Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, January 23, 1867, Image 1

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    & (&> 280 ITO'ffSIISJJ&ISiIBa IPnm^Tre.rerTSTSfifc
Whole No. 29C4.
Poor House Business.
Tho Directors of the Poor meet at the Poor
gouse on the 2d Tuesday of each month.
W • *f •
Attorney at Law,
Office Market Square, Lewistown, will at
tend to business in iVlUiiiu.Centre and Hunting
doit counties tav2(i
w• (J • V 2 ij) w ;-r5 Sw i,'
at Law,
OFFEIwS his prnc.sf-umal t*> tiie citizens of
Miftlin I'oaniy. Oilier with I>. VV.
Ma::i street, bcStiw • aUoual Hotel. n*\
Practicing Physician,
Itclleville, Slitflin County, Pa.
DU. DAHLEN has been appointed an Examining
Surgeon for Pensions, soldier* r*]airiug exam
in,.: .a wu! find tutu at in- othee iu Bedeville.
Belleviiie. August 22, 18U.-y
J. 3 i T H
REsl'Ei i'Fi LLY i nform the citizens ~f Lewi-town
an t i -inity. la few doors from the Town Hail, in
Main st rent) that he is prepari-i to do all kind of work
in tin hue of his prol- s-loit 111 the most aruoti'ir m<iu
,.,—oi Whole Set-. Partial Sets, or Single Teeth in
-sr- i <>ii G - d Silver, or Vulcanite Base, in an elegant
n:, I workmanlike tiiatun r. and on the most reasona
ble terms It- guarantees his work, or no pay.
I', 'i .r attention pml tothe extractingan-i fiMing
of teem iu the most approved manner. iiovT-Cm
Teeth Extracted Without Paiu !
By M. R. Thompson j D. D. S .
Bv a KEU'.'PROCt.SS,
f . W.tliout the use of Chb.ro-
SZ? #-• -as. f'.rin. Ether, or Nviroiis'ix
ide. and is attended by no
A - dongi r or 1-HO cttects.
flrt' 'f Otti' '- wa--t Mai ket street.
fTut w''-r > / ti-at' Ei-eiibise's In tel.
where he can •• f-.uml f..r professional consiiltation
lr-,tii tin tir-t Mondav of . ah month until the ft.tilth
Motel..v. wl ■n he w.ll bo ab-eut ou profess.onal i-itsi
ties- one week. seplo-ti
• •" s. e V s\r -' > a f*' -X *•. ■*; " w ?• a .
-ir w ff."W- T j t T ' k-1
AFFERS his professional services to tho citizens ol
(/ I-.-w -vi: md vicinity. Alt in want of good, neat
w..rk will da well to give film a call.
lb- iniiv i"- found at all times at his office, three
doors cost of 11. M. A K. Pratt's store. Valley street.
t-v in- use of NI I'BUUS OA IDE or
Laughing this. Teetli tn-ertcd ii >ei
I TT r the different styles of liase-. 'l eetli
filled in the nio-t approved manner. Special atten
tion given to diseased gums. All work warranted.
Terms reasonable.
Office at Episcopal Parsonage, Corner of Main and
Water Streets. jy!6
-j.- Ihe .-..h-Tti.cr has jiti: t. .o-tv.-.| and will
IB* k< , ;> on bin 1 i .elect -to-l: of Men's. B..vs" j
Y teU; ■ Boots lisses and Chil
dren's I'• >ots and Shoes of vari 1.. •-*! - and
sty!---, to w hicii he would tnvite the attention of his i
friends and the public get.ei ally Asit'.s Ins intention !
by any dealer in tlie county, tht.se in need of winter j
i, - or sh.-cs arc itn.te.f to call and t xamtne tin- .
above .took, wl.ieh t< :ll bo - lotv- ry s.ivdl profits. I
1-ut for h only, at the sign of the "Bio Sin,,;, next
dour to K. J. Hodman's store,
ten PAITGri STCR2,
Wt-st Dlarket sf., Lrwistowii,
LADIES A- GENTLEMEN'S ruuNtsniMi (tuur-s. :
Sacks. Cloak-. ll.its. Bonnets, Ladies Fine '
G r > r 'l>S and Trimming-.
Patterns of latest styles always on hand.
Millinery and Dress-Making
executed in tin- most approved stjle.
Lewistown, A ;jyil is, 186t'.tf
J A. & W. R. McKEE
"ITAVE n in ived their LeatherSt ire to Odd F-l-
II low.' Unit, where they will constantly keep
on hand, Solo Leather. Harness Skirting and Upper
L- idler Kip-, tiileri-ait atnl Freneh t'aifS!:ius. Slo
r os. Linings and Binding*, and a general assort
in. tit of .-shoe Findings, which they will -ell ' heap for
c i-: Highest market price paid in cash for .odes.
Cad Skins and Sheep Sums.
v. . j HiISS v, w.*'^
war.tod. f->r which the highest market price will he 1
p.. i in Ca-h. ap4tf
'PIiK undcrsianed has a large stock of boih
1 II a -ti:. Ie and Eastern manufactured Pools and
r -. which he otfers at priees low. r• than he has
s-.10 f..r four years :
Men'- ihi -k, ci. Boots, warranted, from J2.V5 to 5.0n.
" K .p. •• •• " " 4no to 6.00.
" Calf. '• " extra 450 to c.oo.
Boy-' Buots, 1 tsl to 3.00.
Men's thick Brogans, double - i olod: SMIoSM.
Men's -phi '• warranted very had, 1.10.
Boy.-' Shoes, pt i'-e ranging from 1.25 to 2 25.
the taxes are to be reduced again on the first duy
"f \i:gi:st- it also enable- its to reduce our prices.
HOME-MADE WORK, of all kinds made to
order at reduced prices, So come on boys and girls
and examine fur yourselves.
Trunks, Valises and Carpet Hag's
kej: na ban I. Gentlemen will bear in mind that no
H I- will la; given Out unless paid for. and if re
tor -l m good order, tii© money will be returned, if
r i'u 1. Put when goods have been -oiled or.
rn. 'l ey will not be taken liuok—please bear this
in nitn.l—as some folks think that wearing for a
s: - >mi don t injure the .-ale of them afterward*.
lUgl tf BILLY JtiHNSt N.
20,000 MAJORITY!
To the Voters of Central Penna-
T" I-!-. l ' 1 luN j over and it l-as been decided by about
Li 2't.00. ma- iritv that tlie Tobacco and Cigars sold
a: •' rysineer s Toliacco and S -aar Store eaiiuut be
siirpa— -d. cither iu Quality or I'i n-ei.
'■ ik at tlie Price*, get some of the goods, and com
! <|' w a, all others, and you will he satisfied that you
g- t 1 worth of ucir money at Frysinger's.
j"rv-.agei- s Sunn Roll only sl.ooper iHitiud.
Navy •• •'
|*ry- '.i.' t's jrejMs u u ** u
Flounder " " 44 44
At ■' . r p;„a Toliacco at 4 and 50 ils per lb.
Cut end Dry, 4o .u<i 50 cts. tif.iiiilld I Tuhseetitii
- " i-. 80't-.. $1.n0.11A4 and $1.55 per lb.
-Cat .- owing, at $t 4o and'fl.2u.
' o 1 * llls and It* cts. each.
-- in greet varn-tv: Also cigarXeees, Toheoco
'' ios npd Bones. MiUeli Siif*s. and all articles
r' / ""P'" l first-class fulutten ami 1 'Kiar Store.
1 a M.-i flianu. I offer the above goods at prices that
*' - * ' nable them to retail at the same prices that I
'* ' ""id realize a fair profit.
0e1.2j.. , E . FKVSJNjiF-R.
Splendid Syrup Molasses.
ONE of (ho Best articles at 25 per quart, at
00t.24. K.J. 11 UK EM AN'S.
Sugar at 12 1-2 Cts.
OUR article at this price i* good. Also White nt 17. ai
lHst'24. K. J. HOFFMAN'S.
DOH'L Forget
r JH) sro tn HOFFMAN'S tor }our I'AT
Y'OII Can buy jmr 15-.r hn at 5J Also
on hand Steel Hoise-Slioe Calks and Horse
• Shoes, at K.J. HOFFMAN'S
Hubs, Bpokos. Fellows,
STKKL Runners, An. A ore at ns.-nrt
ment at F. J. HUFFMAN'S.
Coal Gil and Lamps,
tl OetSL
Gas Burners,
\ND < variety ot t tlier i eiitino Stoves
for sale low fort-ash at F. J. HUFFMAN'S.
Sole Leather. Upper,
/ lALF Skins. Motroceo. Ac. ;tt
; vV 0ct.24. F. J. HUFFMAN'S.
Nimrcd Cock!
pvEin* one vv!: i u nits n oood Cookinjr
J i Stove, should call and see -.iii-.at
Ot-1.24. F. J. HOFFMAN'S
1) I*. LOOP is receiving new goods everv vrole ili
. reet from tin- eastern faetory. and is prepared tu
j sell Boots rlnnlivr than the cheapest, having a large
j assortment of al! sizes and styles.
Men's Hoots from $3 50 *.o 5 00
j Hoys' j 5o t.. 3 to.
do o no to 2 50.
Children's 1 25 to -J on.
A good nssortiee.it of homemade work on html.
• au.i constantly making to order all the latest styles.
: are now creating a gr> .t ( x-itement and all ho wish
| to In.ve a pair Of those plc&Sdllt l-oots call he aCCOHt*
I motlated at short notice.
Cat] at the ..id stand. P. F. I.' tup.
C K I. F. 1! It .A T I. D
U'E \v:-h to call the attention of Tailors. Shoemak
ers. S .dolor-, Coach I t iutilei > and Fattiili. e to
these machine-. a- they ate
| Persons selecting a inaehin • can have their c hoice
the peculiarity of each stiteli Being cheerfully shown
nil J explained.
Extracts from < n A ork Papers t
; '• The (trover x Baker noiseless machines are ac- ,
j ktiowledged to be snpeiior to all others."
I -The work executed hv the (trover A Baker Ma
| chine has received the highest premium at every
■Statu Fair in the United States w here it has i.een ex
N. IS.—We make no charge for
We call them the
I*. F l . LOOP, Agrnt for tlie above,
Boot and Shoe Maker, in the public square. Lewia
, town. novTy
E. &i If. T. ANTHONY At CO.,
! Mnnufactimrs tf Ptictigraj hie Matrri Is,
5G4 Broadway, N". Y.
In add it ion to our main business of PI It 'l"' KiKA PII-
Iu MA I EltlAlJi. we :ue headquarter- for the follow- ,
tug. viz:
Stereoscopes ami stereoscopic Views.
| Of American and Foreign Cities and Landscapes,
Groups, StaUtaiy. ,te.
Stereoscopic Views of the War,
From negatives mane in the various campaigns and
i forming a complete Photographic history of the con
: test.
Stereoscopic Views on Glass,
Adapted for cither the Magic Lantern or stereo
scope. Our catalogue will be sent to any address on
receipt of stamp.
Photographic Albums.
We manufacture more largely than any other house,
about 20.> varieties from 6u cents to SSO each. Our Al-
I bums have the reputation ol being superior in beau
ty and durability to any others.
Card Photographs of Generals, Statesmen,
Actors, etc., etc.
Our catalogue embrace* over FIVE THOUSAND
different subjects, including reproductions of the
most celebrated Engravings. Paintings, Statues, Ac.
Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp.
Photographers and others ordering goods O. O. D..
will please remit 25 per cent ot the amount with their
order, sprite priees and quality of oar goods can
not fail to satisfy. . julJ ly
hits now open
Cloths, Cassimeres
which will be made up to order in the neat
est and most fashionable stylos. apl9
Sash Stopper and Lock,
Support? Either Sash at any Point.
Srearj Loci Wlienrvtr Vour Sas.i i.\ Ciosed!!
TT IS F V R -np.-rior to weights and pulleys and don't
L cost on. -anti as much. It can beapolie.'i toanv win.
dow. b -.nil never wear out, nor gel out of order.
arizen* <.f L.-wistowu ami vicinity ean refer to Win.
< Viae*, (Carpenter.) Individual rights and com
plete rigging tor .-ale by
. r . * VVM. J. FLEMING,
■ Jueo-tf Meuuo P. 0., Mi."Hin CO.. Pa
IS the only Article us. d bv First Class Hotels.
I Laundries, and Thousands of Fami
It gives a beautiful polish, making the iron pass
smoothly over the cloth, saving milch time and la
r. o 'O.l s done up with it keep clean inucli longer,
• >usequeutly '.till not wear out so soon.
It maks Old Uacn look like Xcic.
7.1 the Bost in the World.
It i> soluble in hard us well as soft water. It is put
up in the safe.-t. neatest, and tnost convenient form
of any offered to the public.
Ir is U nrraiitu'i Hot tu Streak the Clothes.
Agents uanted everywhere, to whom we oiler ex
truordinnny inducements. Address,
OftloCrn No. 218 Fulton St, New York.
PSA A" O F() fi 'J 1 E
409 Itroadway, New York.
rrllE ittentioli-of the PUJ.lic and tin' trade is invited
I*OK 1 KS. which f,i volume anl imrity of tone are
niirtv.ifled tw any hitherto offered tn tiii- market.—
Tliey contain all the modern improvements. French
(.ran.l Aeti-ui II up Pedal. Iron Frame. Overstrung
Bt-s etc. and each instiument being mode under
the pei-oii il sup ■! < -ion of Mr. J. H.titan K-TCEN who
l.ts hat a practical experience of over 35 years in
their manufacture, is ftiliy warranted in everv nartte
ii or.
To, --GRO VESTF.EX 77.1.V0 FOR'iES" r- rch;rt the
AW LEF toaritocti alt other* at tJie VtMbrutcd
V here were ex hi! it i u-tniiu m- from the host ma
kers of Loutlon. I' l rmariy. Philadelphia. Bilii
m t". it .so,a on New h..rU: and also at the Atneri*
1 1 1 : !>' ' ' 0.-ive yc.tr>. the gold and
I - Uoiit both of which eau be sccuatt our
w.t -room.
By the inii 0.l i"Mori of improvements we make a
st 11 f-.re p.-rtft I',alio Forte, and l.v luntiufaeturiug
large v. .til H strictly >-a-h -ystem. aie enabled to of
fer ti.e-e i i-ti'uui, i.i-at h price which W ill preclude
all competition.
Terms Net Cash In Cui-reui Funds.
Ald-Dcsentit.ve Circulars Sent Free. octlo-3in
H lines' Pdtert
TLe Best and Most Effectual in Use.
\ 1 M Lie II S patents hove been issued and various
.\ improvements made on Safety Bridles, but here
■ s n it.,ing invidious tn sax ing that the invention pa
tented by Josepii C. Haines ot this place i- superior
to any yet oth :,.i. eoiiitaiiiug leaturos of smiplicitv
and power in guid.ng :iud surging a hot-t: oi horse's
u , other | The essential feature of
t : - n.tTent I- in nr.itting tin- diiviug rein with shift
ing bearings, which form tile points of nttaehnient
between tlie rein and bit rings and i.,;;- act upt n Ha
bit directly, c u t-M-t a, I stc uiv driving will con
trol tin- atit'ii !. but when it requires a more sever*
lippl.cn i m t f the bit so: i I, ,riuj- leav. the bit i ;|.g>
no t Hive way to the sirap- to wl.ieh they may ..• nf
tuelied. I in- is all dnbe by the reyular tiriving line,
no extra one being i-ojuiretl. which ought to satisfy
every person of the gfeat superiority ol tin- inven
tion to anv other.
The following certificates from well known gentlc
-111 MI. some of whom have had much experience with
h.-rsea will show the estimation ill whic.'i this bridle
is held :
LRWISTOWX, Aug. 21, 18G6.
Iloving occasion t i try the Safety Bridie invented
by 10-ej.h ( . Hollies.ot this t>w n. tqroi] my tunaw tv
tii.tre. the result ha- proven to my eatuc satisfaction
i iot any horse eau be prevented from running ..fi" or
Jii nie Mr. 11. M. t ratt. whose large cxts-rn-nce
w oh Imrses induced me u, eall ii[s>n hitn to dr.V" my
tu ire and t ~-l the safety bridle, concurs ia the opin
ion that it is the best bridle that lias for it- ob|ect the
entire control of a horse in harness or under the .-ad
dle. GEO. \V. HOOVER.
LSWUTOWX, Aug. 21. isrfi.
Joseph <'. Haines— Dour Sir: A f'.-r having fully tri
ed your -afety Bridle on my ttntrainul eulta. 1 find
that your itiv.-ntion embrace's id, that ta desirable in
a t.ri.tfe/ Its suiipie. construction, uttd adaptation to
any e.anmon l.ridle and any rein, cannot but make
i-s us,, universal rise with which it can be ad
i isted to a soft ..r haul mouthed horse isan excellent
t.-ature, rendering its use as ctl'eetual in preventing
running or kicking a- any other patent bridle or rem
and us easy on the mouth as the common bit, and as
it is always read v at tlie critical moment, it cannot but
recommend itself to all who will try or look at it.
Uespectluily yours, A. T. HAMILTON, M. D.
LEWI-TOWN, December 8. LSNO.
1 have been driving horses since 1 know auvthing
about them, in,d have drove some very viejt.usliorscs
and colls. In di iviug such with a common bridle, I
never feyt f-asy nor comfortable to enjoy the ride. It
is more' aiitioy ;ng. however, when you" have pels,,as
with you and sort can toll by their countenance It at
they don't enjoy the ride from fear of your horse
rnnnijig a little, or even running away. I have always
Untight there might be a bridle or bit so constructed
that you eanld drive and hold horses with pcrleet
ease and safety. The first of this kind I happened
to see was Dr. Hartman's. i thought it w its very good.
In the meantime it occurred to me that the way the
lutes worked on the bridle you could not draw the bit
and l"t it drop quick enough on your horses. Some
horses and colts when you surge them tightly and
cannot slack the lines quickly, will balk and back
very ugly. I once saw Mr. Christs and Stamen's
patent wiili the elastic strap, working on about the
same principle as Dr. Hartman's. Mr. Christ then
gave me a bridle to trv on my horse. I had tin- same
objection to it I had to Dr. llartmau'a. My attention
was next called to Mr. Jos. ('. Haines' Patent, of our
t wu. Aly attention, was arrested immediately with
the'appearance of it. Iti ive boon Using it !.r some
two weeks quite successfully. I have drove al >ng the
railroad an.l other ugly places, feeling quite safe. I
think it embraces all you can get out of a bridle. If
the public once get to see this i,ri<lle, thev can't help
but understand its simplicity, durability and effective
ness, and taken together, cannot help recommending
itself. 1 b,,i roods arc made and being made through
tlie country in every direction, crossing our pub'ic
rpads tour or five tunes in as many miles sometimes.
These crossing- often occur at verv ugly place. All
parties are more or less afraid of meeting the trains
u .ien they are traveling for fear their liorst s willtake
fright, and not be able to hold them. Tins communi
ty remembers how seriously Dr. Isaac Botbrock, of
t-tlyder county, was hurt at the crossing, at the uew
Tatiuerv. last Slay. He found he could not hold his
horse and then gut out of his bugtrv. and the hnr-e
tore Uiui around budlv. H." M. KEEVEIi
. LBWJSTOWH, Pa, August 21,1866.
This community is well aware of the fact that in
the midst of an extensive practice. Dr. (i. AV Hoover
was almost killed by the running ott of ins mare 1
drove this mare in single harness by using the Safety
Bridle invented by Joseph U. H iit.es. and I found that
she was entirely under my control. 1 believe the
Sat-ty Bridle is all that can be desired for the -ecnritv
of lift', limb, and vehicle when used either upon a
docile,or vicious horse. H. yp PRATT*
ftr Any persons having fr-actions horses are invited
to bring the ID to the undersigned, or during his ALE
senee to .Mr. Pratt, and they ean readily be satisfied
that any horse can not only be prevented from kick
ing but from running away.
I have named the bridle "The Eureka," signifying
'•I have found." JOSEPH 0. HAINIiS.
Lewis town, December 12,1866.
o IE T IR, _
To Sahry Ann.
To gaze upon thy charms indeed,
A lie MivAirv mon in envy stops.
11 r *> Gikitivl. enrapitired, feed
5 )0!l t "Y —luscious mutton chops.
Angelic form ! Oh. hnanty rare!
Lan until withstand sth h charms as these?
Thy bcauteo,is head with golden l.air
> like a lump of hour's head cheese.
Thy dazzling eyes—ye gods'—do glance
lake meteor- j ; , their fairy passage;
And while tliey silently entrance.
Tsp.-au vulu.ucs of—Bologna sausage.
Bewitching hps. thy loved kiss
1 here s ueeiar sweet beyond U-lief,
to ail my soul with earthly Mis*
As tender as—a round of beef.
' l y step is like the dainty fawn's
1 l:at falls as gently as the dew
Ere yet the cloudless morning daw ns
On—boil or bake or roast or stew.
1 lie flight wus dark us Erekus. Nut
:t star had the power to pierce the
thick pall ol clouds that obscured the
heavens from horizon to zenith. It
seemed as it all nature was hung in
mourning, arid tho wii.dsamid the tree
tops wore playing a dir<ro, or wailing
and mourning fur lost spirits.
Patter, patter, c tine down the
drops ot rain upon the hroad leaves of
the forest trees, sounding like el fin
tootstcps upon the green canopy of the
giant oak, that sheltered the oid scout,
Bill Parker, and hisyoung companion,
Walter Ifaywood.
They had left the flourishing settle
ment of Laker i 1 Ie the day previous to
our tbem to the" reader's no
t ice, tor three days' hunt in the forest
i vn o days had passed, and the morn
ing's dusk must them back to
their friends in tlie settlement.
1 was seldom, in these troublesome
times, when there was seen a day but
that, along the border, some one fell
beneath the tomahawk of tlie red for
est fiends, that Bill Parker left the
neighborhood of the block house, un
less it were on the trail of the Indians,
lor Captain Wilkinson considered him
an indispensable auxiliary to his little
force; and, in truth, Biil'wasa host in
himself, and few were tlie scouts that
possessed his natural ability in this pe
culiar calling.
for three months not an unfriend!v
red skin had been near the settlement;
and that morning Bill had said to the
• Look a-here, captain, there ain't an
ugly mug of a red-skin hereabouts, and
old Bill Parker was never made to rust
out, no more than lie was to be killed
by an login. So 1 and Walt are otfon
a hunt.'
But to come hack to our friends at
their second night in the forest, with
the rain making music for their ears
amid the wide spreading tree lops.
ell, this is the darkest night I
ever seen, 1 believe,' observed Walter,
as he stretched himself out beside the
old scout, with his head resting on a
root of the oak, that showed itself
above the surface. It was still early
in tlie evening, but the gloom of tlie
darkness of midnight reigned around
1 Dark ? Well, yes; it's darker than
the ink bottle of old Sctli Grant, that
used to law it where I come f rom, away
down in old York State. A pi/en old
lawyer was he. Would skin you to a
cent as quick as an login would take
yer scalp.'
'Supppso there are any red-skins
round about here, Bill?'
'Can't say; like's not there is. If'l
thought there won't we'd build up a
fire to drive some of the dark away.—
I'll be cussed if it ain't thick enough
to cut with a knife.'
1 What if we should run the risk, and
build one? The dark is all the better
to sleep in, but this rain wiil give us a
nice soaking before morning.'
' Look a-here, youngster, if you want
to keep that are topnot of yours on,
3"ou had better let the fire go. An In
gin can see a fire through ten miles of
woods and two mountains beside.—
Guess as how we had better not talk
so loud, for perhaps the curs are prowl
ing round nearer than wc calculate on.'
An half hour passed, and during the
interval neither spoke. The rain still
came slowly down iu great drops, the
pickets of the numerous army to come.
The wind had entirely died away. Not
a sound broke the stillness, save the
patter of the rain drops, and the hoot
of an owl some distance away.
Tho old scout was snoring away, as
if Hying to still tho tones of the owl,
hut waiterfound it impossible to sleep.
His eyes persistently refused to stay
closed: and in changing his position
for one more comfortable, he thought
he saw a light glimmering among tlie
trees, some half a mile away. Y'es, he
could not ho mistaken, it was the light
of a camp-fire.
Ho gently shook his companion.
In a minute, old Bill wus wido
awake, upon his feet, with rifle in
'What did you hear, Walt?' he ask
ed, in a whisper.
'Nothing; but is not that the light
ot a camp lire?'answered Haywood,
pointing towards tlie flickering flume.
• Yes, as sure as preaching; and I 11
bet a pint of whisky that it is a camp
of red skins, who have been on one of
their cussed tramps again. Like'snot
tliey have got some prisoners with 'em;
but I am bound to see any way, sure
as my name is Bill Parker.'
In a moment Jlaywood missed him
from his side.
'Shall I go with you?' lie said.
'No,' answered the scout. 'You
would break your neck before you bad
gone a dozen steps. Slay where you
are; I'll he back in half an hour;' and
his soft cat hke footsteps died away on
tho cars of Walter
It seemed an age to the young man,
left alone in the darkness, before the
scout came back.
1 lie first he was aware of his return
he clapped his hand upon his shoulder.
Haywood involuntarily uttered an ac
cent of surprise; but the word was
smothered before it was half uttered
by the hand of the scout upon his
' Hush !' said old Bill, in a whisper,
'there is work for us to do.'
Walter silently assented.
There are eight red skins round that
fire, W alt, and tliey have with them
three young white girls, that they have
stolen from some settlement Now if
old Bill don't rescue them may he be
chawed up by a ground hog! "Will ve
help him ?'
'(R course I will. How can you
doubt me, Bill ?'
'I don't; 1 only did it to try your
grit. But now for business.'
In a long wi isper Biil told hitn of
his plans lor the rescue, and the part
ho was to take in the scone.
i hen following close on the footsteps
of the scout, Haywood picked his way
through the darkness.
Twenty minutes later they were
close to and viewing the camp of the
The captives lay side by side, se
curely bound with thongs, while near
them, with his buck against a huge
hemlock, leaned one of the Indians,
keeping guard, while the other seven
were apparently buried in slumber
close by.
After contemplating the scene for a
few moments Ibe scout whispered,
' Now is our time!' to Ins companion,
and with the greatest caution lie mov
ed forward, closely followed by Hay
In tlie giant shadows that stalked
around the camp tire they came close
to the sentinel unperceived, who, whol
ly unconscious of danger, was keeping
watch and ward over the poor captives
stretched at his feet.
At a sign from the scout. Haywood
i>tood motionless, while Bill, in the
friendly shadow of the tree, came close
to the trunk, on the opposite side, and
within three feet of the unsuspecting
For a moment lie stood motionless
as the tree itself; then he swung his
rifle above his head and its butt de
scended with a low, crashing sound
into the head of the red skin.
At th-e same moment Haywood ap
proached the maidens and cut the
thongs that confined their limbs. One
of tbem, wbo was partially asleep, ut
tering a low cry ot terror, imagining
that it was an Indian that stood over
The nearest of the sleeping Indians
moved at the sound, the light, dull and
flickery as it was, revealed to him the
situation of affairs, and ho attempted
to give the alarm. Before he could do
it, the tomahawk of his dead compan
ion, in the hand of the scout, was bu
ried in his brain, and he sank back
without a groan.
In a low whisper, Walter bade the
maidens follow him, and he led them
a short distance from the camp, and
bidding them not to move for their
lives, left them.
He came not a moment too soon.—
The scout was finishing up his bloody
work with the tomahawk. One blow
had sent each of them to the happy
hunting grounds, save the last, whom
he missed. The Indian was of hercu
lean build, and springing upon Bill he
threw him to the ground and wrench
ed the weapon from his hand. Another
moment would havo been the last on
earth tor old Bill, had not a bullet from
the ritlo of \V alter gone crashing thro'
the head of the savage.
A word more and our.sketch is done.
The next day at sunset our friends and
the maidens reached the block houso
at Lakeville; —and the latter were
sent to their friends, who resided in a
settlement above, from whence they
had been captured the day before.
\ew Year's Resolutions.
There is a large class of'people whoso
'walk and conversation' are unusually
exemplary at about this time of the
year. The class in question are those
Vol. LVII. No. 4-
M .ho indulge in New Years'resolution.
Toward the end of the old )"ear they
meditate upon the follies of lite—tho
had habits they have contracted; tho
mono} they have squandered, and tho
silly things generally thai they have
done. 1* olio wing this retrospect, conies
reformatory resolutions. Tho young
man 'swears off drinking, card play
ing, tobacco using, or something else,
as the ease may be. lie resolves to
live temperately, save money and -turn
over a new leaf.' The yOung lady also
resolves to reform, even if it be noth
ing more than to reform her name
within the year. Persons of more
mature years also, are often given to
New \ cars reformations. The con
sequence is, that good habits abound
to a much greater extent immediately
after New Year than any other time
of tho year, the reason of this being
that tho resolutions upon which they
are based usually last from one to six
days— excepting, of course, the matri
monial resolutions ot marriageable
misses. Put we would not discourage
any one who has been making good
promises for the present year. Let
everybody resolve to do better in 1807
than he did in 1806; and even if the
reform lasts hut a day, there will bo a
little gain, li only one good resolu
tion out of a thousand be held sacred
throughout the year, somo benefit
will accrue. As a general thing how
o\ or, a person who has not. the moral
courage to do what conscience com
mands, will soon forget New Years'
Extract of llcnihirlc Hark —ln tllO
northern part o{ Maine great quanti
ties ot hemlock abound, but the dis
tance to tanneries is so great that the
ti ansport at ion consumes all the profits
oi the hark. It is now proposed to
make an extract of the hark, in which
loim it may he taken to .Boston and
other cities on the seaboard, and sold
at a largo profit. Two cords of hark
are so concentrated as to be contained
in a forty gallon cask.
Clumsy Tools.
The immense size,' weight and clum.
S3" n.ake ot the hoes and other imple
ments used by the slaves on Southern
plantations, were long a subject of
tnai vel to travellers. It has, however,
become a well ascertained fact that
intelligent farm laborers work better
w ilh lighter utensils A well-educated
and very bandy man can do more
work with a light shovel than a groat
clown with a heavy one. This sub
ject has been well discussed, as fol
lows :
Now if the error was confined wholly
to the use of heavy implements, handled
by the man himself, then he alone
could suffer by a useless outlay of
strength; but it is not so, because, as a
general thing, farm carts and wagons
are much too heavy. Most of them
are of sufficient weight to hold up
thrice the burden that any common
team should draw. Many horses and
oxen are injured annually by this de
tect; for it is apt to bo the case that
farmers are governed more by what
their wagon will hold up, when putting
on a lead, than they are by what their
teams should bo allowed to draw.—
1 hero are, of course, cases in which it
is necessary to have a heavy cart or
wagon, where large loads are to be
drawn by very heavy or double teams;
but in no case is it necessary to have
a cart-tongue so bungled and hoavy
that one man is hardly able to lilt it
into the yoke ring.
It is our opinion that moro labor
can bo performed on a farm in a day
with a light wagon, and the drawing
of light and frequent loads, than can
be done with a heavy wagon and the
drawing of largo loads, and thore is
certainly much less outlay of muscular
power 1 both man and boast. \Y hcrov
er a man is found that daily exerts the
strength of his team to the uttermost,
is surely to bo found one that is con
stantly perplexed with breakage, and
the owner of a jaded team Farmers,
use light and durable vehicles, and
there will be less wear and tear and
moro accomplished.
Any kind of animal may be trained
to anything by kindness. Karey sim
ply introduced a system which is ap
plicable to any animal. A i'ennsyiva
nia farmer, who has trained and milked
heifers for moro than fifty years, and
never has any trouble about their
jumping, kicking or running, gives the
Kural American the following as tho
secret: 'When I intend to a
heifer-calf for a milch cow, 1 always
'raise it by hand,' and when feeding
frequently handle it by rubbing it
gently over the head and neck until it
becomes tame and gentle. The rub
bing is begun at the first feeding with,
milk, and continued until I quit feed
ing it. I never afterward have any
trouble about milking them.'