(&> <2s vg-o IEo S?hQle No 2889. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC 'SALE. pv VIRTUE of the authority conferred {) up'ii the undersigned by an act of the 6:n-r:i! Assembly of the Commonwealth 0 f Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to en y the Administrators of Hon. James T. H ib. late of Centre county, dee'd, to sell jvai estate," passed the 1 It'll day of April, > . they will expose to sale at public a;, i\'at Lock's Mills, in Mifflin countv, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, October :JO, IM>6. :he :< 'flowing valuable Real Estate, to wit: Ist. The undivided one-fourth part of :v tracts of land, situate in Armagh township, Mifflin county, Pa., the one ,villaining fifteen acres, and 19 perches, ai re >r less, and the other containing far acres and 78 perches, more or less, having thereon erected a large GRIST MILL, DISTILLERY and other buildings, known as Lock's Mills. 2d, The undivided one-fourth parr of a certain tract of land situate in the town ship aforesaid, adjoining lands of John Beittv. Geo. Swartzell, N. W. Sterrett, Joint and James Beatty, and others, eon taining Hundred & Forty-Five Arres SB) 111 and 32 perches, more or less, i. all cleared and in a gm..i state of cultivation, having thereon erected FARM HOUSE, Barn and other out-building-. 3d, The undivided one-fourth part of a field -ituate as aforesaid, containing eight ui- and Is jierches, less, known as ■ The field by the Church." 4th, The undivided one-fourth part of a tract of land situate as aforesaid, adjoin ing lands of N. \V. Sterrett, James Ster rett > heirs. J. Kennedy, John Swartzell, Wra.Bcattv's heirs and others, containing THIRTY-FOUR ACRES, and 126 per ches. more or less, known as "The fields west of the road." sth. The undivided one-fourth part of a lot of ground situate as aforesaid, con taining Seventy-Seven Perches, more or it--, known as the "Samuel Harvy Lot." 6th. The undivided one-fourth part of a let of ground situate aAforesaid, contain ing 143 Perches, more or less, known as th-- "Hassinger Lot." 7th, The undivided one-fourth part of three several lots -ituate as aforesaid, one thereof containing 44 perches, more or s—, known as the "Shop Lot." Anoth er thereof containing 39 perches more or A known as the "Corner Lot." And the other containing 77 perches, more or less, known as the "Wagon Maker Shop Let." s th, The undivided one-fourth part of a k>t of ground situate as aforesaid, con taining three Acres and 113 perches, more or le-s, known a- the "Hawk Lot." 9th, The undivided one-fourth part of a tract of land situate as aforesaid, con iningONE HUNDRED ASE YFNT Y TWO ACRES and 57 perches, more or known as "The East end of the Wni. Lyon Tract." 10th, The undivided one-fourth part of a tract of land situate as aforesaid, con- 809 ACRES, and 7> perches, more or less, known a.- j the "West end of the Win. Lyon Tract."' 11th, The undivided one-fourth part of eight pieces, parcels, or tracts of land, sit- j in the township aforesaid on what is • known as Realty's Knob: No. 1, Containing 99 acres and 20 per- , • la-, more or le-s. Xo. 2, Containing 112 1 acres and 121 perches, more or less. No. j •• Containing 110 acres and 102 perches, j more or less. No. 4, Containing loOacres anil IV> perches, more or less. No. 5, Containing 121 acres and 69 perches, more or less. No. ?>. Containing 174 acres and 1'" perches, more or lis-. No. 7, Contain in. l-'x; acres and 103 perches, more or less, j No. s. Containing 131 acres and 129 per- | ch s. more or less. —Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a. m. oi said day. I'KRMS: — One third in hand on confir mation of -ale l>y the Orphans" Court of Centre county, and the tv-idue in two \ equal annual payments, with interest, to ; he secured on the j>rem l -1 - hv IKHHI and mortgage. It is deemed necessary for the informa tion of persons unacquainted with this property to call special attention to Nos. one and two: —The grist Mill and Distil lery are now in full operation and were erected by the Messrs. Locke, in the most permanent and complete manner, with out regard to cost. The farm buildings are large and convenient and well adapted f'-r all farming purpose-. There are some twelve tenant and other houses for the accommodation of those employed at this establishment, all in good order. The Mitllin and Centre County Railroad is in dose proximity to the Mills, being but about two miles distant. E. C. HEMES, ADAM HOY. The undersigned owners in fee simple of the remaining undivided three-fourths part of the above described property, will -ell the same at the same time and" place, and upon the same terms. E. C. HUMES. H. N. MOAJ.LISTKR, A. CT. CI KTIN. sept 2 ts ORPHANS' COURT SAME. In pursuance of an order issued bv the Orphans' Court of Mifflin county. tlie undersigned will expose to sale, by public vendue, on the premises, nearMil roy, on Sal us day. October 11, Istiti. at one o'clock |n the afternoon, the follow ing Real Estate, to wit: A House and Lot of Ground, situate in Armagh town-bin, Mifflin county, bound ed on the north by land of Win. Collier, on tin* south by land of John Reaver and Win. Reed, on the east by land of \V. i hompson and Bartholomew Thatcher, and on the west by land of Win, Reedj containing about 4 acres, more or less. Terms made known on day of -ale. PETER BAREFOOT, Bepl9 Admr. of l)an'l Beaver, dee'd. ORPHANS' COURT SILE Of Valuable Farms, Dwellings. l Lots and Timber Tracts, I ) 't virtue of an order issued out of the ' Orphans' Court of Mifflin county, the i .-uhscriber will offer at public sale, at the Court House in Lewistown, on Thursday. October IMb, IS6B, at 10 o'clock, a. in., the following Real Estate, viz : A umber 9. A Lot of Ground in the Borough of Lewistown, fronting 30 feet on Mill street, and extending back same width to public Alley, bounded on the east by lot of Wm. Riden, and on the west by lot ot 8. M. Hamaker, with a Double T ranie House, .Stable and other improve nients thereon. No. SO. A Lot of Ground in Lewis town. hounded by lands of E. L. Bene dict, McAfee and others, containing One Acre and a half of land, more or less. No. Mi. A rract of Land in* Deny township, M iff! in county, bounded on the North by Mill street extended, on the south by the old Feeder, on the east bv lots ol Charles Ritz, and on the west by lot- of E. L. Benedict, containing Five Acres, more or less, with a Two Story j Brick House, Barn, Orchard, a well of ! good Water, and other improvements ■ thereon. No. 15. A Tract of Land in Derry 1 township, adjoining lands of Jacob J. j Kline, containing Three Acres and twen- i iv-ihree perches, neat measure, in a good state of cultivation. No. 1:4. ami pari of 1 !. A Tract of Land in Derry town-hip, adjoining other lands ot John Hitucs, dee'd, George For sythe, and other-, containing One Hun dred and Seventy-six Acres and sixteen perches, neat measure, more or less, • whereon arc erected a Dwelling House, a now Bank Barn, a fine young Orchard of choice Fruit, and other improvements, with a good Spring of Waterat the house. A large portion of it i- cleared and under fence, and the balance in timber. This Tract i- composed of tlieMcKoe tract and part of the Swart/ or Wright tract. Pai l of No. PL A Tract of Land in Derry township, bounded by other lands of J< dm I limes, dee d, east part of Swartz | tract) and others, containing Seventy-six j Acres and eighty-two perches, neat meas- j urc, more or less, and being a part of the Swartz or Wright tract. Also the following described lots of pieces of land divided out of No. 11, viz: Nil. f. A Tract of Timber Land in Der ry township, adjoining lands of Philip | Martz, the John Blain tract, and other land oi'John Mimes, dee'd, on which is a Dwelling House, containing 31 acres and 93 perches. No. 'Z. A tract ot Timber Land, ad joining the above, and other land of John Mimes, dee'd, containing 34 acres and 8 perches. No. :5. A tract of Timber Land, adjoin ing the above, and other lands of John ! Himes. dee'd, and containing 34 acres. No. I. A tract of Tim'oer Land, adjoin ing the above, and other lands of .John j Himes, dee'd, and containing 3d acres and luS perches. No. 5. A tract of Timber Land, adjoin ing the above, and other lands of John ; Himes, dee'd, and containing J7 acres and 13> perches. No. 6. A tract of Timber Land, adjoin ing the above, and other lands of John Himes, dee'd, and containing 39 norl and ]4s perches. No. 5. A tractofTimber Land,adjoin ing the above, and other land of John Himes. dee'd, and containing 33 acres and 63 perches, and on which is a Dwel ling House. Any person desiring to examine the above property can do -o by calling on J. L. Himes, T. G. Bell, or the undersigned; and we will meet any person desiring to see the farms, on the premises, Wednes day, October 3d, 1806. TERM- OF SALE. —Ten per cent, cash J on day of sale, and one-half of purchase j money to pe paid on confirmation of sale, j and the balance in one year thereafter, i with interest, to l>e secured bv judgment. ! JOHN U. BIGLER, Trustee for the sale of the Real septlil-ts. Estate of John Himes, dee'd. ; I ORPHANS 5 COURT SALE! V\ T ILL he exposed to sail? by public ! ' vendue, on the premises, on Tuesday. October 16, 1866. the following Real Estate, to wit: A certain tract of land, situate in De catur township, Mifflin county, beginning at a maple, tlienee bv land of Dor- ; man, north 43° east 106 perches to double ! white oak, thence by land of Geo. Kearns, Esq., south 47" east 184 perche- to a white I oak, thence by same south, 43° west 85 perches to stones, thence south 81° west 45 perches to dogwood, thence north 61 j 3 west 176 perches to place of beginning, containing 155 ACRES, 151 PERCHES, more or less. The improvement- consist: of a Dwelling House, new Bank Barn, I good water, Xe. A good part of it cleared and under cultivation —the remainder well i timbered. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock of said dav, when terms will be made known. I T. G. BELL. *epl2-ts Adyi. of G. W. Fisher, dee'd. LEWISTOWN ACADEMY. r PHIH INSTITUTION will be opened ; L September 17th. and it is the desireof the Principal to render it worthy of the patronage of the community. Male pupils j prepared fur entrance into college. Par ticular attention paid to BOOK-K K E P I X G by double entry. A record of attendance, ; recitations and deportment will be kept daily, and furni.- . . u> the parent or guar • iian a- often a- ucj. may desire. Price >i tuition as usu, i m institutions of this class. J. H. NOURSE. au 15 Princ'l Male and Female Dept. | tfISH! FLSIL 11 fiwan's is the store j J. for Mackerel an IH tiring WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 3. 1866. •HEST O 15 A T I O Y ! Tli' Policy of Hie I iiion Party to Restore file National 1 ition. " Htsohied by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, two thirds of both Houses concurring, That the following article be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States as an amendment to the Constitution of the 1 nited States, which, when ratified by three-fourths of the said Legislatures, shall he valid as a part of the Constitu tion, namely: "ARTICLE — Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, aivcit izens of the i'nited States, and of the State wherein they reside. Xo State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the Cnited States. Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, lib erty, or property without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. "Section 2. Representatives shall be ap portioned aiuoii.tr the several States aeeord- Intr to their respeetive numbers, counting the whole number of ]>ei sons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed; but when ever the right to vote at any election for electors of President and Vice President, or for United States Representatives in Congress, executive and judicial officers, or the members of the Legislature thereof, i- denied t<> any of tie* male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years ol , age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for partici- ! pation in rebellion or other crime, the j basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the num ber of such male citizens shall bear to the | whole number of male citizens twenty-otic years of age in that state. "So r ,■ penetra ted deeper into the hilly region. I ex changed my mare for a lough little In dian pony, barefooted, but nimble and intelligent; after inspecting me with his nose, and apparently finding no ob jectiou, he established confidential re lations at once, and has served me. thus far, with unswerving fidelity. It was a singular country through which we rode, and I regret that lam not able to describe its geological char acter. llilis wooded with aspen, and narrow, grassy dells, alternated with wide sweeps of irregular table land, treeless and bare, except for tvgrowth of sage and lark spur. The valleys of the larger streams which thread the Middle Park where shut out from view, but the distant cincture of Alpine sum mits met the eye in every direction. Wc rode twenty miles—two-thirds of the distance to the Hot Springs— made a brief noon-camp beside a*brook, and then pushed forward again toward a loft}- range of hills which arose be fore us. Gradually, all the eastern portion erf the Park came into view. I readily distinguished the Berfhoud Pass, as well as that at the head of Clear C'reek, and could roughly measure by the eye both their elevation above the Park and the character of' the approaches which they offer for a railroad. On this side of th. mountains there seems to be no difficulty, except such as might arise from heavy snows during the winter. To the northeast, Mr. By ers pointed out the Boulder Pass, which rises above the timber line, but is al most bare of snow. It is practicable for wagons, but is very little traveled. An isolated chimney rock, two or three hundred feet in height, stands like a beacon on the very summit of this pass. I can add to own Mr. Board s testimony as to the originality Of the Park scenery, in an artistic point of view. The features are large and broad, with outlines to some extent fantastic yet not inharmonious In ILLSs IPISiifSSo color, gray predominates, but a gray most rare in landscape—silvery over the sage-plains, greenish and pearly along the slopes of bunch grass and oe j easjonally running into red where the. soil shows tl *' ntrh the thin vegetation. In the gran . s —fifty miles in ex tent—from the i; w • were climb ing. there were no positive tints, but the most delicate and surprising suc cession of broad half-tints, to which sunshine and cloud shadows lent the i loveliest effect. The brush only can describe landscapes so new in charac ter. I found myself thinking of Cen tral Asia—of the regions of Kokand and Kashgar, as 1 imagine them to be. Iroin this point there were no forests, except aspen groves, on the crests of the bibs; the few undulations swept into the distance, dipping here and i there into hollows ot' singular form, j and leaning, far away, against the feet ;ol mountain ranges, where there was the faint green glimmer of a meadow at the foot of every sno**-*}* ravine.— The flushed snows of the farther sum mi.ts did not seem lofty and in access! , hie—our own elevation reduced the highest of them to less than 7,000 feet —but their irregular character and great variety of outline give the true background for such landscapes. A Terrible Retribution. .4/1 Accused Man Calls Upon God to Strike Him. Dead if he is Guilty—lL Falls instantly to the floor, a Corpse. Whatever version may be given to a circumstance that occurred in this city yesterday afternoon, the most thoughtless must per force admit that | the result is both ; range and startling. ! and well calculated to turn the serious man to more prolound meditation, and even stay the reckless man in his course. A man of robust health and i in the prime of life, is accused of a I crime under circumstances of almost positive proof's of guilt, and while he ! calls upon God to bear witness to his innocence, is struck dead almost be fore the appeal has left his lips. In credible as the circumstance may aj : pear, they are literally true. A little over a year ago there lived ; in a small village in Sweden a man by the name of Rosencrist, whose os tensible pursuit was that of a tailor, but rumor bad it that his principal rev enue was derived from preaching and stealing, and at last this impression 1 was so strongly confirmed that hesud j denly left that village to evade the arm ot justice. He came to this coun try about eight months ago, and took up his residence in Chicago, where he again worked at hi& trade. Having a tamily, he found it difficult to support ! them in the city, and consequently sent them to a farm about fourteen j miles from Chicago. He thereupon j took lodgings at a boarding-house No. 144, Burnside street, and tor a long , time no suspicions were entertained as ito his character. Recently several valuable articles belonging to boarders at the house were touiid missing, but i no clue as to the perpetrator could be detected, i'esterday afternoon another theft was discovered, and the proofs of guilt pointed directly to Rosencrist, no one else having been near the apart ment since the tin e the articles stolen were last seen. On being accused, hb stoutly denied the theft, but, finding • no credence was given to the denial, ho suddenly' grew more passionate, and, lifting up his hand towards heav en, exclaimed that he hoped his "tongue ! would rot in his mouth, his head drop from his shoulders, and God strike him dead on the spot," if he was guilty. — No sooner had these words escaped his lips, when lie suddenly began to reel and stagger, and, betbre support could be given, he fell to the floor— i dead. The excitement this created j among the bystanders can better be imagined than described. Strongmen I stood paralyzed, women fainted, and none were able to speak for some min utes. The occurrence was so horrible, this apparent retribution so terrible, that men duubted their senses. But the dead man remained prostrate on the floor—a ghastiy proof of the reali j ty. The rumor of this strange and startling fatality soon spread throfigh the neighborhood, and in a few min utes the house was filled with horror stricken people, none of whom doubt ' ed that the hand of God was thus ; made vieiblc. A. physician was called, ii ho pronounced the cause of death to he disease of the heart, produced In over excitement. The body has been conveyed to the dead bouse, where an inquest will be held to-day.— Chicago Times. Grasshopper Plague iu Kansas. ; I'hey Hide the Sun and Stopßailroad Trains. Our Western exchanges are all more j or less excited on the subject of grass hoppers, which are represented as nu merous as locusts in Egypt during the reign of Pharoah, some time ago. The Wyandotte Gazette says that 1 on Cross creek, between Topeka and Vol. LVI. No. 39- \Vamego. they till the air like snow Jakes in a winter storm. *l n Marshall county t hey ha\ e made their appear ance in myriads, ume characteristics of the locust.— I hey are traveling east, and destroy ing everything vegetable along the route. Lite Kearney Herald says the whole country, for miles around, is rilled with grasshoppers. They are destroying the crops —stalk and branch—with alarming brevity. By the last of this week they will have destroyed the last vestige ot cultivated vegetation, and will then commence on prairie grass ami sod production. i he Kansas t ity Journal is inform ed by John R. Griffiu, Esq., who lias jtist returned from Junction City, Kan sas, that that section is overran with grasshoppers. 1 hey come in swarms lrom the west so thick that the sun is hidden wherever they appear. They are hiring sumptuously, stripping corn fields and eating up the grass, weeds, and leaves on the trees. The Law- 1 ribune, we also notice, makes mention ol their advent and says their ravages have so far been conlined to tracks 12 miles wide and 300 miles long. Some idea of the vast quantity ot these insects may be interred from the tact ot their having got on the railroad track of the Union Pacific load in such numbers as to cause the wheels to slip on the rails. The freight t rain due at Wyandotte evening before iast was actually detained several ■: on is in consequence of the grasshop pers having taken possession of the road. ( l(M KT SALK. 111 pursuance ol* au order issued by the Orphans' Court of Mifflin county, \\ ill be exposed to sale, by public vendue I or outcry, on the premises, 011 Saturday, October 20, 1866, at 1 o clock p. 111., tlie following ileal Es tate, to wit : A Lot of Ground situate in Wayne town ship, Mifflin county, !>eginningat post on land W. Fields, south S4£° east 28 6-10 perches to post, south 22 U cast 13 6-10 , perches to post, thence by land Tho. Lane north 22■,' east 20 6-10 perches to post, ( north 65 p west 24 perches to post, thence by same and James Gaff south 25J° west 12 perches to place of beginning, contain ing EI -V E O ZR, E S , j and one hundred and sixteen perches and | allowance, with a two story LOG HOUSE I ami STABLE thereon. fifetC" Terms made known on day of sale. SAMUEL DRAKE, j s26te Adin, Geo. W. Matthews, dee'd. FARM AT PUBLIC SALE! VI "ILL be sold at public sale, on the ' 1 premises, near Kishacoquiilas P. 0., 4 Brown township, adjoining lands of John lleatty, ('has. K. Davis, Win. Barr, Jo- I seph Byler arid Gideon Voder, on Friday, October I'itli, 1866, ! a tine Farm containing- 124 ACHES, with i n D\\ ELLING HOUSE, good BANK BARN, and other outbuildings, with wa | ter conveyed through lead pipes. A Good Young Orchard jis 011 the place. 12 or 15 acres are well i timbered. Also, at the same time and place, anoth ! er Tract of" Land situate at the foot of Stone Mountain, containing TWEN TY-TWO ACRES, 5 of which are cleared, and the remainder timber land, with a House, Stable, and Orchard of Apple and Cherry trees there- I on. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, p. ! 111., when terms will be made known. sepl2ts* ROBERT CUMMINS. Estate of Enoch Moyer, dee'd. V OTICE is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the estate of | ENOCH MOVER, late of Granville township, Mifflin county, deceased, have | been granted to the undersigned, residing j in Deny township. All persons indebt : ed to said estate are notified to make pay | inent immediately, and those having claims against the same, will present them I duly authenticated for settlement. HENRY BOOK, aug22~6t" Administrator. Estate of Joint C. Wolf, deceased. N OTICE is hereby given that letters of administration 011 the estate of John C. \\ oil, late of the Borough of Lewis town, Mifflin county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, the first nam ed residing in Milheim, Centre county, and the latter in Lewistown. All per sons indebfed to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly au thenticated for settlement. JA 8. P. SMITH, Admr., Milheim. ELIZA WOLF, seply Admx., Lewistown. Estate of CliarleM C. Parker, deceased. | V OTICE is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the estate of CHARLES (.. PARKER, late of Brown township, Mifflin county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in Derry township. All persons indebted | to said estate are notified to make pay ment immediately, and those having 1 claims against the same, will present them I duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN IJLOYT, Jr., sepl9-6t* Administrator.