RECIPES. I From Godey's Lady's Book, for October. Cohf Go Ho ye —Chop fine and heat it in vinegar, season with pepper and sail ; if not boiled with meats, add a little butter. It can also be fried; cauliflower and broccoli can be prepar ed in the same manner. Breast oj Veal with Oyster Sauce.— Rub the veal all over with salt and pep per Cover it with buttered paper, aud then with coarse paste, baste fre quently, to prevent the paperand paste from burning; half an hour before serv ing, remove th paste and paper. Beat the white of an egg, add a very little j loaf sugar and wet the veal with the j egg and sugar, without leaving any lumps of the glazing, and brown it nicely. Prepare drawn butter with oysters, and serve the sauce in a tu reen. Tliil sauce can bo used with roast or boiled veal, to good advan tage, it oysters are plenty. Serve with mashed potatoes, and celery. Sufterior Venison Steak —ibis man- ; nor of cooking venison is the most j healthy, and perhaps the most univer sally agreeable. Broil, as you would a rare beefsteak; have ready a gravy, prepared with butler, pepper, salt, and a very little water; heat the gravy, without boiling or trying the butter; score the steak in small bits, not larger •than a ten-cent piece, put it in thegra-j vy, and cover tight, keep it hot enough to steam the meat sulfieiently to coag ulate the blood, but no hotter, serve in a covered dish, well heated. Family Cake. —Take one pound oi flour, one quarter of a pound of butter, ! to be well rubbed into the flour, six \ ounces of sugar, three quarters ot a pound of currants, two eggs, half a j pint of new milk, a little grated lemon- j peel, a sn all teaspoonfui of carbonate ! . oi soda; all the other ingredients to be ' well mixed before the soda is put in ; j then, when that is added, to be put i into a buttered tin and baked at once, j Black Cap Budding. —Take a pint of new milk; mix into it by degrees three ! tablespoontuls of tine dry flour; strain and simmer it over the tire 611 til pret ty thick ; then add two ounces of but- ! ter; let it grow cold and stir in the yelks of four eggs beaten and strained, j ard half a pound of currants washed and dried. Put into a well-floured, cloth; tie it tight; place it in boiling water; move it about a little to pre vent its settling, and boil it one hour I and a half. Serve with sweet sauce \ poured over it. Cranberry Tart. —Take half a pint of cranberries, pick them from the stems and throw them into a sauce-pan with half a pound ot white sugar and a spoonful of water; let them come to a boil; then retire them to stand on t'he hob while you peel and cut up four large apples; put a rim of light paste round your dish; strew in the apples; pour the cranberries over them ; cover with a lid of crust, and bake for an hour. For a pudding, proceed in the same manner with the fruit, and boil it in a basin or cloth. To Ice a Cake. —For a good-sized, use eight ounces of finely sifted sugar, put it into a mortar with four spoon- ! fuls of rose-water, and the whites of two eggs, beating and straining it j Then whisk it well, and when the cake is almost cold, dip a leather into the icing, and well cover the cake with it. I ut it into the oven to harden, but bo very careful not to leave it there long enough to discolor it, and keep it in a dry place. Some persons apply i the icing with a knife, hut care must be taken to lay it on evenly. Four Man's Sponge-cuke. Five eggs ! halt a cup ot white sugar, whip the whites of the eggs, half a cup of sifted : flour, and half a cup of water. Grocery and Variety Store, At the favorite old Stand formerly occupi ed by Mrs. Wertz, and latterly by D. Grove, between the Union House hnd Black Bear HiCI. Fa A Market st., Fetvislowu, -IT7-HERE the public- w ill constantly find a geueral VV assortment of the best Groceries comprising Coffees. Sugars, Teas, Molasses, Fish, Salt. Tobacco, Segars, Broom-. Tubs. Bucket.-, and hundred- ~f other arti cle- 11. general u-e. together With Hams, Shoulders. I'ried Beef. 4c. Also Confections and Nuts of all kinds. F.tuev Article.-, an J a general variety ot such inciters and things as may be needed in housekeep ing from a pin up. _ _ MUTU EliS BOUGHS. The public are invited to give us a call. ap2o.6m New Stock of Hats, Caps, &c. W. SCLIITSEK, Market St., next Dour to John Kennedy's, grpx Has jtxsit received ir,,ui jsp, j New V >rk and Philadel j phia, the most extensive and complete aesori ment of ever exhibited in this place, which will bedis- j posed of at such prices as to defy competition, i and which he invites everybody to call and | examine, as he is satisfied that his stock can- j not fail to please. I For the Ornish he has constantly on hand, or will make to order, hats to their taste of any required size or brim, at juices which cannot fail be satisfactory. G'ouiifl-y Merchants find it t<> their ad vantage to give him a call, as a liberal deduc tion will be made to wholesale purchasers. Don't forget the place, next door to John Kennedy's Store and nearly opposite the I Old Fe lows' Hall. mayll SELLING OFF AT COST! 'SMIE undersigned having a large stock of: J. Eastern manufactured Boots and Shoes on hand, oilers th same at cash prices from i now until further notice is given. Men'-e Boots, warranted, double soles from I $3 00 to 5 50. Men's Boots do do do calf, 0 50 to 7 00 Boys' Boots do do 200t03 00 j Youth's Boots do do 100 to 2 25! Men's Gum Overshoe, best 1 25 Women's do do 1 10 Men's do cloth tops 2 75 lie has also a stock of city work on hand, j which he will sell very low, and warrants it to be good for nothing. So, come on, boys and girls, and get prepared for the cold Manufacturing and repairing attended to as usual. A large stock of Trunks, Valises : and Carpet Bags on hand which will he sold at very reasonable prices A full stock ot home made work kept constantly on hand at i low prices. BILLY JOHNSON. Lewistown Feb 7, 1866. liHOm i BIKER'S -NEW ASO IMPROVED Ino. 1. Prion 880. r | , HB GROVER & BAKER BEYV -L ING -MACHINE CO. invite the attention of Tailors, Manufacturers of Clolliing. Boots and Shoes, and Carriage Trimmers, and others requiring a rapid. light-runniflg.aml dura ble Lock fetlcli Machine, to their new No. 1 Sewing Machine, It i- of extra size, very strong and powerful, easily operated with little noi-e ; is adapt, d to every variety ? f sewing from the thinnest muslin to Hie'heaviest leather, and will work equally well with cotton, linen or silk thread Letters similar to the following are being constantly received: •Our machinist and foreman have both thoroughly examined and tested your No. 1 .Machines on differ ent material, from the heaviest harness leather and "nest broadcloth and muslin to the thinnest tissue paper, without altering the tensions, and we find it makes a perfect stitch on all materials. I have tried •Singer s and other machines for rears, and have no hesitation in pronouncing vour No. j Shuttle .Machine the best by tar o; any machine we have used. I ~ , _ WILLIAM LOCK, i -Merchant Tailor, 121 Lake Street, Chicago." v ' , al ", tk ® fortunate possessor of one of your new- No. 1 Shuttle .Machines; I have used the Singer sowing machine for the past few years, and it fives me great pleasure to say ihat this one is far superior i J 1, P ° 10 lu 'L, i;U 1 Lave overused or seen 1 want no better, ihis maciuuecan be seen at mv shop at any time. Rsvbis SMn f my Merchant Tailor, Lewistown, Pa ALL WHO WANT THE II'IKST AMI HIVI ,? 0t fail to ? a " and see this new aspirant tor public favor, as it i- destined to supersede all the poses 6 p " pular -Machines for manufacturing pun t'oimvmv U J a f gesl vari f, tv 0< machines of any other I rrL tc" M i', t , a!l ftuiU * s '"• a machineat T A " "'"' hiues warranted. Lwsafe'. 8 ton °"' LinCn Thread aud Information and samples of sewing given by F. F. LOOP, Agent, ■flfllO lj Lewistown. Pa. EXCELSIOR Photograph, and Art Gallery. Li ATE BUKKHOLDER'S. MCEWENS can now furnish the pub lic with -Likenesses, from the tiniest ucm to a Portrait or life size Photograph. in h, r H ' aniera tt work in the Juniata \ silley, and desire the imb ue to call and examine what' Mr. Burk liolder (an accomplished and well known 7 ou " d "• FeJSype,, | „r Ivcry- Melaunotypes, j Phi o-Kllniaturea CarfpEf 8 ' k 1 CaUln I'lStaJf* \°™, ~ Kral i St" 1 ?" " r CiC si® v>i + ', i Fhotograuh s rs"' | Our work is executed in the best stvlp fSP" eol<>rs > an,t at the low,'st raW N u .. MCEWENS. at Wr B ; Ms UStn,Ctlom to "tudenl,^ u I P. F. LOOP , r " as ?" u u n returned from the eitv selves, as my stock is large - and'prices ,o body. A good assortment of home made work on •tf! k - examined all the late styles in th city, he is prepared to make to order all the late styles now worn. late A fine assortment of cotton and woollen Hosierv very low pnees. Call at the old stand myf 6 A M ERIC AN Hay Fork and Knife Ev thTver?best forks h to U .! d | tb V fork - U ' B one of loud it on? ufthe from lhe wagon ana cut out of mow or SZii .aa s ° f4 Perf'Ctknife to tire satisfaction It h£l '° K u 'e en fork possesses, ° thcr Agent for tlie Manufactnrere. 1 FAMPEP* lOOS TO TOTS INTERESTS! . BALL'S OHIO REAPER IAD MIR, WITH Pigeon-Wing Self-Rake, MANUFACTURED BY REESE, SLAGLE FOUST,* Leuu'stoicn, Miflii n Couuty, Pa. AT'E are now manufacturing Bull's Ohio Reaper and ft Hover with Pigeon-wing Self rake, whichweof ! fer fi>r the season of 18C6. as a perfect Mower. a per leet Reaper and a perfect .Self Raker. As :l Mower it • has no superior, and a* a Reaper and Selt-Kaker it has 11.. eqyl. Perfect side Delivery has n.. side draft; two driving wheel-: liing. d ipt* itself ;o the uii.aennes> ..I the ground in mowing nod reap ing. The self-rake does not interfere uith the dri j vers seat The driver can regulate the height of Mubble while the machine is in motion. We also manufacture SEIIJL.ES' PATENT HAY It.VKK, Haines' celebrated Horse Power ! and Threshing Machine.' Agency for ((riser's patent Self-Regulating Oram Thresher. Separator. Cleaner and Bagger. All kinds of Machine work- nmde ijnd tilted Up for Mills. Factories. Furnaces and Forces. Also, Rose and Reaction Water Wheels, j All orders will receive prompt attentiorf. bv addres sing REESE. SLAGLE k FO'UST. Lewistown, Mirtlin Co., Pa. | S. Benner, General Agent. t'l'os my&mi IR.IEIVLXirM' GTOISJ'S Aiidll 3 4 SOLD BY GUN DEALERS *. A.ND TIIE TKvLiE GENERALLY. Vest Po.-k.-t Pistol. No. 22 Cartridge. | Repeating Pistol. (Elliot pt.) No. 22 Cartridge, i Repeatitig Pistol. (Elliot pt ) No. 32 Cartridge, j Pocket Revolver. (Self Cocking.) ! New Pocket Revolver, (witli Loading Lever.) ! Police Revolver. Navy Sir..- Calibre, Belt Revolver. Navy Sine Calibre. ' Belt Revolver. soli-Cocking. Navy Calibre, Navy Revolver,' 36-100 ::t. Calibre. j Army Revolver, 44-100 in. Calibre, j Gun Cane, using No 32 Cartridge, i Revolving Ridel 3i .v 44-hX' in. ' alibre, i Breech Loading Kitie. No. 32 Cartridge, i Breech Loading Carbine. No. 4''. Cartridge. . U.S. Ritie. (Steel Barrel.) with Sabre Bayonet, j U. S. Ititied Musket. Springfield Pattern, j Single Bair< : Shot Gun. K. REMINGTON k SONS, Ilion. New York. AGN T S . j Moore 4 Nicholas. New York. ! Palmers it Buchelders. Boston. John P. Level!. ■ Jos. C. Gruhb 4 Co . Philadelphia, j Poultney A' Trimble, Baltimore, j Henry Folsom 4 Co., New Orleans & Memphis, j Maynard Bros., Ciiicago. I L. M. Ruinsey k Co., St. Louis. I Albert E. Crane, Sail Francisco. ju. 11. NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE IN THE WEST WARD. The undersigned has iusf opened a new and large stock of BOOTS unci SHOES in Major Buoy's store room. West Market street. Lewistown a few J doors from the diamond and opposite Eisenhise's Ho i tel. w here will he found an enure new stock of Fasli j ionable BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, cScC-, for Ladies. Gentleman. Girls, Boys, and Children, se iected with much care, and whiclt will be sold at rea sonable prices for cash. Custon Work will also be punctually attended to, this branch being under the superintendent#of Wm. T. Wetita. an old arid experience workman. REPAIRING also attended to. The public, a.- we!! as his fellow soldiers,are invited to give him a call and examine his stock. FRANK H. WENTZ. Lewistown, Sept. 6,18C5. STILL OliT LPtIN THE TIDE." THE BIG COFFEE POT SIGN. 'Tis said that brevity is wit. T<. try it we've hit on the following bit For sale at the big Coffee Pot stand: Stoves. Tin Ware, plain arid plated Fruit Cans. Brass Kettles. Iron Pots. Tea Kettles and Pans. Toilet Ware, Stamped Ware, Jupaned Ware and Spades. Shovels. Hoes. Knives, Forks, and Oil Shades. Step Ladders. Spoons. Sad Irons and Stands. Tubs. Buckets. Churns, Brooms, and Water Cans. Butter Bowls. Sugar Boxes, and Door Mats Brushes. Oil Cloths, Traps for mice and rats. Clothes Pins, Bed Cords, Knife. Tray and Mop Sticks. Baskets. Flour Sieves. Wood Satvs and Lamp Wicks. Spring Balances. Slaw Cutters aud Carpet Tacks, Tack Hammers, Hatchets, and Weekly Racks, Meat Saws. Bread Toasters, Scissors and Shoe Black. Clothes Wringers. Oval Trays, and a Clothes Rack, Tea Bells. Zink-Rubhers and Coffee Mills, Tin Boxes for Bonds, Deeds and Wills, Picture Frame Cords A- Tassels, pretty and new. And many other things—can't mention but few. P. S. Many of the*above mentioned goods arc di rect from the faoou-v, and will be sold low for cash. I will wholesale. Glass Jars at the same figures they do iu Phiia., and Tin Cam lower than the city price. For spouting and job work we intend to let no one outdo ns in price. We use the host material, and pro fess to understand our nusiness. I append the follow ing card from H. S. Fisher, Pat entee of my celebrated Spring Top Can: Caution to Merchants & Tinners. Since the great success of iny cemented paper rings for closing Fruit Cans. sAme have thought to drift into the same current of success by infringing upon my patent Some cans longer patented than none, oh whiclt gum had been used under their pat ent arrangement, are now making tlicir appearance with cemented paper rings, instead of the gum form erly used. In most cases such infringements take place thro' persons not responsible, who take orders in country stores, while the manufacturers in the cities have for the most part concealed their work. This is to notify the public that the use of cemented paper, pressed upon the top of a fruit cam during the heated state of the fruit, so that w hen cold it is perfectly sealed, is an infringement upon my rights, unless used upon a can having a cap with my name stamped upon it. Any kind of cement upon this paper, undergoing a pro cess pressure during tin cooling of the fruit, comes in eon act with my patents, dated Nov. 12, 1861, Aug. 19,1802, March 22, 18(54 Ali who manufacture, sell.or \ use cans with cemented paper, which have not my i name upon the caps, are liable for infringement. H. 8. FISHER. Manufactured by J. IRYJN WALLIS. jel3 1866. NEW GOODS! AT NATHANIEL KENNEDY'S STORE, In the Odd Fellows' Hall. TUST received from Philadelphia, a tj very choice assortment of Ginghams. Flannels, Checks Hicknnr cv,, Domestic Dry Goods of all kinds Fore,u and ALSO, Sugar., Coffees, Teas, Chocolate, Essences ot Coffee, Queensware. stone ware, Hardware and Cedarware, Shoul ders Hams, Mackerel, Herring, ohcidw Boots cvnrl Shoes, Gram Bags. Also, a fine lot of Whisky, BRANDY , Wine and Gin, SALT. 4c., LewsiOwn, October 11, 1866. KENNEDY. Bird Cases. BUY your Bird Cages— they are pretty— at ' HOFFMAN'S ' "DEST brands Cigars, and good Tobacco, XJ 91 SD. FRY-SINGER'S. 1 Pratt's Column. j 2?.7 GSCDS, :?.7 ©CCDS, ' DRY G-CCES. A new and complete assortment at IP IR. T T S ' at the lowest prices. | GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, Fresh and cheap at Pratts'. FISH, SALT and BACON, at the lowest prices, at Pratts'. I • LOVE RING and all other grades ftf syr up, cheap at Pratts' Everybody goes to Pratts' for MUSLINS, CALICOES, DELAINES, aud to select from their fine stock of DRESS GOODS. CASSIMERES, SATINETS, COTTON aud LINEN PANT STUFFS, very cheap at Pratts'. Last, but not least, Pratts' have the only genuine "JACKSON WHITE POTATOES." Lewistown, June, 18GG. [oct2s-'G5y Tailoring Establishment (DQL&IfiIbIES Wo (SMiy&aßfflj) MERCHANT TAILOR, has removed hm shop to the . .V Duild 'hg formerly known ax the "green house " w m of Valley and Mill street, adjoining a. kk. Pratt's store, where he cordially invites all who need anything in his line. Goods and Trirn mings furntshed and gentlemen's clothing made, in once. styles, on short notice, and at reasonable P9 pll-tf ROOFIMG. ANEW mode of saving time, money and labor, an 1 is adapted to Buildings of all Descriptions. It run applied to steep or flat roofs- old or now. It unit- s the best water-proof compilation with the i-est uater-proot fabri in the host manner, has been in tte f,,r several voars in New York and Washington, and we feel confident in reeomtneudtng it The price is only seven cents per square foot. .Samples ran be seen by calling at J. IIIM.M KLWRIGHT'S. House Painter, Lewistown. Who is agent for its sale. apl2s-t>m. PRICES MORE. rjtllK mide;-signed has a large stoek of both 1 How it arte anil Kastem maiiufticttire.i Boots and Shoes, which lie otters at prn-es lower than be has sold for four years: Men's thick, d. Boots, warranted, from -2 75 to S.oo. " Kip. •• •• '• - 4.0n to a.oo. " Calf •• - extra 4 at) to 6.00. Boys' ISoßts. ! (So to s on. Men's thick Brogau.-c ls, 1 . WHOLES.ALK V.\L> tIKTUL. SOI Broadway, S. Y. In addition to onr main business of PHOTOGRAPH- . | IC MA I EIIIALS, we are headquarter for the foilow : mg. vtx: Stereoscopes and stereoscopic Views. | Of American ami Foreign Cities and Landscapes. Groups. Statuary. &e. Stereoscopic View's of tlie War, ! From negatives inane in the various campaigns and j forming a complete Photographic history ot the con- ! j test. stereoscopic Views on Glass, J Adapted for either the Magic Lantern or stereo- | 1 scope. Hut ■ will be sent to nnv address on t | receipt of stamp. Photographic Aibums. ; We manufacture largely than any other house. 1 about '-'an varieties from 50 cent- to #SO each. Our Al bums have the reputation ol being superior in beau- j j ty and durability to tiny others. Card Photographs of Generals, Statesmen J Actors, etc., etc. Our catalogue embraces over FIVE THOUSAND different Mibjecs. including reproductions of the | celebrated Engravings. Paintings. Statues. &<•. Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp. Photographers and others ordering goods C. O. 1).. , will please remit 25 per cent of the amount with their j order, go-lm prices and quality of our goods can not fail to satisfy. ' jel3 lv _ fpo ALL BOOK BUYER.?' : 1 Jas K. Simon. 33 south Sixth street. Phtladel- j plna. IS agent f..r the following valuable Books: Appletou s new American f"vc|..pedia. 16 volumes, j do History of the Rebellion, t large vol. Dictionary of Mechanics.2 volumes. Rebellion Record, by Frank Moore. 'J vols. A\ ashington Irvine's Works. 22 vols ; Cooper's Novels. Dicken-' Works. Menval A Gits 1 hon s Rome. Macau ley's Works. I're's Dictionary ! of Arts and Manufactures. * • Bancroft's United States. S vols. Ac.. Ac. I furnish all Imoks published, for public and private I libraries, at wholesale prices. Send a list of any nooks wanted, with a stamp, tor prices, which will be I sent by return mail. may23-Sm ' ~ BUSINESS COLLEGE j j N. E. cor. Tenth and Chestnut Streets. PHILADELPHIA TMIE most complete and thoroughly j appointed Business or Commercial College m tr.c country. 6 | The only one in the citv possessing a Lci-lative ! Charter, and the only one in the United State's autho- ! rized to conlct Degrees ot Merit. Diploma* awarded | to graduates in the Commercial Course under its I pirate seal by authority of law. Conducted by gentlemen of liberal education and ' extensive experience in business, and affording une qualled advantages for the thorough theoretical and practical education of young men for the various dtt • des and employments of business life. THEORY AND PRACTICE COMBINED i by a system of ACTUAL BUSINESS TRAINING original and pre-eminently practical, giving the stu dent in the shortest time a complete insight into the routine, details, customs and forms of business in i general, as conducted in the best-regulated commer cial and financial establishments. Theoretical Bookkeeping j Upon a new plan, with an original exposition of the l science ot accounts, at ranged and published >.y the i : proprietor ot this Institution exclusively for his own I I use. saving one-half the ordinary labor of the stu dent. and giving htm a complete knowledge of the ! practice of the best accountants. The Commercial Course embraces ' / Bookkeeping. Commercial Arithmetic. Penmanship, Buti- I nests Ciirre.spondt.iuc. Lbmmcrcial laiw. Lettuce* on Bugmesx Affairs, Commercial Custom*. Form* and Actual Practice. Special Krnnches. Algebra a I the Higher Mathematics. Phonwit aqho. Ot namental Penmanship, the Art of Detectinq Coun terfeit Monet/. Engineering. Surveying, .Vert gation ami Telegraphing. Telegraphing. f The arrangements for Telegraphing are far m ad vance of anything of Hie kind ever offered to the public. A regular relegraph i.ine is connected with the Institution with twenty branch offices in various i parts ot the city, where public business is transacted 1 . and in which the students of this Institution are per . nutted to practice. No regulat office ; had in any other school of instruction m the country. , witljon. wliit-h no one can obtain a position a prac j tical operator. \ out.g men arc cautioned against the deceptive representations of tin -e who, without anv such facilities, pretend to teach Telegraphing. Patronage i Tins Institution is now enjoying the largest patron age ever bestowed upon any commercial school in the State. Over live hundred students were m ait m j dance the first year, and over seven hundred during ' i *!> p ll -*' year, ihe best ela- „f students may inva riably be found liere. and all its associations are firt --' class. Location and Accommodations i The Institution is lneuted in the most centra' part jot the citv. and its accommodations, for extent ele gance and convenience, are unsurpassed A'i the . rooms have been fitted up in the very best style with BUSINESS OFFICES OR COUNTING HOUSES j TELEGRAPH OFFICES, STATIONERY STORE AMI A REGULAR BANK OF DEPOSIT AND ISSUE, supplied with finely-engraved lithographic notes used Buslnes" medium in the Department of Actual To Young Men | who desire the very best facilities for a Practical Education f or Business, wo guarantee a course of instruction no where else i 2 I foA, the v re P atft tion and standing of the mtnt tip i alnon business men make its endorse- Tm . T assp " rt to and advancement memS\'^ n u g dfor!in ng Colnm " rcii " °' >! l Illustrated Circular and Catalogue fhn iuterior of the College, arid full particulars of the course of instruction, terms, do. T F MFW I i , uIvf ,ASKS ' A " M ' DrJkhch ' Nov 865 ly? ' °-^ ee Busine*a soO A MONTH f-AGENTS wanted for iv t ,• . article*, just out. Ad ' V ® ,,lWin * Biddeford. Main. ti a'isMif mu'iiaijaa At D. Grovs's Store. N't w Arrival if Grormei and fonferiionerin. D GROVE would again inform th, rubl,. q,, v . lias just received a fresh supply. t„ i. L® u.uid call their -attention. Now i> tiiet'i... t. i. . cheap prim.- Molasses; thl" very test of Sugar's. p' r jj!!J Coffee. 7 different kinds, nut up in Ik paeka. - s-Corn Star.-li. Farina. Hominy,Bcnns.andallkinds ..i s t > resh and fine; prime Cheese. po r ,, Uid. r\ , Baskets. Biick< i-. Brooms and a variety of I>. - ?Ji Notions for Children Al-o. Raisins. >':•>- Prunis Uocaiints. Almonds. io„ beside the largest assort' n.eot of Soaps to he found in town. Hasr Dil- a r .,i'„ n " endless variety of extracts, all of which will > H sot l cheap for cash. ' " la etc All kiii.D of Country Produce taken .1 ... ciiatige for Goofs. *' Thankful for past favors, he hopes by strDt atten tinii to business o> merit and receive a cotu.i -ai < eof the patronage of a generous public tn.u io Great Excitement at the Post Office, (\N •iv.iini -ft: - w erivalefßoofaaodnwML " • '• t I I i iieun-ieisigned wouiq I"' *ii'i hioiio th<* piibh't that he has just arrived fr-iu the eastern cities with a large i.ssoi'i .ent of B.MITS, SIMKS AND GI ITERS. consisting , f Ladies'. Gentlemen'- and f'h irer,'* Wear, which he has purchased at -corne dev. n" n-g i ces. He ia now pre pared to aeil cheapen! ui the cheap sl. for cash. Also, constantly on fob, large assortment ■•!' home-made work, w'hieh i- i, nufao tured under his own supervision, and of the i . -t n.a tertal and workmanship Boots and Shoes n xieto order a; short not;, e. Rej litriiig done m iiie> -; j manner. Call at the Post Office, and examine for ! yourselves. W. C. THORNISURG. Lewistown, May 23. ISC6-y. t ; Holt E It T W. I* AT TON, SOI'TH SIDE OF MARKET STREET, I.EH ISTOIV IA. LI just rt'eeiveti titid opened ,-tt his es -1 tablisiitnent a new of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Fancy Articles, &c., w liidi he will Jisyn.ise of at reas. price*. 11. invite* til! t.. give him a call and examine Ins stock, whirh embraces all articles in his line, and sufficiently large to enable all to make selections who desire to purchase. neatly and expeditiously attended to, and all work warranted. Ihar.kftii tor tlie patron age heretofore re ceived. he respectfully asks a continuance of the same, and will endeavor t. please all who may i'ivur him with their custom. f e b2 I'lIK Tin; Nihil i f In addition to an exten.-ive stock of GOLD & SILVER WATCHES, MEDALIONS, BREAST PENS, RINGS, and other J" E W E X* E, "ST I AT ui. y, I establishment, will be found a beautiful as sortment of VMHMS, ALSO. of .til the prominetit MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, and hundreds of other articles. H. W. JUNKLY. Lewistown, May 24, 18G5. 1*312 MX Wfl!BJIII)I3l AT iE V " L/ 1 ■ • NOTICE TO FARMERS! jMIE undersigned amiounoc* that he is now prepared ft; buy or receive on storage, and forward all kinds tf Grain and other Produce, ' at his new Warehouse at Reedsville. PinlSTliK, SALT A COAL kept constantly on hand for sale. He also continues the Produce Business at the old stand iu Lewistown. octl9-tf ABNER THOMPSON. HARD 7f A. R B, znn AM ifia IA;B IVIOW \. IM. [ OUiY B. SELHEIMER offers his sincere thank* to the friei.ds aud well-wishers ol his f>tablishment, fyr the anil rapid growth of his business hitherto,"and solicits a eonrinuation of the p.atronage of the cjb munity. With increased facilities, anddevo* , ftiiet personal attention to the dvtails of his business, he is confident that all orders he may be favored with during the present year, will be executed to the entire satisfac tion t;f those giving them. Hi* of Hardware. Wood work. Leather, .Saddlery, Coach Trimmings, Linings, Shoe Findings, Paints, Oils, Glass, Stoves, Nails, llorse and Mule Shoes, Nails and Nail Rods, &C., &o„ Jtc„ \a heavy and well-selected, and is offered at prices as low as can possibly be sold. His TIMVAKK is of his own manufacture, nn-de in a good and workmanlike manner, by full bauds, un der his own supervision, and is offered whole sale or retail, as superior to any in the markA- Merchants, Mechanics, Farmers, House keepers and Dealers generally may rely upon getting any article in his line with an assu rance of fair dealing and promptness, wheth er in person or by order. Roofing, Spouting, Repairing, Gas Fitting j and all kinds of Job Work done at shortest I notice. Liberal discount given to the Trade aud Wholesale Dealers. J. B. SELIIKIMEB Lewistown, Jan., 18G6— 1 v