Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, January 23, 1867, Image 3

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Montbly Calendar.
. I
8 •§ . =|Suni Sun
c~ fZL *0 <r* u. I
■c - 7 ~ ~ 3, nses - J sets.
S fr" h u. Si i !
-i 1 2 3 4 5; 7.24 i 4.49
§ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 7.22 j 4.55
§ 13 14 13 16 17 18 19 7.20 i 5.03
520 21 22 23 24 25 26 7.15 I 5.11
. 27 28 29 30 31
MOON'S phases*.
New Moun, | sth, | 7.29 evening.
First Quarter, | 13th, | 11.33 morning.
Full Moon, j 2'> th, j 2.35 morning.
Last Quarter, j 27th, | 9.46 "
Tiie following is the range of our ther
mometer from the I6tli inst.
morn'g noon, eveii'g
Jan. 16, 8 24 20
17, 18 17 10
18, 15 19 15
10, 14 23 11
20, 9 18 17
21, 26 32 29
22, 24 28 25
16th, 17th, high winds and snow, much
drifted. Sunday, 2otii, snow and high
winds. Sunday night 3 or 4 inches of
snow, badly drifted. County roads open
ed on Monday by strong parties of farmers
with teams and riders, in some places re
quiring shoveling to the depth-of several
feet. On Monday the Barometer fell be
low 29, indicating a moist atmosphere.
from Rev. Tahnage announces his inabil
ity to till his engageuient here to lecture.
He promises however to conic at the ear
liest opportunity. It will he announced
through the press and by posters.
Crt\t"HKT. — Tiie Mendelssohn Musi
cal Association will give a Concert in
the TOWN HALL, on Monday Evening,
Januuiy 28, and one in Milroy a few days
after. The programme will embrace mu
sic entirely new—fresh from the press. —
The public are urgeut!3' requested to give
this association a liberal benefit, because
it is one of the indispensible public insti
tutions that is ever ready to respond to
every Mucedoneun call.
It has no salaried officers, nor any ex
penses to meet other than those inciden
tal to sustain its necessary meetings, ami
the purchase of hooks. All the - ask is
that a generous people will assist to gi\e
it vitality ly their presence and quarters
at the Concert.
Selling OFF AT COST. —M s. M. E.
STEWART oilers her extensive stock of
Millinery Goods, Trimmings, Fancy Ar
ticles, Bonnets, Hats, &c.. for sale AT
COST. Ladies desiring anything in her
line will do well to call soon, as the as
sortment to select from is very large, and
the prices at which they will be sold VERY
LOW. llemember the place—West Mar
ket street Lewistown. 2t
FESTIVAL*. — The Apprentices' Literary
Society, assisted by a number of ladies,
intend holding a Festival, to commence
on Tuesday evening, Feb. oth, for the
purpose of liquidating the debt on their
hall, or repairing the building. Commit
tees have been appointed to solicit arti
cles for the tables, fec., consisting of Mrs.
F. J. 11 oilman, Mrs. J. A. MoKee, Mrs.
Granville Patterson, Miss Delia Thomas,
and Miss Maggie McKee, who will visit
our citizens, and we hope meet with lib
eral responses. Those friendly to the In
stitution, either in town or country, can
leave donations at this office or the Dem
ocrat office. Turkeys, chickens, cakes,
cream, &c., will be very acceptable.
8. S. FESTIVAL. — The teachers and of
ficers of tile Presbyterian Sabbath School
of this place intend giving their scholars
a feast of good tilings to-morrow after
noon, in the. rooms occupied by the
schools. These occasions do not fail to
impress the young, for kindness shown a
child in this way will not soon lie forgot
ten, and only opens wider the door to the
finer feelings, by touching the spring of
gratitude, affording opportunity to the
teacher for sowing seeds which with prop
er culture will hardly fail in bringing
forth good fruit when a full grown tree.
ceived a number of stereoscopic views of
American scenery, from Messrs. E. & H.
L Anthony & Co., 00l Broadwaj", N. Y.,
which for clearness and faithfulness are
far superior to our previous collection.
They show that art, in this respect, has
made its due share of progress—the dinfer
ence being as perceptible as between a
baguerreau and a photographic picture.
Messrs. A. A Co., have the largest stock
o: Camera, Lenses, Views
and Portraits, Photographic Albums, and
everything else pertaining to such a busi
ng, in the United States, if not in the
Nvrll, and we commend them to purcha
sers who may visit that city; or if money
orders are sent the3 r can rcl3' upon receiv
es whatever is ordered.
&3J" Chase's Improved Microscope, a- j
dapted to all trades and professions in ex
a:, dniiig money, cloth, seed, living insects,
I'Topared objects, plants and pictures, is '
l'Toliably the cheapest ins'rumcnt of the '
kind ever got up, the price being only one
dollar. The farmer, merchant, inechan- j
[ ( k banker, ph3'sician, Ac., will find use
" )r "licit 1111 instrument almost daily, as
"'"V can detect at a glance what human
' jvsight fails to perceive. H. W. Juitkin
"•os Ihetn for sale, who wilt also take .
l'h.itsure in showing purchasers how to'
Ui * them.
Sheriff McEwen has appointed Joseph
S. \V aream Deputy Sheriff. Mr. W. now
holds and receives the emoluments-of four
different offices, and, rumor says, he is
also acting clerk for the County Treasu
rer, which would make a fifth.—Demo-
Well, aint it democratic to do so? Mr.
Wareain's case is not an exception but the
rule, for although the democracy has
plenty of hewers of wood and drawers < f
water, numbers of them would not get an
otliee it they lived a thousand years, while
others only have to ask and they receive,
rotating from one office toanotheras nat
urally as geese take to water. The above
complaint however is not confined to
Lewistown, for a correspondent up the
river sends us the following, from which
we infer that the disease is also in exist
anee there:
Will you please inform us in your next
pajier whether it is lawful and right for
one man to hold more than one office of
profit or trust at the same time. We are
informed that there are some now in sun
dry districts of our county, who hold two
or three offices. If it is not lawful, the
public ought to know it. Modest men
generally decline or resign an office when
elected to another, usually us soon as nom
inated. Surely competent men are not
so scarce yet.
The Young Men's Literary Society, of
Little \ alley, meets at 7 o'clock, every
Friday evening, at Kelley's school house.
I)r. Joseph \V. V iley, who has Lieen re
siding in Georgia for a numbci of yeare
has been elected Chief Magistrate of
Xewnan in tiiat State. We did not hear
what liis title is, whether Mayor, Burgess
or Boss.
An alarm of lire was raised during the
storm on Sunday afternoon, caused by
smoke issuing between the plastering and
weat her I toard ing of a house on West
Market street, occupied by Mathias Shil
ling and owned by Mrs. Rcbetc.i lirowr.
it is said to have been caused l>y running
a stove pipe into a chimney with a defect
In its construction. Hut beyond tear
ing off a quantity of weatherboarding,
little injury was sustained. The Hendci
sou i lose was taken out, l .:'t was not used,
there being more smoke than tire.
Two Men Killed. —A terrible accident
occurred in one of the ore mines of the
Cambria Iron Co., on Saturday a week,
03* which two Englishmen, named Dunn
and llotciikins, were almost
killed, by the premature explosion of a
blast. DIIIIII leaves a wife and five chil
dren in England. Hutch kins was about
21 3'ears ot age, had been here but a short
time, and lea vesao family. We bear that
the family of Dunn was expected by him
to arrive in Johnstown in a shorttime.
How very sad is the story which a few
lines ot printers' types suffice to narrate.
—John town T, il>line.
An Old Ileli -. —Seventy-five and one
hundred 3"eurs ago, when .spinning was
extensively practised, it was customary,
in some sections of the Country, at the
end of the week to give hired spinsters
each a piece of hard soap as a present. —
We saw a piece the other da 3*, preserved
I3' M:s. Arbogaslo. tins place, that is now
7ti 3'ears old. It is oonsiderauly lighter
than new soap and looks oldish, yet has
preserved its identity to a remarkable
degree. She has several pieces that she
thus received 7 > years ago; and though it
is oni3" hard soap, 3'et it is a rare relic ot
ye olden time we dare say. — Selinsgrooe
Accident in Perry. — We learn from the
Perry County Advocate that on Friday
last, David >Stumbaugh, Jr., of Spring
township, while on the mow
above the threshing Hour of his father's
barn, in which was stored a grain drill,
reaper, and other farming implements,
fell through a hole in the mow to the floor
beneath, striking his head upon the large
wheel of the reaper, injuring himself, it
is feared fatally. From the time of the
accident he had not uttered a word, having
lost the power of sjK*ech.
—. 1 man Cut in 2'tvuaml instantly Killed.
—Mark Haines, engineer at the Duncan
lion Nail Factory, was filled on Monday
morning 113- being caught in the maehin
ery. It appears that he was about fixing
something at the machinery when he was
caught in the belting and thrown upon
the cog wheels —then in motion—which
crushed and cut his body into two parts.
He was highly respected in Dunennnon,
and was a member of the Lodge of Oild
Fellows at that place.
Mutual Insurance Company.
Capital, $2 SOO.OOO.
r{ HIS ('on nany continue* to issue Policies of Insiir
* HIK'C on buildings liini Personal Property, in Town
or Country, at oush or mutual rates.
JAJIES KAXKI.V, President.
jaulO 'C7 Lewi-town, Pti.
1> EST TIMOTHY IIAY. f..r sale by
> jan- F. HOFFMAN.
which w ill be placet! upon trial with any other now
iu use. He invites cotnpetion. ft can be tested
££> UCd <£-> CO. \1 Qa.
with any other machine to enable purchors tochoose
Give him a call. [eepl2-6rtt] YVM. LIND.
at ins
mm a mm
Opposite the Red Lion Hotel,
continues to keep on hand a large as
vj sortment of boots and shoes ol all
L. v \. kinds, iioth of city and hotne make.—
His stock of
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers
is extensive and well selected, and he still manufac
tures to order at short uotice all kinds for ladies and
gentlemen's wear. His prices compare lavorably
with the cheapest. He would especially call the at
tention of the ladies to his stock of Morocco and
Kid Polish, and Lasting Gaiters of all styles of home
and city manufacture. Call and examine his stock.
His work is put up in the best manner. dee!9-ly
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Trains leave Stations in this county as
Bait. Phil'a Fast Emi-
Lx. Ex. Mail. Liue. grant.
T . , A- rn. a. m. p. m. p. rn. a. in.
Lewistown, 4.31 5.35 4.06 6.20 10.27
Granville, 4.14 10.37
Anderson, 4.20 10.47
MeVeytown, 5.04 4.37 11.08
Manayunk, • 4.49 11.26
A. Hamilton, 5.04 11.43
Pliil'a Fast Day Cin.
Ex. Line. Ex. Way. Ex.
T . ' -• n-m. a.m. a.m. p.m.
Lewistown, 12.17 6.37 11.06 10.15 6.18
N. Hamilton, 9.1,5
Manyunk, 9*39
MeVeytown, 9.42
Anderson's, lo'oo
( trailville, 10 as
Fare to Harnahnrg f 210; to Philadelphia 5 S5; to
Y.lrk""a Pittsburgh 6 60; to Baltimore 6 20; to
n.?®™'.'V^ kt-t ui| l bo open 20 minutes before
trie arrival of each passenger tram.
h. K. UOBESON, Agent.
Galbrailli i Conner's omnibusses conneet with all
passenger traius, ami take up and set down pas
sengers at all points within the borough. Orders are
requested to be left at the National House.
O ITUATE in Wayne township, Mifflin
KJ county, on turnpike road, within 4 of
a mile of Atkinson's Mills, store, school,
blacksmith, &e., and within 24 miles of
leu tin. It. It., about 70 acres cleared and
the balance in excellent timber, prime
oak, &c rhj s projierty will be sold very
low and to suit purchaser. Persons wish
mg to examine the premises will call on
J. Glasgow, esq., or O. X. Atkinson, near
premises, and for price and terms sec or
oet-4ti Lewistown, l'a.
Adolphus F. Gibboney, | Common Pleas
vs - [of Mifflin couu-
Isaac iStine. J ty, Foreign At
tachment, NO. .'JO, January T, 1807.
Returns attached as the property of de
fendant: Five acres of Land situate in
Wayne township, Mifflin county, Pa.,
covered with young brush, with 110 per
son in actual possession, hounded as fol
lows, viz : on the north by lands of Robert
Carr, 011 the north-east and east by lands
of James Bice, 011 the south 113- lands of
John Kintzer, and on the west b>- John
Cochran. December 21, 1800. So answers
jan2 W. T. McEWEN, Sheriff.
of Jolui EdmiNton. dec.
±J Notice is hereby given that letters of
Administration de bonis non cum testa
ments aon t so, on the estate of John Kd
miston, late of Derry township, Mifflin
county, dee'd, have been granted to the
undersigned, residing in Lewistown, Pa.
All persons indebted to said estate are re
quested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims to present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
i a "-- Adm'r.
Looking Glasses and Picture
rilllE undersigned, thankful for past fa
-1 vors, would inform the public that he
still manufactures Frames of every de
scription, as cheap as they can lie made
elsewhere. Looking Glasses of every de
scription, wholesale and retail, at reduced
prices. He ruspectfully solicits a share of
public patronage. All persons who have
left pictures to frame or frames to be filled,
are requested to call for them.
Dried Currants, Prunes, liaising,
\\ ashing Soap, Toilet Soap,
Spices of all kinds, Lovering's Syrup,
\ or)- fine Syrup at 25 cents per quart,
" 20 "
Cuba Honey, Baking Molasses,
Coal Oil, Corn Brooms,
Navy Tobacco, \ a Cavendish Tobacco,
Congress Tobacco, Cut and Dry Tobacco,
Teas, Coffee. Sugar, kc., kc. jan2
For Draining Wrt Lands. Pipe* for Cellar
Drains, \\uter Pije for Conducting Water
from Springs
manufactured from the best material and for aale in
ajiy 'juanlity desired. Also a good stock of EARTH
ENWARE on hand. Orders promptly attended to.
octl7-6m Belleville, Mifflin county. Pa.
rrHF. following Fire, Life, and Accidental Companies
1 are represented by the undersigned:
Fire of Hartford, §4,083,000
Putnam, " 500,000
Home, New York 3,500,000
Germania, " % 700,000
Home, New Haven, 1,000,000
North America, Philadelphia, 1,750,000
Enterprise, " 400,000
Lycoming, Penna., 2,500,000
Farmers, York, Pa, 500,000
American Life, Philadelphia, 1,000,000
N. Y. Accidental, New York, 250,000
Horse Thief Ins. Co. York Pa., 50,000
This agency is prepared to insure against Fire, Death
or Accident, in any part of Mifflin county. Horses
are insured against theft. All business pertaining to
insuiance promptly attended to.
janlS'67 JOHN HAMILTON, Agenh/
try JIM
Go to Brisbin's,
I have on register for sale the following
real estate:
JLISr- °' *? 0 Acres, 2£ miles west
• f *.. e ytown, the pike running through
Jt, 100 acres cleared, wen enclosed, water
t ',> i e fA held, and 20acres in good timber.
Vv?J Bank Barn .50 by 80,
Sf 1 ' Corn Crib - Ho Pens . Wash
. [ , never hiding stream flowing
through it Spring House, Smoke House,
frioT PP !f Orchard of choice grafted
fruit, (worth as much on an annual aver
age as the interest of the entire purchase
2K well as gw, cherry, ,iach and
pP Y" Brice S4 © per acre—-one-half
Vf i e " m i" ' r in " ne . two and three
> ears if desired, with interest—purchaser
L-i.. e ini ' <> st °1 surveying and ma
fV l' r V s ' s 11 hesiral)le property,
and I hclieve the clieapest farm now for
sale in Mifflin county. The land is all
patented, and title indisputable.
A Fa , ,ni o' IW icres, situate in
Wayne township, within } mile of rail
road s mile from canal, and 1.5 miles from
iNewton Hamilton. 120 acres cleared, re
mainder good pine and lirst ck.ss wiiite
oak tun her. The improvements consist
ot a two story Log House, double Bank
Biuii, Spring House, and other outbuild
i'lgs, an old orchard, and another of vouii"
trees just beginning to bear. There are
four never-failing springs on this farm
one a strong sulphur, and another best
limestone. The land lays beautifully is
within \ a mile of a mill, and a quarter
fioiu u puliljc sclioolliuust*. Soil &u
abundance of easily <]iiarried limestone on
the plat e, and in the hands of an enter
prising tanner would make a first class
farm in a short time. The owner desires
to sell because he has as much land as lie
desires to cultivate at his homestead. On
ly l'er acre. This place, from its
proximity to market, requiring so little
hauling that horses hardly need shoeing
in winter, its healthy neighborhood, and
other advantages, is undoubtedly a great
bargain. If not sold by the loth Februa
ry it will be FOR RENT.
3SI. StocSi. s>3ii9s, situate near Lewis
town, with 23 acres ot Land, machinery
and fixtures all in good order, and noted
for making as good flour as is manufac
tured in the county. Price, SlO.fttiO.
part of which (say $3000,) can be arranged
on a mortgage. This mill is now under
rent at a sum which pays all the taxes and
fully 8 per cent, on the price asked. The
time for its sale is limited.
A I inlet of SO Acres, situate in
Wayne township, about 5 miles from Mc-
Veytown, from 20 to 2,5 acres cleared and
under cultivation. The soil is principally
gravel and produces well. It is well
watered, and has a flue patch of vouinr
timber on it. Price SIOOO.
Another I ruct of 3d Acres, sep>-
arated from the above by the road from
Me\ eytown to Newton Hamilton, all
cleared and tolerably well fenced, and in
a good state of cultivation. It lias on it
a good two story Log House, plastered in
side and weatherhoarded and painted out
side, together with Barn, Apple Orchard,
ten years old, well at the door, two springs
not far from the house, an i other advan
tages. Price SISOO.
Possession given Ist Nov., ISG7. These
tracts will be sold separately or together.
If separate, one-half in hand, and balance
in two equal yearly payments with inte
rest, or in ore yearly payment without
interest. If together, half cash, and bal
ance in two equal payments with inte
rest, or if all paid cash, the half will he
discounted at 6 per cent. These proper
ties would make a desirable little farm,
and are situate in a very pleasant neigh
A Tract of I,and in Derry town
ship, one and a quarter miles from Lew
istown, on the canal, with the old pike
running through it, containing about 200
acres, 4-5 cleared and mostly fenced, with
a two story Stone House, Bank Barn, an
Old Orchard, and a number of young trees
planted some years ago, consisting of ap
ple, pear and cherry. The remainder of
the tract is covered witli pine, chestnut
and oak, from which a large quantity of
firewood could be cut, and as it can be
easily hauled presents a strong induce
ment to an industrious man with a small
capital. One corner of this tract strikes
Jack's creek between the Ed mis ton and
old saw mill tract, thus giving access to it
by two roads. Price s3ooo—slooo cash,
balance in such payments as may be
agreed on.
For further information inquire of
Licensed Agent for sale of Real Estate.
Lewistown, Jan. 2, 18G7.
pRIVATE SALE of Real Estate.
_L The undersigned offers at private sale,
the following property, viz: a small tract
of land containing acres and Mi
perches, situate in Oliver township,
Mifliin county, near the saw mill of Geo.
H. Calhraith, deceased, being tiie part re
served in a sale of land by John Human,
to Brooks, Thomas & Co.; Also, House
and Lot of Ground situate in McVeytown,
bounded as follows, viz: On the east by
Queen street, on the west by Church Al
ley, on the north by Washington Alley,
and on the south by lot No. 70, and known
in the general plan of said town as lot No.
69; being 53 feet 7 inches in front, ami ex
tending back 150 feet.
Any person desiring to see either of
these pnqierties, or obtain terms or other
information, can do so by calling on the
undersigned in McVeytown.
One of the EXWH of John Iranian, dee'd.
McVeytown, Jan. IG, 1867.-2t.
Photograph and Art Gallery.
MCEWENS can now furnish the pub- i
lie with Likenesses, from the tiniest J
Gem to a Portrait or life size Photograph. ;
We have the only Solar Camera at work
in the Juniata Valley, and desire the pub- j
lie to call and examine what Mr. Burk
holder (an accomplished and well known '
artist) and others have pronounced " a |
success." Look at the arraj':
Gems, Albatypes or Ivory- j
Ferrotypes, types,
Melainotypes, Photo-Miniatures j
Ambrotypes, Cabinet Photos., &.
Card Photographs Portrait or Life size 1
Vignettes, Photographs—
Photographs for plain or in colors,
oval frames, &e., &<•., &c.
Our work is executed in the best style, {
plain or in colors, and at the lowest rates.
Call at McEWENS.
N. B.- nstructions to students given j
at fair ates. ap4tf
S. A. COYLE & CO.,
Produce & Commission Mer
615 Market Street, Philadelphia.
S. A. COYLE, sep26-6m J. W. LAUUHLIN
Manufacturing Confectioners,
Molasses Candy and Cocoanut Work.
sept 12*00-1 y.
It is used by cutting into simtll shavings And dis
solving in hot WHter. then sonk the clothes five to ten
minute*, and a little hand ruhhing will make them a*
clean as hours of hard machine rubbing would do,
with ordinary soup, and tho most delicate fabrics re
ceive no injury. We can refer to thousands of fami
lies who are Using it, and who could not be persuaded
to do without
Sold bv all leading grocer.* throughout the Stuo.
Manufactured ouly by
107 South Fifth Street,
oct3l-€m* Philadelphia.
Dobbins' Electric Soap is for sale by
F. J. Hoffman and l>. Grove.
The Great English Remedy?
Silt .I VTl|> CLARKE'S
Celebrated Female Pills.
Prepared from a proscription of Sir J. Olarke, M. D
Physician Ecti aordinnry to the Queen.
This Invaluable medicine is unfailing in th cure of ail
those painful ami dangerous diseases to which the female
constitution is subject. It moderates ail excess and re
moves all obstructions, from whatever cause, ami a apeeily
cure may he relied on.
it i< particularly si ited. It w ill, in a short time, bring oa
the monthly period with reKiilaritv.
These Pills should not be taken bv females during the
FIRST THREE MONTHS of pregnancy, as they are sure
to bring on miscarriage, but at any other time they are
Iu all cases of Nervous and Spinal A flections. Pains in
the Back and Limbs. Fatigue on slight exertion. Palpita
tion of the Heart. Hysterics and whites, these l'iils will ef
fect a cure when all other means have failed; aud although
a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimo
ny. or anything hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions in ttie pamphlet around each package,
which should be carefully preserved.
It is <l:c fate of every valuable Medicine to be COUN
TERFEITED. Re cautious, therefore, snul see that the
letters " T. d-M." are blown in the bottle, aiul that each
wrapper bear* the FAC SIMILES of the sis/natures of I.
C BALD WIN J CO., awl JOB MOSES. Without
ushich, none are genuine.
N. B.—One Dollar, wifh Eighteen Cents for Postage, en
closed to any Authorized Agent, or to the Sole General
Agent for the United States a ml British Dominions.
JOB MOSES, 27 Cortland St., New York,
will Insure a hottle containing Fftv Pills, by return mall,
securely sealed from all observation. " OctJM.
Tlic Circa I French Remedy.
Prepared f, om a prescription of Dr. Juan Ihlantarrt,
Chie f Physician to the Hospital du Nurd on
Lai ibotsiere of Pat is.
This valuable medicine is no imposition, but (sunfaiiin-
In the cure of Spermatorrlia: or Seminal Weakness. Every
species of Genital or Urinary Irritability, Involuntary or
Nightly Seminal Emissions from whatever cause produced
or however severe, will he speedily relieved and the orgaus
restored to healthy action.
Read the following opinions of eminent French physicians:
"We have used tlie Specific Pills prepared hvGarancierc
A Dupont, No. 214 Rue Lombard, from the prescription of
Dr. Juan Delamarre, in our private practice with uni
form success, ami we believe there is no other medicine to
well calculated to cure all persons sutiering from Involun
tary Emissions or any other weakness of the sexual or
gans. whether caused by a sedentary mode of living, ex
cesses, or abuse.
R. A. Reaureparik, M. D.
O. D. Dujartiin, M. D.
Jkah Lb Lkccure, M. D.
Paris. May sth, 1803.
The Genuine Piils are sold by all the Principal Druggists
throughout the world, price one dollar per box, or lx box
es for live do'lars.
UARANCIERK & DUPONT. Sole Proprietors.
No. 214 Uou Lombard. Paris.
One dollar enclosed to any authorzed agent, will Insure
a box by return mail, securely sealed from ai! observation.
Six boxes .or five dollars.
Sole General Agents for America.
OSCAR G. MOSES A CO., 27 Cortland St., X. Y.
. B—French, German, Spanish and English Pamphlets
containing full purticulars and directions for Use, sent free
to any address.
Sold iu Lewistown by F. J. HOFFMAN. Janl7-ly
THIS Snuff has thoroughly proved itself to be the
best article known for curing the Catarrh, Cold in
the Head niubHendache It has been found an excel
lent remedy in many cases of Sore Eyes. Deafness haa
been removed by it and Hearing has often been great
ly improved by its use.
It is fragrant aud agreeable, and
Gives Immediate Relief
to the dull heavy pains caused bv diseases of the head
The sensations after using it are delightftil and invig
orating. It opens aud purges out all obstructions,
strengthens the glands, and gives a heulMiy action lo
the parts affected
of sale and use of Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Head
ache Ssufp. hasi proved its great value for all the com
mon diseases of the head, and at this moment stands
higher than ever lie (ore.
It is recommended by many of the best physicians
and is used with great success and satisfaction every
Read the Certifirates~of Wholesale Drug
gists in 1854.
The undersigned, having for many years been e
quaiuted with Dr. Marshall's Catarrh ard Headache
Hxcrr, aud sold it iu our wholesale trade, cheerfully
state that we believe it to be equal, in every respect,
to the recommendations given of it for the cure ot
Catarrhal Affections, and that it is decidedly the best
article we have ever know •for all commou diseases
of the head,
Burr A Perry, Boston, Barnes A Parke, N. Y
lteeii, Austin A Co, " A. B. A D. Sands, "
Brown. hansom A Co., " Stephen Paul A Co.,
Reed. Cutler A Co., *' Israel Minor A Co., "
Seth W. Fowle, " McKessou A Robblus, "
Wilson. Falrbank A Co. " A. L. Scoville A Co., ~
lienshaw, KdinaoA A Co., M. Ward, Close ACo . "
11. H. Hay. Portland, Me. Bosh A Gale, "
For sale by all Druggists. Trt it,
Whit© Pine, Lap
For sale by GRA. . a THOMPSON,
nov2l-6in Milroy, Mifflin co-, Pa.
Are superior to all others for
Contain nil the latest improvements; are speedy;
noiseless: durable; and easy to work.
Illustrated Circulars free.' Agents wanted. Liberal
disount allowed. No consignments made.
Address EMPIRE S. M. CO., 616 Broadway, New
York. sepi'66-ly
Lewistown Coach Manufactory,
Junction 3d & Valley street.
together for the purpose of
Prv:manufacturing Cmtehtii. Varria
gen. Bwjfjus, SuUcm, Spring It'o
fcjjjjSfccaNitwiri. gun*. Ac., invite the public to
give them a call and examine specimens of their
work, which will bo found equal to any in or out of
the cities. All kinds of repairing promptly attended
to. decia-ly^
Agricultural Journal.
ON the first Saturday of January, 1867, the under
signed will commence the publication of a new
weekly journal, entitled the
It will be printed in quarto form, eight pages, on
fine paper, and new type, and will be illustrated with
Eiißraviuga of I.tve Stock, Frnlt, Farm
Building*, Agricultural Implements,
#6=- A corps of practical and well known Agricultu
ral writers will contribute regularly to its columns.—
The Market Reports will be tull and reliable.
to instruct and amuse the farmer's better-half and hie
sons and daughters, will make the " Farm an©
Fireside" a welcome visitor to every ingle-nook of
Pennsylvania or the United States.
No expense or pains will he spared to make a jour
nal worthy the patronage of an intelligent public. It
will advocate the best interests of a rural life.
TERMS: —$2.00 per annum, invariably in advance.
No subscriptions received for less than one
Specimen number nent free. For sale by all Newsmen.
All Letters, Remittances, Ac., should be addressed ta
S. S. FOSS, Publisher,
jan2-3t. Philadelphia.
C. H. Sw larart, resj>ectfully in
forms the citizens of Mifflin county, that he is prepa
red at all times to do surveying on short notice.
Deeds. Mortgages. Bonds, and other legal writing*,
drawn with neatness and dispatch. Address.
nov"-6m McVeytown, Mifflin county. Pa.
Steam Engine and
With fixings. Engine 30 horse power;
Boilers 40 horse power. Will be sold very
cheap. Address
jan.2-3m. Milroy, Pa.
_LN peals for State, County and Bounty
Taxes for 1867 will be held at the Com
missioners Office, in Lewistown, as fol
lows :
Union, Mennoand Brown, Wednesday,
January 23rd, 1867.
Newton Hamilton, Wayne, McVey
town and Bratton, Thursday, Jan. 24, '67.
Lewistown, Granville and Derry, Fri
day, January 25th, 1867.
Decatur, Armagh and Oliver, Saturday,
January 26th, 1867.
jan2. Commissioners*.
The AMERICA* ARTISTS' Union (established 1864) an
nounce that in order to extend the sale of the folionu
ing well known and highly popular
Steel Plate Engraving!
Th Last Supper, 26 x 421n.
Departure of the Pilgrim Fathers for America, 27 x3B In.
Lauding of the Pilgrim Fathers, 27 x 36
Fal-tatf Mustering his Recruits, 23 x 30
BhakspeaTe and his Friends, 27 X St
Cotter's Saturday Night, 23 x 28
Village It!acksniith. 27 x 32
Manifest Destiny. (Fortune Telling) 21 x 28
The Massacre at Wyoming in 1776, 28 x 36
Mount Vernon In the oldeu time, or, Washing
ton at 30 years of age, 36 x M
The escape of Alaater MacDonaid from the
Massacre of Glencoe, 26 x 34
The Madonna, 36 x 34
They have deemed expedient to offer them to their
friends and the public at one dollar and fifty cent!
each, the price heretofore having been two dollar!
each, and for the purpose of stimulating the getting
up of Clubs, they have determined to award prem*
umns to the getters up of the clubs, and in addition
thereto to distribute amongst the subscribers the sum
of Sdu.oOO in money and paintings, as soon as the solo
shall have reached 100,000 engravings. As it is our
intention to advertise very entensively, and as tha
engravings are well known throughout the whola
country, we have no donbt, that with the low price wa
charge for them, and with the exertion which will ba
put forth by our numerous friends, the number wilt
be reached in a short time. As soon as it ia reached,
the subscribers, through their club agents, will be no
tified by a circular letter irom us, naming the time
and method of distribution.
Single Engraving $1.30 each,—by mall, free.
For sls we will send 13 Eng. and 2 to the Club Agent
.. .. .. , 5 .. 4 •' ••" *
i •• 25 "20 " 6
30 "25 " 6
" 35 "30 " 7
" SO " "50 " a Silver Watch.
" 75 "80 " a Sliver Lever.
100 " " 110 " a Hunting Lever.
The club packages will be very securely packed and
forwarded by Express.
Any person may get up clubs and forward the amount
either by Express, Sight Draft, Post Office Order or IU
a registered letter, and in all cases the Engraving!
will be immediately sent, and for each engraving •
numbered certificate and receipt will be enclosed in Ui
C.O.D. Order* —Persons wishing to send for En
gravings and pay the Express Co. when they are re
ceived, will be required to send with their order $3 to
so, according to its amount, and this will be credited
on their bill.
List of Premium*
To be distributed.
One of SIO,OOO In money, * slo,oo#
s,uxi ajtitiß
Fire of 1,000 " 6JOOC
Ten of 500 " UM
Fifty of 100 " 6,00
One hundred elegant Oil Paintings, richly framed.
Landscapes at SIOO each, 10,000
Two hundred elegant Oil Paintings, richly framed,
Interior Views, at SSO each, 10,000
The American ArtmW Vision would add that these
premiums are to be considered only in the light of a
free gift to their patrons, as the Engravings are fUr
nished them below their market value, and as the cost
of engravings, after the plates are procured, is very
trifling, they eau easily afford to make the distribution
large as it is.
We trust that our numerous friends throughout tho
country and t anadas will use their utmost exertiom*
so that if possible, the distribution may be made soon
and it can be done if they are at all active. Ladies'
have often made excellent clnb agents for us and wa
solicit their kind efforts, which will not go unreward
ed. Let one or more euergettc persons in every town
and village in the country commence as soon us thay
see this, and get up as large a club as possible. By so
doing tnev will be the means of iutroduciDK elegant
engravings into familes, and thus aid in cultivating a
taste for the beautiful and refined.
Address Orders
See'y American A/tint*' Union,
nov7-3m [s*ro] 25 Pine St.. New Yor*