Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, December 19, 1866, Image 1

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    ©s & ©a IBa
Whole No. 2900.
Poor House Business.
The Directors of the Poor meet at the Poor
fious? on the 2d Tuesday of each month.
220. W. EL228,,
Attorney at Law,
Office Market Square, Lewistown, will at
aad to business in MllSin. Centre and Hunting
JOB counties tnv26
Attorney at Law,
AFPERS his professional service# to the c.tizens of
(J M:3hn county. Office with D. W. Wood#, eeq,
v.a street, below National Hotel. my 2
2?.. z. r ahlsit,
Practicing Physician,
Belleville. Mifflin County, Pa.
PR DAHLEN has been appointed an Examining
- -n for Pensions. Soldiers requiring exatn
-js 'r~, 11 find him at hi- office in Beileville
f eville, August 22,1866.-y
RESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of Lewistown
!\ arid vicinity, a few doors from the Town Hall, in
v , -tree: that ne is prepared to do a!! kind of work
--r ne -f his profession in the most scientifa rian-
m Whole Sets. Partial Sets, or Single Teeth ui-
Ktte 1 r. Gold. Si'v-r. or Vulcanite Base.in an elegant
i rkmaalike in u i. and •:> the most reasona
b - term-. He guarantees his work, or no pay.
Parti liar attention paid totke extracting and filling
teeth n the most approved manner. novT-6m
Teeth Extracted Without Pain!
By M, R. Thompson. D. D. S ,
|L, without the use of Chloro
f,rm. Ether, or Nitrous O
xide. and is attended by no
'A danger or b i effe
fl t\r-
where he can be found for professional consultation
fr :he first Monday of each monih until the fourth
M - :*y. when he will be absent on professional busi
ness one week. sepltKt
OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of
Lewistown and vicinitv. All in want of good, neat
w rk will do well to give him a call.
He mav be found at all times at his office, three
doors east of H. M. A R. Plait s shore. Yailey street,
■-I xn TEETH Extracted WITHOUT P' IN
N . 1
T f ihe different *:>le* of !-a>e> Teeth
f AID the mo-t approved manner. Special atteti
t r. given to diseased gums. All work warranted.
Terms reasonable.
dice at Episcopal Parsonage, Corner of Main and
Hater Streets. JJ 1 *
A. The subscriber has just received and will
||] keep on hand a select stock of Men's. Bov*
fH and Youth's Boot*. Ladies'. Misses and Chll-
Boots and Shoes of various kinds and
ftvies. to which he would invite the attention of his
fr'en is and the public generally As it is his intention
■y any dealer in the county, those in need of winter
is- is 'or shoes are invited to call and examine the
re stock, which will be sold at verv *mail profits,
it t for -ash only, at the sign of the 'BIG SHOX. next
dour to F. J. Hoffman's store
To Purchasers of Furniture.
West Market St., Ltwl.town,
HAS complete CHAMBER SUITS of Walnut. Var
nished and in Oii. Also,
together with a larce assortment of Fashionable and
Plain Furniture.
C.C and see his stock before purchasing elsewhere.
N B Mcaiie and Wood Burial Cases constantly
on h*ud. Coffin* also made to order, and Funerals
attended with a fine Hearse, at short notice.
Lewistown, June 27, lS6£d>mo
Wrst Market it., LtwUlown,
> k*. C loaks. Hats. Bonnets, Ladies Fin E DRESS
GOOIJS and Tnmipings.
Pasterns of latest styles always on hand.
Millinery and Dress-Making
executed -n the most approved style.
Lewuitown, April Is, ISfifi.tf
628, HOOP SKIRTS, 628.
Hopkin's "Own Make."
Are in every respect tirrt TINS*, and embrace a com
p:*te i-.--ortrr.ent L>r Ladies. Misses. and Children, of
the V ~,t Styles, every length and Sires of Waist.
Oi.- .- -v. "wherever known, are more universally
r-1 • n any others before the public. They re
' r 'i.ape 'l- aer. are lighter, more elastic, more
dura 1 . ar)( j .(-ally CHNPER. than any other Hoop
"■ - I'r market. The springs and fastenings are
**'"• '■ perf# t- EVSBT LAH should TRT THE*
;"'ri - now bring extensively at,ld by Merchants,
i, : -s it lh. Country, and at "WKOUXTIU <T RCTAIL at
'* -v and Sales Room.
r-u ' r Hcexiiv's - own make." —buy no other.
—None genuine unless Stamped on each
frip Fi -■ Hopkin.s Hoop Skirt Manufactory, No.
■c A: ' street Philadelphia.
* cr -tantly on hand full line of New Tork
*K r at verv low pnoes
2o a>
HAVING located permanently in Mil
r°y, Mifflin county, offers his profes
sional services to the public. An experi
ence of 7 years fully justifies him in soli
citing a share of public patronage.
Office at Graham's Hotel. sep^6-3m
Apple Trees.
AN Assortment of splendid 5 yer old
*r* of varieties at Ri. HOFFMAN'S.
Splendid Sjrup Molasses,
ONE of the best article* at -A per quart, at
0et.24. ' F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
Sugar at 12 1-2 Cts.
OUR article at tin- price is goo-i A'-o. White at IT. at
Oct .it. F. J HOFFMAN'S.
Don't Forget
r PO tro to HOFFMAN'S for your PAT
Y'Ol" can buy your Bar Iron at 51 Also
on hand Steef Horse-Shoe Calk* and Horse
Shoes, at F. J. HOFFMAN'S
Hubs, Spokes. Fellows,
S' TKEL Ru oners, &c. A oreat assort
ment at F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
Coal Oil and Lamps,
A Oct. 24.
Gas Burners,
AND a variety of otber heating Stoves
for sale low for cash at F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
Sole Leather. Upper,
Skins. Morroceo, &c. at
J 0ct.24. F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
Nimrod Cook!
E\ ERY one who wants a good Cooking
Stove, should call and see this.at
0ct.24. F. J. HOFFMAN'S
rF. LOOP IS receiving new goods everv rck. di
. rect from the eastern factory, and ts prepared to
sell Boots cheaper than the cheapest, having a large
assortment of ail sites and style*.
Men's Boots from $o 50 to 5 00
Boys' 2 50 to 3 50.
do 2 00 to 2 50.
Children's 1 25 to 2 00.
A good assortment of homemade work on hand,
and constantly niakiDg to order all the latest styles.
are now erea'ing a great excitement, and ali who wish
to have a pair of those pleasant boots can 1* accom
modated at short notice.
Call at the old stand. P. F. LOOP.
IT'E Wish to cali the attention of Tailor.-. Shoemak
* er-. Saddlers. Coach Trimmers and Families to
these machines, as they are
Persons selecting a machine can hare their choice
the peculiarity of each stitch being cheerfully shown
and explained.
Extracts from \ftv Fork Papers:
"The Grover A Baker noiseless ma iunes are ac
knowledged to be superior to all others."
"The work executed by the Grover A Baker Ma
chine has reei sved the highest premium at every
Slate Fair in the United States where it has been ex
X. B. —We make DO charge for
We call them the
P. P. LOOP. Agent for tle hr,
Boot and Shoe Maker, in the public square. Lewis
towc. DOT" y
ilLLlil /!) JiAA/U
The road to wealth, my friends. TOIITI find,
Runs hard by the Big Coffee Pot Sign,
'Tii there the people get their own.
And children, too, who are sent alone.
And if you give me vour attention.
To convince you. 1*1! but mention,
If you call. 1*1! add to your delight
More than money can—that's bright.
Though should it cost yon a little cash,
To think you're poorer, don't be rash;
'Tis not vour money that's true wealth,
But contentment and good health.
Therefore your comforts I've selected.
And now they are open to be inspected;
Many of the Goods are neat yet rosy,
Just the things to fit you up cosy,
Rug pattern oil cloth, rich and new.
Rustic oil shades, that'll please TOD :
Neat gas burner stoves, to keep off the shakes.
When winter is here with it* snowv white flakes.
A cloth damper, too, you'll find here.
That you wet not your fingers, my dear.
But I can't tell ali. just give me a Deep,
And you'll be convinced the Goods are cheap.
And at J. I. Waiiis' House Furnishing Stand
You can get a fat press and a lard can.
A splendid cook stove, no better you'll find
Than is kept at the Big Coffee Pot Sign.
A word or two before I stop the machine.
I have plenty of tin ware, and things not seen,
And jobbing we do right on the spot,
At the sign of the Big Coffee Pot.
Lewi9town, Nor. 7, 1866,tf
Looking Glasses and Picture
THE undersigned, thankful for past fa
vors, would inform the public that he
still manufactures Frames of every de
scription, as cheap as they can be made
elsewhere. Looking Glasses of everv de
scription, wholesale and retail, at reduced
prices. He respectfully solicits a share of
public patronage. All persons who have
left pictures to frame or frames to be filled,
are requested to call for them.
Photograph and Art Gallery.
YfcEWEXS can now furnish the pub
iVX Be with Likcnc-se-. from ttic tiniest
Gem to a Portrait or life size Photograph.
\> e have the only solar Camera at work
in the Juniata \ alley, and desire the pub
lic to cali and examine what Mr. Burk
holder an accomplished and well known
artist; and others have pronounced "a
success." Look at the army :
Gems, Albatvpes or Ivorv-
Ferrotypes, ty{ivs,
Melainotypes, Photo-Miniatures
Ambrotypes, ; Cabinet Photos.. &
( ard Photographs Portrait or Life size
\ignettes Photographs—
Photographs for plain or in colors,
oval frames, j A c., dm., Ac.
Our work is executed in the best stvle,
plain or in colors, and at the lowest rates
nstructions to students given
at fair *tes. ap4tf
OlDlßii JUiimii'lL
the treatment of acute and chron
ic diseases. 'I lie undersigned would
respectfully call the attention of the afflic
ted females of Mifflin and adjoining coun
ties to the fact that she ha- taken in-truc
tions in the correct application of Elee
tricity, and is now fully prepared to o}>-
erate successfully on all persons afflicted
with the following named diseases:
General Debility, Kidney Complaint,
Liver, Spinal Affection, Costiveness,
Foul Stomach, Rheumatism,
Diseases of the Womb,
Suppression of the Menses, Neuralgia,
Nervous Disease-, Female Weakness,
Piles and Gravel, Bronchial Affections,
Dispepsia, Headache. Drabets.
Goitre, or Big Neck. &c.
Female patients can receive treatment
at my residence for any of the above dis
eases. with the wonderful discovery of
Electricity, which i- without a parallel
and the very desideratum for the afflicted.
Please give her a trial; it is a mild opera
tion, producing no shock or unpleasant
sensation, anil relieves when medicine
has no effect at all.
Newton Hamilton, Mifflin eo., Penna..
Sept. 26, 1866,-3 m*
O ITUATE in Wayne township, Mifflin
O county, on turnpike road, within \ of
a mile of Atkinson's Mills, store, school,
blacksmith. Ac., and within 21 miles of
Penna. R. R., about 70 acres cleared and
the balance in excellent timber, prime
oak, Ac. This property will be solo very
low and to suit purchaser. Persons wish
ing to examine the premises will call on
J. Glasgow, esq., or C. N. Atkinson, near
premises, and for price and terms see or
address A. J. ATKINSON,
oct24tf Lewistown, Pa.
Boots, Shoes, and Ladies' Felt
Goods, at
Wholesale Dealers in Millinery and
Boots and Shoes.
Velvet*, Floweri,
Velvet Ribbon. Ru*heg,
Feather*, Frame*.
These Goods are all bought from ihe Wanufacttir
ers and Importers, consequently we can sell as low
as any wholesaling house iu Philadelphia.
We have on hand and are receiving 300 cases oi
Men's, Boys' and Youth's
direct from the factory in Massachusetts. Give us a
call, and see the difference between Philadelphia and
Factory prices. We solicit the attention of the clos
est buyers. Also, a large stock of Ladies' and Gents'
NOTIONS, 4 it,
Also, a full assortment of Boys* and Gents'
We offer the above Goods cheaper than any other
house in this town
East Market Street, opposite the Express
Lswistown, Sept. 19,1866y
Kishacoqiiillas Seminary,
THE winter session at this Institution
will commence on MONDAY, Octo
ber 15, 1866, and continue five months.
Tuition, Board, Fuel, Lightand Furnish
ed Rooms, per session. SIOO. Day schol
ars sl-5 per session. Students should ap
ply early to secure a room in the building.
sep29-3m S. Z. SHARP. Prin.
J A. & W. R. McKEE
HAVE removed their Leather Store to Odd Fel
low*' Hall, where they w.ll constantly keep
OD hand. Sole Leather. Harness. Skirting and"Upper
Leather. Kips. American and French Calf Skins. Mo
roccos. Linings and Bindings, and a genera! assort
roent of Shoe Findings, which they will sell cheap for
eeuh. Highest market price paid in cash tor titdes,
Calf Skins and Sheep Sims.
wanted, for which the highest market price will be
paid in Cash. ap4tf
Estate of George B. Penepoeker, dee d.
"VTOTICE is hereby given that letters of
jA administration on the estate of Geo.
B. Penejiacker, late of Granville town
ship, Mifflin county, have been granted
to the undersigned, residing in said town
ship. All persons indebted to said estate,
are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims to present
them duly authenticated for settlement.
nov2l Administrator.
-p o E T IR, Y .
*'? £** ,ng *'<* and h. Mm - bats.
AnH i ''-'g a<>k- an i Spittiti.- cats,
Anl EE?? " an,i ""a?"!!-' enats,
And rnttiesnajtea and N rvrav rats.
A . OI L lr, " r and paaw his heels,
And tickie every nerve that feels.
> liile little artiMDi pinch his nose,
And w-a-tis nibble at hi toes,
u ;i e J* ry OCt-e hiitd " i'-h bliss,
A 4 ?, r V n ' fur ; seetbe and his.
And all the j y of life's dread waste.
Prove [lead , apple- to his ta-te.
May Da!'id fear si: ~a his walls.
L'* v '"busts fin througfi his halls;
. lay nightmares rob lam of his rest.
His pillow }o a ]j rnct*p
„P d . ®'' *'is softest feather ted
M : 1 bJ>or<' upines^alive and dead.
.May "eravl a it" lie his constant care,
And hara-tvrST" petriSed. ;.is fare!
>ly toothache make his dander HE.''
An.t twinge h - uerve with - rheumatt*;"
a >: Vellow-iackets build tiieirxest
w itt.in the lining of his vest;
In short, may everything conspire
To nil ins mouth with coals of fire!
And when earth's every -unguig dart
Has pierced the craven ttaitor's neart,
torisign ban to Ciinnier an'.- ponds
And bind him with ("ontede at* bonds—
here dead men's skulls with ghastly gnns
Kemmd the trauor of his sins,
And scorpions crawl and adders hiss
Throughout the i-ep. dark, dread abyss;
here aligators cleave the spheres
And crocodiles -hed burning tears.
ADd w.widpiie- full of' niggers" rise
Like sable ghosts before his eves—
There may the doomed wretch ever dwell,
Beholding Heaven,but feeling hell!
C old-blooded Alurder.
The New Albany (Ind.) Ledger has
learned of the murder of Mr. D Ed.
Smith, who fhr more than a year was
an officer in Hospital No 9, in New
Albany, and was a young man of more
than ordinary moral rectitude at d up
Tightness. He had been residing in
Ohio since the war. Some few weeks
ago he left his home to visit some rel
atives in Pennsylvania, and during his
stay among them was requested by his
sister to call upon a young lady friend
i of hers. as he returned home, who re
sided at Gallion. Ohio. The you rig
lady in quest ion had. a few weeks pre
vious to Smith's arrival, refused to re
ceive the calls of a voung man in that
town who was deeply in love with and
i anxious to marry her. This v oung
man took an oath that he would kiil
any man who might visit the lady.
Young Smith arrived in the town,
and had called upon the young lady,
in pursuance of his sister's request, du
ring the afternoon, and left an engage
ment to call again in the evening. By
some means the discarded lover learn
ed that Smiih would call, and armed
' himself with a revolver, and taking a
| position a square or two from the
1 young lady's residence, waited for
Smith to leave the house. Smith re
! mained until about 9 o'clock, and then
1 left. W hen he reached the place where
! the discarded lover was standing, the
i desperado suddenly rushed upon him.
and shot him through the heart, kil
| ling him instantly.
The murderer gave no one any in
timation of his intention to commit the
deed, and young Smith was entirely
unsuspecting of danger until the fatal
shot was fired. The villain was ar
rested. and will doubtless suffer the ex
treme penalty of the law for his crime.
Young Smith, during his residence in
New Albany, was a member of the
choir at Wesley Chapel; he was high*
ly esteemed by all who knew him, and
had an unblemished character.
A CLERK'S MISTAKE. —An exchange
relates the following funny mistake ot
a clerk in a dry-goods store: 'ln a
certain store, not over a thousand miles
from here, the clerk, after returning
from supper, commenced puttingthings
in their places for the night, when he
came to what he thought was the
' show image,' a frame dressed in wo
man's clothes, and having very much
the appearance of a feminine in the
back, took her very gently around her
waist, calling her his old woman, with
a few other remarks not commonly
made by 'young men' in the presence
of ladies, when, to his astonishment,
the supposed piece of wire-work turn
ed round and slapped his face for the
gross insult be had perpetrated. The
clerk, innocent as he was. could do
nothing more than apologize for his
VB&" A gentleman once upon a time
entered a small shop in which vegeta
bles were kept for sale, and inquired of
the proprietor if he had any onions.
4 Onions, onions.' repeated the puzzled
vegetable dealer, 4 onions !—no sir, I
believe not." After the gentleman bad
left, the perplexed vegetable man
scratched his bead for a moment, and
then, as if struck by a sudden solution
of the mistake he exclaimed 4 \Y on
der if-the darned ignorant fool did'nt
mean ingions!'
you guarded in your con
duct while in New York?' asked a fath
er of his son. who had just returned
to his country home from a visit to the
city. "Yes, sir, part of the time by
two policemen.'
19* Remember the poor.
nafwnsHMrarsrs si'jsytn ß
Social Elf'e In \ew Orleas-Mar
riase CudontN.
The inhabitants of the city present
a strange combination of incongruous
elements. Creoles, Americans, Ger
mans, Irish, Spanish and Mexican trash,
with a goodly sprinkling of bona fide
Johnnie Crapeaus, are to be found and
a snore reckless, pleasure loving, pleas
ure seeking community does not exist
any where outside < f Paris itself They
are particularly notable for neatnes*
of ornaments, for every other person
you meet wears a diamond pin-or ring.
Even the darkies afford Brazilian peb
bles, and sport gold watches and Mal
acca canes. To a northerner, how
ever. the quadroons and octoroons, who
abound plentifully, are the strangest
part of the whole compound, suggest
ing very forcibly the idea of practical
amalgamation which would shock the
sensibilities of theoretical Obi rlinists.
The prettiest forms in the city are
those of the quad' and the 'octo' g iris,
and generally they are the most ta-te
fuliy dressed. A neatly turned ankle,
pretty hand and tapered waist, with a
naturally airy and jaunty carriage,
are almost a sure indication of nearly
extinct African blood. Color is noeri
terion. and a stranger will often mis
take an olive complexion creole for a
mulatto, if not something darker.
It will be news to many of our read
ers to learn that these quadroons and
octoroons arc semi-legitimate—i c.,
they arc generally the offspring of a
place marriage, which is an institution
so peculiarly local that but few, except
the residents of this locality, know of
its existence or understand its obliga
tions. Among the pure Creoles, the
strictest Catholics imaginable, a ous
torn resembling a mock marriage lias
obtained A regularly ordained priest
officiates, and a white man is placed
with a colored girl in such a manner
that, although they violate law. decen
cy and good morals*hy living together,
they satisfy the demands of the Church
arid confessional. The American quad
roons, however, not being so strict
Catholics, and in some cases having no
religion at all, accept an offer to be
kept as a mistress from ariv reliable
white gentleman with ceremony
Previous to the war the place obliga
tion was more frequently incurred than
since its close, and it is the universal
evidence of those who should know
that it was seldom, if ever, violated
on the part of the temales. They live
as chaste and virtuous to their -so
called' husbands as they would have
done if they had been white and law
fully married. It was customary lor
planters who raised children by their
' u 'gg el ' queens' to free them, with their
mother, and send them to this city to
be educated: and in many instances
the girls wr e sent to Northern schools
and even to Prance. On leaving school
and reaching maturity they meet their
inevitable fate of illicit semi-marriage.
Young men 'courted' them after the
usual manner, ' popped the question,'
and were referred to mamma, who
generally decided the application with
a view to money, demanding that a
certain number of slaves be given to
her; and. in short, a regular establish
ment be set up tor her These young
women, many of whom, as I have al
ready stated, bear no evidence of their
African blood, except a magnificent
physique, are thus pledged to a life
from which their cultivated minds
sometimes revolt with honest indigna
tion and horror. Having every sensi
bility that a refined and cultivated wo
man naturally possesses, they are
doomed to a hateful existence, as dis
reputable and illegal as Morrnonism
itself. The existence of a bona fide
wbite wife did not always interfere
with the desire of a man to assume
the place of obligation. Il it is not the
refinement of licentious amalgamation,
lam mistaken. A race of bastards is
the i esult.
A/rs. Partington on Fashion. —'There
is one thing sure,' said Mrs. Parting
ton, 'the females of the present regen
eration are a heap more independent
than they used to be. Why I saw a
gal go by to d;:y that I know belongs
to the historical class of society, with
her dress all tucked up to her knee,
her hair all buzzled up like as if she
hadn't bad time to comb it for a week,
and one of her grandmother's caps, in
an awful crumpied condition, on her
head. Why. laws, honey, when 1 was
a gal, if any of the teliows came along
when I bad my clothes tucked up that
way, and my head kivered with an old
white rag, I would run for dear lite,
and hide out of sight. Well, the gals
then were innocent, unconfiscated crea
tures; now the} 1 are what the French
call 'blazes.'
Bg^_ 4 Do you consider lager beer in
toxicating V 4 Vel, ash fer dat, I drink
feefty or seexty classes a tay. und it
no hurt me; but I don't know how it
would pe if an.an vas to make a hog
of hisself.'
just and fear not.'
Vol. LVI. No. 50-
I \ Itfix | General.
I he ioc:t! Memphis Post has the foU
lowing : •• Lately, for several days in
succession, the writer ot this was asso
ciated with a gentleman who had been
a major general in the Confederate
arm v *v e noticed tliat he was sin
gularly reticent whoj ever political
questions were hro;.ch< l. lii ugh emi
nently companionable, and delighting
to converse on all other subjects One
day there came a fit opportunity for
him to define his own position. '1 am
a paroled prisoner, said he. ' I sur
rendered in good laiih, expecting the
Government to keep its faith with me,
and intending to do no less on rav own
part. Ido not deem it consistent with
my position, or with my ideas of honor
or propriety, for me to appear at po
litical meetings, or to converse even in
promiscuous crowds on political sub
jects \\ hatcver the Government to
which I surrendered sees tit to grant
to me, it is my right—only that, and
nothing more. It seems* to me the
height of impudence for paroled pris
oners to be attempting to dictate the
policy of the country, " r talking loud
mouthed about their rights. At least
I doubt the good taste of such dis
plays.' "
Bat" ■ Tom. who did you say our
friend B. married.' 'Well, he married
forty thousand dollar.-—i forget her
other name.'
List of Causes for Trial, at January T, \W.
No. T. Year
1 "W . J. McCoy for use ve \V.
"Wakefield's adm'r. 65 Jan. 1860
2 W.J. McCoy for use vs G.
H. Calbraith, 79 Aug "
3 Johns on Bros, <t- Co. vs F.
R. Stcrrett et a!. 49 >* ov 44
4 Bogles ex's\> J. M. Sellers. SS Aug 1&63
o J. Stoneroad'sad. for u:-e vs
G. H. Calbraith. 13 Ap'l 1564
6 Wheeler & West vs J. Winn 67 Aug 44
7 Benedict vs M. a C. Co. R. R. 63 Ap'l 1865
*> J. EmigvsS. B. Hainesetal 23 Aug * 4
9 G. Hheesiey vs Jacob Stine 23 Nov 44
10 A. Reed coin. &c. vs Abner
Thompson et ai. 4o 44 44
11 Bogle's exsvs M 'Coy etal 47 44 44
12 A. Craft v> Burgess & Town
Council of Lewi-town, 31 Jan 1566.
13 W. F. Fleming vs P. R. R. 32 44 44
14 Butler's ad'r vs Benedict 32 Ap'l 44
15TV. 11. Weber vs P. R. R. 69 4 4 44
16 J. W. Miller vs J. Ross 73 41 44
17 G. Blymyer vs J Ruble 136 44 44
18 P. Kelly & Co. Endorsees
vs J. Burn?. Endorser 109 Aug 44
19 H. Snowdeu vs J. T. Lane 126 44 44
20 J. A. Cumingham'sadm's
vs Rosweli D. Smith 131 44 44
21 E. E. Locke. Jr. vs R.
Gallaher et al. 2 Nov 44
22 H. M. M'Kee vs P. R. R. 4 Jan 1867
Prothy's Office, Dec. 12, 1866.
Estate of Bernard Garrtfy, deceased.
VuTH'h i> hereby triven that letters of
; > administration on the estate of BER
| NARI) OARRITY, late of Newton Ham
ilton, Mifflin county, deceased, have been
granted to the undersigned, residing
in same place. All j>ersons indebted to
said estate are request* I to make imme
diate payment, and those having claims
to present them duly authenticated for
settlement. JOHN'ROBERTSON,
d>6t* Administrator.
Estate of Albert P. Bratton, deceased.
N'OTICE is hereby given that Letters
of Administration on the estate of
ALBERT P. BRATTON, late of Bratton
township. Mifflin county, deceased, have
been granted to Hie undersigned, residing
in said township. All persons indebted
to said estate are notified to make pay
ment immediately, and those having
claims airainst the same, will present them
dulv authenticated for settlement.
decs-6t Administrator.
.l dersigned. Auditor. apjx>inted bv the
Orphans' Court of Mifflin county, to dis
tribute the fund in the hands of James F.
Mateer. Executor of James McFarland.
late of Menno township, deceased, will
attend to the duties of the apjxiintment,
at liis office, in Lewislowu, on THRL'S
DAY, the 3d of January, next, at 10
: o'clock a. in. Those interested are re
quested to attend.
deco Auditor.
J\ The undersigned Auditor, appointed
by the Orphans' Court of Mifflin county,
to distribute the fund in the hands of
Nicholas Hartzler. Executor of Samuel
Lowrie, late of Menno township, dec'd,
will attend to the duties of the appoint
ment at theßegiste -'sufficein Lewistown,
on Saturday the JJd of December next at
10 o'clock, a. m. Those interested are re
quested to attend. W.P.ELLIOTT,
no.2?>-4t Auditor.
agenta everywhere to sell oar
mrs/ivm Sewing Machines. Three new k:ade.—
Coder ana upper feed. Warranted tire Years-
Above sai.irr or large commssocs paid. The oat*
machines s "id in me t'n:ted states lor less than
which are fu-Uy licensed by Hone, HAetier <t Hiitom,
Grorer <t Bak- r. Singer <f Co., ami Bachnhhtr. ,4£J
other machines are infrinjoivtnU and the teller or
user are liable to arrest, f.oe. and iniynsoruaent. Circu
lars/ree. Address, or call upon Shaw k Clark. Bid*
deford. Maine, or Chicago, Illinois. dec Xt-iilj
\ LARGE 6 pp. Catalogue, teaching how to rem or*
Tan. Freckles. Pimples. Blotches. Moth Patches,
Sallowness, Eruptions and all impurities of the akin.
How to force Whiskers, restore, curl and teauttfy the
hair, renew the age, cure Drunaennesa. Nervous De
bility, a other useni! and valuable lotormauon. Every
i body send for it. Address BEKGER, SHUTTB ACo*
Ccemista, SSi River sh, Troy, >'• Y. hOv3M