THE GAZETTE. LEU'ISTOWN, PA. Wednesday, November 7, 1866. O. i. ii. K. FRVSISGER, Editors. TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Tt.s GAZETTE - published rerv Wednesday ai : i -' jind, ;t fl 50 ib advance, or '52.00 at the end of 3 month - Cash Rates of Advertising. Bnsinex Cards 7 lines or less. I year 6.00 xdnnn ■ •o or Exeeator's Notices 250 4ad;tor - do 2 00 B'"iv Notice, four limes. 2 00 C*n' : '7l or other short Notices, 1 50 Tarern U';fie>s. fingle. 1 00 If to >r- thitu on>-. "(teh 50 Nor '. ia of Acnnntci, h •'" l s - lies, per square 1 Ei - N !•** -entn per line for each insertion. 7 lines of nonpareil or 6 line- of borjeo! jnake a Per- I '' ." i- .mmuit;or>. re-o!utioos of s' -letie-. nbitoarv not; cs. Ac- half price These term- will i,. ftgUi > adhered ioiu a.J -ases. Job Work. vs.- . • K aot iess: fourth sheet bt.'f-'i-Nrr.'. ' r - f* f>r 25 • Machine —Wallace'.s Poe trv .\faeijire in motion —Engravintrs for -ale fy rJ i- Ann ri'-an Artist-' Union, e . .re c- with articles of this kind, which •dearly prove that having u-ed tiieiu for the purpose of reinstating democratic S cithern rebel- into jtower. and not suc ceeding, the Johnson men are now kicked over'. > ,'d as so much useless rubbish.— The I.oik Haven Democrat, in a long ar ticle on ' amalgamation of democracy wit . hi- powers that beat Washington, call-* Jen. Dix, the head and front of John son Dm— Tiie- -ui>r le tool of knaves and tiie fawn " iii _ r flatterer of fools, the toady to oorrup "ti>; •- - and beggar-slave of whoever or " whatever is in power" —win other equally hard names any thing but complimentary. The Lewis town Democrat is also disposed to give them a kick. It says: " '' 1 • whole National Union Party as '• -embled together, exclusive of the office " holder- and applicants, would not, in ou!'opinion, make acrowd l>ig enough " foi a county ' sehoolhouse meeting.' " Johnson and his men can make their own comments on such language, and may perhaps di-euver when it is too hue that it would have been far better to rea son in the hou-e of their friends, yielding where they were clearly in the wrong, and compromising where neither felt dis posed to give way. The constitutional j amendments were not the work of tiie 1 radicals, but of the moderate republicans. ■ and if common sense hns not departed ; from th' \\ hite House altogether thev ; may yet !• the basis of reconstruction as i well as of political reconciliation. The ! extreme views held by copperheads and ; copper/; >hnsons will have no other effect. ! as thev are forced iijxui the public, than j to make moderate men of all parties ex tr> „>■ radicals, for it is all sheer folly for any man to stand up and advocate the ' right of.a rebel to full restoration of jxdit- j ical j. wer without security fur his future Jaehaviour. ***** The attempt of Gov. Hwairof Ma- ! ryiand to force rebels upon the Joval men i ot Maryland -ignally failed, Judge Bond havim. caused the arrest of Swan's com-J niKsiopers as di-turbers of the peace, and eo i mitteii them, as weli as the sheriff, to '' •*• 'be legal i.---ue- are now in court. — I on Monday a number of Swan's cut- : throat- were arrested in the act of loading arms, and about ti'Mjo stand are reported to i,av> been captured in the eitv. There l- no iioubt the rebels and their allies wer© roidy to re-enact the bloody ,-cenes of April. -sbl. by murdering Union men I an i mun ap]earauees thev will not be sai ished until a few thousand gettheben ettt ot a baiter abotit their-neeka. l'he Demoerat continues to crow over' at election in this county. Tiie fact is the patent democracy is the worst beat party since elections have been contested, i for they now know that if they could not ■ n succeed, they cannot for years to o nt even have a hope either in the Na '""al ur StaU ' affairs. The ducks, dogs •ml niggers are dead. l'he .Mgger Vote. As far as ascertained, the Nigger vote in this State stands as follows: Clymer, copperhead democrat, - 6 Geary, black republican, 0 j t lymer smaj y among the niggers, 6 80. Elections were held iu a number of \ iStah-s yesterday. At ibe time we go to press, no returns have come to hand, but I there is no doubt that the Republicans have generally triumphed. Unr Au army officer of high rank who has just returned to Washington from a trip toihe South, learned, while in Charles ton, That the 29th (South Carolina rebel regiment had been rtojganized, and that they boasted of having tendered their ser vices to President Johnson to aid him in any attempt which he might make to disperse Congress. It is evident that there are a few citizens of the Palmetto State anxious for annihilation. Being soundly whipped does not satisfy them i The Middle Creek Railroad and its C onnection*. CHEAP ANTHRACITE ANT) BITUMINOUS COAL, FOR THE JUNIATA VAL.L.KY .* The rno:-t obvious and immediate ■ u --nections of tiie M. L'. li. K. are at its west ern terminus near Lewfstown, with tfTc Pennsylvania Central Itailroad, and at its eastern terminus in Xorthumberhind, orSunbury, with the PhiladelphiaSuow Shot* field and the great dcnnmd for iron ore in ( entre county will com fx-1 the building of the Mifflin A Centre Railroad to Beile foute? A few well known facts will ena ble us to answer this inquiry. The Snow Shoe coal reaches Tyrone over the Snow Shoe A Bald Eagle Railroad, and it is then 22*J mile- from Philadelphia, lb-5 miles from Baltimore, and .'''Jo miles from New Vork. ft reaches Lock Haven by Bald Eagle Railroad and is then 226 miles from Philudeldhia, 2tn; miles from Bald more, and 326 miles from New York. But if the M. AC Railroad is extended to Lew istown. the coal at this point is 166 miles from Phila., 14 ) miles from Baltiinoreand 266 miles from New York, an average difference in favor of the direct route fmm the Snow Shoe coal mines equal to >0 miles at least in favor of Lcwistown. But fur ther. the coke, or mineral charcoal of this coal is remarkably purr find, xtrortfj ; it is a capital smith and furnace coal and yields an ex-client gas. Here then is another point from which the Juniata valley may receive that indispensable commodity, cheap f-ofd, without which our manufac tures must languish and our enormous iron ore beds le completely unavailable. On tne other hand, the numerous and ex tensive iron works of Centre county de mand cheap iron ore, and Mifflin county i it is now demonstrated, contains incx- i liaustible quantities of three varieties of iron ore—the fossiliferous, the hematite and the carbonate of iron. The crude ore : will not bear the circuitous route from j Lcwistown by Tyrone to Bellefonte; the j absence of cheap and, direct trans porta- i tion to the point of demand locks up our ! ores; such transportation w a must have — I coal and iron—these imperial. minerals j demand it. We cannot go around the mountains, we innat cross them, and we fes not foresee ! . ! *!?* demand for cheap ! coal will force a connection with the 1 ennaylvania Central at or near Mill i -urV.' T!' is Wo, ! kl b'ive Kisliaeoquiilas ! a. C\ anthracite by the connection of M C Railroad with M. A C. Railroad, and bituminous and semi-anthracite by con nection of M. A C. with Pa. C. Railroad. It has become apparent that another di- ! rect railroad route eastward or southward ! must be sought for the Broad Top coal | The enormous and increasing business of ' the 1 enn a Railroad, makes it imtxixsihlc tor it to stimulate the production of B. T coal ly cheap transportation; in f :w -t it a, 'c° lnni, Klate the pSm traffic. If a railroad is built southward near hT' 1 u' A Ohio Railroad in, ii .t °V , ' ual (-om s ir,to hu mc.hate contact with the Cum Inland. for at the point of intersection the tran?i>or tation from both coal fields is about the c'Raib mi a rail v roiul is built from Pa. wn. t L u' thr V Upb Lishacoqnillas east ward'the V 7 - ,Ki earri, ' d direct to ward the sealioard. Some of the most sa a,Vl-im" U>res 1(1 ln this coalfield are looking to this route, and if the M C Railroad is built, we can depend on a I connection direct with Broad lop. Rut we must not forget that the M. (_. Rail road will tap, at Northumberland'the North & West Branch Canals, and at Lewistown. the Juniata Division of Pa. Canal which Is being enlarged. These canals penetrate a vast, populous and wealthy region and interchange until mod ules by the circuitous route to the mouth of the Juniata, thence north and west. — They must throw much of their traffic on the M. C. Railroad in order to secure di rect and rapid transportation. There is a lateral railroad from tile Mifflin y Centre- Railroad which will be on indirect and important connection of Middle Creek Railroad, and which cannot bo long de layed—the railroad from Freedom Iron Works southward up Ferguson's valley. Tiiis valley is very narrow, and has on its south east side the ioug and deep Mc- Girk basin of hematite and carbonate of iron, ani on its north west side, the ridge ot fossil i f erous ore described in mv second paper. The line of railroad will be verv straight, tlie grade in favor of the trade, and the amout of local traffic tlirown on jße M. &(' &M. c. Railroads very heavy. The same ore which now costs 81.5u per ton for hauling to Lewistown. can lie de livered bv rail for 60 cts. per ton. probably for •>> ets. per ton. The bodv of ore in Ferguson's valley is inexhaustible. With till- hasty glance at the connections of M. C. Railroad are we not justified in urging our citizens to subscribe lil>erally to its stock,? When we.consider it-, direct line, the cheapness with which it can be built and workc-d, the extent of country which it will bring near to market, and above all, when we consider that it will solve : the hitherto fat al question of fuel, and give I us thai necessity and luxury of life, CHEAI AND GOOD i OAL is it not the duty and I interest of all good citizens to aid tins ad mirable enterprise? To the citizens of Lewistown ir is a question of life and j death so far as our prosperity is concern- , ed. VV e are falling behind every town in this region; there is more building in Beavertown and Mt. Union than in this place! More building in Bellefonte in one year than in Lewistown in seven years' The ground on which AI toon a stand- was being farmed when we had inhabitants! There was excellent pasture in the streets of Sun bury when our streets were thronged with a busy crowd! But a few years since, Harri-- burg, Reading and Lancaster were inert, destitute of energy, and provincial and insignificant towns. They are now cities, i full of capital, life and energy! What has revived and electrified these places? RAILROADS AND CHEAP COAX.! Capital follows and clings to these with tirtn grasp because it knows them to be the great developing agencies of the age. But the prosperity of our town is nothing when compared with the benefits to b. derived by a wide !>elt of agricultural country from the introduction of cheap fuel. Everything, at last, depends on agriculture; if we can enrich our land- bv the introduction of a valuable fertilizer, we accomplish a great work. Look, then, at the limestone hills along the line of M. U.. Railroad: they fir* worth more tlmn our.fjt cln of coo's and iron ores. Reduce the price of coal, stimulate the production of lime, and you add thirty ja-r cent, to the productive capacity of a va-t region. Nature lias given us every element of wealth and independence if we are but true to the path which she indicates. W. H. IRWIN. Lewistown, Nov. 5, 1866. TROUBEE WITH TURKEY. —A serious embroglio in our relations with the Divan has arisen, as follows; Sarkis Miuasian, who has for many years acted as the res.- dent agent in Turkey for the sale of Dr. J. G. Ayer A Co.'s medieines, driven by the increase of his business to a necessity for more room, built his warehouse in Con stantinople several stories higher, after having obtained tiie necessary permit from the authorities. The Infan- of a neighboring mosque, which overlooked the premise s demanded a large present in money, which was refused. They then applied to the Grand Vizier, for the en forcement of an obsolete law, which hat! been disregarded two hundred years, re quiring him to take down the building to eighteen feet, which was granted, and they commenced the work of demolition. Minasian then applied to the American Minister, who notified the .Sublime Porte that American property could not be {ho rrified with, and that the demolition must cease. Then commenced the usual eouree of Mussulman prevarication and promi ses, hut no real redress. Finally, Minis ter Morris informed them that if their depredations continued, he should order the U. S. ships of war to enter the Bos phorus and Messrs. Avers' medical ware house would not alone be rooflt-sa. A stroke of his pen could have laid the whole city under the sweep of American cannon, backed by men who are not schooled in the lessons of fear. This brought them to their senses and speedy redress. Mi nasian has now arrived in this country, to present the ease to our State Depart ment for indemnity. At length it is some thing to say atnong the jieoples of the earth —"I am an American citizen!"— Columbia It>:j J üblican. BOOK NOTICES. The Lady'* Friend, for November.—A beautiful steel engraving, u Feeding the Swans," and the usual superb double Fash ion Plate, adorn the November number of tliis charming magazine. We note the usual number also of engravings devoted to the fashions—to hats, caps, bonnets, dresses, fancy work, &<•. The literature is as usual excellent. We may specify Prescott Dane's Honor," by Virginia F. Townsend; "A Quarter of a' Million." by Emma B. Ripley; ".Second Love," by Mrs. Hosiner: " The Old Clock's Story," by Miss Johnston : " Mark's Resolve," by Miss Muzzey; "Margaret's Victory." by Amanda M. Douglas, dec. The publishers announce four Novelets for the next year, by Elizabeth Prescott, Amanda M. Doug las, Frank Lee Benedict, and Max Wief. They aiso announce, in addition to the Wheeler ers of the maga zine, containing the particulars of the pre mium and other oners, ami the reduced prices to cluls, will be sent on the receipt nf lo cents. Price with engraving $2.00 a year; Four copies (with one engraving) $6.00; Eight (copies (with extra magazine and an engraving) $12.00. Address Deacon •x Peterson, 319 Walnut Street, Philadel phia. MARRIED Oil the evening of the 4Ui insC, by Rev. W. Downs, WILLIAM MULP ana Miss CAROLINE MOON*, both of Lewistown. At Milroy. on the 17th October, by Rev. MR. White, J AHFS A. DYSART of Wayne township, and Miss LIBBIE, daughter of Robert McManigal, Esq., deceased, of Armagh. At the Lutheran Parsonage in Milrov, on the 25th of October, by tile Rev. J. F. Deittcrieh, GEORGE FHAIN aud Miss M.VKV E. WITT EN MEYER, both of Derry townfhip. DIED On tlie 2nd inst., Mr>. SARAH AGNES, wife of Cyrus W. Runnel!, and daughter ot Mrs. Jane Smith, allot' Kishacoouillas Valley. On the 9th uit., at the residence of his mother in MeYeytown, D. PORTER BOOLE, in the 29TH year of his age. In Milroy, Mrs. MAUTHA HIXTKB, wile of John Hunter, aged about 33years. "Blessed are the dead that die in the Ijord from henceforth t Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their la bors : and their works do follow them." J. F. D. THE MARKETS LKWISTOWN. November 7, 1866 Wheat, red, per bushel |3 00 " white " 3 05 Eggs per dozen 25 Bufer per lb 30 r l .ur is retailing at the following prices : L- wist wn Extra Family per cwt. 7 50 .Superfine . 6 50 Extra Family per bbl 15 00 Superfine i 3 00 Buck wheat per cwt. 5 00 Coal. r>er 2000 pounds, delivered. Lyken's Yailey, $5 00 Sunbury, 6 25 Chesnuc. 5 50 Wilkestarre, 6 25 Nut, 5 50 Pea. 4 75 Blacksmith's, fi 00 Common Salt. 2 75 er cent, on the capital stock paid in, payable bv the Treasurer on or after this date. H..P. TAYLOR. uov7-3t* ' Treasurer. \ STRAY STEER. ri Came to the premises of the sub scriber in Menno township, Mifflin co., about the loth September, of a light brin dle color, with no particular marks upou him, probably nearly two years old, which the owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take away, or he will he disposed of according to law. nov7-* SAMUEL B. WILLS. Et*le of William Lowry, drcraitd. N'OTICE is hereby given that letters of administration ~ou the estate of Wil liam Lowry, lute of Menuo township, Mifflin eounty, have l>een granted to the undersigned, residing in said township. All persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated, for settlement. DANIEL E. LOWRY, novT-Ot* Administrator. D E NTISTR Y . J. SMITH KESPECTFI'LLY inform il.e citizens of Lewistovrn and vicinity, a few doors from the Town Ha!!, in .Ma n street tOat he is prepared todo all kind of work :n the line of hi- profession in the most scientific man ner— in Whole Sets. Partial .Sets, or Single Teeth in serted on Ool't. Silver, or Vulcanite Base. in an elegant and workmanlike manner, and on the most reasona ble terms. He guarantees ins work, or no pav. Particular attention paid to the extracting and filling of teeth in the most approved manner. nov7-6m QCXUTEMEK k SI lit El OR. ► h. 11. Swigart. respectfully in forms the citizens of Mifflin county, that he is prepa red at ail times to do surveying on short notice. heeds. Mortgages, Bond's, and other legal writings, drawn with neatness and dispatch. Address. G. H. SWIGART, nov7-6m MeVeytown, Mifflin county, Pa. JUST RECEIVED AT WEBER & SONS, A SPLESDID ASSORTMEYT OF CHOli HIHJD.iI MS, SUCH A8 SEEDLESS RAISES. CI'RRAJiTS, LAYER RAISINS, CITRON, CRANBERRIES, And the beat selected STOCK OF SPICES in the county. Also. HAili, Always on Hand. Lewistow n, Nov 7-2 m dental card KEEVER Hfßli EON I) £NTI NT. ' TEETH Extracted WITHOUT PAIN r ." f NITROUS OXIDE or baughing Gas. reeth inserted on all w'^rSlreli : r OH Parsonage, Corner of Main and jyis iNiAV ARRIVALS. •"p F. LOOP is receiving new good- erprv cek. ilf ; 1 . reel from the ©w*t*-ni factory, ioid is prep*nfl| to , sell |ooti cheaper thun the cneapest, baring a large a.-sortUM-ru of all siac.- aid styles. Men's Ho!* : run s3JetoSnO. BoVa > S 50 to 3 50. d 2 0U to 2 SO. 1 Children's I 2o to 2 00. A good assortment of homemade work on hand, and constantly making lu order .*ll the latest styles THE PATENT BOOTS • are noir creating a great excitement, and all who wish to hare a pair of tlio-e pleasant boots can t>e accom modated at short notice. Call at the old stand. P. F- LOOP. CROVER & BAKER'S CELEISK.AXKI* SEWING MACHINE U*E wish to call the attention of Tailors. Shoemak ers, Saddlers. Coach Trimmers and Families to these machines, as they are OPERATED WITH THE GREATER EASE, BEI.Vti CALLED THE NOISELESS MACHINE. Persons selecting a machine can hare their choice OF SHUTTLE STITCH, 011 . GHOVER A BAKER STITCH, • the peculiarity of each sutch being cheerfully shown , and explained. Extract* from Aw tork Paper*! •' The tlrover A Baker noiseless machines are ac- I knowledged to be superior to all others." 1 "The work executed by the Grover 4 Baiter Mtt- J chine has received the higtie*! pren.ium at everv State Fair in the L"n!te j state.- wi.ere it been ex ' Inbited." N. B—We make no charge for j LEARNING PURCHASERS TO SEW. We call them the i CHEAPEST FIRST CLASS MA CHINE x.'EEDLES, SILK TWIST & THREAD P- LOOP. AGENT for fixe above, BUG: and Shoe Maker, in the public square. Lewis t >wn. novTy . 1 TiiJi IHLH) TO JIAL til *Y 11IX POETRY M'CHISI. i The road to weaith. my friends. rouT find, : Huns hard by the Big CVtfee Put Sign, "ids ther.- the people get their own. And children, too, who are senLalune. i Ann < yc ; give me y.uir attention, ► To eaftrmce yotl; Pli bnt mention. If you <-aii. pii a,j,j to your delight More than money can—that's bright. j Though should it cost yon Ihtle cash, .1 u think \ 'u re poort-r. d-n't be rash; 'Tis not vour money that's true wealth, f But contentiueut and good health. Thereto re your comforts I've selected. ■ And now they are open to be inspected; Many of the Goods are neat yet rosy, j Just the things to tit you up cosy, | Rug partem oil cloth, rich and new, Rustic oil shades, that'll please you • -Neai gas burner stores, to keen off the shakes. | vv lieu winter is here with its snowy whin? flakes. A cloth damper, lutvfcft'ii find here. 1 hat you wet not rod* Angers, mv dear, f Hut I can't tell ail,ju-t give me a'peep, j And you !l be Convinced the Goods are cheap. ' And at J. I. \\ all is House Furnishing Stand Aou can get a fat pre-, ami a lard can. | A splendid cwsfc stove, no tauter you'll find . 1 hall is kept at the Ihg Cbffee Pot irign. ; Aw -rd or two before I stop the machine, I have p.entv of tin ware, and things not seen And jobbing we do rignt on the -pot, At the sign of the Big Coffee Pot. j Lewistown, Hov. 7. 1966,tf AMERICAN ARTISTS' UNION AMERICAN ARTISTS' UNION AMERICAN ARTISTS' UNION ' AMWCA* ARTISTS' I xio.s (established 1564) an nounce that in order t< extend the sale of the folio w ; ing wed known and highly popular Steel Plate Engravinxi Departure of the Pilgrim lathers tor America K , i„ handing of the Pilgrim Fathers. *"-•. £** la. lai-tatt M i.teriiv bisKecrnits, Phskspeare and his Irtends, ~ * ? otter's .Saturday Night. £l x Village Blacksmith, 2 * J® Hanilest Destmy , Fortune Teltlng) fl ! tl Tue Massacre at Wyoming hi 1776. |I * L Mount \ ernor, in the oiden time, or, Washine ton at 3J years oi sg, M The escape uf Alaster MacDouald from the Maacre ol Glencoe, ~ The Madonna, 2< They have deemed expeiiient to offer them totlmir fnecda tvud the pubac at o iie dollar and fifty cents each. thetpnw hereto fore having :w" i',lT!rs each, and tor the p. rp,.se ot stimulating tlie gcltine up of Hubs, they iiuve determined to award piornf limns to the getter- un of the .-tnt*. „ " P'h ml thereto to ditnb s uu, a"noug st the suA>-er b .ertuhe aura of M ix. in money and puTn, rags, rats he shall liave reached 1 Wi,uoo engravings A. it • .,r intent,on to advertise very a „ Z engravings are wen kn.wn throughout the tTliole country, we have no donhu tiiat with the low price we Mwj.tao.i-d! CLUB KATES. Single Kngraving . eacn.-by mall, -ee a? wewtitae cd u tug. and 2 to the Club Agent :: S - : 2 : ! : - n 35 z : 30 •• 7 z •• 75 J! " Sliver Watch. - too •• •• ifS - a Silver Lever. fo^ardLd^y^re^' 11 '* *" u "*r * ud in a " cases the Eugravioes wt".Be immediately sent, and tor each engravm - a 'pttZgt M °' l rt<>e!pt W '" fhe C. O. P Order,— Persons wishing to send for En gravings and pay the Express Co. when thej re sen. d, will be required to send with their order $' to SwII* ltS am ° Unt ' and thls *>!• Ro credited List of Premiums _ , T<> be distributed. One of SIO,OOO In money, ln 5,000 " Five of 1,000 " Ten of sot) •• "WO Fifty of 100 " ?•***> One hundred elegant OH Paintings, richly framed Landscapes ut SIOO each. lnim oJKJJTi vf**" richly framed. Interior Views, at ssl each, 10,000 fiQjjQQ The American Artists Union would add that these premiums are to be considered only in the light of a 8 , l , ? ,r P® trons > as the Engravings are fur nished them Utow their market vaiue. and as the cost of engravings, after the plutes are procured, is very trifling, they can easily afford to make the distribution large as it is. , v "" We trust that our numerous friends throughout the Country and Canada." will use their utmost exertions so that if possible, the distribution may be made soon' and it can be done jf they are at all active. Ladies have often marie excellent club agents for us and we solicit their kind efforts, which will not go unreward ed . Let one or more energetic persons ln every town and village in the country commence as soou u thev see this. get upas large a club as pose.bie. By doing they will he the means of introducing eWmt engravings mt-i fam.les, and thus aid in cultivating I taste to r the beautiful ami refilled. Address Orders so r„- , 3*'y A meriean Artists' Union, nov i-3m [sacu] 25 Pine St., Jiew York. HESI brands Cigars, and good Tobacco * EI). FRYSINGER H ' Wanted! i TB\ aw; MM AND i TWENTY-FIFE LABGHEas i At the FREEDOM IRON AND stulo WORKS. * ' j Apply at Freedom Forge. 0et.31-& it. H. LEE, Bupt TO THE LADIES, rpilE CIRAGE FR4\( th lt „ 1 FRKW S3 IMUaMM, f. r I t K and Children's Boots and Sh., t s that h- v become red, or rusty and rough f.v V,.' e ing. l are restored to a perfect md permanent black, with as imtep lustre s when new. leaving the leather t plial.le. and what is of great import-nice u> the. ladies it will not rub otf when w and soil the skirts. Traveling lagY jCj cloves, trunks, carriage tups, and harness are made to iook as good as i],. n Ladies and t'hildren can dress their own boote and shoes. without soiling their hands. Try one l>ottie. and you will nev er be without a supply in the house. For sale by, J. A. A Vv. H. McKEE, in Odd Fellows' Hall, cor. Market and JDorcas st>., Lewistown. oetlTtf THE GREAT IM PRO\ EMENT! NIMROD Wu'Jt* rpjll?> is certainly the most desirable 1 Cooking Stove in the market, as it ha- a number . f'AXWOR, or WM. liI'SSEL. 0et,17-4t. Woodruff's lirproved Portable Barometer T> just the instrument that should 1* I owned l.y every Farmer, Merchant ami Mechanic in the land. All changes of the weather are inAiioateii front 6 t.A., hours in advance. Prices *l*2. ?].s, and S2G. All Instruments guaranteed to |g> cor rect in action. Delivered hv the under signed. For cuts and testimonials a idn s WM. J. FLEMlNG,\vgciu. 0ci.17-.3t. Menno, Mifflin Co., Pa. 2* 3>o PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. HAYING located pA-ruiatiently in Mil roy, MifHin county, offers his profes sional services to the public. An exoeri enee of 7 years fully justifies him in soli citing a shar of puhiie i;itruinige. Office at <7 ra!iarn's Htei. sep£G-3m Kishaccqnillas Seminary. r jMIE wiuter sessitin at this In-titution A will commence on MONDAY, Octo ber 15, 1SH(), and ct.ntimic five nmmiin. Tiiilitm, Hoard. Fupl, Light ntul Fun -h --ed Room-, ]K*r, Jlflo. Day schol ars slo per session. .Sludeiits should au ply early v> secure a rrxun in the building sep29-3m s. Z. SHARP, Prin. nitii lolnMrai, WOKlHdtl't f, st i i,\ ril'lC WIHOVEKI tiiu treuUnent-of acute am 'iron- A ie iiseases. The undcrsigntc would respt—tfully call the attention of the :Hic ted Icuiales of Mifflin and adjoining coun ties to the fact tlint she-has taken instru<*- tions in the correct applicat! ii of Elec tricity, ami is now fully prepared to OD erate on jdl p.rv.ins afflicted with the following named diseases: General Debility, Kidney Complaint, Liver, Spinal Affection, Costiveness, Foul Stomach, Rheumatism. Diseases of the Womb, Suppression of the Menses, Neuralgia, Nervous Diseases, Female Piles and Gravel, Hronuhial Affections, Dispejjsia. Headache, Druhets, Goitre, or Big Neck, Ac. Female patients tan receive treatment at my residence for any of the above dis eases, with the wonderful diseoverv of F.lectrieitv, which is without a parallel and the very desideratum for the alii tried. Please give her a trial; it is a niiid <>fcni ti°n, producing no shock or unpleasant sensation, and relieves when medicine has no effect at all. MARGARET LEWIS. Newton Hamilton, Mifflin eo., Peuna, Sept. 1866,-3 m* SArSI-i- ERIEL2. THE undersigned i now prepared to L sell his patent SHIFTING 15KAK ING, which can be attached to nnj, com nion Kridle. liy its use any horse inn i>e prevented from running ott'or kicking in harness. The common bridle cannot pre vent a horse from running off or kicking, but with my improvement anv horse, however vicious, tan he controleil. Its simplicity and etlieieucy will commend it to ail who will examine or try it. I war rant my patent to give satisfaction or the mone\ will l>e refunded. Stale and (,'oun- Eights tor sale. '1 he safety arrange ment ean he purchased at the storeso! H. M. I'ratt, or A. T. Hamilton, where fur ther information ean he had. septal JOSEPH 0. HAINES. 20,000 MAJORITY! To the Voters of Central Penua. Ifkfccl ION is over and it has liecn decided bv about .tf ' majority that the Tobacco and Cigar- -old at rrysinger's Tohacco and Soyar Store cannot tie surpassed, either m Quality or Pnce. Look at the Prices, get some of the goods, and com pare with all others, and you will be satisfied that TOU get tne worth of your money at Frvsinger's r rvsmger's Spun Roll only ft.oo per pound, r rysinger's Navy * u .. Frysinger's Congress u •< - * Fry singer's Flounder - tVilleu Navy u ft u m Oronoko Twist < u ~ , And other Plug Tobacco at 40 and 50 cts per lb. Cut and lrv, 40 and 60 cts. Granulated Tobaccos at 50 cts., 60 Cts . 80 eta.. sl.oo. $1 .'.>o. and $1.50 per lb. Fine-Cut chewing, at $1.40 and $1.20. Cigars at 1. 2. a. 6 and lo cts. each. Pip-s in great variety; also cigar Cases. Tobacco Pouches ami Besre*. vi atrfl safes, and all articles usually kepWfc tirstJVtas.s Tobacco and Cigar Store. To NtrcMaw f offhr the above goods at prices that Wiii euaoie them 10 retail ut the ?*ame pruts* that 1 do and realize a fair profit. 0et.24. k FRYSINGKR