a & sl Whole No 2886. Poor House Business. The Directors of the Poor meet at the Poor House on the 2d Tuesday of each month. GEO. ELEEIL, Attorney at Law, Office Market Square, Lewistown, will at tend to business in Mltfliu. Centre and Hunting don counties mv 26 S. S. CHJLBSRTSCIT, Attorney at Law, LEWISTOWN, PA., OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Mi til in county. Office with D. VV. Woods, esq., Main street, below National Hotel. my 2 DENTAL CARD Pt. Sl'RtiEOS DENTIST. ■I TEETH Extracted WITHOUT PAIN by the use of NITROUS OXIDE or Laughing Gas. Teeth in-erted on all ' s the different styles of bases. Teeth filled in tlie most approved manner. Special atten tion given to diseased gums. All work warranted. Terms reasonable. Office at Episcopal Parsonage, Corner of Main and Water Streets. jylS S3lo Si $0 HP&AljaiHmilMa DENTIST, OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Lewistown and vicinity. All in want of good, neat work will do well to give him a call. He may be found at all times at his office, three doors east of H. M. & R. Pratt's store. Valley street. apl9-ly* M. R. THOMPSON, D. D. S. HAVING permanently located in Lewistown. offers his professional services to the ladies and gentle men of this place and viein lty. Being in possession of all the late improve- AfiWHE . meats in the Dental Profes -1 lit*' | siou. befiatters himselfthat Kt- zjs-dri;.- . yhe can give entire satisfac fFfjffimii Hon to those who may need I jTrl 'w J) his services in all branches. of ins profession. Refer ences—best families. Office west Market street, near Eisenhise's hotel, where he can be found for professional consultation from the first Moudav of each month until the fourth Monday, when he will be absent on professionaTbusi ness one week. mayio-tl To Purchasers of Furniture. R. H. McCLINTIC, AT HIS FURNITURE WA RE ROOMS, West Market St., Lewinlown, HAS complete CHAMBER SUITS of Walnut, Var nished and in Oil. Also, 3CTTA33 & PARLOR together with a large assortment of Fashionable and Plain Furniture. CHAIRS, MATTRESSES &c. Call and see his stock before purchasing elsewhere. N. B. Metahc and Wood Burial CaseS constantly on hand. Coffins also made to order, and Fuherafs attended with a tine Hearse, at short notice. Lewistown, June 27, ISSb-f-mos Lewistown Mills. THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES PUR WHEAT, AND ALL KINDS OP GRAIN, or received it on storage, at the option of those having it for the market. They hope, by giving due and personal at tention to business, to merit a liberal share of public patronage. t®* PL ASTER, SALT and Limeburners COAL always on hand WM. P. McATEE & SON. Lewistown, Jan 1, 1865.-tf Brown's Mills. undersigned are prepared to buy all kinds of Produce for cash, or receive on store at Brown's Mills, Reedsville, Pa. We will have on hand Plaster. Salt and Coal. We intend keeping the mill constantly running, and hare fDJIJiL iJL, A-L for sale at the lowest Market rates, at all times. ♦S-The public are requested to give us a call. sep27tf H. ST RUN K A HOFFMAN'S. WHAT'S ALL THIS? Why, the Grain Business Reviv ed at McCoy's old Stand. THE undersigned, having rented the large X and commodious Warehouses formerly occupied by Frank McCoy, esq., is now pre pared to purchase or receive aud forward All Kinds of Grain, for which he will pay market prices. Also, he will keep for sale, "Salt, Plaster, Coal & Fish. He returns thanks to all his old customers for their former patronage, and shall feel grateful for a renewal of past business rela tions. He has also ac.epted the agency for the celebrated 2KUKUA&IB SS&2&S© .Vercbanta will find it to their advantage to give him a call. marl4-ly WJJf. WILLIS. HAVINO bought the right and license to use and sell Seth . Drew s improvement in mode of cut ting boots, which patent consists of cutting w,th but one seam, and without crimping, we therefore cau tion all against using or selling boots of this make in the county of Mitthn. J. v. 8. Smith and S. D. Byram. Agents lor Pennsylvania and assignors to p. F. Foop. Shop and Township Rights will be sold bv P F. Loop. All wishing to avail themselves of this new and desirable Loot, which is at least twenty-five per cent, of an advantage to the wearer over the old. can do so, bv writing to I*. F. Loop Call ami see June .3. 1866. LTTMBER. JUST received, a* the Lumber Yard of Wm B. Hoff man k Sons, a full supply of Drv Lumber, inclu ding PLASTERING LATH. PALING. BOARDS, PLANK. JOISTS AND SCANTLING. Boors and Sash always on hand. Also, 25.000 two-foot sawed Shingles, all of which wdl be sold for cash Yard back of East Third street, Lewistown. je!3-v MISCELLANY. >lr. Aasby at Last Gets his Post Office. POST OFFIS, CONFEDRIT X ROADS, (wieh is in theStaitof Kentucky,) August 12, 1866. At last I hev it! Finally it come! After five weary trips to Washington, after much weary waitin and much travail I hev got it. I am now Post Master at Confedrit X Roads and am dooly installed in my new position Ef I ever bed any doubts ez to A. John son bein a better man than Paul the Apossle, a look at my commission re moves it. Ef 1 ketch myself a feelin that he deserted us onneccssarily five 3'ears ago, another look arid 1133* resent ment softens into pity. Ef I doubt his Democrisy I look at that blessed com mission and am reassured, for a Presi dent who eood turn out a wounded Federal soldier and appoint sich a man ez ME, must be above suspicion I telt it wuz cornin two weeks ago. 1 received a cirkier from Randall, now my superior in offis, propoundin these questions:— I. Do 3-00 hev the most implicit faith in Androo Johnson, in all that he hez done, all that he is doin, and all that he may hereafter do ? 2. Do you bleeve that the Philadel phia Convention will be aconvocashen uv saints all actuated 113* pure motives, and devoted to the salvation uv our wunst happy but now distracted coun try? 3. Do 3 T ou bleeve that next to A. Johnson, Seward, Doolittle, Cowan, and Randall are the four greatest, and purest, and bestest, and self-sacrificin est, and honestest. and righteousist men this country has ever prodoost. 4 Doo 3 T OO bleeve that there is a partikelerly hot place reserved in the next world for Trumbull, a hotter for Wade, and the hottest for Sumner and Thad Stevens. 5. Do 3-00 approve uv the canin uv Grinnell by Rosso? 6. Do yoo consider the keepin out uv Congris eleven sovrin States, a u 11- constooshnel and unwarranted assump tion uv power t3* a secshnal congris? 7. Do 3*oo bleeve the present congris a rump, and that (eleven states bein unrepresented) all their acts uncon stooshnel and illegal ceptin them wich provides for payiji salaries? 8. Do yrtn bleove that the Memphis and Noo Orleans unpleasantnesses wuz brot about- by the unholy machina shens uv them Radical agitators, actin in conjunction with ignorant and be sotted niggers to wreak their spite on the now loyal citizens uv these prop, erly reconstructed cities? 9. Are yoo not satisfied that the Af rican citizens uv Amerikin descent kin he safely trusted to the operations uv the universal law wich governs labor and capital? 10. Are you willin to contribute a reasonable per cent uv yoor salary to a fund to be used for the defeat uv ob jectionuble eongrismen in the disloyal States north ? To all uv these inquiries I not onlv answered yes. but went afore a Justis uv the Peace and took an atfidavy* to em. tbrwarded it back and my com mission wuz fourthwith sent to me. There wuz a joobilee the nite it ar riv. The news spread rapidly through the four groceries uv the town, and sich another spontaneous outburst uv joy I never witnessed. The bells rung, and for a hour or two the Corners wuz in the wildest stait uv eggsitement. The citizens congratoolated each other on the cer tainty uv the aceeshun uv the Presi dent to the Dimoeracy, and in their enthoosiasm five nigger families were cleaned out, two uv em, one a male and the tother a female, wuz killed.— 1 hen a perceshun wuz organized as tollers:— Two grocery keepers with bottles. Deekin Pogram. ME, with my commishun pinned onto a banner and under it written :—" In this sign we conker." Wagon with tobacco onto it. A nig ger on the bottom boards, Bascom. the grocery keeper, with one foot onto him, holdina banner inscribed :—"The Nigger where he oughter be." Citizen with bottle. Deekin Pogram's daughter Mirandy in a attitood uv wallopin a wench.— Banner:—"We've Regained our Rito," Two citizens with bottles tryin to keep in perceshun. Two more citizens which bed emp ty ed their bottles, fallin out by the way side. Citizens two and two with bottles. Wagon loaded with the books and furnitur uv a nigger skool, in a stait uv wreck, with a ded nigger lay in on top uv it, wich he I bin captoored with in the hour. Bam. r:—" My Policy." The perceshun m<>>ved to the meet . in lious and Deeh e Pogram takin the Chair a meetin wuz to wunst organ ised, wich passed the followin resolu tions : WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 ; 1866. WHEREAS, The President hez in a strikly constooshnel manner, relieved this commoonitv uv an offensive Ah lishunist appinted by that abhorred ty rant Linkin, and appinted in his place a sound constooshnel Democrat, one whom to know is to lend, therefore be it Rfsolved , That we greet the Presi dent and ashoor him uv our contin yood support and confidence. Resolved, That we now consider the work uv Reconstruction, so far ez this community is concerned, completed, and that we feel that we are wunst more restored to our proper relations with the federal government. Resolved, That the glorious defence made by the loyal Democracy uv Xoo Orleans agin the combined conven tioners and niggers shows that free men kin not be conkered and that white men shel rule America. Resolved, That on this happy occa sion we forgive the Government for what we did and cherish nary resent ment agin an3'body. The resolutions wuz adopted and the meetin adjourned with three cheers for Johnson and his polity. Then came a scene Every last one uv em hed come there with a note made out for the amount I owed him at three months. Kindness of heart is a weakness of mine, and 1 signed em all, feelin that ef the mere fact of writin my name wood do cm any good, it wood be erooel in me to object to the little labor required. Bless their innocent soles, they went uwa}' hap py. The next moiuin I took posses shun uv the offis "Am I awake or am I dreamin," thought I. Xo ! yo ! it is no dream. Here is the stamps, here is the blanks and here is the com mishun ! It is troo! it is troo! I heerd a child across the way singin:— I'd like to be an angel, And with the angels stand." I wool. Holts. Mr. Chairman and the hundred thousand citizens here—l did not ex pect to make a speech to night, having accepted an invitation with a promise not to he called upon lam too poor in the command of language to ex press to you the appreciation of this cordial reception. With Daniel Web ster 1 will say, '1 still live!' and will add to it, 'i live to support the Stars and Stripes!' When 1 passed through your streets iu the great reception procession, 1 felt that I would willingly give five years of my life to see a like loyal demonstration in my uative State, though, on reflection, I should prefer to give the last five years. We are witnessing a singular spectacle in be holding the President and his Secreta ry of State parading through thecoun try. While tho President is warring upon Congress, the Secretary is utter ing puerile jokes in revealing Cabinet secrets at banquet boards. Here you have but now heard a late Cabinet officer speaking earnest words to 3*ou. Wbo is the greater man and patriot, tbe minister who remains iu Office to eat the bread and butter of dependency, or be who resigns his position for the love of his country? Fellow-citizens, we are all desirous of seeing the Union restored. We want it established on a solidarity. We want it permanent, to abid6 with Vol. LVI. No. 36. lis forever We want a Union that' \\ ill allow every man, woman and child to gs> where and when he pleases and say what he thinks is the truth. The other demands the reconstruction on terms that surrenders the fruits of victory to Rebel bands. The Pr esident is engaged in an elec tioneering tour, to the sorrow j>f loyal men, and to the rejoicing of copper heads and traitors. I have never be fore deuounoed President Johnson, but I must say he is dishonoring his eoun try and disgracing himself. YV ho can read without a blush of shame for the disgrace ho has done to our own manhood, to speak such a speech as he did at Cleveland yester day. What a speech to send abroad to Europe. President Johnson said he had left behind 'his dignity.' He told the truth then, I am sure. ("Laughter.) lie said he had deft the President be hind.' I am sure he had more the tailor with him than the President.— (Cheers ) With all the talk from the Rebel adherents they do not care a straw about representation in Congress un less they are sent themselves. And I, fellow-citzens, do not want to be repre sented, or my State to be represented, if it must be by a secessionist or trait or. With God for my support, I will ever stand up for my country. I have served forty years in public life, and have tried to live for my countrymen. I have been imprisoned eight'weeks and a day in a Rebel dungeon, and I am willing to go to the gallows, if need be, for my country. While I endorse and will support all that Congress has done, I condemn them because they have not done enough; have not used all the power rightfully ready to their hands. 1 will now tell you how to do it. Declare by law that every man in the South and in the North who has made himself voluntarily a citizen of the Confederate Government, de jacto not dp jure, has disfranchised himself and renounced his country. These men have forfeited all rights to citizen ship, and to be restored they must ac cept whatever terms you propose. As a condition of restoration make it ob ligatory that 110 man who voluntarily rebelled shall ever hold an office. . (Suppose the President pardons Jeff Davis, what then?) He cannot make a foreigner a citizens. He may par don a felon, but cannot make him an honest man. That is the remedy.— Let me tell you while you talk about the pardoning power, that for the last six months I have been working to prove that there is no power to pardon any Rebel citizen Ido not ask that Congress shall consider that ques tion, or refer it to the Courts for their decision. That mischievous plotter, Montgom ery Blair, has told you again and again that there may be two Presidents and two Congresses. It is upon great con stitutional grounds I stand here to de clare that ifPresident Johnson intends any such an act of treason, he is guilty of the foulest treason. I have been established in my views by studying the decisions ofChief Justices Marshall and Taney, and by reading the delib erations of the great men who framed the Constitution. I say to every Congressman within the reach of my voice, that if they do not, on their assembling, investigate closely the acts of the President, respecting the massacre of New Or leans, and they do not impeach him, they will signally fail in their duty. Secretary referred to the •pow-vow' They showed their putting muzzles like dogs upon th : Jrßouthern men; thus compelling thto remain as they had never been bewein a Democratic con vention—sibSgL, But when they made the platfbrrujphey did, it was a magni ficent cheaj. and an insult to the in telligence loyal men. We havtf&eard in the afternoon pa pers that|sie Rebels had seized the Capital of that is not true- But Gov. | has received a des patch that the Rebels have called a (JLpvention for the 13th inst., to of the State. Oh. ifjpy words could only reach my deludjP countrymen, I would warn them in ' jrilling tones of the dreadful nature •/* the exterminating contest they arbdrawing upon themselves. The jjbellion is crushed as far as arms ajgl ammunition are concerned, but truth to God and justice to my country, compels me to declare that the spir-t of rebellh tenfold great er than in 1861, secretion times. Ido not think that in Tennessee they will dare to while Gen. Thomas is there; nbr will the president dare to do treas.en while Gen. Grant remains at the head of the army. (Three groans for Johnson and three cheers for Gen.