Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, November 07, 1866, Image 1

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    (&a & C&o 280 tSITSy!F^II;&n£IEIiI&32
SViioie No. 2894.
Poor House Business.
Tbo Directors of the Poor meet at the Poor
House on the 2d Tuesday of each .month.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Trains leave Lewistotvu Station as follows:
Westward. Easiieard'
Philadelphia Express, 4Ho a. iu. 12 17 a. m.
Baltimore " (2) 5 35 a. m.
Sew Vork Express. (1) 6 IS a. m.
pay Express, (5—2) 4 00 p.m. 1103 a.m.
>Vt Line, (2) 6 Io p.m. (3) 6 16 a. m.
Way Passenger, (2) 9 34 a. in.
Local Accommodation, (2) 6 52 p.m.
Mail, (2) 5 03 p. m.
Cmmnnati Express, (2) 6 22 p.m.
Emigrant, (3) 10 27 a. m.
N. Y. Stock Freight, 3 45 a. in.
Through Freight, 10 30p.m. 111 a.m.
Fast - 9 15 a. m. 7 02 a.m.
F.xpress u 12 20 p.m. 12 42 p.m.
Stock " 125 p.m. 7 00 p.m.
Local u 7 35 a. m. 3 05 p. m.
Coal Train. 12 55 p. m. 940a. m.
Union Line, 9 05 p. m.
1 dailv: 2 daily except Sunday; 3 daily except Mon
davi 5 does not stonat Lewistown; Philadelphia Ex
press Eastward, daily except Monday.
Fare to Harrtshurg $ 210; to Philadelphia 5 So; to
Altoona 2 50; to Pittsburgh 6 60; to Baltimore 5 20; to
York 3 20.
*w-The ticket ofßce will be open 20 minutes before
the arrival of each passenger train. <
D. E. ROBESON, Agent.
Galbraith A Conner's omnibusses connect with all
the passenger trains, and take up and set down pas
s.-ng rs at all points within the borough. Orders are
rcjue.-ted to be left at the National House.
The Trains on the Mifflin A Centre Co. Branch road
leav- Lewistown tor lteedsville at 7 45 a. m , 11 23 a.
in lu"p. m and 5 16 p. m.. arriving from lteedsville
at 557 a. m., 12 27 p. m., 2.17 p. m and 617 p. m , stop
ping at the intermediate stations both ways.
Attorney at Law,
Office Market Square, Lewistown, will at
tend to business in Mlfllin. Centre and Hunting
don couritiea nav26
Attorney at Law,
OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of
Mifflin county. Office with D. W. Woods, esq.,
Main street. l>eiow National Hotel. my 2
EE. 20K1T J. E/-HLEN,
Practicing Physician,
Belleville. Mittlia County, Pa.
TV K. DAHLEN lias been appointed an Examining
I' Surgeon for Pensions. Soldiers requiring exam
ination will find him at his office in Belleville.
Belleville, August 22, ISAC.-y
Teeth Extracted Without Pain!
By M. R. Thompson, D. D. S, 3
without the use >f Chloro
s's. form. Ether, or Nitrous Ox
ide. and is attended by no
m&'m -i u'i / Otii".' west Market Street,
Fry-jfejyjjFjg near Eisenhise's hotel,
where he fan he found for professional consultation
irom the first Monday of each month until the fourth
Monday, when he will be absent on professional busi
ness one week. seplo-it
fcS/lsia (i&o ■■n'lU Cfo, vc>
OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of
Lewistown and vicinitv. All in want of good,neat
work will do well to give him a call.
He mtv be found at all times at his office, three
doors east of H.M.tK. Pratt's store. Valley street.
The subscriber has just received and will
111 keep on hand a select stock of Men's, Bovs'
f and Youth's Boots. Ladies'. Misses and Chil
lis dren's Boots and Shoes of various kinds and
Stvles. to which he would invite the attention of his
friends and the public generally As it is his intention
by any dealer in the cqunty. those in need of winter I
boots or shoes are invited to call and examine the
above stock, which will be sold at very small profits,
but for cash only, at the sign of the Bio Suos, next
door to F. J. Hoffman's store.
To Purchasers of Furniture.
West Market St., Lrwl.town,
HAS complete CHAMBER SUITS of Walnut, Var
nished and in Oil. Also,
together with a large assortment of Fashiqpable and
Plain Furniture,
Call and see his stock before purchasing elsewhere.
N. B. Metalic and Wood Burial Cases constantly
on hand. Coffins also made to order, and Funerals
attended with a fine Hearse, at short notice.
Lewistown, June 27, lSbfi-timos
C 23 SH3A CO. a
H AVING bought the right and license to use and
sell Seth 3. Drew's improvement in mode of cut- ;
ting boots, which patent consists of cutting with hut
one seam, and without crimping, we therefore cau
tion all against using or selling hoots of this make
n the county of Minim. .1 v . S. Smith and S. D.
Byruin. Ag>-nt> for Pennsylvania and assigners to P.
F. Foop. Shoo and Township Rights will "be sold by
P. K. 1.0 p. All wishing to avail themselves of this
new and desirable toot, which is at least twenty-five
per cent, of an advantage t> the wearer over the old,
cau d> so. by writing to P. K. Loop Call and see.
Juno IS, 1 Sr3o_
Y E\V PHYSIOGNOMY, or '-Signs of Character," as '
„N manifested through Temperament and External
Forms, and especially in the -human face divine." —
Otto elegant v num.-, with •early M pages, and 1.000
illustration-. By S. K. Wells. Editor Phrenological
Journal. Price, post paid. $5. Address Fowler A
Wells, No. :tS9 Broadway. Now York.
-•Now Physiognomy' is eminently practical, fullv
illustrated and well suited to the wants of all. In the
study oi - th'* face'" the reader soon learns to read
each at, i . wry (MMgi Vos-s are classified as the
Roman. Greek, Jewish. Soph and Celestial. The
eyes speak til languages, whether black, blue, brown
or-hare I In alike manner, cheeks, neck, ears, hands,
feet, walk, voice, laugh, etc., are shown to be "signs
of character."
In no other work is so much light thrown upon the
character and destiny of nptukiud as in this, or the
distinctive traits of nations aniftribea so clearly point
ed out. Portraits of disthagoished persons of ancient
and m->dern tunes, with biographical sketches and
delineation of character, are given Divine*. Orators,
(S'Cffws,-a llar/Tou. df-ii-xts, I'r t*. J'tulotiuptorr*. Jnveu
turn. Suri/tiuii, l)i*co -rar. Art<,r.i. Jfntitisiu, dt, are
included. It is an "Enevcloptedia" of biography, ac
quainting the reader with the career and character of
many great men and women of the past 1.000 years,
and of the present —such, for instance, as Aristotle.
Julius Cayar, Shakspeare, Washington. Napoleon,
Franklin,- Bancroft, Bryant. Longfellow. Irving. Rosa
Hotiheur. Theodosta Burr, Colaien, Bright, Lawrence,
Bolivar. Whate.ly, Thaekerav. bow, Knox. Kn-hehue.
Hopper. Buckle. Dickens, Victotia. Wesley. Carlyle.
Motley. Mill, Spencer. fhoinpson.Gutfuye,Alexander,
and hundreds of others. Aiuux* Warno. -Rook s eat
fry return post or express, on )en if* yf Dry*. sepo-2m
d? O E T R, "5T _
For the Gazette. '
BT M \z..
Sw.'ct little Nell!
Lovely anil bright as a fairy sprite,
With eyes that sparkle like stars of light,
And cheeks as fair as the pearl most we,
Sweet little Nell I
Loved little Nell!
Joy of the household, light of our eyes.
Like thee no earthly treasure we prize—
What would we do were it not for you,
Loved little Nell! „
Dear little Nell!
How would we weep should your eyelids sleep,
And over your form the death-chill creep:
Odr darimd and pet we could never forget—
Dear little Nell 1
O, rarest beauty of the skies,
That with my dim, my mortal eyes
Euwrapi 1 see!
Filling my heart with yearuiug pain,
That iu its depths 1 migilt retain
A part of thee.
One single shade, one lonely hue,
Of paly gold or tender blue.
Or purpiy stain,
Of which to dream when sad and lone,
And farthest from my Father's throne
I sit. in pain.
It may not be; this stricken heart
Cannot retain the smallest part
Of loveliness;
Of ail these tear-dimmed eyes e'er see,
Nought chugs unto my memory
Save pain—distress!
Those wondrous tints soon fade away,
AU softly melting into gray,
While, io! afar
Lone herald of the autumn night,
With but pale, uncertain light.
Behold a star!
Lecture by Maj. Gen'l Howard.
Major Gen. O. O. Howard lectured :
at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, on
Monday a week, under the auspices of
the Young Men's Christian Association
of that city, his subject being on
"Christian duty to the South."
He began by stating that one even
ing ho met a Southern Christian gen
tleman, who asketij. him (the speaker)
why he as a Christian man could adopt
the course which he had? This cir
cumstance had led him to the consid
eration of the question, " What is our
Christian duty to the South?" And in
d ling so it became necessary to deter
mine what'the term "South" meant.
■He had classified them as follows :
First. Those men who engaged heart- J
ily in the war, but when it was over
gave up slavery and tbe doctrine oi
State rights, and other forms of South
ern origin.
Second. A large class who, at first,
pretended to submit themselves to the
Government, but who now raise afresh
tbe war cry.
Third Those who were ever defiant
ol law and order.
Tourth. Those who had been and are
still unconditionally loyal to the Gov
The conduct of the defiant and those
who had pretended to be loyal since
the close of the war was described ;
also, tbe massacres at Memphis and
Now Orleans, and the recent transac
tions in Ltxidon county, Ya., where
bands of" regulators," with blackened
faces, destroyed property, taking life
j and threatening life. He regretted
that in speaking of this subject openly
; it should appear to be partisanship;
but they must, if they would get at the
truth, investigate freely and fearless
ly. Ho knew there were many luige
hearted Christian men in the North
who desired to hold out the olive j
brunch to the people of the South, and |
he eonfersed that this spirit of magna- |
nimity was plausible; but in connee j
tion with this question we would tind j
that something beyond magnanimity
was necessary. [Applause ] The Gov- ,
ernment had been ilippantly likened to
the church, and the doctrine of receiv
ing backsliders back to our bosom with
charity and forgiveness; but why, if
the type was insisted upon, should we
be asked to receive these backsliders
again without repentance, probation
or guarantee ot good behaviour in the ,
future? But we are reminded that we
were but human, and we should be
careful in our exercise of authority. —
The powers that he are of God, and wc
must therefore act upon the basis that
they who had been guilty must submit j
to acknowledge and obey these pow
ers, in common with the whole loyal
people. He believed that forgiveness :
might precede repentance, but recon
! ciloment could not. The truly repent
ant should be met half way, and we
should aid them to the utmost ot our
power by our vote- and voices, and
thus help them to 11 • from the ashes
of their social ruin fhose who have
always been loyal deserved the oxer
cise of our Christian duty. Evidently
in exercising that d ay we have some-
thing to do in reference to the openly
active urui energetic disloyal meu, and
that must be done with-the view of
preserving the rights and immunities
of those who are with us in our sup
port of the Government. The Chris
tian should not, must not, forget the
duty of upholding Government so as to
maintain and protect liberty and good
order, to protect the dutiful against the
encroachments and oppressions of the
lawless and disorderly. Ho was wil
ling to leave the arrangement of af
fairs to his Government — no one de
partment of the Government, but by
all. [Applause.] He saw nothing in the j
constitutional amendment at variance
with the spirit of Christianity, and he
was amazed that its generous provis
ions had not been instantly adopted by
the South. There was no humiliating
demand or exaction contained in any
of its clauses. And yet the hatred
which a certain pretentious hypocriti
cal class in the South indulge against
the negro had made the proposed
amendment odious in their sight. Any
thing which foreshadowed rights for
negro must meet with their opposition,
and they had lost no opportunity of
misrepresenting the nature of the prop
osition to those who were ignorant,
and inflaming their lawless passions to
the point of riot and bloodshed. The
treacherous, defiant and hypocritical
classes of the South would continue to
take advantage of the leadership of
bud men and fali in with the multitude
to do wrong and commit outrage. To
avert the duuger consequent upon this
state of things, something must have
its place in the fundamental law which
shall assure to us more than Union in
name —a Union in spirit. The speaker
then alluded to the Conservative out
cry against what was called "political
preaching.''Ho did not believe in par
tisan preaching, but he regarded it the
duty of the Christian minister to be
the teacher of religion in such away
as to purify our conduct in politics as
well as in the other walks of life. It
was the genius and spirit of Christian
ity to leach us that we were but in
struments, and we were weak before
God. who would, at all events, accom
plish His work while we were used in
promoting its details.
Tlie Druuhard's Cirare.
What a dark and loathsome place!
No ray of hope pierces its dense gloom 1
The goodl\ r minister must not, dare
not, repeat ovej* the poluted clay, as
it enters the place of sepulcher, that
touchingly beautiful passage in the
burial service : 'We commit the body j
of this, our departed brother, 'dust to
dust and ashes to ashes,' in sure and
certain hope of a glorious resurrection
from the dead at the last day.' ilope
lor the drunkard in death! Alas! 1
there is none. Inspiration inscribed
upon his death tablet, in letters of fire,
'No drunkard shall inherit the king- j
doin of heaven.' Despair eternal sits j
enthroned upon the drunkard's grave, i
and an utterance of awful truthfulness, ;
proclaims its undisputed right to hold j
the prisoner as his lawful pray until
he shall 'awake to everlasting shame
and contempt,' to receive his final j
doom. Every clod, as it falls upon
the cotlin lid, declares with terrible
significance, the hopelessness of the
lost mau.
While kindred sbed their tears of
anguish, and friends perform their last
act of kindness, how terriflic the j
thought that demons arc holding a
festival of merriment over another j
soul plunged by the maddening cup
into perdition's fiery depths.
Imagine, if you can. all the drunk !
ards who have from the first transgres- !
sions until now been brought by some
invisible power into one place. How
vast the multitude! How immense
the mound of debased humanity. —
What a commingling of the great and
small, the wise and the ignorant, the
civilized and the rude, the rich and the
poor, the honorable and the ignoble ! j
As you gaze upon this mountain pile,
this commingling of nations, of divers
sects, of all classes, you see written
upon every brow, by the pen ot an
outraged divinity, 'DlED WITHOUT HOPE.'
It matters not bow brave, or learned,
or rich, or generous, 01* noble, or elo
quent, or influential that a drunkard
was in his day, the shroud of despair
covers him.
The drunkard's grave is the very
citadel of eternal hopelessness. What
bolts and bars and chains are here !
And all the more fearful because they
were forged by the miserable victim
as he went forth in his day, under the
sunlight of heaven. It is of no con
sequence to him now when or where
he lived whether in a palace or a
wigwam—upon a throne or in serfdom
—in luxury or in poverty —at home or
in a foreign land; the result is essenti
ally the same. His life was spent in
digging a grave, which to him is the
home of despair. •
Strange that the living will not take
warning, but they will not. How
many in this very town, and all over
the land, are every night engaged in
forging the chains that will ultimately
bind thein in this grave,of ruin. Willi
many, the business for this terrible J
consummation is well nigh done. A
lew mom glasses Irom tie poisonous
fiood and all is over. The final stagger
made, and then the hoary headed sin
ner falls in tiie pit of gloom he lias dug !
for himself. O, if he would listen to
the voice of reason and repent before
he makes the final plunge in the place
where repentance comes not!
But what is still worse, as these old
veteran drunkards die off, there is no
lack of others to take their place.—
What a legion of young men have al
ready entered the pathway leading to
the drunkard's prison house. O, coulu
we speak to them, one and all, we would
plead with them in accents of burning
love to pause before they take another
step. Another glass—another spree —
another bacchanalian feast, and it may
be too late! By ibe yearnings of a
mother's bosom; by the first love to
hor to whom you have given the nup
tial pledge; by the obligations of your
manhood; by the respect you bear to
yourself; by the compassion of a Sa
viour's heart, and the wrath of an
offended God, we beseech you to go no
further in the downward way. Shun
the revelry of the dram-shop and the
glee of the festive board as you xvonld
the scorpion's bite. Remember,young
man, that every liquor hotel—every
drinking saloon— every dram shop of
every sort, is the gateway to theiiruuk
! ard's hopeless destiny. To every one
| who indulges in the cup that intoxi-
I cates, we would in all affection address
| the solemn warning of the prophet:
! 'Turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways,
j for why will ye die?'
The Rottoni of the Ocean.
Mr. Green, the famous diver, tells
singular stories of his adventures, when
makiug search in the deep water of
the ocean. He gives some sketches of
what he saw on the Silver Bunks near
Hayti :
The Banks of coral on which my
divings were made, are about forty I
miles in length, and from ten to twen
ty in breadth. On this bank of coral
is presented to the diver one of the j
most beautiful and sublime scenes the
eye ever beheld. The water varies
front ten to one hundred feet in depth
and. is so clear that the diver can see
columns from two to three hundred
feet in height and from one to eighty
feet in diameter. The top of these
more lolly support a myriad more,
giving reality to the abode of some
water nymph. I n other places the pen
dants form arch over arch, and as the
diver stands on the bottom of the
ocean and gazes through these into
the deep winding avenues, he feels
that they fill him with as sacred an
awe as if he were in some old cathedral
which had long been buried beneath
"old ocean's wave." Here and there,
the coral extend even to the surface
of the water, as if th<> e loftier col
umns were towers belonging to those
stately temples now in i uin.
There were countless varieties of di
minutive trees, shrubs and plants in
every crevice of the corals where the
water had deposited the least earth.
They were ail of a faint hue, owing to
the pale light they receive; although of
every shade, and entirely different from
plants I am familiar with that vege
tate upon dry land. One in partieu
1 lar attracted my attention; it resem
bled a sea fan of immense size of vari
eguted colors, and of the most brilliant
i hue
The lish which inhabit these silver
hanks 1 found as different in kind as
the scenery is varied. They were of
all forms colors and sizes—from the
symmetrical goby to thp globe-like
suufish; from those of the dullest hue
to the changeable dolphin; from the
spots of the leopard to the hues of the
sunbeam; from the harmless minnow
to the voracious shark. Some had
heads like squirrels; others like cats
and dogs; one of small size reseribled
a bull terrier. Some darted through
water like meteors, while others could
scarcely he seen move.
To enumerate and explain all
the various kinds of fish 1 beheld
while diving on these hanks would,
were I enougii of a naturalist to do so,
require more space than my limits will
allow, for I am convinced that most
kinds of fish which inhabit the tropi
cal seas can he found there. The sun
fish, starfish, white shark, ground
shark, blue or shovel nose shark were
often seen There were also fi>b which
resembled plants, and remained as fixed
in their position as a shrub; the only
power they possessed was to open and
shut when in danger. Some of them
resemble the rose in full bloom and
wero of all hues; there were ribbon
fish from foui and five inches to three
feet in height. Their eyes are very
large and protrude like those of the
frog. Another fish was spotted like
the leopard, from three to ten feet
long. They build their houses like the
beaver, in which they spawn, and the
male or lemale watches the ova till it
batehes. 1 saw many spec imens of the
green turi!>- some five feet long, which
I should thi i would weigh from four
to five hundred p.n Is
i Hull i;.niol Rati' Horses.
Some forty years ago the managers
of a race course near Brownsville, on
the Monongahela, published a notice
of a race, one mile heats, on a particu
lar day, for a purse of 81W. " Free lAr
anything with tour legs and hair on."
A man in the, neighborhood named
Hayes, had a bull that he was iu the
habit of riding to mill with his bag of
corn, and he was determined to enter
him for the race.
He said nothing.ahout it to any one,
but he rode him around the track -a
number of times on several moonlight
nights, until the bull had the hang of
the ground pretty well, and would
keep the right course He rode with
spurs, which the bull considered disa
greeable, so much so that he always
i bellowed when they were applied to
his rtunks.
On the morning of the race Hay es
came upon the grourid„ou horseback
on his bull. Instead of a saddle he had
a dried oxhide, the head part of which,
with the horns still on, he had placed
on the bull's rump. He had a short
tin horn in his hand He rode to the
judges' stand and offered to enter his
bull for the race; but the owners of
the horses that were entered objected.
Hayes appealed to the terms of the
. notice, insisting that his bull had "four
legs and hair on," and that he had a
right to enter him. After a good deal
of swearing, the judges declared them
I solve compelled to decide that the bull
had the right to run. and was entered
accordingly. When the time for start
ing arrived, tiie bull and horses took
; their places. The horse-racers were
out of humor at being bothered with a
bull, and at the burlesque which they
supposed was intended, but thought it
would be over as soon as the horses
! started.
When the signal was given they did
start—Hayes gave a blast of his horn,
and sunk his spurs into the sides of
the bull, which bounded off with ater
rible bawl, at no trifling -peed, the
dried ox hide flapping up and down
and rattling ;.t every jump, making a
combination of sounds that had never
been heard on a race course before —-
The horses all flew the track, every
one seemed to be seized with a sudden
determination to take the shortest cut
to get out of the Redstone country,
and not one of them could be brought
back in time to save their distance.
The purse was given to Hayes.
A general row ensued, hut the fun of
the thing put the crowd on the side of
the hull. The horsemen contended
that they were swindled out of their
purse, and had it not been for Hayes'
horn and ox hide, which he ought not
to have been permitted to bring on the
ground, the thing would not have turn
ed out as it did. Upon this Hayes told
them his bull could beat their horses
anyhow, and if they would put up a
hundred dollars against the puise lie
had won he would takeoff the ox hide
and leave the tin horn, and run a lair
race with them.
His offer wns accepted and the mon
ey staked ; they again took their place
at the starting post, and the signal was
given. Ilayes gave the hull another
touch with the spur, and the bull gave
a tremendous bellow.
The horses, remembering the dread
ful sound, thought all the rest was
coming as before. Away they went
again in spite of the exertions of their
riders, while Hayes galloped his hull
around the track, and won the money.
Rebel Lectures. —Officers of the rebel
army now support themselves by de
livering lectures on the subject of the
'Confederate war.' Wade Hampton
lately made one of these lectures or
speeches, during which he declared
that he scorned the mercy of the
Yankee Government —that the Presi
dent's pardon was worth nothing un
less it was accepted as a permit to the
man who holds it to fight for his opin
ions and his preference whenever he
wants a change. Wade is a sound
man on rebellion and generally speaks
for a large number of rebels.
Tlie \OrUl Pole.
Two French gentlemen recently ex
plored the island of Spitzenbergen in
a manner never done before. They
have measured the mountains, mapped
the whole coast, examined the vogeta
ble p'roducts, the geological composi
tion, etc., of the entire island They
have found that the long day extend
ed over several months, during which
the sun never sets, becoming intensely
hot after a month or two by the un
ceasing heat from the sun. In this
period vegetation springs up in great
luxuriance and abundance. The
Vol. LVI. Wo. 44
North Polo is only an. at tor of 000
miles from the island, and it is thought
by the two ox: 1 >rcrs, as by many
others, that the pole itself, and the sea
which is supposed to surround it, could
be reached troin Spitzonbergen with
out many great difficulties being en
countered. A singular iaet noticed by
the explorers, in connection with this
island, is the enormous quantities of
floating timber which literally cover
the waters of the bays and creeks A
careful examination of the character,
condition and kind of those floating
logs would, no doubt, lead to a conclu
sion as to whence and how they came,
and prcpabiy suggest new theories for
the solution ot geographical problems
connected with the arctic seas.
J. K. HARTZLER, BdUcillc, Mitfim iXmnt}/, Editor
The Metric S)stein.
[The following exposition of the
terms and tables of the metric system
is taken from an article prepared for
the new edition of Brooks' Normal
: Written Arithmetic. —En]
I "NAMES. —After naming the unit of
any measure, the names of the higher
denominations are formed by prefixing
to the name of the unit the Greek
words lira (ten), hecto (hundred), kilo
(thousand), mi/riu'den thousand The
lower denominations arc formed by
prefixing lire Latin </<•<•?'. (tenth), venti
(hundreth), milli (thousandth).
" UNITS.—The following arc the dif
ferent units with an indication of their
English pronunciation :
LENGTH, Metre , (Meetre).
VOLUME, Stere. (Stair).
CAPACITY, Lire , (Leetcr).
WEIGHT, Gramme, (Gram).
VALUE, Franc, (Frank).
"in the following tables we have
given the value of the units, and the
names of their multiples and divisions.
The values of the units are taken from
the report of the Smithsonian Institute
for 1864.
The metre is the ten-millionth part
of the quadrant extending through
Paris from the equator to the pole. It
equals 09.370 v inches, or 3.2809 feet.
10 Millimetres equal 1 Centimetre,
10 Centimetres " 1 Decimetre.
10 Decimetres " 1 Metre.
10 Metres " 1 Decametre.
10 Decametres " 1 Hectometre.
10 Hectometres " 1 Kilometre.
10 Kilometres " 1 Myriainetre.
The art is a square tlecametre. The
are equals 119.6033 square yards, or
0.0247 acre
10 Milliares equal 1 Centiare.
10 Centiares " 1 Deciuro.
10 Deciares " 1 Are.
10 Ares " 1 Dccare.
10 Decares " 1 llecture.
10 Hectares " 1 Kilare.
10 Kilares " 1 Myriare.
.NOTE. —Teachers shouid introduce
specimens of the Metre into their
schools. A rod 39 3-8 inches long
very nearly a metre
The stere is a cubic metre. The stere
equals 35.3160 cubic feet.
10 Millisteres equal 1 Centistere.
10 Centisterea 44 1 Deeistere.
10 Deeisteros " 1 Stere.
10 Steres " 1 Decastere.
10 D.ecasteres " 1 Ilectostere.
10 ILectosteres " 1 Kilostero.
* 10 Kilosteres " 1 Myriastere.
The litre equals 2 1135 j>ints wine
measure, or 1.81626 pints dry measure.
It is a cubic decimetre = 61.027 cubic
inches. It is used for dry and liquid
10 Millilitres equal 1 Centilitre.
10 Centilitre " 1 Decilitre.
10 Decilitres 44 1 Litre.
10 Litres " 1 Decalitre.
10 Decalitres " I Hectolitre.
10 Hectolitres " 1 Kilolitre.
10 Kilolitres " 1 Myrialitre.
The jramme is the weight of a cubic
centimetre of distilled water at the tem
perature of melting ice. The gramme
equals 15.44 Troy grains.
10 Milligrammes equal 1 Centigramme.
10 Centigrammes * 4 1 Decigramme.
10 Decigrammes 44 1 Gramme.
10 Grammes 44 1 Decagramme.
10 Decagrammes 44 1 Hectogramme.
10 Hectogramrrles 44 1 Kilogramme.
10 Killogranimes 44 1 Myriagramme.
SITUATE in Wayne township, Mittliii
county, on turnpike road, within 1 of
a mile of Atkinson's Mills, store, school,
blacksmith Ac., and within 2$ miles of
Penna. R. R., about 70 acres cleafed aud
the balance in excellent timber, prime
oak, At. This property will be sold very
low and to suit purchaser. Persons wish
ing to examine the premises will call on
J. Glasgow, esq., or C. N. Atkinson, near
premises, anil for price and terms see or
address A. J. ATKINSON,
oet24tf Lewistown, Pa.