(&o (23 ©o iBo iHß'irssnsjc&isißa ipijisiMEsisngiasa Whole' No. 2902, Poor House Business. The Erectors of the PooT meet at the Poor Uou.te on the 2d Tuesday of each month. elder, Attorney at Law, Office Market .Square, Lewistown, will at tend to business in Mllßin. Centre and Hunting don countiea . mv 26 E. tf. CTJLBERTSOIT, ' Attorney at Law, LEWISTOWN, PA, OFFERS liia professional services to tlie citizens of Mfttlin county. Otfice with D. W. Woods, esq. Main street, below National Hotel. wyi DR. JOHN J. DAHL3IT, Practicing Physician, Belleville, Mifflin County, Pa. T\R DUILEN has been appointed an Examining I)Surgeon for IVn-ions. Soldiers requiring eXani iMUo„'"i;i liiid him at hi" office iu Belleville. ' Belleville, August 22, 18ti6.-y dentistry. J. SMITH T>F,sI'Et"rFULLY inform the. citizens of Lewistown K ~entity, (a few doors from the Town Hall, in M i a-ireet'ltlmt he is prepared to do all kind of work in "i- line of his profession in the io*t scientific man in Whole Sets. Partial Sets, or Single Teetli in .t-rled oil Gold Silver, or Vulbanite Base, in an elegant A i workmanlike manner, and on the most reasona ble terms. He guarantees Ins work, or no pay. Particular attention paid to the extracting ami tiding 'of leerti in the " lost approved tnatiuer. iov7-Cm Teeth Extracted Without Pain! ByTff. R. Thompson, D. D. S., Bv a NEW PROCESS, /JC. Nfr without the Use of Cliloro form. Ether, or Nitrous Ox m ide. and is attended by no danger or bad effects, fig*.- •# Office west Market street, v *: -■ 'lf near Eist-übise s hotel, y lewistown, where he rai/be found for professional consultation troin tlie first Monday of each month until the fourth Monday, when he will be absent on professions *um tress one week. j_scplu-t^ DENTIST, OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Lewistown and vicinity. All in want of good, neat work will do well to give him a call. th r „„ He may be f.>und at all times at his office, three doors east of H. M. A R. Pratt's store. Valley street. apl-ly* DENTAL CARD IR_ ivt. KEEVER, SCRGKON DENTIST. i TEETH Extracted WITHOUT PAIN by the use of NITROUS OXIDE or Laughing tins. Teeth in.-erted on all the different styles of bases. Teeth filled iu the most approved manner. Special atten tv-n given to diseased gums. All work warranted. Tarms reasonable. - . at Episcopal Parsonage, Corner of Main and Water Streets. . jytt> STOCK. 'Che subscriber has just received and will SSI keep/ml unit I a A; lee t stock of Men ?4 - rflLI aud YaiAll's B-.htsf Ladies'. Misses and Chil ijren'a IIoAIh ami Slhm-s of various ina which.lie invite the attention of his id the public generally. As it is his intention T T6 BE UNDERSOLD ealer in the county, those in need f winter shoes are invited to call and examine the ah..ve sU>c 1;*. which wHI be sold at very small profits, but for cah only, at tlie sign of the Bia Suoz, next door tv F. J. Hotfinau's ttore. sepia • JOlfN CLAKIvE. MRS. M. E. STEWART, fig, S'AlTCnr STOKE, West Market st„ Lewislown,* LADIES <£ GENTLEMEN'S BURNISHING GOODS, back-. Cloaks. Huts, Bonnets, Ladies Ktuo VJiHHS OOffDS Ant\ Trimming*. I'atlern* latest styles always on hand. Millinery and Dress-Making executed in the most approved style. Lewistown, April IS, ISCft.tf REMOVED. J A. & W. R. McKEE HAVE removed their Leather Store to 0I1 Fel lows' Hall, whore they will constantly keep ■ hand. Sole Leather. Harness, Skirting and Upper 1. ither. Kips, American and French Calf Skins, Mo t -os. Lining* and Bindings, and a general assort • it of Shoe Findings- which thev will .-ell cheap lor ( Hi cheat market priee paid ill cash for i.tdes, Caif Skin-*and Sheep Skins. wan'. 1. for which th<*U;ghest market price will lie paid in Cash. p4tf PRICES DOWN ONCE MORE. THE undersigned has a large stoek of Loth I llomc-inade and Eastern manufactured Boots and Shoes, which he offers- at prices lower than he lias -'.ld for four years : .... Men'.- hick, d. 800 Unwarranted, from 52..& to 5.00. K;o. - - o 4.00 to 6.00. " Calf! " " extra . 4.50 to 6.00. Boys' Boots, 1.00 to 8.00. Men's thick Brogans, double-soled, 2-tiO to 2.50. Men's split '• warranted very bad, 1.10. Boys' Shoes, price ranging from 1.25 to 2.25. A- the tax.-anre t ho red need again on the first day < f August, i#fclso'enables us to>cduoe our prices. IIOME-M vSjE. WORK of all kinds made to . r.ior at ro prices. So come ou boys and girls and examine fHlourselves. TniuksjM'aiises and Carpet IJags kepi on harnVGcntltmen will bear in mini! that no g.c.ls will in' ir ven out unless paid for, and if re turned in go.■ i urder. tlu; money will be returned, if requested. But when goods have Ix-en soiled or s-tii. th.-y wiil not lie takefl b<-k—please f>ear this m mind—souxWotka think that wearing for a stiort nni - don't injure the sale of them afterwards. augl-tf BILLY JOHNSON. 20.000 MAJORITY! To the Voters of Central Fenna TLF:e satisfied that you f ! ! w ". r tli of your money at Frysinger's. :•>-uiger'a Spun Roll only sl.oo per pound. rry-.nger's Navy - > r tytiger's Congress " " " u :y ,n^; r 's Flounder " " " " "lltOlt Navy u u m M m Cronoko Twist - < " ■ ml other Plug Tobacco at 40 and W cts. per lb. '■ and Dry, 40 .ud 5o ets. Granulafcd Tobaccos at •' >'. 'XI ct— ,*0 Cts. SI.OO, $1.20. and $1.50 per lb. ' m chewing, tu $1.40 and $1.20. - >r- at l, 2. 3, 5 ail j jo ets. each. i n g FI . a t variety; also Cigar Cases. Tobacco ; iull ' Boxes, Match Safes, and all articles r t T : in n "rt-clag I'ohaceo and Uigar Store. v , .I ''' r -hants, I offer the above goods at prices that enable them to retail at the same prices that I Uo ;'nd realize a fair profit. ucu - E. FRYSINGER. Splendid Syrup Molasses. ONE of tlie best articles at 25 per quart, at Oct.24. F. J. HOFFMAN'S. Sugar at 12 1-2 Cts. OUR article at this price is good. Also. White at 17. at 0et.24. F. J. HOFFMAN'S. Don't Forget TO eo to HOFFMAN'S lor your PAT ENT MEDICINES Blacksmith's! Y'OU can buy your Par Iron at5J. Also on hand Steel Horae-Shoe Calk* and Horse Shoes, at F. J. HOFFMAN'S Hubs, Spokes, Fellows, STKKL Runucrs, Ac. A roat assort ment at F. J. HOFFMAN'S. Coal Oil and Lamps, A T F. J. HOFFMAN'S. £\ octal. Gas Burners, AND a variety of other heating: Stoves for sale low for cash at F. J. HOFFMAN'S. Sole Leather, Upper, CIALF Skins. Murrocco, &e, at J Oct. 2*. F. J. HOFFMAN'S. Nimrcd Cook! Every one who wants a pood Cooking Stove, should call aud see this.at 0et.24. F. J. HOFFMAN'S NEW ARRIVALS. 1) F. LOOP is receiving new goods every week.di -1 . reel from the eastern factory, anil is prepared to sell Boots cheaper than the cheapest, having a large assortment of all sizes and styles. Men's Boots from S3 50 to 5 00 Hoys' 2 50 to 3 50. d< 2 00 to 2 50. Children's 1 25 to 2 00. A good as-ortmeiit of homemade work on hnnd, aud constantly making to order all the latest styles. THE PATENT BOOTS are now creating a great excitement, and all who wish to havo a pair of those pleasant boots can be accom modated at short notice. Call at the old stand. P. F. LOOP. CROVER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED SEWING MACHINE yi'E wish to call the attention of Tailors. Shoeinali l ers, Saddlers, Coach Trimmers and Families Co these machines, us they are OPERATED WITII THE GREATEST EASE, BEING CALLED THE NOISELESS MACHINE, Persons selecting a machine can have their choice OF SHUTTLE STITCH, OR GROVER & RAKER STITCII, the peculiarity of each stitch being cheerfully shown and explained. Extracts from Acw York Paperst "The Grover A Baker noiseless machines are ac knowledged to be superior to all others." '•The work execnted by the Grover A Baker Ma chine lias received the highest premium at every Statu Fair iu the United States where it has been ex hibited." N. B—We make no charge for LE A ItNING I'll ItC IIA S EIIS TO SE W. We call them tho CHEAPEST FIRST CLASS MA CHINE. NEEDLES, SILE TWIST & THREAD. P. P. LOOP, Agent for tle above, 800 l and Shoe Maker, in the public square. Lewis town. uov7y PHOTOGRAPHIC. K. A H. T. ANTHONY