Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, May 30, 1866, Image 2

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-1 o Make Indian Queen Cake. —One
cup of fat, one cup of sour milk, one
cup of corn ineal, one cup of shorts,
one cup of potatoes, (mashed through
ti tine wire sieve.) one cup of white
flour, one cup of white sugar, one egg,
teaspoonful of soda, teaspoonful of
salt, half a nutmeg, half of one lemon
peel (grated fine.) Pour in a buttered
tin; bake half an hour in a hot oven;
cover with crushed sugar. Eat hot,
for tea.
Brvicn y<uts. —Take one and ft half
teacupfulla of sugar, four teaspoonfulls
buttermilk,two teaspoonfulls saleratus,
two eggs, a little salt, and flour em ugh
to form a dough Beat the egg- light
and mix them with the milk, add the
saleratus, turn this into the flour, then
add the sugar, and knead well. li<di
oat to one-half inch thick, tut into lit
tle round cakes about an inch indium
eter, put- them into a pan of hot lard,
and take them out when a nut brown
Lemon Pies. —Beat with the yolk of
four eggs, two tablespoonfulls or melt
ed butter, four of white sugar, the juice
and grated rind of two lemons. Put
into a rich paste and bake. Then beat
the whites to a froth, adding two ta
blespoonfulls of grated sugar. Spread
on the pies when done, put them in
the oven and bake again for three min
utes. This is for two pies.
Tea Fiips. — Two enps of corn meal,
one cup of flour, one rgg. one cup ot
the fat of fowls, two cups of sour milk,
one teaspoonful of soda, half a tea
spoonful of salt, half spoonful of ground
cuke seed, (pine apple or lemon is very
nice ) ii;x to a light foam ; bake on a
griddle; eat hot, with honey or maple ;
Isinglass Jelly. —Two ounces of isin
glass to a quart of water; boil till it i- .
dissolved ; strain it into a basin upon a
slice of lemon peel pared verv thin, six
cloves, and three or four lumps of su
gar; let this stand by the tire lor an
hour; take out the ICIHOH and cloves,
arid add four tablespoonfuis oi brandy
1o Clean Knifes. —l find that taking :
one-half of a raw potato and dip that j
in brick dust and apply it to knives,
his an excellent effect in brightening
them—a desideratatn to all honsekeep- j
ers and families certainiv most do-:
voutly to be wished.
Next to being a bride herself, evcrv
young lady likes to be a bridemaid. !
Wedlock is thought by a large propor
tion ot the blooming sex to be conta- 1
g'ous, and much to the credit of their !
courage, fair spinsters are not at all
afraid of catching it. So far as official
conduct is concerned, when you have
aoen one bridemaid you have seen the
whole fascinating tribe. Their dutv
aocms to be to treat the bride us a
41 victim led with garlar. 1 to the sacri
fice." Chey consider it necessary to
e ihort her to cheer up. Her fair as
sistant* provide themselves with pun
gent essences lest she should laii.t at
lire trying moment, which, between
you and me. she has no more idea of
doing than she has of living. It j
true she sometimes tells them, - she
lei is as if she should sink int > t 1 c
eat ih, and tnev respond, Boor dear!
and apply the smelling-bottle ; but she
nevertheless goes through her nuothil
martyrdom with gnat fortitude In
nine cases out of ten the bridegri onv i
more " flustered" than the fragile ami
lovely creature at his side; hut n -
body* thinks of pitying ! im, poor id
low! It one of the groomtneti does
recommend him to take a glassed win
before the ceremony, to ".-teadv hi
nei vc-, the advice is given superciii
ously, as who should sa\*. "What a
spoony you are. old fellow!" Bride
maids may be considered as brides in
what lawyers call the "inchoate" or
incipient state. They are looking f ••
ward to that day ot triumphant weak
ness when it shall be their turn to be
" poor creature-," and otherwise sus
tained and supported, as the law of
nuptial pretences directs Let us hope
they may not be disappointed
T APIKS wi-hing to have Stamping
ljdone v BRAID I'.MBUOIDKin"
calling ON Mrs. -HAW. AT her re* .... '
street. adjoining the old Baptist ehnrrh ' ' li:
Patterns of everv desertta* :i in,- , i~.
always on hand an| .or SIf OOMld
§as PAITOY OFC3tE, '
West Market St.. Lewistown,
rohnc -ft Bonnets, Ladies Fine DBESS
tr'' ana ir:mniin<rs.
Millinery and Dress -Making
-2500 CORDS
Delivered at the Tannery of
J. SF/.ITC3L3 & OS-
For which the highest market price will be
paid in CASH.
Lewtstjwr marli-Ir
628. HOOP SKIRTS, 628.
HOPKINS' "Own Make,"
Manufactured and Sold
Wholesale & Uetail,
Kb. G2B Arch Street, Philadelphia.
f ¥MIE most complete assortment of Ladies'
1 M'sses' and Children's IIOOI' SKIRI>,
in this City; gotten up expressly to meet the
wants of first class trade; embracing the
newest and most desirable Styles and Sizes
of "Gore Trails," of every length—from 2i[
' to 4 yds. round,—2o to 50 Springs, at 2to
' j>s 00. Plain Shirts, all lengths, from 2} to
3 yards round the bottom, at $1 40 to Jo 15.
i Our line of Misses' and Children's SKIKIS
are proverbially beyond all competition, for
, variety of styles and sizes—as well as for
finish and durability: varying from Bto 33
inches in length, 6 to Go Spring at 35 cts. to
■ $2 25. All Shirts of-Ol'K OWN MAKE '
are warranted to give satisfaction; but BIT
>- XE as sun. unless they have "II gkin -
11 mp Skirt M ttiufin-tnry, No. C2S Arch St
i Stamped en each T.H !
Ai->s constantly on hand, c r> SUIKTS
M.iuulactured in New \ rk. and the Eastern
State-, which we sell at very low Prices. A
lot i f cheap Skirts- 15 springs, Co cts : '-0
springs, Si 00; 25 springs. $1 15; oO springs.
. $1 lo an 1 40 springs jl 50.
B?,Miirts. made to Order and R-rp.ircd.
j affluTsßas CASH. ONS PRICE OSLY.
March 7, IMiO-hn.
I")EIiSONS in general, and especially those
about going to housekeeping, will take
notice that A Felix is siiii manufacturing all
kinds of
' and has now i n hand a large a-sorttnent ol
; goods suitable lor housekeeping, such as So
as, Teles, Spring and Cane Chairs, Windsor
Chairs, Lounges, marble top Tables, with a
: general assortment of well made furniture of
; all kinds, and at low prices. We wish to
draw :he attention of purchasers to call and
examine the stock. In connection he can
furnish persons with Crockery. Queetisware,
Butterbowls, Churns, Tubs, Buckets, Wash
; boards, Tucker's patent Clothes Wringer—
best machine out to save labor and clothing
; Hair, husk, arid Exeel-i r Mattresses, War 1-
j rubes. Settees, Extension Tables, on hand.
Bargains en be had by calling at A. Ec
lix's Store or Furniture War house,
jjvr;2l A. FELIX.
Photograph and Art Gallery.
j ATcEWENS can now furnish the pub
| JI lie with Likenesses, front the tiniest
< " tn to a Portrait or life si:c Photograph.
55 e have the only S<>iar Camera at work
I in the Juniata Vtjley, and desire the pub
lic to call and examine what Mr. Burk-
I holder (an accomplished and well known
arti-ti and others have pronounced " a
success." Look at the array :
| ' lems, j A1 Batvpes or Ivory
j Ferrotypes. ! types.
I Melainotypcs, Photo-Miniatures
Arnl>rotypos. Cabinet Photos.. <v-
Card Phot ographs Portrait or Life size
; Vignettes, Photographs—
I Photographs for j plain or in colors,
oval frames, i Arc.. A:e.. Ac.
Our work i? executed in the best style,
! plain or in colors, and at the lowest rites.
; Call at McKWLINS.
N. B.- iistrui'fsons to students given
i at fair c tes. v.]4tf
N, £. cor. Tenth and Chestnut Streets.
j THIE most complete and thoroughly
| L appointed or Comnurcial College in
j The ooty oue lathe city a Legislative
..titer, and the only one . the Ui.ai -1 States
j nzedUi confer D greeaof Merit Dipt mas anard i
p irate -vai by tnthority of Jaw.
Omjneted tiy gentlemen of liberal edttcatioo aad
-Xtvii-.ve ex;-: •• ri . - , -. .. •
praetKof edurti..n of yooiig rsen for tih vaifeus lu
- - aad < rir . -■viaerao -• I :;.m ; : fe.
y a stem of
: nd : r-- ii ,n :.t!y peaetieal. giving th<> ntu-
Iheoretical Bookkeepiug'
, l pin an pu: with -n or dinal cxp -ition of Hi
. r r c : th - tosumuon t-x.-lusively for I :s* , wn
j , -c. V.-.i 1-. :.i!fu oi ...... .i.t*j* sr..
% P 1 ™ complete knowledge of the
| pra " ice ' tntanto.
Pbv CociiaerclnX Cotirtie
Special Branches.
I miMenral fV-.-i.;.,, Vp. the Art of Detttiiu E-7
terfeit Jkonev. Engineer inj. ffrrcrymgi Kan
, . Telegraphing.
The arraagemeuu for Telcgraph ; ncare •' r •• i'
vanee aojucbg of the kind ever offe ed to tha
i iVii'Vi: . A * : * : • SraPß .7:, .I!
I Mxt' ft) h lwent ? branch offices in various
' A v *** -
j •"> ret Ifcu office practice can be
...i-i ltl !... -ti- ? r school of ai-tru-tiotj M,. , . |P ,
11l- v.-rn O! ..
i t'cal openmy. Young men we cautioned a "-*'• '-'I ,!
i at-ccptiTe ropreeeotetHHu of those who w t
ucn tacil.ties, pretend to u.■. ii i- : *
! This Institution is now e >-.\ i--' - .
."P J! vf r t.-:. cd upon Inv 7ir'- ■ t^'r'r
i the Mate, over five !.'.-,dr.-."i . „ i.V • " s ' hi
, dn -v the first year, aud ov< r seveni hand
tuc p:,t year. Ihe v . J, J \ \\'; u ', •• ! •iar:ny
' mvWy bofonsdhere,andnUh - ?'•-
j ciic-. uuai. its associ.itions are t.:
: Location and Accommodations.
lUssw ss aarstsa K
: JmFisaißnßk
snpphcd it!i fineiv -njraved hth ,~r*r>v
, a- a circulating mod- .-u - T' 7 r', ,2"*. p notes nei
To Young Men*
1 * ho defir ® the very best f a a
Practical Education for Business
- 4 K"rantee a coufs<i r , . 4
equalled, while the reoiit *> ' E Oll no "here else
Institution among I K Vi! raM D ,$ of tiie
mem the i>ost ra-sp.. r - to E,' n r< t n nrse-
Ad contemplstin- e>ite-ins nvT ' <lvancenient.
j I are icvited to send tor an a Lomtnerciai College,
- lUStrated Circu lar and Catalogue.
, i
v 7 .1 4^l:l.^^-
. Virgin Gold Wining Company ol
1 rn '-Original Interests" —5100 each, of which 250
IZOL arc reserve.! for Working Capital.
Subscribers elect their own otficeis.and thems*lves
manage the affairs of the company; e*.-h t-übscriber
being as one of its officer®. rlie President is to t-e
rhmrnn from among the board of directors. The di- |
' rectors are to tie selected by the subscribers frottl :
among themselves, at the first meeting for organiza
, tion. "I'he ?'••• ■ rotary and Treasurer is to be a euteri
-3 l-er and -elected £>v tlie Directors. Hankers. I'HE
, Cf.NT'KAL NATIONAL BANK. Philadelphia Soiic;-
tors, Theodore Cuyler. esq.. Kob-. rt D. C'oxe. Esq.
} Americans are NSTOM for tie- avidity and com- I
L iiiiinilcWn zeal with which they participate in enter- .
1 prises having for their object the dev. lopenient of
our national resources. At one time • Railroads*'—at
) another "Coal —then -Copper'* or -iron." and more
recent!v -Oil." have been the all-absorbing topics.
; la all" these several enterprises, as will be lecoilect-
J ed, those who jirs! took hold of ilietn made money;
r some larger amounts than others, according to their
i* Mm ug operations in the fields of Colorado and
! e l-e where note mainly engr. .-- the public attention.
Considering th.,: several such companies have been
J already organized—that thev are now at work—that
the reports from their mines are highly favorable— j
. known at the present ;im<* there are or. the i
way from the ledges of Nevada and Colorado ntimer- I
ous -bars of silver'and Hjrieks of gold," His believed j
at the enthusiasm aires Iy manifesto i ~n the sub
ject will, in a littleAitae. be so greatly increased Di 1
receipt tod exl . it of tinse • return-." that uinu- j
i i:i lie u v .mi; an.v- .vi I *;•; :ng tsp. whose slock, being !
la- -,i a; t!. - , gr.-at>y ii.fiah ,i price* .f ledges wiul
Cu sfs.m'y be less desiraoie than *.: ~t now ue ha!- !
—theivt-y a-ViUjT to tGG.-e who Avu: ti**:*se!v- - ~f the* I
i occasion BOW presented, of securing -original inter [
can opp. rtunity of t'-m disp sing of the large |
, amount ol stocv • ach he.-: ; ac. .' cs a; a handsome
'rtui, ii.e-e preliminary remark®, the following •
. PROSPECTI S .S respectfully ; esenteU :
Ihe pro; r;._v ol tin- Cotirpahy proposed to be or
ganized by the sale of ::iese —origin*! interests,"con- i
. sists oi the toilowiu hedges.situated w'.t;u R ra- !
, dius of five miles of Central t itv, Colorado.
Mammoth Lode * of 100 do ■■
St t< /• l-'ail Lode, f of 200 do
\ audi cbilt Lode,X of 200 do
| Union Lode, of 200 do j
<avid Ophir Lode, of 100 do I
Holm an Lode, of 200 do
•V. Louis Lode, of 100 do
j r c nsatohl Lode, of 100 do
I'pper Fall River District
-1 In Lincoln Lode, of 000 do '
: Washoe Lod', of 200 do i
! Mi mU, or Louisa' Lode, of 200 do
Riame Laded of 200 do j
; ' : il a total of 2XO feet or nearly ah ,'fa mile in :
icngui horizontally, ol rich Gold prodin ;ng teirit rv.
..a.untied depth, together with all the dtps, spur- !
; angles, anil a,- all the tnetals. ores,gold,silver i
; '"'* ;! r mend bearing quarts. r -it earth then- j
i.i, en i s!i tne rights, p.iviiegcs ami , es li.-r.- i
.en.. OKBdatit and.-,'; ur|eua#6pd. og there
; with Usually had or eij< ved. under and -a j-.t to* 1 c !
: jurisdiction of th.- nverameiit of the Unit? d States." '
I in.'...as to ah ol wiiicii claims l.c, it ciarun- 1
ed t> an, im ei ol l. c Bar rt - :• nl ' ■■.oratio. ,
His i pinion l- a- l .Hews—
-1 ins 1- to ••ertiiy that i have carefully examined the '
I titles to the foregoing lodes or ledges uid .
•- d that they ar perfect.
I HOS. MASON. A:-- ; Law.
Central t../ • U-rado.
The -pace of a circularis too limited to give the own- i
. ot numerous distinguished citu.-ns and meo ol i
. - :-m •• who n.'.c examined this dial eh the follow
ing extract* relate thereto, "and that of Prof Edward
. V Kent in particular, ol ti.t New K.rl. 1 . S. A-'-av !
' e, is directly ID point; * ■•
Our ..to :umetiled Pre.- b-tit. Mr Lincoln, during
.mi interview with is] ei.at-r Cdfax. ri-iattv- tic.. . ?.
; den w. v ill vi Colorado. Neratiu. a. . .-.ua
1 ' lmve Very large 1 ie:.s of th, mine; . wealth of
! l,nr . nh ' ,* Ibehev C • praet.t ally mcxna.;-!abie.*'
! . 1 J- 1 • - P-fh *•**• -'—eretary of the >nt . nCT . ia 1
''•'"* VicuU Report presented tot ngi *■*, dated Lie- :
U ■**'*. ; ;.e men |.ia-.. Nt ooruh
ti a "I ur vvestem 1 err.tones, -uvs: -1 he weal*
■ .
> i.recti;. .. j rnneipa: p. ,n ~f ~u . :i . an.- of h
! -t. •: . CO.lira. • , y met, vcrr.uie.it : r .
1 - Vv .11 w. i ■ ■ i•at r. 1 flli.-n.*
a Hon. ...
! .. i;i a • • f .•• tin-11 :ie '"hepre.- n
. • ' •*• * " ' : ■ *' "1 wi. .• 1 .v. i u:
1 "; • " '• -• ■ ■ - ■' *- ■- e i.i: V :i - what Ia • '
ty f . cut. ai m r.- r- wno: we!! v : in. tup n
I -nd '• : • - mnv.t ep.t. in; m it. ■ri .mrus '
. .tad TeVi l . r.iei:—t:..t rt.; vt . A; •
: v the ve*- P • • .• i *!••!.'f- I r. i w ::l ri• - •
: . :
, > i.M . : - : i - e: ;. n n.... j „
j "•? -t •"> :• *• " -v. ■ •av • • n
■ . .
1 1 1 MWI. .>! ! - and she a..:u-b.i;niig u..,u:z . f !
1 • m a-:. o -y " an m i ai;f' in:a
P. E !isr.i N 1.-.:::. • : !i.<- New >'..rk A-say Of '
' -As t • the xt :i of 0 !<i mines 0 f f*. !nra ;o. I
' am not prepared :o give an estimate, as 1 •'md !
i eii ich t. fully . ■ ip; y my • In., with na :a litis .f
j I'r-e mi es of t :rai City, the lmi.u of the abort
• igew] but a- : . ;!.•■ richness tits. I have JJt .
- ■ ' Pacific I!a
! road. C'oiwnu.-• is u. - .n-.; nmv opinion, to rival r
! supercede Califi rnia and Australia, ar. i become the :
j . i.e t MB. -n • -named by th. - .. ■ (■•..; f
•ir-di-Ti ;i - f .. r. t.. a.... i-.vr- •
K . .i-h ia; : ai.st- ,ve pu ♦. ;• •. • . f the '
■ ; -f 1 ; : • f • ■ 'I. ! the.: "lit- et - al-. V
c.-s are n "rt - r. . t-. develop me sroiir. fm-. 'aims
; are .u-ip. Iy in ibissel! ami i't oi.osti. is and a re
• •
j nay be formed u hen the fact i- on wide red that it .
I itcn .i.— t.: t _. y obi n..'dio:.s <•: ..
' ! ave in —verttl in.-t.u.'-i s! -n s-:! if- r Si*.'.•>.> per
f" t. Mr. Tie! is. from i feet I tl.e 1! btail |.."de
; :.io uui'i. " ;i a.ic.o.iy .... ;• iJ..o. e. in grjd.and f-' f -
jo. o has been offered and refused for; d T feet of this
! satao lode, equal to •800,00 c for a claim of one hun
ired f-tt.
- * •■• " • * mure .T • .. J *... ; .. f " i. •; :.; , | j,c;s ••.
i f,.,ve at comma: 1. : ! :.> . • ,-n i tor uined to • i
i t: in, an t ;.vid* it- m into i w -ire llundi e.li
• and 1' !ty
Original Shares
*•- i: :'! cc-st the s-.b --t •. i hereto
. the - up.*an oi rt.m *y - an interest in
A.-all '■ rt:-;e ; ; led fertile lc— '
v> npmerit I se, ■! iy .- ; . I*, rrn a company .
and . ' -k. J':.o plan hero pro
j ■ i m..y i— e,i. - i 1-?i..v1,. tt.-formation
...ftw urn. r-1 ii; • p.. p- which i
i The WtfcMMXt cam then upon this and snb- j
stautial i,- • • t "ffic. r-I;onv among thomsclvcs.
- officer'! • Company.
In . ..i : t' : i . nrls.'Mic returns n>; vbe spee i.iv i
! realized, these sulwcriptions are based upon the prop- ,
©Sit n ti.at - . -. , ilrf - •••nr.. j'.atefy .•, re. c
■■! ! I' !- ' •'.'■ i ..-iy ii'i ! v, :y. anil win. ni:-y
1 I uie-i at the oftie. ..i" :!.- in. ier-ignod before ■
-uh-erit o may l-.-.-e ti.e.r lan is on heavy jvval
ties, or at rganize Companies in the usual vVav
To accommodate thos- f me-i.-rato means, these
* j - interests' arc put atSloo each, in order to got the '
* list filled :.i out e, and t., prevt ut any delay in the or- j
a.'ii: :. 1. Ol the (' mpauy.
t" •nssderiiig the :. .me; us valuable - Ledge®"
vrh !i eon-':tute the txisa of this enterprise—the fair
and • i lii ; le feature: —the l->w prices at which *' ia
| teresfs " in it arc offered, and that each interest eoti
. 1.,-s fi.e bolder to his rota share of stock in all the
' ! Compauies that may be organized upon them—also
rec>' Meeting that ::i all, mere are only 1000 interests
' to bo sold, an.l it would only require one hundred !
gentlemen each t.-> take fen (SIoOO) to absorb the whole,
it.- presumed that it ia hardly necessary to suggest ,
i..t desiring to secure or more of ihesi ~fig:
na! interests, to at once send in their subscriptions.
Cheeks or Droits should be drawn to the order of
! the undersigned, whose endorsement will be a re
* ; ceipt in addition to the one that w;!| be promptly sent
on receiving theni.
b'mt-d ."■l ite- MP—llMd's —7-20"s and oth-r Gov
ernment Bonds taken at par, and any premium or ae
) erued iniere-t thereon allowed Bonds mav be sent
by registered mail or by express
I'he Books are now open. Subscriptions received
i N. E. cor. Fourth a Walnut
itzrri! EXCES.
Hi- Excellency, I His Exivllencv.
Governor o; I'cnn'a. I Governor of New Jcrser.
Sec. of State of Penna. | Sec. of State of N. Jersey.
Mayor oi Philadelphia.
. Geo. M. Trouunan, Pr->'t Central Nat. Bank, Phil*.
Geo. K . Zeigicr, Pres't N'i. lik. of Commerce, ••
Robert P. King, of K:ng & IJaird. >' ;
Beujarnin Orne. of J. F." A E. li. Orne.
i Edmund A. Souder. of E. A. Sender k Co. u '
. 1.. Montgomery Bond, of Bond A Biddle, "
John Welsh. ol S. AW. Welsh, - j
! *•' lu sending subscriptions, give name and ad
are;® p m crdtr that ff. tns* Vw, oorrectlv etv.er- '
Ed in the subscription Book, from which receipts are
issued, and from which notices will be made out for
, the first meeting of organization. myz'-Ot
- This I,<de is very well developed, with vein of ore
I feet in width; ore prospects wed.
I t There i one shaft on this Lode 20 feet deep and
5o feet long, and the crevice is 5 fee: in width.
I This Lode ;s well developed, and considered one
of the best in the district ; th'erc i- a -haft on it 00 feet
j in depth with a vein of sulpherets tour feet in width.
Assays made of this ore prove to be very n, h.
I This is A. 1. Lode, and has a shnfi of 75 feet in
depth—vein of ore three feet in width and of good
quality, t're taken from this Lode yielded flOo per
cord i"n gold.
'i This is really the riches; Lode vet discovered ::t
; the disti:ct; it i- well developed, aild ore taken from
tins Lode yielded upwards oi S6OO per cord.
.■ If. ...J - ,
Save Your
OiME "5T ! !
Our ciif ire Slock *.vi!l lc tSiu-
IMtsi-ii oi'al : very ;<i-
V.TII ue hti K'liiiadrlphia Pri
Consisting in T,;irt uf
PI a i[i and Fancy
Very chc-ip
C2M3 mm %5? Wtmu .-s? >
H 3i iJ Jl3
k large and full assortment
.Flannels & Shirting,
All wool flannel from 50 to 75 ets.
-1 V'r'j fair: assort dent of .% ) "l') V , caul
EY, DUE 11 11 j( 2 .
<f all sty 1 os, GJ El'
ami U ]J'J;( A,
dec., Ac ,
.V inrpe unJ full assortment of the latest
| styles of
of every description, at a low figure.
A stock of Ladies'
lUIIS & (MilM,
of the la?e.-t ar.i fest stsles.
u .aice variety, and very cheap.
vt the finest quality.
A large and entirely new stoat, at the low
est cash prices
Every person goes to Trait's to buy Grocer
Sugars from 12 to 22 cents per pound,
Syrups iron; 20 to 40 " 4 -
Coffee from 35 to 38 " u
Teas as low as 81 per pound.
Dried Fruit,
&C., <ScO., cScC.
fissir*Tall and examine our stock before
purchasing elsewhere.
V e charge nothing for showing goods.
H. M. k 11. PKATT.
Lewistown, Oct. 25 1865,
Brown's Mills.
nnilE undersigned are prepared to
buy all kinds of Fr-xiuce for c '.-,' i. rt receive on
store at "Brown's Mills, Reedsvilh i'.i. We will have
on hand
Plaster, Salt and Coal.
Tie intend keeping the mil! constantly running, and
LLilijiL i'liiL LL
tor sale at the lowest M rkct rates, at all times
I JM-rhe public arc r--<jn -ted to give u® a call
! *ep27tf H. STRUNK & IMFKMANS.
j ti sßii'i MSLfiaiiiii
At D, Grove's Store.
New Arrival of Groferits and fonfefiioapries.
! L) '■ Hl'V E would again inform the public that he
! *. ft" just jKpehed * fresh supply, to which he !
I wculd call thcr ,*.•> i.- on. N *.v i- the tir.n- to btiv i
chyap prune M,the very •i of Sugar-: pi one
t e!tee. 7 different kinds, put tip in packages; Coru >
| Farm*- Hominy, K®M,fm| Mil k intlfl fif flpjl If 11. I
i an ' l hi.?: p.. me c'i : v f.i-1 Vinegar.
jtasKeis. Buck els. Br - -om-. ant! a vsi 'ty of D ! s and
' tor Ciuklreu Also, Baisins, Fig®. I'runes, i
mat; i,• on in tow::. HawO Is. and an
, entile-- vai •r\.; . xt . u l! ~f wj.ieh wii! sold .
I ;or . ..
i RrTi kind.- f Country Product taken in ox-
I chii ti:-.- . r G" ..Is.
Ihanl.tul for pas; fav'-.-s. He hopes by sirict aften- ;
j tloll to btistness -.-• lia-M i olVt t ;0n;::.i...1:e. (.:
the patronage of age nerotis public may lit
FOB Till MUM!!
In addition t an extensive st ,tk of
and other
L E *W ELP. ,
ilv JLILd'A
: ena-.dishment. will {e f U nd a beautiful as I
s rimer t of
P'hmiWt V!':! Al.tst tsx. I
A I, SO.
i, tt.'l tiu? r roiniiictit
iidiyj LJ-mi'L
und hundreds <d nthir artivles.
11. W. JI'.NKIN.
Lowist ivrn, .May 24. 1x55.
I.Li> ISTOIV \*. I>A.
| | just received nti i ojiened at his e>
A 1 tabiishment an* w supj ;v
Clocks, ?fatciie3, Jewelry.
! Udi ./ fid j \ij A ill
Fancy d:e.,
which he will dispose lat r. asur.ahle prices |
"•'•s r... i . tj.te j.iin a..ail and examine
; •"* " l JCe; - w; -fh 1 bra - ? u!i article* in his '
j line, and is suffiei. ntiv large to enable a!i to ;
! make selections who Loire to purchase.
Li.l -U..IEi ncariy and cxp' iitiouslv !
! attended to, ar.d all yjork warranted,
j iua.Hr.ftil !wi- the p.- it;, cage heretofore re- :
: eeiit-!, re-pectldir, asks a contit.uance <| ;
, -''6 sanv . nr.d wiii endeavor to please all who '
: may fa tor him with their custt m. f t .po
{ s ii A 11A "if 17
IxLiLkL. ■
i'l IIK ur. d announces that i.e
8 i now pref :re ; to buy or receive . t .
1 srorazc. and torvvaru nil kinds f
Grain and othor Produce.
at bis new V\ .re!. •;■ I; i J-t,! ~
S*LAV! J., co| (
k •-. t era.stantiy 'n! i., r su'ie
lie u!M> ci'u'ii;;. - J'r luce Ii:.-iness at
: the old stand in Lcwi-i ,wi..
Slc a, rf clr/ f ? J2ia To -'■-* -
mn iiiij) m mn,
TOilX 15 SKLIIEI.MER , ffers hia sincere
F thank- to friend- and well-wi-her- i
■ b.s establishment, f r the steady and rapid I
growth of l is business hithert ~"and solicits
a "continuation < f the patr .i.ace „f the com
munity. \V itb increased faeilitie-, ar.d devo.
ting stri-t persoi a! attention to the details f
h*.s business he is confident that all orders
he nviv h>- ftvored with during the present
i . v .'' ur - W li: ' e executed to tin- , mire satisfac
tmn of giving th m
His ft ck of Hardware. Wo i -.vurk. L-atln-r
Saddlery. Coach libnirico
Shoe Findings. Paint,, ij,|-
Stoves. Nails, ib.rse and Mule
Shoes, NaiN and X ,i! U d>
Ac , Ac.. Ac.,
j is heavy and well-seleefetl. and is oflVrc.l at
prices a? low as can possibly be soid His
TI A U Hi:
\ is of his own manufacture, m de in good
and workmanlike manner, by foil hands un
d<-r his own supervision, and" is offered whole
; sale or retail, as superior to any in the. market
Merchant®. Mechanics, Farmers, H .Use
; keo D r>i an(l gercrally may rely upon
getting any article in his line with an assu
; ranee of fair dealing and promptness, wheth
er in person or by order.
Roofing. Spouting, Repairing, Gns Fitting
and ah kinds of .Job Work dune at shortest
. notice.
Libera! discount given to the Trade a D d
\V holesale I'ealers.
Lewistown, Jan., 1866-ly
Isir<l Cages.
BC V your Bird Cages— they are pretty—
QIIEEP SHEARS, for pale bv
• O "P™ F. J. HOFFMAN.
CEMENT, for sale by
rPHE celebrated Baekeye Reaper, and
X Mower, for sale fcy F- J. HOFFMAN,
TTSH ! EISH ! Hoffman's is the atore
1 for Mackerel and Ilerring.
j _ i
Y\7ALL PAPER, a fine assortment, at
|)LOLGIi STEEL, for sale by
pARPET CHAIN, for sale by
TRON and NAILS down again in price
A F ails V per keg. Best Bar Iron cents per lb
V M EiUCAN Hay Fork and Knife. Ev
, \ err farmer should have this fork. It :s one of
i ■ " very best forks to unload hay front the wajion ami
.U.'.M it it of the mow. it la also a perfect knife u
>.t "ir. f in. wor stack and is warranted to give en
'..re lai.ali. tion. it hae auvantages we think no other
fork po.scetcs. F. J. HOFFMAN,
Afent for the Mxuuf..cturr*
f i ROCERIKS reduced again !
, \JT God Brown Sugar, cents-
Kitra Brown. 14 do
V. .lite. 17 do
Fine a-agxr House Molasses, 14 do
Very good linking, 10 do
Good Syrup, 26 do
Very boat, st do
Good alack. Tea. 1 00
rT a Voftee. 23t03i
Ho.iir.ai, r ,j the place for bargain*.
has now open
Cloths, Cassimeres
which will be made up to order in the neat
est and most fashionable styles. apl9
New Stock of Hats, Caps. &c.
7f. Cr. ZCtXN&EK,,
.■jur/ia St. } if si lJuur to John JvcnneJy't,
Has just received from
j New \ ,rk and Philadel- /
the most extensive
mcnt f
c-si-iIS CSsijpss
v r exhibited in this place, which will he dig
; •.of at such prices as to defy competition,
and winch i.e invite* everybody to call and
x in as lie is satisfied that his stock CUD
; riot fnii to piertße.
f r the Ornish he has constantly on hand',
r will make to order, bats to their taste if
any I tunned site or trial, at prices which
•ar.ni t tad be satisfactory.
Country Merchants will find it to their ad
vantage nini a call, as a liberal deduc
tj. ii wiii .<• made u wholesale purchasers.
1' ii t f rgn the place, next door to John
.IYF'T 5 auJ Lfarlj °PP-' it e the
Jid e lows Ilall. may 11
f |Mlh undersigned having a large stock cf
1 Kiistoru maiiutautured Boots and Shoes
•i h.it.u. otfe.* thu same at cash prices frr m
to-a u.t: 1 fuitfier notice is given.
M u'- I!, ..ts. warranted, double soles from
*3 00 t. 5 50.
Men"; B t* do Jo do calf.
6 t>> i o0
Buys' Boots do do 200to 3CO
l. uth s In,, ts do do 100 to 22a
Men s Gum Urtr>h.>a, best 1 25
W,>/„ du do 1 10
do cloth tons 2 75
i t h . : ' S alc ? n ? ' ck ~f pit J ™rk on hand.
T 'j'' ' " u ';.' spil lb*. *nd warrants it
1 ' • / nothing. So, come on, boja
At.a u.r:s. ai d t : prepared for the cold.
• J mut;., " . ; and repairing attended to
as ; :< V :,K stock of Trunks, Valises
"id t arpet r,„g* n hund which will be sold
at very reasonable prices. A full stock of
( m- maue w - n kept constantly on hand at
1 v ! ' 1 ; *" BILLY JOHNSON,
Lew is town Feb 7, 1866.
~J 3 S "MS ESS".
The Best is the Cheapest.
SOiMtf o and
/ tiie tery best brands can be had at
in any quantity. from an ounce of Tobacco
V,''nlv'.'fi 1 " frcm penny Cheroot to
ICO.OOO best 7/avanas
Tobacco Pouches and Boxes, Match Safes
aim t igar Cases.
ri-y, ; < r^aggagyt
J i .in i tier genuine clear //avana Cigars a5
" r throe lor 25 cents: Connecticut*
urn at 5 cents; PeuuTat 3 cents
iitt t. iieroots at 1 cent
w . n. l sui that 1 have a very heavy stock of
?' 1 ~I" S ,,rs always on hand, at pri>
ies for lobaceo as low as the city, and Cigars
at, b.wor prices. All good# sold by me are
warranted as represented or the goods mav
>c i.'turned, and money will be refunded.—
nvuu '° yourself that it will be to your in
< '• rt to deal with tne by giving me a trial
Lewistown, Feb. 14, 1866.
iifjiiaiiaiDoia aunuiL
Victory over High Prices!
T nL undersigned has received from the Ea.*teri>
x\u U SCi^ ?. nd varicd assortment of BOOTS
"• • ot all orte aud sixes, of eastern manu
'.ii uuc, At his store, one door west of Kranciscus'
Hardware btore, JCast Market Street, Lewistown. He
wui consiandy keep cu hand a large assortment of
homemade WORK.
of all kinds and the latest styles.
He will also take measures and make work to or
der, at short notice. Repairing done in the neatest
manner. The public are invitea to call and exattna*
my stock bofore purchasing elsewhere, as I arn
I bound to sell cheaper than the cheapest, for caak-
W. ( YH * FN"BCR■