3A23??;iL LOCAL AFFAIRS. CENTENARY SERVICES will tie held in the Methodist church on Sabbath next. An appropriate sermon will be preached, and the hymns to lie sung were written for til" occasion. The Methodist Church is now a century old, and in that jieriod has become a mighty bulwark in the Christian world. HINGING SCHOOL.—John Clark has re sumed teaching singing school, and his class will meet at the Apprentices' Hali on Thursday evening of each week, and the Juvenile Class on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Every child ought to be taught to sing, as it is not only a pleasant recreation Gut a desirable accomplishment. FARKKR A SONS are receiving their sup ply of new fall and winter goods. For ladies dress goods, calicos, Ac., and gro ceries, or anything else in their line, you will find t hem cheap. No charge for look ing, call and see tiie stock. SOMETHING NEW. —MoKees', at their leather store, Odd Fellows' Hall, are sell ing a French Dressing for ladies' and children's boots and shoes, trunks, har ness, carriage tops, &c., which u]K>n trial will prove an excellent article. No fur ther need of you wearing red and ugly looking shoes, for the application of this dressing will cause them to brighten up as new. The leather will not harden and crack, nor will the fluid soil the skirts. Price 30 cents. Try it, we did and found it genuine. PROF. BAKXITZ'S Night School contin ues its tri-weekly sessions in the Town Hall, and the course of instruction pursu ed gives general satisfaction. While a few of our young people are wisely taking advantage of this opportunity to learn, there are many others not traveling the highway to knowledge. Young men, seize upon this chance to study as you would upon gold, as you may never meet a like season for improvement in your life time again. AcI'EES IN VARIETY.—Isaac Aurand, of Ferguson's Valley, presented us the other day with specimens of the follow ing apples, which it will be seen exceed Mr. Ruble's by five varieties. We are glad to notice this taste for the cultivation of choice fruit, which not only pays but must be a source of much gratification to the grower. Mr. Aurand's varieties are as follows: Pound Red Streak Black Jtick Winter Strawberry (In-en Pippin Paradise Fa'l Strawberry Tulpehocken Pound Romanites Filson lied Streak Grindstone Smoke House Peine English Kumbo Bull Yellow Pippin White Pippin Red Rose Fall Winter Sweet Sweet Vandever Ratnbo Bell Flower WOODRUFF'S BAROMETER and Ther mometer combined, for which Wm, J. Fleming is the agent for this county, is 110 doubt one of the best instruments of that kind ever got up for general use. Every farmer should have one, for where the weather is so essential asitis to farm ing, any observant man can soon learn the indications for fair or stormy weather. The editor of the American Agriculturist speaks of it as follows: We have watchecHhe barometer for ma ny years, and seldom if ever knew a chance front wet to dry, or the reverse, that was not indicated by a rise or fall of the mercury. And most of these chang es are governed by definite rules, upon which all scientific men have agreed. There are local or general exceptions to tin s.' rules, as when tlie atmospheric pres sure it modified by the direction or velo city of the wind. But these are only ex ceptions, which careful observers must necessarily learn partly by experience, and must take into account. We assert Positively and without fear of successful refutation, that any careful, observant man, who will rightly watch a good bar ometer, will soon learn to predict the ap proach of wet or dry weather, from two to twenty hours ip advance, in a very large majority of cases. A watch is use less to a savage who can't tell the time. We repeat unhesitatingly, that a barom eter is of very great value to every farmer or other person, on land or sea, to whom it is important to be forewarned of the immediate approach of a storm. To be most highly useful, it. must of course be carefully observed. . The novice may, and probably will, sometimes fail, and the careless man will often do so, owing to the occasional exceptions to genearl rules which he may not have learned to pro vide for in his calculations; yet with this drawback, it will be of great use to any j "in- who is wilting to devote the slightest I care and attention to the instrument. We have no personal interest in any partieu [ Jar form or manufacture, but we have lat | "fly comlUended and placed in our pre mium list those made by Charles Wilder and called "Woodruffs Mercurial Bar "sneter," because its particular form ren tiers it so portable ami convenient, as well as for its general good make, and we shall do so again. The permanent character and | sir nihility of tlie Woodruff* instru nient, impels us to place that above all others of similar cost for common use. A collision occurred near Parkesburg, Lauca-ter county, on Sunday morning, caused by acme cars of a freight train un coupling, by which Weber'a inarltet r was smashed up, and ('apt. \V. B. Weber severely injured about the face and head, aiul otherwise bruised. John Mo bility, the contluetor, was killed, and the 'bgiiiccr and several others severely in jured. Tliis is we believe the fourth mar ear Mr. Welter has had injured or ,r °ken up since he engaged iu the busi ness. eutiter cool, but rather pleasant. In Juniata county Clymer's majority is 298 ; J tower for Congress 336 over Miller • Walls for Associate Judge has only 2 Wilson, while MUliken has 180 over Pom er°y' Reynolds for Prothonotary has 207 over Thompson ; Hah in for District Attor —to o\ er Lyons; Diyen for CoimniH sioner 331 over Weiser. The vote for As sembly is as follows, clearly showing that Clymer was sacrificed to the extent of at least 100 votes: Willi*. Mlllrr. Brown.*Wharton.* Mifflintown, 108 108 70 OS Fermanagh, 114 110 99 103 Patterson, 83 83 51 51 Milford, 145 145 88 88 Walker, 147 148 108 181 Perryaville, 83 81 06 57 Fayette, 122 127 241 238 Monroe, 122 138 40 53 Greenwood, 93 93 13 13 Susquehanna, 70 70 57 57 Delaware, 100 100 165 167 Beale, 105 103 96 95 Turbett, 105 106 48 48 Spruee Hill, 87 86 96 95 Tuscarora, 214 214 62 6° Lack, 148 139 71 64 Black Log, 31 31 11 H Total, 1878 1882 1444 1451 Willis over Brown 431 " Wharton 438 Miller " Brown 407 " Wharton 434 In Huntingdon county the vote for the different candidates was as follows: GOVERNOR. (leary ,* 3248 Clymer, 2239 CONGRESS. Morrell,* 3226 Johnston, 2259 For Assembly we give the vote by districts : Wharton.* Brown.* Miller. Willis. Henderson, 61 62 67 68 Dublin, 96 108 72 63 Warriorsmark, 171 171 80 80 Hopewell, 23 28 38 41 Barree, . 97 it!) 138 136 Shirley, 151 152 127 123 Porter, 283 292 106 100 Franklin, 180 172 130 123 Springfield, 61 89 28 38 Lll ion, 99 99 63 61 Brady, 107 107 112 112 Morris, 87 94 58 51 West, 84 84 105 103 Walker, 74 73 73 72 Tod, 92 100 46 44 Oneida, *69 58 13 09 Cromwell, 131 140 89 79 Birmingham, 45 45 21 21 Cass, 117 114 52 47 Jackson, 171 172 141 138 Clay, 112 112 48 49 Penn, 99 101 76 76 Mount Union, 64 78 90 76 Huntingdon, 305 284 244 201 Petersburg, 92 92 70 66 Juniata, 50 47 29 28 Carbon, 73 74 181 177 Coalmont, 27 30 31 28 Lincoln, 51 74 15 25 Mapleton, 36 38 33 32 Total, 3108 3189 2376 2266 ASSOCIATE JUDGE. Clarkson,* 2845 Steel, 3501 DIST. ATTORNEY. Lovell,* • 3255 Sipe, 2217 PROTHONOJARY. Simpson,* 3262 Greenland, 2227 REGISTER. Sniucker,* 3228 DeArmlt, 2262 COMMISSIONER. Fouse,* 3223 Gorsueh, 2263 DIRECTOR. Harmon,* 3236 Alexander, 2236 AUDITOR. Mark,* 3210 Funk, 225)5 Tell Township did not report. Alex. C. Wilson, formerly of this place, died of cholera week before last, in Phila. James M. Belford, Esq., son of I)r. Bel ford of this place, has been elected to the Legislature of Indiana from Whitecoun ty. James is a sound republican, and will do credit to the ]>osition. J. W. Shaw, Esq., who for fifteen years has been Clerk to the Poor House Direc tors, a post he faithfully filled, resigned his office a few weeks ago. Jos. S. Wa ream was appointed to take his place. A young friend of ours discovered an ani mal on the streets the other night which he took for a cub itear. As it was moonlight, he saw it very plainly, and thinks he was not deceived. These animals are numer ous iu the mountains, and one may have strayed this way. Among tiie fortunate holders of prize tickets in the National Concert at Wash ington last week, we notice tlie names of J. \\ . Sheriff" of Lewistown and E W. Hale of Philipsburg, both of whom drew sold watches valued at S'JOO. THE >RURAL AMERICAN' FREE THREE MONTHS! -CHOICE VINES PLANTS, &C . FREE TO SUBSCRL' BERS! lIHE Rural American, publi.xhed at Utica. N". Y„ on the Ist and 15th of each month, will commence a new volume (XI) January Ist. 1567. No other rural paper in this country equals it in practical vn!ti< to Farmers, Gardeners. Fruit Growers. Stock Breeders. Bee Keepers. Ac. It i- national in its eharae er. tie in tr as valuable 111 Maine. lowa. Maryland. Ac., as in the Slate of New York. It is a splendid sixteen page quart., publication, beautifully illustrated, larger than any other piper of its class, and offered at only One Dollar and Fiftv Cents a Year, and every subscriber receives free and post paid what is actually worth from One to Two hollars in some of the choicest Grape Vines, Strawberry and Raspberry Plants. Early Goodrich Rotables (the best evgr grown) and Splen did Steel Plate Engravings.' CLUB AGENTS WANTED! The Premiums sent to Club Agents, are truly .mag nificent . and worth three times as much as any other publisher offers. Besides all the above articles, thev receive free splendid Gold Pens, and all the high priced Magazines, and the New York Weekly News Papers a year, to commence at any tune: Club Agents are wanted in every town, in every State in the Union. All you have to do. is to send for -ample copies, Show Bills and Blank Subscription Lists, which are sent free, and you can proceed to get up your clubs. THE PAPER FREE THREE MONTHS! Every sutiscriber for 1H67, who remits $1.50 singly, or ini a club, before Dec. 15th. Will receive the pa- P , " r fro... the tune his money is received, to the eud of the present year? Il received by October Ist, trie paper will go free tlo. Months', and in propor tion for a later remittam • ! Over lloo.uon worth ol firs Mines have been sent to my subscribers, within tt..- four years, and I now on hand $25,000 worto inch 1 am ready to send (at the proper time) to ao wo.> subscribe for the Ru ral American. which is a unit .'d universally to be, not only t.ie best, but also t..- ci. ipest paper of the kind in this country. Address, f. B. MINER ti. iton, Oneida county, N. Y., my editorial office being there, near Uuc*. ocl7-tt. . < j&jjerial Jjtotircs. - -.2. A- i, Reduction in Prioe OF THE AMERICAN WATCHES, Made at WAI.THAM, MASS. IN consequence of the recent great improvements in our facilities for manufacturing, we have reduced our prices to as low a point as they can he placed With Gold at Par, so that no one need hesitate to buy a tmtcli .now from the expectation that it will he cheaper at some fttture time. The test of ten years and the manufacture and sale of More than '400.000 Watches, have given our productions the very highest rank among time keepers. Commencing with the deter mination l make only thoronghly excellent watches, our business has steadily increased as the public be came acquainted with their value, until for months together, we hnve be. n unable to supply thudemand. We have repeatedly enlarged our factory buildings until they now cover over three acres of ground, and give accommodation to more than eight hundred workmen. We arc fully justified in saying that we now make M< IRE THAN ONE-HALF OK ALL THE WATCHES SOLD IN THE UNITED STATES. The dillercnt grades arc distinguished by the following trade-marks on the plate: 1. '-Americau Watch Co." Waltiiam, Mass. 2. - Appieton, Tracy A Co." Walthain, Mass. 3. "P. S. Bartlett," Waltham, Mass. 4. "Wm. Ellery." 5. OUR LADIES' WATCH of first quality is named '•Appieton, Tracy A Co." Waltham, Mass. 6. Our next quality of Ladies' Watch is named "P. 3. Bartlett," Waltham, Mas*. These watches are furnish*# in a great variety of sizes and style* of eases. The American Watch Co. of Waltham, Mass.. autho rize us to state that without distinction of trade-marks or price. ALL THE PRODUCTS OF THEIR FACTORV ARE FULLY WARRANTED to be the best time keepers of their class ever made in this or any other country. Buyers should remem ber that unlike the guarantee of a foreign maker wflo can never be reached, this guarantee is good at all times against tlie Company or their agents, and that if attep tlie most thorough trial, any watch should prove defective in any particular, it may bo uhvays exchanged for another. As the American Watches made at Waltham, are for sale by dealers generally throughout the country, we do not solicit orders for single watches. 'CAUTION.—The public arc camioned to buy only of respectable dealers. Ail persons selling counter feits will be prosecuted. KOKItI.VS & APPLGTOK, AGENTS FOR THE AMERICAN WATCH COMP'Y, oet.lO-lin.. INa, Broadway, N. Y. A HUMBUG. HOW often we hear this expression from person* reading advertisements of Parent Medicines, and 111 nine cases out often they may be right. It is over 10 years since I introduced my medicine, tlie VZNE TI\* l.iMMrsr, to the public. I had no money to ad vertise it, *0 I lelt it for sale with a few druggist*- and storekeepers through a small section of the country, many taking it with great reluctance; but I told thetn to let any one have it. and if it did not d<> all I staled on my pamphlet, no one need pay for it. In some stores two or three bottles were taken on trial by per son* present. I was. by many, thought crazy, and that would lie the last they would see of me But I knew my medicine was no humbug. In about two tnohths I began to receive order* for more Liniment, some calling it my valuable Liniment, who bad re fused to sign a receipt when I left it at their store. — Now my sales are miliion* of bottles yearly, and all for cash. I warrant it superior to any other medicine for the cure of Croup, Ibarrluea. Dysentery, Colic, \ omitmg, .Spams and Hea-sicnuess, as an internal remedy. It is perfectly innocent to take intern illy, see oath accomphnyiug each bottle.—and externally for Chronic Rheumatism. Headache, Mumps. Frost ed Feet. Bruises, Sprains, Old Sqyes. Swellings, Sore Throat#. Ac.. Ac. Bold by all the Druggist*. Depot, 5(5 Curtliyidt Street, New York. oct.lO-"t Marching On —Constantly arlvanc ing 111 public favor, throughout the United States, the British Colouie* and Spanish America, and needing no FLOURISH OF TRUMPETS to proclaim its success, that standard article. CRISTADORO'S flAlli DYE, is now far ahead of any preparation of its class. Peo ple of Fashion, at length thoroughly understand the terrible consequences entailed by the use of meuilie and caustic preparation, and.admit the superiority of this famous vegetable Dye. Manufactured by J. CRIS TA DORO. 6 Astor Mouse. New York. Sold by all Druggists. Applied by all Hair Jire#*ers. oct.2U Allcock's Porous Plasters. WUOOJ'ING-CUUGH CURED. Cayuga, H nsls County. Miss. T. Allcook A Co.—Gentlemen: Please scnil iric another six dozen of your Porous Plasters. They arc in great demand here for Whooping-cough. They act like a charm. I could have sold two dozen this week if 1 ha impurity of the blood, such as Srrofittn. or h'i m/'x Keif. Tumors, Vterr* , Sort*. Eru/u turns, /'implex. iiUtlchet, Soitx St Anthoni/'x hire. fioo or Erysipelas, Teller or Salt JUhruni. SraUl } J rail. Ituoj Worm. Vaneer or (innrer„ux To mors. S,,r, Eye*. Female Inxtaxm. such as JCetmtton. Irregularity, SoppyrXian. White*, Sterility, also Syphilis, or Venereal Dueatux. Lit er UrtnplnmU, and Heart Dixensr*. Try Ayer's Sarsa parilla. and see for yourself the fturprising activity with which it cleanses the blood arid cures ihese dis orders. During late years the public have la-en misled by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Barsapsrillia for one dollar. Most of those have been fraud* upon the suck, for they not only contain lutle. if any Sarsaparilla. hut ofteu no curative ingredient whatever. Hence, bitter disappointment has follow ed the use of the various extracts of Sarsnparilla which flood the market, until the name itself !,as be come synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we calT this compound, "Sarsaparilla," and intend to snpplv such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of ooloouy which rests upon it. Wo think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the class of diseases it is intended to cure. We can assure the siek. that wo offer th.-m the I Hist alterative we know tiow to produce, and we have reason to believe, it t"by far the most effectual puri fier of the blood yet discovered. Arm's CHERRY PE. TORAL is so universally known to surpass every other medicine for the cure of Coughs, Colds. Influenza. Hoarseness, Croup. Bronchitis, In cipient Consumption, and for the relief of Consump tive Patients, in advanced stages of the disease, that it is useless here to recount the evidence of its vir tues. The world knows them. Prepared by Dr. .1. C. At-ER A Co, Lowell. Mass, and sold by CUES. RITE, I.emstown. and all Druggists aud dealers in medicine everywhere. • sepl9-gin. 'TCH ! ITCH ! ITCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! WHEATON'iJ OINTMENT Wlinu CIRE THE ITC II IX IS HOURS. au'UlVElU^n. r .\ •' K , rM - 1 ! r KHS, CHILBLAINS. k"; Jul!: iV 1 , ,n> ' 1HK! * Kllt ]>i * •* Weeks 4 t By Bonding sixty cents to Boston a ~i.T " K? u i*i , n* vo n street, to anv nirt V I' 1 ('. ,rwai 'J*d by mail, free of postage, to any p.irt ot ,he t ,„ U ..1 States Errors of Youth. A v'ouK * S 'i ui '" ""Herod for yearn from Ner of youthful ml i'LP'jy.atchiaUty effect* Lummntv i iCI u s-iLeof sutf. rio* . wh '• "" ff th> receipt axA lie was .nr.. i , ' u ' . M, "p!u rente.ly I>y wliieh vertjsVr's ~'T ' i I wishing' to profit by tho ad- Erfw"nfi r ( r " ,,lw - so by addressing. Hi R ' e - JOHN li.,)t,f>EN. 1 Nu. H tSt.. New York. '\T*Vf 'V'" lit'ieby-fiveii that jLI the firin of Kitten house A Mayes have dissolved partnership, leaving their books in the haads of .1. Kohler, J R., at IteetlsviJle for collection. Settle imme diately and save rosfs. o.'Uf It ITTEXHOL'SE A MAYES. 628, Hool' SKIRTS, 628. Hopkin's "Own Make." NEW FALL STYLES! Are in every respect first doss. ;m.l embrace a cont- M / nd Children, of o . c V • V"' ' VI r - length an I Size- of Waist. hit Shirts, wherever known, are more universally popular than any olhers before the pnMl'e Tliev re tain their shape better. are lighter, more , last,e. more <1 i al.l" and o .Uy Qheaper, u,a„ any other Hoop Skirt in the market. The sarin - a„,| fastenings are Wat ranted perteet. Lv;.m J.ai.v should Tisr Thi ml— ihe-y are now being XttMisivelv s„t,| !. v Merchants, throughout the Country, and at HfW- eTh ./ UdaiL at M:inut;u torv hii l&lCvft&sy ISSS. . mm jii !fiii i nm> Great Simplicity ! GREAT CAPACITY ! Celebrated Reversible Feed Movement- Uniform Self-Adjusting Tension. Four Separate Distinct Stitche?. Will Gather and Sew a Ruffle at once. J AS. PARKER A SONS. sepPi Agents, Levidown, l'a. DFIAIIV TILE. For Draining Wit L:iniis. i'lpcs for LVilar Drains, Walrr Pij e for Cou'lnrtiii? Waltr from N'prinss manufactured from the heat material and for sale in any . which are fully tirrrL T XI K v MI: l < Ir iRKK'M Celebrated Female Pills. /V'7>o/r/i tfu,i a j,rcsmytum of Str J. Olarke, M. I) J'htjstciin Exti aofiiiuiin to ike Queen. 'lilts lnvaliial.lv nu-tlche- i> uutulltug in tlio cure of all It.. • i...:r■ 1111 and .i uigeroii* diMmsv* t" w hich the feinalu 1 1ntion is sut.Jert. It urxkriitei all excess and re moves all obstructions, from w hatever cauoe.andnsueedy cure may be relied on. TO M vi>ttii:i> i.Allies It I- partb-uhiriy s, ited. It will, iu a abort time, bring or the monthly period with regularltv. I AITKIN. These i'ilis shorn-! not be tuken by females-luring tho FIRST Ttri'.EK MMXTHS - f |.regi,ancy. as thev-are" ure bring mi miscarriage, but at any oilier time they are safe. In sit rases of Nervous and Spina! Affections, Fains In the iln s ami LI nibs. Fatigue ->n slight -xertb-n, I'alplta • lon ofthe Heart. Hysterics and wlitt.es, these Fills wlllet lect a cure When all other means have failed; and although - |">w .-rlul rentedv, r -r-vtlihurtful to the constitution. l ull directions In-the pamphlet around each package, which ahouM be carefully preserved. SOLD BY ALL DKUGOIS I'S I'itlCE, ONE DOLLAR PEK BOTTLE. hI'ECIAL yOTICE. It n, fit. of every ro'unitU Mnltrine to be COf/.V- I'EHk'l'.li'lfD li. rmilii therefore, and see that the blt*rf "T. <*- J/." lire bit ten in tti bot'le. and that each u rajifit r beum the h'AC SI Ml EES of the si'inalurex of I. < BALhUIX ,t ft. a,al JOIS M'tsES. , Without which, none arc. genuine. N. It —One Doil.i'. v. lth Eighteen f'ents for Fostage. en itos.-l to any A lit liielxe.l Agent, or to tiie Sole General Agi-ut for the I'nite.l Stale-and British Dcnitidons. JOB MOSEtS. 27 Cortland St., New York, w ill Insu.e a bottle Containing Elty Fills, by return nutli. s.'.'Ur,iy -ealed from all observation. 0ct.24. LIFE—HeaIth—STRENGTH. LIFE—HeaIth—STRENGTH. LIFE—HeaIth—STRENGTH. rie it:I Irtiich !>{*nicely. DR. JUAN DELAMARKK'L CELEBRATED SPECffIC PILLS. Prepitreii from a prescription, of [>r. Juan THtamarre, Chief Vhy&ician to the ITospital tin Xonl ou Laribotsicrc of I'm is, 'fills vuhiuble medicine I- uc imposition. liut ts unfailing in tin- cure el S|iernial'irrtia? or Seminal t\ eaku.-ss. Ev.-rv species of Genital or Crlnarv Irrftahilitv, Invnluritsry or NL'hlly Seminal Emissions from whatever cause pro. ■>IAX I.E LEICURE. M. P. I'aris. May sth, ISC3. BliW AltE OK COUNTEKPEIIX. Tlie Genuine Pills are sold by all the Frincipal Druggists throughout the world, price one dollar per box, or six box es for live do'lars. GAKANCIKItI-. A LIUIhINT, Sole Proprietors, No. 214 Kou Lombard. I'aria. • hie dollar enclosed to any aiithorzod agent, will Insure a box by return mall, securely scaled from all observation. ."Six boxes .or live dollars. .Sole General Agents for Aui-rica. use Alt G Mi if-E.S A Cu„ 27 Cortland st, X, Y. N. B—French, German. Spanish and English Pamphlets containing full particulars and directions for use, sent free to anv address Sold In Lewi-town by F. J. HOFFMAN. JanfT-lr L&lfcw Jlw wiMifctS:< gTi\ ) w < A1 A KK H H \ I'l l', mills Snuff ha® thoroughly proved itself to be the I best article known for curing, the Oitnrrh, Cold tn the Heeul and IJreuletrhi It has been found an excel lent remedy in many cases of Sore Eyes. Denfnen has la-en removed bv it and Hearing has oßen been great ly unproved by its use. It I® fragrant and agreeable, and Gives lin mi dlate Helief to the dull heavy nam.- caused by disease® of the head The sensations after using it are delightful and invig orating. It opens and purges out all obstructions, strengthens the glands, and git eg a healthy action t<> the parts affected MORE TIIAS THIRTY YEA US' of -ale and use of Dr M arsh all's Catarrh as Head ache isxi vr. has proved jt- great value for all the com mon diseases of the bead, and al this moment stands liighcr than ever before. It la recommended by many of the V-st physicians and is used with gn at auccess and satisfaction every where. Head the Certificates of Wholesale Drug gists in IHTiT. TJie undersigned, having for many years' been ac .plainteal with Dr. Marshall'S Catarrh axd Headache Sm.-fl and sold it in our wholesale trade, cheerfully state that we believe it to be equal, jn every respect, to the recommendations given of it for the cure ot Catarrhal Affections, and that i*. I® decidedly the la-sl article we have ever known for all common diseaseS of the head, liurr A Perry, Boston, | Barne- A Parke, N. Y Kee.l, Austin ACo , " IA.B. AP. Sands. " Brown, Lansom A Co.. " ' Stephen Paul A Co., " Itee.l, Cutler A Co.. Israel Minor A Co.. Selh W. Fowle. " I McKesson A Bobbins, " Wilson. Kalrhaiik A Co. " IA. L. Scovtlle A Co., " llettshaw, Kdinau.l A Co., |M M ar.l. Close ACo . H. 11. Hay. Portland. Me. | Bush 4 Gale, For sale by all Druggists, Tar it. janl7-lv. T'S. Superior IMPERIAL, GUN POWDER, ami BLACK T's nt augl F.J HOFFMAN'S. A. J. NORTH, WITH S. A. COYLE & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND Produce & Commission Mer chants, UIS Market Street, Philadelphia. ■ s *■ CPYI.K, sepW-ti m J. TV I. U'f.RI.IN. s. S. CAMPBELL & CO. Manufacturing Confectioners, AND w HULKS VLT DKUK&s ix j FOREIGN FIU'ITS, NUTS, &C. No. 303, Race STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ALSO. MAM'r UTTRKRS OP ALL BINDS OF septl2' H. J. OULBERTSCIT. * Attorney at Law, LEWISTOWN, PA., OFFERS his professional services to the dtizens of Mifflin county Offiee with D. W. Woods, esq I Mam street, Ijelow National Hotel. my 2 EE.. JCEIT J. EAHI-EW, Practicing Physician, Itelleville, Mifflin County. Pa. DR. DAHLEX has b en appointed an Examining Surgeon for Pensions. Soldiers requiring exam ination will find him ai his office in Belleville Belleville, August 22, 186h.-y Teeth Extracted Without Pain! By M. R. Thompson, D. D. N, ~ . By a SEW PROCESS, without the use of Chloro form. Ether, or NitrousOx , -- and i- no LEWISTOWN, where he can he found for professional consultation from the first Hlpnday of each month until the fourth Monday, when he will he absent on professional busi ness one week. seplO-tf • IMBo 1/l.AVtif t£>J eij " J i'+X Cf DENTIST. OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Lewistown and vicinity. All in want of good, neat work will do well to give linn a call. He may be found at all times at Ins office, three doors east of U. M. & K. Pratt's store. Valley street. apl9-ly NEW STOCK. _gy The subscriber has just received and will keep on hand a select stock of Men's, liovs' y and Youth's Boots. Ladies'. Misses and Chll- Boots and Shoes of various kinds and styles, to which he would invite the attention of his friends an T the public generally As it is his intention NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD by any dealer in the county, those m need of winter IK>OIS or shoes are invito! to call and examine the above stpck. which will he sold at very small profits, hut for cash only, at the sign of the Bio SHOE, next door to F.J. Hoffman's stored sepl9 JOHN CLARKE. To Purchasers of Furniture. R, H. MoCLIN TIC, FU RN ITU RE' WA R E ROOMS, West Market St., htwlmawu, HAB complete CHAMBER SUITS of Walnut, Var nished and in Oil. Also, CSCTTA&E & PARLOR SUITS, together with a large assortment of Fashionable and Pinm .Furniture. CHAIRS, MATTRESSES. &c. Call and see his stock before purchasing elsewhere. N. B. Metalie and Wood Burin! Cases constantly 011 hand. Coffins also' made to order, and Funerals attended with a fine Hearse, at short notice. Lewistown June 27.1868-flrnos &L. 4s. ( S. ARRIVAL of the GREAT-EASTERN ! WM* & ttMiik RIT TENIIOUSE & McKINNEV BEG leave to inform the public that they have just returned from the city with a new and froah as sortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. QUEENS WARE, &c., Ac, Ac, Ac, and are now selling oft at the lowest cash rates.being convinced that they cannot fail to pleuse all who may give them a call. They are enabled to sell Dress Goods Delaines; Alpacas; Mermes. very cheap. Calicos, 14 to Is; Ginghams; Brown >1 uslin. 17.20. 21,26. White Muslin, la. IS. -JO. 25, 30; Shirting Flannels, , Tickings; Table, Diaper. Colton and Crush Linens; Woolen Shawls; Hoop Skirts, 75c. fl 00. 1 25, 2 00; Ho siery; Hal moral Skirts. fit 00; a good assortment of No Hons in general; Boots and Shoes, llal.- and Caps; Ready made Clothing, Wood atci Willow Ware. Ac. 6ROCMKIES—Best Rio Coffee 33; Loaf Su gar 19; A W bite Hugar 178 l own Sugar ll 15. a 18; Kiei-4'k Syrups 25 and 3;;, Huguihoilse Molasses 15. Ah are invited to call and examine their stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. BITTEN HOUSE A MeKINNEV. Lewistown. Hept. 20, IKOO-tf. Lewistown Mills. • THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES PILR WHEAT, AND ALL KINDS DP GRAIN, or received it on storage, at the option of those having it for the market. They hope, by giving due and personal at tention to business, to merit a liberal share of public patronage. ■ap-PLASTER, SALT and Litneburnere COAL always on hand • WM. B McATEE & SON. Lewistown, Jan. 1, 18t>5.-tf