©J & ©0 So ZnETOnsyGS-ISIEa IFS3"3I3ILi2SIMI2SIBSSs> fthole No 2897, Poor House Business. The Directors of the Poor meet at the Poor U .j e on the 2d Tuesday of each month. Claims for Bounty, Pensions, &c., r> K<" HT VE PROMPT ATTENTION jt 11v tlie undersigned at his office oji- i the Red Lion, Lewistown. aug-J ilrn T. F. McCOY. ,-• "Vs* "S"i TT "T* L . X/JkXk; Attorney at Law, office Market Square, Lewistown, will at tend to business in Mifflin. Centre and Hunting j don counties. mv 26 E. J. CTJLBBHTSOITj : Attorney at Law, LEWISTOWN, PA., nvKEUS his professional services to the citizens of , 0 V v.:ii cfiiuty. Office with D. W. Woods, esq., M.1.1 -"REEL, below National Hotel. m >"- j 2?.. "CHIT r. 3AELEIT, Practicing Physician, Itelleville, Mifflin County, Fa. Dr li\Hl FN has been appointed an Examining - ' jbr Pensions. Soldiers requiring exam . ', Will find him at Ins office 111 Belleville. g evilte, August 42, l&lb-jr Teeth Extracted Without Pain ! By M. R. Thompson, D. D. H , By a NEW,PROCESS, Si without the use <>f Chloro form. Ether, or Nitrous t >x -3' >*. jde. and is attended by no danger or bad effects. 1P.7 i j Orti-e west Market Street, FM/ .v- ~V / near Eisenbise's hotel, LEWISTOWN, K ■he can be found for professional consultation first Mondav of e:v h mortth until the ffiurth Vt when he will be absent op professional buhl i sepio-tt nes* one week. J SHfe So ©o DENTIST, AFFEBS his professional services to the citizens of 0 Lewistown and vicinity. All in want of good.neat work will do well to give him a call. lie may be found it all tunes at his office, three d. rs i-t of H. M AR. Pratt's store. \ alley street. aplH-lv* DENTAL CARD pt Ivl_ KEEVER, SI'RGEOS UEXTIST. - TBETII Extracts d WITHOUT PAIN C9R) by the ,of M oXI HE or filled in the most approved manner. s >'^ ial tiou given to diseased gums. All work wan anted. T :S.i".Tp n iSl;.l C.r„., of M.i.> „d Water •Street.-'. >t NEW STOCK. . The subscriber has just received and will fissl keen on haul a select block of Mens Rots fS4 and Youth's I> as. Ladies . Misses and < hil iron's Boots and Shoes r.t various kinds and stvles. to which b< would invite the attention of his frivii is and the publicum rally. As it is his intention NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD > v anv dealer in the county. th.s- in need of winter tx t8 or shoes are invited to call and examine th v .p.ek. which will be sold at very small profits, out for cash onlv, at the sign of the Bw SUOE, next F. J. Hoffman's store. CLARKE. To Purchasers of Furniture. R. H. McCLINTIC, AT HIS FURNITURE WAKE ROOMS, West Market St., Lewtstown, HAS complete CH AMBER SUITS of Walnut, Var nished and in Oil. Also, 3CTTAS-3 & PAE.LCE. S7JI2S, together with a large assortment of Fashionable and Plain Furniture, CHAIRS, MATTRESSES. &c. t'r and see his stock before purchasing elsewhere. ' 1> M,.tabe and Wood Burial*Uases constantly on hand. Coffins also made to order, and Funerals attended with it fine Hearse, at short notice. I wustown. June 27.18(J8*6m09 MRS. M. E. STEWART, PAITOY STORE, *§3s. Wfxt Market St., Lewistown, Lv. ILS .t GENTLEMEN'S rURNISHISG GOODS .... Cloaks. HaH. Bonnets, Ladies Fine DKESIs GOODS ami Trimmings, i auerus of latest styles always on hand. Millinery and Dress-Making executed in the most approved style. Lewi&towu, April 18,186t>.tf 628. HOOP SKIRTS, 628. Hopkin's "Own Make, 55 NEW FALL STYLES! An* m every respect first etass.and embrace a com iMf" assortment tor Ladus, Misses, and Children, of the Newest Stvles. every length and Sizes oi Waist. Our .Skirt", "wherever known, are more universally popular than anv others before the public. They re tain their shape better. art* lighter, more elastie,more . . and really Cheaper, than any other Hoop Skirt ui the market. The swings and fastenings are warranted perfect. EVKKY LAB* should LAV I HE* Tina arc now bring extensively sold by Merchants, throughout the Country, and at II holcsale a- Retail, at inufaetory and Sales Room, ~*> v (it'll .-llti.V.T. Hfch'lM 7th. I'll I LADhLI'H IA. Ask for lioi'Ki>"s "own make," —buy no other. < njfioii None genuine unless Stamped on eaeh K t Pad—'-Hopkin.s Hoop Skirt Manufactory, No. Arch Street Philadelphia. constantly on hunil foil hne of New i ork iji •• i• - at very low nrH'c^. 'i ERMS SET CASH. ONE I'RICE ONLY. au29-4m Ho IPj PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, n A VINO located permanently in Mil roy, Mifflin county, offers his profes sional services to the public. An experi ence of 7 years fully justifies him in soli citing a share of public patronage. Office at Graham's Hotel. sep2B-;>ni Kishacoquillas Seminary, r PHE winter session at this institution I will commence on MONT)AY, Octo ber l", t l.soti, and continue five months. 1 nit ion, Board, Fuel, Light and Furnish ed Rooms, per session, Day schol ars Si", per session. Students should ap ply early to secure a room in the building. sep29-3m S. Z. SHARP, Prin. Splendid Syrap Molasses. ONE of the beet articles at 26 per quart, at 0ct.24. F.J.HOFFMAN'S. Sugar at 12 1-2 Cts. OCR article at this price is g<>od. Also, White at IT. a! Oct 24. F. J. HOFFMAN'S. Don't Forget, TO {jo to HOFFMAN'S for your PAT ENT MEDICINES. Blacksmith's! \'oI T can buy your liar Iron at5J. Also on hand Steel Horse-Shoe Calks and Horse Shoes, at F. J. HOFFMAN'S Hubs, Spokes. Fellows, STEEL Runners, Ac. A {jreat assort ment at F. J. HOFFMAN'S. Coal Oil and Lamps, \ T F. J. HOFFMAN'S. XI 0ct.24. Gas Burners, \ND a variety of other heating Stoves for sale low for cash at F. J. HOFFMAN'S. Sole Leather, Upper, ("lALF Skins, Morrocco, Ac, at J 0ct.24. F. J. HOFFMAN'S. Nimrod Cook! F'VERY one who wants a good Cooking l Stove, should call and see this, at 0ct.24. F. J. HOFFMAN'S NEW ARRIVALS. I) F. LOOP is receiving new goods every week, di . rect from the eastern factory, and is prepared to sell Boots cheaper than the cheapest, having a large assortment of all sizes and styles. Men's Boots from $-1 50 to 5 00 Boys' 2 50 to 3 50. - pleasant boots can lie accom modated at short notice. Call at the old stand. P. F LOOP. CROVER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED SEWING MACHINE AVE wish to call the attention of Tailor*. Shoemak tl era, Saddk-rs, Cpai h i rimmers and Families to these machines, as they are OPERATED WITH THE GREATEST EASE, IlElA'ti CALLED THE NOISELESS MACHINE, Persons selecting a machine can have their choice OF SHUTTLE STITCH, OR GROVER & BAKER STITCH, the peculiarity of each stitch being cheerfully shotvn and explained. Extracta from A'ew York. Papers: The Grover A Baker noiseless machines are ac knowledged to be superior to all others." "The work executed by the Grover A Baker Ma chine has received the highest premium at every State Fair in the United States where it has been ex hibited." N. B. —We make no charge for LEARNING PURCHASERS TO SEW. We call them the CHEAPEST FIRST CLASS MA CHINE NEEDLES, SILK TWIST & THREAD P. FY LOOP, Agent for the above, Boot and Shoe Maker, in the public square. Lewis town. nov'y i/ai AiiAA k/AAr/U V TIIF. POF.TEY UACUISE. The road to wealth, my friends, you'll find, Runs hard t>y the Big Coffee Pot Sign, 'Tiv there the people get their own. And children, too, who are sent alone. And if you give m<- your attention, To,convince you, I'll hut mention, If you call. I'll add to your delight More than money can—that's bright. Though should it cost you a liitle cash, To think you're poorer, don't be rash; 'Tig not your money that's true wealth, But contentment and good health. Therefore your comforts I've selected, And now they are open to he inspected; Many of the Goods are neat yet rosy, Just the things to fit you up cosy, Kug pattern oil cloth, rich and new. Rustic oil shades, tliat-ll |)lee" you. Neat gas burner stoves, to keep off the shakes, When winter is here with its snowy white flakes. A cloth damper, too. you'll find here. That you wet not your fingers, my dear, But I can't tell all. just give me a peep. And you'll be convinced the Goods are cheap. Ami at J. 1. Wallis' House Furnishing Stand You can get a fat press and a lard can. A splendid cook stove, no better you'll find Than is kept at the Big Coffee Pot Sign. A word or two before I stop the machine, I have plenty of tin ware, and things not seen, And jobbing we do right on the spot, At the sign of the Big Coffee Pot. Lewistown, Nov. 7, lktie.tf Looking Glasses and Picture Frames rnHE undersigned, thankful for pant fa -1 vors, would inform the public that he still manufactures Frames of every de scription, as cheap they can be made elsewhere. Look in < lasses of every de scription, wholesale and retail, at reduced prices, He respectfully solicits a share ot Iu I>l ic patronage. Ail : .erstns who have left pictures to frame ,. : mines to be hlled, are requested to call or them. uiylGtf JAMi.e CRLTCHLEY. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1866, EXCELSIOR Photograph and Art Gallery. LATH lIU UK. HOLDER'S. M cEWENS cun now funiisli the pub lic with Likenesses, from the tiniest < rein to u Portrait or life size Photograph. We have the only Solar Camera at work in the Juniata Valley, and desire the pub lic to call and examine what Mr. Burk holder (an accomplished and well known artist) ami others have pronounced u a success." Look at the array: (Jems, A Ibatypes or Ivory- Ferrotypes, types, M cl:ii notvpes, Photo-Miniatures Anibrotypes, Cabinet Photos., & Card Photographs Portrait or Life size Vignettes, Ph o tog r a p h s Photographs for plain or in colors, oval frames, Ac., Ac., Ac. Our work is executed in the best style, plain or in colors, and at the lowest rates. Call at McEWENS. N. P.- nstructions to students given at fair utes. ap4tf EiUJIAA IkMWlSlti'l, w\m im i. st 1 1:\th it UiSCOV EKI ITiOR the treatment of acute and chron ic diseases. Tlie undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the afflic ted females of Mifflin and adjoining coun ties to the fact that she has taken instruc tions in the correct application of Elec tricity, and is now fully prepared to op erate successfully on all persons afflicted with the following named diseases: General Debility, Kidney Complaint, Liver, Spinal At lection, Costiveness, Foul Stomach, Rheumatism, Diseases of the Womb, Suppression of the Menses, Neuralgia, Nervous Diseases, Female Weakness, Piles and Gravel, Bronchial Affections, Dispepsia, Headache, Drahcts, Goitre, or Big Neck, Ac. Female patients can receive treatment at mv residence for any of the above dis eases, with the wonderful discovery of Electricity, which is without a parallel and the very desideratum for the afflicted. Please give her a trial; it is a mild opera tion, producing no shock or unpleasant sensation, and relieves when medicine has no effect at all. MARGARET LEWIS. Newton Hamilton, Mifflin eo., Penna., Sept. 2H, 1.566,-:im* Ksla't of Prutlrnce Blymyer, deceased. N r OTICE is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate nt' PRU DENCE JU.YM'YKU. lateof Lewistown, Mifflin co.,doe'd, have been granted to the undersigned, of same place. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having elaims to present them duly au thentieated for settlement. JAMES NICHOLS, 0ct.31-6t Executor. 4 STRAY STEER, J\ Came to the premises of the sub scriber in Menno township, Mifflin eo., about the lf>th September, of a light brin dle color, with no particular marks upon him, probably nearly two years old, which the owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take away, or he will lie disposed of according to law. nov7-* SAMUEL B. WILLS. Estate of William l.owry, deceased N'OTICE is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Wil liam Lowry, late of Menno township, Mifflin county, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in said township. All persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated, for settlement. DANIEL E. DOWRY, nov7-bt* Administrator. FARM OftlO ACRES FOR SALE, SITUATE in Wayne township, Mifflin county, on turnpike road, within I of a mile of Atkinson's Mills, store, school, blacksmith, do 1110 a fa vor.' 'Anything Mrs. Anderson I will do,' was the prompt reply. 'But,' said she, 'it may be more than you imagine.' 'Anything Mrs. Anderson wishes,' he again replied. 'I want you to go with me to Fort Sumter.' she said. Hart looked at Mar garet for a moment and then promptly responded. '1 will go, madame.' 'But Hart,' continued the earnest woman, 'I want you to stay with the Major Y'ou will leave }'Our family and give up a good situation.' Hart again glanced inquiringly at Margaret, and then quickly replied. 'I will go madame.' 'But Margaret,' Mrs. Anderson said, turning to Hart's wife, 'what do you say V 'lndado, ma'am, and its Margaret's sorrow she can't do as much for you as Peter can,' was the warm-hearted wo man's reply. •When will you go. Hart?' asked Mrs. Anderson 'To NIGHT, ma'am, if it DO your wish,' replied her true and abiding friend. 'Be hero tomorrow night at six o'clock,' said Mrs Anderson, 'and I will be read}'. Good bye Margaret.' All things were speedily arranged. They were only to take a satchel each tor the journey. Hart was to play tho part of servant to Mrs. Anderson, and to be ready at all times to second her every word and act. What difficulties and trials awaited them no one knew. The brave, loving, patriotic woman did not care. It was enough for her to know that her husband and country was in peril, and sbo was seeking to serve them. The travelers left New York on the 3d of January. None but her good physician —not even the nurse of the children—knew her destination. Sho was completely absorbed with the sub- mmwmx ipsicsJs ject of her errand. They traveled without intermission until they reach ed Charleston, late on Saturday night. She neither ate, drank nor slept that time. From Cape Fear to Charleston she was tl e only woman in the train, which v.:-, ii:'c.l with rough men hur rying to Cliurk.sioii to join the attack on Fort Sumter. They were mostly shaggy haired, brutal and profane, who became drunken and noisy, and tilled the cars with tobacco smoke. 'Can't you prevent their smoking here?' she gently asked the conductor. His only reply was, ♦Wal, I reckon they'll have to smoke.' Ilcr appeal to two rough men in front of her was more successful. With sweet voice, that touched the chords of their better nature, she said, •Will you please throw away your cigars? they make mo so sick.' One ot them glanced at the speaker, and said to his companion. 'Let's do it; she's a lady.' During the remainder ot' the journey these rude men were respectful. In that train of cars Mrs. Anderson was com pelled to hear her man cursed with the most horrid oaths, and threatened with savage violence should lie tall into the hands of an exasperated mob. But she endured all heroically. It was late in the evening when they reached Charleston. When the drunk en soldiers were carried out she asked an agent at the station for a carriage. 'Where arc you from ?' he asked. 'New York,' she replied. 'Where are you going?' 'To Charleston.' 'Where else?' 'Don't know; get me a carriage to go to the Mills House.' 'There are none.' 'I know better.' 'I can't get one.' 'Then give me a piece of paper that I may write a note to Gov. Pickens; he will send me one.' The man yielded to the Governor's name. He supposed she must he some one of importance; and in a few min utes afterwards she and Hart were in a carriage, on their way to the Mill's House. There the parlor into which she was ushered was filled with excited people of both sexes, who were exas perated because of her husband's move ments. His destruction of the old flag start' at Moultrie was considered an insult to the South Carolinians that might not be forgiven. Their language was extremely violent. Mrs. Anderson met her brother at the Mill's House. On the following morning he procured from Gov. Pick ens a permit for her to go to Fort Sum ter. She sought one tor Hart. The Governor could not allow a man to be added to the Sumter garrison, ho said, he would be held responsible to the Commonwealth of South Carolina for any mischief that might ensue in con sequence ! Mrs. Anderson did not conceal the scorn which the suggestion and excuse elicited. The State of South Carolina—now claiming to be a sovereign power among the nations of the earth —endangered by the addition of one man to a garrison of seventy or eighty, while thousands of armed hands ere ready and willing to strike them ! Pickens was her father's old friend. 'Tell him,' she said,'that I shall take Ilart to the fort, with or without a pass' iter words of scorn and her demand were repeated to the Governor. He saw the absurdity oi his conduct, and gave a pass for liart, but coupled the permission with a requirement that her messenger should obtain from Maj. Anderson a pledge that ho should not bo enrolled as a soldier The pledge was exacted, given, and faithfully kept. Peter Hart served his country there better than if ho had been a mere com batant. At ten o'clock on Sunday morning, the 6th of January, Mrs. Anderson with Hart and a few personal friends then in Charleston, started in a small boat for Sumter, carrying with her a mail bag for tbe garrison, which had lately often been kept back. It was a most charming morning. The air was balmy, and the bosom of tbe bay un rippled, Nature inviting to delicious enjoyment; but the brave woman ab sorbed in tbe work of hei holy mission of love and patriotism, heeded not the invitation. Everywhere were seen strange banners. Among them all was not a solitary Union dag; she felt like an exile from her native land.— Presently, as the boat shot around a point of land, some one exclaimed, 'There's Sumter!' She turned, and saw the national ensign floating gently over it. It seemed, as it waved languidly in the almost still air. like a signal ofdistress over a vessel in the midst of terrible breakers. 'The dear ojd flag!' she exj claimed and burst into tears. For the first time since she left New York, emo tion had conquered will Sentinel boats were now passing, and proper passwords were given.— Vol. LVI. No. 47. They approached Sumter, when a watchman on its walls trumpeted the inquiry, 'Who conies there?' A gentleman in the boat replied through a trumpet, •Mrs. Maj. Anderson.' She was formally ordered to advance. As her friends conveyed her tip the rocks to the wharf, her husband came running out of the sally pert. He caught her in his arms, and exclaimed in a vehement whisper, for her ear only, 'My glorious wife !' and carried her into the fort. •1 have brought you Peter Hart,' she said The children are all well. I return to-night.' Then turning to the accompaning friends, she said, -tell me when the tide serves; I shall go back with the boat.' She then retired with her husband to his quarters, nearly over the sally port, and took some re freshments; the first since leaving New York. The tide served in the course of two hours. When Mrs. Anderson was placed in the boat f.y her husband,she experienced almost irresistible desire to draw him after her—to take him away from the great peril. With the splashing of the oars, when the boat was shoved off, came a terrible impres sion as if she had buried her husband, and was returning from his funeral.— But she leaned lovingly, by faith on the strong arm of the All-Wise-Father, and received strength. Invalid and a woman as she was, she had performed a great service to her husband and country. She had given them a faith ful and useful friend in Peter llart— how faithful and Useful the subsequent history of Foit Sumter, until it passed into the hands of armed insurgents, three months later, only feeblv reveals. I. nheeding the entreaties of friends, who tried to persuade her to remain, and offered to bring hcrfamily to her; and the assurance of a deputation of Charlestonians, who waited upon her that she might reside in their city, dwell in Sumter, or wherever she pleas ed, Mrs. Anderson started for the na tional capitol that evening, accompa nied by Major Anderson's brother.— | Charleston was no place lor her while her husband was under the old flag; and sho would not add to his cares by : remaining with him in the lort. A bed was placed in the cars, and on j that she journeyed comfortably to J Washington. She was insensible when she arrived at Willard's Hotel, into which she was conveyed by a dear friend from New York, a powerful man whose face was the tirst that she rec ognized on the return of her con sciousness. After suffering for forty eight hours from utter exhaustion, she proceeded to New York, and was for a long time threatened with brain fever. Thus ended the mission of this bravo . woman. She alone had done what the I government would not, or dared not j do. She Itad not sent, but taken a val i u:tble reinforcement to Fort Sumter.— ! When we look back to the beginning of the great civil war, the eye of just appreciation perceives no heroism more genuine and useful than that displayed bv this noble woman ; and history and romance will ever delight to celebrate her deed— Lossiny's Pictorial History of tfir Civil War. Mefjro Humor. A Virginia rebel, who has issued a book giving his experience as a pris oner in the hands of the Federals at Point Lookout and Elmira, tells the following story: The boys are laughing at the sum mons which S., one of my fellow Pe tersburgers, got to-day from a negro sentinel S. had on when captured, and I suppose still possesses, a tall beaver of the antique pattern, consid ered inseparable from extreme respect ability in the last decade, and for many a year before. While wandering around the enclosure, seeking, 1 BUS peet ' what he might devour,' he acci dentally stepped beyond the 'dead line,' and was suddenly arrested by a summons from the nearest negro on the parapet, who seemed to be in doubt whether so well dressed a man could be a 1 reb' and therefore whether he should be shot at once. ' White man, you b'fong in dar!' 'Yes.' 1 Well, ain't you got no bettor sense dan to cross dat liDe?' ' 1 did not notice the lino.' : Well, you had better notice it, and dat quick, or I'll blow half dat nail kag off!' DISSOLUTION*-— -The partnership under the tirin of 8. J. Brisbin StCo. expired on tiie 21st October, 1866, by the death of Prudence Blymyer. The books are in the hands of S. J. Brisbin, and as it is necessary to close the accounts as soon as possible, an immediate settlement is requested. S. J. BRISBIN, Surviving Partner, rhe business will be continired by S. J. Brisbin, who respectfully invites the public to call and examine a fine stock of New Goods, selected with care. Lewistown, Nov. 14, 1866-4t.