• • 'K if the Prices. get some of the good*, and com-
I' *■ ;ri all others, aud you will be satisfied that you
worth of your raonev at Fry finger's.
• -Hi'jar's Snnii Koll only sl.ooper ponnd.
t-Navy '• - " -
r m-ii!-; r s ('.ingress " '
P"• -ing.-r's Flounder " " " "
Wi11..:, Navy "
" I. iko J'tt ist " " " "
Ari-i other dug Tobacco at 4n and 53 ets. per lb.
' ' i Dry, lb md SO eta. Granulated Tobaccos at
5; ;- . imj ,t5, so cts.. SI.OO. $1.21. and $1.50 per lb.
I ''Hi chewing.at sl.4oand $1.20.
'■ ■: 1, 2. 3. 5 and lo et*. each.
I':ps in gr< at variety; also Cigar Cases. Tobacco
e-s an I Boxes. Match Sates. and all articles
u . kciit in a tiri-bclass fnbaceo mi l Cigar Store.
''> M' -hunts. I offer the above goods at price* that
..able tin-iii to retail at the same prices tliat I
do and realise a fair profit.
•Jct.2|i. E. KRYSINGER.
Sash Stopper and Lock,
Supports Either Sash at any Point.
Sfcnro Lcck Whenever Your Sasii i.\ Closed!!
I i 13 FAR superior to weights an J pulleys and don't
1 <st ou.'-linfia- much, it can heapplb-d to.uiy uin.
<!" . It will never wear out. nor get out of order.
Citizens of Lewistown and vicinity can refer to Wm.
Vines, (Carpenter) Individual rights and coin- !
plete rigging for sale by
"WM. .1 FLF.M I NO,
deca-tt Menno I'. (Mifflin eo.. Pa i
IS the only Article used by First Class Hotels.
I J'Aiiiiclriefe, and Tiiousaiidii of Kumi
It gives a beautiful poL-h. making the iron pass '
smoothly over the cloth, saving much time ami la- |
not. Go done up wan it keep clean much longer. !
consequently will not wear out so soon.
It i.eiAcs OUt L.ncn look like Site.
0U 11 IMPK u1 A L BL u E i
h the in the H'orM.
It is soluble in bard as well as soft water. It is put
up in the -alest, in it>'si. and most convenient form
ot any offered to the public.
Lt is Warranted not to Streak the Clothes
.Agents wanted everywhere, to whom we offer ex
traordinr.ny inducements. Address,
octll) Cm No. 218 Fulton .St., New York.
499 Brnadway, Ndtv York.
THE attention of the I'tibli • and the trad" i- invited
to our N iv Sc.vi. ■„ Tin I AVE lit >SE Wt.u >D PI \Nf i
FOB i'l.s. winch for volutne au i purity of tone tire
unrivalled bj any liittu rto otfered in this market.—
liny mtain all tin- "Midcrti improvements. French
Grand Acti u. Harp I'edal. Iron Frame, ;-trung
Itass. etc.. and ■ an instrmie-tit oeing ma.de under
the per- mal - jp>-rvi-ion of Air. J. H.Giton who
lias had a. pra tica! • xperienee of over :s;> years tn
their manufacture, is fully warranted m every partic
The ' 'iII ''I ESTEEM PIAXO ,}■ y I-'S" rrreircl the
Award of itcrit ~r. r a'i atht, s at tin. OUbrated
Ho,Us Fair.
Where were ■ xhibiti I instrument- from the best ma
ker- of I.ondon, I'm is. Germany, Philadelphia. Haiti
more, Boston and New York; and also at the Ameri
can Institute for five successive years, the gold and
silver medals from bath ..f which run be n-, n at our
v are-room.
Hv the introduction of improvement* we make a
-til r.-ore j . rteet Piano Forte, and by manufacturing
large y. with a strictly cash system, are enabled to of
fer these instrument* at a prici which will preclude
all competition.
Terras :—Net Cush in Current Funds.
Circulars Sent Free. oct!0-3m
Haines' Patent
The Best and Most Effectual in Use. i
YTUMEROI'S patents have been i--ued and various
iv (improvements made on Safety Br.dies, but here
is nothing invidious in saying that the invention pa
tented by Joseph C. Haines ot this place i- -upenor
to any vet offered, combining P attires of simplicity
and power in guiding and -urging a lior-e or horses
which no other possesses. The essential feature of
this patent is in providing the driving rem with shift
ing hearings, winch form the points of attachment
between the rein and bit tings, and thus act upon the
lilt directly, when easv and steady driving will con
trol trie anini il. but when it requin s a more severe
app'.ica ion of the bit. said bearings leave the bit rings
HI d give way to the straps to which they may bo at
ta. lied. This is ill done by the regular driv.iig line,
no extra one being required, which ought to satisfy
every person of the great superiority ot this inven
tion to any other.
'1 iie following certificates from well known gentle
men. some of whom have had much experience with
horses will show the estimation in winch tins bridle
is held :
Having occasion t > try the Safety Bridle invented
by Joseph t.f. Haines, ot this town, upon my runaway
mare, tie- result has proven to my entire satisfaction
ttiat any horse can he prevented iron) running oft or
kicking. Mr. H. M. Pratt, whose large experience
with horses induced me to call upon him to drive my
mare and test the safety bridle, concurs in the opin
ion that it is the best bridle that has for its object the
entire control of a horse in harness or under the sad
dle. GEO. W. HOOVER.
Joseph C. Haines —Dear Sir: After having fully tri
i ed your Safety Bridle on my untrained colts. I find
that your invention embraces ah that is desirable in
a bridle. Its simple construction, and adaptation to
any common bridle and any rein, cannot but make
its use universal. The case with which it can be ad
justed to a soft or hard mouthed horse i.-un excellent
feature, ri odci nig its use as effectual in preventing
running or kicking a- any other patent bridle or rem
and as easy on the mouth as the common bit. and as
it is alwav.- rcadv at the critical moment, it cannot but
recommend it-elf to all who will try or look at it.
Respectfully yours, A. T. II UIILTOS, 51. l>.
I.swisrowN, December 8, ist>6.
1 have keen driving horses .-incn 1 know anything
about them, and have drove some very vicious hursts
and colts. In driving such with a common bridle, I
never feel tivsy nor comfortable to enjoy the ride, it
is more annoying, however, when you have persons
with you and you can tell by their countenance that '
they don't enjoy the ride from fear of your horse '
running a little, or even running away. 1 have always j
| thought there ought be a bridle or bit so constructed j
that you could drive and hold horse- with perfect i
ease "and safety. The tir.-t of ibis kind I happened :
to see was Dr. Hartman's. I thought it was very good. I
In tl.e meantime it occurred to me that the way Hie j
lim s worked on the bridle you could not draw the bit
and let it drop quick enough on your horses. Some j
horses and colts when you .-urge them tightly and '
cannot sla -k the lines quickly, will balk and back j
very ugly. I once saw Mr.Thrifts and Stamen's
patent with the elastic strap, working on about the j
same principle as Dr. Hurtuiuii's. Mr. Christ then
gave me a bridle to try on |ny horse. 1 had the same ,
objection to it I had to Dr. Hartman's. sly attention '
was next called to Mr. Jos. C. Haines'Patent, of our <
town. My attention was arrested immediately with
the appearance of it. i have been u-iiig it for some
two weeks quite successfully. I have drove along the
railroad and other ugly places, feeimg quite safe. 1
think it embraces till you call get out of a bridle- If
the public once get to -co this bridle, iliev can t help ,
but understand its simplicity, durability and effective- j
uess. and taken toget her, cannot help recommending '
itself. Railroads are made and being made through 1
the country in every direction, crossing our public j
roads four or live tinies in as many miles sometimes. :
These crossings often ocenr at very ugly place. All
parlies are more or less afraid of meeting the trains
when they are traveling for fear their horses willtake ;
fn -'ht. and not be able to liolu them. Tins communi
ty "remembers how seriously Dr. lsaae Kothruck, of
Snyder county, was hurt at the crossing, at the new
Taunury. lost May. He found he could not hold his
horse aild then got out of Iris buggy, and the horse
tore him arouuu badlv. it- M. KEEYKK.
LEWISTOWN, Pa., August 21, 186k.
This community is well aware of the fact that in
the midst of an extensive practice. Dr. G. W. Hoover
was almost killed by the running ott of his mare. I
drove tin- marc in single harness by using the Safety
j Bridle invented by Joseph C. Haines, and 1 found that
she was entirely under my control. I believe the
Safety Bridle ja all that can be desired for the security
of life, limb, and vehicle when used either upon a
docile or vicious horse. H. M. PRATT.
- Any persons having fractious horses arc invited
to bring t.nenl to the undersigned, or during bis ab
sence to Mr. Pratt, und they can readily be satisfied
! that any horse can not only be prevented from kick
ing but 'front running away. . .
1 have named tile bridle ''The Eureka," signifying
j"1 have found." JOSEPH C. lIAINES. j
I Lewistown December 12 1866.
9! Ilcidipls and Expenditures
of Jliifliit Count).
Charles IF. Gibbs. IX 'I , Treasurer of Mifflin
(''•nut,/,>>t Account with said County from Janu
ary 8, 1 -66, to January lti, ISG7.
To outstanding tax for 1?60 sl9l 33
1862 13 27
1864 22f 33
fall Assessment " 6 75
outstanding fax for 1565 5331 96
additional interest on outstanding
tax for ISGS 119 32
fall a<sssments 1.865 90 03
.State, County and Boro' tax fir' 66 31,891 09
amount received on lands and inte
rest orders issued by County Com
missioners 13,892 29
amount tax ree'd on unseated lands 56 70
fall assessment for 1566 45 20
$51,862 27
By outstanding tax of 1860 191 33
percen'ago of eo lectors J862 12 73
" " 1861 132 S4
rutstanding tax t.f 1861 9 44
percentage of collectors 1865 1,792 92
exonerations of ■' 1865 4a9 12
commissions for prompt payment to
collectors 1865 17 00
exonerations of collectors 1866 lit* 89
percentage of " 1866 221 89
commission for prompt payment to
collectors 1864 1,117 54
outstanding tax of 1860 5.827 79
amount appropriated to Poor House 7,406 95
" paid for gs bills 13 85
" " road views 93 0!)
" " fox soj'ps 173 16
" State tax paid for 1866 1,417 19
" of percentage on State tax 14 61
" County orders lilted 21,732 2 1
" relief " " 616 00
" paid East. State Penitentiary IIS 61
Treasurer's commissions 768 63
am iuiit County bonds lifted 7.070 S3
oit : zens' Lote lifted 1.178 17
By balance duo County 1,30# 43
51 862 27
Treasurer in Account with the Commonwealth.
I>l .
To amount of State tax for 1866 $1,342 63
i mill •• 196 10
1,538 73
By amount oliowe I Collectors 76 93
" of treasurer's commission 11 61
" paid State Treusurer 1,447 19
1,533 73
Tavern Licensee.
To amount of taid licenses 345 00
By ci-sh paid State treasurer 188 84
tr6 isurer's percentage 17 25
balance due Commonwealth. 138 91
$345 00
Eatinj House Licenses.
To amount of said licenses 100 00
By treasurer's percentage 5 00
balance due Commonwealth 95 00
Vistilters' and Brewers' Licenses.
To amount of said licenses 10 00
By treasurer's percentage 59 50
Balance due Commonwealth 9 s*)
$lO U0
Liquor Dealers' Licenses.
T > amount of said licens p s 50 00
By treasurer's percentage 2 50
Balance due Commonwealth 47 50
Retailers' Licenses.
To amount of said licenses 927 50
By cash paid State Treasurer 842 31
" •' advertizing list 27 60
tva-urer's percentage 46 37
Balanco duo Commonwealth 11 22
$927 50
Billiard and Bagatelle Licenses.
To amount of said licenses 90 00
By amount of S. B. Marks' license, sued
and judgment rendered against Com
monwealth 30 00
treasurer's percentage, 3 00
Balance due Commonwealth, 57 0 0
S9O 00
Patent Medicine Licenses.
To amount of said licenses 5 00
By treasurer's percentage 25
Balance due Commonwealth 4 75
$5 00
Militia Tru-es.
To outstanding tax of 1861 14 08
1862 29 79
$43 87
By outstanding tax 1861 14 08
•' •' 1862 19 00
exonerations of collectors of 1862 10 79
We the undersigned Auditors of Mifflin county,
havinz met at the Court House, in the borough of
Lewistown, according to law, and carefully exam
ined and settled the accounts of Charles W. Gibbs,
Esq., Treasurer, with the Commonwealth and the
County, do certify that said Charles Gibbs is in
debted to the County of Mifflin aforeeaid, in the
sum of thirteen hundred and six dollars and forty
eight cents, [sl3l*6 48] and that said accounts as
here stated are correct- in testimony whereof we
have horeunta set our hand, this 2,' d day of Jan
uary, A. D. 1867.
SAMUEL 11. McCOT, • Auditors.
Attest: JOSSPII S. VVAP.KAM. Clerk.
State, Gouty and Bounty Taxes I'or 1866.
I Amount I .. r i 2 .1% g- B-3 I ! . , r . v 1, Gross Collectors g * 2 "g. a I
j ! rail Gr>ss Amount u o S = j = n Amount lute- Ftvll = a* 2 ® & S I
COLLECTORS. \of G§ S§SL'5 |SJI a . S COLLECTORS. | Amount per 2'3g5 d 5 2
j Ass't. Amount. Paid. "3 £|l * S i Due ' rost ' Ass'm't J)ue> centage. J* " "
■ 6X. j~ l to ' I—l |
A (J. Giblioney, Union township I 4112 12 27 70j 4139 82 374'J 41 76 69.150 91 162 91' ro
James B. Grove, McVeytown Bnr. m 73 694 73 533 s()| 21 36 j 139 87 'S Michael linger, Decatur township 228 91 5 48, 4 50 2138 89 107 12. 109 68 22 09 1
Samuel Brower, Decatur township 83 }-.) 83 1004 81 j 40 67; 480 3o -• 2 Samuel Brn't ton, Oliver " 356 9;} 7 40 11 80 376 19! 154 10 108 74; 53 35
IVin. Cunningham, Dorry " 3688 60 3osß 60. -;>0o 2. • 131 ,2 100 l 86 -g James B. Alexander, Armagh " 1894 43 33 81 J 23 00 1951 24 260 57,1602 62 88 (Mi
\Vm B. Likens, Wayne " 1923 88; 1/ 50; 1941 38 1*69 *4; 30 15 *0 98 70 51 A Jacob Rothrock, Derry " 373 32 1 16 00 20 68 410 00 251 51 109 82 31 67 1 7 00
Win. J. Fleming, .Menno " 3013 25, j 3013 25 2376 12 1 124 68 512 45 S g Jacob Ort, Granville " 434 17 5 52! 8 00 447 69 157 57; 269 07 21 05
John Hayes, jr, Brown " 1 3229 34 3229 34! 2517 321 121 65 590 37 Js . -g Robert E. Wills, Menno " 154 95 I j 154 95 154 95,
J. K. Rhodes', N. Hamilton Bor. I 306 9C 1 306 96 61 15 ; 3 20 242 61 ca John W. Wilson, Union " 374 89 61 5 25 380 75 265 05 j 41 72 73 98
John McKee, Oliver township 2330 89 2330 89, 1802 o".[ J • 85 10j 443 76 'a M M Levi KaulFman, Bratton " i 252 60 3 84 j 256 44 79 80 109 64 67 00
' James Wallis, Lewistown Bur. 3262 12j 3202 12; 2221 27; 4 15 ! 10G 56, 930 14 £ Joseph Hart, Wayne " 240 85 23 59 264 14 132 07 93 04 39 33
Thomas Hoop, Bratton township 1305 19 1305 10 ( 1079 89 1 1 43 20 132 04 (Charles Gaughling, N. Hamilton Bor. 124 69 1 14' 6 00 131 83 20 64; S3 34 27 85
Joseph Burns, Granville 2448 70' 2448 70 1700 91 ' j 80 89, 576 90 d ti James Brisbin, Brown township 896 22 21 87, 10 80; 928 89 209 54 ! 684 60 34 75
John M. Bell, Armagh " 4049 43 4049 43 3246 76 125 23 1 677 44 >2 1 ,
Total ' 31,891 09' 45 20 31,936 29 24.658 18 1 110 89 221 89' 1117 5T 5827 79 J Total, 5,831 96,119 321 90 03 ! 5,541 81 1 1,792 92 3,2*2 2* 459 12 17 00 j
Outstanding Taxes for 1860.
J. J. Cottle, collector, Armagh—
Amount tluo sl9l 33
Outstanding Taxes for 1862.
Geo. W. Mo Bride, col. McVeytown—
Amount duo sl3 27
" percentage 12 73
" paid 54 13 27
Outstanding Taxes for 1864-
Jos. Stewart, col., Derry —
Amount due 2 64
Reuben Hook, col. Decatur —
Amount due • 32 95
paid • 29 00
" outstanding 395
John Glasgow, col. Wayne —
Amount due . 9 00
" paid 900
Samuel H. Swigart, col. Oliver —
Amount due 176 89
" ten day list 675 183 64
" per centage 132 84
" cash 50 80 183 64
D. F. Stevens, col. N. Hamilton —
Amount due 2 85
Ejswnsffffiwssj, HEffßoasj ©aKssnFsra tovsstw..
County Indebtedness.
Amount of bonds outstanding,
January I, 1867, 36,500 <X)
.Orders on relief fund outstand
ing, January 1, 1867, 2,025 34
Old indebtedness outstanding,
January, 1, 1867, " 917 82
Interest ortlers, 1,445 00
40,888 16
Less ain't in hands of Treas. 1.306 4s
839,581 68
I,i.tf of ordt'rtt ixnuetf by/ ('omHtisctitmwtf
from January 1,1 son, to January 1,1867.
Davis Henry, amount ovx'rpttid
treasurer,refunded 8 1" "o
Henry Zerbe, interest 100 ;rJ
Joint Evans •' 59 82
do painting (Jot* rt I louse Roof,
glar .ng, Ac. 4t> 2'i
6en, \V. Thomas, sessions Docket
and stationery tit) 02
Constables* ptiy for returns .10 la
Joint Morrison, esq., fees hold'g in- "
tpiest 011 bod • of J. Murphy 5 42
Jurors' fees, name cases 0 00
Tije Utves' pay 110 00
Jurors' pay 17.'15 92
1). Over, printing blanks gs 50
Jos. 11. Morrison, Assessor, lists,Jfce. 4 04
Elijah Morrison, in full as member of
Relief Hoard 25 ho
James Turner,in full as member of
Relief Hoard 20 00
John Taylor, Comm'r, in full salary
to Nov. 1805 ' 59 69
Moses Miller, Connn*r,irifull salt rv to
Nov. 1805 114 37
J. H. Selhcimcr, repairs at C. H. and
sundries 21* 33
John Evans, in lull for jiaint'g C. 11. 375 00
D. w. Woods, " services as att'y 25 00
Assessors pay for 1866 ' 535 42
John Robb, Assessor, lists, vfce. 2 37
Jacob Stine. " " " *; , r ,<i
Ira Thompson, " " 5 7<*
Wm. Morrison, cleaning snow at C.H. 300
David Snook, aim. refunded for error
in duplicate 1562 26 12
I'ay of Inspect'rsa-Cl'k-Sjiringelect'n 84 <lO
" J udgesAreturn Jud's " 39 87
David Hcstetler, udv geleet'll, Ac. 4 40
Joseph < 'linger, " " 2 00
Jacob Stine, serving notices, Ac. 3 90
(i. W. Hoover, ,M. D.,attendance at
Jail and medicines 42 50
Robt. E. Wills, ;in*'t refun'd overp'd
Treasurer 78 50
Amos Hoot, ain't refunded 103 41
Leo. Miller, Cor. fees inq't Jno. Carney 5 00
Jurors'fees, inq't on " " 6 <H)
Witness " " " " 75
Geo. Miller,Car.feesinq'tcnlor'd infant 5 12
Jurors' fees, inquest on " " 6 00
I). M. C mtner, Jail
expens.tmd repairs § 157 06
I* M. Contner,Sheriff's
lees, Ac. 552 24
D. M. Contner, Jail fees 1010 <K)
1719 30
Less fines&fees collected 257 50
Sam'l W. Harr, index'gdeed liooks 42 25
J. J. Dahlen.profes'l ser. at jtiil 6 txt
Joseph litiflly,
Jos. s. Wareani, extra duplicate 25 00
Jo.m W. Shaw, money 011 loan 1000 00
N 0. Wilson, Pro., in full
for fees 384 S4
Less verdict foes 32 00
A. Riden, labor at Court House 3 75
.John Coke, repairs at Jail 5 00
Win. Morrisson, repairs at jail 2 00
Ceo. W. Wiley, auditing State accts. 6 00
R. W. Harvey,hauling at Court House 230
Jacol* COOll, hauling at CourtHouso
and jail 3 7J*
Powell Harvey,labor at Court House 582
Jos. 11. Wagner,eerti. of indebtedness 55 06
Amos Hootj.un't due him at settle
ment 2.142 77
Lessani't ree'd of RAV Pattoii
not charges in act. 11N 01
I.ess am't for Corn
at Poor Houses 35 00
2111 76
Add percentage 3 11
Interest from Jan. 8,'66 45 82
H. J. Walters for transcript, seals.a
transcribing judgemi nt docket 412 50
Richard Galialier,money 011 loans 115 00
Wm- 0. Vines, " ' •• 500 Oo
Pay for seruli. A clean. Cottrt House 18 50
Lewistown Water Company 25 00
Alex. Eisenbiso, paint, jail roof 46 00
Wlll. McKee, limes for Court House 2 50
Jurors' fees, " ' 6 00
T. A. Worral, M. D., prof. serv. at jail 425
t 'has. Price, for coal for Court llouse&jail 161 13
Pay for clcrksiinspect's at gen. elect'n 88 50
Pay for return Clerks 8 00
Pay for Judges & return Judges 86 80
Pay of Assessors for lists Ac. 47 47
Sam'l Tice, hauling brick Ac 1 25
Henry Comfort, lime and gravel 1 80
Michael It iney, for 2 dockets 39 50
Dutton Madden, road damages 75 00
John Morrison,fees inqusit'n body of
N. H. Cirilhth 4 8S
Jurors' foes,for same 6 (*o
Jos. S. Waream,oit act.of sal'y asclerk3so in*
Enoch Swain, painting at CourtHouso 420 73
John Taylor, in full of sal'y as Com
missioner to Nov. 1860 150 00
James C. Dysttrt, in full of salary as
Comm'r to Nov. 1.866 150 00
Moses Miller, on account of salary 35 00
James Wallis, tax refund.ierror in percent. 20 52
Weber 4 Son, spittoons fur jury rooms 3 30
Reese,Slat?le4Foust,Stoves, Cylinders 4
Cellar Grates 11 60
Geo. Frysinger, Relief orders lifted 33 00
Geo. Miller,cor. fees inq. on Wesley McCoy 8 25
Jun.rs' fees tlo do 6 00
Geo. Miller, cor. fees inq. on Enoch Meyers 8 50
11. Frysinger, in full for adv'g f0r1866 200 00
G. Frysinger & Son, " " 200 00
Daniel Priutz, brick at C. H. 4 80
Abram Kitting, repairing chairs 1 35
Henry Withotf, for pruning trees 2 00
Peter Chun, repairs at Jaii 3 00
Geo. W. Kearns, house for holding elections 9 00
W W. Bratton, Piothonotarj's fees, Ac. 118 72
H. Frysinger, in full for printing blanks 33 50
Samuel Comfort, coal for Jail & C. li. 1865 103 44
Relief orders issued 611 00
F. J. Hoffman, medicine, stationery, tc. 29 75
Henry Farer, court crier and cleaning 109
K. Comfort, Just. Peace fees 3 60
John Baiger, " " 3 35
John Morrison," " 7 85
N. J. Hudistll, " " 3 55
G. W, Thomas, " " 22 85
D. G. Lantx, " J ' 450
J. 8. Waream, " " 13 85
G. W. M'Bride," • " 5 50
Eli Price. Coustable " 10 82
J. M. Stevens " " 34 87
Alpbens Pincin," " 7 61
J. Uambright, " " 7 40
Isaac Ward, " i 4 19 45
J. L. Porter, " " 13 56
Vol. LVII. No. 6.
! F. Me Near, " < g42
'• ! ,lln Fult: V " " 16 60
Jacob Hook. '• •• U SS
Jonat'n l'lice, " 5 04
Geo. Miller, " " g 71
Forest Swyers, " '• 1 g#
ilonry shrunk, " " 2' 22
V. Wagner, " :: 2 46
11. .M'Luughlin 2 91-
Siiu' ii tiro :: 3 86
v, l. Vanz.indt 5 88
•John ]>. Tat lor, interest 120 00
Kobert Taylor do ISO 00
W. S. 801 l do 120 00
John Alexander do 60 00
John C. isiglir do 240 00
•J.ime> Turner do 60 00
.1 i-oli Peachy do 30 00
IV. 0. Vines do 60 00
O. P. Smith, guard'u do 60 00
S. Mitels v do 180 00
Jo.-eph llartzlor do 60 00
John Poachy do 137 77
Eliza Butler do 60 Oil
IVin. Croighton do 120 00
!•;. J. Jacob do 120 00
T. G. Bell do 60 00
, Michael Ruble do 120 00
T. M. Utt'.ey, diet, att'ys tees 114 00
Cashier Mitliin Co. B'k, money on loan 4000 00
' Jo>. S. W areata, Incident it expenses, re
pairs at C. 11., postage, shov'g snow,
cleaning, Ac. 21 88
Witness (ees Commonwealth suits IIS 35
Coils in contested election cases 70 04
lieu Miller, repairs at Jail and C. 11. 37 35
vy. T. Burns, money on lo in 830 00
1,. .1. Elberty, assessor, making list*, Ac 10 60
! .lames Burns, damages wi leniug Brand st. 50 00
Jauies Smithers 4- " same 7 00
E. c. Hamilton " " same 1 0(1
I F.J. 11 oilman '• " same 14 00
The AMERICAN ARTISTS' UNION (established 1854) an
nounce that in oider t.■ extend the -.lie of the follow
ing well known and highly popular
Steel Plate Engravings
Ths Last Sup iter, 26 x 42 In.
Departure nl t fi•- Pilgrim Fathers for America, 27x30 in.
Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers, 27x36
F il-tatf Mastering hi-Itecrnits, 25 x 30
' Khakapeare and his Friends, 27x31
Cutter"- Saturday Night, 23x28
\ lllace Blacksmith. 27 x 33
Mnnif -t Destiny. (Fortune Telling) 21x2*
The Massacre at Wyoming ill 1776. 28x36
! Mount Vernon In the olden time, or, Washing
ton at Si years of age, 26 x 34
; The escape of A'.-.-ter MaeDonald from the
ilassucrc of Gleucoe, 26 x 34
j The Madonna, 26 x 31
They have deemed expedient to ofler them to their
j friends and the public at on.- dollar and .fifty cents
each, the price In retofore having been two 'dollars
each, and for the purpose of stimulating the getting
up of Clubs, they have determined to award premi
umns to the getters up of the clubs, and in addition
thereto to distribute amongst the subscribers the sum
of SSO, on in money and paintings, as soon as the sale
: shall have reached 100.000 engravings. As it is our
! intention to advertise very entensively, and as the
' engravings are well known throughout the whole
1 country. have no doubt, that with the low price we
charge for them, and with the exertion which will he
1 out forth by our numerous friends, the number will
lie reached in a short time. As soon as it is reached,
: the subscribers, through their club agents, will lie no
tified by a circular letter trom us naming the time
' and method of distribution.
C 1., 4J Ii RATES.
Single Kngraving $1.50 each,—by mall, free.
For sls we will send 13 Eng. and 2 to the Club Agent,
31 " " 15 " '4
25 " " 31 " 5 " "
, " 30 " " 25 ;• 6 'I
50 " " 50 " a Silver Watch.
! " 75 " " 80 " a Silver Lever.
[ *- 100 " " 110 " n Hunting Lever.
The club p:n kuges will be very securely packed and
j forwarded by Express.
Any person may get up clubs and forward the amount
! either by Kxpres . Sight Draft. Post office Orderorin
1 a registered letter, and in all cases the Engraving*
, will lie immediately sent, and for each engraving a
. a nmhrrnl cu tijicate and receipt will he enclosed in the
' package.
('. O. ]>■ Order*. —Persons wishing to send for En
gravings and pay the Express Co. when they are re
ceived, will he required to send with their order $2 to
: $5. according to its amount, and this will be credited
{ on their hill.
I. is t of Pr t ill iiiin 8
To be distributed.
I One of $10,1)00 in omney, tin.ooo
5.1 wi •• s.ooe
i Five of I.(W " S.OOf
! Ten of 51*1 '• S,OUt
Fifty of It*) " 500
j One hundred elegant Oil Paintings, richly framed,
Landscapes at SIOO each, 10,000
I Two hundred elegant oil Paintings, richly framed.
Interior Views, at SSO each, 10,000
TKi .1 ii '-rirati A ■•fists' Union would add that these
premiums are to bo considered only in the light of a
tree gift to their patrons, as the Engravings are fur
nished them bduv their market value, and as the cost
of etigr-vings. after the plates arc procured, is vciy
trilling, they can easily atlord to make thedistributim
large as it i-.
We trust that our numerous friends throughout the
country and Panadas will use their utmost ext rtionr*
so that if possible, the distribution may tie made soon,
and it . in b. done if they are at all active. Lanies
have oft.-n made excellent tub agents for us, and we
: solicit their kind eft'orts. which w ill not go unreward
ed ketone or more energetic persons in every town
and village in the country commence as soon as they
l see this and get upas largo a club as possible. By so
doing they will he the means of introducing elegant
engravings into limbics, and thus aid m cultivating a
I taste for the beautiful and refined.
Address Orders
-d'cc'i/ American Artists' Union,
nov7-3m [fsfceo] 25 Pino St., New York.
MM ilim MUMIM,
1854) are manufacturing under Letters Patent the
Best Article of Composition Rooting ever Offered to
the Public. It is adapted to every style of Roof, steep
i or flat, and can tie readily applied by any one.
The I". S. Government, after a thorough test of its
utility, have adapted its use in the Navy Yards, and
j upon Public Buildings.
The Roofing is put up in rolls, and has only to be
( nailed to the Roof to make a
Durable l-'ire and Water-Proof Covering.
We particularly recommend its use upon
Buildings, Stores, Blmrehes, Factories, Machine
Shoj s, Steamboat Decks, &e.
For coating TIN, IRON, or SHINGLE HOOFS. It forms a
Bod;/ Equal to Three Coats of Ordinary Paint.
No Roof can rust undent, and old leaky Roofs may be
made permanently water-proof and durable by its use.
The Paint requires HO MIXING, but is ready to he ap
■ plied with the ordinary paint brush. Price. $1 per gal
: ion, which will cover two hundred square feet.
Also manufacturers of
Black Lustre Varnish,
Tarred Felt cinel Iloofiiu/ Fitch.
Discount to the Trade. Circulars and Price List fur
! uislied. Rights for counties sold at low rates. Address
194 Broadway, N. Y.
Frank Humphreys, 81 Royal st., X. O.; Schofield
Williams & Co., Augusta. Ga.; Baldwin H. Woods
Montgomery, Ala.; Trios. S. Coates. Raleigh, N'. C • F
A. 'fucker. Richmond, Va.; Henry Wilson, Petersburs"
Va., Agents. janK
Bar Iron !!
I>LACKSMirU'S, you can buy good Bar
J IRON at 51 and SJ. Burden's celebra*
ted Ilorse bhoes. Nail Rods, Steel for Calks,
! Ac., at low prices, at F. J. HOFFMAN'S,