Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, January 16, 1867, Image 1

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    So <2s ®o 180 IflßirSHSysaiEa iPrmwuKSTimßiiiaj
ffhole No. 2903.
?oor House Business.
Tho Directors of the Poor meet at the Poor
House on the 24 Tuesday of each month.
320." W. ELDER,
Attorney at Law,
Oftice Market Square, Lewistown, will it- j
tend to business in Mltßin. Centre and Hunting <
don counties mv 26
Attorney at Law,
OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of j
MitHin county. office with D. W. esq., I
Main street. below National Hotel. iii\-
3?.. JCHW S. Ei-HLSIT,
Practicing Physician,
Belleville, Mifflin County, Fa.
TVR DAIILKN has been appointed an Examining <
U Surgeon for Pensions. Soldiers requiring exam- ,
illation ill find him at his ..itico in Belleville.
Belleville, August 56J, 1860-y
-p EXPECT EI'LEY inform the citizens of [.owistown
Hand vicinity, (a few doors troio the Town llall. in
M en street) that he is prepared todo all Uiud <d" work
in the line of Ins profession in the most srieutun nuin
, ,ii Whole Sets. Partial Sets, or Single I'ecth 111-
A-rted on W"ld Silver, or Vulcanite Base, in an elegant
and workmanlike manner, and on the ni-i reasona
ble terms. H- guarantees his work, or no pay.
'particular attention paid to the extracting and tilling
of teeth in the most approved manner. uovi-Cm
Teeth Extracted Without Pain!
By R. Thompson, D. D. B ,
• without tli** II s ** •t t hh>r-
AZ'* frii. Kth. r- or \itron*Ux-
Me. and is* attended U no
danger or I mil etlWt*.
Rf y~r ' . J Oitiee west Mai ket street
if noar liotol,
where he can be found for profo-mm.! cnn.ultstion
from the first Monday ol each moliih until the ti.uilli
Mond.iv. when he will he absent on profession:, busi
ness one week. • "***
wm Sw
AFKKRS Ilis professional services to the citizens t
U bewistown and vicinity. All in want of good, neat
wi.rk will do well to give hlin call.
He may he found at all times at hi-offlce. three
doors east „| 11. M. A K. Pratt's store. \ alley street.
aplS-ly* _ .
TEETH Extraet.-'MVI l ll"
tlie"d'irtV-re lit styles of bases. Teeth
filled in the most approved manner. Special atten
tion given to diseased gums. All work warranted.
Terms reasonable. ' . ,
Office at Episcopal Parsonage, Corner of Mair. and
Water Streets. T v "
rt Tlie •oihsonber has just received and will
S.g] keep on Imn.l a select stock of
fBl and Youth s Boots. Ladies'. Misses and Chll
' Bit iron's Boots nnd Shoes of vmi ious Kinds and
styles, to which he would invite the attention of his
mends and the public generally Asit is his intention
by TIV dealer in the county, those in need of winter
lioots or shoes are invited to call and eooninr the
above stock, which w ill l>e Mtid at very small profit*,
but for cash only, at the sign of the Bhs Bimz. next
door H. F. J. Hodman's store. clahkE
fa* r-f.ITOIY STCP-E,
tUS. West Markrt 54..s 4 .. lr*itwn,
Sacks. Cloaks. Hats. Houucts. Ladies Fine I>h'.liUS
ooofts and Trimmings.
Patterns of latest styles always on hand.
Millinery and Dress-Making
executed in the most approved style.
Lewistown. April 11, lboti.il
J A. & W. R. McKEE
HAVE removed their Leather Store to Odd Fel
lows' Hall, where they will constantly keep
on hau l. Sole Leather Harness. Skirting and Lpper
Leather. Kips. American and French Calf Skills. Mo
roccos. Lining* and Bindings. Hid h general assort
ment of Shoe Fiiidiu.'s. which they will sell cheap for
oi*h. Highest market price paid in cash for ides.
Calf Skin- and 31ieep Skins.
wanted, fur which the highest market price will he
pttkl m C*h. apltf
fplIK uudersigned iias a large stock of Uith
I Home-made and Eastern maiUifai-tured Boots and
Shoes, which he otters at prices lower than he lias
sold for four years :
Men's thick, d. Boots, warranted, from to ft.on.
.. k;,., u •• " 4 isi to 6.1*1.
(,'aif! '• " extra 4.50 to ft.eo.
Iloys' Boots, 1 ilo
Men's thick flrogans, dnuhle-solcd. - on to
Men's split " warranted very had, 1.10.
Boys' Shoes, price ranging from 1.25 to 2.25.
As the taxes arc to be reduced again oil the first day
of August, it also enables us to reduce our prices
HOME-MALE WORK of all kinds made to
order at reduced prices. 80 come oil boys and girls
and examine for yourselves.
Trunks, Valises and Carpet Hags
kept on hand, Gentlemen will hear in mind that no
goods will be given out unless paid for. and if re
turned 111 good order, the money will tie returned, if
requested. But when goods have been soiled or
worn, they will not he taken imck —please bear this
in inuid—as some folks think that wearing for a
short time don't injure the sale of them afterward*.
20.000 MAJORITY!
To the Voters of Central Penna
ELECTION i over and it ha been decided Ivy -ilhmH
S>.<MO majority that the Tnfweeo ami rijj tr!< sold
at Frysinger's Tobacco and S"gar Store cannot he
surpassed, either hi tonality or Price.
Look at the Prices, get some of the goods, and com
pare with all others, and you will he sati-tied thatyou
K t the worth of your money at Fry singer's,
rrv-inger's Spun Roll only SI.OO per pound,
r rydinger's Navy - ** •* ~
j'ry.]tiger's Congress " " *' "
I- rv-uiger's Flounder " " " "
Willett Navy u u a u
flrouoko Twist *' " "
Atil other Plug Tobacco at 40 and V ct* p-r lb.
Jot and liry. 4u nd 5-J cts. Granulated T- thai- cos at
i cts.. 0 Cta . 80 Cts. SI.OO. $1.20. and $1.50 per lb.
I in,■-Cut chewing, at $1.40 and S!.A).
igur* at 1 2. 3. 5 ;t n,i In cts. each,
i'tcs in great variety; also Cig ir Cases. Tobacco
"lushes and Boxes. Match Safes, and all articles
Usually kept in a first-class l'liku'co and Cigar Store.
To Merchants. I offer the above goods at prices that
will enal le them to retail at the same prices that I
ttu sod realise a fair orotic
Splendid Syrup Molasses.
ONE of the best articles at 2.5 per quart, at
0et.24. F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
Sugar at 12 1-2 Cts.
OUR article at this price i* good. Also. White at 17. at
Get 21. F.J HOFFMAN'S.
Don't Forget
r P() go to HUFFMAN'S for your PAT
\ T OIJ can buy your Bar Iron at 5J Also
X on hand Steei Horse-Shoe Calks and Horse
Shoes, at F. J. HUFFMAN' S
Hubs, Spokes, Fellows,
STEEL Runners, !fcu. A great assort
ment at F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
Coal Oil and Lamps,
j\ 0et.24.
Gas Burners.
AND a variety of other heatinsr Stoves
for sale loyv for cash at F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
Sole Leather, Upper,
CIALF Skins, Morrocco, &c, at
/ 0ct.24. F. J. HUFFMAN'S. ;
Nimrcd Gook!
one who want* a goud Cookinj;
J Stove. >liouid call and see this,at
I Oct.**. * F. J. HOFFMAN'S
I) F. I.< )UP is receiving new goods every week, <Ji
i rect from the eastern factory, and is prepared to
sell Boots cheaper than the cheapest, having a large
assoitment of all size.- and styles,
i Men's Boots from S3 80 to 5 00
j Hoys' 2 501<> 3 50.
do 2 > to 2 50.
I Children's ' 1 25 to 2 00.
j A good assortment of homemade work 011 hand
and constantly making to order all the latest styles
i\ra now creating a jgtval •*x , itrn<nt and all whowiali
to have a pair f plcoaatit boots call tie a<*euDl
itHiihtted at short notice.
Call at the old stand. P. F. LOOP,
C E I. K 11 K A T E D
IT'E yvisli to call the attention of Tailors. Shoetnak
' els. Saddlels. C..:n-li trimmers and Families to
these machines, as they are
| Persons selecting a machine can have their choice
the peculiarity of each stitch being cheerfully shown
and explaiued.
F.xlract from N'exv York Papers!
"The Grover & Baker noiseless machines are ac
knowledged to he superior to all others."
'•The work executed hv the Grover A Baker Mn
! chine has rec ived the highest premium at every
j State Fair in the United States yvhere it has been ex
j hlbited.''
N. B. — We make 110 charge for
We call them the
P. F. LOOP. Agent for the above,
Root and Shoe Maker, in the public square. Lewis
town. novTy
E. &. 11. T. ANTHONY fc CO.,
Sanufaelurtrs of Piiotigraj hie Mutrri I*,
301 Ihondwii}', N. A".
In addition to mir main business of PH< >Tf 'GR APH
IC MA I ERIALS, we are headquarters for the follow
ing. viz:
Stereoscopes and stereoscopic Views.
Of American m d Foreign Cities and Landscapes.
Groups, Statuary, Ae.
Stereoscopic Views of tlie War,
Prom negatives made in the various oampuignsnnd
forming a complete Photographic history of the con
Stereoscopic Views on f^iass.
Adapted for either the Magic Lantern or stereo
scope. Our catalogue will he sent to any address on
receipt of stamp.
Photographic Albums.
We manufacture more largely than any other house,
about 2uo varieties from 50 cents lo sso each. Our Al
bums have tiie reputation ol being superior in beau
ty aud durability to any others.
Card Photographs of Generals, Statesmen,
Actors, etc.. etc.
Our catalogue embraces over FIVE THOUSAND
different subjects, including reproductions of the
most celebrated Engravings. Paintings. Statues, Ac.
Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp.
Photographers and others ordering goods C. O. L>.,
will please remit 25 per cent ol the amount with their
order. ttft-The prices and quality of our good* euu
not fail to satisfy. jl3 ly
has now open
Cloths, Cassimeres
which will lie made up to order in tho neat
est and most fashionable styles. apl9
Sash Stopper and Lock,
Supports Either Sa3h at any Point.
Si ciirc Lock Whenever Your Sas'i is Closed!!
IT IS FA K superior to weights an.l pulleys and don't
cost one-tilth us much. It can ho applied to any win.
1 will never w-hi* out. nor xet out of order.
Citizens of LewHtowu and vicinity can refer to Wui.
O. Vines, (Carpenter.) Individual rights and com
plete rigging for by
, _ \VM. .1. FLBMfVtt,
docs-tf Menno P. Muflin co.. Pa
IS the only Artiele used by First Class Hotels,
Laundries, ami Thousands of Kanil
It gives a beautiful polish, making the iron pass
smoothly over the cloth, saving much time and l
l>or. Goods done up with it keep clean much longer,
consequently yyill not wear out so soon.
It makes Old Linen took like h'eic.
OU 11 1 M |' Eli I A L 15 hU E
Is the Best in the World.
It is soluble in hard as yvell as soft water. It is put
up in the safest, neatest, and most convenient form
of any offered tothe public.
It is W arratited not to Streak the Clothes.
Agents wanted everywhere. to whom we offer ex
truorduiany induceineiiis. Address,
octlo 6m No. 213 Fulton St.. New York.
409 Broad way, New York.
'l'llE attention of the Public and the trade is invited
HtTKS whieh for voluiii.- and purity of tone are
utirivalled by any hitherto offered in this market.—
They contain all the modern improvements. French
Grand Action. Harp Pedal Iron Frame. Overstrung
Bass. etc.. ami each instrument being tnade under
the personal supervision ot Mr. J. H-Grovesteeji.who
has had a piaetiea! experience of over .'to years in
their manufacture, is fully yvarrauted in every partic
The ••GIiOVESTmX FIAXO FOB'/FS" rrecioai the
Award of Merit oi • r <'< others at the Cidebi uted
World's Fair.
Where yvere exhibited instruments from the best ma
kers uf fjondoii. Pai is. Germany, l'lnladelphia. Balti
more. Boston and New York: ami also at the Ameri
can Institute tor five successive years, the gold and
silv.-r ine.lals from boll I of which can he seen at our
ysare-n win.
Hv the iiitroditetion of improvements we make n
stil i 'ore p -rfeei Piano Forte, and by maiiufacturiiig
large y. with a strictly cnsfi system, are enabled to of
fer u.eso iii-truiuciits at a price yy liich w,II preclude
all eonipetition.
Terms s—Net Ciislt in Current Funds.
tkej •Descriptive Circulars Gent Free. oetlO-Jm
Haines' Patent
The Best and Most Effectual in Use.
N UMEROUS patents have I<een issued ami various
jiinpr.ivviii.-rits made on Safety Bridles. Init here
is nothing invidious in saving that the invention pn-
Katvl hy Joseph C. Hnnios ul this place is superior
to any yet ottered, eoiiii iiiiuo features of simplicity
and power in jtuidiiio and Mtnrius a hor-e or horses
winch no other possesses The essential feature of
tins patent is in providing the dsivina rein with shift
mo bearings, which form th.- points of attachment
between the rein and hit rincs and thus net upon the
hit directly, when ensv and steady driving will con
trol tlie aiiiiii .1. hut when it requires n more severe
appiicaiit.il of the hit. said bearings leave the hit rings
and give way to the straps to which they may be at
tached. This is all done by the regular driving line,
no extra one being required which ought to satisfy
every p<-rsoti of tno great superiority ol this inven
tion "to auv other.
The follow ing certificates from well known gentle
men. some of whom have had .nii. li experience with
horses will show the estimation in which this bridle
is held :
I.EWISTOW v, Aug. 21,1866.
Having occasion t > try the Safely Bridle invented
hy Jovph V. Maine*, ol this town upon my runaway
mare, the result tm- proven to my entire satisfaction
i .at any horse < in tie prevented from running off or
kicking. Mr. 11. M I'ratt. whose large experience
with horses induced me to call upon hint to drive my
mure and lest toe safety bridle, concurs in the opin
ion that it is the best bridle that lias for it- object the
eti'tre control of a horse in harness or mid u- the sad
dle. Guo. W. HOOVER.
Joseph C. Haines—[tear Sir: After having fully tri
ed vour Safety Bridle on my untrained colt*. I file)
that your invention embraces ah that is desirable in
a bridle. Its simple eons.ruction, and adaptation to
any common bridle and any rein, cannot hut make
its" use universal The ease with which it can be ad
justed to a soft or hard mouthed horse isan excellent
feature, rendering its use as effectual in preventing
running or kicking as any other patent bridle or rein
ami as easy on the mouth as the common bit.and as
it is a.ways readv at tin* critical moment, it cannot but
recommend itself to ail who w iil try or look at it.
lies pee t fully yours, A.HAMILTOX, M. L>.
LXWISTOWX. December 8,18G6.
I have been driving horses since I know anything
alsiiit tliem. and have drove some-very vicious florae*
and colts. In driving such with a common bridle, I
never feel easy nor eonit'ortatie to enjoy the ride. It
is more annoying, however, when you have persons
wit i you and you .can tell hy the r countenance that
tney don't enjoy the ride from fear of your horse
running little, or even rutmingaway. I have always
(nought there might be a bridle or hit so constructed
that you could drive and hold Imrses with perfect
ease "and safety. The first of this kind I happened
to see was Dr. Hartman's. I thought it was very good.
In the meantime it occurred to me that the way the
Hues worked on the bridle you could not draw the bit
and let it drop quick enough on your horses. Some
horses and colts when you surge them tightly and
cannot slack the hues quickly, will balk and hack
very ugly. I once saw Mr. t'hrists and Stamen's
patent with the elastic strap, working on about the
same principle as Dr. Hartman's. Mr. Christ then
gave me a bridle to try on my horse. I had the same
objection to it I had t'<> Dr. Hartman's. My attention
was next called to Mr. Jos. C. Haines' Patent, of our
tow n. My attention was arrested immediately with
the appearance of it. I have been using it for some
two weeks quite successfully. I have drove along the
railroad and other ugly places, feeling quite safe. I
think it embraces all you can get out of a bridle, If
the public once get to see this bridle, they can't help
hut understand its simplicity, durability and effective
ness and taken together, cannot help recommending
itself. Railroad* arc made and being made through
the country in every direction, crossing our pub'ic
roads four or five times in as many miles sometimes.
These crossings often occur at very ugly place. All
parties are more or less afraid of meeting the trains
when they are traveling for fear their horses will take
fright, and not he able to hold them. This communi
ty rememliers how seriously Dr. Isaac Rothrock, of
Js'nyder county, was hurt at the crossing, at the new
Tannery, last May. He found he could not hold his
horse and then got out of his buggy, and the horse
tore him around badlv. "K." M. KEEVER.
LEWISTOWX. PH., August 21,1506.
Th s community is well aware of the fact that in
the midst of art extensive practice. Dr. U. W. Hoover
was almost killed by the running oil of his mare. I
drove this mare in single harness hy using the Safety
Bridle invented by Joseph C. Haines, and 1 found that
she was entirely under my control. I liehevo the
Saf.-tv Bridle is all thai can t>e desired for the security
of life, limb, and vehicle when used either upon "a
docile or vicious horse. H. M. PRATT.
9i~ Any persons having fractious horses are invited
to bring ttiein to the undersigned, or during his ab
sence to Mr. Pratt, and they can readily lie satisfied
ttiat any horse can not only bo prevented from kick
ing but from running away.
I have named the bridle'"The Eureka," signifying
'•I have found." JOSEPH C. HAINES.
Levvistown, December 12,1806.
?OET R Y .
Several l)ay& After Christinas.
' t'.f, Christ rims is over and past,
1 he turkey, and pudding and cakes.
And pies :in.| con feet iiiis are eaten at last.
By the children who shoveled them iu so fast;
And nuny a child has stayed awake
night wui, ;l certain familiar ache
p Inch follows on eating more than enough
Ut pudding, and turkey, and ail such stuff.
J*' funny old humbug, Kriss KringeM,
\\ hotn the girls and boys love so well.
Has had the sense to go and clear out.
And lie s u;> the chimney or up tho spout;
And the hoys and girls are beginning to count
And trying to reckon the whole amount
Uf the jolly old lot
Ot the presents they got
And we'll heli> them to rec-kou them up on the spot
Botsie ami Susie, Maria declare
That their elegant dolls have lost their hair.
And mashed their faces, and bruised their eyes,
And suffered other mishaps, mi this wise:
Jimmy's horse has lost its tail.
And his woolly dog. so curly and frail,
Has shed about a tea cup full
Uf his principal ornament, namely, his wool;
And Johnny's drum,
To grief iias come.
Ami is mute and dumb.
And no better than dead
For Johnny has punched it in the head,
In order that ho
The better might see
The inside of the drum.
And so find out where the sound came from!
Treasure Trove Extraordinary.
.4 Couple of Walkers in the Sewers of New
York—" Pop Dirt" Struck Heavily—
Diamond by the Jlusht I.
[N. Y. Cuiret:pii(ieueo of the Erie Despatch ]
Several years ago a little German
Jew, believing that in the sewers of
New York might ho found many arti
eles of value which had been lost, en
tered them, and for three days wander
ed through the labyrinth. lie was
very successful, picking up some twen
ty seven thousand dollars' worth of
jewelry, spoons, forks, Ax-., but having
lost his way the first day, he believed
that be might have found much more,
could be have carried out the original
plan, which was t> visit Fifth and Mad
ison avenues, Broadway, and the
wealthy portions of 11 e city. So great,
however, were the difficulties and dan
gers which he encountered, that noth
ing could induce him again to visit
'New York underground.' ilis ad
venture for a time created quite a lit
tle sensation, but there were none ven
turous enough to attempt a second, un
til Wednesday of last week, when an
adventurous party of three entered the
sewer of Houston stieet at the ferry
on East river, intending to remain one
week, during which time they propos
ed visiting every portion of the city
where 1 here seemed to be any chance
of finding treasure trove. The party
consisted of Hiss Mary Walker, a
young lady of eighteen, her brother
James, aged sixteen, and Michael Gra
dy, an old man of about fifty. The
project originated with Miss Walker,
and the ' how' of it was in this wise :
Some two days ago James Walker, jr,
was a merchant, doing a good business
at OUi liowery. He was getting rich
last, but in an evil hour lie was pre
vailed upon by friends (?) to use some
of bis money which bad been 'Salted
down,' in speculating in gold. There
suit was easy to be foreseen. He lost.
To recover he took money from his
business. Again he lost. His busi
ness became embarrassed ; in despair
beeommitted suicide, and Miss Walker
•111(1 her brother found themselves six
months ago the inhabitants of a room
on the upper floor of a double tenement,
Sixth street. M iss Walker, some
months ago, in an old paper, wrapped
around a parcel which she was taking
home from a slop shop, saw an account
of Schwartz's undertaking, and resolv
ed to imitate it. Maps were obtained
and the city studied carefully.
Each day's work for herself, her
brother and Grady, who was formerly
in her father's employ, was carefully
marked out. Every preparation which
limited knowledge could prepare was
made, and the adventurers start
ed. 1 wish that I might have room to
tell the story of the week they passed,
but my manuscript warns me that 1
must condense Each day they ren
dezvoused several times in the cham
bers at the street corners. On Sunday
they bad filled all the bags they had
taken with them, some fifteen in num
ber, and Miss Walker returned. James
Walker and Grady continued in their
search, emptying six of their bags at
the corner of Twenty-second street
and Fifth avenue. On Wednesday
morning at a very early hour, Miss
Walker was at the place with a wagon.
On removing tho iron plate, which at
each street corner leads into a small
chamber connecting with tho sewer,
she found her brother, but not Grady.
Ho had started off on another trip, al
though the six bags had been filled in
Madison avenue. The loose treasure
was placed in extra bags and the whole
driven to a Broadway jeweler's- The
rest was taken from the places on
Thursday morning. A watch was set
for Grally. but up to tbis time of writ
ing, nothing lias been heard from him,
and it is feared that he has perishod.
The result of the week's search is
roughly estimated at 81,500,000! 1
saw the treasures yesterday, piled in
three heaps on the floor, and tho jew-
aawasmswHs, sanifffansy ffiasysjo
eler informed me that it must have
cost over $2,000,000, but in consequence
of the old fashioned style of setting, its
bruised, battered and corroded condi
tion, its value was reduced about one
half. A little over a bushel (how queer
it sounds to talk of jewelry by the
bushel) has been sorted, and among it
has been found one diamond ring val
ued at 816,000, two more valued at
85,000, and half a dozen valued at So,ooo
and upwards. The most curious is a
plain gold ring, inscribed on tho inside
in Dutch, 4 L'eter Stuyvesant to wife.'
It is an heirloom of the Stuyvesauts,
| and was stolen with other jewelry, last
March, by burglars. How it came in
the sewer is a problem for philosophers
to speculate about Miss Walker and
her brother, who find themselves thus
lifted suddenly from penury to great
wealth, intend to proceed to England,
where they have relatives. This ad
venture is talked of everywhere, and
already there are others preparing to
follow in their footsteps.
Stale Treasurer's Report.
The Annual Report of State Treas
urer Kemble shows a satisfactory con
dition of the State finances.
The receipts for the past year have
been 8G,829,668 54, all from ordinary
sources, exceptingß667,s74 35 refund
ed by the General Government, and
8100,060 received from the Pennsylva
nia Railroad Company on account of
indebtedness. The expenditures dur
ing the year have been 86,402,303 41,
as follows: fur ordinary expenses 84,
097,044 42; 8497,608 70 for the Cbam
bersburg sufferers, and 81,867,650 25
for the liquidation of the debt. Among
the ordinary expenses is included the
amount' t the Ohambersburg sufferers
The Treasurer says that the Act uf
last Legislature authorizing the pay
merit of pensions to the soldiers of the
war of 1812 cost the State much more
than was anticipated, over 2806 claims
having been already received, involv
ing adis b u rscme nt ex ceed in g 5160,000.
lie recommends that the law be re
pealed, holding that the paying of pen
sions should be done by the general
The officer complains of tho negli
gence of the local assessors in procur
ing returns of monies on interest. In
the first,fourth,sixteenth,seventeenth
and eighteenth wards of Philadelphia,
there is no such return made, and the
same is true of other districts in the
State The amount of tax paid by tbis
source during the year is about 8300,-
000. Ho recommends that the State
tax on personal property be dispensed
with, and in lieu thereof, each county
be required to pay into the State Treas
urer, forty cents on each taxable in
He believes that the State debt can
be reduced hereafter without increas
ing the burden of taxation, at the rate
of about three millions of dollars per
annum, which would in a very few
years liquidate our entire State indebt
Sporting' in lito Northwest— Kill
ing Hears—A Close-Encounter.
Harvey F. Muzzey writes us, giving
an account of a week's hunt It will
be ol interest to our Eastern readers
particularly to see what kind of sport
we have here in the hunting line, and
what Western boys can do. Mr. Muz
zey is but little more than a boy, being
but nineteen years old. Here is his
story :
'I started out hunting a few days ago,
and alter killing a large buck in tho
morning, I crossed Apple river and
struck a bear track. After following
the bear for several hours I entered a
large poplar thicket, near Cedar lake.
As I was working my way slowly
through tho thick brush tho bear sud
denly jumped up before me, not over
three rods off. When about eight rods
off I fired. The ball passed through
his lights, and he fell dead a few rods
from the spot.
' A few days later while hunting on
Apple river, near Sucker branch, I
started out with my dog about 3
o'clock in the afternoon. Before I had
gone far, in}' dog Grant 'winded some
thing.' He lead me along —I expected
every moment to see a deer—until I
came in sight of what appeared to bo
a large bole under the roots of a tree.
On a nearer approach I discovered a
bear's head protruding, I immediate
ly raised my gun and fired. This was
followed by a cry from tho wounded
cub, and a fierce growl from the old
bear. My rifle was donblo barreled,
and I still bad one charge left.
'As the day had been a wet one; I
was fearful that my rifle might miss
fire. The old bear rushed out, and,
when within a few rods of me, I fired
an ounce ball, which took effect in her
neck, killing her instantly. The cubs
were large und seemed inclined to
show fight. I loaded as quickly as
possible and dispatched them both.
What kind of a ship has two
mates and no captain? A courtship.
Vol. LVII, No. 3.
4 Great Speech,
Mr. Stevens made a powerful speech
in tho llouso on Thursday a week.
It attracted marked attontion. Ilis ar
gument for Lho sovereignty of the peo
ple through Congress is unanswerable.
Every one at all acquainted with our
institutions ought to know that Con
gress is tho sole le<jis!<itive department of
government,yet the fact seems at times
to bo overlooked by Presidents and
Judges. Mr. Stevens proclaimed that
'though the President is Commander
in-Chief, Congress in his commander,
and, God willing, he shall obey. l£e
and his minions shall learn that this is
not a government of kings and satraps,
but a government of tho people, and
(hut Comjrcss is the pcoph;.' He argued
ably for the right of the loyal people
to reconstruct tho government; trait
ors having no rights under tho Consti
tution other than the loyal people may
choose to give them. Ho also took
the position that impartial suffrage is
the only sure guaranty for the safety
of the Republic. Tho following para
graph shows how ho handles the subject:
'But it will be said, and it has been
said, 'This is negro equality !' What
is negro equality, about which so much
is said by knaves, and some of which
is believed by men who are not fools?
It means as understood by honest Re
publicans, just this much and no more :
Every man, no matter what his race
or color; every earthly being who has
an immortal soul, has an equal right
to justico, honesty and fair play with
every other man; and the law should
secure him those rights. The same
law which condemns or acquits an Af
rican should condemn or acquit a whito
inan. The same law which gives a •
verdict in a white man's favor, should
give a verdict in a black man's favor,
on the same state of facts. Such is the
law of God and such ought to bo the
law of man. This docrine does not
mean that a negro shall sit on tho same
seat, or eat at the same table with a
white man This is a matter of taste,
which every man must decide for him
self. The law has nothing to with it.
If there be any who arc afraid of the
rivalry of the black man in office or
in business, I have only to advise them
to try and beat ther competitor in
knowledge and business capacity; and
there is no danger that his white neigh
bors will prefer his African rival to
himself 1 know there is between
those who are influenced by this cry
of 'negro equality,' the opinion that
there is still danger that the negro
will be the smartest, but I never
saw even a contraband slave that had
I not moro sense than such a man.'
A Remarkable Occurrence.
An individual livingat Joetatesvillo,
on the Broad Top .Railroad, this coun
ty, went out hunting a week or two
ago, and while perambulating tho
mountains, fell and fractured his leg.
The weather was severe, and the pros
pect of freezing presented itself most
vividly. Tho unfortunate man was
alone, far from home, with no sympa
thizing creature to assist or even to
commiserate with him in his sad con
dition. Seized by a fit of desperation,
and finding his pockets well supplied
with small nails, he determined upon
the horrible expedient of nailing his
foot to his boot and his boot to his leg;
to rcsolvo was to execute, aud in this
condition lie crawled to his home.—
Wo receivod these facts from Mr.
Trimbath, a neighbor ol the unfortu
nate man, for whose credibility wo will
vouch. At tho latest accounts tho in
dividual was doing very well.— Bedford
Lucky and Unlucky Days —A ' Book
of Precedents,' published in London,
1610, contains a calendar, many of the
days in which have the letter B affix
ed, which signifies such days as the
Egyptians note to bo dangerous to be
gin or take anything in hand—as to
take a journey or any such like thing.
The days thus marked are:
January 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 15, 17, 19.
February 7, 10, 17, 27, 28.
March 15, 16, 28.
April, 7, 10, 16, 20, 21.
May 7, 15, 20.
June 4, 10, 22.
July 15, 20.
August 1, 19, 20, 29 30.
September 3, 4, 6, 7, 21,22.
October 4, 16, 24.
November 5, 6, 28, 29.
December 6, 7, 9, 15, 17, 22.
ttaju. Jefferson Davis, instead of being
a State prisoner, is rather enthroned
in state at Fortress Monroo. The last
performance is the formal presentation
of a cane made of wood of the rebel
ram Manasses, and hisspoech in reply
complimenting the donors upon their
' patriotism,' by which devotion to ' tho
lost cause' is, of course, implied.