-A- Gr T^IOTTXjTTUIR Apples In Winter. At the last State Fair in this city, Delos Randall bad on exhibition russet apples grown a year ago. These ap ples were plump, fresh and of good flavor, quite as good as the same kind of apples ordinarily on the approach of spring. We inquired as to the man ner of keeping, and were informed that the apples were put up in refuse boxes obtained at the groceries, and in the following manner: A layer of dry sawdust was sprinkled at the bottom of the box, and then a layer of apples placed in it so that they did not touch each other. Upon these was placed a layer of saw-dust, and so on until the box was filled. The boxes after being packed in this way were placed on the wall in the cellar, up from the ground, where they kept, perfectly retaining their freshness and flavor, until brought out and exhibited at the lair He says that lie has kept apples in this way some months later than the time named. From experiments made with dry sand, packing the apples in the same way, he finds that saw dust is much superior to the sand, the latter, he thinks, being too heavy a material, and pressing the apples too much, causing them to decay more rapidly than with the sawdust. The above experiment, perhaps, may be sugges tive to those desiring to preserve ap pies late in the season of this year It will be needless to remark, per haps, that no apple will keep late, by any process ol packing, that has been bruised or injured in picking Apples should be handled carefully, and the ; less moving about, after having been picked, the better. A large part of the fruit grown and sold in market, has been so injured by careless gathering, poured into barrels and rough handling, while being driven to market, that it soon decays, under whatever treat ment it may be subjected to for the purpose of keeping.— Ctica Herald. A correspondent of the Country Gentleman, on the same subject, says: You ask for the experience ofothersin reference to packing apples* .My ex perience is that apples should be kept In a dry building until quite cold wea- j they; then very carefully picked over ! and headed in an air tight barrel and j removed to a cool cellar. They will i keep better than by any other treat j ment I have ever tried. A celuir for j keeping fruit should bo well drained, i but should not have the bottom made ; of hydraulic cement. Cement pre vents evaporation, and as the coolness of a cell: ir is caused by evaporation mainly, it is important that nothing be done to prevent this. RECIPES. CUKE FOR NEURALGIA. —Some time since we published, at the request of a friend, a receipt to cure neuralgia.— Haifa drachm of sal ammonia, in an ounce of camphor water, to be taken a teaspoon!ul at a dose, and the dose re peated several times, at intervals of live minutes, if the pain be not relieved at once. Half a dozen different per sons have since tried the receipt, and iu every case an immediate cure was effected. In one, the sufferer, a lady, had been attecied more than a week, and her physician was unable to alle viate her sufferings, when a solution of sal ammonia in camphor water re lieved her iu a few minutes. Atta Cal ifornia n. 2500 CORDS CHESTHT OIK AJID HEMLOCK BARK, Delivered at the Tannery of J. SPANCCrLE & 00., i,i:\v isTnwv, For which the highest market price will be paid in CASH. Lewistown, marl4-ly M. R. MOSER, BLACKSMITH, \ alley Street, IjCivistown , J i cniVa.. BLACKSMITHING iii all its branches promptly attended to; and HORSE SHOEING done in the best manner, at reasonable prices. jc2otf / lEMENT, tor sale by ~ F. J. HOFFMAN. AILS, §7.00 per keg, at J Y 11 F. J. HOFFMAN'S. BAR IRON. BAR iron, at 51 and 5,, lor sale by F. J. HOFFMAN J 613 -- \ 02. Hoffman's is the place for SUGARS. PLO W JS. rpHE well knowu and desirable JAMI JL SON Plows and Points for sale by aug22 4t. F.J.HOFFMAN. GROCERIES reduced again ! Good Brown Sugar, 12U cents. Extra Brown, 15 416 White. 17 do Fine Sugar House Molasses, 14 do Very good Baking, 16 do Good Syrup, 25 do V ery best, 28 do Good Black Tea, 1 00 Coffee, 33 do MoiTniati s is the place for bargains. TRY Frvsingers Navy at *IOO per lb. and you will use no other. Frysingers Spun Roll can't be beat. Frysingers Flounder is the best. The Oronoko Twist defies competition. Get your Fine Cut at Frysingers. $1,20 a $1,50 per lb. Navy Tobacco 50 cents per lb. at Frysingers, and all oth ;• goads in his line very low for cash. Merchants will find it to their interest to get their goods a Frysingers, e2o East Market St. Lewistown, Pa. ' FABIEFS LOOK TO YOIR INTERESTS'. BALL'S OHIO REAPER AND MOWER, WITH Pigeon-Wing Self-Rake, MANUFACTURED BY REESE, SLAGLE & FOUST, Lcwi&town, Mifflin Couuty, Pa. WF. are now manufacturing Baits Ohio Reaper and Mower, with Pigeon-wiug Self rake, which we of fer for the season of 1866. as a perfect Mower, a per fect Reaper and a perfect Self Raker. As a Mower it has no 'uperior. and as a Reaper and Self-Raker it has no equal. Perfect Side Delivery; has no side draff two driving wheels; hinged bar. adapts itself to the unevenness of the ground in mowing and reap ing. The self-rake does not interfere with the dri ver's seat The driver can regulate the height of stubble while the machine is in motion. We also manufacture SEIDLES' PATEXT HAY RAKE, Haines' celebrated Horse Power ami Threshing Machine. Agency for Geisers.patent Self-Regulating Grain Thresher, Separator, C'ieaner and Bagger. All kinds of Machine work made and fitted up for Mills. Factories. Furnaces and Forges. Also, Hose and Reaction Water Wheels. All orders will receive prompt attention, by addres sing REESE, SLAGLE A FOUST. Lewistown. Mifflin Co.. Pa. S. Bonner. General Agent. fl'6s rny23'66 IrtEIMIIISr G-TOIKTS MsZT.D BY GUIA^ALLTIIs ITWOSL AND THE TRADE GENERALLY. Vest Pocket Pistol. No. -2 Cartridge, Repeating Pistol, (Elliot pt.) No. 22 Cartridge, Repeating Pistol, (Elliot pt i No. 32 Cartridge, Pocket Revolver. (Self Cocking.) New Pocket Revolver, (with Loading Lever,) Police Revolver. Navy Size Calibre, Belt Revolver, Navy Size Caljbre, Bolt Revolver. (Self-Cocking.) Navy Calibre, Navy Revolver,3l3-100 in. Calibre, Army Revolver. 44-foo in. Calibre, Gun Cane, using No. 32 Cartridge, Revolving Rifle. 30 & 44-100 in. Calibre, Breeoli Loading Rifle. No. 32 Cartridge, Breech Loading Carbine. No. 4fi Cartridge, U. S. Rifle. (Steel Barrel,; with Sabre Bayonet, U.S. Rifled Musket. Springfield Pattern, Single Barrel Shot Gun, E. REMINGTON & SONS, Ilton, New York. AO NTS. Moore & Nicholas. New York. Palmers & Bachelders, Boston, John P. Lovell. Jos. C. Grubb & Co., Philadelphia. Potiltuev A Trimble, Baltimore. Henry Eolsom & Co., New Orleans & Memphis. Mayn'ard Bros., Chicago. L. M. Rumsey & Co., St. Louis. Albert E. Crane, San Francisco. ju. 11. NEW BOOT # SHOE STORE IN THE WEST WARD, The undersigned has just opened a new and large stock of BOOTS ami SHOES tu Major Bute's store room, West Market street. Lewistown drew doors from the diamond and opposite Eisenhise'e Ho tel. where will be found an entire new stock of Fash ionable BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, oor Mats. Brushes, Oil Cloths, Traps for mice and rats. Clothes Pins, Bed Cords, Knife, Tray and Mop Sticks, Baskets, Flour Sieves. Wood Saws and Lamp Wieks. r Spring Balances. Slaw Cutters and Carpet Tacks, Tack Hammers, Hatchets, and Weekly Ranks, Meat Saws, Bread Toasters, Scissors and Shoe Black. Clothes Wringers. Oval Travs. and a Clothes Rack. Tea Bells. Ziuk-Rubbers and Coffee Mills, Tin Boxes for Bonds, Deeds and Wilis, Picture Frame Cords A Tassels, pretty and new, And many other things—can't mention but few. P. S. Many of rhe above mentioned goods are di rect from the factory, and will be sold low for cash. I will wholesale Glass Jars at the same figures they do in Phiia., and Tin Cans lower than the city price. For spouting and job work we intend tb let no one outdo us in price. We use the best material, and pro fess to understand our business. I append the following card from H. S. Fisher. Pat entee of my celebrated Spring Top Can: Caution to Merchants & Tinners. Since the great success of my cemented paper rings for closing Fruit Cans, some have thought to drift into the same current of success by infringing upon my patent. Some cans longer patented than mine, on which gum .bad been used under their pat ent arrangement, are now making their appearance with cemented paper rings, instead of the gum form erly used. In most cases such infringements take place thro' persons not responsible, who take orders in country stores, while the manufacturers in the cities have for the most part concealed their work. This is to notify public that the use of cemented paper, pressed "P'.'h'frn to P t °. f a f! : ujt <'"• during the heated state ° V' fr ! # wheu 11 is perfectly sealed, is an infringement ffpou my rights, unless used upon a can having a cap with my name stamped upon it? Any kind of cement upon this paper, undergo, nga pro i"n S conmct e w!!h e ™""' g the "T "S of bumeomes 10 lm ii 1 ~.77. patents, dated Nov. 12. 1861. Aug. 19,1862, March —, lso4 All who manufacture, sell or use cans with cemented paper, which have not my name upon the caps, are liable for infringement Manufactured by J. IRVIN WALLIS?" F 1866. NEW GOODS! AT NATHANIEL KENNEDY'S STORE, In the Odd Fellows' Hall. TUST received from Philadelphia, a U very choice assortment of ©AdJiESKSDIESis SjnffSßiHSJSa foreign ALSO, Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Chocolate Essences of Coffee, queensware. Stone ' ware, Hardwareand Cedar ware, Shoul ders, Hams, Mackerel, Herring Shad, Boots and Shoes, Grain Bags. Also a fine lot of Whisky, ' BRANDY, Wine and Gin, SALT, Ac, r n h ixc^n g^°S,oXo ) ' w4t '^ Untry Prodnce Uken , f . u N. KENNEDY. Lewsitown, October 11, 186*. Hir| Cages. BEY your Bird Cages—they are pretty—- at HOFFMAN'S. "OEisT Gauds Cigars, and good Tobacco, M SD. FRYSINGER'S. Grocery and Variety Store, At th e favorite old Stand, formerly occupi ed by Mr*. Wertz, and latterly by D. Grove, between the Union Jland Black Bear Hotel, East Market at., Lcwistown, IjrrHERE the public will constantly find a general Y assortment of the best Groceries comprising Coffees Sugars, Teas, Molasses, Fish, Salt, Tobaccos Segars, Brooms, Tubs, Buckets, and hundreds of other arti cles 111 general use.together with Hams. Shoulders, Dried Beef, Ac. Also Confections and Nuts of all kinds, Fancy Articles, and a general variety of such matters and" things as may be needed in housekeep ing from a pin up. M UT H ERSBOUG HS. The public are invited to give us a call. ap2s.6tn New Stock of Hats, Caps, &c. W. G. ZCLIUGER, Market St., neat Door lo John Kennedy's, Has just received from .•:- ■—>, j New Y irk and Philadel J phia, the most extensive and complete assort • merit of v v -iCdisajjpsa ever exhibited in this place, which will be dis posed of at such prices as to defy competition, and which he invites everybody to call and examine, as he is satisfied that his stuck can not fail to please. For the Ornish hehas constantly on hand, or will make to order, hats to their taste of any required size or brim, at prices which cannot fail be satisfactory. Country Merchants will find it to their ad vantage to give him a call, as a liberal deduc tion will he made to wholesale purchasers. Don't forget the place, next door to John Kennedy's Store and nearly opposite the Odd Fe lows' Hall. tiiavl 1 MOVER i HULK'S NEW AM) IMPROVED Xo, 1, Prion 880. r |MIK GROVER & RAKER SEVV- T ING .MACHINE CO. invite the attention of Tailors, Manufacturers of Clolliiii?, Boots ami Shoes, and Carriage Trimmers, and others requiring a rapid, light-running, and dura ble Lock. .Stick Machine, to their uew No. 1 Sewing Machine, It is of extra size, very strong and powerful, easily operated with little noise.; is adapted to every variety of sewing from the thinnest muslin to the "heaviest leather, and will work equally well with cotton, linen or silk thread. Letters similar to the following are being constantly received: •Our machinist and foreman have both thoroughly examined and tested your No. I .Machines on differ ent material, from the heaviest harness leather and finest broadcloth and muslin to the. thinnest tissue paper, without altering the tensions, and we find it makes a perfect stitch on all materials. 1 have Iried Singer's ami other machines for years, and have no hesitation in pronouncing your No. 1 Shuttle .Machine the best by far of any machine we bave used. WILLIAM LOCK, .Merchant Tailor, 121 Lake Street, Chicago." - fortunate possessor of one of your new No. 1 Shuttle J/achines; 1 have used the. Singer sewing machine for the past lew years', and it gives me great pleasure to say that this one is tar superior in all points to any that 1 have ever used or seen. 1 want no better. This machine can be seen at my shop at any time. KLLBIN SMITH. Merchant Tailor, Lew is town, Pa ALL WHO WANT THE LATEST AMI ISEVB should not fail to call and see this new aspirant for public favor, as it is destined to supersede all the heretofore popular .Machines for manufacturing pur poses. Having the largest variety oi inaemnes of any otiier Company, we can suit all tastes with a a machineat ptices from $55 to Silo. All machines warranted. 4®"Grover & Baker's Cotton, Linen Thread and Machine Twist for sale. Information and samples of sewing given by P. F. LOOP, Agent, sep2o-ly Lewistown. Pa. EXCELSIOR Photograph and Art Gallery. I.A ill BUKKHOI.imR'S. A rfEWENS can now furnish the pub iVl lie with Likenesses, fj'om the tiniest < iein to a .Portrait or lift xiz< Photograph. We iiave the only Soiar ('itinera at work in the Juniata Valley, and desire the pub lie to call and examine what Air. Burk holder (an accomplished and well known artist) and others have pronounced "a success.'" Look at the array : Gems, i A lbatypes or Ivory- Ferrotypes, | types, Melainotypes, i Photo-Miniatures Ambrotypes, j Cabinet Photos., & Card Photographs I Portrait or Life size Vignettes, | Photographs — Photographs for plain or in colors, oval frames, | Ac., Ac., Ac. Our work is executed in the best style, plain or in colors, and at the lowest rates. Call at McEWENS. X. B.- xistructions to students given at fair <,tes. apltf COACH MANUFACTORY. II AR T M A N PHIL continu'sto manufacture his old stand, in Yeagertown, on the Bellefontc and Lewistown Turnpike, a miles from Lewistown. of a quality superior, and at prices lower tliau elsewhere in the county. A varied stock of neat and durable work is always kept on hand, from which purchasers may select, and any article in his line will ne made to order at the shortest notice. All work warranted to be of first quality and of the most approved and recent patterns, Kepairing done with neatness and dispatch. Yeagertown, May 23,-1886-6 m REMOVED. J A. & W. R. McKEE HAVE removed their Leather Store to Odd fel lows' Hall, where they will constantly keep on hand. Sole Leather. Harness. Skirting and Upper Leather. Kips, American and French Calfskins. Mo roccos. Linings and Bindings, and a general assort ment of Shoe Findings, which they will sell cheap for cash. Highest market price paid in casli for Hides, Caif Skins and Sheep Skins. wanted, for which the highest market price will be paid in Cash. ap4ff P. F. LOOP Has again returned from the city N. with a large and well-selected stock of L V \ goods, which will be sold cheaper than He would therefore invite all his customers and also new ones to call and see for them selves, as my stock is large and prices to suit every body. A good assortment of home made work o"n hand Having examined all the late styles in the city, he is prepared to make to order all the late styles now worn. A fine assortment of cotton and woollen Hosiery at very low prices. Call at the old stand. myl6 A MERICAN Hay Fork and Knife. Ev fx ery farmer should have this fork. It is one of the very best forks to unload hay from the wagon and load it out of the mow. It is also a perfect knife to eut out of mow or stack and is warranted to give en tire satisfaction. It lias advantages we think no other fork possesses. F. J. HUFFMAN, Agent for the Manufacturer*. Pratts' Column. DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS. A new and complete assortment at IP IFt .A. T T S ' at the lowest prices. GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, Fresh and cheap at Pratts'. FISH, SALT and BACON, at the lowest prices, at Pratts'. S LOVERING and all other grades of syr up, cheap at Pratts' Everybody goes to Pratts' for MUSLINS, CALICOES, DELAINES, and to select from their fine stock of DRESS GOODS. CASSIMERES, SATINETS, COTTON and LINEN PANT STUFFS, very cheap at Pratts'. Last, but not least, Pratts' have the only genuine "JACKSON WHITE POTATOES." Lewistown, June, 186 G. [oct2s-'6sy Tailoring Establishment ©SL&jbims© Wo (BXOHSSS M E hmM A i NTTAILOR ' has remove( l his shop to the ~~ ~ Dui ldihg formerly known as the "green house." H M iPoruction of Valley and Mill street,adjoining uh, „ j Pratt's store, where he cordially invites aff an J t lin ln his Goods'and Trim the . 1 and g ent ' emen ' s Clothing made, in mfcic s'y'es, on short notice, and at reasonable 1 nces ' apll-tf "PISH ! FISH! Hoffman's is the store X for Mackerel and Herring. ROOFING. \ NEW mode of Roofing, saving ±\ time, money and labor, and is adapted to Buildings of all Descriptions. It can be applied to steep or flat roofs, old or new. It unites the best water-proof composition with tbe best water-proot fabric, in tbe best manner, has teen in use for several years in New York and Washington, and we feel continent in recommending it. The price is only seven cents per square foot. .Samples can be i seen by calling at ,). HI MM EL WRIGHT'S, House Painter, Lewistown. Who is agent for its sale. apl2s-6m. PRICES DOWN ONCE MORE. fPHE undersigned has a large -took of both 1 Home-made ;.nd Ea-tern manufactured Boots and Shoes, which be offeis at prices lower thatl he has ; sold for four years : Men's thick, ii. Boots, warranted, from $2.75 to 5.00. i •- Kip. -■ •• •• " 4.00 to 6.<-0. " Calf. '• " extra 4.50 to 6.00. i Boys' Boots, 1.00 to 3.00. Men's thn k Brogans.'iloiihle—oled. 200 to 2.50. ! Men's split warranted very bad, 1.10. | Boys' Shoes, price ranging from 1.25 K> •* '25. j As the taxes are to he i educed again on tbetirst day of August, it also enable* ll< to reduce our pile, - I IIOJIE-M inK WORK "f all kinds made to j order at : '.lovd prices. So come on boys and g:: i -1 and examine for yourselves. Trunks. Valises and Carpet Hags ! kept on hand. Gentlemen will bear in mind that no j goods will be given out unless paid for, and if re i turned in good order, the money ill be returned, if requested. Put when goods have been soiled or worn, they will not be taken back—please bear tins in mind —as some folks think thai wearing for a short time don't injure tbe sale of them afterwards, augl-tf BILLY JoHNSON. PHOTOGRAPHIC. E. &. 11. T. ANTHONY ., will please remit 25 per cent ot the amount with their order {vj .lhe price.- and quality of our goods ean not fail to satisfy. jel.'t ly BUSINESTCOLLECE I S. E. cor. Tenth and Chestnut Streets. PHILADELPHIA. THE most complete and thoroughly JL appointed Business or Commercial College m the country. __ The only one in the city possessing a Legislative Charier, and the only one in the United Stands autho rized to confer Degrees of Merit. Diplomas awarded to graduates in the Commereial Course under its cor porate seal by authority of law. Conducted by gentlemen of liberal education and extensive experience in business, and affording une qualled advantages for the thorough theoretical and practical education of young men for the various du ties and employments of business life. THEORY AND PRACTICE COMBINED by a system of ACTUAL BUSINESS TRAINING original and pre-eminently practical, giving the stu dent in the shortest time a complete tusight into the routine details, customs and forms of "business in gynciai. a- conducted in tin- best-regulated cotnmer mal an'i financial establishments. Theoretical Bookkeeping L pon a new plan, with an original exposition of the science of accounts, uiranged and published bv tbe proprietor of this Institution exclusively for his" own use, saving one-half the ordinary iaho'r of the stu dent, and giving htm a complete knowledge of tbe practice of the best accountants!. Tlie Commercial Course EMBRACES Bookkeeping. Commercial Arithmetic. I'enr.ianship. Busi ness Correspondence. Commercial Law. Lecture* on Business Affairs. Commercial Customs. Forms and Actual Business Practice. ' Special Branches. Algebra and tb Higher Mathematics. Phonoqraqhv. Or namcntal I c, ma,,ship. the Art of Detecting Coitn terfeit Alonqi. Engine ring. Suri ei/inq. A'ati gatton and T?/tfjvnphiti fj. Telegraphing T'"' arrangements for Telegraphing are far in ad vanee of anything of the kin.l ever offered to the Pt g', ; !' -L! " ' olograph Line is connected wiih lite Institution with twenty branch offices in various part> of tin.- city, where public business is transacted, and in which the students of this Institution arc per muted to practice. No legulai office practice can be had in any other school of instruction in the country, without which no one can obtain a position as a prac tical operator. A ottng men are cautioned against the deceptive representations of those w ho. without any sucii facilities, pretend to teach Telegraphing Patronage. This Institution is now enjoying (lie largest patron ?, g f b ,T tO T' "P" n . an y commercial school in the State. Over five hundred students were in atten dance the first year, and over seven hundred durin" P"'i v Par ' i . class of students mnv invie eV-V heie, tutu all its associations are first- Location aud Accommodations. I he Institution is located in the most central part of the city-, and its accommodations, for extent, ele gance and convenience, are unsurpassed. All the rooms have been tilted up in the very best style with 151 SJNKSS OFFICES OR COUNTING TELEGRAPH OFFICES, STATIONERY STORE AND A REGULAR BANK OF DEPOSIT AND ISSUE, supplied with finely-engraved lithographic notes used BUM u'ESS ' m """ ' u l ' ,e Department of Actual To Young Men who desire the very bo-t facilities for a Practical Education for Business, we guarantee a course of instruction no where else equalled, while the reputation and standing of the Institution among business men make its endorse- <> success and advancement. All contemplating entering any Commercial College Hre invited to send for an Illustrated Circular and Catalogue containing complete interior views of the College, and lull particulars ot the course of instruction, terms. \r. T E A M ' President.' ' Ut '° f °* Ce *"*""**■ MRS. M. E. STEWART, fife PAITCT7 STORE. ' TOL. West Market st„ Lewi stow n, LADIES & GENTLEMEN'S fURNISHING r.iViiiu Sacks. Cloaks. Hats. Bonnets. Ladies Fine GOODS and Trimmings. ? rin o DREEB Patterns of latest styles always on hand. Millinery and Dress-Making A MONTH ! AGIiNTS wanted for A entirely new article*, just out. Ad y bu,,d, °* Blddef °rd, Main. ii mm Miimiiiaii At D. Grove's Store, New Arrival of firorrries mid ton fret joneriei. D GROVE would again inform the nihil,. ,hm i. . has just received a fresh supply. lo w i P e wcnld call their attention. New iV t:... ~Z ! L h * cheap prune Molasses: th- very bc-t of Sugars Cotfec. 7 different kind.-, put ii[i in !' paek.-.geL <■', J Starch. Farina- Hominy, Beans, and all kind.- ofst,.,!? resh 3tid fine: prime Cheese, pure Cider Vii'cua Baskets. Bucket-. Brooms, and a variety of Doll.tHj Notions for Children. Also. Raisins, "Figs P-un C-H-oanuts. Almonds, Ac, lieside ihe largest as-ort' ment of Soaps to be found in town. Hair Oils, -m i endless variety of extracts, all of which will'ta sou cheap for cash. ' ,a <'• AH kinds of Country Produce taken in change for Goods. Thankful for past favors, he hopes by strict atten tion to business to merit and receive acoiitir,iian o „# the patronage of a generous public may lo Great Excitement at the Post Office, ON account of the new arrival of Boots and Shops at great I v reduced price- The undersigned would respect fully inform the public that he has just arrived from the eastern oti... with a large assortment if DjIH'SS, Ml. lts AND GAITEKB, consisting <>f Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Wear, which he has purchased at "eotncdown" n n . ccs. He is now prepared to sell cheaper than the cheapest, for cash. Also, constantly on hand a :a."-e assortment- of home-made work, v. h -h is manufac tured under lus own supervision and of the best terial and workmanship. Boots and Shires made to order at short notice. Repairing done in the neatest manner. Call at the Post Office, and examine fo yovir-elves. W. C. TIiORNBUKG L'cwist.ovn, May 23, lS6.'-y, RO 1> E IIT W. r A TTON, SOI Til SIDE OF lILIRIET STREET, I.EM I STOW \. I* A. nAS just received and opened at his es tablishment a new stij ply of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Fancy Articles, &c., which lie will dispose ol at reasonable prices, I!" invites till to give him a cali ami examine hi- stock, which cm braces all articles in hie line, and is sufficiently large to enable all to im-.ke selections who desire to purchase. fcp*KEPAIKIMi neatly and expeditiously atD'tided to, and ail work warranted. Thankful for the patronage heretofore re cent d, he respectfully asks a continuance of the same, and will endeavor to please all who may favor him with their custom. feb2 Fun ii mm:: In additi. ii to an extensive stock of GOLD & SILVER WATCHES. MEDALIONS. BREAST PINS, RINGS, and other J" E E L R "Y AT Hk 'U, cstal, lishinon t, will be found a lieautiful as sortment of lAilKlia' MaiOilit* PHOTOGRAPH A 1.11 l US, ALSO. 2Fl£©^(o;^lßiilF2llS of ai! the proiuiio-iit MHEJ ASJiaAi-s, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, and hundreds of other articles. H. W. JUN KIN. Lewistown, May 24, 1865. 'inn my wjmiidisi AT IB2!lilE£^niL3&l£ o NOTICE TO FARMERS! undersigned announces that he 1 is now prepared to buy or receive on storage, and forward all kinds of Grain and other Produce, at his new Warehouse at Reedsville. riiASTKR, S ||/r A; COAL kept constantly on hand for sale. He also continues the Produce Business at the old stand in Lewistown. octl9-tf ABNER THOMPSON. HARE 71" A R E, WM Willi 3!fl)H ivro\v\, PA. TOILN B. SELHEIMER offers his sincere fr thanks to the friends and well-wishers of his establishment, for the steady Biid rapid growth of his business hitherto, and solicits a continuation of the patronage of the c.tn tnunity. With increased facilities. ard devo ting strict personal attention to the derails of his business, be is confident that all orders be may be favored with during the pnsent year, wil! be executed to the entire satisfac tion of those giving them. His stock of Hardware Wood work. Leather, Saddlery, Coach Trimmings, Linings, Shoe Findings, Paints, Oils. Glass, Stoves, Nails, Ilorse and Mule Shoes, Nails and Nail Rods, &c., &c., &c„ is heavy and well-selected, and is offered at prices as low as can possibly be sold. 18 8 TIMVARE is of his own manufacture, mode in a good aud workmanlike manner, by full hands. uD ' der his OWD supervision, and is offered whole sale or retail, ax superior to any in the market. Merchants, Mechanics, Farmers, House* keepers and Dealers generally may rely upon getting any article in his line with an assu rance of fair dealing and promptness, wheth er in person or by order. Roofing, Spouting, Repairing, Gas hitting and all kinds of Job Work done at shortest notice. . Liberal discount given to the Trade and Wholesale Dealers. J. B. SELHEIMER- Lewistown, Jan., 1866-ly