Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, January 16, 1867, Image 3

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G. <fc G- R- PRVSISGER, Kdltors.
"* ' ■ ". % • •
Wednesday, January 16, L 867.
F. S. Senator.
The caucus of republican members for
nominating a candidate for Senator, as
sembled at Harrisburgon Thursday even
ing. and as is not often the ease the first
ballot decided it, to wit:
Senators Drown (Mercer), Coleman,
Council, Cowles, Graham, Haines, Lan
doii, Dowry, M'Conaughy, Ridgway,
gtutzman, Wortliington aud Hall, Speak
er—V&, voted for Simon Cameron.
Representatives Barton, Drown, Cam
eron, Chadwick, DeJrlaven, Donohugh,
Freelxorn, Giiegan, Harbison, Hoflinan,
Humphrey, Kennedy, Kerns, Kinimell,
Kinney, M'Camant, M'Kee.Mann Marks,
Mecliling, Meily, Seiler, Sharpies, Shu
man, Stumbaugh, Subers, Waddell, Wel
ler. Whann, Woodward, Worrall, Wright
aud Glass, Speaker —3d, voted for Simon
Senators Royer, Taylor and White—3,
voted for Andrew G. Curtin.
Representatives Adaire, Allen, Chase,
Colville, Davis, Day, Espy, Evving, Gal
lagher, Gordon, Lis;, M'Creary, Penny
packer, Peters, Pillow, Quay, Wallace,
Watt, Wharton and Wingard—2o, voted
for A. G. Curtin.
Senator Digliain —1, voted forThaddcus
Representatives Armstrong, Richards,
Routh, Steacy, Stehnian and Wilson —I>,
voted for Thaddeus Stevens.
Senators Browne (Lawrence) and Shoe
maker —2, voted for C. A. Grow.
Representatives Leech, MePherrin and
Webb—3, voted for G. A. Grow.
Cameron ... 41;
Curtin - 23
Stevens - 7
Grow - 5
Cameron's majority overall candidates
Senators Billingfelt and Fisher, both
from Lancaster county, declined to vote,'
as they were instructed for Mr. Stevens.
After the announcement of the vote
Representative Quay, an ardent supporter
of Gov. Curtin, moved that tiie nomina
tion of Gen. Simon Cameron be made
unanimous, and every member in favor
of that question be requested to stand up.
The gentlemen present rose at once to
their feet, and the nomination of Simon
Cameron was made unanimous.
Had another ballot been necessary,
Gen. Cameron probably would have re
ceived at least 60 votes. We were not sur
prised at the result. The injudicious
course pursued towards him by those
friendly to the opposing candidates not
only brought out his warm personal friends
—and of these it is nonsense to say other
wise than he has them by hundreds and
thousands—but induced many others to
take an active part, who, under other cir
cumstances, might have remained neu
tral. Senators and members of the House,
also, long before the day of meeting, and
before some of them had even expressed
any decided partiality, were met with
charges of corruption and bribery in such
a manner as to make it appear that no
man could support Gen. Cameron with
out being bribed, while all others were
held pure and above suspicion ! Such as
persions were not calculated to make
friends among well-meaning men wiio,
with one breath were told they were hon
est and in the next denounced us corrupt,
and they accordingly took decided ground
and then by resolution invited these
knowing gentlemen to come forward with
their testimony and substantiate what
they alleged. Names as witnesses were
handed in on all sides, bat it appeared
when those who knew everything 011 the
street, and in bar-rooms were examined
under oath, not even a shadow of suspi
cion could be proved—in short, as a mem
ber of the committee stated, not even im- ;
prudent conduct could be alleged against j
any candidate.
Andrew Johnson gets some hard hits
from his copperhead friends, but seems to
take them as quietly as a mouse in a trap.
Thus on the Bth January, Johnson was
present at a copperhead banquet at Wash
ington, when Jeremiah Blaeksaid, among
other things, that the Supreme Court
"Needed 110 defense from him. That
Court had decided against the legality of
military commissions, which had con
demned to death three perfectly innocent
men, because no human being up to this
time had shown that they were guilty.—
Liese thrca men were arrested and brought
before a body who were in no manner
Authorized to meddle with these affairs,
Ajid which mockery w*as called a trial.
I'lte f'ourt said in effect, that if the execu
tion of these three men had taken place
it would have been a murder."
After President Lincoln's assassination,
it will be remembered Johnson tried Mrs.
Hurratt and others by military commis
sion ami hung them, thus according to
Jeremiah Black charging Johnson with
murder to his face.
Indian Affairs.
Investigations made by the Committee
011 Indian Affairs, have developed a state
of facts unworthy our own civilization
while dealing with savages. If the red
men commit an excess; if, after lieing
•'heated, persecuted and poisoned by the
wiiites who go among ,them as govern
ment agents or the agents of fur compa
-111 w , the red men turn in anger and
scourge the whites, the whole country is
lilled with indignation against the
Indians. The first objeet of the govern
ment should l>e to secure the protection of
the settlers on our vast territories, to pro
mote friendly relations between the red
mid the white num. The red men have
fertied their most enduring lessons of
uvachery and worst of all whisky drink
ing from the whites.
To make room for the eloquent In
augural Address of Governor Gearv, we
omit a number of miscellaneous articles
as well as advertisements.
A well executed So counterfeit green
has just made its appearance. It is
isdate I U f ,Hlt iu eirt * ul tion, and
WtSr i 1 10 > m± 111 the counter
leit the large figureo in the centre touches
the shadingof the United States," in the
genuine it does not. This is the only dis
crepancy by which the spurious note can
detected.— Harrtsburg Telegraph.
If that is all the difference it is proba
bly no counterfeit at all. We lately had
occasion to examine into the genuineness
of a 82 greenback, and out of half a dozen
could not find any two in which what
printers call " register" was alike.
Cameron, Foiakling, and Fre
li lightly sen.
\ esterday was the day fixed for the
three States of New Jersey, New York
and Pennsylvania to elect Senators to
take the place of those from the two lat
ter states, whose term will expire on the
4th of March, and in the former for an
unexpired term caused by death.
Pennsylvania Legislature.
The following is a list of the Senate
Standing Committees for the session of
18G7, on which one of our members has
Corporations— Messrs. llidgwny, Glatz
Haines. Rover and James.
Canals and laland Navigation —Messrs.
Haines, itoyer, Shoemaker, Searightaud
iculturcarid looniest a: .1 fan it fact ures
—Messrs. Haines, Royer, llrown (Mer
ceri, Rilliugfelt and Giatz.
New Counties and County Seats— M essrs.
Drown (Mercer), Haines, Shoemaker"
Donovan ami Seariglit.
Shooting Affray.— The people of Miles
burg were considerably startled, on Mon
day evening hist, by an affair, which we
hope will not be of frequent occurrence.
Win. Cooke, a young merchant of that
place, was it seems spending the evening
with some female friends, when six of his
neighbors, with faces blackened and oth
erwise disguised, entered the house, and
seized him, with tiie intention it is said,
of du<lking him in the canal. In his at
tempt to free hintseif lie shot three of the
men more or less severely. One who w s
shot in tiie head and neck it was thnugi t
for a time would not recover. Itwillcei
tainly be a sad thing if death should en
sue, and at all events will serve as an in
timation <>t what can be expected by men
who undertake the moral reformation of
their communities, and in furtherance of
their object, resort to illegal and forcible
means. A warrant was issued on Tues
day for their arrest, and it is probable that
some startling developments will be made
011 the trial of the case. The several acts
of Congress, touching the matter of pen
sions, make no provision for their coses.
Still they may find some consolation ui
the thought that their wounds were re
ceived while in the discharge of what
they con wived to he their duty. We arc
free to confess, however, that we don't be
lieve that any other six men of intelli
gence in the county, would have consid
ered like action a duty devolving upon
them. — Bcllejonte Press.
A Serious but Ridiculous Affair. —Dur-
ing an arbitration, held at Smith's hotel
at Krcmer, in this county, a serious yet
very laughable occurrence took pines. A.
C. Simpson and J. C. Ducher, Ksqs., were
the Attorneys, and all jiersons present
probably numbered twenty—men ami wo
men—as witnesses and arbitrators. Soon
after Mr. Simpson had commenced plead
ing, and was engaged in laying down tiie
law, the floor gave way and the whole
party, lawyers, witnesses, arbitrators
men and women—descended in one pile
to the floor below! There were plenty of
bloody noses, skinned shins, etc., but no
one was dangerously hurt. As soon as it
was discovered that no one was danger
ously hurt, they all had a hearty laugh
over their .sudden and ridiculous change
of base. To heighten the picture, each of
our readers will please imagine they see
Bucher and Himpson going down the hole
together with their hair standing straight
lip!—Selinsyrooe Times.
At*'nipt to Burn a Wife. —The Wrights
ville Star of Saturday last says: We learn
that a man, resident a few miles from this
borough, in Lower Windsor township,
for some trivial provocation, on Thursday
of last week, threatened to and actually
did attempt to put his wife in the lire to
burn her. She m ule desperate efforts and
succeeded in tearing loose from his grasp,
thus making her escape. It seems it was
wash-day, and while engaged at that
household duty he charged her with burn
ing a rail, which she denied. An alterca
tion ensued, and lie being a man of vio
lent temper, became so exasperated that
he endeavored to throw her into the lire.
Out of respect for his connexions, we with
hold his name for the present, but should
there benny more such demonstrations of
an evil spirit doubtless his name wdl not
only get into the newspapers, but into pa
pers of a more legal character.
More " Varmintw About." —On Tuesday,
Dee. ii.ith, Mr. J. \V. Powell, of Bradford
township, killed a large catamount, near
Mcßride's. Having discovered the foot
prints of the animal, he followed theni a
short distance, when they suddenly ceas
ed. After looking around a little, he again
found them twenty-seven feet from their
termination, the 44 varmint" having leap
ed that distance for the purpose of catch
ing a rabbit, a portion of which was still
lying on the ground, the approach of her
pursuer having evidently caused her eat
amountship to abandon her hasty repast.
Mr. P. then followed the animal to its
lair, where he succeeded in shooting it. —
C'learfiehi Journal.
Pardoned. —Nicholas Itiley, who kill
ed James It. Crawford, in li. Watson &
Co.'s store, in Gaysport in October 18(55,
and was sentenced to six year's imprison
ment for the crime in the Western Peni
tentiary, has been pardoned by Gov. Cur
tin. The petition for pardon was signed
by nearly all the prominent citizens of
the town. Kiiey is now at home. — Jlol
lidoysburg Whig.
ZSaT* A good many of our mail subscri
bers may have noticed an "X" on their
papers. They all doubtless know that
44 X" means "due," and that, unless we
hear from them, their names will be
crossed on the mail hook. Thanking them
for past favors, we hope they may all re
SSL. In all the interior towns of Vir
ginia, sleighing, skating and other win
ter sports have been as common as in
-New England or Canada, during the past
w cc k i
John Thomas, a well known col
ered man residing in Huntingdon, was
lately poisoned by gating a piece of the
liver of the deer. An emetic relieved
John L. Gearhart, son of John
Gearhart, of Decatur township, Clearfield
county, while trying to dislodge a fallen
tree, it swung round, knocked him down
ami tell across his body, crushing him to
death Instantly.
S. McDivitt, formerly a resident
of Huntingdon county, has been re-elect
ed Chief Clerk of the Colorado Legisla
ture. G. M. Chilcott, also a former resi
dent of that county, has been elected to
Congress from that Territory.
g&=Dora Frebyerthyzes, who was burn
ed on New Year's night, by her dress
coming 111 contact with a stove in the Va
rieties Theatre, in St. Louis, died 011
1 hursday. She was a ballet girl, aged
eighteen years, and daughter of one of
the original Swiss bell-ringers.
A young man named Andrew Sny
der, whilst engaged at cutting a timber
road, near Grahamton, Clearfield county,
had his feet so badly frozen that, it is
thought amputation of both will become
necessary. For one who had served three
years in the army, and escaped without
serious injury, it seems like a hard fate to
be now thus maimed for life.
t&lk*. We were a good deal amused the
other day iu reading a copperhead edito
rial which took theground that the South
ern people could not work, could raise no
crops, and could not attend to business
until they were restored to Congress.—
That editor must imagine he has got a
tine list of mules and jackasses for sub
SsiC rhe Lock Haven Democrat, here
tofore a firm though rather courteous
sheet, has passed into the hands of J. W.
& W. P. Fury, who seem determined to
make it full of " fury." Their inaugural
declares the war to have been "nothing
but an infamous crusade and a bloody lie
from beginning to end," &e.
feiT'J. A. Barry, of the Ray county
Freeman, one of the copperhead editors
iu the disturbed district of Missouri, lias
published a card acknowledging that his
articles were malicious and false, and that
his representations were made " with a
view to prejudice the fieople against the
law and to induce thieves and bush
whackers to continue resistance to the
civil officers."
VVe are pleased to see that our old
friend Col. John M Bowman, who was
removed from the office of Assistant As
sessor for Johnstown district in Novem
ber last, was re-iiistuteil on the Ist Janua
ry. From our knowledge of Col. Bow
man we have 110 doubt he was one of the
best officers in the State, and as his remo
val was a part of a political sclieineon foot
last fall which signally failed, his resto
ration is but an act of simple justice.
JB-s&r' Tiie trial of John Boyle for the
murder of George Squibb, in the York
county court, resulted in his acquittal.—
There are still two other indictments
iig.inist him —one for the murder of Mrs.
Squibb; the other for the grand-child.
These indictments, unless abandoned
sooner, will he disposed of at the April
court. McGrannigan and Boyle's son,
both of whom were tried for the same of
fence, were acquitted without much cere
-111 my, there having been no evidence
against them which would have justified
a conviction.
Special Notices.
H>T O T I O 33 _
The beautiful Piano Ported of GROVESTKEN & Co. are
deemed by :d! good judges to be the Ultima Thulc of
instruments of the kind.
We cannot suggest what is wanting to make a mu
sical instrument more perfect. although we are slow
to admit that the limit of improvement can ever be
Before they had brought their Pianos to their pre
sent excellence, they had submitted them to compe
tition with instruments of the best makers of this
country and Europe, and received tiie reward of mer
it. over all others, at the celebrated World's Fair. It
is I mt justice to say t nat the judgment thus pronounced
has not been overruled by the musical world.
Still, by the improvements la v ly applied by them
to their I'ianos. it is admitted that a more perfect in
strument has been made. They have accordingly
achieved the paradox of making excellence more
excellent. Surely, after this, they are entitled to the
motto -Excelsior." novl*-ly
ranted superior to any others, or no pay, for the
i• 11 re of Distemper, \ftirms. Bots. Coughs. H lae-bound.
('••lds, Ac., in Horses: unci Coughs, Colds, Loss of
Milk. Hlnek Tongue. Horn Distemper, Ac., in Cattle.
These Powders were formerly put up by Simpson I.
Tobias, sen of Dr. Tobias, and. since his death, the
demand lots been so great fir them, that Dr. Tobias
has continued to manufacture them. They aro per
fectly safe and innocent: no need of stopping the
working of vour animals. They increase the appe
tite. give a fine coat, cleanse the stomach and urina
ry organs: also increase the milk of cows. Try them,
and vou tvill never be without them. Hiram Wood
ruff. the celebrated trainer of trotting horses, has
used them for years, and recommends them to his
friends. Col. Pliilo. P. Bush, of the Jerome Race
Course. Fordham. N. Y.. would not use thetu until he
was told of what they are composed, since which ho
is never without them. He has over *2O running hor
ses in his charge, and for the last three years has
used no other medicine for them. He has kindly
permitted me to refer any one to him. Over 1,000
other references can lie seen at the depot. Sold by
Druggists and Saddlers. Price 25 cents per box. De
pot, 56 Cortlandt Street. N. Y. n0.28-7w.
according to Milton, is rendered tenfold more terri
ble by its
and there are thousands of fiery human heads which
might be rendered charming by siaaply changing
their tint to a mellow brown, or a perfectly natural
black with
It is ridiculous to carry into society a grey, sandy or
earrotty head, when five minutes would render it as
attractive as Nature could have made it in her happiest
mood. Manufactured by J. CRISTADCRO, 6 Astor
House, New York. Sold by druggists. Applied by all
Hair Pressers. decl-4t
be adapted to the nature of the fish, or there will lie
no increase: the soil must be adapted to the seed, or
there will he stnall returns; and the human body must
contain impurities, or there will be no sickness, The
man whose bowels and blood have been cleansed by a
few Brandreth'j Pills may walk through infect
ed districts without fear. "The life of the flesh is in
the blood." To secure health we must USE BRAN
PRETH'S RILLS, because we cannot be sick but
from uuhealthy accumulations in the bowels or the
blood, which Brandreth's Pills remove; this method
is following nature, and is safe, and has STOOD THE TEST
OF TIME. See B. Brandreth in white letters in theGoy
erument stamp. Sold by all Druggisls. declSMt
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
reme ** v *
regarded in manv com?-
tries as a nii'<iuMi"- „f indispensable necessity. In
science -hss're• t ran. ; e,ai"l Germany. where medical
" s perfection, it ,s pre
rr ,V ! domestic practice, and constantly used in
tue armies, m hospitals and other puhlie institutions
where His regarded b .v the attending phvsu iaus as
the most speedy and aereeahle remedy tliat can be
employed. Scarcely any neighborhood can he found
where wed known eases of diseased hint's, which had
baffled the efforts of the most skillful ami experienc
ed doctors, have been permanently cured by it. These
results are the most convincing proofs of the suoeri
or curative properties of this preparation: and to
them the authors point with peculiar satisfaction.—
While it is most powerful again-t confirmed diseases,
it is extremely gentle as a medicine in infancy and
youth, l>eiug quite harmless to even the youngest,
when administered judiciously.
1 his health-restorer accomplishes even more by
prevention than cure. If taken in season, it heals all
irritations of the throat and lungs, whether arising
Irom < olds or Coughs, or from other causes, and thus
prevent that long train of painful and incurable dis
eases. which would arise from the neglo.t ot them.
Hence no family should be without it. Influenza,
Croup. Hoarseness. Whooping Cough. Pleurisy Incip
ient Consumption, and other atlections of the breath
ing organs. give way before this pre-eminent combi
nation of medical virtues.
Prepared by I>R. C. AVER A Co, Lowell, Mass.,
ami sold by all Druggists and dealers in medicine
everywhere. n0v.21-2m.
rjlllK following Fire. Life, and Acciiicnt.tl Companies
1 uro represented by tbe undersigned :
.Etna, Fire of Ilartford, §4,083^)00
Putnam, " 500,000
Home, Now York 3,500,000
Germania, " 700,000
Home, New liaven, 1,000,000
North America, Philadelphia, 1,750,000
Enterprise, " 400,000
Lycoming, Pcnna., 2,500,000
Farmers, York, Pa, 500,000
American Life, Philadelphia, 1,000,000
N. Y. Accidental, New York, 25J,000
Horse Thief Ins. Co. York Pa , 50,000
This agency isjjrepared to insure against Fire, Death
or Accident, in any part of Mitflin county. Horses
are insured against theft. All bli.-iuess pertaining to
iu-tuunco promptly attended to.
janlO'67 JOHN HAMILTON, Agent.
I )UIV4TE SALE or Real Estate.
1 The undersigned oilers at private sale,
the following property, viz: a small tract
of land containing :{ acres and M
perelies, situate in Oliver township,
Miffiin county, near tlie saw mill of Geo.
H. Calbruith, deceased, being tlie part re
served in a sale of land by John Hainan,
to Brooks, Thomas A Co.; Also, House
and Lot of Ground situate in MeVeytown,
bounded as follows, viz: On the east hv
Queen street, on tlie west by Church Al
ley, on the north by Washington Alley,
and on tlie south by lot No. 70, and known
in the general plan of said town as lot No.
69; being 53 feet 7 inches in front, and ex
tending back 150 feet.
Any person desiring to see either of
these properties, or obtain terms or other
information, can do so by calling on tlie
undersigned in MeVeytown.
One of the Ex'm of John JTttman, dec'J.
MeVeytown, Jan. 16, 1867.-2t.
FA 1131 l* ISO t( Ri;s FOlt SALE,
QITUATE in Wayne township, Mifflin
O county, on turnpike road, within \ of
a mile of Atkinson's Mills, store, school,
blacksmith, &c\, and within '2\ miles of
Pennu. it. It., about 70 acres cleared and
tiie balance in excellent timber, prime
oak, Ac. This property will bo sold very
low and to suit purchaser. Persons wish
ing to examine the premises will call on
J. Glasgow, esq., or (' N. Atkinson, near
premises, and for price and terms see or
address A. J. ATKINSON,
octiMtf Lewistown, Pa,
Adolphus F. Gibboney,") Common Pleas
vs. > of Mifflin eoun-
Isaac Stine. ) ty. Foreign At
tachment, No. JJO, January T, IS(>7.
iteturns attached as the property of de
fendant: Five acres of Land situate in
Wayne township, Mifflin county, Pa.,
covered with young brush, witii no per
son in actual possession, bounded as fol
lows, viz : on the north by lands of Robert
Carr, on the north-east and east by lands
of James Rice, on the south by lands of
John Kintzer, and on the west by John
Cochran. December 21, 1806. 8o answers
jan2 W. T. MeEWEN, Sheriff.
Estate of Albert P. Eratton, deceased.
V OTICE is hereby given that Letters
JJN of Administration on the estate of
ALBERT P. BRATTON, late of Bratton
township, Mifflin county, deceased, have
been granted to the undersigned, residing
in said township. All persons indebted
to said estate are notified to make pay
ment immediately, and those having
claims against the same, will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
decs-6t Administrator.
EUte of Bernard barrlly, deceased
i OTICE is hereby given that letters of
J_x administration on the estate of REK
NAIII) GAItRITY, lateofNewton Ham
ilton, Mifflin county, deceased, have been
granted to the undersigned, residing
jin same place. All persons indebted to
j said estate are requested to make imme
diate payment, and those having claims
! to present them duly authenticated for
settlement. JOHN ROBERTSON,
deco-6t* Administrator.
INSTATE of John Edmiston. lc< .
-J Notice is hereby given that letters of
Administration de bonis non cum testa
ments anncxa, on the estate of John Ed
miston, late of Derry township, Mifflin
county, dee'd, have been granted to the
undersigned, residing in Lewistown, Pa.
All persons indebted to said estate are re
quested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims to present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
j jan2. Adm'r.
White Pine, Lap & Joint Shingles,
nortl-6in* Milroy, Mifflin co., Pa.
Are superior to all others for
Contain all the latest improvements; are speedy;
noiseless; durable; and easy to work.
Illustrated Circulars free. Agents wanted. Liberal
disouut allowed No consignments made.
Address EMPIRE S. M. CO, 616 Broadway. New
ork. seps'Ws-ly
Lewistown Coach Manufactory,
Junction 3d & Valley street.
ted together for the purpose of
- - 1 ,f t3i manufacturing Conches. Onrria-
JWES. gSßffih i jUSfIHEBa 'H'S. Bu'fjifs, Sulkies. Sprimi H'a
*'■ iITSiKi wfttw juiis. Ac., invite the public to
give them a call ami examine specimens of their
work, which will be found equal to any in or out of
the eities. All kinds of repairing promptly attended
to- dccli-ly _
Agricultural Journal.
ON the first Saturday of Jar.uarv. 1567. the under
signed will commence the puhhemiou of a new
weekly journal, entitled the
It will be printed ill quarto form, eight pages, on
fine paper, and now yrpe, and will be illustrated with
Engravings of Live Stock, Fruit, Farm
It ulldings, Agricultural Implements,
Y corps of practical and well known Agricultu
ral writers w ill contribute regularly to its columns
the Market Reports will be full and reliable.
to instruct and amuaejho farmer's better-half and his
sons and daughters, will make the " Farm aud
f! ,r =*lle" a welcome visitor to every ingle-nook of
I ennsylvama or tlie United States.
No expense or pains will be spared to make a jour
nal worthy the patronage of an intelligent public. It
H a'r'rlV."' at, * < . 1 ,nk,|esk a rural lite.
1 KKMb: f"J.OO per annum, invariably in advance.
No subscriptions received for less than one voar
.Sj>er""c" ntimbei sent free. For sale by all Newsmen.
All Letters, Remittances, Ac., should be addressed to
„ S. S. FOSS. Publisher,
jan--3t. Philadelphia.
O CJ. if. Swimirf, respectfully in
forms the citizens of Mifflin county, that he is pre pa
red at all times to <lo surveying on short notice.
Deeds. Mortgages. Bonds, and other legal writings,
drawn with neatness and dispatch. Address.
(5. 11. SWIG ART.
nov.-om MeVeytown, Mifflin county, Pa.
Steam Engine and
With fixings. Engine 30 horse power;
Boilers 40 horse power. Will be sold very
cheap. Address
jan.2-3m. Milroy, Pa.
j.> peals for State, County and Bounty
Taxes for 1807 will lie held at the Com
missioners Office, in Lewistown, as fol
lows :
Union, Mennoand Brown, Wednesday,
January 23rd, 1567.
Newton Hamilton, Wayne, MeVey
town itnd Bratton, Thursday, Jan. 24, '67.
Lewistown, Granville and Derry, Fri
day, January 25th, 1867.
Decatur, Armagh and Oliver, Saturday,
January 26th, 1.867.
jan2. Commissioners.
The AMERICAS ARTISTS' Usnos (established 1854) an
nounce that in order to extend the side of the follow
ing well known and highly popular
Steel Plate Kngraviiigii
The Last Supper, S6 x 421n.
Departure of the Pilgrim Fathers for America, 27 x 36 !u
Landing of the-Pilgrim Fathers, 27x36
Fal-taii Mnaterlng his Recruits, 25x3.)
Shakspeare and his Friends, 27 x 31
Cotter s Saturday Night. 23 x 28
Village lllncksniith. 27 x 32
Manifest Destiny. (Fortune Telling) 21 x 28
The Massacre at Wyoming In 1776, 28 x 36
Mount Vernon In the olden time, or, Washing
ton at 30 years of age, 26 X 34
The escape of Alastt r MacDonifid from the
Massacre of Ulencoe, 26 x 34
The Madonna, 26 x 34
They have deemed expedient to offer them to their
friends and the public at one dollar and hftv cents
each, the price heretofore having been two "dollars
each, and for the purpose of stimulating the getting
up of Clubs, they have determined to award premi
ninns to the getters up of the clubs, and in addition
thereto to distribute amongst the subscribers the sum
of Jau.'JOO iii money ami paintings, as soon as the sale
shall have reached loCUXIO engravings. As it is our
intention to advertise very entensively, and as the
engravings are well knewn throughout the whole
couutry. we have no donbt, that with the low price we
charge for them, and with the exertiou which will be
put "forth by our numerous friends, the number will
be reached in a shcrt time. As soon as it is reached,
the subscribers, through their club agents, will be no
tified by a circular letter from us, naming the time
and method of distribution.
Single Engraving $1.3) earh,—by inali, free.
For sls we will send 13 Eng. and 2 to the Club Agent
•• at " " is " 4 ••
•• 25 •• " ai " 5
" 30 " 25 " G
" 35 " " 30 " 7
" 50 " "50 " u Silver Watch.
11 75 " "80 " ft Silver Lever.
" 100 " " 110 " a Hunting Lever.
The club packages will he very securely packed and
forwarded by Kxpress.
Any person may get upclubsand forward the amount
either by Express, Sight I "raft. Post Office Order or in
a registered letter, and in all eases the Engravings
will he immediately sent, and for each engraving a
wimberal certificate and receipt will be enclosed in the
C. O. D. Orders Persons wishing to send for En
gravings and pay the Express Co. when they are re
ceived, will tie required to send with their order s'2 to
I So, according to its amount, and this will be credited
j on tilt-ir bill.
List of Premiums
To be distributed,
i One of SIO,OOO In money, I 0 non
3.000 " c 5 ope
| Five of 1,000 " 5 out
ileu of 500 5 OQ(
; Fifty of 100 " s*oo
One hundred elegant Oil Paintings, richly framed.
Landscapes at £IOO each, 10,000
Two hundred elegant OU I'aintlngs, richly framed.
Interior Views, at SSO each, 10,000
The American Artists' Union would add that theso
j premiums "are to be considered only in the light of a
free gift to their patrons, as the Engravings are fur
nished them below their market value, and as the cost
of engravings, after the plates are procured, is very
trifling, they can easily afford to make the distribution
large as it is.
We trust ttiat our numerous friends throughout the
country and Canadas will use their utmost exertion; ■
Bp that if possible, the distribution may Is.-made soon,
and it can be done if they are at alt active. Ladies
have often made excellent club agents for us, and we
solicit their kind efforts, which will not go unreward
ed. Let one or more energetic persons in every town
and village in the country commence as soon as they
see this, ami get upas large a club as possible. By so
doing they will tie the means of introducing elegant
engravings into fannies, and thus aid in cultivating a
taste for the beautiful and refined.
Address Orders
See'y American Artists' Union,
nov7-3m [saco] 25 Pino St., New York.
S. A. COYLE & CO.,
Produce & Commission Mer
615 Market Street, Philadelphia.
S. A. COYLE, sep2Mm J. W. LAUGH LIN.
s. s. CAMPBELL fc CO.
Manufacturing Confectioners,
10?" Molasses Candy and Cocoanut Work.
It is used Ly cutting into small shavings ami dis
solving in hot water, then soak the clothes five to ten
minutes, and a little hand ruhhmg will make thorn a.
••lean as hours of hard machine rubbing would do,
with ordinary soap, and the most delicate fabrics re
ceive no injury. We can reler to thousands of fami
lies who are Using it, and who could not be persuaded
to do without
Sold by all loading grocer.** throughout the State.
Manufactured only by
107 South Fifth Street,
oct3l-6m* Philadelphia.
tSfi,- Dobbins' Electric Soap is for sale by
F. J. Hoffman and D. Grove.
The Great English Remedy?
Celebrated Female Pills.
Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Olarhe, M. D
Physician Extraordinary to the Queen.
This iu valmthle medicine is unfailing In the cur* of all
those painful ami dangerous diseases to which the female
constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re
moves all obstruct ions, from whatever cause, and a speedy
cure may be relied 011.
it U particularly si lted. It will. In a short time, bring da
the monthly period with regularity.
These fills should not be taken by females during the
FIKST TIIItKF. MONTHS of pregnancy, as they are sur*
to bring on miscarriage, but at any other time they ar*
In all cases of Nervous anil Spinal Affections, Pains In
the Hack ami I.inibs. Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpita
tion of the Heart. Hysterics and whites, these Pills will ef
fect a cure when all other means have failed: and although
a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimo
ny. or anything hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions in the pamphlet around each package,
which should be carefully preserved.
It is the fntc of every valuable Medicine to be COUN
TERFEITED. Be cautious, therefore, and tee that the
Utters " T. if- M." are btrnrn in the bottle, and that taeh
urapjier bears the FAC SIMILES of the signatures of I.
C. BALDWIN d- CO.. and JOB MOSES. *n_ Without
which, none are genuine.
N. IS.—One Dollar, with Eighteen Cents for Postage, en
closed to any Authorised Agent, or to the Sole Oenersl
Agent for the United States and British Dominions.
JOB MOSES, 27 Cortland St., New York,
will Insure a bottle containing Ffty Pills, by return mall,
securely seuled from all observation. Oct,2i.
Tlic fnreal French Remedy.
Prepared from a prescription of Dr. Juan Dtlamarrt,
Chief Physician to the Hospital du Nord ou
LariUasiere of J'aris,
This valuable medicine Is no imposition, but Is unfailing
In the cure of Spermatorrha- or Seminal Weakness. Every
species of Genital or Urinary Irritability, Involuntary or
Nightly Seminal Emissions from whatever cause produced
or however severe, will lie speedily relieved and Llie organs
restored to healthy action.
Reml the following opinions of eminent French physicians:
"We have used the Specific Pills prepared by Garanclere
k Dnpont, No. 214 Hue Lombard, from the prescription of
Dr. Juan Dtlamarre, in our private practice with uni
form success, and we believe there Is no other medicine so
well calculated to cure all persons sntlerlng from Involun
tary Emissions or any other weakness of the sexual or
gans. whether caused by a sedentary mode of living, ex
cesses, or abuse.
Paris. May sth, 1863.
The Genuine Pills are sold by all the Principal Druggists
throughout the world, price one dollar per hox, or six Une
es tor five dollars.
UAKANCI ERE A DCPONT. Sole Proprietors,
No. 211 liou Lombard, Paris.
One dollar enclosed to any authorxed agent, will Insure
a box by return mall, securely sealed from all observation.
Six boxes .'or five dollars.
Sole General Agents for America,
OSCAR G. MOSES A CO., 27 Cortland St., N. Y.
N. B —French, German, Spanish and English Pamphlste
containing full particulars and directions for use, sent free
to any address.
Sold In Lewlstown by V. J. HOFFMAN. Janl7-ly
MSo StLAlfUSreLft
THIS Snuff has thoroughly proved itself to be the
best article known for curing the Catarrh, Cold M
the Head and Headache. It has heen found an excel
lent remedy in many cases of Sore Eyes. Deafness haa
been removed by it, and Hearing has often been great
ly improved by its use.
It is fragrant and agreeable, and
Cilves Immediate Relief
to the dull heavy pains caused by diseases of the head.
The sensations alter using it are delightful and invig
orating. It opens and purges out ail
strengthens the glands, and gives a healthy action to
the parts affected
of sale arid use of DR. MARSHALL'S CATARRH ASP HEA*-
ACHE Syvrr. has proved its great value for all the coal
men diseases ol the head, and at this moment stands
higher than ever before.
It is recommended by many of the best physicians
and is used with great success and satisfaction everja
Read tlie Certificates of Wholesale Drug,
gists IN 1854.
The undersigned, having for many years been ae
S.lL'rr, and sold it in our wholesale trade, cheerfully
state that we believe it to be equal, in every respect!
to the recommendations given of it for the cure of
Catarrhal Affections, and that it is decidedly the beat
article we have ever known for all common diseases
of the head,
Burr A Perry, Boston, I Barnes A Parke NY
Reed, Austin A Co., " IA.B. AD. Sands "
Brown, Lansom A Co.. " | Stephen Paul A (Co..
Reed Cutler A Co., • Israel Minor A Co.,
of., b°. w . ' . I McKesson A Robbing, ~
Wilson, talrbank A Co. " jA. L. Scovllle A Co., "
Henshaw, Edmand A Co., M. Ward, Close A Co., "
U. H. Hay. Portland, Me. | Bush A Gale, •
For sale by all Druggists. Tax IT.