"i jj i 3A U 3 If 3 LOCAIJ AFFAIRS. gggOu Sunday evening next, the Sab bath preceding June 25th, tire anniver sary of the solemn presentation by the reformers of their faith to the German Emperor, Princes and Papal Legates at A'igd>urg, on the 25th of June, 1530, Rev. J. B. Reimensnyder will preach with Hix'eia! reference to that venerable symbol of Protestantism, the Augsburg Confes sion. rfoi. We nre indebted to Willie Sheriff, who has opened an establishment above his father's store, for a dish of superior ice cream. ( Jive him a call. i Dm.iclous.—Have you tasted those fine, large, ripe Strawberries, of his own rais ins, kept by Charley I.)alby ? 1 f not, you had better repair to his rooms, corner of Dorcas and Mill streets, and try their lla vor. He has also on hand at all hours fee Cream, Cakes, Refreshments, fcc. His rooms are pleasant, capacious, and Char ley very accommodating to customers, families supplied by the quantity, Gall on him. 2t M v incurs.—The alterations in the mar ket house aho ki a great measure complet ed, and ample opportunity is afibrded by the accommodations there for testinir the question whether anything like a regular market- can be established. Council we think would do well by establishing two regular market days, say Wednesday and Saturday morning and evening, and pas sing a prohibitory ordinance against the sale or purehast of all articles usually kept at markets at any other place during market hours. This power they possess without question. Our - citizens can also materially aid the establishment of -ueh an institution by every head of a family (i< n-rminitig Jiot to purchase meats, vege tables, or other articles, except at the market house. J__ 1'III: CRITCUS XS COMING here on Friday and will be at Belleville on Satur day, and of course all who want to laugh and grow fat, who expect to sec ground and lofty tumbling, legs and arms in all kind- of shapes from hoop.-, t-< crotchets, imrse on their heads and riders on their -. clow n- making fools of thorns*. Ives *y acting tiie parts oi wise men, It-ai'nG'i educatoddogs and monkeys. trick mts'es which can cheat you out of your cy-s, Jo-.ii llart, the great Dutch Clown wh * w presume will enlighten the aud ience how to drink tzwi lager, an 1 for ..nit we know waltz on lit- head, a v.-.-il n- other animal -—will of course ii.U t . half d..ilar i-n hand wit it ton cents over irnc. persims, not bav in r lit - ic ir of the law before-their eyes, !iavc been, for some time back,"indulging m the sport of shooting squirrels. For lh benefit of ali parti?-, we publish the following extract from the law as pas-ed by the lab- Legislature of this State: SUCTION -■ That from after the passage *'•!' this act, no person shall shoot, kill or oth .-wise destihiy any pheasani between tb. first day of January and the nrst day > -jitember, or any squirrel between the b.iM (lay of January and the fifteenth day o; August, or any w oocleork between the !i -t day of January and the fourth day of July, or any partridge or rabbit between : '.n- iirst day of January and the lirst day of ,\ov moer, in the present year, and in -■• itch and every year thereafter, under the penalty of live dollars for each and every offense. obey tie law, and let the squirrels alone! h-,i>" A. \\ . Cray, Esq., Secretary, re quests us to state that at a meeting of the committee appointed to make arrange ments tor the reception of the State colors on the Fourth of July next, it was re solved that Commanding ()ffie tv G f regi ments late in the service of the Cubed Suites be requested to furnish their color- In-arers and guards who design participa ting in the ceremonies on the Fourth of July, yvilli such credentials as wiil satisfy the Committee, to whom they rejtort, that they are authorized to receive the colors and entitled to quarters and subsistence. NOTICE TO REGIMENTAL. COMMAND ERS. —Late commanders of Regiments > >(' the Htb military district, composed of the following coiinticsio wit: Juniata, Mi ill in. Huntingdon, Centre and Clearfield, wili please forward to meat once, the name and post otiice address of ali the Color bearers and guards, in their respective counties, to enable me to forward to them passes on the Railroads to Philadelphia and return, that they may be present to bear once more their old Hags, at the Fin"" I resentat.on, on the 4th of Julv, in Phif adelphm, R. x. 15LA iR. Capt Chairman of th- („f Tran-norti tion for the 14th Military District. A wedding in Ferguson Vallov. on Thursday evening, 14th inst. FUMMI.II Hit INKS, ice cold, and fresh cakes, at Johnny Swan's. A cut lish measuring about 2f> inches and weighing 1 pounds, cleaned, was ta ken by Joseph Comfort and Ard Snyder on Friday night last. The same party caught about 85 eels, 40 cat fish and a number of fall and other fish beside. CANCEL CAN BE CURED. Dr. llebern. of Quinecy, Illinois, cures cancer without knife, pain, or logs of blood, in from four to twenty f'lir hours; also treats consumption - :ceo.-;fn||v j v . A DEMOCRATIC BUBBLE.— After some weeks notice in the Democrat and by bills in which everybody was invited toau u 1 the Big Democratic Meeting" on Satur - d: S' CVenin? ' and by dint of j ersona! o --_ heitation, a gathering not even filling the rj Town Hull was raked together to hear x R ZJ a D. Parker of Mi ill i mown speak— t kut Ezra, probably bearing in mind his \ allaudigham denunciations of President Lincoln and everybody else who wasn't I 'or peace on any terms, delivered in the public square in the fill**' 1864, wasn't on hand! In this emergency flu-Climb ers were called on, Gen. Irwin leading off" , with his usual "glittering generalities," e meaning just anything at all from green r cheese in the moon to iron ore in Gran ville township. The "nigger" pari felj to Thomas A!. I ttloy, Esq., Prosecuting , Attorney, who, our informant telis us, - was chief ol the ring for the evening.— i He depicted in horrid colors what o sight it ! would i>o for a colored man and a white - woman, or vice versa, to march to Squire ; Rudisill's office to bo made man and wife, - and it is hoped if any one was at the meet - iug who had hankering after the daugh . U'is of Ilam, his powerful logic was suffi- I cicnt to convince him it would be decided ly unpojiular, as although such doings arc democratic enough at tin-south, the northern democracy has not y. t come to recognize its propriety, but may do so in j time to conic, just as thev did slavciy. He was also very fearful lest Griffith. Pal mer, 1 rollings or some other colored man should become his equal, or the equal of somebody else—an event in hi-tory not at all improbable, judging from th ■ wi.-lty washy stuff he delivered a- a -p. ech. Gen. .1. Ard Mathews next .set up hi- im itation roar, but tiew oh'the track intoat tacking Judges, which did not please die, i other general. This " flustrated" the speaker somewhat, and aher a short j-.-r --ihelion on copperheads and democratic -pooks, he rested from hi- labors. "('ol oncl Banks was then called out, but as he thought Gen. Irwin had exliausted or dried up the democracy, nothing-more need be said, and then the meeting-ad journed to —take a, drink. Such is our 1 i n format) t's account of this d moustra.ion, which lie thinks has made >-t half a dozdi Geary votes. liut tb.c great feature of this meeting remains to be told. The audieni ■< hadin . haled so much of tlic nigger, that when one -u. 1 nut niggers <>lll ..t nt<> have a vole. But Resolved, J hat if they -hould e\'er gel a vote, they ought to i-e democrat-. be, alls*- dejuocrats v. . r always in favor oi equal laws, etpual right#, and equal i>ri- . I viT■ ■_'( --. It*.-solved. That soldiers on ant not b Pe ClcH'i <. tl to i lificlo/ Resolved, That the tru< inh-rcst.- of soldiers are to nominate] -.* -at aoy pri<-< d-'inocrats or e<>p|'d thercfoie the Pittsburgh convention did an insulting Aviong in endorsiue General i Geary. Rc-olv (1, Thar sos.iii . - ij : iPvor oi ; nominating peace denioerats or copper ; heads to ot'lice IJC invited to attend a i-katc < lonvention at Reading or I iarrisburg. Resolved, Tluit a committee of throe • y. tenuis lie appointed to a-oertain from Mr. Clymer wliether lie considers r t;:t- (ta.'.ctt. Mussirs. EDITORS: —\ meeting of the "Soldiers' Jolmson-Ciymer ("lub" was ; called on Saturday* night, to which all | -oldicrs were invited. Able speakers were ;to Ije present to addre.-- the meeting.- 1 Now. it has long been question with. 1 me. what could induce out/ soldier to vote 1 for Clymer. and thinking I should hear if 1 attended this meeting, 1 was among the JiundKM'who tilled the Town Hal! on that night. Major McKwen being called to tin- chair and an organization perfect - j ed, >•'< u. W. 11. Irv. in was called upon to speak. Now, thought I, for the reasons. But the < ten. only told us that all our f; inoney had been sjieiit, all our blood shed, to place us on an eqiiaiih with the negro He thought also, that as we had bad a L 1 tannly quarrel with the South, and had - Whipped theiir, we should now say, | "( ome back, oli! our wayward, mis-mid !ed brethren, and I-e good, or if vmi don i r we will t>e compelled to whip vou again." i j This was the substance of the (ten's' speech, and in it wo had no reason given why soldiers should vote for Clymer.— ; Tom Ettlcv then gave us the information ■ thai the Democratic party had always been in favor _>! the Union, and thai if tlie Republicans succeeded, black men everywhere would marry white women. No reason in his speech. I began to do- : -pair. But Gin. J. A. Matthews arose. Now, for certain, I thought, we will get i the reasons. Bur, although I paid the strictest attention, I could not make out what this speaker was at. lie seemed to , have a peculiar spite at somebody whom he called "Bk\m." Not a single reason was given why a soldier should vote for Clymer. Tri fact, Clymer'-name was not even mentioned in the course of tliethree speeches, and 1 came to tiic conclusion ; tiiat they knew there were no reason-, and therefore the iess said on that subject the better, and that is \Giat I think. VETERAN. Dewalt Keefer, at one time county commissioner of Franklin county, ami al ways an ardent lover of his country, died suddenly, reccntlv, at hi* home in that county. Ba>' Hon. Charles R. Coburn has been re-ajqmintcd Superintendent of Common Schools. He will continue in office until some time before the expiration of the term of Gov. Curtin, when Prof. Wiek r sliani will take bis place. U EWISTOH\ Common fitlioo! Uhirict. Receipts and expenditures for the year ending June 1, 1866. Tax rate, 6 mills on the dollar of valua tion. RECEIPTS. Gross amount of tax duplicate, S2SB'J 61 Deduct exoneration, 6113 62 " Collect's commis'n 136 74 250 36 Net amount of taxes received. 55 . Add bal. in hands of treas. .u-d taxes ree'd or' last year, 22"> 7"> ' Add atnt. ree'd from adjoining districts, for tuition, 23 50 Add fcdate nppropriat'n for year ending June 1, 1866, * 315 70 $3154 50 Add rents from lot for 1864 A- '65 72 Oo s.l22'i 50 EXPENDITURES. Paid to 11 teachers, average $30.50 per month, each for 7 months, 2345 00 Paid orders of last year, 2,73 61 Paid for fuel and contingencies 421 92 services of secretary, 25 00 v-dOo o3 Balance on hand, Sao yy JOHN HAMILTON, Sec'v. Lewistown, June 13, 1566.-3t Looking Grlasses Picture Frames TjlliE undersigned, thankful for past fa- V()i '-- would inform the public that ho >till manufactures Frames of every de scription, a- clieari as thev can he made el- e\\ here. Looking ( da-ses of every de scription, wholesale and retail, at reduced prices. He respect fully solicits a share of public patronage. All persons who % have lelt pictures to i ramc or frames to be tilled, art; rei |nested to c.'dl for them. niylOlf JAMES ( Rl TCIILEV. TJT ** E?sp) C• W a>2,t ' ' Milfiin county, office .til t'. W. \v< .. Mam strec i. below Xatiouti Hotel. mv 2 L XT I&jX BER. lis; received, Ht the I.umtier Yard of Wm B.HofT f' man .i Sous, a full supply of Drv Luiolivr, Inclu ' (iiri£ PL A3 IE RING- LATH. PALING. BOARDS. PLANK, JOISTS AND SCANTLING. . e .-a .i S.iia:■ ■h. it l . j witt.-ji will l>o -t.li! for cash. '• ""J 6" ■- of 'St Thir i street, Lewi-town. j._|: --. Grocery and Variety Store, • i.- avordc <>!f' stand j ormto'ti/ occ-t'pf ; ed •'■>/ /). ''rove, (I' tict i n th< I nion Hone and ! Jli'.ie/: Hear ifotrJ. 1-kixt Market( leiristrneu, U IR.I-b th" ptihlie will f.-n.-ianth fuel a srf-ner.tl It ••---• rtmcut ol the l>t*!*t Grocorii - compriaiUf( Coiiees, Sugars, Teas, Molassss, Fish, Salt, Tobacco, Segars, i>:- or.!-, i sitjs. Hu' L^*.*-.; ituiidi'od-i ti oth*'T irt - " • • U V • ;li !;■••;-. >iiull!(l.-. ; | ' ' ' ' ' C "iilc ainj Nui> of a.i ' .o- i am y Arti- }.'s. aud ;t LCnei :! variolv of rGB-li '' •' v " dt;uif.> ;ts liisiv .3 in'cUtrd m huUsek Li i'i/ Hti .t r-. i up. 31 UTili-NISBOUG US 'Fa j- uiv aoiu-4 *.':vc u.- a till, n;-i.Citi •' HEW B RAM OH STORE. t ; y-traw Goods & Miiiinery, T-Tl. wiiolks.\i.s. VM c.iran HU.MXEH tie : in i ■ ti-t- f-inp. ■ i yin .v- - . v..- .. ~ „... |, : -•■ 1 " ' a-"'" •H' I•• l>t in .-. V -rk bv 11.-.- u- ei ! cut St,;.. -,- if ~j •), . ... !•"- X . • ■-! !■ - ; 1 ■ a.itt. All •>:•. lb : ... aig 'Uri.a-.-'.a-[.r an; tly ill- i. ' w-.-.l ; i -} lin lit .... ...1 Ih, . - .el.ti-ri; t.i til • I.aii.e-t-! (in- t- w' • i-t ; i.-i ,av t<> ol .. L (,i Mg.t -- Kit-1 Lad-- 1! - nifi li-.ni, t.-. -. i.i.:i, -, u ;! e I! j ! ever tli. a - r -if rt . r u. '. 1.. :: - LONE. | Agent tor St IC;;.. ID>::-h X ( Mann f.t—tor- : ! i. . ... -i ! a-.-- ov, (... I-w an. A [.lit IS 1-Vi. TT n* c > "r " -a- ra . nWiX'O It --Ig' 1 1 til" i i a:. t Hit! li"-! - Iti 11.-tp an.! 1 ■"•II Setli S. l-.-H in provenifiit 111 mode -8 cnt- I ana I >l.-. w*!.! -a [--at- : a f-tn-i-l- ef t-ui;; it;; w i;|, hut ! -• tit) nr. I vvithi.iit i-t iiiif.-n..-. -,v • tlir-r.-l'.-i - t- : . a ?•' n -• . . '' - II! I or litt !i I'l.q- - p ; in ■ county of MtitJm. J. *. >. Hn 1 *! S. 1). j ' H> : A - J. . IVnnsvlvan.-i ui.tj to p. I I- Sh'.p ant! Ttiw-n.-llip Riu-lils will 1,1-Si.ltl I.; i I*. F. Lo<-p. All wishing t<- of till'- ; new unit tie.-irahlo i oitt, which in at l<-a-t tw.-ntv-five ; per cent, of an .tdvnnt.-is-> t-- the wfarer over the 01-l, ■>u ti.i m>. h\ writing (■ t'. F. I.ooj). Call and c>. .inn. I-.. COACH MANUFACTORY. HAUTMaN I'iilf, jffifj-Pg,' I.IPS i-ontinu.-Htoni.-tlinttt'-tuio SlY\W—Sfegß . B[)| i • ... it-' !).- ..,1 -'un-i.ili*. I •mi the )• -I |efonti- and I.cw iatowii I'm njiike. 3 niile- ' limn Lewi-tnwii. of a <[iinlity Hiijw-rior. iiml nt init-e --lower tbiua rlwvbaro iit the county. A varied stoek : it it and dur:il>lo w rl< i- itlw-.ty- kc|t on band, ; • !:■• in wim-b | :reb.--(-rs may .-t-b.-i-i, ttn-i miy artb-lo in I In- m v-:!! he in ele to ~i,t?r at the -:iort---t notn-c. All work warranted to be of first quality and of the t rno-t ftpproveti an-i reeetit patterns. I.'ejiaii niir done with neatness and di-pati-h. Yt la'-itowit. May "-1!, ISMe-ftin NOO ,>EK VKAIt! We want agent* every where to sell our ' iMi-norcD S2O Sewing Ma'-liines. Three new kinds.— 1 1 Under and upper feed. Warranted five years,— 1 ; Above -at try or large eointni-.-iolis paid, 'flit- O.M.V it, ie!i ne- —• -t-i iii the United State- for less than S4O, 1 w ,h"'" ;,i " la If "to. Whattr ,t It i/w.ii, j i uhjwr t- Bdcr, s u ~ (- ... and /f at' -■ /• / . jiU I • •tl.er tore-hire -ar • • •'.. l. HOFFMAN. ( (EMENT, for sale by V F. J. HOFFMAN. ! GMIH celebrated Buckeye Reaper, and i 1 Mower, for .-ale by F. J. HOFFMAN', L 1 11 .1" ISH . Hoffman's is the store j 1 for Mackerel anil Herring. , \\ ALL J'APER, a fine assortment, at. V F. J. HOFFMAN'S ' I P LOUGII STEEL, for sale by L F. J. iIOEJ-'MAN. f 1 All PET CIIAIN, for sale by Vy F. J. "HOFFMAN. , JRON and NAILS down again in price. *• '■ ' ?" per L'ej. F.-- • Frll Max still on uros THE tide. THE BIG COFFEE POT SIGN. 1 i -Mil that brevity is wit, 1 MI V it we're hit on the fettowing hit '■• lie tit the bin Foffee Pot stand eji ; Ware, plain and plated Ft nit Cans. tIoV* V * " lron ''oi-. Tea Kettlesand Pan*. I ™"- Wiiff. btantped Ware. Japancd w ~nd •8 pad, v. hhoveis. Hoc-;. Rutves. Fork-, and Oil Shades, SSP ,**• S P" '"-• dad Irons and .Stands. i> Blu -sets, Churns. Brooms. and Water Can-, gutter Bowls. Sagar Boxes, and Itoor Mats. "•.J' 1 ' Oloths. 'lmp- for mice and rut-. ' Stick 8 - S " Bed Cot ' lf ' Kirlc. Tray and Mop ' ~ieres. Wood Saws and Lamp tY VJ : H l! 1 slaw Cutters and Carpet Tacks, 1.K., Hammers. Hat Ik-i-. ami Week I v Harks. * *b"'.'i I'.a-tcrs, Sei.-hor- and Shoe t ,th n^.. W^ n H f>,- s, Cv',l Travs. and a Clothes Ea. k. ' " ',V / -' n,i "P •' ind Coftee Mills, nil-.' I i air.. -, j & pretTj'and new, Aiki many other things—can't mention hut few . 1 vJZi ?" - v!: ."'. v Use above mentioned goods are di i an !, Wii! ho sold low for . wii, \\ iioie-i.le tii;,.. .1.,; - at the same figures tiicv ..o a Phi"......! Tin r than Hie city priee. " Jo. -p -utin , and job work we intend to let no one . outdo us in p., co We use the hc-i material. and pro to 11 nuc i .hind uiir Dii-mc.-s. 1 appen i the fill, wine card from 11. 8. Fisher, Put eniae ot is. v Celebrated .spring J ~p tan; Caution to IVlereliants &. Tinners. , l " c . s' rcaT s'tcce-K of my cemented paper iiiijs ii.r fjusuii* I' mil C:ws. some have thought to | Mint into the same current of success bv lnfringm- I upon my patent. ,-., me cans longer patented than . mule, on winch gum li.td been used under their pat o'.t e r.ir.genvnt. arc now making their appearance . we., cemented paper linos, instead of the gum forin ■ erly used. In most cases such infringements take place thro' pi-i-oiis not responsible, who take orders in country stores, wiiilc tlie niaiiiiJacturcrs in the cities have for the most part concealed tlmir work. Tin- is to notify tic public that the use of eemented paper, pressed i upon the top of a fruit can, during the aeaMd state 1 O! 'lie inut. so that w hen colu it is pi rffectlv scaled, i ut ihfi mgeiiuut upon my rights, unics- used upon a .•an having a cap with my name stamped upon it. Any Uu.d ol cement upou this paper, undergoing a pro cess of pre. --ure during the cooling of the fruit, comes i e< ntact with my patents, dated Nov. 12,18C1, Aug. 19. is..J. March 22, i 5 .,4 All who manufacture, sell . r ■ use cans with cemented paper, which have not ntv name upon the caps, urc liable for infringement. H. H. FISH UK. Manufactured by J. IIIVIX WAI.LIs. icl3 PHOTOGRAPHIC K. & It. T. AN'TIIOXY 2U CO., .Ui'.nnfacturers of Pimlogr.i] hie llateri Is, W HOM:- tL*: l VI. BET \lt, s') 1 Iliouiln ay, ,\. V. In •. ldit 'ii to oar main l.usiiiessof pi]( i pociiiAPH 1< MA I EKI Al.s, u c arc headquarters for the follow - ing. viz: Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views, Of American and Foreign Cities and Landscapes, Groups. Statuary, .ve. Stereoscopic Views ol the War, I loin negative.- ticcl C in the variouscampaigns anJ ming a complete I'oOtographie iiistorv of th" , i t. t. stereoscopic Views on v'.Sttss, \u'C'*.-d for cither tiic Magic Luiiic. i or stereo ■ ■ re oip i of stamp. Photographic Albums. \\ e manufacture more largely than any othor houso, about 200 varieties from 50 cents to SSO each. Our AF ' '•mil- hav. the reputation ol being-upcrn i in beau ty mid durability u- any oth- -. Card Actor-, etc., etc. Our catalogue embraces over Fl\ L THOUSAND ■ • m ■-'■ • ■ ■rated l.ngi avi'ip-. Paintings, .statues, >te. i aialogtses sent on receipt of stamp. Hliotogniphers and others ordering poods ("■ O. p.. w- i: . ; . cent . ; the uin .lint With their . on.:, ts Vl'lie p '-aim pmhtv of ,urg.> i-... "ot tin! t ■ -at:sfv . jeR: ly j A I'i i I ill! HiK iv\'EUV OXH oi'i.i.XMi -n i:i. evhravings txr i'ii;.-i ; Ot LASeI 1.1 1 iliM.i; M'ii-forwardi .1 bv Mail or fx- ! pr to I.lts ol the Ino d - "f. ~ • among ' lie a greater varieiy .| -nbj. cts i" side- ; Trom than can 1 obtained hero "th. rli use-. ' . JI >• H'-m ; 'le without suitable i'ictur,.- adorn- i l!ed -.v.. Vol F.a. ' J " I.' • ; i.—Tia Trn-k '-vpj . •'. GF.-K<;e e. peiiixe. ■ ' tt 4 £1 .\ *r S W (UTED Sit ER¥- 4%jj£:s:£i 'I • i'ihisc- for: ~ great book of lfiiii',-TIIES'it Til"' I A lour of iif Battio-fieldaand Kuiced Cities; a Jour- I nev throiigh th- .b— hd< d States, and talks witii the I !"' p ■ by J. W. I if< >\V ISIJI [a; E. fr. in per- nal 01.- I -crvaboiisiiiulexpeji-ncoti. nng nionthsof .Sou'.licrn 1 travel. '' " \ ' ' t • i.n I 1-ti . I'.'-di •; oi from men in high standing, to the head of all (joveriimeiii l d-o- I iments in tic South, cvtl and mihtarv. \Vb.,ie- 1 v-r i- known l y these no n of the auHcrirms of 'the j ; i-t. pi . -am condition of thing.-, as w.-U as plans f.o '■ il.e l uce, will be made known in (hi- hook. The i gi -.u popularity of the author, and intense interest m lie -tit-;.,i I lohmc to make ihi- by far the grcnii selling • k before the public, w hile our very liberal induce ids pit.- n a rare chance for Agents to , make money. For circulars and terms, ad. ln-- the AMKIUCAX ITHLISIII N.. AGKNI I . jelt.* T'g Chcttjuit Street, PhiJadeipiiia. I AGENTS WANTED l'Olt Ol.'it \EW AMJ IfKH TIFI I. WORK, THE PICTORIAL BOOK <>F Anecdotes and Incidents OF THK ItEIiKm.ION : Hi run. Patriotic. PohLe- ■' tober. Is it Goro v >r Clytnerl" Write and see. Address my J Jm? ISARTLI'.SOJf & Co., Clt Chestnut -1.. Pliila. ; i rru ALL BOOK BEYERS! J. Jns. K. Simon, e.i South Sixth street. Piulaoel pliia, ia agent tot the following valuable Books: Apple-ton'.- new American i velopcdiJi. lfi volumes, do History of the Rebellion. 1 large vol. do Dictionary of "Mechanics, J volumes. Rebellion Record, by Frank Moore, 9 vols. Washington Irwng's Works. 2J vols Cooper's Novels. Dickens' Works. Meriral A Gib bon's Rome. Mai'Mtiloy's Works. I" re's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures. - Bancroft's I'mted States, 8 vols. Ac.. Ac. 1 furnish all books published, for public and private libraries, at wholesale prices. Si mi a list of any book- wanted, with a stamp, tor prices, which will be sent by return mail. may£i-3ni LADIES, PLEASE NOTICE. T A I>Y'S NEEDLE CASKET, containing 100 best Ji quality needle-, imported by P. Hill, sent to any address on receipt of SO cents. The great American : Puzzle will be given with every needle case. Price of : Puzzle 30 cents per set. Adamite Puzzle 10 cents, i sent to any address. Hoop skirts manufactured to order. Store keepers send for a priee i;-i. I'll 1 LIP ill I L. myV'-lnv _y M -t Phi! V-. Pennsylvania Railroad. Trains leave Lewi-town Station as follow- ■ r>- i j i - • t- 3 - : i P ..mJclpma Express, :j, u 1; . . Baltimore '• 4 2."> a. m. New York Express. t; is a. m. liy Express, 412 p. m If Wa- m Fast Line, C li p.m. t e'-f.'m I \ ay Pa—engor, y -4 ■ Local Accotniuodation, 2 n , I Mai;. S IS p. m. 1 ' . Cincinnati Kxoresa, i 08 ;• :s i Emigrant, Id f.s a rn. FP.EIbiIT TRAIN'S. Through Fre.ght, I.' 30 pm. 1n a m , bast •• . '.t If,-i m. 1 :VJa. 111. Express " 12 jnp.tn 12 42 p.m. Stock •• 1 2*i p. tn. 7dop. m. , Local •' 7 m. 316 p. 111. Coal Train, 12 66 p. ni. 10 47 a. rn. ! I nion Line, a 05 p. m. Fare to Harnsburg f 210; t . Philadelphta 5*5; to Alioena J 6o; to Pittsburg.; C ot); to Halt.more 6 J ' ■ to York 3 20. Arf-1 he li-ket otFioe w iii be open Jo mmutes before thi? arrival of ti:ti?i. D. E. ItoBESDN. \cent. Hall railii A Connor's omnibusses connect with ail i th.- passenger trains, and take up and set down i,a-- -engers at all points within the borough. Orders sr.- requested to be left at tho National House. WESTxvir.m Emigrant. Mail. Halt. fix. Anderson's 10.5U . m. sJtt p. :n. MeVeytowii 11.Jn at 4.62 am. Maiiaytmk 11 !7 a.os N. Hamilton 11-66 i>]s rtsiwAßn. W.tyPns'r. Lo-'m! A< 'iu Fx. N. Hamilton 8.35 a.m. 1.06 p.m. 6.10 pm. Manayunk 8.4- j.29 MeVeytown 9.00 1.47 6,j2 " Anderson's 9.17 2.10 * TILE. For Draining Wit Lauds. Fipi's fi.r Cellar Drains, V aicr IMje lor Conducting Water trom SpriiHs, j manufa -lured from the best material und tor .-ale in , any qnantiiv desired, by JOEL 7.oi'K. apll-Oin* Belleville, Mifflin county. p ; . HENRY HARPER. PHILADELPHIA. WATCHES, fine Cold JEWELRY, \ Solid Silver Ware, and Superior Silver Plated Ware, at reduced prices. niar3l-3ni. The Grieat English Remedy' j PROTECTED I!Y ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. SIBS JCgjifSKl' S Celebrated Female Pills. Pnparrd from a jocacriiiti -n r- .7. OIUJ •>, J/. D- ' Phi * 'dan Kxti ,7 'r'Jium v to the Onccn. ji- iuv;t!UHt':" iiu cIU iiU' i> utiiatling in tl> ctirft 01 * ! thus- |>tii'ifui rtini liattpCrnMS tu wliJch th*: lvii :•? • constitution subject. It nn {crates ail rscnisni4 - of |.ii,i.i,ey, as Lino arc sure • to bring on n;:-v;ir.'i.;,s , u 1 .it any * -trier tlim- lliey ure j " ; with tie? silg'itest Irregularity or übstrtivtlwu of the n..-n --i ■ -i' J'ii!s arc truly the woman's frieuii m iu-r 1;oilr : jol trial, and ItlC ouli-sllre, positive, find n-iuu ladma care : ; and regulator ••! -uppriHslon of nature, from whatever i ! van sc. jh* mild tiat the feeblest can take thetn with tier- • '• t - 5-"i |'w<-|-id it: tJ. eil'. i ts, 1 nut liiey m.n-le san-i * v.ilb 1. a mi a rfalling Itej;. i.uor. In all c.-e- of and 8|1t...' Art, etjiai-. in the Back and Limbs. Katiuue on aiight exertion. Palpita tion of the Heat i. ily steiicaand whites, iheae Pills wijl[ fee a cure when all othet mean* have failed; and aßhouyh ; a powi rnil rvniedy, tin :u>t contain Iron, caloturl, untiiuo- , l:>. • r anyti.ing liurtlul to the i. i itiiutJon. lull directions in ii-e pauiiddet around each package, j . slmidii lie cureiui!y preserved. B'_>Ll' i;Y ALL BUCGGISTB. 8 ■ Octfral Agent foi the United .Stat. -. an ' Iniiisb 15- :i: i ion.-, J'lll MOSES, 27 Cortlan I St.. New Yolk. ! ; X. K 51 w and C three cent po.stiige-iauipa enclosed to • j aiiv authorized aftot, will ensure a bottle, contalninc 59 | • i'i.is. by rclnrti mail. s. . urcl: sealed from all observation, , LIFE—HoaItk—STRENGTH. LIFE—HeaIth—STRENGTH. LIFE—HeaIth—STRENGTH. '1 iae fii*ea3 E'lfiU'li ilrmcth. L>K. JI'AN DKLAM ARIIK'L CELEBRATED SPECIFIC PILLS. . I /Vcpirnl fton ct prescription of Dr. jwtt t : Cltl'l /Vll/sleco, /„ th' Jl''. r lLrit o'l. .Va. I on ia.- ibutttert • ' J'rris, Ti;is. Valuable nieihcine i- no iiiiposltiim, tint is unfailing ' the cure <•: Spennatorrlia* or Seminal H'eakneaa. Every • spec.es ot' tieiiiltil or Urinary lrritftbitit' . Involuntary .r : Night !y Seminal Emissions from w iiatevercause produced ' or however severe, wfll be speedily relies. d and the oraaha restored to healthy ai tioi. nil ti\> t'jHuu-inr} inaa . una of • l. I'. Jrvx LE Li.uenur, M. 1). l'ari-. May s;li, 1803. " 1 Hi: VKIi OF COl NTEHFFI I S. The Gemiine Fills arc sold b" all the Principal Druggists . throughout the world, price one dollar per box. -1 \ I ' ' es for five do'lar-. G AIIANUI Eli 12 A Dl'l-OXT. Sole I'roprlet s. No. 211 Ron Louiliurd, I'aris. Hue dollar enclosed to any authorzed agent, wlli :t>o. e a box by return ma!!. citrely sealed :: >m ail observation. ; 8!x boxes ,ot live dollars. 8..." Genera; Agents for America. OSCAR <}. MUSKS* IN}.,37Cortland t.,N'.Y. X. B I- reach,llenaan, .-gaui-i; and Cnulisb PapiphletA containing full particulars aid illrevtiims for u--, •• nt . to any address. Sold In Lewustown l>y K. J. HOFFM IN. Jsnl7-ly i A T A 12 li U S A 3/ Vl' . fPHIS Snuft* La.- thoroughly proved it.- lf to bo the | 1 beat article known for ciiyiug the CaUtrrh. CM tn tlir: UtO'J iiiid H'/iduchc It ha- been found an excel ■ bin remedy in many oa-e-of Hon II:. f. I'tafnas La beeii removed by it. and Ilturin-j has often been great ly improved by it." use. It is flagrant .unl gre> able, aud liives Immediate Kclicf to t!ie dull heavy pa.in-eaii-t dby di-ea— -of too head. ' 1 The seiisations aiti r using it arc delightful and invig- j omting. It open- and purges out all obstructions, strengthen- the elands, and gives a healthy action to ' the parts ntTected AIOKF THAN THIRTY YEARS' of -ale. and use of Dr.. M arsham.'s f'tTAP.kii ASP II >: \r>- ! ACHE ffvCFF. has proved its great vaiue for all the com mou dist-a.-e- of tlie head, and at this mom, ill. stands : higher than ever before." It is reeommended by many of the best physi -ians } and i- used with great -uece-.s and satisfm tto'rj eve ry- ' where. Read the Certificates of AVholesale Ilrttjy jcists in 1845 I. i ""Tire unrlersigued. having for many years oeen so | qu.'iiuteij with I'll. Maiismall's f'ATAEIin'ySD HetDicilK B>.M fe. and sold it in our wholesab- trade, cheerfully state that we believe it to be equal, in every re-pecl. . to the reeomniend.-ttioti- given of it for the euro ot Catarrhal Attectious. and that it is deeiiiediy the Ite.-t i article we have ever known tor all gotnmoa diseases j of the head, Ml M Jlurr A Kern, lluston, j liariies x: Parke, X. A i r Reed, Austin A Co.. " IA. It. \ 1). Sands, Brown, Lan-om X Co., " i Stephen Paul X Co., " " 1 Reed, Cutler A Co., " j Drael Minor A Co.. " ; _ S-t h \V. Kox ie. " | McKesson A Kohhins, " Wilson. Kairbatik A <'••. " IA. B. Scoviile .V Co., " | II e-ti si; tvv. Ldman-.i x Co., M. Ward, Close A to , 11. 11. I Lii. Portland, Me. | Bush A bale. " ~\ For sale by all Druggist.-, Tei IT. | jan!7-ly. A MONTH I—AGENTS wanted for I ™-t-* 's-w .ire -O. T, GARF.Y. fit'. Buiidtnjr. Biddi-f-.-rd. nr. •, - , V .o'-r tNU Iv. ' I i —■WMII'll \MMmt II in I '-r n —WI .U W? Pratt's Column. i i yi i li "? ""i* r""SL 'f*N Bt> B V*' Wm/ ~ ,V yv a> ■>' rW a. •>, >.-?* Vvy >*u> iuT -. 7^T5 "*'f ■k/ JM S7 *ay *ny • A now and complete assortment at IP IFI T T S 3 at lhe lowest prices. G ROC Kill FA, G ItOl'EKl F.S, GROCERIES, Fresh uini c.hcap at i'latt*', ■ FISH, SALT and EACON, at t!io lowest prices, at Drafts'. / LO'N ER-NG snd all other grades of syr up, cheap at PraUn'. r.vtiylu iy goes to Tratta tor MESLINS, CALICOES, DELAINES, aud to select fiorn iheir tine stock of * DRESS GOODS'. CASSIMEEES, SATINETS, COTTON and LINEN PANT STUFFS, very cheap at l'ratts*. Last, but not leas', PratU' have the only genuine <• J A CKSON \Y 11 IT 1: POTATOES." Lewistown, June, ISG6. [oct2s-'6sv GEAHV : CLYMIiH ! W !•: 'u!t. of Qearv * li Clymer. Agents v\aided to sell tin m. BeMct. for specimen copic- tiv un.il. postage puiti. Add re's* myz -imi I.AK t f.ESiKV a Co., fill Chestnut st. I4isahle. or <>r two men. :n Le wiatownan 4vi-nj rf 11 \. who have either an arm or teg, to tell \l' li '/jrth s icnter prO'J Annri I! ■ V! t .eir inter- -t to aiwuCr the ;.Suv.- I f inJ