ETWAS FUR Die Leute. (IOM.MON SENSE is the most uncommon J thing in the world. In proportion to the amount men have, do they succeed in their ur dei takings. No acquired knowledge can supply the want of it In the matter of business, it suggests to us, being merchants, the following considerations, which shall con* trol our actions in ail dealings with the pub lie : First. We shall endeavor to keep and sell only i'KIME GOO PS, that we can guaran tee. If we warrant our calicoes, tfiey must riot file. We will riot sell for ALL WOOL. what is part cotton. SILKS that CUT. tor DU RABLE WEAR, Muslins, thick starched, f> r well bodied Our Groceries must be pure, and fresh, and clean. Secondly. We shall sell always at fair prices,—as cheap as fair living will allow. Thirdly. Our stock shall always he full, — ii"w. of the best quality, adapted to the wants • d ibe put.lie, and suited to every variety of taste. Fourthly. Our Clerks and Assistants must e p dite, kind honest and industrious men, tin will delight to show ourgoods, and treat is.t mers DECESTLV, whether they buy or not. Last I v We shall closely attend to busi m ss. i URSELVES, >ce that our customers get exactly what they want, and keep them in a good humor generally. Our bowl With a FULL, FRESH STOCK OF FALL & 11 MM (.ODDS, we have to offer the heads of families : I.) imestics, Notions. Calicoes, Jtans and ""-heelings, Ladies' Ilose; Satinetts and Cloths that wear, IVL ins in style tn>th bright and rare; Aijniv ;s, black, and blue and brown, MeTiuinis, Velvets, soft as down; i' ae woolen Shawls, new styles and hue Of msy morn, or day—sky blue; Kverything cheap that Mother wants, For Bessie, Willie, Said or lluntz. We feel confident that the Ladies will be pleased with the matchless variety of VJtiSSZ mB3SfSS2H®6 AM) DRESS ORAAME.YI'S, which till the upper story of our establish ment; such as Silks de Paris, Mohair stripes, Wool Plaids, Coborg, Laitie de Reps; Satins, Cloths of softest shade, Breakfast Shawls, in beauty made; Balmoral Skirts, Nubias, Hoods, Magic Puffings, loveliest goods; Zephyr. Fancy 'Kerchiels tine. Silk and Friz that look divine; Combs, Cuffs, Collars. Buttons bright That shine like diamonds day and night, With things for Toilet in profusion, i To which we need not make allusion. L3 J JD LA2. we have the latest styles of FANCY CASIMESES, Tilt BEST French & American Cloths. VPSTIXGS in Great VARIETY; The finest Cloth and Cotton SHIRTS ever offered in this place; DRAWERS, HOSE COTTON wholesale purchasers. Don't forget (lie place, next door to John Kennedy's Sti ire and nearly opposite the Odd be lows' Hall. mavll EXCELSIOR Photograph and Art Gallery. JLATK llLKhllt)l.l)t:i{ McEWENS can now furnish the pub lic with Likenesses, from the tiniest < rein to a Portrait or life size Photograph. W c have the only ,Solar Camera Jit work in the Juniata Valley, and desire the pub lic to call and examine what .Mr. Burk liolder (an accomplished and well known artist) and others have pronounced 44 a success." Look at the array: Gems, j Albatypes or Ivory- Ferrotypes, j types, Mclainotypes, | Photo-Miniatures Ainbrotyjies, | Cabinet Photos,, & ('aid Phot*>graphs j Portrait or Life si/.e Vignettes, | Photographs— Photographs for j plain or in colors, oval frames, | crand Scll-Rnker it las no equal. Perfect Side Del,very; has no side draft; two driving wheels; hinged bar, adapts itself to the uncvenn.ess of the ground in mowing and reap ing. ihe scil-rake does not interfere with the dn ver's seat. The driver can regulate the height of stutible while the n'aehine is in motion. We also manufacture SEUIhES' PATENT "A \ ItAlvE, llaines' celebrated Horse Power Sir ~ ,'" n s Machine. Agency for Geiser's patent Self-Regulating Grain Thresher, Separator, Cleaner and Bagger. A" kinds of Machine work made and fitted up for Mills, factories. Furnaces and Forges. Also, Rose and Reaction Water Wheels. All orders will receive prompt attention, by addres b:n REESE, SLAGLE & FOUST. ar , „ , Lewistown, Mifflin Co., Pa. fc. Benner, General Agent. frsa my23'66 ROBERT W. PATTOK, SOUTH SIDF. OF TURRET STREET, LEWISTOWN, PA. HAS just received and opened at his es tablishment a new supply of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Fancy Articles, &c., which he will dispose of at reasonable prices. He invites all to give him a call and examine his stock, which embraces all articles in his line, and is sufficiently large to enable all to i make selections who desire to purchase. Wa&"KEPAIRIN(T neatly and expeditiously attended to, and all work warranted. Thankful for the patronage heretofore re ceived. he respectfully asks a continuance of the same, and will endeavor to please all who may favor him with their custom. feb2 Tailoring Establishment ®SLA2&ifciE9 Wo MERCHANT TAILOR, has removed his shop tothe buildihg formerly known as the "green house," at the intersection of Valley and Mill street adjoining H. M. A R. Pratt's store, wjiere lie cordially invites all who need anything in his line. Goods' and Trim mings furnished and gentlemen's clothing made, in the latest styles, on short notice, and at reasonable P nce *- pll-tf COACH MANUFACTORY. fl A R T \I A N I'm I, manufacture Ikies. Spring t his Old stand, in Ycagertow n. on i lie t.ellefonte and Lewistown Turnpike Smiles from Lew stown. of a quality superior, and at prices lower than elsewhere in the eountv. \ varied stock of neat and durable work is always kept on band, from which purchasers may select, and any article in his line will l>e made to order at the shortest notice. All wotk warranted to IK- of first quality and of the most approved and recent patterns. Repairing done with neatness and dispatch \ eagertown, May 23,1686-Ctu At D. Grove's Store. New Arrival of Groririi'S ami Uoiifcclionerifs. D GROVE would again inform the public that he . baa just received a fresh supply, to which he wculd cull their attention. Now is the time to buy cheap prime Molasses; the very best of Sugars; prime Coffee, 7 different kimts. put uj) in 13 packages; Corn Starch. Farina. Hominy, Beans.andall kinds ofSpices. resh and fine; prime Cheese, pure Cider Vinegar. Baskets, Buckets, Brooms, and a variety of Dolls and Notions for Children. Also. Raisins, 'Figs. Prunes. Cocoa outs. Almonds, Ac., beside the largest assort ment of Soaps to be found in town. Hair Oils, and an endless varie v of extracts, all of which will be sold cheap for cash. All kinds of Country Produce taken in ex change for Goods. Thankful for past favors, he hopes by strict atten tion to business to merit and receive acontir.uanecot the patronage of a generous public maylo Great Excitement at the Post Office, ON account of the new arrival of Boots and Shoes, at greatly reduced prices. The undersigned would respectfully inform the public that he has just arrived from the eastern cities with a "large assortment of B.IOTS, NIIiIB AM) GIITEKS, consisting of Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Wear, which he has purchased at "come down" pri ces. He is now prepared to sell cheaper than the cheapest, for cash. Also, constantly on hand a large assortment of home-made work, w'hich is manufac tured under his own supervision, and of the best ma teria! and workmanship. Boots and Shoes made to order at short notice. Repairing done in the neatest manner. Call at the Post OtHce, and examine for yourselves. W. 0. THORNBURG. Lewistown. May 23, ISfiC-y. HAr.S VT J. 3. 3, mn i\iiD m Mixy, MS" ivrowft, I'A. JOHN B. SBI.IIKIMKRiitf.Ts hb sincere fj thank" to the friends and well-wishers of his establishment, for the steady and rapid growth of his business hitherto, and solicits a continuation of the patronage of the com* at unity. With increased facilities and devo ting strict personal attention to the details of his business, he is confident that all orders he may be favored with during the pr> sent year, will be executed to the entire satisfac tion of those giving them. His stock of Hardware, Wood work. Leather, Saddlery, Coach Trimmings, Linings, Shoe Findings, Paints, Oils. Glass, Stoves, Nails, Ilorse and Mule Shoes, Nails and Nail Rods, lie., tie., iic„ is heavy and well-selected, and is offered at prices as low as can possibly be sold. II is TIAWAKE is of bis own manufacture, made in a good and workmanlike manner, by full hands, un der his own supervision, and is offered whole sale or retail, as superior to any in the market Merchants, Mechanics, Farmers, Mouse keepers and Dealers gererally may rely upon getting any article in his line with au assu ranee of fair dealing and promptness, wheth er in person or by order. Roofing, Spouting, Repairing, Gas Fitting and all kinds uf Job Work done at shortest notice. Liberal discount given to the Trade and Wholesale Dealers. J. B. SELIIEIMER. Lewistown, Jan., 18GG-ly M THE HUM!! In addition to an extensive stock of GOLD & SILVER WATCHES, MEDALIONS, BREAST PINS, RINGS, and other J E "W ELRY, AT establishment, will be found a beautiful as sortment of imw photoukapii a i.sti us, ALSO, of all the prominent MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, and hundreds of other articles. 11. W. JUN KIN. Lewistown, May 24, 18G5. NOTICE! I)ERSONS in general, and especially those about going to housekeeping, will take notice that A Felix is still manufacturing all kinds of furniture, and has now on hand a large assortment of goods suitable for housekeeping. such as So fas, Tetes, Spring and Cane Chairs, Windsor Chairs, Lounges, marble top Tables, with a general assortment of well made furniture of all kinds, and at low prices. We wish to draw the attention of purchasers to call and examine the stock. In connection he can J furnish persons with Crockery. Queensware, Butterbowls, Churns, Tubs, Buckets, Wash boards. Tucker's patent Clothes Wringer best machine out to save labor and clothing. ! Hair, husk, and E xce '*ior Mattresses, Ward' ! robes. Settees, Extension Tables, or, hand. Bargains can be bad by calling at A. Fe j lix's Store or Furniture Warehouse. 1 janl A. FELIX. HEAVY ARRIVAL OF Boots, Shoes, and Ladies' Felt Goods, at DAtfTELS & STONE'S, Wholesale Dealers in Millinery and Hoots and Shoes. OCR STOCK CONSISTS OF Velvets, 0 Flowers, Velvet Ribbon, Hushes, Feathers, Frames, Shakers. VELVET, FELT AND STRAW GOODS. These Goods are all bought from the Manufactur era and Importers, consequently we can sell as low as any wholesaling lu>u-e n Philadelphia. COUN'IKY MKKCHAYTS, We have on hamj and are receiving 300 cases 01 Men's, Boys' and Youth's WAX & KIP BOOTS, direct from the f:e lory in Massachusetts. Give us • call, and see t! e difference between Philadelphia and Factory We solicit the attention of tle clos est buyers. Also, a large stock of Ladies' and Gents' HOSIERY, GLOVES, TRIMMINGS. NOTIONS, &e, Also, a full assortment of Boys' and Gents' &SSW fIRSTIfi LElii^o We offer the above Goods cheaper than any other house in this town AT RETAIL. hast Market Street, opposite the Express Office. Lewistown. Sept. 19. lSfifiy ARRIVAL of the GREAT EASTERN ! Mij a jjiiij, RITt EN HOUSE & McKINNEY HEG leave to inform the public that they have jn> t returned from the city with a new and fresh : s sortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, &c., Ac, Ac., Ac, and are now selling off at the lowest cash rates.being convinced that thev cannot fail to please all who mav give them a call. They are enabled to sell ltn ss Goods: Delaines; Alpacas; Merines, verv cheap, t'niieos, 14 to IS; Ginghams; Brown Muslin. 17. an, 21. *35. White Muslin. 16. Is. 20, 25. 30; Shirting Flannels, lickings; Table, Diaper. Cotton and Crash Linens; Woolen Shawls: Hoop Skirts, Tic. $1 00. 1 25.2 on: Ho siery; Balmoral Skirts. $3 IM.I; a good assortment of No tions in general; Boots and shoes. Hats and Caps; Ready made Clothing, Wood and Willow Ware. Ac. GROCERIES.— Best Rio Coffee 33; Loaf Su gar 19; A White Sugar 17'g Brown Sugar l\y 2 . 15. * 16; Rice 13; Syrups 25 and 33: Sugarhouse Molasses 15. All are invited to call and examine their stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. RITTENHOrSE A McKINNEY. Lewistown, Sept. 26,1860-tf. WILLIAM LiND, has now upen A NEW STOCK OF Cloths, Cassimeres AND VESTINGS, which will be made up to order in the neat est and most fashionable styles. apl9 Brown's Mills. THHE undersigned are prepared ft) buy all kinds of Produce for cash, or receive on store at Brown's Mills, Reedsville, Pa. We will have on hand Plaster. Salt and Coal. We intend keeping the mill constantly runniug, and have jkLUUiI, -ML, for snle at the lowest Market rates, at all times. kept constantly on hand for sale, lie also continues the Produce Business at the old stand in Lewistown. net 19—tf ABNER THOMPSON. Lewistown Mills. THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES Fllß WHEAT, AM ALL RIMS OF GRAIN, or received it on storage, at the option of those having it for the market. They hope, by giving due and personal at tention to business, to merit a liberal share of public patronage. PL ASTER, SALT and Limeburners COAL always on hand WM. B McATEE & SON. Lewistown, Jan 1, 1865.—tf WHAT'S ALL THIS ? Why, the Grain Business Reviv ed at McCoy's old Stand. fTMIE undersigned, having rented the large and commodious Warehouses formerly occupied by hrank Mc Coy. Esq., is now pre pared to purchase or receive and forward All Kinds of Grain, for which he will pay market prices. Also, he will keep for sale, Salt, Plaster, Coal & Fish. lie returns thanks to all his old customers for their former patronage, and shall feel grateful for a renewal of past business rela tions. He has also ac.-.epted the agencv for the celebrated staielsq .Verciiants will find it to their advantage to give him a call. marl4-ly W.V. WILLIS. M. R. MOSER, BLACKSMITH, Valley Street, Leteistoum, PcnrCa. Rl' A( 'KSMI THING in all its branches JJ promptly attended to; and HOUSE I SHOEING done in the best manner, at reasonable prices. je2otf R OOPING. \ NEW mode of Roofing, saving £\ time, money and labor, and ia adapted to Buildirgs of all Descriptions. It can ho applied to eteep or flat roofs, old or new. It unites the i.,--; water-proof eompositiou with the tie-t water-proot, in the host manner, has been in i use fur several years in New York and Washington, j and we feel confident in recommending it. The prtee I is only seven cents per square foot. Samples can be > seen liy calling at _ J. HIM MEL WRIGHT'S, House Painter, Lewistown, Who is ugent for its sale. ap!2s-6m. PRICES DOWN ONCE MORE. 'IIHE iindersigneii has a large stock of both 1 H oine-made and En-tern inaiiufaeiiired Boots and shoes, whieh he otfeis at prices lower than h has sold for four years: __ . Men's thick, d. Boots, warranted, from $2.75 to 5.00. .. Kip .. .. ••• " 400 to '2. 0 Men's split " warraiited very bad, Boys' Shoes, price ranging imm 1.25 to ~ 25. As the taxes are to te reduced again on the first day •f August, it also enables u to ait prices. HONE-HADE VVOKK of all kinds made to order at rcdin-ed prices. So coin.on boys ami g.ris and exaimne for yourselves. trunks, Valises and Carpet IBgs kept on hand, Gentlemen will bear in mind that no goods will be given out unless paid for, and if re turned in good order, the money will be returned, if requested. But when goods have been soiled or worn, they will not be taken hack—please liear this m mind—as some folks think that wearing for a -hort time don't injure the sale of them afterwards, augl-tf 811.1.Y JOHNSON. PHOTuGRAPHIC. *E. tJ very choice assortment of Ginghams. Flannels, Cheeks. Hickorv. Foreign ats Domestic Dry Goods of a l kinds. ALSO, Sugars, Coffees, Teas, C'hnrolnfr. Essences o! Coffee, Que*-nsware. Sn-nc ware. Hardware and Cedafware.Fl: ;al ders. Hams, Mackerel. Herring. Shad, Hoot nnd Shoes. Gram Bags. Also, a fine lot of \V hisky, Ii It x\ N I) V Wine and Gin, BALT, ie., Ac., Ac, . , which will be .-old very low. Countrv ProduC"'"' •n exchange for goods by N. KK.N.NKI V. Lewsitown, October 11, 1805. 20,000 MAJORITY! To the Voters of Central Pen l4 El. EC 1 ION is over and it has been decided 20,600 majority that the Tobacco an I at Pry-singer's Tobacco and Scgar store rmifl' surpassed, either 111 Quality or Price. Look at the Prices, get some of the good.--.<-.n pare with all others, and you will la" satisfied" get the worth of your money at Fry singer's. Fry singer's Bpuri Roll only SI.OO per pound. Frysinger's Navy " - " Fry singer's Congress " " •• " Frysinger's Flounder " '• " " Wfllett Navy u " " Oronoko Twist " " '• " And other Plug Tobacco at 40 and 50 cts.PP r Cut an.l Dry, 40 and 50 cts. Granulated Too* 4 ® 1 * 5o cts., 60 cts . 80 ets.. SI.OO, $1.20. and Sl.aO per if- Fine-Cut chewing, at $1.40 and $1.20. Cigars at 1, 2, 3. 5 and 1 ets. each. -nut" Pip"s in great variety; also Cig ir Ca-es- 1 Pouches and Boxes, Match Safes, an 1 *■' d usually kept in a first-class Tobacco an-i * !tf *L".-jiß 'I o Merchants, I offer the abovogoods 'i l' r " . ! will enable them to retail at the same pm' e " do and realize a fair profit. . ~*,,£8 UCU24. E. FKY = '- Apple Trees. AN Assortment of splendid 5 Trees of best varieties at F. J. HOFF