Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, October 24, 1866, Image 2

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Wednesday, October 24, L 866.
G. fSi, G% R. FRTSrtGEH, Editor*.
The OAZETTE is published every Wednesday
at the old suiud, at SI.SO in advance, or $2.00 at the end
of 3 months.
Cash Rates of Advertising.
Business Cards (7 lines or less) 1 year 6.00
Admtnn-irntion or Executor's Notices 2 50
Auditor's do 2 00
Estray Notice, four times, 2 00
C'antiou or n'her sliort Notices. 1 s<>
Tavern Licenses, single. 1 Oo
If more than one. each 50
Re taster'* Notices of Accounts, each 50
Sheriff's Sales, per square 1 00
Editor.* I Notices 10 i-ente per line for each insertion.
7 lines of nonpareil or 8 lines of burgeois make a
Personal eomipumcalions. resolutions of societies,
obituary notice*. half price. ~
These terms will he rigidly adhered to in all cases. j
Job Work.
Klchtli sheet hills. 31.50 for 25 < r less : fourth sheet ,
bills -5- f >r 25 or less; half sheet bill, ft for -'o or less.
Notices of New Advertisements,
Coopers wanted in Allegheny city.
Farm In Wayne township for sale.
Personal ProjxTty of Michael Aultz.
Farm in Armagh township and the Mc-
Cord Farm, at public sale.
New (roods at Hoffman's —Tobacco and J
Cigars at Frysinger's, <t-e., &c.
•'W hat i* Sauce for Hie -o ose is
Sauce for Hie Gander."
TJ?e extraordinary attempt made last
week by Attorneys for John H. Miller, j
backed up by others, to set aside the en-I
tire legislative return of Huntingdon eo., !
merely liccause tlie republican judges, out
of good nature ami from a desire to do ;
right bv the people, did not complete
their returns on the day the return judges j
met, but waited until next day so that a :
lazy or ignorant copperhead judge might
add hi. s returns, shows such an utter reck
lessness, such a cormorant desire for of
fice even against the expressed wishes of
a majority, that it becomes a grave ques-'j
tioii wiiether we should not retaliate on I
that party what is unquestionably within i
our power. The readiness with which i
Jlr. !>ean, (lie return judge from Juniata
county, :II into this pettvfoggingscheme
liy refusing to sign tiie return —an tiet for
which he ought to he prosecuted under ;
the election laws—shows that had they \
had the power they would have given the j
certificates of election to Messrs. Willis
and Miller, Ttml thus made them the sit
tin. tneinbei"s until ousted by the report
of a committee, and action of the House,
whi"h might have run through several
weeks. We will however do Mr. Willis]
the justice to say we do not believe he
would have made himself a party tosuch
a fraud, or attempted to take a seat to
which he knew lie was not entitled.
F.uppose now, under the new demo
cratic motto "to creep in, steal in, or get
Lit office any way you can," liie repub
I ION AL GROUNDS —in short, to give
them a dose of their own medicine—a
strong/e/o (it sc pill. It will be remem
bered that some years ago < hief Justice
"Woodward, with the sanction of two
other copperheads, laid down the law that
soldiers could not vote because the law
required the voter to reside and vote in
the precinct of his election district. That
decision remains law to this day, and ap
plies to every voter in this State unless
in the military service as subsequently
provided by tlie constitutional amend
ment. Granville, Deny, Wayne and
Oliver do not vote in their district#, and
are therefore eiearly violating a constitu
tional decision made by judges of the
true tpperhe.ad stamp, and consequently'
ili< if elections are null and void in law.
Under that decision, NO COURT OF
MOM EXT in throwing out those districts
in ease of a contest, and thus Banks and
Ross for Associate Judges, Kearns for
Commissioner, and Butler for Auditor,
would be defeated, and McEwen elected
by ait on* majority, which pauper and
deserter votes would soon settle. How
would you like a dose of your own medi- '
cine, ye praters about law? The Repub- I
liettn party, altliotigh knowing that the i
late election in this county was carried
by palpable frauds, and believing that
the republican ticket lmd a majority of ;
tte resident legal vote, submitted to
what appeared to be the majority; they '
also to<>k much "nigger slang" during the i
past campaign with patience and good
nature, merely combating the vilest ap
peals to ignorance yn<l stupidity with
reason and truth, but there is a point '
where "forbearance ceases tobeavirtue,"
ami therefore we warn that party it is not I
yet too late to give it more law than its
d- magogues bargained for when, under a
frivolous pretext, they endeavored to set
aside the will of a majority.
iprif With the present issue a number
of campaign papers are discontinued.—
Should aiij' who received it desire the
Gazette, they are referred to our tenus.
if" Great storms in the west.
rr-%. Several editorial articles are omit
ted lor want of room.
The copperheads call deserters an
uniortunate class of mfen."
: l fy . Itenuhliejui majority iu Ohio
' IU 1 a,,a ' 14,000; in lowa about
p.. Gov. Hwarin, of Maryland, who for
soine tune has had nipper on the brain
is doing all he can to give reliefs political
power in that State. 1 d)
fx, l? A terrible tire took place in OIK>-
bec, ( anada, on the 14th, destroying sev
enteen churches and eonveuts. and two
Ihonsand houses.
fgr The cop papers have been trying
to make figures Tie resjrecting Geary's ma
jority, but no two can agree? One paper
now'before us the majority 8000 in
one placo, 12,000 in another, and then in
an editorial-admits 17,000!
The Shirlevsburg Herald probably
.comprehend that we are opposed
to padpdts voting anywhere, that pajier,
judging by its recent serious course, arri
ving at conclusions from circumstances,
not facts or principles.
96$?* The disasters at sea of late have
been terrible, the most heartrciidingot
which was the loss of the steamer .
ing Star with over 200 persons-among
them some army oftfcere, meml>emof two
French opera troupes, ami a huge nuniU l
of women, almut forty of whom are said ,
to have been loose characters gathered up
in New York and other cities.
Rev. J. I*. Shindel, of Middleburg,
Snyder county, fell from an apple tree a
few weeks ago, severely but not seriously
injuring his shoulder.
Sickness is an affliction that waits*
on us all. None are exempt and there
are none but need relief from its attacks.
Whoever can furnish this becomes our
leuefactor. A conviction prevails that
Dr. Aver does it. Disorders of the blood
have been healed by his Sarsaparilln. and
affections of the lungs by his Cherry Pec
toral. too frequently and too distinctly to
be disputed. His Ague Cure is said, by
those who use it, to never fail. Reader,
if you must have medical aid, take the
best of medicine. Poor remedies are dear i
as good are cheap, at any price you have
to pay for theui. —[Charleston Courier.
Official Vote for Governor.
Geary. Clym&r
Adams 2,910 3,120
Allegheny 20.511 12.795
Armstrong 3.758 3,078
Beaver * 3,310 2,385
Bedford 2.591 2,835
Berks 7,121 13.288
Blair 3.520 2,768
Bradford 7,134 3,091
Bucks 6,805 7,399
Sutler 3,544 3.061
Cambria 2,643 3,295
Cameron 374 303
Carbon 1.906 2.339
Centre 3,094 3,565
Clarion 1,776 2,813
Chester 8,500 6.221
Clearfield 1,650 2,786
Clinton 1,754 2.337
Columbia 1,965 3,583
Crawford 6,714 4.969
Cumberland 4.030 4 576
Dauphin 5.691 4 301
Delaware 3,647 2.262
Elk 376 916
Erie 7,237 3,951
Fayette 3 569 4,359
Forest 100 ' .'76
Franklin 4,299 4.106
Fulton 775 1,055
Greene 1,699 3,220
Huntingdon 3.248 2,239
Indiana 4,458 2.109
Jefferson • 2,015 1,912
Juniata 1,516 1,814
Lancaster 14.592 8,592
Lawrence 3,560 1,410
Lebanon 4,194 2,696
Lehigh 4,159 5.731
Luzerne 8,733 12,387
Lycoming 3,871 4,448
McKean 877 714
Mercer 4.416 3,757
Mifflin ' 1,725 1,835
Monroe 705 2,699
Montgomery 7,286 8,342
Montour 1,131 1.523
Northampton 3,859 6,870
Northumberland 3,381 3,829
Perry 2.581 2,495
Philadelphia 54,205 48,817
Pike 724
Potter 1,346 620
Schuylkill 8,793 10,514
Snyder 1.812 1,326
Somerset 3,062 1,759
Sullivan # 436 761
Susquehanna 4.429 2.981
Tioga 4,791 1.628
Union 1,991 1,278
Venango 4,409 3,492
Warren " 2.687 1,572
Washington 4,977 4 712
Wayne 2.357 2,8*3
Westmoreland 5,046 6,113
Wyoming 1,408 1,499
York 5,896 8,780
306.955 289,920
Geary's majority, 17,135.
the laws enacted last winter and recently
published in pamphlet form, are the fol
lowing :
The supervisors of Bratton township
are required to erect gates at all public
roads crossing the Pennsylvania Railroad.
Sundry Baptist churches in Cambria,
Blair, Huntingdon, Mifflin, Juniata and
Centre counties arc incorjiorated, to be
called the Centre Association of Inde
pendent, or Regular, Baptist Churches. •
The action of the School Directors of
Brown township, who levied a bounty
tax in 1864, is legalized; but officers and
soldiers honorably discharged are exempt
from it.
The record of a deed, or certified copy
thereof, acknowledged in another State,
and recorded twenty-five years in the
county where the lands lie, are to be taken
as evidence in this county.
All bridges hereafter constructed on the
Juniata, Susquehanna and North and
West Branches are to be made so that the
lower chords shall be at least three feet
above the high water marks of the freshets
of March, 1865.
The courts are authorized to fix places
for holding elections where houses are de
stroyed or where public houses are eon
verted into private dwellings.
LIWISTOWN, October 24, 1866
Wheat, red, per busfcel $2 75
" white M 2 80
Eggs per doien 25
But'er per lb • 30
Hour is retailing at the following prices;
Lewistowo Extra Family per cwt. 7 50
Superfine 6 00
Extra Family per bbl 14 50
Superfine 12 50
Our market continues to be tolerably
well supplied with vegetables, and if our
citizens eneourage those who still attend
it cannot fail of success.
Tlie Middle Creek Rail Road.
• A Company to build this Railroad was
j organized on the lid October, instant.
The President is Mr. Abner Thompson,
Treasurer K. L- Benedict, Esq., Sfcereta
i rv j. A- MeKee, Esq., Solicitor Joseph
I Alexander, Esq.
The Directors are Joseph Alexander,
Thomas B. Reese, Henry Zerbe, Wm. 11.
Weber, E. L. Benedict, John A. McK.ee,
John Hayes, Jr., Moses Spec-lit, Aaron
K. Gift, John S. Smith, George Schnure
and John I). Romig.
The Chief Engineer, F. C. Arms, Esq.
a gentleman of great experience and high
reputation for ability and integrity, is now
surveying an experimental fine" having
commenced at Lewistown on Tuesday
the 10th inst.
1 lie main object to be attained by build-
J ing this Railroad, is a cheap "and direct
route of traffic and travel between the
| Valleys of the Susquehanna and theJu
; niata and their tributaries. At present
| no direct communication exists between
| these rich and populous valleys east qf
| Tyrone, except by country roads well nigh
I impassable in the early"spring and late
j autumn, and thus the imports and exports
of the intermediate region are burdened
by a wretched system of transportation
abandoned almost everywhere else in
Pennsylvania. These two great valleys
are necessary to each other ; the Husque
hanna abounds in luml>er of the finest
quality, and in anthracite ami authraei
tous coals, but is deficient in iron ores, ex
cept the fossiliferous variety, and the un
reliable eamonates of the coal measures.
The Juniata is sparsely timbered, hut is
exceedingly rich in fossiliferous iron ore
in the per-oxide of iron or hematite, and
heavy seams of the proto-carbonate of
iron, ranging from three to fifteen feet in
width (Rogers' Geo. Rep't for 1810.V
The recent perfect success of the Gla
morgan Furnace at Lewistown, in yield
ing, from a combination of these three
ores, fused with Anthracite and hot blast,
a metal fully equal to Scotch pig metal,
demonstrates to every thoughtful mind
that cheap coal is a necessity for the Ju
niata, and cheap hematite iron ore for the
Susquehanna, and that each of these no
ble valleys will be the seat of vast iron
It lining clear that an interchange of
commodities will benefit the people of
both valleys and the region lying between
them, we next inquire, can a direct prac
ticable Railroad I/ine be located from val
ley to valley? I answer, that one of the
vert/ bent tine* in Retinst/lvania van fhtis
be located: From Lewistown on the Ju
niata, to Selinsgrove on tiie Slisquehan
NATURAE OBSTACLE ; for directness, light
grade, easy curvature, cheap cross-ties and
ballast, it is a remarkably tine line. The
maximum grade- wili not exceed 50 feet
to the mile, and this for hut a short dis
distance; the general grade will he
from 20 to 25 feet to the mile. The
middle route passes N. east from Lewis- i
town, crossing Jack's Creek at LiMeys' j
Mill by a single span bridge; about two i
miles thence with a gentle curve it passes ;
through a break in the ridges into the val
ley of Middle Creek, aud descends this,
with a very light grade to the Susquehan
na. The North and South Lines along j
the Hanks of Jack's aud Shade Mountains j
are very line, hut they are longer than the ;
Middle route, and they leave the main i
body of cultivated land on one side of the
line, while the Middle route lias rich ag- j
ricultural and grazing lands on either side
for the greater part of its length. Reach
ing the Susquehanna we Hud a serious ob
stacle —a wide river—but I learn from
very good authority that thepeoplearound
the Eastern terminus of the road will sub
scribe heavily to a bridge on the Susque
hanna if it is Lotli a Railroad and Toll
bridge for ordinary travel. Two hundred
thousand dollars will build such abridge;
we must remember that if we grade the
roadbed the Construction Bonds of the
Company will then command a ready
market, so that with a heavy local sub
scription, and an issue of a reasonable
amount of such Bonds we can build this
bridge without difficulty. The bed of the
river is very Hrrn. building stone art
cheap and good, and all the lumber re
quired can be floated to the site of the
bridge. Once across the river we are in
immediate connection with the sys
tem of Railroads thut radiate from the
anthracite coal fields, and on the highway
to Philadelphia' and New York. But it
may be urged that the people of Sun
bury and Selinsgrove and their vicinity
will not subscribe largely to the stock of
this Company. Such a suggestion is a very
poor compliment to the intelligence, en
ergy and wealth of the people of that dis
trict. They certainly understand their best
interests aud feel them to be identified
with the building of this Railroad ; but if
most unfortunately they should notaidus,
we must enlist friends elsewhere by build
ing our Road up the Susquehanna to the
Northumberland bridge, the abutments
and piers of which are admirable and de
signed for a double track bridge. A new
superstructure is all we will require to
carry us into Northumberland and con
nect us direct with the Lackawana and
Bloomsburg railroad.
But will this railroad be u paying in
vestment ? We have seen that the line is
very fine ami its construction must, with
proper management, be very cheap.
Artd this introduces the question of the ;
cost of working the road ; although it is a i
premature inquiry, yet it is well to meet ;
every objection which is hoYiestly made, j
A railroad with light grade, and easy cur- j
vature, and with cheap ties and ballast, ;
can always be cheaply worked. The wear ;
and tear of machinery and rails is light, !
and the repair of the road bed is cheap.— j
Where grades are heavy, curves sharp,
timber and ballast dear, the working of a
railroad is very expensive, the strain on ;
the machinery is very great, the s'~oke of j
the wheels is severe both on the wheels j
themselves and on the rails, and inces
sant repairs to the road bed are necessary, j
Bitt .even such railroads pay when well
managed ; how much more then when so j
cheaply worked as will he the M. C. R. R.
Cheap coat, is an absolute necessity j
for this region, both for domestic use and
for manufactories. We pay now $(1.50 per
ton of 2000 lbs. for coal for domestic use j
and $5.00 for furnace use. Reduce these
respectively to $5.00 and $4.00, and how
powerfully'will the consumption be stim
ulated. All our coat trill reach us by the
Middle Creek Railroad; sixty mites of
transportation will thus be sewed; in one
year after its completion the price of coal
will be reduced twenty-five per cent.; the
traffic in coal alone will yield a good rev
enue to the Road. The Bmad Top Rail
road transports very little else except coal
and that of but one variety , and in one di
rection, yet its bonds are above par. We
must remember that the Middle Creek
Railroad will tap the Pennsylvania Cen
tral at Lewistown, and will carry Broad
Top coal eastward, and will tap the Coal
Railroads at Sunbury and Nortliumber- t
land, and carry anthracite <*oals westward.
i With, .UUts jUUuMt opal fields iu the world
j near one terminus of this road, and with
, the largest iron-ore held in Pennsylvania
near to the other termimis it is manifest
that the traffic in these minerals and in
manufactured iron wiR be very heavy.—
Look, too. at the enormous price pf lum
ber in this place; how soon \vjlf thisprice
give way when cheap transportation en
courages competition? The lumber deal
crs on the Husquehanna will fill this re
' giou with the choicest lumber. A r o mo
j nopoly of coat or lumber can exist when
the road Is opened. Look at the eost of
1 tanning hark in Lewistown, and the eost
| of hauling hides fifteen or twenty miles to
I country tanners and returning the leather
|to market. Look at the "cost of hauling
grain. Hour, ]Hrk, beef, ke., &c., to Lew
istown, Middleburg and Selinsgrov£, :md
fish, plaster, ke., back into the country.
W hat a market will la- opened for all our
agricultural products in the coal produ
cing region ; a cash market eqitetl to that
of Xca> York or Phitaeb fphfrt. Steam
saw mills and.steam tanneries will spring
up along the line of this road, lor timber
and bark are abundant and excellent.—
Railroads are types of progress and civili
zation ; their effect on the la-It of country
tributary to them is magical; life and en
ergy are infused into every pursuit; new
enterprises start up with astonishing ra
pidity ; we know not what a country is
capable of until a railroad traverses it.
The region pierced by the Middle Creek
Railroad will feel the effect of these facts;
it will stimulate every branch of business,
except hauling bv wagons ami this it will
destroy, to the regret of no one. This
Railroad will he the connecting and ne
cessary link between the Eastern and
Western systems of railroads in our State,
and it will throw a powerful traffic on
both and it is absolutely imposiblc that it
can injure either.
In my next paper I will ask the atten
tion of your readers; to the influence of the
M. C. R. R. on the manufacture of iron
in Central Pennsylvania.
Lewistown, Oct. 19th, 1800.
3i. E. Cor. of Second &. Race Streets,
Is TitJW Selling jff bis Large Stock Cheap Gr
Cash. si-pt 12'06 Jui.
On the 10th inst., by Rev. W. Downs,
David F. Ohlinoer, of Reading, Berks
county, Penna., and Lizzie B. Taylor,
ot Lillevsville, Decatur township, Mifflin
On Sunday night, after a lingering ill
ness, Mrs. Swaktz, wife of Win. Swartz,
On Sabbath evening last, at 11 o'clock,
Puite Blymykk.
Coopers Wanted.
fldO make Flour Barrels from finished
staves and heading. Good Coopers
can make over THREE DOLLARS A
DAY. R. T. KENNEDY & 8R0.,.
Pearl Steam Mill,
oct24-10t* Allegheny City, Pa.
20,000 MAJORITY!
To the Voters of Central Penna.
ELECTION i* over and it has been decided by about
20,000 majority that the Tobaceo and Cigars sold
at Pry singer's Tobacco and Seg.-ir Store cannot be
surpassed, either in quality or Price.
Look at the Prices, get some of the goods, and com
pare with all others, and you will be satisfied that voti
get the worth of your money at Fry singer's.
Fry-singer's Spun Roll only SI.OO per pound.
Fry-singer's Navy -• -
Frysinger's Congress •• •' -
FrvsingerV Flounder "■ u " *
Willett Navv " '• ■' -
Orouoko Twist •' " " "
And other Plug Tobacco at 40 and 50 ots. per lb.
Cut and Dry. 40 and 50 ots. Granulated Tobaccos at
50 els . 00 ets . SO eta.. $1 <K>. $1 20. and $1.50 per lb.
Fine-Cut chewing, at $1.40 and 51.20.
Cigars at.!, 2. 3. 5 and lo ets. each.
I'ip-s in great variety; also Cigar Cases. Tobacco
Pouches and Boxes, Match Safes, and all articles
usually kept in a first-class Tobacco and Cigar Store.
To Merchants, I offer the above goods at prices that
will enable them to retail at the same prices that I
do and realize a fair profit.
0ct.24. E. FKYSINGER.
Splendid Syrup Molasses.
ONE of the best articles at 25 per quart, at
0rt.24. F.J.HOFFMAN'S.
Sugar at 12 1-2 Cts.
OUR article at this price is good. Also. White at 17, at
0ct.24. F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
Don't Forget
r() so t<> HOFFMAN'S tor your PAT
you can buy your B r Iron at 5} Also
j_ on hand Steel Horse-Shoe Calks and Horse
Shoes, at F. J. HOFFMAN'S
HubSj Spokes. Fellows,
STEEL Runners, &e A great assort
ment at F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
Coal Oil and Lamps,
f\ 0ct.24.
Gas Burners.
AND a variety ul oilier beating Stoves
for sijle low for cash at F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
Sole Leather, Upper,
CtALF Skins. Morrocco, Ac, at
/ 0ct.24. F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
Nimrod Cook!
VERY one wlio wants a good Cooking
Ul Stove, should call and see tliis.at
0ct.24. F. J HOFFMAN'S
Apple Trees.
AN Assortment of splendid 5 year old
Trees of best varieties at F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
Looking Glasses and Picture
rjIHE undersigned, thankful for past fa-
J. vors T would inform the public that he
still manufactures T'rallies of every de
scription, as cheap as they can be made
elsewhere. Looking Glasses of every de
scription, wholesale and retail, at reduced
prices. He respectfully solicits a share of
public patronage. All persons who have
left pictures to frame or frames to he tilled,
are requested to call for them,
Farm of 110 Acres for Sale,
0 ITU ATE in Wayne township, Mifflin
JO county, on turnpike road, within | of
it mfle of Atkinson's Mills, stoie, school,
blacksmith, -Ac., and within 21 miles.of
Penna. H. It., aU>ut 70 acres cleared and
the balance in excellent timber, prime
3Ec. This property will be sold very
low and to suit purchaser. Persons wish
ing to examine tlie premises will call on
J. Glasgow, esq., or C N. Atkinson, near
premises, and for price and terms see or
address A.J. ATKINSON, '
oet24tf Lewistown, Pa.
I X Will be sold at public sale, at the
residence of the undersigned, in Oliver
township, Mifflin county, on
Tuesday, November *2O, 1566,
the following i*_>rs< mil property, to wit:
! 2 Mares with Foul, 2 Sucking Colts, S
head Young Cattle, 1 four horse Wagon,
: Buggy, Spring Wagon, set of liiwrhliaiitb
: and Front (iears, 3 horse Plow, Thivsb
ing Macinneaud Shaker, Fodder Cut;,
; and a variety of Farming Utensils, too
numerous to mention. Sale to commence
! at 10 o'clock a. in., when terms will be
i made known.
pt BUt SALE.
j J The undersigned will offer atpub
| lie sale, on the premises, on
Tuesday, November . IM>6,
: at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, their FAKM
si mate in Armagh township, Mifflin co.,
near Locke's Mills, containing
iee .a. c ir, e 3
and 40 perches, with the allowance, <fcc.,
; adjoining the lands of John Ifeaty, Humes,
McAllister, Hale, H. L. Close ami others.
: About 130 acres art* cleared and in a high
state of cultivation, nearly all oftliesame
having been limed within the last two
years; and all the fields except two have
running water in them. A good
Two SI ory House, A Uood Barn
and other outbuildings are on the place;
with a well of good water at the door, and
a never failing Spring of good water and
a good Spring House near by. There is \
also an Urcftui d of good Fruit on the i
same, the greater part being grafted; like
wise a variety of ( berry trees', and several j
vines of choice varieties of (trapes
Adjoining the above on the north, are !
45 acres and 131 perches anil allowance of
Mountain Woodland, which will he offered
for sale at the same time, and will be sold '
either separate, or along with the'farm, f
according as purchaser.* may desire.
oet24-2t* SAMUEL HEATTY.
- - _ r Ef. j
\VI IT he i>o.sitively sold, at public
H sale, on the premises, on
Tuesday, iVovembcr 20, IS(>(>.
the farm belonging to the heirs or Tlios. i
MeCord, deceased, situate in Granville
township, Mifflineounty, about five miles |
west of Lewistown, and one mile from 1
Anderson's It. It. Station, known as the i
MeCord Farm, containing
and allowance, 180 of which are cleared !
and under cultivation, with a large Stone j
Dwelling House, Tenant House. Bank
Barn, Stable and other outbuildings.— |
Also an Apple Orchard and good springs i
of water at both houses. This farm could
be divided with much advantage. The j
meadow land could be much improved
with small expense, by turning a water
course in front of barnyard, thus carrying j
the waste manure into it.
Any person wishing further informa- j
tion. can call on the subscriber, or on S. j
H. McCoy, Esq., residing near the prem
ises. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock a.
m., when terms will he made knowm by
oct2l . T. G. BELL, Agt.
List uf Cuuxt* for Trial, at !Hor. T., DGG. j
* No Term Year
1 W. J. M'Coy for use
vs G. H. Calbraith, 79 Aug. 1860.
2 Johnston Bro's & Co.,
vs. F. It. Sterrett, et al, 49 Nov. 44
3 Bogle's Ex's vs J. M.
Sellers, 88 Aug. 1863.
4 5\ heeler fc West vs J.
Winn. 67 Aug. 1864.
5 H. M. M'Keevs Mifflin
AC. K. It. Co., 23 Ap'l. 186-5.
6 E. L. Benedict vs D.
It. Reynolds, 29 Aug. 1865.
7G. Sheesley vs J. Stine, 23 Nov. 44
8 J. F. C. I>acc vs H. T.
Gulp, 27 4 4 44
9 A. Craft vs Bur. <*• T.
C. of the Bor. of Lew. 31 Jan. 1866.
10 W.F.Fleming vsp.k.k. 32 44 41
II W. H. Weber vsp. k. H. 69 Ap'l. 44
12 J. W. Miller vsj. Ross 73 14 44
W. H. BRATTON, Proth'y.
Prothy's Office, Lewistown, October 8.
1866. octlO-tc*
Kstalr of John C. Wolf, drceattd
OTICE is hereby given that letters of
dA administration on the estate of John
\\ oil, late of the Borough of Lewis*
. town, Mi 111 in comity, deceased, have been
j granted to the undersigned, the first nam
ed residing in Millieim, CVntre oountv
and the latter in Lewistown. All per
sons indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment, and those
having claims to present them duly au
thenticated for settlement.
Adrar., Millieim.
9e P l9 Adtnx., Lewistown.
Etate of Elian Wagnrr, deceanrd.
"V"OTICE is hereby given that letters
-Li testamentary on the estate of Elias
Magner, late of Derry township, Mifflin
county, deceased, have been granted to
the undersigned, residing in said town
ship. All jersoiis indebted to said estate
are requested-to make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims to present
them duly authenticated for settlement
00117 WM. CREIGHTOX, Ex'r.
CHOi qikl RS
w Two Journeymen to be employed on
Men sM ork. None hut good workmen
need apply, ("all at
bhoeStore,''West Market St., Lewistown.
Oct. 11 - Jt.
. TE 1 K T I! Extracted WITHOUT PAIN
iV f Use of N,T ROI® OXIDE or
ut*rir g To * ll ' >erted on all
filled 1 V the most approved manner. Special atterf
"""■ AU *^—"2.
Water'street* Peonage, Corner of Main and
aDDZLia -uvu
T H ,' S .M 1 wrtslnly II"* most ,l„j rab ,
X Cooking stove in the market
has a number of advantages tiuit otl *
have not. ' t,irs
Price Very Low.
Every one wanting a Cookinr g,
should not fail to call ami >ee this" e
oMt t- J. HOF I'M \y
rpilE Lewistown Water Com,.aa v ciL
L for sale at a reduced price al *b
feet 3 inch east iron pipe. The phj •
■ good article, and has recently Lvn [. P a
up and rci(laced bv larger nine v,' l
of D. CAN DOR, or WM. RUsst U,re
nct,l7-4t. . '
Woodruff's Improved Portable
IS just the instrument that should i,
owned by every Farmer, .Merolm,!?
and Mechanic in the land. All -hau
of the wcatlier are indicated from (, t,'f2
hours in advance.
Prices sl2, $lB, and $26.
All Instruments guaranteed to be
reet in action. Delivered lv the under
signed, For outs and tW!mm!in| a d,i"
Yv'M. J. ELEMINt,. Agent
0ct.17-3t. Mcnno, Mifflin Co.. l'v
Claim? for Bounty, Pensions. &e.
XV hv the undersigned at his office on
posiie the Red Lion, Lewistown.
uug22-3m T. F. McCOY
' AT
ik nurs sanai
rnHK undersigned lias just returned from
i i the city with a select assortment of
Goods suit aide for the season, to which
, the attention of his frieito.' in tin's neigh-
I sir hood is invited. They were selected
with e.ti'e. purehased at low rates, and for
: cash or eountry produce will be sold at a
siuall advance on cost.
Liileysville, IK-catur twp., SoplKMt*
u3 If'w J* j
f T-f AVING located permanently in Mil
|i i ruy, Mifflin county, oilers his profes
sional services to the public. An cxperi
j eiieo of 7 years fully justifies liiiu in s<>li
citing a share of public patronage.
Ofhi.e at t* i aimm s Hotel. septit>-tw
Kishaccquillas Seminary,
fJAHL winter session at tliis Institution
L will coniiiieuce on MONDAY, Oeto
ls r 1">, IS6G, and continue live months
ruition, Board, File], Lightaml Furnish
!vd Rooms, per session, SIOO. Dav sehol
j ars sl3 J>er session. Students should ap
ply early to secure a room in thebuildiic
; sep2S-3ni S. X. SHARP, Prim"'
-iiJJJBAi, iUiStMi
j the treatment of acute and ehron-
I J ic diseases. The undersigned would
resteetuilly call the attention of tin-: fflit
■ ted females of Mdflin and ad.loiiniig ,-oun
t.es to the isH.t that she has taken instrue
i ttoils in the correct application of Elee
tneity, and is now fully prepared to op
i eniU- successfully on all persons afflicted
with the following named diseases;
: General Debility. Kidney Complaint
I Liver, Spinal Affection, Costiveness '
j Foul Stomach. Rheum.
i Diseases of the Womb,
Suppression of the Menses. Neuralgia
Nervous Diseases. Female Weakness
Piles mid Gravel, Bronchial A tie, tons,
I)i"-eps1a, Headache, Drabets
Goitre, or Big Neck, <fee.
I cmale patients can receive treatment
at my residence for any oi the above dis
; easts,, with the wonderful discovery ,>f
j Electricity, which is without a parallel
; ami t he very desideratum for the ufflicted.
I lease give her a trial: it is a mild onera
. tion, producing no shock or unpleasant
sensation and relieves when medicine
lias no ettect at all.
0 Aewton Hamilton, Mifflin
Sept. at,
A ALT ABLE small farm situate
*. 111 Derry township, across the Kidge
from Lewistown, (less than half a mile
from the borough; lately occupied by JllO.
Carney, deceased, is offered for sale at
reasonable terms. There are
of land, nearly all of which is in good
arable condition. A Two Htorv Ih-iek
House, small bank Barn, and other build
ings are thereon erected,'together with a
good Spring and a large number of fruit
If not sooner sold, the farm will le
rented on the first day of January next.
For further particulars address*
Reading. p a .. or call on Mai. DAXIKL
Eisf.nbisk, Lewistown, Pa. <wtlD-2m
, F 11 r ESH V(; for Ladies
and ( hiMreu ?< Boots and Shoe* that have
lieconie red, or rusty and rough lv wear
ing. 1 hey are restored to a; e act ;;iid
]*e,niaiiciit hla<-k, \Vliil a.-- much lusut-as
w iieu new, leaving the leather soft and
pliable, and what is of great importance
to the ladies it will not rub off when wet
and soil the skirts. Traveling bags, kid
gloves, trunks, carriage tops, and fine
harness are made to look as good as new.
Ladles and Children can dress their own
, *s a "d shoes without soiling their
hands. Try one bottle, and you will nev
er be without a supply in the house.
For sale by,
J. A. <k W. li. McKEE,
m Odd Fellows' Hall, cor. Market and
Dorcas sts., Lewistown. octlTtf
Notice is
hereby given to the stockholders of the
West Kishacoquillas Turnpike Company
that an election for officers to conduct the
affairs of said company for the eusufng
year will lie held at Aaron Shoup's Hotel,
in Reedsville, 011 MONDAY, NOV. 5, IStiti,
at it o'clock a. m.*
oclOtd H. P. TAYLOR, Hec'y.