@3 S3 180 IPTXnSMSIHIISIBffia Whole No. 2891. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. T) V VIRTUE of the authority conferred D upon the undersigned by an ac-t of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to en able the Administrators of Hon. James T. Hale, late of Centre county, dec'd, to sell real estate," passed the lltii day of April, 1866, they will expose to sale at public outcry at Lock's Mills, in Mifflin county, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday', October 30, IS6. the following valuable Real Estate, to wit: Ist, The undivided one-fourth part of two tracts of land, situate in Armagh township, Mifflin county, Pa., the one containing fifteen acres, ant! 19 perches, more or less, and the other containing four acres and 78 perches, more or less, having thereon erected a large GRIST MILL, DISTILLERY and other buildings, known as Lock's Mills. 2d, The undivided one-fourth part of a certain tract of land situate in the town ship aforesaid, adjoining lands of John Beatty, Geo. Swartzell, X. \V. Sterrett, John and James Beatty, and others, con taining JTATWO Hundredk Forty-Five Acres Ii i and 82 perches, more or less, gay ~&>& nearly all cleared and in a good state of cultivation, having thereon erected FARM HOUSE, Barn and other out-buildings. 3d, The undivided one-fourth part of a field situate as aforesaid, containing eight acres and IS perches, more or less, known ' The field by the Church." 4th, The undivided one-fourth part of a tract of land situate as aforesaid, adjoin ing lands of X. W. Sterrett, James Ster rett's heirs, J. Kennedy, John Swartzell, Wm.Beatty's heirs ami others, containing THIRTY'-FOUR ACRES, and 120 per ches, more or less, known as " The fields west of the road." sth, The undivided one-fourth part of a lot of grouml situate as aforesaid, con taining Seventy-Seven Perches, more or less, known as the "Samuel Harvy Lot." 6th, The undivided one-fourth part of a lot of ground situate as aforesaid, contain ing 142 Perches, more or less, known as tlie "Hassinger Lot." 7th, The undivided one-fourth part of three several lots situate as aforesaid, one thereof containing 44 perches, more or less, known as the "Shop Lot." Anoth er thereof containing 39 perches more or less known as the "Corner Lot." And the other containing 77 perches, more or less* known as the "Wagon Maker Shop Lot." Bth, The undivided one-fourth part of a lot of ground situate as aforesaid, con taining three Acres and 112 perches, more or less, known as the "Hawk Lot." 9th, The undivided one-fourth part of a tract of land situate as aforesaid, con taining ONE HUXDREDASEVEXT V - TWO ACRES and .57 perches, more or less, known as "The East end of the Wm. Lyon Tract." 10th, The undivided one-fourth part of a tract of land situate as aforesaid, con taining 300 ACRES, and 78 perches, more or less, known a* the "West end of the \\ m. Lyon Iract. ' 11th, The undivided one-fourth part of eight pieces, parcels, or tracts ot land, sit uate in the township aforesaid on what is known as Beatty's Knob : No. 1, Containing 99 acres and 20 per ches. more or less. Xo. 2, Containing 112 acres and 121 perches, more or less. Xo. 3, Containing 110 acres and 102 jierches, more or less. Xo. 4, < 'oiitaining 150 acres antl 155 perches, more or less. Xo. 5, Containing 123 acres and 69 jierches, more or less. Xo. 6, Containing 174 acres and 109 perches, more or less. Xo. 7, Contain ing 156 acres and 103 perches, more or less. Xo. 8, Containing 131 acres and 129 per ches, more or less. —Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. TERMS:—One third in hand on confir mation of sale by the Orphans' Court of Centre county, and the residue in two equal annual payments, with interest, to be secured on the premises by bond and mortgage. It is deemed necessary for the informa tion of persons unacquainted with this property to call special attention to Xos. one and two: —The grist Mill and Distil lery are now in full operation and were erected by the Messrs. Locke, in the most permanent aud complete manner, wit li mit regard to cost. The farm buildings are large and convenient ami well adapted for all farming purposes. Therearesome twelve tenant ami other houses for the accommodation of tiiose employed at this establishment, all in good order. The Mifflin and Centre County Railroad is in close proximity to the Mills, being but about two miles distant. E. C. HUMES, ADAM HOY. The undersigned owners in fee simple of the remaining undivided three-fourths part of the above described property, will sell the same at the same time and place, and upon the same terms. E. C. HUMES, H. X. MCALLISTER, A. G. CURTIN. sept29-ts ORPII t.\S' tOIRT SALE. In pursuance of an order issued by the Orphans' Court of Mifflin county, the undersigned will expose to sale, by public vendue, on the premises, near Mil roy, on Saturday, October I*l, 1*66. at one o'clock in the afternoon, the follow ing Real Estate, to wit: A House and Lot of Ground, situate in Armagh township, Mifflin county, bound ed <>n the north by land of Wm. Collier, on the south by land of John Beaver and M m. Reed, on the east by land of W. Thompson and Bartholomew Thatcher, and on the west by land of Win. Reed, containing aliout 4 acres, more or less. Terms made known on day of sale. PETER BAREFOOT, seplb Admr. of Dan'l Beaver, dec'd. EDUCATIONAL. J. K. HARTZLER, Belleville, Mifflin County, Editor B&grThe borough of McVeytown pays the principal of the union school at that place seventy dollars per month. Well done. DISTRICT INSTITUTES.— Thanks to the intelligence of directors and the efforts of faithful teachers, this impor tant agency for the improvement and awakening of teachers and schools will receive another trial in every district of this county, excepting, perhaps, one or two. Let every teacher be a regu lar and faithful worker, and the good results will surely be seen in the con tinued and increased efficiency of our schools. The eye of the public is upon us in this matter; let us not fail to be true to the confidence bestowed. GOOD SPELLING. —It is said, some times, that spelling does not receive as much attention in. our schools as it should, and the remark is not altogether unfounded. A man once sent the fol lowing note to school with his boy : "Kepttuhumsortintaters," at least so says the " humorous corner" of the pa pers. Rut an instance of spelling that deserves notice has lately been brought to our attention. Lizzie Close, of Mr. W. C. McClenahen's school, in Armagh district, has not misspelled a word du ring the whole school sessions of the last two summers and last winter. Boys and girls, who can beat that ? Thoughts tor the Day. The din and the smoke of the polit ical contest which reached itsculmina ting point on Tuesday of last week, is clearing away. One day its results are discussed; the next our people again go quietly about their usual work. Would that this feeble goose-quill of mine could pen words of burning pow er, words that would arrest the atten tion and arouse the energies of the people, and enlist their hearts more completely in another popular /move ment of transcendent importance, a cause less exciting than a political con test but surely no less far reaching in its results—the education of all the children of all the people up to the point of a thorough preparation for good citizenship. There is something so exciting in a political contest, the principles at issue, and the candidates, who arc supposed to embody them, area something so tangible that the majority of' people enter quite readily into the campaign. Not so with a quiet and fundamental movement like universal education.— Though its results show a powerful in fluence for good upon society, yet ma ny people do not fully apprehend the great importance of this matter. Rut let us see what we would be without our school system. Had our State never adopted the free school system, there is no doubt but to day a great proportion of Pennsylvanians would be unable to read and write ! This fact is verified in the case of the rebel States, not one of which had a system of free schools, and a large proportion of whose people were unable to read and write. Out of seven deserters from the rebel arm}" who found their way to Kishaeoquillas valley, only one was able to read and write; this is probably about a fair index of the av erage intelligence of the rank and file of the rebel army. The nation that permits it* children to grow up in ig norance and subject to unbridled pas sions, is on the way to anarchy or-des potism. To get an idea of the compar ative insecurity of life and property of the heavy expenses for the detection and punishment of crime, and of the prevalence of ignorance, poverty, and unhappiness among the lower walks of society, where there are no adequate provisions for popular education, it is only necessary to read a description of the present social condition of such nations as Spain and Italy. Even in our tree, prosperous, happy, and intel ligent New England and Middle States, our methods of home and school train ing are yet so defective as not to ac complish the important work of uni versal education satisfactorily. As an act of policy —not to mention duty, mercy, and philanthropy —it is wiser to educate all the children of the State up to the point of good citizen ship, than to have them grow up igno rant and undisciplined, to be the dupes of dangerous demagogues as was, and is still, the ease in the South. It is believed that had the southern States at an early day established free ; schools like thoso of the northern Slates, the lute war would not have been like ly to occur, because universal eduea ' tion would have so dignified, elevated, • and disenthralled the class known as i "poor whites," that they would have been politically the ruling class. The lordly slave-raast. i> who, contrary to the eternal law of justice, lived by the i sweat of other-' faces, could not have j so held sway over their poorer fellow beings, and thu; the doubly incongru- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1866, ous anomaly and the Reproach of a vir tual aristocracy, based upon slavery and " poor white trash," in a free coun try, would not have placed its black and humiliating stain upon the pages of our history. The moral and religious training of the young is not keeping pace with the mental training. The greatest ac tivity is manifested in improving our text books and our methods of instruc tion. Is there a corresponding emula tion in our homes and in our schools in promoting and strengthening reli gious principles and habits in the young? If Young America is noted for a want of respect for age and for law, and equally noted for a supera bundance of brass and pugnacity, where lies the trouble? Does not the training to which he is generally sub jected at home and in school appeal mainly to his head, while his btart he has a generous one somewhere—is left to bear thorns and thistles? The important work to be done, therefore, is to improve and harmonize our sys tems of home and school education. li. Tlie Fur Trade in Minnesota. ST. PAUL, Minn., Sept. 22, '6O. —The j fur trade forms an important feature in the wealth and prosperity of Minneso ta. Although the "business is by no j means as extensive as it was a few years ago, still it gives employment to thousands, and is a matter well worthy of investigation. In good seasons furs valued at half a million of dollars have been shipped from this point; but this season the exports will fall short about S 100,000. The trade seems to be mo nopolized by three or four large houses in this city, one firm alone claiming to : have exported $150,000 worth; "but there are small dealers scattered all over the Slate who drive a profitable business, and invest their earnings in i land, with the expectation of being as rich some of these days as their more i showy neighbors of St Paul. Trap pers usually resort to this city in great numbers at this season of the veur. — Here they can dispose of their furs at the highest prices, and refit on terms I more reasonable perhaps than at any of the small towns in the interior. They are a hardy, industrious class of peo ple, and frequently whole families are supported during the winter by the untiring activity and wonderful"skill of these backwoodsmen. Their stock in trade consist of a few steel traps and a rifle, together with a natural apti tude for the business, without which few of them can be successful. Chief in importance is a mink fur which is a source of considerable reve nue to the trappers and traders thro'- out the northern part of the State In former years, when mink was not con- i sidered a fashionable fur and martens were all the rage, skins could be bought for twenty five or thirty cents each ; j but now they will bring from six fo seven dollars apiece by the gross.— Last year they could not be had for less than nine dollars, but an unusual ly mild tall at the East lessened the de mand for fur goods, and a fall in the price of skins followed as a natural consequence. The Chippewa Indians are the most successful trappers we have, and monopolize the lion's share of the fur business, especially since the expulsion of the Sioux, with whom they were ever at war. The hunting grounds are located in the wildest and most uninhabitable parts of the State, chiefly in the neighborhood of the j headwaters of the Mississippi, and I along the shores of that chain of iakes which distinguishes the northern boun dary of Minnesota, and forms a natu ral line between the territory of the United States and the possessions of Hudson Ray Company. The trapping season usually' commences in October, and continues through the greater part of the winter. Furs obtained in De cember are the most valuable, on ac count of weight, mink at that season of the year being considered " full furr ed," as the traders express it. Expo rienced dealers can by examining the pelts, tell to a nicety almost in what particular month the animals are kill ed, and fix a price upon the skins ac cordingly. In trapping the mink great caution and ingenuity have to be exercised by the hunter in order to bo successful.— Before the snow covers the ground it is difficult to find their hiding place, and requires all the wily art of the ab origine to discover their whereabouts; but as the winter advances and the " fleecy mantle" shrouds the earth there is less trouble attending the op eration, and even the bungling farmer's boy can track the animal to its hole. The hiding place once discovered, the unerring trap is produced, and the fate of the poor mink is sealed. Most trap pers bait their traps with minnows, which are easily procured in any of the neighboring lakes. Next in importance to the mink comes the musk rat. It is found very plentifully in all the lakes throughout tue entire State, and large quantities of the furs are shipped from St. Paul for the European markets The skins are worth about twenty-five cents each, and are easily converted into good warm gloves, which rind a ready market among the poorer classes of our i opulation. Rear skins, which arc becoming rather scarce now, are brought in by the Chippewas general ly, and find a ready market at fifteen dollars each. \\ oil and raccoon skins, which aroused principally in the man ufacture of robes, are plentiful this year. Ihe wolf skin is worth about four dollars and the raccoon aboutone dollar. lux skins arc gathered for ex portation. In some parts of Europe, especially Germany, large quantities ol these furs are used lor trimming purposes, flie fur of the American lux is preferred to the European, and good profits can be made on shipments from this country. The best otter skins are sent to Chi na, where the fur is highly prized.— Pelts are worth from seven to eight dollars each. Reaver is the only fur sold by weight. It is worth three dol lars per pound, and is bought up by agents ofEastern manulacturersin con siderable quantities. Buffalo skins are brought here by the Red river traders, but not in large quantities, the great bulk of the skins being sent down the Missouri river to St. Louis. Good but' faloes can he purchased for seven or eight dollars by the quantity, although retailers here have the conscience to charge fifteen dollars. A white buffa io skin is considered a great rarity, and is very much sought after by traders Major Hatch of this city, while acting as the agent of the Blackfect Indians several years ago, was presented with a couple ol white buffalo skins by the chief of the nation. They were the only skins of that description in the possession oi the tribe, and the com pliment was esteemed the highest that could pe paid. The recipient regards the favor very highly, and would not part with the present for love or mo ney. I suppose. In deer skins there is not much do ing, on account of the scarcity of pelts. The Sioux played great havoc with the deer before their expulsion from the State, rendering that description of the game quite scarce; but now that those relentless hunters are away, itis hoped that these monarchs of the for est will become more plentiful. The skins are principally bought on ac count of New York houses, and are worth about five dollars each. From New York they are transported to Johnstown and Gloversville, N. Y., to be manufactured into gloves and a va riety of useful articles. Probably three-fourths of all the furs furnished by this State find their way to New \ urk, where they are sold to manufacturers and then distributed all over the country. The Xew Yoik houses have their agent - here, and ap pear to monopolize all ti c trade. There are two or three establishments here where furs are dressed, but the most valuable furs are transported to New York to be dressed; so that the best class of fur goods can be bought cheap er in that city than they can here.— There is a good opening here for a first-class dressing and manufacturing house, and it is surprising that some astute Yankee has not jumped at the chance ere this. The Hudson Ray Company have an agency in this city, but not for the purchase or sale of furs. It is merely a forwarding agency for the transpor tation ot goods to Fort Garry and the numerous posts throughout the terri tory ot that ancient monopoly. Most ol the goods received at these trading posts come from England; but St Paul enjoys a fair share of the patronage, especially in the winter season, when the supplies at the posts are apt to run short. Fort Garry, which is the post whence all the other posts obtain their supplies, is only about sixty miles from the northern boundary of this State; so that you will perceive it is quite convenient to this market, and can be readily supplied at any time of the year. The Hudson Bay Company en joy the reputation of being the oldest business concern on this continent. — Their charter was granted by James the Second—two centuries ago. — X. Y. Herald. Singular Birds. Some curious birds were encountered by Dr. Livingston in his travels in southern Africa. One them is called thej'honey guide ' Instinct seemed to have taught it that all men, white or black, are fond of honey, and the in stant one of them gets a glimpse of a man he hastens to greet him with an invitation to come to a bee hive and take some honev. He flies in the pro per direction and perches on a tree, and looks back to see if the man is fol lowing; then on to another, till the spot W2&2M)WSS 1 a SffiERKMJSJ IHSaJSJO is reached. If the first invitation is not accepted, ho follows with pressing importunities, quite as anxious to lure the stranger to the bee's hive as other birds are to draw him away from their nests. It never deceives, but always leads the way to some hive.. Equally remarkable in it* intelligence is the bird that guards the buffalo and rhino ceros. The grass is often so dense and tall that one could go close up to these animals quite unperceived; but the guardian bird, sitting on the beast, sees the approach of danger, flaps its wings and screams, which causes its bulky charge to rush off from the foe he has neither seen or heard. For his reward the vigilant little watcher has the pick of the parasites of his fat friend. Southerners Emigrating West ward. We have a most significant despatch from Fortress Monroe, a despatch which has more meaning in it than will be generally supposed at first glance.— Five hundred emigrants from North Carolina are announced as en route for Indiana and Illinois. These people come from the interior of the State, that portiou of the Commonwealth which lias been more loyal than any other. Their lot for the past Ave years hasprovedexceedingly hard; they have been impoverished by the treas onable action of their neighbors; their situation has been rendered perilous, both in person and property, and now they have resolved to seek a region where they can have liberty of thought, speech and action, and where by their energy and industry .they can provide for themselves and their families. — These men will meet with a hearty welcome among the stalwart sons of the West. There is room for thous ands more, who may follow in their footsteps,'on the broad prairies and in the magnificent woodlands of the mighty States of Illinois and Indiana. Do Southern leaders understand the cause of this emigration ? Prayers and Still Praying. The Johnson paper in this city should certainly t-e a most religious journal, if its editor speaks truly in the following: 'For four years, night and morning, on our bended knees, we besought Providence to place him (Andrew Johnson) at the head of our nation. Our prayers are so far answered. Wo still implore,' Ac., Ac. We were under the impression that Wilkes Booth murdered President Lin coln aud 'placed Johnson at the head of the nation;' but it appears it was the persistent prayers of N. P. Saw yer, Esq , who hung on till his'prayers were answered'—an evidence of the efficacy of prayer surpassing any here tofore known. Will he inform us whether he designated the mode of 'placing Johnson at the head of the natiou,' or left that with Omnipo tence ? If it takes 2,922 prayers and one pistol ball to make a President, how many will it take to get an office or soap contract?— Pittsburgh, Dispatch, September 19. Fall ol' a Great Man. Coming down Chestnut street, St. Louis, one day last week, writes a correspondent, I was struck by the appearance of an old man past sixty, who wore a threadbare coat, shiny 7 with constant wear, and whese hat was bruised and seedy. His head bent toward the earth, and his walk was a tottering shuffle, the effect of whiskey and oid age. He reeled from one side of the pavement to the other, and at last, brought up against a lamp post on the corner, %vhen a young look ing loafer coming along saluted him with 'Hulloa Jim! Come and take a drink?' The old man's eyes bright ened, and arm-in-arm, he sauntered along to the nearest groggery with his companion. Five years ago that man was James Green, United States Senator from Missouri, and in the days of the Kansas and Lecompton matters he was, next to Stephen A. Douglas, the ablest debater in Cougress, soon lost bis property, his position and his character; and now he is a poor drunk ard, and earns barely a pittance of a living as a calalfbose shyster. The Political Calendar for The following are the dates of the State elections yet to be held this year; ulso the officers to be chosen : 1 Vest Virginia —October 25.—Gover nor, three members of Cougress, and Legislature. Xew York —November 6 thirty-one members of Cougress, and one hundred and twenty-five members of the Assembly—Senate holding over. United States Senator to elect in place of Ira Harris. Massachusetts —November 6.—Gover nor, ten members of Congress, and State Legislature. Vol. LVI. No. 41. Af W Jersey —November o.—Five , members ot Congress, and members of the State Legislature. Michigan November 6.—Governor, six members ot Congress, and mem bers of Legislature. Illinois —November G.—State offi cers, fourteen members of Congress, and members of Legislature. United States Senator to elect in place of i Lyman Trumbull. Wisconsin —November 6—State offi cers. six members of Congress, and members of Legislature. United States Senator to elect in place of Tim othy O. Howe. Minnesota —November G.—Superin tendent of Public Instruction, nine members of Congress, and members of Legislature. United States Senator to elect in place of* B. Gratz Brown. Kansas —November G.—Governor, _ members of Congress, and members of Legislature. Two United Sates Sen i ators to elect in place of James H. j Lane and Samuel C. Pomeroy. Nevada —November G.—Governor, members of Congress, and members of Legislature. United States Sena ; tor to elect in place of Jno. A. J Cres- I well. Del a ware —November 6. —Governor, members of Congress and Legislature. New Hampshire —March 12, 18G7. i Governor, three members of Congress, and members of Legislature. United States Senator to elect in place of Dan'l Clark. Connecticut —April 4, 1867 —Gover nor, four members of Congress, and members of' Legislature. United ; States Senator already elected. Rhode Island —April G—Governor, i two members of Congress, and mem bers of Legislature. Oregon —Election on the 4th of June, and Union Governor, members of Con gress, and Legislature elected. No j election in 1867. I. S. Senator to elect in place of James XV. Nesmith. Kentucky —August 5, 1867.—Gover nor, nine members of Congress, and | Legislature. U. S. Senator to elect in place of Garrett Davis. California is not included in this list, \ nor the States not yet admitted to re presentation in Congress. W liat They Won't Otvn To. There are several things which you never can, by any accident, get a lady —be she young or old—to confess to. ' Here are some of them : j That she laces tight That her shoes are too small for her. That she is tired at a ball. That she paints. | That she is as old as she looks. That she has been more than five minutes dressing. That she blushed upon hearing a | certain person's name mentioned That she ever says a thing she does not mean. That she is fond of scandaf. That she cannot keep a secret. That she —above all persons in the ; wide world—is in love. That she doesn't want a new bonnet. That she does not know everything. That she can do with one single thing less when she is about to travel. That she has not the disposition of an angel, or the temper of a saint, or how else could she gc through with i one-half of what she does. That she dosn't know better than any one else what is best for her That she is a flirt or coquette. A Ric/hthat all Men arc bound to Re spect—ln Carroll county, Tennessee, last week, a man was tried belore a country magistrate,charged with steal ing corn from a neighbor's crib. The defendant iiad been found with his hand in an aperture in the crib, safely fastened in a steel trap, which the ow ner of the crib had set for the purpose of catching a thief who had been prey ing upon his grain. It was also in ev idence that two empty sacks were found lying at the feet of the entrapp ed individual. The decision of the ma gistrate was that there was no proof that the prisoner had stolen any corn, and as to being caught in a steel trap, any gentleman had a right to stick his hand into one if he felt inclined so to do. C'urcdoHUomoppathic Principles. —The Grant county (Illinois) Herald relates that a man named Lyon was bitten three times on the toot by a rattle snake while binding grain, and fell to the ground. He was carried to the house, drauk a pint of alcohol and cam phor, then a quart of whiskey, and then a quart of pure alcohol, feeling no symptoms of intoxication. The next morning ho felt some numbness and pain in his limb, and drauk another pint of alcohol, then swallowed a quar ter of a pound of fine cut chewing to bacco, boiled in sweet milk These doses, which it would be supposed would kill any body, had no injurious effects, and the fourth day after the bites he felt well enough, only a little soreness from the knee down