Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, January 16, 1867, Image 2

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DELIVERED JAN. I>, l r >"-
Fellow Citizens : —Honored by the selec
tion of the sovereign people ot my riiit l % e
State as their choice for ('hie! Magistrate
of the Commonwealth ot I ennsyhaina,
it is with mingled feelings of humility
and gratitude that I have appeared m the
presence of my fellow countrymen, and
before the Se livfior of all Hearts, to take
the solemn obiig.d ifcn prescribed as a qual
ification for that exalted station, ' to sup
port the Constitution of the 1 rti ted States
and the Constitution of Pennsylvania,
ami to perforin my official duties with fi
Profoundly sen::ihle of everything that
is implied by this manifestation <>t the
people's confidence, and more deeply im
pressed with the vast importance and re
sponsibilit'cs of tlie office, than elevated
by its attendant honors, let it be our first
grateful duty to return fervent thanksgiv
ings to Almighty God for his constant
providence and unnumbered blessings m
us as a people, and especially mine t<> im
plore His aid and counsel in the discharge
of civil trusts, who has been mv shield
and buckler amidst scenes ot perii and
In addressing you on this occasion, in
accordance with a custom originating
with the Republican fathers, 1 projse
briefly to express my opinions on such
questions a< concern our constituency,
and relate to our common responsibilties.
Like countries of the 1 >l*l World, our
nation has had its internal com motions.
From the last of these we have scarcely
emerged, and during which "'\ar s des
olation" passed over our land, leaving its
blighting influences principally upon
those unfortunate States whose people re
belled against the government, and not
withstanding the agonizing sacrifices of a
great civil war, the States that maintain
ed the government and determined that
the Union should lie preserved, have con
stantly advanced in honor, wealth, popu
lation and gen -nil prosperity.
This is the first time that a change has
occurred in the Executive Department of
tliir- State since the commencement of the
war of the rebellion ; a brief reference,
therefore, to that conflict, and to its re
sults, may not be inappropriate.
We have t IJO consolation <>f knowing
that the contest between the North ami
the South was not, on our part, one for
ambition, for military renown, for terri
torial acquisition, nor was it for a viola
tion of any of the rights of the South,
but it was i'or the preservation of our own
rights ami privileges as men, ami for the
maintenance of justice, liberty, ami the
Union. The object of the South was
avowedly the dissolution of the Union
and the establishment of a confederacy
based upon li the corner stone of human
slavery." To have submitted to this on
our part, and to have shrunk from a man
ly resistance under such circumstances,
would have been deeply and lastingly tie
grading, and would have destroyed the
value of the priceless-legacy bequeathed
to us by our fathers, and which we are
obligated to transmit unimpaired to fu
ture generations, the patriotic and un
ion-loving people felt that the alternative
was that of life or death to the Union;
and under tiie auspicious guidance of
Abraham Lincoln, that-virtuous and pa
triotic Chief Magistrate, with i he blessing
of him who directs the destinies of na
tions, after open action and arbitrary vio
lence on the part of tin* South, tin'appeal
to arms was made. We had a just cause,
ami our citizens approving it with a de
gree of unanimity heretofore unknown,
in this or any other country, loft their va
rious employments, their homes and all
that was dear to them, and hastened with
enthusiasm to the scenes where duty and
danger called, and as the surest pledge of
their unswerving love ami fidelity to tin-
Union, they unhesitatingly offered their
lives for its preservation/ Nor was any
other tribute withheld in providing the
means neeessarv for the support of our
fleets and armies. Nearly two millions
of soldiers entered the field from time to
timeon different terms of enlistment. The
citizens generally exhibited the highest
degree of patriotism in the prompt pay
ment of taxes, in their liberal contribu
tions in the shape of loans to the govern
ment: and tiie world was astonished hy
the amount expended in their benevolent
care for the siek and wounded, through j
the ageneies of the Sanitary and Chris-I
tian Commissions and other charitable I
associations. More than -ix iiumired san
guinary battles and skirmishes were
fought, in which nearly three hundred
thousand of our heroic defenders laid
down their lives in their devotion to tiie
nation —"for Cod and Liberie."
In every phase of this terrible conflict,
Pennsylvania bore an honor tide and con
spicuous part. Sh contributed three hun
dred and sixty-six thousand three hun
dred and twenty-six volunteer soldiers to
the rescue of the nation; and nearly every
battle-field has been moistened with the
blood, and whitened with the bones, of
her heroes. !<> them we owe our victo
ries, unsurpassed brilliancy and in the
importance of tlu ir couse pieuees. To
the dead the thrice honored dead—we I
are deeply indebted, for without 1 heir ser
vices it is possible our cause might not
have been successful.
It is natural and eminently proper that
we, as a people, should feel a deep and
lasting interest in the piesent and future \
welfare ot the soldiers who have borne so !
distinguished a part in the great contest
which has resulted in the maintenance of
the life honor and prosjK-rity of the na
tion. Ihe high claims f tho private sol- i
Uiors upon the country ire universally !
acknowledged,and the generous sentiment
prevails that the amplest care should !-
taken by the government to compensate
them, equally and generously, with Is,un
ties and pensions, for their services and
I desire that it may be distinctly under
stood that I do not spoak of myself, in
connection with this subject; but l am i
happy to avail myself of this opportunity
to speak kind words of Pennsylvania's!
gallant private soldiers, and the noble i
officers who commanded them.
The generosity of the people of Penn- ■
sylvania to the ITiinn soldiers has been i
mutated, but not equalled, bv other States
t here i* something peculiar in thelovaltv
riH rV'b Vi 'V ,!U - seemed to feel,"from
\i.fJr ! il>on her devolved the set
ting or a superior example. The fact that
sheearrie,l ujkmi hcrstandard the brightest
jewel of the Republic, that in her bosom
was.conceived and f„,ni her commercial
capital was issued the Declaration of In
dependence, gave to her contribution'- i„
men and money, and her unparalleled
charitable organizations, all the dignity
and force of a model for others to eon v.
The rebel foe seemed to feel that if heeou'ui
trike a fatal blow at Pennsylvania, he
would recover all his losses, and establish
a resistless prestige in tlieold world. But
thanks to Divine Providence, and to the
enduring bravery of our citizen soldiers, 1
the invasion of our beloved State sealed
her more closely to the cause of freedom, j
The result of the battle of Gettysburg
broke the power of the rebellion, and al
though the final issue was delayed, it was
inevitable from the date of that great event.
That battle rescued all t he other free States;
and when the arch of victory was com
pleted by Sherman's successful advance
from the sea, so that the two conquerors
could shake hands over t bet wo fields that
closed the war, the soldiers7>f Pennsylva
nia were equal sharers in the glorious con- '
No people in the world's history have
ever been saved from so incalculable a
calamity, and no people have ever had
such cause for gratitude towards their de- j
And here I cannot refrain from an ex
pression of regret that the General Gov
ernment has not taken any steps to inflict
the proper penalties of the Constitution
and laws upon the leaders of those who
rudely and ferociously invaded the ever
sacred soil of our State.
it is certainly a morbid clemency, and
a censurable forbearance, which fail to
punish the greatest crimes "known to the
laws of civilized nations;" and may not
tiie hope be reasonably indulged, that the
Federal authorities will cease to extend
unmerited mercy to those who inaugura
ted the rebellion and controlled the move
ments of its armies? If this be done,
treason ivi.ll be "rendered odious,', and it
will be distinctly proclaimed, on the pages
of our future history, that no attempt can
I>e made with impunity to destroy our Re
publican form of government.
soldiers' orphans.
And while we would remember "the
soldier who has borne the battle," we must
not forget "his widow and his orphan
children." Among our most solemn ob
ligations is the maintenance of the indi
gent widows, ami the support and educa
tion of the orphan children ofthosenoble
men who fell in defense of the Union. To
affirm that we owe a debt of gratitude to
those who have been rendered homeless
and fatherless, by their parents' patriotic
devotion to the country, isa truth to which
all mankind will yield a ready assent; and
though we cannot call the dead to life, it
is a privilege, as well as a duty, to take the
orphan by the hand, and be to him a pro
tector and a father.
Legislativeappropriations have honored
the living soldiers, and on tombed the dead.
The people, at the ballot-box, have sought
out t!i" meritorious veterans, and the no
ble spectacle is now presented of the youth
ful survivors of those who fell for their
country, cherished and educated at the
public expense. Even if I were different
ly constituted, my official duties would
constrain me vigilantly to guard this sacred
trttst. But having served in the same
cause, and been honored by the highest
marks of public favor, I pledge myself to
hear in mind the injunctions and wishes
of the people, and if possible to increase
t he efficiency and multiply the benefits of
the schools and institutions, already so
creditably established, for the benefit of
the orphans of our martyred heroes.
The infatuation of treason, the downfall
of slavery, the vindication of freedom and
the complete triumph of the government
of the people, are all so many proofs of the
"Divinity that has shaped our etuis," ami
so many promises of a future crowned with
success if we are only true toour mission.
Six years ago thesjH-vtneleof four millions
of slaves, increasing steadily both their
own numbers and the pride and the mate
rial and political power of their masters,
presented a problem so appalling, that
statesmen contemplated it with undis
guised alarm,ami themoralist with shame.
To-day these four millions, no longer
slaves, but freemen, having intermediate
ly proved their humanity towards their
oppressors, their fidelity to society, and
t heir loyalty to the government, are peace
fully incorporated into the body politic,
and are rapidly preparing to assume their
rights as citizens of the United States.—
Notwithstanding this unparalleled change
was only effected after an awful expendi
ture of blood and treasure, its consumma
tion may well be cited as the sublimost
proof of the fitness of tin* American roe
pie to administer the government accord
ing to the pledges of the Declaration of
I ndependeiice.
We have hut to estimate where human
slavery would have carried our country
in the course of another generation, to
realize the force of tl lis commanding truth.
And as we dwell upon the dangers we
have escaped, we may the better under
stand what Jefferson meant when, in the
comparative infancy of human slavery,
he exclaimed, "1 tremble for my country
when I reflect that God is just !"
A simple glance at what must have been
our fate had slavery been permitted to in
crease will besufiicient. In 18>0 the slave
population amounted, in exact numbers,
to three millions nine hundred and fifty
three thousand seven hundred and sixty.
Taking the increase, percent., from
IS.">O to ISfifi, as the basis of calculation for
every ten years, in 1!K)<), they would have
numbered at least upwards of nine mil
lions. What Christian statesman, as he
thanks (Jod for the triumph of the i nion ;
arms, does not shudder at the terrible
pro-poet presented by these startling fig
ures ?
Hut while there is cause for constant
solicitude in the natural irritations pro
duced by such a conflict, Ac is butagloomy j
prophet who does not anticipate that the I
ageneies which accomplished these tre- j
mendousresults,wi 11 sucecssfullycopcwith ;
ami put down all who attempt to govern j
the nation in the interests of defeated am- j
bition and vanquished treason.
The [K-ople of the conquering North
and West have comparatively little to do :
but to complete the good work. They j
cthini'ind the position. The courage of
the soldier and the stigacity of the states
man, working Harmoniously, have now
sealed and confirmed the victory, and
nothing more is required but a faithful
adherence to the doctrines which have
achieved such marvelous results.
Tiie overthrow of tiie rebellion has
changed the whole system of Southern
society, and proportionately affected other
interests and sections. Demanding the
enlightenment of millions, long benight
ed, it forces upon the North and West the
consideration of a more perfect and per
vading educational policy.
Much as we have boasted, and have
reason to boast, of our common schools,
we cannot deny, when we compare them
with those of New England, and contrast
them with the preparations for the educa
tion ot the Southern people of all classes,
that we have much to overcome, if we
would equal tlieone, orstiniulate theotlier.
l ite recent convention of County School
Superintendents of Pennsylvania exhib
its some startling facts, which deserve the
attention of the people and their repre
sentatives. Yet it is not by legislation
alone that any people can be brought to
understand their relations to each other
as citizens. Their best instructors are
themselves. However liberal the appro
priations may be, if these are not second
ed by that commendable spirit which im
pels the parent to impress upon the child
the necessity of a sound moral and intel
lectual training, your representatives are
generous, in vain. Every tiling depends
upon the people; hence the great complaint
preferred by the convention of teachers,
of shortness of terms in some districts, of
the small attendance of enrolled scholars
of the employment of unqualified instruc
tors, and of the want of proper school
houses, results unquestionably not so much
from the indifference of the State, as from
the negligence of those who are invited to
share and to enjoy the blessings of a cheap
and admirable system of popular educa
tion. If my fellow-citizens will onlv re
collect the diiibrence between the oppor
tunities of the present generation and
those of their fathers, and how much is
to be gained by a cultivation of modern
facilities, they will require little exhorta
tion to the discharge of duties which re
late almost exclusively to themselves and
to those nearest and dearest to them.
The importance of common schools, in
a republican government, can never be
fully estimated. To educate the people is
the highest public duty. Toj>ermitthem
to remain in ignorance is inexcusable.—
Every thing, therefore, should be encour
age 1 that tends to build up, strengthen
and elevate our State on the sure founda
tion of the education of the people. Every
interest and industrial pursuit will be aid
ed and promoted by its operations; every
man who is educated is improved in use
fulness, in proportion as he is skilled in
labor, or intelligent in the professions,
and is in every respect more valuable to
society. Education seems to he essential
to loyalty, for no State in the full enjoy
ment of tree schools, ever rebelled against
the government.
Pennsylvania should be the vanguard
in the great mission of education. She
should remember that she has been the
mother of States, she should also be the
teacher of States. "The great problem of
civilization is how to bring the higher in
telligence of the community, and its better
moral feelings, to bear upon the masses of
the people, so that the lowest grades of
intelligence and morals shall always he
approached the higher, and the higher
still rising. A church purified of super
stition solves part of this problem, and a
good school system does the rest."
Nothing, after the education of the peo
ple, contributes more to the security of a
State than a thorough military system.
The fathers of the Republic, acting upon
the instinct of preparing for war in time
of peace, embodied this knowledge among
the primary obligations of the citizen.
Vet the rebellion found us almost wholly
unprepared. Our confidence in our in
stitutions was so firm that the idea of an
attack upon them from any quarter, much
less from those who had been tiie "spoiled
children" of the government, was never
believed possible, however threatened.
Tiie first clash of arms found us equally
undeceived and unorganized, and we very
soon experienced that the contrivers of
the greit slave conspiracy had not only
strengthened themselves by the stolen
ships, arms and fortifications of the gov
ernment, hut had bee 11 for years dcxi</ncd
/// instructing their youth in the science
of arms; and when the bloody tempest
opened upon us they were ready to spring
at the heart of the Republic, while the
citizens, in whose hands the government
was left, were compelled to protect them
selves and their country as best they
con Id.
When we reflect upon the terrible sac
rifices we endured to maintain our liber
ties, and anticipate that glorious period of
our country when the whole continent
will be dedicated to human freedom, and
when the despotisms of the earth will
construe our example into a standing
threat against their tyranny, we cannot
disregard the consideration of this impor
tant subject.
As before remarked, Pennsylvania con
tributed over three hundred thousand
troops to the national cause. Deducting
the loss of nearly thirty thousand hv
wounds and disease incurred in the field,
what an immense army has been left to
circulate among and to educate the mass
of our population ! Properly comprehen
ding this thought, we have at once the
secret of our past success, our present safe
ty and our future power. Jt wouid 1 eea
sy to create an emulation in the science of
arms among the youth of the State, by
proper organization, and to disseminate,
in all our schools, that loyalty to the
whole country, without which there can
be no permanent safety for our liberty.
In their late report, the visitors to the
West Point Military Academy laid a sig
nificant stress upon the necessity of such
pre -eptors, in the future, as would teach
the students of that institution their first
:• in! unavoidable obligations to the prin
ciples upon which the government itself
re[io.ses. The neglect of this kind of in
struction was felt in almost every move
ment during Die recent conflict; and it is
not going too far to say that many who
disregarded their oaths, and who drew
their swords against the government that
had educated and nourished them, found
a meretricious consolation in the fact that
they were permitted to cherish an allegi
ance to the State in which they were horn,
which conflicted with and destroyed that
love of country which should be made su
preme and above all other political obli
if, in our past and recent experience,
there has bt -on exhibited the valuable and
splendid achievements of our volunteers
in the national defence, there lias also
been shown the necessity for military
skill, and that knowledge of, and famili
arity with, the rules of discipiinesoesscn
tially necessary in their prompt and effec
tual'employment. In order, therefore, to
make our military system effective, we
should have particular regard for the les
son, that to prevent or repel danger, our
; State should always have a well disciplin
ed force, prepared to act with promptness
and vigor on any emergency; nor should
we forget that it is impossible to tell how
soon our warlike energies may again lie
required in the field.
In ndthing have our trials during the
war, and the resulting triumph to our
arms, been so full of compensation, as in
the establishment of the proud fact that
we are not only able to defend ourselves
against assault, hut what is equally im
portant, to depend upon and lire upon our
own resources. At the time the rebellion
was precipitated upon lis the whole busi
ness aud trade of the nation was paraly
zed. Corn in the West was used for fuel,
and the producer was compelled to lose
' not only the interest upon his capital, but
the very capital he had invested. Labor
was in excess, and men were everywhere
searching for employment. Mills and
furnaces were abandoned. Domestic in
tercourse Wits so trilling that the stocks of
a number of the most important railroads
in the country fell to, and remained at, an
average price* of less than fifty iter cent.
Hut the moment danger to the* Union be
came imminent, and the necessity of self
reliance was plainly presented as the on
ly means of securing protection, and the
gradual dispersion of our mercantile ma
rine by tiie apprehension of the armed
vessels of the rebels, the American people
began to practice upon the maxims of
self-defenct? and self-dependence. From
having been, if not absolutely impover
ished and almost without vpmunerative
enterprise, depressed by unemployed la
bur and idle capital, all their great mate
rial agencies were brought into motion
with a promptitude, and kept in operation
with a rapidity and regularity, which re
lieved them from want, their country
from danger, and excited the amazement
of civilized nations.
Protection to the manufactures of the
country, when rightly viewed, is merely
the defence of labor against competition
from abroad. The wages of labor in the
United States is higher than those in any
other country, consequently our laborers
are the more elevated Labor is the foun
dation of Iwith individual anil national
wealth; and those nations that have best
protected it from foreign competition, have
been the most prosperous. It is clearly,
therefore, the interest of the nation to fos
ter and protect domestic industry, by re
lieving from internal taxation every sort
of labor, and imposing such heavy duties
upon all importations of foreign manu
factured articles, as to prevent the possi
bility of competition from abroad.
Not only should individual en
terprise and industry be thus encour
aged, but all public works, a liberal and
properly restricted general railroad sys
tem, and internal improvements of every
kind, receive the fostering care and most
liberal aid of the government. We are
rich in every thing necessary to meet our
wants, and render us independent of every
other country, and we have only to avail
ourselves of our own resources and capa
bilities, to progress continually onward to
a degree of greatness never yet attained
by any nation. Ouragrieultural, mineral
and manufacturing resources are une
qualled, and it should be our constant
study to devise and prosecute means tend
ing to their highest development.
Why, then, should not the wisdom of
government make available the teachings
of experience, and at once legislate for the
manifest good of the people"? Why per
mit our manufactures to beg that they
uiav live?
The government of (JreSt Britain has,
by her protective system, "piled duty up
on duty," for more than one hundred and
fifty years, and hence upon protection is
founded her manufacturing supremacy.
Yet her emissaries conic to this country,
and for sinister purposes, extol "free
trade," speak seoffingly of "protection,"
ami endeavor to persuade our people to
believe and adopt the absurd theory, that
"tariffs hinder the development of indus
try and the growth of wealth."
The great Hepublican party, in trie Convention
winch nominated Abraham Lincoln in Chicago, in
lNfie. as if preparing tor tiie very war which moat of
our atate-inen were at that peri oil anxious to post
pone. adopted a resolution, "which.** to use the lan
guage of an eminent IVnnsylranian. • -declared that
the produce of the ("nrin should no longer l>e com
pelled to remain inert and losing interest while wad
ing demand m distant markets; that the capital
winch daily took the form of labor power should no
longer he allowed to go to waste; that- the fuel which
underlies our soil should no longer there remain to
he it mere support for foreign rails; that the power
which lay then petrified in the form of coal should
everywhere be brought to aid the human arm; that
our vast deposits of iron ore should he made to take
the form of engines and'other machinery, to he used
as etibstitines for lie-re muscular force; and that all
our wonderful resources, material and moral, must
and should he at once developed. Such wis the in
tent and meaning of the brief resolution then and
there adopted, to he at the earliest practicable in -
ment ratified by Congress, as proved to the <-a e
when the Morrill tan It. on the memorable 2d of March,
1861, was made the law of the land To that law. aid
ed as it was by the admirable action of tho Treasury
in supplying machinery of circulation, we st and now
indebted tor the fact that we have, ill the short Space
of five years, produced more food, huilt more houses
and mills, opened more mines, constructed more
roads than ever before, and so groat I.\ added to the
wealth of the country, that the property of the loyal
Slates would this dav exchange for twice the quanti
ty of gold that could five years sin.-e have been ote
tained for all the real and personal property, south
ern chattels ex epted, of the whole of the States and
territories of which the I'mon stands composed."
If the principle of protection proved to he such a
talisman in the tunc of war. shall we reject it in tune
of peace i' if an answer were needed to this question,
reference could ho had to the repeated concessions
to this principle by the recent free-traders of the
South. Scarcely one of the ambitious men who led
their unfortunate people into rebellion, hut now free
ly admits that if the South had to imifactuird their
ow n lahncs. 011 their own plantations, and cultivated
skilled labor in their great cities, they would have
Icon able to prolong their conflict with the govern
ment; arid now to enjoy substantial, instead of artifi
cial prosperity, they must invoke the very agencies
they had so long and so fatally disregarded. Words
need not be multiplied upou this important theme,
either to make my own position stronger, or to im
press upon the people the value of adhering to a sys
tem winch has proved itself worthy of our continued
support, and of the imitation of its former opponents.
The exhibit of the finances of the Commonwealth,
as presented in the lute annual message of my prede
cessor, and the report of the State Treasurer, is cer
tainly very gratifying: and the Haltering prospect of
the speedy extinguishment of the debt which has
been banging, for so many years, like a darfc cloud
over the prospects of our State, combine.l with the
hope that a reasonable reduction will be made in oar
habitual annual expenditures, will cheer the people
onward in the pathway of duty.
Among the most delicate and important obligations
required of those in official position*, is a strict and
fan hful management of the public revenues and ex
penditures of the Commonwealth. Taxation should
fie applied where its burdens may be least felt, and
where it is most ju-t that it should be borne. Every
resource should he carefully husbanded, and the
strictest economy practised, so that the credit of the
State shal' he maintained on a firm and enduring ba
sis. and the debt surely and steadily diminished, un
til its final extinguishment. Unnecessary delay in
t>is would, in iny opinion, be incompatible with "our
true interests.
That these expectations are capable of speedy and
certain consummation, has already been demonstra
ted. The public improvements, the cause of our heavy
debt, which seemed to be an incubus upon the pros
perity of the State, so long as they were managed by
tier agents, have been sold; the tax on real estate has
la-en abolished, and considerable redactions have al
ready been made on the State debt.
This important branch of the administration shall
receive my constant and zealous attention.
The general and essential principles of law and
liberty, declared in the Constitution of Pennsylvania,
shall he watchfully guarded. It will be my highest
ambition to administer the government in the true
j spirit of that instrument. Care shall he taken "that
the laws he fiithtutly executed." and the decisions of
the courts respected and enforced, if within their
authorized jurisdiction. Influenced only by conside
rations for the public welfare, it is my imperative du
t* to see that justice be impartially administered.
'I bat merciful provision, the pardoning power, confer
red upon the Executive doubtlessly for correcting
only the errors of criminal jurisprudence, and secu
j ring justice, shall not be perverted to the indiscrimi
| nate protection of those who may be justly sentenced
j to bear penalties for infractions of the laws made for
■ the security and protection of society. Those "eru-
I ellv ' or "excessively" punished, or erroneously eon
! vieted, are alone entitled to its beneficent protection,
and only such should expect its exercise in their
i behalf. Whenever the people deem it expedient or
, necessary, from actual experience, to alter the laws,
j or to amend the Constitution, it is their undoubted
i right to do so. according to the mode prescribed
within itself. I here repeat, what I have said else
w here, that •• so long a- tho people feel that the power
to alter or change the character of the government
abides in them, so long will they lie impressed with
a sense of security and dignity which must ever
I spring lrom the consciousness that they hold within
their own hands a remedy for every political evil, a
corrective tor every governmental abuse and usurpa
j tiou."
We are confessedly in a transition state. It is mar
velous how prejudice has perished in the furnace of
war. and how. from the very ashes of old hatreds and
old parties the truth rises purified and trionipnant.
The contest between the Eiecativs and a CbniiMS
twic%elected by substantially the same ullra<res a
contest so anomalous in our experience as not to
have been anticipated by the frainers of the National
Constitution, has only served to develop the remark
able energies of our "people, and to strengthen them
for future conflicts. That contest is virtually decided.
The victorious forces, physical and moral, of the
patriotic millions, are simply jstusing before they
perfect the work of reconstruction. Twenty-six
States have not only been saved lroni the conflagra
tion of war, but have been crystalled in the saving.
The nnrestored ten. still disaffected and stid defiant,
see in to la- Providentially delaying their return to
the Union, so that when they re enter upon its obli
gations and its blessings they will be the better able
to fulfil the one and enjoy the other. Their condition
is a fearful warning to men and uations, and especi
al! vto ourselves. . .. , , ,
Cntil slavery fell we did not fully understand the
value of Republican institutions. Accustomed to tol
erate. and in many eases to defend slavery we did
not lecl that its close proximity, so far from assisting,
was gradually destroying our liberties; and it was
only when rebellion tore away the mask, that we saw
the hideous features of the monster that was eating
out the vitals of the Republic. ... , •
If we are now Hstoxitohftd ami shocked at the ex In
bition of cruelty and ingratitude among those who.
having inaugurated and prosecuted a causeless war
agaiust a generous government, and having been per
mitted to escape the punishment tl.ey deserve, are
once more arrogantly clamoring to assume control
of the destinies of this great nation, how much
greater cause would we have had for surprise had
slavery lieen permitted to increase and multiply ?
Boast as we mav of our material and our moral
victories, yet is it not true that there is no such thing
as a Republieau government ill the ten States that
began and earned on the war? There is not. to-day,
a despotic State in Europe where the rights of the
individual man are so defiantly trampl.-d under foot,
as in the sections which were supposed to have been
brought into full submission to the government of
the United States. But the disease has suggested
its Providential cure.
The abhorrent doctrine, that defeated treason shall
riot only We magnanimously pardoned, but introduced
to yet "stronger privileges, because of its guilty fail
ure, seems to have been insisted upon, as if to
strengthen the bettct and the contrasting doctrine,
that a nation, having conquered its freedom, is its
own best guardian, ami that those who were defeated
ill honorable battle should be constrained to submit
to all the terms of the conqueror.
The violators of the most solemn obligations, the
perpetrators of the most atrocious crimes in the an
nals of time, the murderers of our heroic soldiers on
fields of battle, and iu loathsome dungeons and bar
barous prisons, they must not. xluiil nut, re-appear in
the couti'-il chambers of the nation, to aid m its legis
lation. or control its destinies, unless it shall be on
conditions which will preserve our institutions from
their baleful purposes and influence, and secure re
publican forms of government, in their purity and
vigor, in every, section of the country.
That they are indisposed to accept such conditions,
is manifest from their recent and even arrogant re
jection of the proposed amendments of the national
Constitution —amendments which are believed, by
many true and patriotiocdHsens aud statesmen, to be
too mil 1 and generous.
They liavo. however, been fully considered bv the
people during the late elections, and approved by
majorities so large as to give them a sanction which
it would he improper to either overlook or disregard.
And certainly 111 view of tins fact, nine of the late
rebel States should he admitted to their former
"practical relations" to the General Government,
while they continue to oppose these amendments
To the Congress of the United States the heartfelt
sympathies and overwhelming suffrages of the people
have been generously given. 1 hey have fearlessly
proclaimed their unequivocal verdict —"WELL POSE
tiOoD AMI EAITHKIL SKRVA.NTS." Upon the deliberations
and actions of Congress otir present interests and lu
turc welfare all depend. In its firmness and courage
the whole experiment of genuine republicanism is in
dissohlbly involved. That tins firmness and courage
will be fully exhibited by itsoontrulling majorities, in
the origination aud adoption of measures of wisdom
and discretion, even more radical and decisive, if ne
cessary than those of the past I entertain no doubt.
Such measures will meet with my cordial approval.—
And I mav well add. that while Pennsylvania will
confide in a loyal Congress, she will not hesitate to
sustain it with her entire influence and power.
That in the administratiouof the government 1 may
err. is only w hat should be expected from the infirm
ities of the human mind; but us 1 enter upon the dis
charge of my respoii-ihle duties with a firm resolu
tion to act with honesty and impartiality. I trust my
errors will he regarded with chanty and treated with
the gentleness of magnanimous forgiveness.
And i earnestly hop.- that my intercourse with my
fellow-citizens of the Senate and House of Represen
tatives will be so frank and cordial, that our duties to
a common constituency will lie pleasantly and faith
fully discharged. Different branches of the govern
ment as we are, with distinctive duties, we are never
theless parts of one organized and well regulated
system, and as we co-operate or disagree, the interests
of the Siate will probaoly be promoted or retarded.—
Kleeled by the people, desirous to promote the wel
fare of every citizen, mere party differences should
not be allowed to interfere with the maintenance of a
generous, u true and comprehensive public policy.
It was the illustrious Washington, equally distin
guished as a warrior and a statesman, who gave utter
ance to the declaration, "that the propitious smiles of
Heaven cannot be expected on a nation that disre
gards the eternal rules of order and right;" and Jef
ferson, who asserted that " whatever is morally wrong
cannot he politically right." These utterances ex
press my deepest convictions of the rules and princi
ples which should permeate and control all govern
ments. Let us, fellow-citizens, adhere to them , be
governed by them, and our efforts w ill be happily
united in surrounding the institutions of our State. as
well as those of our nation, with a rampart of truth
that will repel the madness of ambition, the schemes
of usurpation, and successfully resist the changes
aud agitations of all coming lime.
\rij s
Cloudily Calendar.
Z !
> c? at -5 ! Sun I Hun
| s | £ £ ■? 1 rises. I sets.
7. 'r- "P- L '
r 1 - * 4 5 7.24 4.49
S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 7.22 i 4.5-3
513 14 15 16 17 IS 19 7.20 5.03
020 21 22 23 21 25 20; 7.15 5.11
•' 27 28 29 30 31 I j
New Moon, I sth, | 7.29 evening.
First Quarter, | 13th, | 11.33 morning.
Full Moon, | 20th, j 2.3-3 morning.
Last Quarter, j 27th, | 9.40 "
The following is the range of our ther
mometer from the 9th i list.
morn'g ncxni. even'g
January 9, 24 32 30
10, 26 33 26
11, 22 30 22
12, 17 27 23
13, 16 23 22
14, 30 33 22
15, 16 23 24
About 5 inches of snow fell on Sunday
morning last, and 1 inch yesterday morn
T. De Witt Till mage, who is to Philadel
phia what Beecher is to New York and
Brooklyn, will deliver his highly popular
Lecture, "GRUMBLER & Co., in Lewis
town, on Friday a week, 25th inst. This
presents an opportunity to our communi
ty for hearing at least one celebrated lec
ture before the season closes. Many of
our readers will remember Mr. Talmage
as one of a party of gentlemen who en
camped at Granville some years ago. The
lecture is replete with wit, its well as com
mon sense.
tap" After a spirited contest on Mon
day last the old Board of Directors suc
ceeded in electing their ticket hy a deci
ded majority. The following constitute
the new Board of the Middle Greek It. K.
President —Aimer Thompson.
Directors —Joseph Alexander, Thomas
Beaver, John Hayes, jr., John A. MeKee,
David Morgan, Amos W. Mitchell, John
I). Romig, Johu Smith, John W. Bhaw,
Joseph Seranton, Moses Spccht and A. C.
ment passed by the last Legislature, jroI
vides that any person "who shall receive
or buy from minors or unknown or i rrt
sponsible parties, any scrap, brass, lead or
metal, shall be sentenced to pay a fine not
exceeding five hundred dollars, and un
dergo an imprisonment of not more than
one year, or both, or either." This makes
it criminal to buy or receive from such
parties, irrespective of whether it was sto
len or not, and removes from children the
temptation to pilfer.
FIRE. —The dwelling house of John
Ivuepp, of Decatur township, Milllin Co
was destroyed by lire on Sunday after
noon, January 7th, during the absence of
the family, who were on a visit to see a
sick boy in the neighborhood. They left
after dinner, and had carefully closed the
stove, but it is supjiosed that fire had been
communicated to the upper part by the
stove pipe. The house was a two story
log, weatherboarded, and with nearly
everything in it was totally destroyed—
leaving the family in a very destitute
APPOI NTMKNTS. The Commissioners
have appointed John Kennedy Mercan
tile Appraiser for this county for Im;t.
The Court appointed SAMUEL H. Mr.
COY, of Granville township, Auditor to
fill the vacancy occasioned by the death
of George B. Penepacker.
BEAU KILLED. —A hear found his way
into a field on the Langton farm, a! out
miles above town, on Thursday last
ami was discovered by Mr. 8. Roland's
boys, who with the aid of a dog treed him
on a white pine in Mayes' field, where he
was shot. It weighed about 100 ll. clean
meat, which was divided among tin- jar
ties gathered together from the neighlior
hood. This was probably one of two
which have keen harboring in the moun
tain back of Dough Trough Hollow since
last summer a year, when the dam of two
cubjj was killed by Samuel Morrison.
A deer killed in the Fast Knd was re
tailed on our streets on Wednesday last.
A sportsman asks whether even if -.hot
previous to the Ist January, it is not a vi
olation of the. game law to exjiose it for
sale after that time —the law making pis
session out of season evidence? We leave
the lawyers to decide thequestion; and they
as Major Elbow says, would no doubt de
cide it as they generally do everything
else, by one taking one side and another
the other, and so on through the length
and breadth of the bar.
ing was the principal business transacted
in the Quarter Sessions :
.Com. vs Joseph Jenkins, indicted for
assault ami battery on James Woodruff.
Not a true bill and prosecutor to pav costs
except $4 to county.
Com. vs Jacob Steidley, indicted for
selling liquor license. Guilty,
and sentenced to pay a fine of S2O and
costs, and imprisoned todays.
Com. vs S. B. Marks, indicted for sell
ing liquor without license and on Sunday.
Verdict guilty. Sentence same :is above.
Com. vs Joseph Tarmati and Nancy
Tarman, indicted for assault and battery
on Eliza A. Bloom. Not a true bill, and
prosecutor to pay costs, except $4 toeounty.
Com. vs. Eliza Bloom and N'cy Bloom,
indicted for assault and battery o*ll Nancy
J. Tarman. Not a true bill, and prosecu
tors to pay costs, except $4 to county.
Com. vs George Brown, indicted for as
sail It and battery on John Gruver. The
lirst jury, after being out all night, could
not agree and were discharged. A second
jury found the prisoner guilty and recom
mended him to tiie clemency of theeourt.
Sentenced to pay a line of $1 and costs of
I n the ease of Com. vs Isaac Woods, the
prosecutrix and her security forfeited their
Com. vs George Dull, indicted for em
bezzlement, the Grand Jury ignored the
Com. vs T. G. Sterrett and Benj. Spig
elmire, supervisors, indicted for neglect
ot duty, the Grand Jury ignored the bill.
A boy in tiie Valley bust month pursued
a rabbit which ran into a hole at a fence
post. On reaching in with his hand, a
j snake came out, rather an unusual spee
tacle in December.
A young man named Brown was con
siderably injured by falling on a bed of
hot cinder on Sunday last.
On the Bth inst., by Rev. W. Downs,
J.EN HOOVER, both of Derry t\\*p.
The following were handed in last week
with erroneous dates. — EDS.
On the 27th Dec., ISOtJ, by Rev. W. L
TICK, both of Eewistown.
On the 30th Dec., by Rev. \V. b.
Smith, J AS. TAYLOR to Miss HAN.NAH
GOOD, both of Mittlin county.
LKWISTOWN, January 16, 1807.
Wheat, red, per busbel $2 00
" white " 2 65
Corn, old, 90
Oats 45
Kggs per dozen 30
Butter per lb 30
Philadelphia Market*.
Sales of Northwest extra family tl tHir
at $11.50a13.50, Pennsylvania and Ohio at
$12a14.25, fancy at $14.5ha17, extra at
10.75, and superflne atsßaß.7s. live th'ur
at $7.25. R1 wheat is quoted at $3.10,
white at $3.20a3.40.
Mutual Insurance Company-
Capital, $2,500,000.
TIIIS Company continues to issue Policies of l 3,^ r .
anoe on Buildings ami Personal Property, i" *
or Country, at cash or mutual rates.
JAMES HA.VKI.V, p^ellt: |,, '
JOSHUA lIOWMAN, Secretary.
janlO '67 Lewistoan, r*-