THE GAZETTE. G. &. G. It. PItVSINGKR, Kclltor*. LEWISTOWN, PA. Wednesday, January 23, 18G7. TEEM 3 OF SUBSCRIPTION. The GAZETTE M p'i'>lihe 1 every Wednesday t!n* old -V .:kI. at J1 in adv.uii'e. or fg.UOat the end of 2 month*. tl-> Perons r■*o.oring papers with a X marked on it will mi i'Tstiri I that toil'seription is due on which a remittance ought to be made. Kites of Advertising. Business Cards (T It'S's or less) t year . 6.00 Administration or E.reetltorV Notices 2 50 An iitor's do 2 00 Estrav Notice, four li tics. Caution or other short Notices, t 50 Tavern Linens"*, -uncle. 1 00 If more than one., eai-h 60 Register'- Notiees of Accounts, each 6" One in t'l constitutes a square and all a Ireni-inar not otherwise contra -ted for. or enumerated above, will hereafter be charged ">0 cents per square lor each insertion. Job Work. Eighth sheet bill-. $1.50 f r 25 ..r less: fourth sheet bills $2 for ..r !••--: I, irsheet bill, il for 25 or )es.< Notices of Xtw AdvertUrmentii. Benedict ttri'l Co., Bankers, Lewistown, make collectibns, and allow interest on all time deposits. John Hamilton, agent for the lea ling Insurance Companies for property, acci dental, life, and horse thief. Two small tracts of land near McVey town for sale. Our readers who are fond of good Teas, are referred to the advertisement of T. Y. Kelley & Co., New York. Attention is requested to the advertise ment of the New York Mica Rotting Co. Election of officers Lewistown Water Company —Public Sale, Ac. The Middle C reek Railroad. The excitement attending the recent election of officers of this company hav ing passed away, it now becomes the du ty of all to further its construction. We do not purpose to inquire whether the old board was right or wrong —whether, a: some alleged, individual interests were held paramount to public benefit—or whether Tom, I)ick or Harry thus far made anything out of it. The more im portant questions are, Can the road be made, and, if made, will it pay? To the first we unhesitatingly answer that it can provided our citizens generally and those along the line will combine in mutual ef forts to cfleet it. It course is such that no rival interest is at stake, nor is it in pursuit of a phantom or of a trade to be acquired. On the contrary, it will open a wide extent of country to the conveni ences of coal as fuel, both for household and field purposes, and all experience has thus far proved that where such facilities were brought into existence, its consump tion ha* gradually increased until in ma ny cases the supply lias scarcely equaled the demand. If to this be added the wants of furnaces already in existence, or in process of erection, a considerable amount of trade is ready at any moment the road is capable of transporting it. Trade begets travel, and if those who come over the road to sell coal will find articles they stand in need of, the like i liood is they will purchase grain and a hundred other matters and take them home by the same mode of conveyance. One half of the country to be traversed by this road lias no market at hand by which advantage can be taken of enhan ced prices, except by wagon transporta tion over bad roads whenever the weath- er is unfavorable, and vast quantities of bark, timber, lumber, shingles, firewood, &c., will be brought within reach of sta tions, which otherwise might remain use less and almost valueless for many years. Lands too would greatly increase in val ue, not only on the line but for miles on each side, and at a moderate estimate ev ery bushel of grain, whether wheat, rye, oats, corn, or buckwheat, would IK; worth from five to ten cents a bushel more than now in consequence of the creation of near markets,oreasi !y transported where it could be disposed of to bettor advantage than at present. Xo better illustration of the changes effected in small matters by the construction oi railroads can he* given than in the case of the fonusvlvaiiia, which has gradually drawn new articles into the vortex of commerce until even raspberries, blackberries and whortleber ries, (years ago a mere drug in out of the way places) gathered along its line of hun dreds.of miles can be disposed of at good prices at every leading station in "any quantity otiered. There is then apparent ly inducement enough to make it, beeau.-e its eastern and western terminus and more than half, perhaps two-thirds, of the intermediate country, is so much in terested that lie must be blind indeed who cannot see an ultimate benefit in its con struction. "\\ ill it pay ? We will not undertake to suv that the road will pay 4, t;, s or 10 per cent, dividend from the start, l>ecause so much depends upon the amount that may be subscribed, on unforeseen obstacles that sometimes arise, upon divided counsels, &c., that it is mere guesswork to venture such an assertion; but there is nothing unreasonable in saying that if the road can be put under contractaud constructed at the engineer's estimate, and stockhold ers furnish the means to pay for its con struction so as not to encumber it with the incubus of a heavy debt, there is every probability that it will pay Some thingfrom the day business is commenced, and once an established flvt thertvean be little doubt of its ultimate success, unless gross and culpable mismanagement should characterize its controlling power. Mi .TBS&JS Speech of General Cameron. After the election of United States Sen ator the members of the Legislature and other friends of Gen. Cameron met in the Locliicl dining room, and after the Gen eral had received the congratulations of his many frieuds lie addressed them as follows: GENTLEMEN: —Your greeting is very kind and cordial, and i thank you lor it. I thank God that in spite of the slanders my enemies have repeated, tor twenty vears, mv fellow citizens, who have seen my life from d;iy to forget alike, the liars who coined them, a id the fact that goo 1 men, in some cases bv the repetition of them were induced to believe and repeat them. Of the eighty-two Republican members of the Legislature, my friends assure me that sixty of them preferred me to any other candidate, and would have voted for me, rather than have witnessed my defeat. The character of my supporters is as gratifying to me as their numbers. Any one, whoknowsanyihingof ourpol itics, who will read the list of those who voted for in' will find names as pure ami honorable as that of the purest christian moralist among my rivals; and quite as unlikely to listen to any corrupt proposal. Just there I leave the whole matter, put ting all falsehoods, and animosities, and prejudices, togethe under my feet; and I go forward to the honorable duties to which my native State has culled for the third time. Six years ago I thought that slavery was the strength of the rebellion, and ought to be destroyed without delay. I wished also to arm the black men who would volunteer. Of course I thought that clothing a black man in the Ameri can uniform clothed liim also with the rights of an American citizen; and I am always sorry to see a black soldier, and reflect that even Pennsylvania denies him the ballot—the only weapon whereby he ein protect himself. I hope to live to see the word "white" stricken from our own Constitution, and the spirit of caste, based upon color, utterly destroyed. The South, however, is more controlled by social influence than by |xditical prin ciples. If you are wise and firm you may possibly educate the rising generation into loyalty, but there is no method o! statesmanship which will make this gen eration of the South loyal to the Union and to the flag. The poison of thirty years cannot he eradicated by the subser viency of the President, or by the statutes of Congress. Let u> look the truth in the face. The Southern territory is disloyal. The loyal men of to-day must guard their children against another treasonable re bellion. The < 'iKistitutional Amendments and impartial suffrage will .help to do this, but universal amnesty will help to undo it. Of Andrew Johnson 1 said iong ago that lie was a traitor to his party, ami an ene my of his country, and a bad man. lie has clone many bad things, but nothing worse than ottering theotlices of the coun try to those few unprincipled men who agreed to desert and betray the great Re publican organization for his patronage. He joined the Democratic party long ago. He has a rigiit to give tiiem the offices, but he has no right to dispose of them at auction to weak-kneed Republicans. The pauper labor of Kurope is again competing with our labor, and our manu factures languish for want of protection against it. Pennsylvania needs no assu rance of my devotion to her interest in this regard, which is the interest of the whole country. I will continue to labor in sea son and out of season to protect our man ufacturers from ruin, and their workmen troui being thrown outof employment,or their wages reduced to starvation point. For I hold that the true welfare of any nation depends 011 the welfare of its labor ing-classes. Gentlemen, I trust that this is my last iKii lieal struggle. 1 have nothing more t > desire, and 1 hope we will ail forget the idtterness—the unjustifiable bitterness—l think, of the late contest. For my part 1 win try to act as a representative of all the Radical Republicans of Pennsvlvania, without regard to past differences or dis sensions. \\ Ith my temperament I can not forget my friends who have stood by me so nobly, but I will try to forget—and forgive—the unjust calumnies, ami the l*)litieal opposition I have experienced. 1 he vote in the Legislature stood, 81 for Cameron to 40 for Cowan. The vote stood in the Senate, Cameron 19, Cowan 12; in the House, Cameron 92, Cowan .37. Inmates of Poor EEOIISCN. Judge iiiowe, of the Allegheny Quarter Sessions, lately had before him three pe titions i com the Directors of the Countv Home, setting forth that certain parties therein named had become charges upon the county, and that certain other parties, children and grand-children of the indi gent persons, were amply able to main tain them comfortably for the future, and to refund to the county such sums of mon ey as had already been expended for their support. In every case the Court fixed the amount ol compensation which was to be assessed upon theehildren and grand children. The principle of law settled in these cases, says the l'ittsburg Commercial, is a very important one, and is this: That the father, or mother, if able, is bound to support his or her children or grand-chil dren; and prevent them becoming acharge upon the public—and the like duty legal ly devolves upon the children or grand children of aged, infirm or indigent pa rents or grand-parents. If the parties neglect so to do, the Poor Directors can apply to the Judges of the Quarter Ses sions, and if the ability of the parties is established, compell repayment of what ever public money has been expended, and a sufficient sum per week for the fu ture maintenance of the party. Peter Marie, about 70 years of a~e an old an much respected citizen of Lava ca, Texas, died recently at that place. The Commercial says: "While sleeping in the daytime, he was flyblown about the nose, which respited in the introduction of the screw-worm. They penetrated the head so as to cause his death. This is the lust human death we liuve ever seen rel -e 1 " tliid CaUBe ' t,ut is not at al l Progress of Treason. Since the decisions of the Supreme Court by a majority of one that our government must conduct war according, to peace laws, and thus leave rebels and conspira tors carry out their views until all power to check them will he lost, and tiiat a re bel cannot be subject to a test oath, loyal men are beginning to pause and wonder what new idea will next be acfrocated and adjudicated by men who seemingly con sider treason too great a crime to be pun ished at all, or else* no crime whatever. Under these teachings the rebel element is daily becoming bolder, and no one need be much surprised to see another rebel lion spring up before or shortly after the next Presidential election. As a prelude to such a state of uitairs, the rebel papers are moulding public sentiment south pre cisely as they did before 1861. That our readers may see we are not exaggerating, nor setting down aught in malice, we quote the following from the Richmond Times of the lltli January, which, speak ing of the next Governor of Virginia says: " We want 110 man for that office of doubtful or lukewarm devotion to that cause over the toss of which even our wo men are sti'l wcepiut/. We want no suc cessor to Pierpont who was not with us heart and soul during our struggle for lib erty. We shall not canonize Hypocrisy as the tutelar divinity of the ballot-box at the"spriHg elections, by electing men who were in sympathy with the Federals when our Confederate soldiers were chasing them from Bull Run ami the Wilderness! "The great popular heart of Virginia throbs at this moment in profound sym pathy for the " heroes of the war." This sentiment intensifies,grows stronger,and glows with increasing warmth with each attempt of an ungenerous foe to ostracise and punish the Confederate warriors who, for four years, performed such miraclesoi' valor upon our soil. Even if these popu lar idols were not, in education, execu tive and legislative experience, the peers of the most distinguished civilians in the State, yet their years of exposure to death, the daily privations, faithful vigils along the Hues, fortitude, endurance, and splend id valor give them a place in theaflections of OUT people which no civilian can ven ture successfully to dispute." The men who utter these rebellious sen timents and sneers at our gallant soldiers are welcome visitors at the White House, and how a President can counsel with them, or brook their insolence, almost surpasses belief. E'i'izc nglil in York County. One of the brutal prize lights which usu ally occur near the larger cities, took place on York county soil Tuesday of last week. We append the following notice of the af fray, furnished by the Harrisburg Tele graph of that day: " A prize light took place to-dav, at or near Goldslx>ro', York county. The com batants were Sam Collyer, of Baltimore, and McLeod, of New York. Collyer, ac companied by several personal friends, ar rive i at (loldsboro', on Sunday night.— Last night the train from Baltimore brought several hundred rowdies to the same place. No less than seven robberies were committed on the train, and the plugs were armed to the teeth, and the lives of the men in charge of the train were endangered. M'Leod came from New York yesterday, and was accompa nied by a large number of theollsCourings of that city. No less than thirteen rob beries are reported to have been commit ted in the cars between New York and Harrisburg. The tight took place in an open field one-half mile above Goldsboro'. Forty-seven rounds were fought in fifty eight minutes. Collyer knocked down McLeod three times and was declared the viet >r. DcsSrucfivp IFire in Jolmsfown. An Entire Mock Consumed. —At two o'clock on Sunday morning last occurred one of the most destructive fires that ever visited Johnstown. Some gentlemen j>:i--4ng up Main street at that hour dis covered that the hat store of George Turn er, three doors from the north-east corner of Main and Franklin street, was on fire, andatoncesotinded theularni. The flames spread, till they enwrapped the grocery store suid dwelling of Frederick Border, the drug store of C. T. Frozer, the book store of Alex. .Montgomery and the law office of J. F. Barnes, Esq., overhead the saddle and harness establishment of 11. M. Lewis, the ladies' dress goods store of Miss Mary J. l'arke, the clothing store of Isaac E. Chandler and the adjoining resi dence of James Williams, allon Mainst., and the grocery store and residence of David Greed on Franklin street. Captain Thomas Gore owned all of the buildings destroyed except the one l;ust named. His loss is not less than $6,000, upon which he has an insurranceof $1,400. The other building was owned by Miss Kitty Hamilton and James Williams — loss s3,3oo—fully insured. Mr. Williams lost $250 in furniture, on which he had no insurance. The other losses are about as follows: C. T. Frazcr $-,soo—insured; F. Border, SI,OO0 —no insurance; Geo. Turn er, $3,-00 —insured for $3,000; A. Mont gomery, S4O0 —insured; J. F. Barnes, Esq., sl,ooo—no insurance; H. M. Lewis, $2,500 —insured: Miss Parke, from SI,OOO t051,500 —no insurance; I. E. Chandler, from SSOO to S7O0 —insured; D. Creed, SI,BO0 —insured Henry Walters, goods damaged and lost, value not ascertained —insured; J. Benton, heavy glass front in the store room of J. A. McKinney.on the opposite side of Main st., broken by the heat, sll-s—no insurance. The Lycoming Fire Insurance Co. loses more heavily by the tire than any other company. Its loss will be over $6,000. The other companies which suffer are the N. American, Blair, York, Cumberland, Cambria and Merchant's Mutual of New Jersey. The cause of the fire is a mystery, and we will indulge in no speculations con cerning it. — Johnstown Tribune. Two families of Carter co., Tenn., named Itolierts and Johnstone, have been waging a bloody war between each other for twenty years, during which time four teen men belonging to these two families liave_ lost, their lives. On the evening of the sth inst., the vendetta came to a bloody end in the streets of Elizabethtown, Tenn., by the sole surviving males of the Huberts and Johnstones. They engaged in a personal altercation which resulted tatallv to both. The domestic war origi nated about a very trilling aft'air. Twenty-two negroes were burnt in n jail in South Carolina. The only white eon viet in it was rescued. Gone to Rome. —One secular paper of Hagerstown, Md., recently announced that the Rev. Andrew Stewart and wife had lieen received into the Uoman Catho lic Church at that place. It is added, that they formerly resided at Burkettsville, Md. From this latter fact we infer that the Reverend gentleman referred to must lie the Rev. Moses A. Stewart, of the Re formed Church. Rumor had it that such a transition had taken place in his ease, and to those who have been familiar with his idiosyncracies for years past, the event will not occasion surprise. All we have to say is, we wish him 110 harm, but hope he has at last found h's proper spiritual home and will be happy in it. — German Reformed Mess. AYKR'S AMERICAN ALMANAC is now ready for delivery gratis, by Clwis. Kit/., to all who call for it. Among the prob lems of high sciencd which the Doctor presents in it, is the startling assertion that the friction of the tides upon the sur face, retards the earth's revolution upon its axis, or holds it back with a force of (KMX) millions of horse jxnvers. llence it is easy to see that without some counter force, the globe must rotate slower and slower, until its revolutions wholly cease. Then with perpetual night 011 one side, and a degree of cold far below any now known, we should have on the other a "fervent heat" from the sun, which would melt the rocks and make the mountains run like water. Rut we need feel no alarm, lie shows a counter poise which nearly balances this resistance, and will maintain, substantially, the present mun dane condition, through ages upon ages yet to come. BQKOneof the most fiendish acts we have read for some time was the cutting out of the tongue of a valuable horse be longing to I)r. Thornton, of Lewisburg. A man who would he guilty of such a deed, ought to be killed l>y inches. fecial Uotices. 3ST O T I O IE _ The beautiful Piano Fortes of GOVESTEEX A Co.are deemed by all good judges to be the Vltana Thulc of instruments of the kind. We eannot suggest "vliat is wanting to make a mu sical instrument more perteet. although we are slow to admit that the limit of .mprovement can ever be attained. Before they had brought their Pianos to their pre sent excellence, they had submitted them to compe tition with instruments of the best makers of this country and Europe, and received the reward of mer it, over all others, at the celebrated World's Fair. It is but justiceto say tnat t! ejudgmcnr thus pronounced has not been overruled by the musical world. Still, by the improvements lately applied by them to their Pianos, it is admitted that a more perfect in strument has been made. They have accordingly achieved the paradox of making excellence more excellent. Surely, after this, they are entitled to the motto "Excelsior." novl4-ly FRIGHTFUL EXECUTION ! Is done upon tbousan Is of grey heals, by endeavoring to darken them with metallic dyes that Scorch and Blast the fibres from tip to root. lit)' Avoid these horrible IHSPIGUKI xc; At; ISNTS, and use onlv the great toilet staple of America, CRISTA DOUG'S IIAIR DYE, which not only Instantaneously produces all shades of black and brown, but also nourishes, strengthens and beaut I ties the hair. Manufactured by J. CRISTADOUO, 6 Astor House, New York. Sold by Druggists. Applied by all Uair Dressers. Jan23-lm. ALLCOCK S POROUS PLASTERS. LAMB BACK. New York, Nov. 23. 1859 T. Allcock & Co.—Gentlemen : I lately suffered severely from a weakness in my back. Having heard your plasters much recommended for cases of t is kind, I procured one. and the result was all I could desire. A single plaster cur ed uie in a week. Yours respectfully, J. tl. BKIGUS, Proprietor of the Biandretb House. CLUE OF CHICK IN IIIE BACK, AND LUMBAGO. Lyons, N. Y., July 4, 1362. Messrs. Allcock & Co.: Please send tnea dollar's worth of your plasters. They have cured uie of a crick In my back, which has troubled me for some time, and now my father Is going to try tb -m for dilHcnlty abut bis heart. L. 11. SHERWOOD. Dr. Green, No 563 Broadway, New York, informs us he sold, on Monday, June 22d, 1862. two piasters to a young woman suffering very severely from lumbago. On Thurs day she called to get two more £jr a friend, and then stated how the two she bail purchased on Monday had relieved her Immediately after putting them on, and cured her in two days of a most distressing pain lti her back and loins. Sold by all Druggists. Jai.23 lin. TO OWNERS OF HORSES mIIOUSANDS of horses lle yearly from Colic. This need i. not l>e. Dr. Tobias' Venetian Ilorse Liniment will pos itively cure every case, if given when first takeu. Tile c at is only one dollar. Every owner of a horse should have a bottle in his stable, ready for use. It is warranted superior to anything else for the cure of Cuts, Wind Halls, Swellings, Sore Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Old Sores, Ac.— This Liniment Is no new remedy. It has been used an I approved of for in years by the first horsemen in the coun try. Given to an over-driven bore, it acts like magic. Order.- are constantly reeelved from the racing stables of England for It, The celebrated Hi rani Woodruff, of trot ting fame, has used It for years, an 1 says it Is far superior to any other he has tried. He kindly permits me to refer to him. Ills address Is East New York. Long Island. Rec ollect, Dr. Tobias' Venetian Horse Liniment Is put up In pint bottles. Take no other. Sold by the Druggists and Saddlers, Depot, s<> Oortlandt Street, Xew York. Jan2T; 7w Ayer's Cherry Pectoral FOR THE RAPID CL UE o.' Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump tion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the dis ease. /ZSsfi®G////// / usefulness and so nunivr cwVl///// 0,19 are ils cures, that In al tisSlfwGi /IVitCY&IR// 1,1091 every section of couu ■&KV3l lAfUitM IVili- . try are person s publicly ,' k n.twn, who have been re '* ' -"vy • slore< i by it from alarming v?j •- ' and even desperate diseases of the luugs. When once " ■ tried, its superiority over every other expectorant een nominated for Minister to Austria, but will no doubt be rejected. The Legislature of this State protests against his confirmation. Disturbances are said to have bro ken out among tiie blacks in South Caro lina, caused by attempts to drive them from homes in which the government had placed them. fey-The house of Enos Harman in Musser's valley took fire about two weeks ago and was totally consumed with most of its contents. The lire originated from the flue. tgfc, One of Johnson's organs at Wash ington, edited by a bloated rebel, threat ens to arm tiie President's friends North and South, to put down Congress, and also to call in the aid of the Army and Navy. Andrew Johnson might find friends in the South for such a scheme, but we doubt whether even Northern cop perheads (excepting the cowboys) would relish such a programme, for to destroy Congress is to destroy this government, and substitute a usurper for ttie legislative power, who may declare himself King, Dictator, Emperor, or anything else. DEATH IN A HAUL ROOM—A Horrible place to Die in. —On New Year's eve, Miss Kate Hofmeister, a daughter of a widow lady residing in BoonviHe, Mo., died sud denly at a party given by the Turner's Society, at the Thespian Hall, at that place. About 11 o'clock at night, and while on the floor waltzing, she suddenly threw up her hands and fell, but was caught before striking the floor. At first it was thought, amid the confusion that ensued, that she had only fainted. Res toratives were at once applied, but befort slie could be taken home she was discov ered to be dead. Miss H. was about twenty years of age, and apparently in good health up to the moment of her do t-ease. THE MARKETS. LEWISTOVTN, January 23, 1807 Wheat, red, per bushel $2 05 " white " 2 70 Corn, old, 90 Oats " 45 Eggs per dozen 30 Butter per lb 30 Flour is retailing at the following prices: Lewistowu Extra Family per cwt. 7 00 Superfine 0 00 Extri Family per bbl 14 00 Superfine 12 00 Buckwheat per cwt. 5 00 Coal, per 2000 pounds, delivered. Lyken'e Valley, ?5 00 Sunbury, G 50 Chesnut, 5 50 Wilkesbarre, 6 50 Nut, 5 50 Pea, 4 75 Blacksmith's, 6 00 Common Salt, 2 75 Ground Alum Salt, 3 00 Plaster, per ton, 10 00 PliilaclelpUin Xarkets. WEEKLY REVIEW. FLOUR AND MEAL. —The Flour market during the past week, has been quiet; but holders, in consequence of the meagerness of the receipts and stocks, have I wen firm in their views; there has been no demand for shipment or on speculation, and the home consumers purchased only enough to supply immediate wants. The sales reach 3,500 bbls., chiefly Northwest extra family, at sll 50a13 50 for common and choice, including Pennsylvania and Ohio do. do. at $12a14 50; fancy at sl4 75a 17 ; extras at Shall' 75, and sujierfine at sBaB 75. Rye Flour has been dull; sales of 200 bbls., at $7 25. Nothing doing in Corn Meal, and prices are nominal. GRAIN. —The demand has been entire ly confined to Wheat, of prime quality, which is scarce and held firmly at full prices; sales of 5,000 bush. Pennsylvania red at 70a3 10 ; Nos. 1 and 2 spring at $2 65a2 75; choice Illinois at $3 25, and small lots of white at $3 21)a3 40. Rye has been in moderate request, and 2,0"0*IHHII. Western and Pennsylvania sold at $1 35a I 40. Corn—There was a good demand early in the week, but the market closed dull at a decline of 3a4c. bush.; sales of 33,000 bush, new yellow at 97ea$l 03, clos ing at 97a!'9c.; white at $1 03a 1, and old yellow at $1 19al 16. Oats—The receipts have been small and the demand fair; sales of 10,000 bush. Southern and Penn sylvania at sSaooc. PROVISIONS.' -There is a somewhat firm er feeling in the market, and rather more demand, but not enough to warrant us in noting any marked change. Pork is firm er; sales of 500 bbls. at $21a2l 50 for new mess; S2O for prime mess, and sl7 for prime. Mess Reef —The market contin ues in the same spiritless condition noted in our last; we quote Western at $17a20, and city packed at $22 50a2.3. Dressed Hogs sell at Baß}c. wholesale, and 9e. re tail. Bacon —We have to record a con tinuance of the dullness noted for some time past; sales of plain and fancy can vassed hams at 15a18c.; sides at 12a12ic., and shoulders at lOfallc. Green Meats have been in better demand, and 900 tes. pickled hams sold at 12}al2]c., some at 12c., anil 200,000 lbs. sides and shoulders at SlalOc. Lard has been more active; sales of 200 bbls. and 600 tes. at 12$al3ic., and a few kegs at 141 c. Butter—There has been a fair demand for choice lots at full prices, but common qualities have been almost unsalable; sales of inferior and choice roll at 24a36c., and solid pack ed at 14a30c., as to quality. Cheese is sel ling at 19a20c. for New York factory, and 10al8e. for Ohio. Eggs command 3Sa4lc. V dozen. SEEDS. —There is very little Clover Seed coming forward, and prime lots are scarce and wanted ; sales of 1,600 bush, at $7 75a 8 75 "p 64 lbs. for new—the latter rate for re-cleaned. Timothy has advanced. 800 bush, choice sold at $3 75. Flaxseed has been in demand by the crushers, who purchased 600 bush, at $2 85a2 95. Wool,.—There is a firmer feeling in the market, and more demand for the finer grades, which are in small supplv; sales of 200,000 lbs. at 33a40c. for unwashed; 36c. for \\ estern pulled ; 45a50c. for meri no pulled ; 45a50c. for common and quar ter blood ; 55c. for tub; 49a57 for quarter and half blood, and 60a64e. for fine Ohio. CATTLE MARKET. The Cattle Market was moderately ac tive last week, and priees remain about the same as hist quoted. 2000 head sold at 164a17c. for extra, loal6 for fair to good and 12a14c. per lb. for common as to qual ity. 'Hogs were dull; 7000 head sold at the different yards at from $8.50a9.50 per 100 lbs. net. Sheep were in fair demand; 10,000 head sold at the Avenue Drove Yard at from 9a7c. j>er tt>. gross, as to condition. Cows were unchanged- 250 head sold at $50a75 for springers, and $70a90 per head for cow and calf. Gold is quoted at 136*. * feThe steamer Platte Vallev whini. left Memphis for \ icksburg on the DiV struck the wreck of a gunboat and sunk almost to her hurricane deck in almm three minutes. She was crowded' with passengers, a large number of whom nfeder ate States, for offences committed against the criminal laws of the State in the dU charge of their duties." This law amy prevent tlie prosecution of our soldiers before rebel courts, but it is humiliating to reflect that a State law of North ('arie lina is needed to protect the heroes of the Republic, and that they should IK* t'orinul ly pardoned for obeying the orders of the National Government! It is probable the North Carolina legislators were anx ious to shield I'elie 1 soldiers, who are placed on an equal footing with Union troops, and that tiiedb] lay of magnanim ity is only made to cover the absolution of traitors. BSSCEDICT & CO., BANKERS, LEWISTOWN, PA., /Collections and remittances promptly ma-jo. ¥- Interest allowed on time deposits. janj3-l v VT"OTICE. —The Stockholders of the i-i Lewistown Water Company are here by notified that an election for 'Maincers to conduct the affairs of said Comnanv will be held at the Banking House of \\ ' Russell, oil Monday, the 4th day of IVl,l ruary next, between the hours of 2 and 4 p. ni. W. RUSSELL, jan. 23. Treasurer. I)I IILIC SALE ! L Will be ottered at public sale bv the subscrilier, residing near Locke's Nlill> Mifllin county, on Friday. February Slh, lStt-j. the following personal property, to wit: • EIGHT WORK HOUSES, 4 C01t5,.4 Springers, 1 Fresh Cow, 7 head Young Cattle, 1 young Durham Bull, 25 head of Southdown and Cotsdown Sheen lot of Hogs, 1 Broad-wheeled Wagon 2 two-liorse Wagons, 1 Spring Wagon! 2 Bee Seups, Harness and Gears, 1 Roller Hay Rake, Hay Fork, Hay Ladders, large Cultivator, Plows, Harrows, Forks, Rakes and a variety of other Utensils, too nu merous too mention. Also, Household and Kitchen Furni ture. Also, One-half interest in 04 acres of wheat in the ground. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock a. m. when terms will be made known. jm2S WM. F. OCKER. M'jiu'J Mm Mouaa, RNN K NEK YORK MICA ROOFING COMPAXY. F established 1554) lire mHniifacturitig under Letters Pntent the Best Article of Composition Roofing ever Ottered to tiie Public. It is adujted to every style of R.x.f, steep or flat, arid can lie readily applied By any one. 1 lie U. s Government, after a thorough test of its utility, have adapted its use in the Nary Yard-, and upon I'uhlie Buildings. The Roofing is put up in rolls, and has only to he nailed to the Roof to make a Durable Fire and Water-Proof Covering. We particularly recommend its use upon Buildings. Stores, Churches, Factories. Machine Shojs, Steamboat Decks, if. MICA ROOFING PAINT, For coaling Tlx, IRON, or SHINOLE ROOFS. It forms A Body Equal to Three Coats of Ordinary paint. Xo Roof can rust under it-and old leaky Roofs mavbe made permanently water-proof and durahie hv its use. 1 he Paint requires No mxixo, hut is ready to he ap plied with the ordinary paint brush. PrirtCsi per QOI IOII, which will cover two hundred Mjuare tect. Also manufaeturers of Black Lustre Varnish, Tarred Felt ami Roofing Fitch. Discount to the Trade. Circulars and Priee List fur nished. Rights for counties sold at low rates. Address THE MICA ROOFING COMPANY, 194 Broadway, Y. Frank Humphreys, CI Royal st.. N. OG Schofield Williams A- Co, Augusta, Ga, Baldwiu H. Woods Montgomery. Alag 1 hos. S. Coates. Raleigh. N. 0.; K. A. Tucker- Richmond, VIU Henry Wilson. Petersburg, \ a. Agents. JAA^ TEAS! Teas for the People. Eo more Enormous Profits for Consumers to Pay. - < uts t'> One Dolkir per Pound SciV m ed by Buying your Teas direct from the Importers. vvui,Th,^r K ;L'-^: V f C). Im]rters of Teas. In connection thl?r -r . !,a ' c '"--mess, have determined to nr ces thu. ei-,T;' as '""vtiv to consumers t Importer.' DK nnt f mnt! * saving to the consumer oI 40 to 60 !iuah ties' of Tail ir. C w° E° W tlub together for n.v kind or and "ve w-U PaC CtS °* Pound ami upwards, cent Tbovethee.LV?. a s "P^" or article of Tea ut 5 per Ititlv or t.vfer * °T Importation. some energetic ao.uiintanci . . nT. a" ."."S 1 ' '"'ighborhood call upon Iter fno nime 1 take their orders lo; anv of the follow- S oMawTi ,t" 1 f whl ' n * cl "h of ten. twenty, or mora fo us and we will send the Teas put up lu on U all ei? C ] "?i witll thf name of -nth person marked to the °' le bOX - Vs * IXI.MVOT her eerv?ce* a,, K e J, ' g " P the tlub we wl " - er,d f "r his or extra complimentary package on all or w-HY U^ B • Its perha l ,! > not well understood imo conshh-rnff n f° v V ry ,ow •' but whl>n il 15 takeD t-lthrn the it? t L ? '"/."ies 'he original cost of Impor and Re ta if erf hi". &pe , cula,o f. Jobber, Wholesale Dealer merahlL P reap a i arse proflt a,,d ,he lnnu ' which La hee l pl ' ra ,'"'•"ranees. Storages. Ac , ™n\nm .dil .S ,ss through before tbev reach the aw.vwth "L i;' cap la in this. We propose to do ft now remSf™ ol these pr. rtts aud expenses, and slve V ren s lo 1 A?® PK ° PLE >IV whether they -hail ?hle . f ? 100 per P" u "d on every pound of Tea '& t0 ff!ve tb * tr earnings to a J'""-** ann iJrtukfat. (olack t ® 90. SI.OO best $1 25 L>er lb 5 "ung Mysun. (Green) Slßgi .£ superior $1 50, per |ountl we can sell Coffees fuily '-"heaper than retailers charge. Our Coffee} i from the Custom House and we roast and ?[•"" Tl . perfectly pnre, put up in I or more pound au advance of 2 cents per pound. „ Dur Wholesale Price—Ground Coffees-Pure ltio, 25. cents per pound. Best Old Government Java, 40 els. Re' l Cevloib 40 cts. s? " V,t " .—Parties sending orders for less than S3O for leas or Coffees should send with their order a P. 0. t>raft or the nionev. to save the expense of collecting t>f Jsxpress. but large orders we will forward by Express and collect on delivery. 55 e shall be happy at all times to receives call at our arehouse from jiersons visiting the city whether deal ers or not. T. Y. KKLLEY & CO, Late Keitev A Vought, „ Jnn23-Sr.i id S'KSEY STREET. NEW YORK. GO TO BKISEIN'S.