K£GI P E S . * Puddi '/ (Boiled Apple.) —Pure, core, and quarter as many tine juicy apples as will weigh two pounds when done. Strew among thein a quarter ot a pound of brown sugar, and add a gra ted nutmeg, and the juice and yellow peel of a large lemon. Prepare a paste of suet "to two pounds of flour. , Roll it out >f a moderate thickness; , lay the apples in the centre, and close the paste nicely over them in the form j of a large dumpling; tie it in a eloth ; and boil it three hotiis. Send it to table hot, and eat with it cream sauce. 1 or with b titer and sugar. The water must bail before the pudding goes in. Any fruit pudding may be made in j a similar manner. Pudding { Bread and Butter.) —Cltt several slices of broa 1 rather thin; but ter them on one side: put a layer of them in a pudding pan or dish, and a layer of currants above; then another layer ot' bread, and so on till the dish is full. Beat four eggs witji a little ground cinnamon and nutmeg, also some sugar. Add milk to this, till there is -utficient to till up the dish.— Then pour it over the bread, aud allow it to stand for a time to soak. It will now be ready for either baking or boiling, as directed for bread puddings. Pudding iii Potato .) Mix 12 ozs. of potatoes boiled, skinned, and mashed, 1 oz. of suet, quarter pint milk, and 1 oz. cheese grated; add as much water as is necessary to produce a due consis tence, and bake it in an earthen pan. j Pudding (a Baked Indi '.) Cut up a quarter of it pound of butter,in a pint of molasses, and warm them to gether till the butter is'melted. Boil u quart of milk; and while scalding hot. pour it slowly over a pint of sif ted Indian meal, and stir in the molasses and Cutter Cover it and let it steep for an hour. Then takeoff the cover, and set the mixture to cool. When it is cool, beat six eggs, and stir thorn gradually into it: add a tablespoonfu! i oi mixed cinnamon and nutmeg; and the grated peel of a lemon .Siir the : whole very hard; put it into a buttered dish, and bake it two hours. Serve it i up hot. and eat it with wine sauce, or ! with butter and molasses. FOR ALL. _o_ : I 33. <^novs UfOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Lewns " t°wn .:.d sorro in I. % oMij (iutbe tuu opened un entire J? for the to which he inv'tes the attention of the public. Tlie Stock is lame and consi-of a.i kinds of such as Sugar. Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Syrup, Ac., Ac. ' Coarse n ' A1!?< * ; - c ' c,ov < Nutmegs, Ginger, Dried & Canned Fruits, Cranberries. Hake Raisins, Figs. Citron. Apples, Cider, ider \ inegar, Ac., Ac. 2NT XT "37 S , PeuouU, Walnuts, Clmstnute, FlUr:., Almonds, Ac. CONFECTIONERIES, Toys for the Holidays 3 •' :i nu i Chi[l , a - Fancy Boxes and Baskets i for Holiday presents. lo!i, of ad kind*. :-and small, very che ,t, Portmanteaus, large and small to ' ~uit all who need them. A large assortment of j Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Hair Oils, &e. CHEWING & SMOKING TOBACCO, 1 and <^aaQcscE always on hand. Plenty of OY STE3KS, ti*v^er.®fb^p rC ojrStefß ** had tr **b rof'cMh i4Ca " save m <>ney,as he will sell cheap c! iange~ior goods * ot P ro <*uce taken in ex- j e fa decta | J- IRViN WALLIS'S New Parlor Heater. W'ltt? Wfema r " rf r et, - V ' it is like the Parlor p, arHnoe tliat you can throve Tiearlvall the I'm "If* 1, ' needed, or turn it down at will- and in s*I s * hen •my. it lias been se.entitiX te"td and fountHh"; the iwiw Go* Burner i prf-due,- more heat from ! gi*an quantity of coal than any other tov c in ~e Call and examine for at 'he Ri„ Coffee Pot Sign. nor2S-2m LATEST NEWS FROM THE ITL.WTit CABLE!! Arrival of ETora NEW GOODS AT THE New Hsm*e! 0 RITTEX HOUSE & McKINNEY beg leave to inform the public that they have just received a new and fresh assortment of Goods, aud prices to suit all. Muslins froui 15 to 25cts Calicoes " 12 A to 20 " Wool Delaines from 50 to 05" Merinoes " 1 -10 to Alpaccas " 50 to 125 All Wool Flannels fiom 40 to 85 Shirting Flannels " 50 to 85 Tatde Diaper " 55 to 65ets Balmoral Shirts " 2.50 to 390 Single & dou'e Shawls " 5.00 to 10.00 Hioakfast Shawls " 8.00 to 400 Woolen Hoods " 50 to 175 Buck Gloves " 1.25 to 250 No. 1 Kid Cloves " 1.75 to Assorted Gloves " 25 to 100 Ladies' Coats Men'sWoTn Under shirts and Drawers from 87 to 2.50 Cassiuaeres " 100 to 2.75 Also, a large and splendid assortment of CLOTHS, SATINETTS Use READY-MADE CLOTHING. Whole Suits from 15.00 to 30.00 Also, a good assortment of BOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAFS. Loaf Sugar. 18 cts A. Wl ire Sugar, 10, 17 " IJrown Sugars, 10. 13, 14, 15, " Prime Coffee, 29, 31 " No. 1 Teas, % 40, 45 Rice, 12 " Syrups, 25, 33, 38 " Sugarhouse Molasses, 15 " Washing Soaps, 15, 10, 25 " No. 1 Cheese, 25 " Congress A Spun Tobacco, 100 " No. 1 Navy Tobacco, 95 " Fine old Lynchburg, Smoking, 50 " No. 1 Cut & Dry, 50 " Prices Paid fur ail Kitulstf Marketisg. We cordially invite the attention of both old and young, great and small No chirge SHOWING GOODS. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, hoping a continuance ol the same, we remain, Respectfully, See., R ITT EN HOUSE A McKINNEY. Lewistown, November 21, 1860. Brown's Mills. r T 1 HK undersigned are prepared to buy Ml UiK'l^ofProduce forfmh, or rocoiToor, "torf at Brown'* Mills, Ruedsville, IV We will have on hand PLASTER, SALT AND COAL. We intend keeping the mill constantly running, and iMSD, as,, fur sale at the lowest Market rites, at .all times. A"'l'lie public are ru.jUc:te c fNV c n-i v 3 we have the latest styles oi FANCY CASIMERES, THE BEST French & American Cloths, VESTINGS in Great VARIETY; The finest Cloth and Cotton S H I R. T S ever offered in this place; DRAWERS, IIOSE, COTTON & WOOLEN; Perfumery, Neck-Ties, Collars, everything desired for utility or adornment. Our Stock of Groceries, Queens-ware, Hollow-ware, New and Fresh, is Full and Choice. Sugars and Coffees at various prices, Molasses and Syrups, with all the best spices; Tobacco, Cigars, with all kinds of Soap, Curry combs, Brushes, and Ilajtcrsofrope; Dried Fruit of all kinds, French Mustard and Rice. Canned Fruit, Tomatoes and Pickles in spice; Churns, Tubs, and Buckets, large Baskets and small, Fine Curtains for windows and Mirrors for wall, Niek-Xacks, and Jim Cracks and Tick- Tacks &>r all. ! i , Unsere Freonde itu county ous, kan una Butter, Oyer. Sie Fteisch, Grundberer, nlles das Sie nicht brauchen, verhauntlen; wir wolen alsfort so Lilich verkaufen als meoglich. All kinds of country produce taken in ex j change. Country Merchants supplied with Notions at city wholesale prices. t Store room and warcrooms on the corner af Valley and Mill streets, east of the Black Bear Hotel. PRATT, LAW & PRATT. Lewistown, October 31, 1866. "18 years est nMlshed In N. Y. Citv." Only iiiLl tile rtuoi-.iies known.** _ free fiont l'olsons " latigerotis to the Human Futility." l>ats coiut out of their holes to Uii-."*' Costar s Eat, Soacb, &c., Exterminators Is a paste—tiseil for Hats. Mice. Roaches, Black and Red Ants. Ac., Ac, Costar's" Bed-Bug Exterminat'r I ■* i liquid or wash—usi*ii to ilcstrov, and also a;* a preventive for tted-liug*, Ac. "Costar's" Electric Powder for Injects Is for Moths. Mosquitoes, Fleas, Bel-Bugs Insects ou Plants, Fowls, Animals. Ac. FTS* - . Br WARE ! !of all worthless imitations. ~ TR '*\ 'l T-COSTABV name is on each BOA. But tie. and h lask. before you buy. AeTAddress, Henry R. Costar, , 4*4 Broadway, N. Y. .v">oi(i m Lewistown. Pa., As* By And ail Druggists and Retailers erery where. " COSTAR'S" CKLEBRVTI:I Buckthorn Salve, ]• or ( tits. Burns. Biuisc*. Wound*. Boils. Cancers. Broken Breasts. >-. re Nipple* Bleeding. Blind and Painful Piles; Scrofulous. Putrid un cents, 50 cents, and SI sizes. 40,501 d by all Druggists everywhere. by llcm u U. Costar, 454 Broadway, N. Y. fcyi, And bv Lewistown, Pa. "COSTAE'S" PREPARATION OF Bitter-Sweet & Orange Blossoms FOR BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. Use! to Soften ami Beautify the Skin, remove Freckles. Pimples. Eruptions. Ac. "Ladies ate now using it in preference to all others. 4 it. Bottles SI. 4"%.501d oy it!l Druggists everywhere. t y Ifcnf, Costar. 4-4 Broadway. N. Y. 40. And by Lewistown. Pa. "COSTAR'S" . PECTORAL Cough Remedy, For Coughs. Colds. Hoarseness Sore Throat. Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza. Asthma, Consumption. Bronchial Affections, and all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. 4®- R'.tties, 25 cents. £0 cents, and fl sizes. -Sold by all Druggists everywhere. HJB- And by Henry It- Cottar. 4-4 Broadway. N. Y. Kg- And by Lewistown, Pa. "COSTAR'S" CELEBRATED BISHOP PILLS, A UNIVERSAL DINNER PILL, 1 For Nervous and Sick Headache. Costiveness, Indi gr-wth/U, Dyspepsia, Biliousness. Constipation, Diar rha-a. Indies, chills, Fevers, and general derange uicjitof the Digestive (Organs. 4"u Boxes. "ia cents. 50 cents, and fl sizes. 4^. Sold by nil Drrtggi-ts everywhere. 4 9- And by I/crtri/ It. Costar. 484 Broadway. 43L And by Lewistown, Pa. November 17,18CC45m. FAESEBS iOUK TO VOIR INTERESTS! BALL S OHSO REAPER l\ll MER, WITH Pigeon-Wing Self-Rake, M A Nl' FACTV RED BY 11EESE & SLAG EE, Lciciftoicu. Mifflin Couuty, Pa. VT7E are new manufacturing Ball's Ohio Reaperanh r Mower, with Pijreon-w nc S,if rak<-. w hich we of j fer fur the season of 1866.as a perfect M.-wer, i per : feot Reaper an.l a perfect Self Raker. As a Mower it i has no superior, ami as a Reaper and Self-Raker it ! has no equal. Perte- ; Side Delivery: has no side | draft: two dnvinc wheels; hinged bar. a iapt- itself to : the unovennes- . f t.he ground in mowing and reap inc.'The s,.if.r : i] ; ,. not Interfere with theln I ver's seat, i tie driver can regulate the height of stlll-ble while the n:..chili,- in n.• • • n. We also manufacture SKIDI-ES' PATENT HAY RAKE, H.ones' celebrated Horse Power and Thresiuiic Machine. Aceuey for G. ser's patent Self-KeguiaUnk Grain Threat.er. Separator, Cleaner and Bacg'-r. All kinds of Machine work made and fitted up for Mills. Factories, Furnaces and Forges. Also, Rose and Reaction Water Wheels. All orders will receive pi rapt attention, bv addres sing REESE A -HOLE. Lewistown. MifFin Co.. Pa. S. Benner, General Agent. ft'Oo my23'o6 HEAVY ARRIVAL OF Boots, Shoes, and Ladies 5 Felt Goods, at E/.ITL2LS & S"CIT2 S S. Wholesale Dealers in Millinery and Boots and Shoes. OCR STOCK CONSISTS OP Velvets, I-'lovvers, Velvet Ribbon. Rushes, feathers, Frames, Shakers. VELVET, FELT AND STUVW GftftDS. These Goods ar- all I tight from the Mauufaetur ers and Importers, eonsequi-ntlv we can sell as low as any wholesaling house ;u Philadelphia. COL N I HY MERCII AMS, A)c have on hand and ar** receiving 300 eases oi Men'.-. J. v-'a- I Y. ith's WAX &. KIP BOOTS, direct from the f, • :v in Massn'-hnsetts. Give us a call, and see the diflference between l'h ladelphhtaad Factory prices. We - ■ : -it th- af eution of the clos est buyers. Also, a urge st. es of Ladies' and Gents' HOSIERY. GLOVEt, TRIMMINGS. NOTIONS, &c, Also, a full assortment of Boys' and Gents* We offer the above Goods cheaper than any Other j house in this tow n AT RETAIL. Last Ma i hot Str give him a eali and examine his stock, which embraces all articles in his line, and is sufficiently large to enable ail to make selecti. ns who desire to purchase. fiar* RE PA I RING neatly and expeditiously attended to, and all work warranted. 1 hankfui for the patronage heretofore re ceived, he respectfully asks a continuance ol the same, and will endeavor to please all who may favor him with their custom. feb2 JL 5E3> -kz* £3. NEW GOODS! AT NATHANIEL KENNEDY'S T O JEJ , In the Odd Fellows' Hall. TUST received from Philadelphia, a J very choice ;i.--ortnient of Ginghams, Flannels. Checks. Hickory, Foreign and liuuiejUc Dry Goods of a ! kinds, ALSO, Sugars. Coffees, Tens, Chocolate, E-sences ot Coffee. (p:>on=\vnre. Stone ware. Hardware and ( etlarvvHre,Shoul ders. Hams. Ma 'kerel. Herring, Sluvcl. Hoots unci sho< s. Grain .< )so, a fine lot of Wh'skv. B R A X DY,' Wine and Gin. SALT. &<■_ 4c.. Ac, j which will he sold very low. Country Produce taken i in exchange for goods by X. KENNEDY. j Lewgitown, October 11, 1865. FOR TOE Ml®!! In addition to an extensive stock of SOLD & SILVER WATCHES. MEDAUONS. BREAST PINS, RINGS, aud other j:e NAT E L :R, Y , AT Us LA JJJULIJ'* establishment, will be found a beautiful as sortiuent of JjiliSlPJil, ritorM.H\i'ii .% i, in; ti*i, ALSO. 4 N fete TP} C\ Li of all the prominent uujyu uiuiUAiis, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, and hundreds of other articles. 11. W. JUNKIN. Lewistovrn, May 24, 1805. Tailoring Establishment (KKitaflt-ss ¥J Al ERCHANT TAILOR, hn removed hK . JI buildihg former'v k- w n th. ■■ at the intersect;!') . f Valley ,n moi be coi - who-need anything tn his line. (in. mmgs furnished and gentlemen's clothing tui ' the latest styles, on short notice, and at r- • n pnoes. a,'.! " Great Excitement at the PnQt Office, /AX account of the new arrival of ar > • .• \J t gr--;itly reduced pruvs. Theunder- *. *; J respectfully inform the public that I >-i. - I from the eastern cities with a large BJOLS, SIULS AND GVITEKS, I consisting of I. , lies'. Gentlemen's ai: j, Wear,. which he has { .ur< h-.-..; r.t CCS. He ia now prepared to so el , ' ' cheapest, for cash. Al-o. constantly , n £ani"" asset fluent of hoioe-inade work, which .. >.' tured under his ow uso pet v ision, and of the h* • , * tertal an.i irorknuubiD. Boots and Sheet order at sh . ~ rit . ,fj WI M)(iwi < I. t: AM. I) Without Soap or Water, Time < r Labor. I •, W O O J > .S IJ M ■ s Instantaneous Hintitu; I'olLh, TT IX)ES away with soup suds orhotw .tm s ! I dig the sli.ps upon the tloor or ad; . .' j and the di-sigreeahlo sensation ._>f the w„!. .. [ down on the arm-, undc-r thf stiver* <.;**. i ■.. J theru the shoulders. It 1.-ares ao lint upon the glass, and gives it a more Uuropaieut rfnd T peannee than can Is- got with ten times th of laborand rime In w—hing. For polisbiu" M or any kind of Silver, Brass or Tin-ware, it i. x- r.t) i■ • uh!. ihe i*. w.,rr#f ted [., ■ acids, nor anything of a POUKKIOM or iiijm . „ WIT. but i- pet fe.-tiv harmless m.v,• v •. . K " r by ,t. a. 4 W. R \f j, I l BaUdi W* PPOe BUckl 2500 COHDS CIIEisTMT OAK A.\D IIE3ILOIK BARK, Delivered at the Tannery of J. SP/..2TC3-2 Iz ZZ.. i.i;tvivratv,\, : For which the highest market price will be I # paid in CASH. Lewistown, marl-i-ly H A. S, 3 7F A ?„ 2, mn m m wku, LB:i> *V.V SA. i T 011 X" B. SE LI ILI M Ell < ff-*rs his sincere tf thanks to the friends and well-wisher- ol | bis establishment, for the steady and rapid i K r " w 'h "f his Lusiricss hitherto, and solicits - a continuati. n . f the patronage of the Com munity. With increased facilities, arid ievo | ting strict persor al ~t> tin to the details of ! his business, he is ennfidenr that all orders he may be favored with during the present year. wii. be i xeeuted to the entire sati.-fao ; tiun of those giving tLeui. His stuck , f Hardware, Wood work, Leather, Saddlery. C ach Trimmings, Linings, Shoe Findings, Paints, Oils. Glass, ' Stoves, X'ails, Horse and Mule Shoes, Xails and Nail Rods j &., &e„ ic„ ! iS heavy and well-selected, and is offered at : prices as low as can p .ssibiy be sold, llis TI.WV IRI; j is of his own manufacture, m -de in a good and workmanlike manner, by full hands, un ! dt-r his own supervisi n. and i< ffered whole* I sale or retail, u.y superior (Q any in the market. Merchants, Mechanics, Farmers, H.iuse | keepers and Dealers get erally tnav rely upen getting any article in his line with an assu rance of fair dealing and promptness, wLetk* er in person or by t rder. Roofing. Spouting, Repairing, Gas Fitting j and all kinds ■„ t Jvb Work dune at shortctt i notice. i Liberal discount giver, to the Trade and M holesale Dealers. T . J. B. SELHEIMER. Lewistown, Jan., lccG-ly New Stock of Hats, Caps. &c. •W. G-. zciinross., Market •>"/., next Door to >; A- /y's, Has just received from —-j j ' w rk. and I'hiladol- \jHf / phi a, the most extensive and complete assort • merit of rices which cannot tail be satisfactory. Country Merchants will find it to their ad vantage to give him a cali, as a libera! deduc tion will be made ti wholesale purchasers. Don t forget the piace. next door to John I Kennedy s Btr>re and ncarlv opposite the Odd Fe lows' Ilall. " may 11 REAL ESTATE AGENCY' i TT'RFQI EN 1 inquiries having 'oil X made of the senior editor during' the past twenty years relative to the salt'of real estate, he oilers his services i • tlio citizens of Mifilin ami other emmtics in this State, and also in other Stan utlic . sale of Farms, Houses, Lots. Fii-cited j Lata is, Ac. In all eases, a description of xlie premi ses will be required, with a fixed price attached, and the time sjieciticd in which it is to remain in mv hands for sale, in no ease to l>e less than three months. Also, the terms of payment, whether encum bered or not, and whether the owner win make a deed, or the expense i- to be divi ded lietwoen the seller rnd purchase r. Un compliant e with theserequirements, I will advertise the prer centage will he chanced, or if desired hfi amount may bo agreed on. •Should any otters bo made, I will open a register forthwith at the Gazette oifice. GEOlttiK FRYSINGEK- Lewistown. December 12, IS6G. {FODDER CUTTERS!! THE Celebrated Cummin g's Fodder Cutter t. r bv InovXs F..1. HOFFMAN-