Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, October 24, 1866, Image 1

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    (Bo & (Bo I£o 2 5 18'2r525y(8221£s > IRSlElMi&illlSlkffia
Whole No 2892.
BY VIRTUE of the authority conferred
upon the undersigned by an act of the
General Assembly of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to en
able the Administrators of Hon. James T.
Hale, late of Centre county, dec'd, to sell
real estate," passed the 11th day of April,
1866, they will expose to sale at public
outcry at Lock's Mills, in Mifflin county,
Pennsylvania, on
Tuesday, October :tO, 1*66,
the following valuable Real Estate, to wit:
Ist, The undivided one-fourth part of
two tracts of land, situate in Armagh
township, Mifflin county, Pa., the one
containing tifteen acres, and 19 perches,
more or less, and the other containing
four acres and 78 perches, more or less,
having thereon erected a large
ami other buildings, known as Lock's
2d, The undivided one-fourth part of a
certain tract of land situate in the town
ship aforesaid, adjoining lands of John
Beatty, Ceo. Swartzell, N. W. Sterrett,
Johnand James Beatty, and others, con
rfWjTwo Hundred k Forty-Five Acres
fag {ilia and 32 perches, more or less,
gMfaggmuearlV all cleared and in a
£omHTafeof cultivation, having thereon
erected FARM HOUSE, Barn and other
3d The undivided one-fourth part of a
field situate as aforesaid, containing eight
acres and 18 perches, more or less, known
as "The field by the Church."
4th. The undivided one-fourth part of a
tract of land situate as aforesaid, adjoin
ing lands of N. W. Sterrett, James Ster
rett's heirs, J. Kennedy, John Swartzell,
Wm.Beattv's heirs and others, containing
ches, more or less, known as "The fields
west of the road."
sth, The undivided one-fourth part ot
a lot of ground situate as aforesaid, con
taining Seventy-Seven Perches, more or
less, known as the "Samuel Harvy Lot."
6th, The undivided one-fourth part of a
lot of ground situate us aforesaid, contain
ing 142 Perches, more or less, known as
the "Hassinger Lot."
7th, The undivided one-fourth part of
throe several lots situate as aforesaid, one
thereof containing 44 perches, more or
less, kuown as the "Shop Lot." Anoth
er thereof containing 39 pert-lies more or
less known as the "Corner Ixit." And
the other containing 77 perches, more or
less, known as the "Wagon Maker Shop
Btli, The undivided one-fourth part of
a lot' of ground situate as aforesaid, con
taining three Acres and 112 perches, more
or less, known as the "Hawk Lot."
9th, The undivided one-fourth part of
a tract of land situate as aforesaid, con
TWO ACRES and 57 perches, more or
less, known as "The East end of the \V m.
Lyon Traet."
'loth, The undivided one-fourth part of
a tract, of laud situate as aforesaid, con
309 A.CRBS,
ami 78 perches, more or less, known as
the '"West end of the AV m. Lyon Iraet."
11th, The undivided one-fourth part of
eight pieces, parcels, or tracts of land, sit
uate in the township aforesaid on what is
known as lieatty's Knob:
No. 1, Containing 99 acres and 20 per
ches, more or less. No. 2, Containing 112
acres and 121 perches, more or less. No.
3, Containing 110 acres and 102 perches,
more or less. No. 4, Containing
and 100 perches, more or less. No. 5,
Containing 123 acres and 69 perches, more
or less. No. 6, Containingl74 acres and
109 iierches, more or less. No. 7, Contain
ing 156 acres and 103 perches, more or less.
No. 8, Containing 131 acres and 129 per
ches, more or less'.
—Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a. m.
of said day.
Terms : —One third in hand on confir
mation of sale by the Orphans' Court of
Centre county, and the residue in two
equal annual payments, with interest, to
be secured on the premises by bond and
It is deemed necessary for the informa
tion of persons unacquainted with this
property to call special attention to Nos.
one and two:—The grist Mill and Distil
lery are now in full operation and were
erected by the Messrs. Locke, in the most
permanent and complete manner, with
out regard to cost. The farm buildings
are large and convenient and well adapted
for all farming purposes. There are some
twelve tenant and other houses for the
accommodation of those employed at this
establishment, all in good order. The
Mifliin and Centre County Railroad is in
close, proximity to the Mills, being but
about two miles distant.
The undersigned owners in fee simple
of the remaining undivided three-fourths
part of the above described property, will
sell the same at the ssqpe time and place,
and upon the same terms.
E. C. Hemes, H. N. A.
G. Curtis. sept29-ts
THE undersigned is now prepared to
sell his patent SHIFTING BEAR
ING, which can be attached to any com
mon Bridle. By its use any horse can be
Ere vented from running oft'or kicking in
arness. The common bridle cannot pre
vent a horse from running off or kicking,
but with my improvement any horse,
however vicious, can be cnntroled. Its
simplicity apd efficiency will commend it
to all who tyiM examine or try it. I war
rant my patent to give satisfaction or the
money will be refunded. State and Coun
ty Rights for sale. The safety arrange
ment can be purchased at the stores of H.
M. Pmtt, or A. T. Hahnltop, where fur
ther information can be had.
SHERIFF'S SALE. —By virtue of a
writ of Venditioni Exponas, issued
out of the Court of Common Pleas of Mif
flin county and to me directed, will be ex
posed to sale, by public vendue or outcry,
at the Court House, in the Borough of
Lewistown, on
SATURDAY, November 3, 1*66,
at one o'clock in the afternoon, the fol
lowing real estate, to wit:
All the interest of Isaiah Coplin In aud
to a traet of land in Armagh township,
Mifflin county, Penna., bounded and de
scribed as follows: Beginning at a post,
thence south sixteen degrees east 45 perch
es to post, thence south 9 degrees east 62
perches to jwst, thence south 82} degrees
east 22 perches to post, thence south 77 de
grees east 19 1-10 perches to post, thence
north 84 degrees west 109 1-16 perches to
post, thence south 894 degrees west 45 6-10
perches to stones, thence south 55 degrees
west 2 4-10 perches to the place of begin
ning, containing 28 acres and 44 perches,
neat measure, with a "Frame House, Sta
ble, Wood-house and other improvements
thereon erected. Seized, taken in execu
tion, and to be sold as the property of Isa
iah Coplin.
D. M. CONTNER, Sheriff.
Sheriff's office, Lewistown, Oct. 16,'66.
By virtue of an order of the Or
phans' Court of Mifflin county, the un
dersigned will sell at public sale, at the
Court House in Lewistown, on
Saturday, November 3, 1*66,
all that certain Lot of Ground, situate in
Lewistown, hounded on the south by
Mill street, on the north by an all alley,
on the east by lot of Win. M. Panneba
ker, and on the west by other lot of John
Stoneroad, deceased, and extending along
Mill street thirty feet, more or less —where-
on are erected a two story House and
other buildings.
Also, all that certain Lot of Ground in
Lewistown, adjoining the above, and
bounded on the south by Mill street, on
the north by an alley, ou the east by the
above described lot, and on the west by
lot of W. C. Vines, and extending along
Mill street thirty feet—whereon are erect
ed a
a Stable and other improvements. Terms
made known on day of stile.
oct3 Adm. of Jno. Stoneroad, dec'd.
The follow
ing accounts have been examined and
passed by me, and remain filed on record
in this office for inspection of heirs, lega
tees, creditors, and all others in any way
interested, and will be presented to the
Orphans' Court of Mifflin county, to be
held in the Court House, at Lewistown,
on Monday, the sth day of November,
1866, for allowance and confirmation, nisi,
and unless exceptions are filed within 4
days thereafter, will be confirmed abso
lutely :
1. The Final Account of Ephraim Haz
lett, admr. of the estate of Sarah W. Mc-
Dowell, late of Mermo township, dec'd.
2. The account of Benjamin Zook and
Joseph Harshbereer, admrs. of the estate
of Christian Allgyer, late of Bratton
township, dec'd.
3; Final account of David Weiler, ad
ministrator of the estate of Margaret Mc
! Collough, late of Union township, dec'd.
4. The guardianship account of Joseph
M. Fleming, guardian of Mary R. Flem
ing, minor child of Win. Fleming, late
! of Brown township, dec'd.
5. The final account of Joseph M.
Fleming, admr. de bonis non cum tes
tamento annexo, of the estate of James
Fleming, late of Brown township, dec'd.
6. The final account of Nicholas Hartz
ler, exr. of the estate of Samuel Lowry,
late of Menno township, dec'd.
7. The final account of Win. Maeklin,
and James H. Ross, exrs. of the estate of
John Magill, late of Oliver township, de
8. Final account of James F. Mateer,
Executor of the Estate of James McFar
land, late of Menno township,deceased.
1. The appraisement to Catharine Moy
er, widow of Enoch Moyer, late of Gran
ville township, dee'd.
2. The appraisement to Jane Moore,
widow of John H. Moore, late of Menno
township, dee'd.
MICHAEL HfNEY, Register.
Lewistown, October 10, 1866.
The 00/imon wealth of Pennsi/lvania to
Mary E. Jenkins, Greeting :
[I.. S.] Whereas, David Jenkins did
on the 2d day of April, A. D., 1866, prefer
his petition to the Hon. Judges of the
Court of Common Pleas, of Mifflin coun-
I ty, praying that for the causes therein set
fortfb that he might be divorced from the
Bonds of Matrimony entered into with
you, Mary E. Jenkins, we do therefore
command you, the said Mary E. Jenkins,
as we have heretofore commanded that
setting aside all other business, you be
and appear in your proper person, before
our Judges at Lewistown, at a Court of
Common Pleas, there to be held on the
sth day of November next, to answer the
petition or libel of the said David Jen
kins, vour husband, why he should not
be divorced from the bond of matrimony,
agreeably to the act of Assembly in such
case made aud provided, and hereof fail
Hon. Samuel S. Woods, Presi
dent Judge of our said Court at Lewis
town, Septeml>er 13, 1866.
W. H. BRATTON, Proth'y.
Estate of Charlea C. Parker, deceased.
"VTOTICE "hereby given that Letters
1\ of Administration on the estate of
CHARLES C. PARKER, late of Brown
township, Mifflin county, deceased, ha\e
been granted to the undersigned, residing
in Derry township. All persons indebted
to said estate are notified to make pay
•ment immediately, and those having
claims against the same, will present them
dulv authenticated for settlement.'
sepllMSt* Administrator.
J. K. Hahtzlkr. Belleville, Mi film County, Editor
Christian Element In School.
In spite of all the philanthropic and
educational agencies of the day, there
is an alarming increase of crime. Ten
years ago, a case of murder was chron
icled in flaming letters at the head of
the news column of our city weeklies;
now almost ever}* arrival ot a Phila
delphia weekly contains an account of
a shocking murder—sometimes five or
six eases are noted in the same issue.
In this county, and in neighboring
counties, burglary and robbery are no
longer of very rare occurrence; and
intemperance is making fatal marks
This state of things threatens law
and order; it is alarming. But we
have no chimerical plan to propose by
which this state of morals could be sud
denly and permanently improved ; on
the contrary, we believe that the root
of these evils lies deep—lies at the very
bottom of the prevalent systems of
home and school training. For the
present, we pass by the borne training
and merely note down a few random
thoughts on the necessity of a more
thorough and positive Christian ele
ment in our public schools.
Solomon has it that " Righteousness
exalteth a nation; but tin is a reproach
to any people." It is one of the do
signs of our system of public schools to
make, not mere readers and cipherers,
but to afford such training as shall
tend to produce good men and good
It is a common place remark, but
one that cannot be too deeply impress
ed, that a fearful responsibility rests
upon the teachers in our public schools!
About four thousand boys and girls
will daily* come under the direct per
sonal influence of the ninety-five teach
ers who have chrfrge of the schools of
Mifflin county. Momentous truth!—
Four thousand immortal souls to be
moulded by us —whether we will it or
not —for good or for evil, for all time
to come! Upon those tender hearts
just blooming into life, wo shall make
impressions that can never be effaced.
As we shape those minds so will tbey
in turn shape other minds, and thus
odr influence will be transmitted to
unborn generations!
Shall our influence be heartily on the
side of God and the right, or will we,
by a thoughtless, impatient, and frivo
lous course, and by a failure to ac
knowledge and exemplify the precepts
of religion, cast a cold and withering
influence over our pupils? It is im
possible to be a teacher without exert
ing a strong and far-reaching influence
upon pupils. Then let us examine our
selves well to see "what manner of
spirit" we are of.
We should be more heartily alive to
the responsibilities that devolve upon
us. Let us go to our approaching la
bors with a determination to infuse a
more vital Christian element into our
schools. In the school-work and on
the joyful play ground let us ever
strive to irr hue every boy and every
girl placed under our care with a
hearty loyalty to goodness and truth,
and ever, as fitting opportunities pre
sent themselves, let us direct their e)-es
upwards toward God and towards eter
nity. H.
Four days after the Rebels fired
on Fort Sumptor, a son of Mrs Dun
can, of Mecca, Ohio, enlisted for the
war. He joined a Western regiment,
and after being in several battles was
reported killed at the battle of Stone
River. His body was brought home
and interred. Afterwards intelligence
was brought to the parents by return
ed Union prisoners that their son was
not dead, but in a Rebel prison in Geor
gia. Other prisoners, returning from
there last spring, brought the sad news
of his death to the sorely distressed
family. When the war closed an op
Eortunity was offered to penetrate the
lebel lines. Mr. Duncan sent down
and had his son brought homo again
and buried. Having had him buried
twice, as was supposed, it was natural
that they should be reconciled to their
loss, but a few days ago their son Bob,
in spite of wounds, and deaths, and fu
nerals, came " marching home," and is
now enjoying the hospitality of the
parontal roof.
At Appleford, Mass., lately, a
child was smothered to death in a very
singular manner according to a Boston
paper. A pet cat jumped upon the
cradle and lay down quietly on the in
fant's face while the latter was sleep
ing. The mother, who was sitting
near, was pleased with the exhibition
of the cat's affection, and went and
called a neighbor to coma and see
them lying thus quietly together —
When she returned she found that the
child had ceased to. breathe.
Eloquent lppeal.
Paul Denton, a Methodist preacher
in Texas, advertised a barbecue, with
better liquor than is usually furnished.
When the people were assembled, a
desperado in the crowd cried out, 'Mr.
Paul Denton, your reverence has lied.
\ou promised not only a good barbe
cue, but better liquor Where's tho
liquor ?'
'There!' answered the missionary,
in tones of thunder, and pointing his
motionless finger at the double spring,
gushing up in two strong columns,
with a sound like a shout of joy from
tho bosom of the earth
'There!' he repeated with a look as
terrible as the lightning, while his en
emy actually trembled at his feet;
'there is the liquor which God the
Eternal brews for all his children.
'Not in the simmering still, over
smoky tires, choked with poisonous
gases, and surrounded with the stench
of sickening odors and rank corrup
tions, does our Father in Heaven pre
pare the precious essence of life—pure
cold water; but in the green and grassy
dell, where the red deer wanders, and
the child loves to play—there God
brows it; and down, down, in the deep
est valleys, where the fountains mur
mur and the rills sing, and high up the
mountain tops; where naked granite
glitters like gold in the sun, where the
storm cloud broods and the thunder
storms crash; and away, far out on the
wide, wide sea. where the wind howls
music, and the big waves roar the cho
rus, sweeping the march of'God —there
he brews it—that beverage of life—
health-giving water
'And everywhere it is a thing of
beauty—gleaming in the dew drops,
shining in the gem, till the trees all
seem to turn to living jewels, spread
ing a golden veil over tho setting sun,
or n white gauze around the njidnight
moon, sporting in the cataracts, danc
ing in the hail showers, tolding its
bright snow curtain softly about the
world, and weaving the many colored
iris, seraph's zone of the sky, whose
roof is the sumbeam of Heaven, all
checked over with the celestial flowers,
by the mystic hand of refraction, still
always it is beautiful —that blessed life
water No poison bubbles on its brink;
its form brings not madness and mur
der; no blood stains its liquid glass;
pale widows and orphans weep not
burning tears in its depths, and no
drunkard's ghost from the grave curses
it in words of eternal despair! Speak
out, my friends, would you over change
it for the demon's drink—alcohol ?'
A shout, like the roar of the tempest,
answered 'No!'
Mobile Outdone.
The Madison (Wis.) Free Press sa\-s:
"They are having a sensation in Mo
bile about a man's committing suicide
by cutting off his'head, and then hid
ing it so effectually that they havn't
been able to find it since. This is not
so wonderful a circumstance as our lo
cal relates, that happened at the Sault
St Maria last summer An Indian
there who had lived unhappily with
fifty or sixty different squaws, deter
mined upon suicide. Desiriqg that no
one should be able to identify any por
tion of him, he cut off both legs and
carried them about five miles into the
woods, on foot and alone He buried
them, and then cut oft' both arms,
which he carried some five miles fur
ther and buried. Then, cutting out
his tongue, that he might be unable to
tell any one whom he might meet who
he was, he proceeded several miles fur
ther, chanting .his death song as he
went. He finally cut off his head, and
after amusing himself for some .time
kicking it about as a foot ball, making
the woods ring with his shouts of mer
riment, he hid it in the trunk of a tree,
j and then digging a grave with his own
| hands, be got in, covered himself up,
j and planted a very handsome tomb
i stone at the head of his grave. Where
| is the Mobile man now ?
A gay lady at Clyde, Ohio, pur
chased a fizzle dress or " tow-head,''
one day last week Going to bed, she
hung her head gear on the post at the
foot ot' her bed. Being awakened by
some unusual noise during the night,
she raised herself up in bed, and seeing
the unusual sight, she imagined a cur
ly-headed negro was. peering over the
foot-board. Obeying a very natural
impulse, she sprang from her bed, and
in her alarm and inability to escape,,
she seized the supposed intruder *y
the head, and with a terrific scream
fell fainting to the floor. Tho noise
awoke the mother of the lady, who im
mediately struck a light, and rushed
to the scene of alarm. There lay the
daughter pale and motionless on the
floor, with the imaginary head of cuf
fy, held at arm's length, in a deadly
grasp. Restoratives and a momentary
survey of the scene, soon unravelled
the mystery. But the ludicrousness
of the whole affair was too good to be
ILS'WUfi-IfGWETs SfflEEßii'SJ iSfflWHlFffs IPaSJSJs
An Amusing Description of a
Southern Railroad Station.
A pleasant railroad station is Merid
iun, Miss. The Selma ( Alabama) Mes
senger savs of it: "A gentleman who
-had some experience in stopping over
at Meridian d -ring the war, and whose
business called him Mississippi, wus
expatiating to General Johnston, upon
the discomforts of an apprehended
stoppage there. " Oh," replied the
General, " Meridian has improved.—
The hotel has been burned down."
Upon this text a writer in a Southern
journal humorously descants as fol
lows :
Who that ever traveled during the
war through Meridian does not remem
j her that hotel ? The rush ol travelers
from the cars to the door would be
met by the gentlemanly proprietor
with ' \Valk in, gentlemen, walk in ' —
' Give me a private room," would be
the demand of fifty speculators and
commissaries with stutied carpet-bags,
who were distrustful of their neigh
bors ! 'Certainly,' would be the inva
riable reply, and No. 40 would bo
chalked on the baggage. At night
such a scene, when all the proprietors
of private apartments would meet to
gether in the garret, which was No 40.
There was very good feed at that ho
tel, at least the insects thought so, for
they assembled from every quarter to
teed on the travelers. A distinguished
Confederate General said that his plan
for destroying Grant's army was to
let them take Vicksburg and Jnckson,
and those of them that survived the
trip on tho railroad to Meridian (which
was always killing some one) would
starve to death at that delectable place.
Dodgers, tanbark coffee and fried mas
ses of trichina?, were diversified with
haw pie. squirrel tart and sour molas
ses, when such distinguished visitors
as Dr. V ,of West Baton Rouge.
came along, and'would not be satisfied
with less.
Chinaberry whisky, which, although
maniacal in its tendency, destroyed
trichinae in the system and made a man
oblivious to the biting of bugs, could
be had for its weight in newish. And
if you did not like the accommodations
afforded by No. 40, you could lie down
(no one ever slept except the dead, in
that town), in the string of dilapidated
cars that formed the city*.
It is said that Meridian was humane
ly selected by the authorities as the
place to which car loads of hopeless
sick Confederates were sent to die, as
they could leave the world with less
regret from that spot than an}' other
in the Confederacy. Good-bye, Merid
ian. May we livo threo score and ten
and never gaze upon your red hills,
black jacks and yellow ruts again.
The Rebels in High Places.
The commander of the pirate Ala
bama has constituted himself the cham
pion of the ante-war doctrine of State
rights, and rather indecently figures in
print as a defiant enemy of the Na
tional Government. Elected to the
office of Judge Probate in Mobile, be
has not been permitted by the Presi
dent to enter upon the duties of the
Court. Its business has therefore been
obstructed for some months; interests
which can ill afford to suffer are pre
judiced thcreb}-; and hence complaints
are heard of injuries resulting from
Semmes' tenacious clinging to an office
the duties of which he cannot dis
charge. A modest suggestion that he
resign has elicited from the pi
rate Admiral a characteristic " caid,"
in which he asserts his eligibility to
j the office, and hisdotermination not to
gi\e it up, be the sufferings of widows
and orphans what they may. He
takes the constitutional rights and the
honor of the State of Alabama into his
especial keeping; asserting that "in
the attitude which his case has assum
j ed before the public, be regards him*
! self as the humble representative of
the honor and dignity of his State, and
that State shall not be outraged and
dishonored through him." All this
indicates a strange obliviousness ou
the part of Mr. Semrnes. He forgets
! that at this moment he is a paroled
; prisoner of the United States, liable at
any moment to be arraigned for pira
| cy, and mayhap for murder He for
gets that, as an unpardoned rebel, he
has lost those rights of the citizen un
der which alone he would be entitled
to office. He forgets that he is at largo
solely by reason of the forbearanco of
the Federal authority, which he arro
gautly defies, and that his eligibility
extends to a fair trial and no further.
1 Semmes is the representative ofa class
whose machinations are a source of
infinite evil to the South, and whose
presumptuous parade of their persons
and their claims serves more than all
else to foster an ill-will between the
! sections. Instead of abusing the Na
tional Government they sbould be
grateful for its magnanimity and the
safety of their unworthy necks.— Ptt*-
1 bury Dispatch.
We all fade as the leaf.
Vol. LVI. No. 42-
Aew Stj/U of Building in Paris.—La
Patrie has the following: There is at
this time in course of construction, as
an experiment ami possible model, in
the Quartier le lioule, a house having
nine stories above the ground floor,
and with basement and cellars alto
gether eleven stories. As land in the
centre of Paris is of great value, and
consequently rents very high, the ob
ject of the building is to obtain increas
ed space by means of increased eleva
tion. The house will have this pecu
liarity—that it will have no staircase,
but will be provided with an hydraulic
apparatus similar to that in use by
builders to raise materials to upper
scaffolds. This apparatus consists of
two large flat forms, ascending and de
scending every minuie without making
any noise. Upon these platforms, will
be placed seats, so that the lodgors in
tho house will be able to reach the
highest stories without any fatigue.
From this arrangement it would fol
low that the upper stories, being the
most airy, commanding the best views,
and being free from all risk of incon
venience from lodgers above, will prob
ably obtain higher rent than the other
apartments. Thus an entire revolu
tion in house arrangement will bo ef
fected. The new buildings of the Bank
of France will, it is said, be provided
with ascending stairs such as wc have
lragic Occurrence. —A tragic scene
occurred at Vienna recently, at the ca
nal of the Danube, near the Aspern
Bridge. A woman, modestly dressed,
suddenly threw herself from the quay
into the water. A man, who at the
same moment was bathing his New
Foundlaud dog in the canal, threw a
stone in the direction where the wo
man had just disappeared • Meantime,
the latter, owing to the inflation of her
garments, rose several times to the sur
face of the water. The dog caught
hold of her while she was thus float
ing, and tried to bring her to the shore;
but she was determined to destroy her
life, and she dragged the dog down
with her. Among thtf crowd, which
was horror stricken at the sight of this
terrible struggle between lite and death,
was a soldier of the police, who cour
ageously plunged into the water to the
help of the unfortunate woman.—
Scarcely had he seized her than ho was
likewise carried away by her to the
bottom of the water, and in a few mo
ments the woman, soldier and the dog
had disappeared iu the canal, never to
rise again.
Shocking Cose. —One of the most
horrible pictures cf want we have met
with lately is the account of the fam
ishing to death of a poor widow, and
two of her four children in Montgom
ery, Alabama. The whole had been
living on government rations, and
when these were stopped nothing was
left them but to starvo to death. The
mother, hugging to her bosom her
hungry little ones crying vainly for
food, could but bedew their hollow
cheeks with bitter tears. She was
found dead on the floor. Iler babe,
when discovered, was too far gone to
be rescued. Starvation had done its
work, but the infant Begged for bread
until it expired. The next child, a
pretty little girl 7 years old, was ema
ciated by hunger to a complete skele
ton. She too, prayed only for bread;
her life could not be saved. The other
two, it was thought, must perish; but
with care they finally recovered, and
told the most heartrending story of
their mother's and their owu sufferings.
A Wonderful Old Lady. —The Ma
con (Gu.) Telegraph says an old lady
named Martha Carson, aged one hun
dred and three years, six months and
three days, died lately in Bibb county,
Georgia. She had cut three sets of
teeth, the last being small and like a
squirrel's. She never took an active
dose of medicine in her life. Up to
within six years'she would walk two
or three miies with the greatest ease.
About eight years ago her sight failed,
but when she cut her last set of teeth,
about two years since, it improved
very much She was born in Xorth
Carolina, but lived in Georgia for sixty
years. Her oldest son Henry, died in
Louisiana a few months ago, at the
age of 81 or 82 years. She had elev
en children, five of whom are now
aoju A correspondent writes from
Fort Abereombie, Dacotah Territory,
under the impression that he has found
a Paradise. IJe sets forth the charms
of that part of the world astollows:
"No income tax ; no infernal reve
nue; no spies to see if you treat a
friend on Sunday; no special police;
no dog tax, school tax, or bounty fund.
And, to end with, the Indians and half
breeds can't tell one greenback front
another, so all our ones go for tens."
Corsets are economical—they
prevent waist.