LOCAL AFFAIRS. A LONG SPOUT.— During a recent visit to Spanogle een selling from wagons on the streets at 25 cents per bush el. Edward Callahan had a severe fall on the river bridge on Friday last, his head striking the comer of a heavy piece of square timber, which cut an ugly gash. He was taken home, and under Dr. Wor rell's care is doing well. A party of four, among them Drs. Ham ilton and Belford, who were encamped for several days in the neighborhood of the big liill above Tyrone, returned last Friday with two deer. They saw about fifty, but could seldom get a shot, the an imals becoming more wary every day in consequence of the number of hunters out. The stable attached to Hutton's tavern stand (formerly Coplin's) at Milroy, was destroyed by fire on Wednesday evening of last week, together with a quantity of hay. Harrisburg was caused it seems by a detective who had been prying into their doings for some time. From what we can learn, he must have been over zealous to find fault, but few charges hav ing l>een sulwtantiated, while in others they must have l>een imaginary, as report has it that in one case at least he made charges against a conductor who was not •>n duty! It is due to the conductors to say that most of them with whom we have traveled were gentlemanly in their dejK>rtinent towards passengers of all classes, or if any occasionally appeared crusty, it was more likely owing to de j'ri s.M-,1 spirits or ill health—to which hu man nature subjects all —than to any de " 'u to do wrong. 80 far we believe but 0 • . Mr. Gil>son, has been arrested on the charge of embezzlement. A correspondent iu Bratton township furnishes us with an account of a case of seduction and attempted poisoning, in volving the names of several parties, but which, as it is properly a case for judicial investigation, we refrain from making known. The principal who figures in it ntther notorious, having been charged with several offenses, and the girl only a! ">ut fourteen years of age. The charge if that he procured poison, and with the 'onnivance of others had it conveyed to her, hut that she was prevented from 'king it by her friends. Subsequently is alleged he clandestinely got into her r >oin when she was sick, and tried to force her to take a dose, hut her serenms -'•""Used her friends, when he made his fcficape and left the county. Our infor "lHUt further state* that the miscreant ; has since assumed another name, under j which he wrote to a female friend of his, 1 and that he is now in Maryland. NEW .JJOODS.— The public will please take notice that Hamilton's Store has been replenished with a new stock of seasonable goods, such as Calicoes, De lains, Alpacas, French Merinoes, Shawls, Hoods, Gloves and Hosiery. Also Cassi meres, Jeans, Satinets and Cloths for men's wear. \V ith a good assortment of Umbrellas and Woolen and Cotton Flan nels, with a great variety of other goods, all of which will be sold as eheap as the cheapest. nov7-lm. Proceedings of Teachers" Con tention. The MifHin County Teachers' Associ ation, met in the Court House, at Lewis town, on Monday, Nov. 19, and continued in session during the week. At least seventy teachers were in attendance, every district in the county being represented. Instruction was given in elocution, by Prof. Mark Bailey; in orthoepy and spel hng, by W. W. Woodruff, Esq.; iu Arith metic, by Prof. E. Brooks; and in pen manship, by A. 8. Manson, Esq. In addition to these exercises, reports were read upon practical educational questions, some of which were followed by interest [ ing discussions. Prof. Bailey's lectures and readings at tracted large and intelligent audiences and were received with much favor. His in structions in reading during the day ses sions were based, not upon an arbitrary system of elocution blocked out to suit the notions of some teachers of the art, hut were founded upon a close observance of the laws of natural expression, and hence were eminently practical. The instructions in orthoepy and the spelling lessons given by Mr. Woodruff*, were new and instructive features of the institute. The teachers present were form ed into a spelling class and .500 words were sailed, the four best spellers receiving prizes. Mary MeCord, Adelia E. Thomas and Kate E. Gwinn, all of Lewistown, re ceived the first, second and third premi ums ; the first being Worcester's Una bridged Dictionary, the second, Lossing's Illustrated United States History, and the third Worcester's Comprehensive Dic tionary. Mr. W. C. MeGlenahen, of Locke's Mills, received the fourth premi um, consist ing of Worcester's School Dic tionary. These spelling exercises w#re interesting and were engaged in loth by teacher* and citizens. Prof. Brooks explained in a very interest ing manner the metric system of weights and measures recently authorized by Con gress, and gave a clear exposition of arith metical language. On Friday evening, Hon. J. P. Wiek ersham, 'State Superintendent, delivered an able, eloquent and stirring address on the " Educational Needs of the Htate."— Among these needs as stated were, a lengthening of the minimum school term, an increase of the State appropriation, a more efficient grading of schools in town and country, the education of public sen timent, and a closer school supervision by means of a local superintendent for every twenty schools whose duty it shall lie to spend one day every month in each school. It is not the intention of the school de partment to push all these measures im mediately through the Legislature, but to call the attention of the people to them and secure such action from the Legisla ture as may le practicable. * The Mendelssohn Association enliven ed the evening sessions of the institute with excellent vocal music. At the close of Mr. Wiekersham's lec ture J. K. Hartzler, chairman of the com mittee, read the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted : Resolved, That our thanks are due to those citizens of Lewistown who have ex tended their hospitality to members of this institute, to the County Commission ers for the use of the Court House, to A. S. Manson, Esq., W. W. Woodruff, Esq,, Prof. Edward Brooks and Hon. James P. Wickersham for their lectures, and to the Mendelssohn Association for the excellent vocal music with which they have so gen erously favored us. Resolved, That the lectures on elocution and the readings given by Prof. Bailey have been characterized by so much sim plicity, originality and naturalness as to merit our hearty admiration ; that we feel encouraged and honored by the presence of this distinguished educator and by his deep interest in the improvement of pub lic schools. On Saturday morning, in view of the editorial which appeared in this week's Gazette concerning the educational col umn, Mr. Hartzler offered the following resolution, which, after an interesting dis cussion participated in by Mr. Wicker sham, Col. McFarland, Mr. Mohler, Mr. Uttley and others, was unanimously adopted: Rmolvcd, That we cheerfully accept the strictures contained in the article entitled "The Educational Department," in this week's Lewistown Gazette, and we here by return our thanks for the favor done us in the past by Messrs. G. & G. It. Fry singer, and we ho|H* that short, pointed and interesting articles, adapted to keep alive and foster a healthy interest in our educational affairs will 'be prepared by teachers and others and be published from time to time. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, W. C. Mc- Clenahen; Vice Presidents, B. S. Hen derson and AdeiiaE. Thomas ; Secretary, D. H. Zook : Treasurer. John Mohler: Executive Committee, Martin Mohler, W. H. Prideaux, and Jennie Walters. J. M. BELL, Pres. D. H. ZOOK, Sec. pro. tern. Lewistown, Nov. 24, 1866. dIQO A .HOYTH S—AGENTS wanted for A*-W JU - entirety netc article*, just out. Ad dress O. T. GAREY, City Building, Biddeford, Main. December 20, isly. REMOVED. J A. & W. R, McKEE HAVE removed their Leather Store to Odd Fel lows' Hall, where they will constantly keep on hand, Sole Leather. Harness. Skirting and Upper Leather. Kips, American and French Caff Skins, Mo roccos. Linings and Bindings, and a general assort ment of Shoe Findings, which they will sell cheap for eojfh. Highest market price paid in cash for ittdes. Calf Skins and Sheep Skins. &1G (MUK&S lEAIBIS wanted, for which the highest market price will be paid in Cash. ap4tf EXPIRE SHUTTLE M'WING MACHINES. Are superior to ili it hers for FAMILY AND AMNUF.M I CKING PURPOSES. Contain all the latest impr-vements; are speedy; noiseless; durable; and ea-> t- work. Illustrated Circulars free. \cents wanted. Liberal disount allowed. No consignments made. I Address EMPIRE S. M. CO, 618 Broadway, New 1 York. ep6'6-ly £perial Holices. TO OWNERS OF HORSES AND CAT' TLE T)BIAS' DERBY CONDITION POWDERS are wnr ranted superior to any others', or no pay, for the cure of Distemper. Worms, Hots, Coughs, Hiae-bound, Vr'i ' ln " or! ' e! 'i and Coughs. Colds, Loss of Milk. Black Tongue, Horn Distemper, Ac, in Cattle. I hese Powders were formerly put up by Simpson I. Tobias, son of Dr. Tobias, ana. since his death, the demand has been so great for them, that Dr. Tobias his continued to manufacture them. They are per fectly safe and innocent; no need of stopping the workingof your animals. They increase the appe tite. give s fine coat, cleanse the stomach and urina ry organs: also increase the milk of cows. Try them, and you will never lie without them. Hiram Wood ruff, tho celebrated trainer of trotting horses, has used them for years, and recommends them to his friend!*. (il. Pnilo. P. Bufh. of the Jerome Race Course. Ford ham. X. Y, would not use them until he was told of what thev are composed, since which he is never without them He has over 20 running hor ses in Ins charge, and far the last three rears has used no other medicine for them. He has kindly permitted me to refer any one to him. Over 1 000 other references can be seen at the depot. Sold' by Druggists ami Saddlers. Price 25 cents per box. De pot, 56 Cortlandt Street. N. Y. no.2S-7w. reason why the AMERICAN WATCH Made at Waltham, Massachusetts IS THE BEST. It is made on the best principle. Its frame is com posed of SOLID PLATM. NO jar can interfere with the harmony of its working and no sudden shock can damage its machinery. Every piece is made and finished by machinery (itself famous for its novelty, as well as for its effectiveness) and is therefore prop erly made. The watch is what all mechanism should be—ACCURATE, SIMPLE,STRONG AND ECONOM ICAL. Except some high grades, too costly for gen eral use, foreign watches are cniefly made by women and boys. Such watches are composed of several huudred pieces, screwed and riveted together, and require constant repairs to keep them in any kind of order. All persons who have carried "ancres," "le pines and "English Patent Levers," are perfectly well aware of the truth of this statement. At the beginning of our enterprise more than ten years ago, it was our first object to make a thorough ly good low priced watch for the million, to take the place of these foreign impositions; the refuse of for eign factories, which were entirely unsaleable at home and perfectly worthless everywhere. How well we have accomplished this, mav be un derstood from the fact that after so many years of public trial, we now make MORE THAN H ALF OF ALL THE WATCHES SOLD IN THE UNITED SI ATE-S, and that no others have ever given such universal satisfaction. While this department of our business is continued with increased facilities for perfect work, we are at present engaged in the man nfaeture of watches of the very HIGHEST GRADE KNOWN TO CHRONOMETRY, unequaled bv any thing hitherto made by ourselves, and unsurpassed by anything made in the world. For this purpose we have the amplest facilities. We have erected an ad dition to our main building expressly for this branch of our business, and have filled it with the hest work men in our service. New machines and appliances have been constructed which perform their work with consummate delicacy and exactness. The choicest and most approved materials only are used and we challenge comparison between this grade of ■>ur work and the finest imported chronometers. We do not pretend to sell our watches for LESS MONEY than (••reign watches, but we do assert without fear of con tradiction that for the SAME MONEY our product is in comparatively superior. All our watches, of what ever grade, are fully warranted, and this warrantee is good at all times against us or our agents in all parts of the world. CAUTION.—The public are cautioned to buy only o! respectable dealers. All persons selling counter feits will be prosecuted. ROB BINS & APPLETON, AGENTS FOK THE AMERICAN WATCH CO., novlA-lin IK* BROADWAY, K. T. INVASIONI Co you wish to have your hair cauterized from the scalp ? No. Then beware of the new orood of Vitri olic and Caustic Dyes got up by nostrum-mongers, who bear the same relation to the responsible Chem ist that Pirates and Privateers bear to honest merchantmen. Remember that the experience of years, and the very highest scientific endorsements, guarantee the superiority of CIiISTADORO'S HAIR DYE, over every other in use. It is purely vegetable, infal lible and instantaneous. Manufactured by J. CRIS TA I>< >RO, 6 Astor House. New York. Sold by Drug gists. Applied by all Hair Dressors. n0.21-4t Alleoek'B Porous Plasters. BEST STRENGTHENING PLASTER IN THE WORLD. ALLCOCK S POROUS PLASTERS resolve and as suage pain by calling forth the acrid humors from parts internal to the skin and general circulation— thus, in many cases, positively evaporating the dis ease. JAMES LULL, M. D. There is nothing equal, in the way of a plaster, to the Porous Plaster of Mr. ALLCOCK. Everything is pleasant about thein. They are the plaster of the day, and a fit type of our present advancement in science and art. In Asthma, Cough, Kidney Affections, Gout, Rheumatism, and local deep-seated pains, they afford permanent relief. J. F. JOHNSON, M. IX, on 'Topical Remedies.' From personal knowledge of thepe plasters, we can state that they are decidedly preferable to any other in use. Wherever relief is to be obtained by tne use of a plaster, we should recommend them. A. INGRAHAM. M. D. Editor N. Y Mentor. Agency. Brandreth House, New York. Sold by all Druggists. n0.21-lm. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral . WsuftL'/ ///'/ TS a soothing expectorant, / f/////, 1 prepared to meet the ur cyvT JJL/£L need of a safe and re- JaB6 ,Tt tlm dnff'" x liable cure for diseases of *ALyijfa s*y the throat and lunge. A " Jef trial of many years has es- y tablished the fact, that it is - more efficacious in pulmo ■ nary affections, than any other remedy. Its efficacy ally known, that itis'jiistly regarded in many coun tries as a medicine of indispensable necessity. In (.real r>rltn., PV— l where medical science has reached its nigh'-st perfection. j t 19 scribed in domestic practice, and constantly usr.i iu the armies, in hospitals and other public institutions, where it is regarded by the attending physicians as the most speedy and agreeable remedy that ean be employed. Scarcely any neighborhood can be found where well known cases of diseased iungs, which had baffled the efforts of the most skillful aud experienc ed doctors, have been permanently cured by it. These results are the most convincing proof* of the superi or curative properties of this preparation: and to them the authors point with peculiar satisfaction - While it is most powerful against confirmed diseases, it is extremely gentle as a medicine in infancy and youth, being quite harmless to even the youngest, "when administered judiciously. This health-restorer accomplishes even more by prevention than cure. If taken in season, it heals all irritations of the throat and lungs, whether arising from Colds or Coughs, or from other causes, and thus prevent that long train of painful and incurable dis eases, which would arise from the neglect of thetn. Hence no fajn'ly should be without it. Influenia. Croup, Hoarseness. Whooping Cough. Pleurisy, Incip ient Consumption, and other affections of the breath ing organs, give way before this pre-eminent combi nation of medical virtues. Prepared by DR J. C. AVER A Co., Lowell, Mass., and sold by all Druggists and dealers in medicine everywhere. n0v.21-2m. Errors of Youth. \ GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Ner vous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it. the receipt and directions for making the simple remedy hy which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad vertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGD&N, ept£-3ni No. Cedar Bt, New York. 'TCH ! ITCH ! ITCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! WHEATON'S OINTMENT W,u f,RE THE ITCH IX 4H HOCKS. EUM. ULCERS, CHII, til. A INS, For f Ti )VS UK TH K >KIX. Priee 50 cents. Weeks i iV.mII B y sending sixty cents to Boston it r.i' 7' r' Agents. 17° Washington street, to anv nart of k* M rwar , de,i b >' mail > free of postage, to any part of the United States. sepSMV-ly WILLIAM LIND, has now open A NEW STOCK ; or Cloths, Cassimeres ANI) VESTINCS, whieh wiii be made up to order in the neat est and most fashionable styles. ap!9 LATEST NEWS FROM THE ATLANTIC CABLE!! Arrival of Wore NEW GOODS AT THE JVewc Store ! KITTEN HOUSE & McKINNEY br^ leave to inform the public that they have just received a new and fresh assortment of Goods, and prices to suit all Muslins from 15 to 30cls Calicoes " 14 to 20 " Wool Delaines from 55 to 65 " Mcrinoes " 150 to 165 Alpaccas " 60 to 125 All Wool Flannels from 40 to 100 Shirting Flannels " 50 to 185 Table Diaper " 55 to 65cts Balmoral Shirts " 2.50 to 500 Single a dou'e Shawls '* 300 to 10 00 Breakfast Shawls " 300 to 400 Woolen Hoods " 50 to 175 Buck Gloves " 1.25 to 250 No. 1 Kid Gloves " 175 to Assorted Gloves " 25 to 100 Ladies' Coats Men'sWoTn Under-shirts and Drawers from 87 to 250 Cassimeres " 100 to 2.75 Also, a ant both old and young, great and small No charge SHOWING GOODS Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Thanktul for past favors, hoping a continuance ol the same, we remain, Respectfully, Ac., RITTENHOUSE & McKINNEY. Lewistown, November 21, 1866 LCGSZ-STITOH SEWING MACHINES, HIGHEST I'REMIUM, STARE $:? AMUssin&ASJ nHBTOHNHHB? 1365. wm m mi mm. Great Simplicity ! GREAT CAPACITY ! Celebrated Beversible Feed Movement- Uniform Self-Adjusting Tension. Four Separate Distinct Stitches. Will Gather and Sew a Buffle at once. JAS. PARKER & SONS. sepl2 Agents, Lewistowo, Pa TD E IST T I S T E, "Y" J. SMITH n FSPECTFULLT inform the citi.cn, of Lewi,town II ami vicinity. >'a few doors from the Town Hall in Main street) that he is prepared to do all kind of work t in the line of his profession in the west scientific ruan ; tier—in Whole Sew. Partial Sets, or Single Teeth in serted on Gold. Silver.or Vulcanite Base, in an elegant ; and workmanlike manner, and on the most reason a : bie terms. He guarantees his work, or no pay Particular attenrion paid to the extracting and fi'ling j of teeth in the most approved manner. nov7-6m OCRIVEXER & KI KH'.VOH. C. 11. Swlerarf. respectfully in forms the citizens of Mifflin county, that he is prepa red at all tunes to do surveying on short notice. Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, and other legal writings, drawn with neatness and dispatch. Address, O. H. SWIG ART, nov7-6m McVejtown. Mifflin county. Pa. THE BEST LN THE WORLD ' MHE UNDERSIGNED IS AGENT FOR THE IMPROVED -INGER SEWING MACniXK, which will he plno I unoti trial with any other now in use. He invites It pan t>e tested CO HQ. CE ZDLS L2A -T r>T with auv other machine to enable pnrchers to choose THE BEST. TERMS LIBERAL. Give him n call. [sepl2-6m] WM. LIND. X)R.iLIIV TILE. For Draining Wot Lands. Piprs for Cellar Drains. Water Pip* for Cgf the Pilgrim Fathers, 27 x 36 Faritalf Mustering tits Kecrutts, 25x30 Shakspeare and his Friends, 27 x 31 Cotter Saturday Night. 23 x 28 Village Blacksmith. 27 x 32 Manifest Destiny. (Fortune Telling) 21 x 28 The Massacre at Wyoming In 1776, 28 x 36 Mount Vernon in the olden time, or. Washing ton at 30 years of age, 26 x 34 The escape of Alaster Mac Donald from the Massacre of Glencoe, 26 x 34 The Madonna, 26 x 34 They have deemed expedient to offer them to their friends and the public at one dollar and fifty cents each, the price heretofore having been two dollars each, and for the purpose of stimulating the getting up of Clubs, they have determined to award premi umns to the getters up of the clubs, and in addition thereto to distribute amongst the subscribers the sum of S6O. *OO in money and paintings, as soon as the sale shall have reached ICO.uOo engravings. As it is our intention to advertise very ehtensively. and as the engravings are well known throughout the whoie country, we have no donbt. that with the low price we charge" for them, and with the exertion wliicn will be put forth by our numerous friends, the number will be reached in a short time. As soon as it is reached, the subscribers, through their club agents, will be no tified by a circular letter trom us. naming the time and method of distribution. C L I B RATES. Single Engraving sl.soeach,—by mall, fret. For sls wp will (tend IS Eng. and 2 to the Club Agent. •• a) •• •• 15 4 " 25 "20 M 5 .. jo "25 " " 35 •• " 30 " 7 " 50 "50 ' a Sliver Watch. " 75 " "SO " a Silver Lever. " 100 " " 110 " a Hunting Lever. The club packages will be very securely packed and forwarded by Express. Any person may get up clubs and forward the amount either by Express. Sight Draft, Post Office Order or in a registered letter, and in ail cases the Engravings : will be immediately sent, and for each engraving a numbered certificate and receipt will be enclosed in the package. C. 0. D. Orders.—Persons wishing to send for En gravings and pay iho Express Co. when they are re ceived. will be required to send with their order $2 to $5, according to its amount, and tins will credited ou their hill. List of Premiums To be distributed. One of SIO,OOO in money, $lO 000 5,0U) " 5,000 Five of 1,000 5 000 Ten of 500 " 5,000 Fifty of 100 " 5 000 One hundred elegant Oil Paintings, richly framed, landscapes at SIOO each, 10,000 | Two hundred elegant Oil Paintings, richly framed, Interior Views, at SSO each, 10,00n $50,000 The American Artists' Union would add that these premiums are to be considered only in the light of a free gift to their patrons, as the Engravings are fur nished them below their market value, and as the coat i of engravings, after the plates are procured, is very ! trifling, they can easily afford to make the distribution j large as it is. We trust that our numerous friends throughout the ! country and t'anadas will use their utmost exertions, ! so that if possible, the distribution may be made soon, and it can be done if they are atail'active. Ladies have often made excellent club agents for us, and we solicit their kind efforts, which will not go unreward ed. Let one or more energetic persons in everytown and village in the country commence as soon as they see this, Hnd get up as large a club as possible. By so doing they will be the means of introducing elegant engravings into fannies, and thus aid in cultivating a taste for the beautiful and refined. Address Orders See'y American Artiste? Union, nov7-3m [saco] 25 Pine St., New York. \ T)EST braDds Cigars, and good Tobacco, D * ED. FRVSINGER.S A. J. NORTH, WITH S. A. COYLE & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND Produce & Commission Mer chants, Market Mreet, Philadelphia. s A. CDY|,R, J. \\ I. HIGH LIN. s. S. CAMPBELL SL CO. Manufacturing Confectioners, ANI> WHOLKKALI MALMS IN FOREIGN FRUITS,IS UTS,&C. No. 303, RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ALSO. MANirACTI RERS OE ALL KINDS OE Molasses Candy and Cocoanut Work. aeptl2'66-ly. DOBBINS' E L E C T RIC SOAP 1 SAVES TIME! SAVES MONEY! SAVES LABOR! SAVES CLOTHES! SAVES WOMEN! AND ALL GROCERS SELL IT. It is uscmJ by cutting into small shavings and die ; solving in ho; water, then soak the olothes five to ten nunutos, and a little hand rubbing will make them aa clean as hours of hard mi/chine rubbing would do, with ordinary snap, and the most delicate fabrics re ! oeive no injury. We can refer to thousands of fami- I lies wnn are using it, ami who could not be persuaded . to do without > BOBBINS' ELECTRIC SOAP, Sold by all loading grocery throughout the Stat*. Manufactured only by DOBBINS & LOVE, WHOLESALE OFFICE: lOT South Plfih Street, oct3l-€m* Philadelphia. . D. >bbins' Electric Soap is for sale by F. J. Hoffman. . The Great English Remedy! PROTECTED lIY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. *■! JVUI> ( LARKL'H Celebrated Female Pills. I*rtpared from a preemption of Sir J. 'Aarke, if- D Phi/swian Extraordinary to the Queen. This Invaluable medicine Is unfailing in the cure of all those painful anil dangerous diseases to which the female constitution Is subject. It moderates all excess and re moves all obstructions, from whatever cause, and a speedy | cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES ; It ts particularly si ited. It will, in a short time, bring oa 1 the monthly period with regularity. CAUTION. These Pills should not be taken by females during tha j FIRST THREE MONTHS of pregnancy, as they are sure to bring on miscarriage, but at any other time they are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections. Pains In the Back and Linitis. Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpita ; tlon of the Heart. Hysterics and whites, these I'llls wlllef : feet a cure when all other means have failed; and although a powerful remedy, do not contain Iron, calomel, antimo ; nr. or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS PRICE, ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. SPECIAL NOTICE. It it. the fate of every valuable Medicine to be CO UN' TERFEII'ED. BeeautUu*. therefore. and nee that the letter.i " T d- M." are blown in the'bottle, and that each wrapper bears the FAC SIMILES of the signature* of I. I C. BALDWIN the parts affected MOKE THAN THIRTY YEARS' of sale and use of I>a. Marshall's Catarrh and HxAft er nz Unurr, has proved its great value for all the com mon diseases of the head, and at this moment stand# higher than ever before. It is recommended by many of the best physician# and is used with great success and satisfaction every where. Read the Certificates of Wholesale Drug gists iu 1854. The undersigned, having for many years been ae ouainted with Dr. Marshall's Catarrh asp Hradacm SstFF, and sold it in our wholesale trade, cheerfully state that we believe it to be equal, tn every respect, to the recommendations given of it for the cure ot Catarrhal Affections, and that it is decidedly the beat article we have ever known for all common dtseaaea of the head, Burr 4 Perry, Boston, Barnes 4 Parke, !t. T Reed, Austin 4 Co., " A. B. 4 D. Sands, " Brown, Lansoui 4 Co.. " Stephen Paul 4 Co., " Reed. Cutler 4 Co., '* Israel Minor 4 Co., " Sett. W. Fowle, " McKesson 4 Robblns. •* Wilson, Falrbank 4 Co. " A. L. ScovtUe 4 Co., - Henshaw, Edniaud 4 Co., M Ward. Close 4Co , * H. H. Hay. Portland. Me. 3ush 4 Gale, " For sale by all Druggists, Tat ft. janll-Iv.