ilL. A fear ol'lbe Cattle Plague In England—Official Statement. The ibllowing official statement hzis been made by the British Privy Coun cil : PRIVY COUNCIL OFFICE, June 22. — The 'attic plague has now completed the rifty-second week oi its prevalence, and during the year nearly a quarter of a million (248,965) of attacks have been officially reported; 80,597 cattle are stated to have been killed. 124.187 t ; have died. 32,989 to have recovered, in 11,192 cases the results have not been specified In addition to the foregoing, 51,340 cattle exposed to l k have been slaughtered while tree from' disease. In the aggregate, more than o- 1 f SO 5) in every 1000 of the ordinary stock of cattie in Great Britain ha\e b en a tcked, and to every 1000 at te ks. v, nose results ba\c been i 1 porteu, nearly 900 \_861.3j anitnai> perished The epidemic has also extended to a considerable number of sheep, and since the commencement, 4466 are offi cially reported to have been attacked; of these 4092 died or were killed, and 461 recovered or were unaccounted j for. | During the week ending the 16th of June, 533 attacks were reported to have occurred in Great Britain —name- ly, 488 in England, 26 in W ales, and 18 in Scotland. The number ot at tacks—namely, 533 —shows a decrease of 454 on the previous return. Cor recting the total, by-adding an average of attacks commencing during the week, but which may bo subsequently reported, the number Got' the past week will be 06G 2500 CORDS CHESTNUT OAK AND HEMLOCK BARK, Delivered at the Tanner}- of J. SPAITCG-LE & SC., LEW ISIOWHJ For which the highest market price will be paid in CASH. Lewistown, inarl4-ly M. R. MOSER, BLACKSMITH, Valley Street, Lcwustown, J'cnnla. BLACKSMITH IXG ill all its branches promptly attended to; and HORSE SHOEING done in the best manner, at reasonable prices. je2otf Looking Glasses and Picture Frames mHE undersigned, thankful for past fa- JL vors, would inform the public that he still manufactures Frames of every de scription, as cheap as they can be made elsewhere. Looking Glasses of every de scription, wholesale and retail, at reduced prices. He respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. All persons who have left pictures to frame or frames to be filled, are requested to -itII for them. myl6tf JAMES CRUTCH LEY. /CEMENT, lor sale by F. J. HOFFMAN. VTAILS, 87.00 per keg, at l\ jy U F. J. HOFFMAN'S. BAR IRON. DAR Iron, at 5| and of, for sale by D F. J- HOFFMAN S3 wr LSJ. 9BC Huffman's is the place for ' SUGARS. PLO W S. fFHE well known and desirable JAMI _I SON Flows anil Points for sale bv —gMMt. F. j. HOFFMAN. Gf iIOCEKIES reduced again ! r Good Brown Sugar, cents. Extra Brown, 15 A 10 \V nite. 17 jo Fine Sugar House Molasses, 14 do Very good Baking, IS do Good Syrup. 25 do Very nest, 28 do G >od Black Tea, 1 00 u a . , 3:5 do llortman a .j, the place for bargain. rpRY Frysingers Navy at sloo per lb. and you will ue ' L no otmr. Frysingers Spun 1101 l can't be beat. Frysingers Flounder is the best. The Ltronoko Twist defies competition. Got your Fine Cut at Fry singers. $1,20 a $1.50 per lb. Navy r. Suceo SJ cents Frysingers, aud ail ' Other goeds in his line very low for cash. Mere.mnts will find it to their interest to get their ! goods a Frysingers. e'fo East Market St. Pa. | COACH MANUFACTORY. fig®} 11 ART M A X I'll 11. j ■ j r°"' 03 to n ,an ufacture his old stand".in \ '-iwertown on the Bcllefonte and Lewistown Turnpike. 3 miles from Lewistown. of a quality superior, aud at prices lower than elsewhere iniheeountv. t varied stock of neat and durable work is always kept on hand, from which purchasers may select, and any article in his line will be made to or,Ur at the shortest notice. All work warranted to be of first quality and of the most approved and recent patterns. Repairing done with neatness ami dispatch. Yeagertowu, May 23, ISStMim REMOVED. J A. & W. R. McKEE HAVE removed their Leather Store to Odd Fel low*' flail, where they will constantly on hand, Sole Leather, Harm. ss, Skirting and Upper Leather. Kips, American and French Calf Skins, Mo roccos, l.inings and Bindings, aud a general assort ment of Siioc Findings, which they will sell cheap for market price paid in cash for Hides, Calf Skins aud Sheep Skins. paidtnV'!h which the highest market price trill be MRS. M. E. STEWART FANCY STOKE, ' West Market st., Lewistown, LADIES t GENTLEMEN'S r URMSHING GOODS Sack.-. Cloaks, Hats, Bonnets, Ladies Fine ZWFSS UOOVti and Trimmings. Patterns of latest styles always on hand. Millinery and Dress-Making executed in the most approved style. Lewistown, April 18, A mmMSTJMMiI At D, Grove's Store, New Arrival of Grorcrits and foufeetionrriri. D GROVE would again inform the public that he . has just received a fresh .-upplv. to whiebne w. ul'l call their attention. Now is the time to buy cheap prime Molas.-es: the very best of Sugars; prtnte Coffee. 7 different kind*. put up ''^' J Starch, Farina.Hominy.Beans.and ai! kinds of ..pic . . resh and tine: prime Cheese, pure Cider Vinegar. Baskets Bucket-, brooms, and a variety ofDollsand Notions for Children. AI.-o. Raisins, Fi_s. Prune., Coeoaauts. Almonds, kci beside the largest assort ment of Soaps to be found in town. Hair Oils, and an endless variety of extracts, all of which will he sold Ch *S-Ai: khuis of Country Produce taken in ex eh'insf for friiotls. Th-.nkfu! tor past favors, he hopes by strict atten tion to business to merit nod receive a eontionaneeof the patronage of a generous public maylO Great Excitement at the Post Office, ON account of the new arrival of Foots arid Shoes, ut greatly reduced prices. The undersigned would respectfully" inform lii" public that he has just arrived from tie. eastern citt.-s with a large assortment of BilOTi, SIDES AMI GAITERS, consisting ..f Ladies'. Gentlemen's and Children's Wear." which l.e has purchased at "come down" pri ces. He is now prepared to se.l cheaper than the cheapest, for cash. Al.-o. constantly on hand a large assortment of home-made work, which is manufac tured under his own supervision, and of the best ma teria! and workmanship. Boots and Shoes made to j order at short notice. Repairing done in the neatest i manner. Call at the Post OtHce, and examine for yourselves. W. C. THORNBURG. ! Lewistown, May 23, IS6C-y. ROBERT W. PATTON, s SOUTH SIDE OF HAMLET STREET, LEIVISTOWN, PA. HAS just received and opened at his es tablishment a uew supply of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Fancy Articles, &c., which he will dispose of at reasonable prices. He invites ail to give him a call and examine his stock, whieh embraces all articles in his line, and is sufficiently large to enable all to make selections who desire to purchase. neatly and expeditiously attended to, and all work warranted. Thankful for the patronage heretofore re ceived, he respecttullv asks a continuance ol the satne, and will endeavor to please all who may favor him with their custom. feb2 FOR Tilt MIM!! In addition to an extensive stock of GOLD & SILVER WATCHES, MEDALIONS, BREAST PINS, RINGS, and other T E "W" JB Xj IR, AT Gk 2/. establishment, will be found a beautiful as sortment of lADm* jJiIJIMa, pho imukaph ai.nin JJ ALSO, of all the prominent ibJJDJ -S-SUiiAiJ, MUSICAL IN STRUMENTS, and hundreds of other articles. 11. W. JUXfcUX. Lewistown, May 24, 1860. >m aiur raiaaiai AT IB2Slß3££V2llfilla2lo NOTICE TO FARMERS! r r4IE undersigned announces that he JL is now prepared to buy or receive on storage, and forward all kinds of lirain and other Produce. at his new Warehouse at Reedeville. i>lastlic, salt ti coal kept constantly on hand for sale, lie also continues the Produce Business at the old stand in Lewistown. octl9-tf ABNER THOMPSON. HAE.D7TA3IB, 31U diij) fjfJii ll \VhTO\V\, PA. TOIIN B. SELHEIMER offers his sincere tJ thanks to the friends and well-wishers oi his establishment, for the steady and rapid growth of his business hitherto, and solicits a continuation of the patronage of the com munity. With increased facilities, and devo iing strict personal attention to the details of ins business, he is confident that all orders he may be favored with during the present year, will he executed to the entire satisfac tion of those giving them. Ilis stock of Hardware, Wood work. Leather, Saddlery, Coach Trimmings, Linings, bhoe Binding*. Paints, Oils, Glass Stoves, Nails, Horse and Mule ' Shoes, Nails and Nail Rods &c., &c. f &c., is heavy and well-selected, and is offered at prices as low as can possibly be sold. His TIWVIRE is of his own manufacture, made in a good and workmanlike manner, by full bands, un der his own supervision, and is offered whole sale or retail, as sujterior to any in the market. Merchants, Mechanics, Farmers, House, keepers and Dealers generally may rely upon getting any article in his line with an assu ranee of fair dealing and promptness, wheth er in person or by order. Rooting, Spouting, Repairing, Gas Fitting and all kinds of Job Work done at shortest notice. Liberal discount given to the Trade and >V holesale Dealers. T _ J B. SELHEIMER. Lewistown, Jan., 1866-ly R.OOFI3V CSr. A NEW mode of Roofing, saving j tiinc. money ami labor, and is adapted to Buildings of all Descriptions. It ean lie applied to steep or flat roofs, old or new. It unites the nest water-proof composition with the best water-proot lahrie, in the_ best manner, has leen in use for several years in New York and Washington, and e feel confident in recommending it. The price is oulv seven cents per square foot. .Samples can be seen by calling at J. HJMMELWRIGHT'S, House Painter, Lewistown, Who is agent for its sale. apl2s-6m. PRICES DOWN ONCE MORE. rpIIF undersigned has a large stock of both I Home-made and Eastern manufactured Boots and shoes, which lie offers at prices lower than he has sold for four years : Men's thick, d. Boots, warranted, frotn 52.75 to 5.00. " Kip. '• " •' 4.00 to 6.00. '• Calf. '• '• extra 4.50 to 0 00. Boys' lbs-its. • 100 to 3.00. Men s thick Lrogans. donble-roled. 2.00 to 2.50. Men's split - warranted very bad, Lto! Boys' Shoes, price ranging from " 1.25 to 2.25. As the taxes arc to be reduced again on the first day of August, it also enables us fo reduce our prices HOME-MADE WORK of all kinds made to order at reduced prices. So come on bovs and girls and examine for yourselves. Trunks, Valises and Carpet Hags kept on hand. Gentlemen will bear in mind that no goods will be given out unle-s paid for. and if re turned in good order, the moncv will be returned, if requested. But when goods have been soiled or worn, they will not be taken back—please boar this in mind—a= some folks think that wearing for a short time don't injure the sale of tiiem afterwards, augl-tf BILLY JOHNSON. PHOTOGRAPHIC E. & 11. T. ANTHONY . ; (truce, between the Union Hoiun and Black Bear Hotel, East Market st., Lewistown, TTTHERE the public will constantly find a general ft assortment of the best Groceries" comprising Coffees. Sugars,. Teas, Molasses, Pish, Salt. Tobacco Segars, Brooms, Tubs. Buckets, and hundreds ot other arti cles in general Use. together with Hams. Shouiders. ; Lirieri Beef, Ac. Also Confections and Nuts of all j kinds. Fancy Articles, and a general variety of such ( matters and" things as may be needed in housekeep ing front a pin up. MUTIIKKSIiOrGNS. The public are invited to give us a call. ap26.6iu New Stock of Hats. Caps, &c. 7f. CK ZCLIHOTiRs Market St., next l)uar to John Kennedy's, OSX "lias just received frout I New Y rk and I'hiladeJ / bliia. the most extensive stock and complete a.-sert • nicnt of * Q2J<3i£ps3 ever exhibited in this place, which will be dis posed of a? such prices as to defy competition, ■ and.which he invites everybody to call and j examine, as he is satisfied that his stock can not fail to please. For the Ornish he has constantly on band, or will make to order, bats to their taste of any required size or brim, at prices which cannot fail be satisfactory. Country Merchants will find it to their ad vantage to give him a call, as a liberal*dedue j ti.n will be made to wholesale purchasers j I)< n't forget the place, next dour to John i •Kennedy's .Store and nearly opposite the Odd Fe lows' Hull, mavll SELLING OFF AT COST! r pilE undersigned having a large stock oi I Eastern manufactured Boots and Shoes on hand, offers the same at cash prices from i now until further notice is given. Men's Boots, warranted, double soles from $3 00 to 5 50. Men's Boots do do do calf ' 6 50 to 7 00 Boys' Boots do do 200t03 00 | Youth's Boots do do 100to2 25 ; Men's Gum Overshoe, best 1 25 Women's do do 1 10 Men's „ do cloth tops 275 lie has also a stock of city work on hand, i which he will sell very low,'and warrants it to be good for nothing. So, come on, boys i and girls, and get prepared for the cold. Manufacturing and repairing attended to \ as usual. A large stock of Trunks, Valises and Carpet Bags on hand which will he sold 1 at very reasonable prices. A full stock id home made work kept constantly on hand at i low ptices. BILLY JOHNSON", I Lewistown Feb 7, 186(3. j (HUH!It i B IKER'S NEW AND IMPROVED miiwa amaasEL No. 1, Price £BO. rpHE G'KOVEK etter. this machine can be seen at mv shop at any time. RELBI.V SMITH. Merchant Tailor, Pa ALL WHO WANT THE fj \ TKBT ,%i\M HIM should not fail to call and see this new aspirant tor i public favor, as it is destined to supersede all the heretofore pop>u!ar .Machines for mannfacturin ' pur posc-8. ° 1 Having tti- largest variety of machines of any other Company, we can suit all tastes with a machiueat P 1 "T\, (l|n -• 0 tr> jllb. All nittclunes warranted for safe r ' S C ° tt ° n ' Linen Thread an,i Information an J samples of sewing given by .P. F. LOOP, Agent, sep2o-ly Lewistown. Pa. EXCELSIOR Photograph and Art Gallery. I.ATK BLItkllDI DLips, VpEWENS can now furnish the pub -IYI lie with Likenesses, from the tiniest (em to a Portrait or lift size Photograph. in tl, I™ \ e °x 1 ! 1 -\V S(,lar "t work - !," . "ml desire the pub lic to eall and examine what Mr. Jlurk holder (an accomplished and well known aitist) and others have pronounced "a success. Look at the array: ( terns i Albatypes or Ivory terrotypes, I tyjves, Melamotypes, ; Photo-Miniatures I Cabinet Photos., a Lard 1 hotographs | Portrait or Life size Vignettes, j P h ot o graph s- I hotographs tor j plain or in colors oval frames, j Ac., &c., &e. ' Our work is executed in the best style, pntiiPor in colors, and at the lowest rates at . McEWENS. > - B.- astructions to students given at fair a tes. ap4tf P. F. LOOP Saffgfy Has again returned from the citv \ with a large and well-selected .stock of goods, which will be sold cheaper than He would therefore invite all his customers and also new ones to call and see for them selves, as my stock is large and prices u, suit every body. A good assortment ot nome made work on band. Having examined ail the late styles m the : city, he is prepared to make to order all the late styles now worn. A fiue assortment of cotton and woollen Hosierv at ; very low prices. Call at the old stand. myld \ >1 ERIC AN Hay Fork and Knife. Kv | er y farmer should have this fork. It is one of the very best forks to unload bay from the wagon and load it out of the mow. It is ajso a perfect knife to i cut out of mow or stack and is warranted to give en tire satisfaction. It has advantages we think no other ! fork possesses. F. J. HOFFMAN, Agent for the Maaufxotnrars. FABI'EIfS LOOK T9 VOIR INTERESTS! BALL'S OHIO RILIPE Ull MOWER, WITH Pigeon-Wing Self-Rake. MANUFACTURED BY REESE, SLAGLK & FOUST, Lew Into wit, Mifflin Coitufy, f' a \1 T E are now manufacturing Ball's Ohio Reaper a-,i W Mower, with Ihsteon-wing Self rake which we fer for the season of 1866. as a perfect Mower a per ! feet Reaper and a perfect Self Raker. A- a M.w , r 7 has no superior, and as a Reaper and Sell-ltaker it has no equal. Perfect Side I>--livery: has no ,| t |' e draft: two driving wheels: hinge i bar."adapts its. ;f , 0 the uiievetiness the ground in mowing and reap, ing. The self rake does not interfere with th- dri ver's seat The driver can regulate the height 0 f stubble while the machine i- inanotinn. We al-o manufacture SEIDI.ES' PATENT HAV RAKE. H allies' eelelirated Horse lWer j and Threshing Machine. Agency for Geiser's patent Self-Regulating Graiu Thresher." Separator, i leaner nd Bagger. i AM kinds of Machine w .rk made and fitted up for Mill-. Factories, Furnaces and Forges. Also. Rose ,nd Reaction Water Wheels. All orders will receive prompt attention, by addrcs i sing KEEsE. SLAGLK ,v FOU.ST. Lewistown, Mifflin Co., Pa. S. Benner, Genera! Agent. fl'tio tnygS'txi RE3VEXISra-TOTN3 s jS&SUL' I) bygun^YLEß'S AND THE TRADE GENERALLY. Vest Pocket Pistol. No. 22 Cartridge. Kepeating PisloLfElliot pt.) N 22 Cartridge, j Repeating Pistol, Elliot pt ) No. 32 Cartridge, ; Pocket Revolver. (Self Cocking.) i New Pocket Revolver, (with Loading Lever.) : Police Revolver. Navy Size Calibre, Kelt Revolver. Navy Size Calibre, j Belt Revolver. i Self-Cocking, i Navy Calibre, i Navy Revolver. 3f-lW in. Calibre. Army Revolver. 44-lho in. Calibre. I Guri Cane, using No "1 Cartridge, i Revolving Rifle, 86 ,v lf-100 in. Calibre, j Hreeeli Loading Kitie. No. .'52 Cartridge, ; Breech Loading Carbine. No. b" Cartridge. U.S. RiHe. (Steel Barrel.) with Sabre Bayonet, | U.S. Kitted Musket. Springfield Pattern. | Single Barrel Shot Gun. E. REMINGTON A SONS, Ilion, New York. AG NTS. I Moore A Nicholas. New York. | Palmers k Baehelders, Boston, i John P. Lovell. " ; Jos. C! Grubb k Co . Philadelphia, j Poultney k Trimble, Baltimore. Ilcnry Folsoni A Co., New Orleans A Memphis. I Maynurd Bros , Chicago, j L. M. Knmsey & Co., St. Louis, j Albert E. Crane, San Francisco. ju. 11. NEW BOOT &IHOE STORE IN THE WEST WARD. The undersigned has just opened a new and large j stock of HOOTS nnd SHOES tn Major Buoy's ; store room. West Market street, Lewistown a few | doors l'rom the diamond and opposite Eiseubise's Ho tel, where will be found an entire new stock of Fash- I toriable j BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, SLIPPERS,