THE GAZETTE. G. fc G. 11. KRYSIXGEK, Editors. LEWTSTOWN, PA. Wednesday, January 30, 1867. TEEMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. The \ZE'rrR I< p iMishP.l pv,*rv Wednesday the old stand. t f'..i < in advance, or fiOOatthe end of 3 months. t! IVr* ois rcccfvintf papers with m X marked on ii will nttd ■! -' i" I -u-.<.-r pi Km i- .It:** >: which a remittance 0:3,:t t t • ' ' made. Cash Rites of Advertising. Business Gi : 1- T • teas) 1 rear 6.00 Administration or Executort Sotiew 5P Auditor's do - • ■ Est ray Xotio-s f• >•>: r ;i-ne. - Caution or other si,art Notices, Tavern I.ieens-s. sinjle. 1 If more than one. each Register's Xot ces ..f \eeotjnta. oaeh W One inch co i-titir * a square. ami all lryi:,-:iig not otherwise - intra'te l t i : enu'ticrai' i ahov - will hereafter I, charged cent.* per sijuare for each insertion. Job Work. Eighth sheet h.!ls.fl.iV> I •, -■> or fottrth slieet . Xotices of Sew Ailvertiseaients. Two Farms for *ilo—Stl.> of Personal Property—Caution—lAst or* Collectors- Reduced prices at Brisbin's, HotFinau's and Pratt*'. I.rglslaijTC The Chambersburg Repository, Pi cir- . cling around over the election of Gen. 1 Cameron, has hit up >n tt m >re sensible hobby, to wit, Legislative Reform, and advocates some 111 en ares whiei; will com mand public intention a.- both wise and prudent. It proposes tt call fir a Consti tutional Convention 17>r the purpose of making tiie following tun lamental pro visions : 1. That the is eve-. shall consist of one \ hundred member -, to be chosen by single j districts. 2. That the h >use of Representatives shall consist of f-> ir ban Ire ' members, eacii to be elected in a sin :i" district. 3. That-all legislation relating to corpo ration interests shall be by general laws, and that 11 > special charters or corporate privileges whatever .shall be granted but by the courts. 4. That there -i -.11 h 1 no special appro priation of money from the treasury to claims except up >n a judicial finding. •3. That the members of the legislat ire shall be paid five dollars p -. -1 iy, for the period of sjxtvdev-: and !•<> prohibited from appropriating to themst Ives any ad ditional sum for protrac.ed sessions, or for : extra or atljournctl sa—ion - beyond sixty days in the year. ". That no subordinate officer shall he appointed in either branch, or receive any compensation for services, unit s- a biii shall have lieen pass- 1 i y I•.>t!i brancho creatiug the office and defining ii- duties. 7. That no hi'l of any kind >h.:!i pass either branch without receivings major ity of the whole vo'.e on a cell of the yea? and nays. i our hundred member* is perhaps a larger body than would 1 ■ needed; but there can be n<> que*rion that '.n increase of members would do much towards bringing the Legislature nearer the peo ple, and be an effectual safeguard against log-rolling, bribery, or lobby Icgis-lutioi:. One member for ev, ry l''.o.'Minhahita , .tis with an adtlition. 1 >o •f>r a f.n -ii i over .1,(10'), would make about 3"" nicmbers ft r the lower hou* ■ at | re-vat : ami then eacii county ought to have one Feimtor and an ndtliti. nal on ■ for every 2-3.">-> of popuh - lion over and ab vo that nun;! or. With two such 'ooi.Jjc: meeting foi a lii..iretl time, with lixetl pay, there would U no room for outside influent. ; and as no log-rolling would h ■ re; d- d. every local interest in the S. e would Im* oulv repre sented. ' 1 I'iisniCs c ?!; Mr. l)eist: lately introduced a Dill in the Legislature prohibiting the issue of free passes by railroad companies under a pen alty 01 c >'• for each offense. 1 his would hardiv i u:ed\ toe matter, as those who uo a great deal of traveling aid readily > afford to pay the tine. It is pi rhap-- not advisable to do away with passes alto gether. from the very nature of the busi ness of such roads, but at the same ti me tlrcre is amp! • rown for reform. In the Course of a eorr* • wo- :ac weeks ago made a suggestion to a railroad em ployee wlveh . ti -sienar da< a "novel- 1 ty, ' and on : wilier reffvtion ovt-r it we came to the conclusion that our sugges-| lion was not only feasible 1 ut might af ford the groundwork for an • xeellent law. Let Mr. I>. or - me otlr r lnciiih. r than up a Viiil prohibiting the issue of indefi nite fro pass. - to a;! persons except offi cers or empi yc-es of roads, and requiring ! ah others to i>e issued on the commutation principle, that is. giving so mmy miles of ; travel in one year and no more. Three round trips ought to be the extent of such privilege on any road. This would give a ticket on the .Pennsylvania Ilnilroad for about 2000 miles oi' travel; and we think the public, ami perhaps railroad compa nies, will agree with us that any "dead head" who travels more than this, wheth er on business or for pleasure, ought to pay like other people. So fur as their is sue is concerned, it would leave railroads untrammeled as they arc now, while it would place all who received them on an equality. Ihe system lus been much abused, so much so that railroad compa nies have been compelled to ro-ort t>> a combination for its partial suppression; and at no time could a legislative enact ment come into better play than now when all concur that there is "something rotten In Denmark." Gh u* fn! Grunt. —lt is not doubted that General < ,SI2 The Shamokin region, with which the .Mid lie Creek Rulroad will connect, sent >37.!41 tons to market in IS'>6. Of semi antliraclte an I bituminous coals the ship ment- were as follows: Lvkens Valley, 3d 9.39 ton-. Short Mountain, 112.-31 " Summit Coal Co., 2MM I Trevcrton, .33,08s Broad Top, ' Comb rlaud, 1,157,0<>0 import o." Foreign Coal, 2 )2,25)4 Tp fallowing are the name- <>f the op orators, with the amount of eoai sent t > market from Broad Top last year: Broad Too Coal & Iron Co., (>,l*4 tons. Beakirt, Br >. & Co., " W. A. 1 M'bison, 4.*22 Bowel toil Con' Iron Co., 44.162 do do 12.7.11 W. A. Orbtson, 5'27 " do tlo 24,liid Wo > 1 & Boron, 11."-1 " 81..T& Port, " Beakirt, Bro. & Co.. ; J. W. Ammtmian A Co., 11,392 " G li ge Mears, 1b,507 " d. do 7," it " J. \V. Ammerman & Co., 3,4 '4 " C .ok. sheets vk ) - , 9.' id " Ro-har I Lang lon. 14,2'il " Broad Top Steim Coal Co., ]>,*:'.) " William Brewster, i.l '2 " li. B. Wigt m, 22.2'u ' Dunn & Lawrence, 7,0 -7 " s ott Colliery, 1.140 " Caliiwell A Co., " 2Nl ( *2 " do do 1,381) Six Mile Bun Coal Co., 7> " do do 1.944 " Richard Langdon, 7,332 " Total for 1860, 20-3,72 ) " democrats and Whisky. The Bedford Gazette, in a long article • ill wlii-ky, makes the foil-owing declara tions : '•Burr- whisky, such as that which glad dened the h strts of our ancestors, will lie ; known no longer, an 1 we will swallow '.. ii - ms, while laboring under tile pile ising d. lusimi that we are contributing to the revenues of tiie government, in return fertile Ii i ii yof B> nusyl vania,.- he lind a:i iinp.irlan! i.ranch of li-.-r businc— ai m i.-t tlestmycd jukl tiie eon.-umption of a . Teal diniini-lied to wliich her -oil and climai ■ are a lapte l. by a piece of It- i-1 i tion, which i- ob-tinately persiste-1 in a! er its injustice and impolicy are clearly -bown." This i- strange language, with conchi si • -1- piaily -1 range. A -mall fraction of :!. 1 ]> >ple may recognize (he inanufae • as an "imj>ortant branch'' of IVnn vania interests, but nine-tenths would so >ner hear that every distill, iy in tk" it" bad Ix- u close.l than that cereal wa • furtlvr perverteil to the manafae are of a 1.*.; lor which i-carrying thou- u; ! - 'o untimely grave*, and bringin : ruin an 1 misery into families which otherwise might live in harmony and comfort. ii os* Out ? Tiie following colloquy recently <■ *cur r. ! bet we- si a Jioi-y, brawling copper- 1 b- ! poii icianand a<]uiet.observing lU pui'lican. tt hit- the nail on tie* head, and is t(,.i good to be lost: Cop—l demand to know, sir if the States lately in rebellion are intbb Union or at I. tiie Cnion? Jti-L ansv. rtiiat if you will. Republican—The question i* well Hlus- ' t rated in your own j'ersonal hi-'ory. I'our yeii-s ago you united with the < lutr- h here; and. if I am rightly informed, you k :\v o -en rather a hard member to v. •; at. lately charges have been pr.Tt r r- b iiist you for downright misiiuluct. and you have been suspended until \ >ur ease e.iii i,.. examinetl, and your iitn for membership determined. Now, sir. 1 demand to know whether you are in tii- < 'bur.*! i or out of the Church? Ihe Cop vamosed the rancho forth with, and has ax'd no questions of that republican since. Mephens ui' Georgia. Our readers will probably recollect a a unionspe-. chiuade by Alex. 11. Stephens of Georgia about IStJO, in which be de clared the South had no cause for rebellion against the government. His life, speech es, frc. was lately published by the Na tional Publishing Company of Philadel phia, and not a few will be surprised to learn that President Lincoln, af er his election, wrote Mr. Stephens a letter re questing a copy of that celebrated speech. Mr. .Step.hens replied, and touched on pol itics. To this the President elect replied, stating distinctly that the Southern states had nothing to fear from him or the re publicans respecting their slaves, and that the whole difference of opinion seemed to be whether slavery ought to be extended or restricted to where it existed. On this 7dr. Stephens launched out in a long re ply, abounding in the worst doctrines of nullification and secession as advocated by the most infamous fire-eaters. Those who used to give Mr. Stephens credit for unionism on the strength of the speech rcfered to, will now be compelled to set him down as not a whit better tliau Jel Davis. Petition-; are in circulation in< hos ter and the adjacent counties, to be pre sented t: the i.egi -lature, asking tin- re peal of all lav -- taxing moneys at interest, i'liere i- no law in force which is more evaded than this, and as it seems impossi hle to get honest returns, the few who do return such moneys ought to be released, :is they pay from J. to 3 per cent, more taxes than those who ray thev have none out. Kansas. Extracts from a letter to t lie editors of the Gazette, dated MANHATTAN*, Riley Co., Kansas, January lsth, ISG7. Sirs:— Allow me through your p tperto give a small idea of this part of Kansas. The Kansas, Kuw and Blue rivers junc tion at this place, making this in many respicts an important pi are for business. The county seat is established here, and likely to remain. Back from the river are thrown up Bluffs or ridges of ruck and sand, f: >ni 5 i to 3iiu feet high, without a tree or bush, making good views. Back of these ridges are prairie- and timber, in places settled by men from Pennsylvania and almost every other State. Many that (•ante lu re M to 15 y< ais a, . are rich, tile emigration and -ettlenient of tin - eountrv having made t hem we. ltliy. I have seen elderly folks that came a ww yea IN hack very much dissatisfied, and say thev ic; 1 as if they had left home to coin west. Xo one ought to come without expecting disappointments, and with a full iurentot steering iiis own way through ; in no other way can any one get along in the west ern country. Building stone are plenty, of which there are four ctii stun - churches erected in this place. Episcopal, Bantist, Methodist and Conor gational. The Pr> -byterian mini tcr, II -v. Alex. Smrrett. one of the v.ay best of minister-, preaches in a Hall and i> building u>, congregation, and in time will h ; ve a church. Tim Stab- Agri-ultural C'-llege is e-tabli-hed here with overonc htimired studeiii - in attendance, and a prospe-. t of being one of the foreino.-t >i'hoo!s in the States. There is a land grant of ninety thousand aer-'s to the colic e. When de veloped fully it will amount ;o a 1 sum. Every branch of be-in- s and j trade are fully represented, and at this time dull 1 the elimate h" dthy and pic is ani. People live and die a- in IVniis .!- vania. The Pacific Railroad passes thro' this place, doing a large freight and pas si'iiger tiaiic, getting a good portion from tlii- point. We have the pleasure of ing the fine pa-senger car- u-ed buiit i _. tin- 1 larri-iitirg Car ('o., Pcnna. Cattle and luuses are about the -me ■ prices they are in Mifflin county, an I the people generally are in a hurry, as ail want to drive ag< t > (i) dollars jar thou- r. '. i'ljere *r< one of the best water power- in tin- State throe miles from here on the Blue j river, owned by Puicell, Kimball cc Co., :i which is being ere aed saw and j mills, ami in cont-mp!ate n pa; ••• and woolen fno ories. On January 2d. Messrs. Tutt & Macv, Agents of the Children's Aid Society of New York, lauded hero with tweniy-fi\ ■ hoy.-, aged from 14 to Is years; they were :u ccived by the com mittee, wlto in a short time di :ribuicd them to the different home- in Riley, Ida vis, Ci -y, Wabaum- 111 i Pott aw mi" ; counties. There were - eiii" gay Itoys | among tliem a . i lik !y not all in Kansas ■ by this time. Eighteen mouths ago this : town numbered two hundred and fifty in- ; habp inf- : to-day it will number fifteen ! hundred, and a large emigration ,-x] ii-teil | this spring. Yours truly, R >BT. L. -!:. M Yv'yiie c-ti: .•' - iiis lo>- in j type, j)iv--es. c •. at -12,e i'i—two-thirds insured. 5> i'lie Eh.-n dnirg Allegliani-.n lias been revived, and und< r tb tiu -!age of! M. ssr.-. Hutchinson v M p u.s a - | ah! ' visitor. The !> .no-rat of tha- j>la -. whiid) had al-o frozen out. wiil again be thawed into existence. t . „ Nathaniel Park--r Willi: , tin au t'. r. editor and po. ?. di<"! at hi- horn •. I die wild, la-t Sunday a week. lie was 1 i orn in Portland, M inc., January 2>. I s '<7. and died on the anniversary of his j 'i l tii birth-day. .1 • The S eon 1 PIN -byterian church "f Williamsj >rt wa- lae.dy d li> r d. — ]>: w-. cost S"2.s'h>, and the whole amount ' - lbs ril.i-d 1, p::y for it. i lie o eo ; IMHKv NOilC T F' : m I r •: !y ai: .-ti >S '■ :-t trs >ic- V( > t,O ■■■: -' of Hie Oil er- >jJ n. w puPl..-!.*• Jin ti, • .t.-. Ii eon ■- i. ,• .5- -m>• and '-a" rcwt !v... ten. 1' : - [• i' i iser. Pliii.i lei|>lii i ii •; Vow , Foi.s —T'w is the be-' " J itrazine pub !i-' ■ 1 i trii- l*iiit.'J t'-u it' • **f the li-iutj . ; . -World. .Ti ii i••* 11 vi : ■t ■ t* i - -! • F who rea i it —- The tx.'Ok. tint- I'n i t r..:lt I;■ persons ■ i and nmu-inir Tii* re t.- a'- • - .... ■I. i; ' 111 ' host Ml. 1)1 y." T, • i, '•! :. ~:i ■ •).-'i: - :i t.i.- i)'i:n r, inn s lu-lpbn -in. t liii* laif i it' i*y i~ fi; iliea iof som* ether • H.e i. ' >lfivrn;.v. ; r 1' ' . r, !. i -er • • f >rtl "l>. - m : :.MI •—. ill;:!!'! :••• ! -i atld \w. It I i a nnn v f r"t i >tnan;. • i i u-tru-live • W'.rk h m , i \ \ . Publls •* i iv It i. ■\ i ..IS - \Viiiiatii ,-U N e Vrk. J: • iTl'Ri'W -I. V;• -; : .art'.* . • --na".- : !! -in Kinjr-!" v '* tnten -tit sit ■ ,r,. n * F .-!ii ui Plate, a beautiful colored patten) for a rail way tmvnliing Inn.', ui i variou- other pattern ; !**r de i ;n ai - edle work. The literary rnati-r. is. as u-nai vei , )..••• . ... •• v- a year. Publi-be-i by • 'lair! •.< .1. Peter.- a* /'• Chestnut -t: ft, Phila. Atw: M ■ vthi.t. —TI. * I'Vbrii.i. - •' mi'ir re Mains a . . .it variety "t < .<:•. "lit : I'iine. and vi ,ieii will well repay pei ■- I rosin • .1* iiv one ol the very !e .;;i, **. -in tli • i untry. ami every one etui di me in.- . tion lV**m u- \ *. -. Published .it tin >• ir. y i'h-knor Fu u.w.i:i : F: ■ • \isv ii'' 1 ia'* Yi nnu Am. r :• t •;. our tabi". I'ius :s a-hanoius publication : •. I <>y - i.'ul nir!-. i - liHtiit-oiireiy not ten up. and ean i!i*t t > oh . - and in-truet u.e \ out". per J n hilic: s 5,3,2;. I Tlie undersigned w ill oiler at pub lic sale, at his residence on the farm of John Allen, sen., in Oliver township, on FRIDAY, February 15th, 1807, tiie following personal property, to wit: SIX HEAD OF GOOD WORK HORSES, 1 Mare with foal, list spring Colt, 2 Cows, 3 lieud of young Cuttle. 15 head Sheep, 10 Shoats, Helper and Mower, combined, No. 2 Separator, (riser's patent Thresher, < leaner and Day ere r. trotting Buggy. new .Spring Wagon, Hay Rake, Plows, Culti vator, riiling Saddle anil Bridle, 2 sets of tug Haria • . 2se'sli' lit Harness, Collars, Bridles, Halters, Rouble and Singletrees; Plow (rears, Screw Plates, Forks, Rake-, and other articles, too mum rous to men tion. Sale to coimnence at 10 o'clock a. (n., when terms w ill be made known. JOS. M. ALLEN. ('HAS. (.'AI'IIHUXI:, Auctioneer. Georgia last year paid the United States >1 tax on gold watches and North Carolina $10! 'fiie reconstruction of pol itics goes on much faster under Johnson than tlie reconstruction of taxes. • THE MA!? KiffS. LEWISTOHTN, January 30, 1807. Wheat, red, per bushel $2 05 white " 2 70 Corn, old, 00 Oats " 45 Fggs per dozen 30 B utter per lb 30 Hour is retailing at the following prices: Lewistown Pxtra Family per ewt. 7 00 Superfine , 6 00 1 \tr i Family per bid 14 00 Sup-riine l 2 00 hick wheat per ewt. 500 Ci al. per 2000 pounds, delivered I.yken's Valley, $5 00 >anbury, ' f, 50 Chcsnut, 5 50 M ilkesbarre, f, f,o Nut 5 50 i,', 11 '. 4 75 Blacksmith's, 0 po CommonSSt,a t, o 75 Ground Alum Salt, 3 00 Master, per tun. 10 00 Phlladrlpiita Marietta. W i.y KEVII:\V. I not i: AMI All.', i.. —The Klnur market lei- ■ -cii i::il since our la.-t re port, with a lot::i a • pun has ■ more than enough for immediate use. The suspen sion !•: t'.avi tiiun by 1 ;-t- ii :t ntiiH iv cut On supplies froiu that SIUIIVC, and liot v. it is!alien : {in- iyt cipts by railroad have ' - • ; . chic; y:a fa family, at .711 50: i 7!_a;i i 'l'l', :!!!s-, iv:ijiia ami Ohio, iucht ■ •A : brands at -14 17. am ..rd ing to quality. Pv Flour.—Th-" opci-ines have been s nail and the dematid limited, email sales at §7 25* fi bbi. Nothing' do ilia in • oi'ii .1;; i and prices nominal. CHAIN. — the quietude which haseliar mtn/ -d t!;t' heat s :arui. for-nine time past tit! < utilities. Titer h - I con no demur ! cXi'c, ; ;or prone I its. which are scarce ;.i 1 h id firmly at fair prices.— >:i; d! sail - were made at >2 75a:; 10 for P> unbind; : H:-i3 20 for Southern do., and " > • . p.c- white, live has been in limit 1 I;t■ 11 iaip!, and sale ol 2.(ion bus. ic-w ivj.orh d, at si 35a 1 37 V bus. for ... ' 'i'i'ii con-id ;.i'df activity in the article ■ "1 " i. i t i 1 .;n - new yellow at t'Tcasl for ''vim an I!hern, including whit* at sl, and old yellow atSl Isal 10. There ■ are 2c per bus lower. Sales of 0,000 bus. ■ Fii vntnus have been in moderate re que-t, and sni-iii - w.-i'c reported at 7o:i :•>; tan* and prime \\\ tern. - ing in i inn: ket, anil rat tier more i'cine . • v e i inaiiii, nit-! price? advanced 25c hi; des of inn lit i< new Mi —. t $215 A; 2..' ij; prime Mess at S2O, and Prime i' "'l7. • 1 bills Alhurger's India Moss !!■ of sold on private terms. We quote \\ eslem at sl7u2D, and city jmcketl at $22 50a23. Beel Hams are held at S3B. Ihvss el lb •;< '1; • 7 : ; s.]c. Bacon —The mar ket continues as dull as ever; we quote pla.n ■ d m-y-canvassed Hams at 15a 17 : S! c- 12a 12 c. and Shoulders at 11 tinner . ng in the market, and more ■ ■ and .-ailed Shoulder- n'b". I.ard ,ia !ci uin fair rciju. -! at tlie r.. :.-ivaiit\; >'i! - M' :o.d tcs at 127ai3 c, and kegs at 14c. i Uitter—-There has been a fair de mand or pi line lots, but common quali . 24a3Ge; -:oiid packed at 14a30c, and Gosli • n iv I:( in 4 11.-, and i-otuc choice at $9. Choice Timothy is s, iree at. i wanted. Saio at sna 4. - Flaxseed i- lak"ii on arrival by t he erush- Wo Fine Wools arc held with in creased 1;11 s, but the ii- inand contin ues limited; sales .of 120,000 lbsatOOaOSc for ch dec clip- of Ohio, 52a57c for \ and blood: soasV for tub ; 47a5Uc for common, and 31a50.- for unwashed. * CATTLE MARKET. The hulk of tho'dßjrin'.'s fße •vescon tinuo of tlic poorer descriptions; a sniall lot of choice sold at 174 c.; common ranges from 5 to 121e., ami prime from 14 to 16|c. Cows AM' CALVES. —LU tliis depart ment t'nciv has been but little change. Wo notice a falling olt* in ree ipts, Iu( it lies ha : no perceptible effect 011 ]riccs, and the movements continue of a limited character, at from S7O to 00 tor < lows and <'a 1 ve-, and from -50 to 75 for Springers. 11 'ceipt- , 200 head. —Til" past week lias been an unfortumdc one for holders, extreme duli -11- - being the general order of the day. The intpa-sib! • condition of the streets o-ilay ca't-cd :t slim attendance, and the few trails i t ions made were mostly in ii 'ors, at fnuu o to 7 ;c. per lb. gross as to quality. HoiVs.—At the Avenue Yard everything v. i- blockaded by the snow, and business was neglected. The supply of last week was totally exhausted, and to-day but 1,400 were* oflcrcd ami sold at prices rang ing from 55..50 to n.25 per 100 jiounds net. Tii re is nocliaiigc to notice at the Avenue Yard, an ii about s changed hands with in the above range' of figures. rr- A VTTA >3/ u>, . l Kjb ca JiA MUO ?55 aimm maJ the Groat ItKI'UOTION in the Price of janJO at BKISBIN'S, [near the Jail.] Why Shiver With Cold. When you can Buy Knit Undershirts and Drawers SO CHEAP janoO At BItISBIN'S. I ) KISBIN t v 1;' lias Men's Buck Gloves at $1 25 1 50 " " Gauntlets 1 25 *• " Mitts 1 37 Men - Wool, Cotton and Berlin GLOVES for sale cheap. jan3o. ESTATE REGISTER. Iliave on register for sale tlio following . real estate: DO tfres <3" liiind. situate in Gran ville township, on the Pennsylvania Ca nal. about •"> miles \u-t of Lewistown, 82 acres cleared, well fenced, and in good or j tier, and 8 acres in timber. The improve ments consist of a two story Log House, weatherboarded. good Dunk Ham, Corn Crib, Smoke House, Hog Dens, Black smith Shop, Are. This land is all arable, has an abundance of limestone or it, and ja landing on the canal, so that coal can i he procured with little trouble. It is only ! half a mile from a railroad station post ' oilicc j.nd -tore. Most of the fencing is p >st and rail —the posts locust —and about t .>OO loi-11-1 j)o.-t.s could now be cut on tiic preini- There are three good spring on the place, two of them near the dwel ling at! i some good fruit. Dollars per 4 liiis is a fine property lorn {'.inner, and has been noted for raising good crops. For further information inquire of GEORGE FitYSl XGER, Licensed A nt for sale of Real Estate. Lewistown, Jan. 3d, l w ;7. i 4Rl't!4\'S tOI RT SALB.—By A ' virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Miiliin county, theund -rsigned, admin: -trator of the Estate of George 15. Dennepa i er, late of Granville township. • i-.-e'd. will sell at public sale, on the prem i.-es, on TI3I iISD.I'Y, .lliirth till. D.61. the undivided half part of all that certain Tract of Land situate in Granville town ship, Miiliin county, adjoining lands of; Lev. is < !\vciis. Mrs. W'ertz, Enoch Myers' heirs, Joshua Moni-m and oiliers, con taining One 11 :n hvd and Thirty-two Aen -an loin !)i::i,n. laiid titty-six peivii i •-. neat measure, whereon Is erected a I'wo Story Frame House, it good New Link Burn wb ha Com-Crib and Wagon sla-d atta-iied, and other outbuildings.— llic.o ai-o a tine Young Orchard of choice fi'ui; on it. a well of good water at the door, end a fine stream of running wate."an i two g.-o i spring -on the place, j i he iarm is in good orb r and i- a desira- 1 ble situation. S.ii<. to commence at 11 o'clock, a. m., j when terms will be made known. FAMCEL il. McCOY, Adm'r. At the -am thiie and pla> \ the under- . -era b will s,.;i the i.iher undivided half; ]i:irt of ! lie above h -arable tract of land so a- to th" pun- i.aserto ohtain atitle for the whole tr.. i. ALMIAA W. PEN FPACKEIL J. L. Pokt k. Auctioneer. ian.3o i tie I'lON. vA Mv wit--. Anna Mary NleKit l. hav ing left my ! . ! and board without any j jhs • a e. ail per.-iu - are hereby cautioned not to trust ii.-i-on my account, a- I will 1 pay no tu bus . auraett i bv her. JOHN H. McKIM. Lewistown, Jan. m VJ:. -uN idle following named persons, ap- j pointed Collectors for theirrespectivedis- i tricts are hereby notified that ! lank bonds ean be ha-! at the < 'ommissiont ioiliee. mil 1 tha* a a feting of • lie (.'• unmi-uoners will be held on Wednesday, 13th Febru ary, is 7, t > appi-jvf tlieir bond: and issue the dupiie; t( - : Jam. - Mi-Ni ar for Wayne township. George \\ . Stiue, " Oliver " Frederick lto-s, " Hratton John Cupples, " Granville " Pel. n AlbrLht, " l)erry 4 * Jacob Louver, Jr., " Decatur John Riden, '• Armagh " Joseph Kyle, Jr.. " lirowu " James Buliek, '• Cnion " Andrew Cook, " Menno t ieerge Miller, '• Lewistown lior'li. .las. M. Stevens, " N. Hamilton " John Athiiison, " MeYeytown By order of the lb > ird. jau.iO Jos. S. WAHEAM, Clerk. | ~S>IRD CAGES! A fine assortment at 13 F. .J. HOFFMAN'S. War Against High Prices. G1 O t<> F. .J. HOFFMAN'S for r Diiius. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, janSO NAILS, Ac, At Hoffman's, r Fine Young Hyson ut 160 _L " Extra Imperial at 160 to 200 O i .'tig at 100 to 100 SUGARS. B: >wn, Good, at 11 and 12 LACKSMITU'S, you can buy goad Bar JL> IRON" ut a 1 and Burden's eeiebra* ted Horse Shoes. Nail Rods, Steel for Calks, Ae., at low prices, at F. J. HUFFMAN'S, Paper, &c. / \N HAND, a fino assortment of Cap, Y / Letter and Note Paper. Aiso, Fancy Colored Paper and Envelopes in variety, at jan 30 F. J HOFFMAN'S. Soaps ! Soaps ! 4 LARGF. assortment of Soaps. We call .'A special attention to the CELEBRATED OLINE; this is one of the very best and cheapest Soaps in use. For saie at juuoO F. J. HOFFMAN'S. | )UUSIIES at Hoffman's. I) CEDAR-WARE at Hoffman's. CORDAGE at Hoffman's. SHOE FINDINGS at Hoffman's. SOLE LEATHER at Hoffman's. POCKET CUTLERY at Hoffman's. TABLE CCTLER\ at Hoffman's. BUILDING HARDWARE at Hoffman's, B HI SB IN, [Near the Jail,] \V ILL SELL from now till the Ist ol H March the following GOODS at Greatly Reduced Prices: LADIES' SHAWLS. BREAKFAST CAPES, and MISSES WOOLEN HOODS FRENCH MERINOS and WOOL PLAIDS Ladies 1 Vests and Drawers, jan3o.] At BKISUIN'S. ALLE LEUTE SOLLEN DIESEN Vorsets Lesen. Everybody Should Head This 3 in 33* As people will buy where good good* are s ;!