So is So IBs S.. ..... . S.j Ginghams. Flannel.. Checks. Hickory, Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods of a I kinds. ALSO, Snjjars, Coffee., Teas, Clioeolale, i-.*cn' es ol Coffee, Btoae ware. Hardware and Cedarw.-ire. Shoul ders, Hams. Mackerel. Herriug, ►Shad, Hoot s and Jfhoes. Gram Bat's. Also, ( a fine lot of Whisky, II It A N I) V , Wine and Gin, SALT. Ac., Ac.. Ac. which will be add very lew. Country Produce taken iu exchange for goods bv N. KENNEDY. j Lews-.towa. October 11. 1565. Lewistown Mills. THE II Hill EST CASH PRICES Filß WHEAT, AND ALL KINDS HE GRAIN, or rcccited it on storage, at the option of those having it for the market. - They hope, by giving due and personal at tention to business, to merit a liberal share of public patronage. #*■'!'LASTHR, SALT and Liineburners CO AL always on hand WM. B McATEE & SON. "Lewistown, Jan 1, 18G5.-tf WHAT'S ALL THIS? Why, the Grain Business Reviv ed at McCoy's old Stand, f SMIF, undersigned, having rented the large X arni commodious Warehouses formerly occupied by Frank A/cOoy, esq., is now pre pared to purchase or receive and forward All Kinds of Grain, for which he will pay market prices. Also, he will keep for sale, Salt, Plaster, Coal & Fish. • He returns thanks to all his old customers lor their former patronage, and shall feel grateful for a renewal of past business rela tions. He has also accepted the agency for the celebrated Utt&SF&eiS SJAJ&So Jferehants will lind it to their advantage to give him a call. marl4-ly WILLIS. NEW BOOT & SHOE MORE IN THE WEST WARD. The undersigned has just opened a new and larcu stock of BOOTS nit SHOES in Major Buoy's store room. West Market street. Lewistown a few doors from the diamond and opposite Eisenbise's Ho tel, where will be fouud an entire new stock of Fash ionable HOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, give mo a pin/ said a bright looki; but >habbi ' ]}' dressed little fellow. < wenir g the door of Mrs. Lane's kilcl n 'Just see here,' lie added, j. anting to a large rent on the knot? ol Ids trou sers, 'me and Will Brow *1 w> re j i.-.v --i ing tag, and I fell down and; foivti ; ' ' Why don't you run home git j your mother to mend it, J linuy . said ! Mrs. Lane, as she did her best to i-rin; : together the severed parts. I 'Oh ! 'cause mother ain't at home. She's gone to the Society for I lot; ing Destitute Children.' I 'Destitute children !'ejaculated Mrs. ! Lane, as she surveyed her nephew i from head to foot. 'lf you don't corn under that class, then never a child j did ! Why, you are ai! rag., and tat ' ters !' 'I know it, aunt,' mo re-p ; led j the boy; 'but it aint my fin it. .'1 . • i says she ain't no time •<> r ci; I n v clothes, and if slie did, th if- s ' MS bad the next day - > WH IT - IH u-e Father said, last ni ft td. it J ! like a litllo heathen, an I i • a . : j wished I was, for mother \ouMthen think T was worth !o • after a lit tlo.' I 'Have you had any -mmer, ye!. Johnny?' 'No/ said the bov, cas'ing a lung ing look at the generous pit"" of. pumpkin pic that his aunt was cutting; i I 'mother left some cold victuals on the table for lather and me, but—' 'Well/ interrupted the good woman, 1 putting the pie upon a plate, and ad -1 ding to it a couple of the doughnuts j she was trying, and a si: e < t' cheese, 'you just take this, and mind you don't leave a bit of it.' Johnny lost no time in ol ' Lis aunt's peremptory I it by w> mean unpleasant injunction, and t he contents ol tho plate rapidly d'-appeared be fore his energetic assault. 'i wish mother stav ed at home, just as you do, aunt,' he said, as he opened the door, easting a lingering look back j ; upon the cheerful, co/.v looking kitch | en. H declare,' exclaimed Mrs. Lane, as 1 taking up the rolling pin, she resume ! ' her labors, 'if it isn't a shame for Nan cy to noglict that boy s>. 11 if- so rugged and dirty that 1 am aobiafy ashamed of him—and his mother an active member of ha fa dozen char - : table societies. , 1 As for brother John, he - clean di-smiir ; aged, and I don't much wonder at i: j X don t be live hccomes homo to a warm supper once a week. It - my belief that it's a woman's businc-s- tirst to i look after the comfort of her own lam • | ily; then, if she has any time to do lor ( ; Others, well and good. Charily ought I | to begin at home, if it don't stay there!' 'There's aunt Nancy just co: ing; I into the gate,'said her daughter Betsey, I as, looking up from the apples she was ! paring, she chanced to glance oat of ' : the window. Indignant as she was, it. was not in good-natured Mrs. Lane's heart to re fuse a kindly greeting to her -i.-ter in law, who was evidently too full of her ! own concerns to have noticed any lack of cordiality, had there been any. 'How dy'e do, sister lame. I L-vv • dy'e do, Betsey/ she said, seating her r self in the tirst chair she eaihe to, as* j if quite exhausted, though her keen black eyes looked us bright and sharp as ever. 'Always cooking, Ido declare. ' Ah ! how it makes my heart ache to see yoa spending so much precious - time in caring for this poor perishing body.' 'Folks can't live without eating,' re sponded Mrs. Lane, a little tartly, as , this remark called to mind what she considered to be her sister-in-law's re missness in the care of her family.— WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1865, Least ways. I haven't found out any other way of living.' 'You always' did make nice dough nuts. Malinda/ said Mrs. Shaw, very composedly helping herself to one. • 1 best are as light as a honey-comb,' she added, as she broke it open and proceeded to dispose of it with evident satisfaction. 'X don't know when 1 have made any kind ot" pastry, l'rof. Spare, who lectured here last winter, says that thej* are very unhealthy, en tirely destroying what ho called the disgustive apparatus.' •Yes, J know/ returned Mrs. Lane drily. 'Husband invited him home to tea one day, ami 1 couldn't perceive that le had any particular object ions to my c ikes and pics. Indeed, I re member thinking, that if that was his ordinary way <>i eating, 1 shouldn't like to be the one to cook for him.— And let folks say what they may, I never will think that plain light pastry, eaten mo.tieraD-ly, over hurt an\ body. 1 amu\ - let my children have it, and they are as hearty ami rosy a set of boys and girls as you can lind any where; as ! am isn't more than a year or so lite oide-t. But 1 gucs-I'll do my errand, and be going. ] called to tell you that v, • are going to have a iair for tee 1 ••neiit of the opprt'.-.-ed Poles. J'm on the committee < t ar rangements, and really hope, sister Lane, that you'il take right hold and do cv rytiling in your power to for ward t. .lie- and praiseworthy ob ject .' 'No, tii nk you,' returned, icr : l-tor in aw -1 think I can find objects of charity nearer than IVfiai d.' 'Put ther ■s a society, of which you ar • a m mber, that i think i should l ie to j on,' Haiti Mrs Lane alter a moments titonght; 'the or.<* for elotb le••!e: nny. But who would have thought it?' •1 leave it toy ;u,'she added, address ing the other ladies, ' i the mistake •was rot a natural one, or if ever child, apparently, stood more in need of your friendly otiieos.' This assertion could not be denied by any present, certainly not by Mrs. .S aw, who was completely silenced, though she looked unutterable things. Not long after, she could have been seen with poor, luckless Johnny in tow, taking a round about course in the direction lor home, for unlike her - -tor in law, when she escorted him thither, she went by the darkest and least frequented streets. 1 ins suarp, but much needed lesson, La i a most, happy result,; as was evi dent by not (ny Johnny's improved appearance, but by the increased com loft of the whole family. Mrs. Shaw learned, what it is to he feared that too many f >rg< t, that no ol V-j, however praiseworthy, can excuse the xvi.e and mother in the neglect of home duties. 1 hat a> tin re lies her truest happiness, - • are there found the dearest objects ;i" her care, who have the first claim upon her time and affection. A Remarkable Region. An expedition against the Doxvdcr Uiver 'Oregon') Indians passed thro' a very remarkable tract of country which is described by Mr. L. Bennett, engineer. Rising from the plain, some times to Hie altitude of five hundred feet, were masses of hard clay in the form ot pyramids or ruined temples, crowned with spires and minarets,and worn by the winds into a variety of fantastic shapes. Often these huge mas-os of clayey rock were standing iu the mi (Ft of the plain isolated ami alone. At other times they stretched away in long ranges of bare hills. Veins of trap rock traverse these ! hills, while on the plain around them are scattered iron, quartz, scoring and various crystalizcd and igneous rocks indicating the action of heat. On their i summits and around their base aro 1 found fragments, and sometimes al - most perfect fossils ol marine and other i animals, the most common of which ; were turtles. NI any of those seen by - Mr. Bennett were Ibrec feet across, and - one that measured seven feet across ; the shell. i : Other parlies reported seeing one i that i mas ired sixteen loet across. — 1 hose have generally fallen down front cliffs, and are more or le-s mutilated, u but enough remains to show the out •- lines, and det< rmine the --ize of these t monsters of a former age. Mastodon ; bones and enormous teeth are com r moil Among the petrifactions of a f more recent period was a wolf, nearly entire. On the ridges separating the Kik, Boar, Minniwuk. Si, and Boar Butte creeks were lound large masses of fi.s , si I ti-ii and other marine animals, some r of a huge size. Often tho hills seemed s entirely composed of these remains.— t Exposure to the air and storms have r broken them into fragments, vol tho ) outlines of turtles, shell fish, and or . thosera e add be distinctly traced. The r region presents indications both of I volcanic action and of a deluge. A Prayer for Landlords. The f Bowing prayer, says the Chris tian Times, was formerly used in tho X'rirner, or Book ot Private Devotions, in the itelbrm Church, until the acces -3 sion of Queen Mary.of England. We re-produce it now, in the hope that it . may bo adopted once more in our .r churches of all denominations: a '• The earth is thine, O Ijord, and all that is continued therein; notwith (3 ing Thou hast given possession thereot to the children of men to pass over tho I, time of their short pilgrimage in this ' vale of tears. We heartily pray Thee t to send tho Holy Spirit into the hearts JKJSJSfc of those that possess the grounds, pas tures, and dwelling places on the earth, that they, remembering themselves to be Thy tenants, may not rack and stretch out tho rents of their houses and lands, nor yet take unreasonable fines and incomes, after tho manner ot covetous worldlings, but so lot them out to others that the inhabitants thereof may be able both to pay the 1 rents and also honestly live to nourish their family, and to relieve the poor (five them grace to consider that they are but strangers and pilgrims in this world, having here no dwelling place, but seeing one to come; that they, re- 1 mcmbering the short continuance of; life, may be content with that which ; is sufficient, and not join house to house, nor couple land to land, to the impov crishmcnt of others, but so behave themselves in letting out their tene ments, land and pastures, that after i this 1-ifo they may he received into everlasting dwelling places, through | Jesus Christ our Lord.'' THE LITTLE CUB OF TEARS.— We find j the following North German legend j in "Thorpe's Yuletide Stories," one of' Holm's antiquated stories. It is too ' beautiful to remain in the sole keeping ! of antiquaries: "There was a mother xvho loved her first child with her whole heart, and thought she could not. live without it; but tho Almighty sent a great sickness among children, which seized this little one. who lav on its sick bed ex'en to death. Three days and three nights the mother watched and wept, and prayed by the side of her darling child, but it died. The mother, now alone in the wide world, gave way to the most violent an ! un speakable grief; she ate nothing and drank nothing, and wept, wept, wept, three long days and three long nights Fiiis the mother did without ceasing, calling constantly on her child. The third night, as she thus sat, overcome with suliering, in the place where her child had died, her eyes bathed in tears, j and faint from grief, the door soltly opened, and the mother started, for before her stood her departed child. It had become a heavenly angel, and smiled sweetly as innocence, and was j beautiful like the blessed. 11 had in j its hand a small cup that was almost ! running over, so full it was. And I lie | child .-poffe: "Oh! dearest mother, weep no more for me; the angel of mourning has collected in this little cup the tears which you have shed lor .me. If l'or me yon shed but one tear more, it will overflow, and I shall have no more rest in the grave and no jo}' in heaven. Therefore, 0 dearest mo- j ther! weep no more for your child ; for | it is well and happy, and angels are its i companions." It then vanished. The! mother shed no more tears, that she j might not disturb her child's joy in i heaven." _ My Courtship. When I was sixteen, I fell in love.— ; There was nothing remarkable in that, ' for most young men of that ago do the same tiling. But what 1 atu going to tell you is, how my courtship tormina i ted. it was at a party I sawSallie B , who was one of the sweetest girls in Ticktoxvn ; and, I tell you. she looked sweet in her white muslin ball-dress, ; ! with her hair falling loosely over her j j shoulders. I got an introduction, danced with her once, twice, thrice, and I was just the happiest man in ail Ticktoxvn. Well, at last tho party broke up ; hut 1 had an invitation to call on Miss B . That was all I wanted, and I didn't sleep much before Sunday even ing—for that was the time I'd fixed to L ; call. 1 called; saw Mies Sallio to church —saw her home: and when I left ! ! had a pressing invitation to call again, and I and said : I - " Why, you're as bad as Sa))'. Sini r 7H071S !" I fifeiT*One rarely repent# of having kept: j silence; but often of having spoken. t Modesty depends upon good nian . ners; happiness ou security; good society !" on good education; wisdom on experience, 4 and for the safety or protection of a tried 3 man is often more valuable than a re-! 3 no-vned warrior. Vol. LVI. No, 23. J. K. H \ET7.i.BR, BclleviU-c, Mifflin Chanty, EJitor. For the Ediicnlioual Column. Variety in Employment. "Ono tiling at a time" is a thread bare maxim; within proper limits it is always applicable; but he who sits down in a pin manufactory and makes pin heads for forty years isn't likely to develop much force and depth of char acter. r.lihu Burntt. the learned black smith, can hammer away at his anvil eight hours per day, (ho believes in the eight hour system,) and then lay down his sledge and take up and read the books and manuscripts of fifty or sixty different languages. Dr. Lyman Beecher found relief from his ministe rial duties in some sand from one side of his cellar to the other and in playing with his little grandchildren. : And what a healthy, cheerful old man he was—nothing morbid about him. The venerable Efiphalot Aott. lately deceased, at the age of eighty-six years, presented another striking illustration id the healthiness of feeling, and vigor of thought that may he preserved bv variety in employment. For a period of fifty-six years he was at the head of I nion college, bearing a load of re sponsibility, anxiety and labor that would have broken down an ordinary man. An intimate friend of his, Prof Tavlor Lewis, says that in the morn ing lie might be occupied with stove patents, or improvements in steam machinery, or the filling up of* water '.ots, or troubles over financial opera tions connected with them, and after his daily duties in teaching, onerous as they were, he might he seen in the evening praying by the bedside of the dying, or healing by his spiritual con solations the wounds of afflicted souls. l)r. Arnold, the great liugby school master, found time amidst his arduous duties as a teacher, to prepare his cel ebrated history of Home. And it has been facetiously remarked of Daniel \\ ebsier that it was difficult to tell which afforded him the most satisfac tion, his great orations or his line thor ough bred cattle. From such as well as : from the constitution of man, and the ! philosophy of mind, we have long sinco come to the-conclusion that every far : mer, mechanic, and other working man ought to havo at least an hour ! every day during which he Pmld drop his toil, and cultivate a quite different portion of his nature, the mind and soul, by reading, study and reflection; j while he whose mind, nerves and sym ; pathies have been at work in "the I school room, or in any sedentary occu pation, should throw aside his cares i and engage in some sort of out-door physical employment, bo it sawing ! wood, cultivating fruit, or some simi j lar exercise. H. A PLUCKY SCHOOL-MA'AM. —Miss Em ily Batchelder, teacher of a school in Orange, \ t., yielding to a disagreeablo necessity, and being assisted by a lov al boy, punished a large and unruly ! scholar, who defied her authority and ! attempted to create a rebellion." The punishm* nt was so severe that the cul prit begged for mercy 11 is father pros ecuted the teacher; but when the caso came to trial, it was found impossible to get a jury, every man called upon declaring that he had formed an opinion" that the rebellious boy "wa'n't licked halt enough." The suit was willidr awn, when a collection was ta ken up, which paid all the expenses to which Miss Ihitchcldcr had been sub jected. and presented her, in behalf of the ladies of the district, with a set of solid silver fable-spoons and butter knife, indicating that the district wero heart}' and true in the support of a teacher who had fearlessly done her uuiy. STAMPING ! STAMPING !! IADIHS wishing to havo Stamping J Gone Tor either lillAlOor EMBROIDERY, ■ Mil b - accommodated with the latent pattern*, by '■ailing on Mis. .-HAW. at Iter resilience on Third street, adjoining the old Baptist church. Pattern* id" every description and the latest styles always on hand and lor sale. ajl£>-3ni. MRS. M. E. STEWART, West Market St., Lewistown, LAMES & GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, HA'-ICS. Cloaks. Hats, Bonnets, Ladies Kino DliEtiS GOODS and Trimmings. Patterns of latest styles always on hand. Millinery and Cress-Making executed in the most approved stylo. Lewistown, April IS, 2500 CORDS CHESTNUT OIK AND HEMLOCK BARK, Delivered at the Tannery of J. SPA.ITOG-LE & SO., I.EWISTOWIV, For >hich the highest market price will ba paid in CASH. 1 Lewistown, marl4-ly