Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, May 23, 1866, Image 2

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"Wednesday, May 23, 1866.
A ii- R. PRVSIXCiER, Editors.
The GAZETTE it p iblnlcvl c-ttv \VV i
at die o!ii ftatid, at f 1.5 J in or ?J.OC a; ihe en J
•.<f 3 months.
OasL Rates of Advertising - .
S months, C month*, 1 rear,
tine column #'i.u"i $25.00 &XOO
Half column 10.00 15.00 ii.V-.iO
Fourth column 7.00 U.OO 15 00
Notices of business ••xc.eUing 7 l.nes ar.d less in
column, inchiclins? pupsr. per y ";r, 10.W.i1.V00
Hli.siness Cards i" in us or !••■• 1 year
Administration or Esf-*7itor'e Notices
Aa.litor'e do - Oo
Est ray Notice, fc ir li'nos.
Caution r other short Nonces,
Tavern !.iecn*es. sinsle. 1 -"O
If more than one. each 43
Register's Notices of Accounts, each
Stientl's sates, per squaro 1 00 j
Editorial Notices 10 coats per line for each insertion.
7 lines of nonpareil or - lines of burgeois ir.alce a
Tcrsoi.al comma?;: .tfi ns, reso'ttticrs of s.eivt.es.
oi.itu.iry notice*, i •., he. f price.
i'Uese terms wit! iv r aJhereJ tc in a., enses.
Jofc Work.
Eg! ih sv*e, hi ..- il I • for 25 or <"•" . fourth sheet '
b.ifc. SI for 25 r !?'-. half sheet bit f l for or !-< ;
*Ti- F'roceoiimes of public t:vet ; ).>;. or organize- j
nous of any kin i. i ivolviug private interests in ru>v j
zre chare* '!, i; tiir ! .'o if five <*< per line, !
*-i must be pa,.l f >r. us it is much easier for twelve |
or nftoeii per.t>iis t cmitnhu.,- a quarter cacti, or
Oiirty or forty tin cents eu -h. than for ns.-who have j
i. > li.re.'t intrrc-I in lle v IT? ts pay frCin one to ,
two dollars m (retting such things iift type. IVe hop# ,
• therefore that;? .11 cttch ascenioiagcs ?• * •■eiiftcr some
one will set- to the ■:>!! ct>n of ttio p. of leaaiount. .
Notices of Sew Ailverltiemenu.
Reese, single ami Fount. at their exten- i
nive establishment across the creek, now
manufacture 11 til'*Ohio Mover and Reap- i
cr. in place of the Jersey. Hall's is said j
to he eipiai to anything ever made.
Persons having sewing to do are referr
ed to Mrs. Wise, in Haic street.
The Lewistown Water 'oiiipany invite
subscriptions to additional stock for the |
jiurpos" of enlarging its capacity of sup
ply. All who have any means ought to i
take shares, the stock being good and the
benefit general.
J. W. Sheriff" offers his stock of mer
chandise. (Sc. for .sale. —a good chance for
Itittenhouse & Mayes offVr their stock
of goods and good will at Reedville for
Weber <v S >n call attention to their re
duced prices of groceries, t&e.
Great excitement at Thornburg's shoe \
Agent s wanted.
Simon's book store.
Bitter Wine of Iron.
Change of Schedule.
Persons in want of Carriage? art- refer
red to the advertisement of Hnrtman !
List of Letters.
Andrew Johnson v?. Anti-Johnson.
We publish on our outside one of the !
upeeehr-j del:vcr.-l bv Andrew Johnson!
at \S ashiugton a little more than a year
ago, and it.- we are -are, will i
confirm every Union man in this county j
that the views held by the republican
party as to re-admitting the rank rebels
of the South to Congress and offices of
honor and pr Jit arc in the main correct.
Rabid politician.-", such as during 'he war
sided with the rebellion so far as good
wishes would go, tire of course ready to
shake hands with 'anything in order to
get what they call drtuoi.Tt/fit' votes, and
inrough th -m office- but it ivmains to
be <- i. v hetlior the yeomanry and prop
erty holders of that party who have some
thing at stake will fall in with such un
worthy motives. Had President John
sou -tood b\ th<- policy emiU' iated in this i
spi-cli as well a- many others made at
that time, who doubts that all would have
resulted in a permanent tranquility, for
the main part of tbe rclx'ln would have!
gladly acquiesced in any arrangement
that would have suffered them to remain
in thi- country, even if divested of politi
'al rights; but the moment Andrew John
son, under a baneful influence, aimoune
e 1 the in famous loetrine that ail a rei" I
nad to do, to constitute hint a gov a l m an.
was to tako t!.o out!i of allegiance and
proinis. obedience to the government, the
same bloodthirsty, perjured villains who i
caused tin war and all its evils, at once
V>.e:tTiH: :is ''latnorous again to rule this
•c hi ntry as they w ere before the rebellion,
and it uitsU'Vossf - 1!, as lib- !v as not will
plunge this land into another war.
The Two Presbyterian General Asseablios.
Two of the principal bodies into which
the I'resl >y t v rial is ot this count rv are divi
ded, have thi-ir annual meetings ibis year
at tin same time and in the sauic eitv of
K'. 1 ouis. The Oi l Rehool Guieral As
*embl\ loeels .'lay L, in the Rccond
< hureh. to be opened witii a sermon by
Rev. J. c. Lowrie, 1). t>., ..f N\. w Vorli,
and the New School in the Ffrst Chureh.
"" if'' a strmon by Rev. J. p,. .Shaw, I). D..
of Rochester, the moib rators respvetivdv
last year. It lias been nutioipated.that
the OM School body would be deeply agi
tated !>\ a eombined attempt of Southern
malcontents and Northern sympathizers
and coinpnimiFers to procure a repeal or
Tiiodification of Cm loyal action of the As
sembly during the rebelling, and T-tr-c-ir
linnne-s in resolving to treat relndlion its
.in offense against religion, to bo retriev ed
only by repentance and confession. But
from the tone apparent in the mother
l'l'estiytery fit" Philadelphia two-weeks ago,
wo do not think there w ill be much of an
vnrthquake. Jt apjioais tiiat " T>r. Juu
kin ]>ro[>o-.cd to overturn the Assembly
t'i revoke or mo lity iis. action in relation
to Southern ehurchv-s and institution.-.
The proposition was ?upj>ortod by Dr.
Boardman, and then—laid ou the table
by a vote of liflecn to tlirc-.
rr-3"* Five at temps were made on Satur
day night a week to set the town of Mad
ison. Wis., on lire. Kertunamiy, inevery
easc. the names were extinguished l.x?fbiv
JO'I '.I lis la.;- ..lib , I ..-)•< ■.
Bgi, Sundry cop papers are parading a
resolution offered by Senator Hopkins in
the Pennsylvania Senate calling for a law
to pay the soldier in coin or its equivalent
as evidence that Clymer was a friend of
the soldier. As it is well known that the
object of this resolution was to embarrass
the Government, it takes some cheek to
claim credit lor such a move. Congress, ;
of its own accord, increased the pay of the
privates, but a good many oop did net •
vote for it.
Fiork from France.—The Commer- ;
cial Bulletin states that five or six cargoes
of French flour are now on the way
tliis country —sent out, not beeause it is
particularly needed here, but as a specu- ,
1 ative adventure. This French flour, it is
slid —being of a grade corresponding to
medium and good Western —will readily
command Rid per barrel, or upwards, in
th" American market : at which figure it
will net a profit of at least os sterling, or •
j about Rl.lii per bbl. to the importer, after j
paving the custom house duty of 20 per j
cent., gold premium, freight charges, etc. j
Exorcism in Rome-
M. Krdan writes from Naples to the
I Paris Temps:
There is much talk at Roiheof astound
ing cases of exorcism said to have occurred
i within the last two months at the village (
| of Narazano, on the left bank of the i i
ber. A young girl named Marinngola is ,
every day exorcised hy monks, who
; *av that siie is possessed wit h devils. The i
gii l lodges in a eottagci'.ear the inonasbTy, I
and is every day taken to the church to j
: get the devil- ea-t out of her. Hvery j
Runday crowds flock to witness the cere- ■
mony.* On April Nth, the Franciscan !
Superior brother preached a sermon, in j
which lie solemnly proclaimed the names j
of the devils who had that day been east ;
out from the girl. There were Bego, As
i niodeo, Itelzebub, I.ampo, Justithe ueeli- j
nutor, A<-. The Pojie would appear to he ;
rather annoyed by the too gross absurdity 1
of this superstition, for he has sent apliy- j
sieian to examine tite ecstatic girl.
i (rod will not be Mocked. —We liave nu- j
. rrrrous instances on record, says tlte Al
lentown Register, of the judgement of
the Afmightly suddenly overtaking the •
w ii-ked, praetieal illustrations of thv truth i
of IJ is word, which declares that "The
wicked shall not live out half lii- days.'"
An instance of this kind occurred near ;
our neighboring town of Catasaqua last !
week. A man named Miller, about three i
weeks ago made an agreement with some '
of his companion-- in vice to meet him at j
a certain place every Sunday, when lie j
would administer to them the holy ordi- j
, nance of Communion, giving them whis- j
kv and crackers. This mock ceremony l
| was performed every .Sunday, but the
hands which administered the mock cin
; blems in derision, were so mangled by
the i-remature discharge of a blast, last
i week, as to require anijiutation. He was
| also severely burned about the iiead. —
; After two days of exircme sutb-ring he
I went to meet his insulted Creator.
Stfr* The Chicago Tribune has a!"• tor i
i from Fort Abererombio. DtcofH, dau-don
the Ith Inst., which thr.t alter ahmg
search the Unlyof Capf. Field, w ho-, late. I
together with that of seviialcompanions,
excited so much interest some- twoor three
months since, has been found, ate! ai.-o
the body (if one of his companion; nun 1
.-smith. The bodies were discovt red on
i the Ist of May, about fifteen miles south
of Tw in Lakes, by a detachment of sol- j
diers who were accompanying (lie father ■
, of the captaii. in search of the- b.oilies.'—
The remains were found about a rod apart,
and they must have perished about tin
same time. They had been mangled
somewhat by the wolves.
The second number of the Galaxy, the
new* fortnightly magazine, i- upon our la- :
blc, and is fully equal if not superior in ;
e\ery respect h> the initial number. An- '
thony 1 luilope's new serial, "The ('laver--
■ itigs." and Mrs. Kdward-' story, "Arch
ie Lovel, a;e continued. The other ar
ticles are varied in (diameter and fr<-h ;
and pitpiant. ihe lir-i number of the
Galaxy met with sueli dceidefl. sueeos- j
that tin publishers felt warranted in ad
ding sixftten additional page.- to the sec
ond. thus affording a still greater variety .
of reading. The magazine is published i
by W. ('. A F. P. Gh irch, No. oh Park
Row. New York.
(h.'r Young 1 —This best of month- '
lio for young folks for June, contain- the
j following interesting articles: The Little
Southerners: The Violets' Lesson; The
Bride'sQu°-ti(>n; Sea-Life; A Summer in
Leslie(Joldtliwaite'- Life; The First Mav
-1 Flower-; Mother Magpie's Mischief;
Spring Song; The Four Seasons; A Ten
nessee 1- arm-House; The Dew-Furies;
Round the Evening Lamp, and Our Let
Published h\ Tiek'ner .*nd Fields. 121
! Tremont Street. Boston, at 82 per rear:
th-ee copies for >•">; flve coi.ies for gS, and .
ti-n copies for
In arVr a Moufh'j/ continues to grow in ■
}}}}' rent,and is d( -ervedlya public favorite.
I lie paper on •• Colorado," bv Mr. Rich
ardson; the serial, "Dead Letter;" the
W , .. h "V Mr - 011 'be "Gunpowder
w- I- ' s t'ry of a Night," by Mrs.
A arheld; the two truly exquisite poems
by-vhie Carey and John Neal; General
t luseret's jiaper on Art; Mr. Street's
< Jpuun Dream ; " Uurlantrancointo Rich
mond," by (Olonel Loeksk v, are all
■ F n t l>h , s 'f n1 .1 ,X articles. Pub
j hshed bv Beadle A: Co., lis William St
• New A one, at s,'> per annum.
, j Lodi/s IlooJ: for June has a
r suh- plate ot Christ and the Sisters of
■ ! 1 ' f \P, fahllil " 1 plates, and a
r basket.tdl of novehi.-s which the ladies
an " ,a V" Harland,
~ ■ , r t J e ilVnu .' Frost,and others
1 of note ligure in the literary matter. The
1 hi. i ;"fi 111 n 'r "a new volume.
r anil is theie.01-e a favorable time lor sub
s( 111.iny though back numbers for the
' : i ° ai ;°|. V^ er ean I<c furm-iud. Address
1 L. A. -ode\, 1 hiladelpihia— euflose S3—
- -
•j ff . 0:111 a; tlie'Gazette
; offut ami v, tll ffo lf f or y,,;t
1 1V t< ,*on N A adit X<,iion>i!
■■ 'i June wnl attract attention, it- leading
. engraving, '• the Alphabet L.-on," heirtg
7 • , ,P !t *' l>; ug picture of childhood, while the
! l a-lu .u Plates, pttUerns and liftv other
j natters tor the ladies cannot fail to inte
, Us;, tliem Ihe literary matter in Peter
j son has always deseiwed eonmiendation,
• its contributors embracing the most emi
; names in American liction. Pub
!- j" •'d ty 1. P. Peterson, Philadelphia,
* ... f 1 tlulj'itj.
' Of 177 light-houses destroyed or j
dispensed with bv the rebels, 69 have
been re-established.
80-. Smallpox is raging fearfully at
Martinsville, Indiana. There have been
twenty-two deaths in the town this week.
SkjT* General (leant has written a letter
to the President, which the latter lias
; transmitted r<> Congress. ursine: a speedv
reorganizat :un of the army,
i Among the new buildings to be
built by the city of Boston this -eason i>
• a >' 0,000 station-house for tin harbor po
K. 1.. And: rsoti, I'.sq.. of "Bedford,
I uied at his ivsiden-amn that place, on Sat
urday a'week. "Mr. Yhders >t\ v.a- \ id--
' 1\ known as the proprietor of Red ford
tee On Satuiday vtvk, at Xinula, Lex
| ington county, Nov York, a little boy,
; bctwven five and six years old. was eoii
i vieted of assail!ting a full mow it man, and
sent to jail for thirty day.-.
A one-armed soldier in lowa cuts
i and cords two and a half cords of wood
| per day. lie oilers a waiter of fifty dol
! lars that lie can split one hundred and
i fifty rails a day.
1 f&i?' In three instances at Hartford,
■ Conn., recently, the heat of the >un lias
; set oily cotton waste on |i;\\ am! atitnelv
I discovery ha- been all that prevented a
disastrous coiiilxgration.
: _ iPar" One hundred and lifteen white
: h-h and twent\ black bass have recent Iv
| been transferred from the Hudson river
; to Vfc-t Pond, otherwise "Lake Onnta," !
! IMti-TcM/M 'ss.
Jtffe' Oscar F. Barnes write.- to certain
j citizens of Albion, X. 5 ~ whom he vie
j fhnized in oil operations, a cheerful letter
| h'oin Havana, a—uviifir them that tiietri- !
' Ming balance in their favor of .- j.mjioo
j shall be made a :I right some day or other.
| jf-o Lozenges, poi.-oncd with strveh
i nine and inorphine, were slipped iutotlie
j pocket of a young lady in I'ape Klibaheth,
Maine, at a tcstival, by s:>iitc person un
known. She ta.-tcd them, and i- verv
tejS rn format ion has been receive lof
the death of the ill. lie v. Ceo. Burqess,
I). D., Bishop of Maine, while ivturning
I Iruin the \\ est Indies, whither iie had •
! been for his health, lie was a native of ■
j Providence, B. I.
Eta?" Jef Ddvi, the areh-truifGr, has
been sick, l>ut is now better. 'A u.ul\ re
port of hi- health is made to Washtuiiton.
: He i- allowed to walk out every dav, and
: has us niueli lienor and other luxuries as
| he wishes.
t?nf' Thaddc-us J. Davis, son of I lev. J.
; >V. Davis, of Harrisburg, was accidental- j
; ly shot and mortally wound-d, in t hat
| tatmoga, Tenm, on the 2i'th of April.—
: V have not In ...! in- particulars of the
j unfortunate occurrence." The age of the
: deceased wa- 25 years and 2 months,
j tei- p; lc great Union Paciiie railway !
I steadily progresses westward, and in about
: two months the locomotive will follow
the setting sun as tar as Fort Riley, four
hundred and twenty miles west of Si.
j Bonis. As fast as the road is built at: !
j accepted, the Government-aid bond;- ire 1
i issue. 1.
i EO-- it is reported from I.oiii-vilT- ih.it
j while a constrin tion train, wiili a nuni
i her of hands on hoard, w is passing over j
t lie rail load bridge at ("lurks ville, Tenn..
! one hundred met high, one of the -inns
gave w .ay. prceipitnting the cars into the
I water. Uvi a i?v i; said, were !<-t. i
Th- inhabit u amnion Hill, i
; Bromptoh, Kensington, < 'he's. :i , am Ful- •
j ham, Kile Intel, are in ami-' and preparing
to oppose the ciiipi'iyntcut of two tnoii
i ster brick kilns that are now nearly com- •
j plete in the Ptwe market garden* near '
i Uarl'- eotut and i,'.-- Soul.a K-; -in-tmi
i MusCU!::.
£fr-> " Within iho p.-.-t few weeks seven
! nteii have been lyn-l.i I to death in the
American bottom, north of St. t 'iair eoun
j ty. Mo. The men were robber-aud hor>e-I
thieves. Xoi iiit* sligliie-c lalbrt wa- mad
, to lind out who were the panic- engaged
i in the lynching, hut it i- known that they
were among the obi- ,-t and mo-trespecta
j ble citizens of the -State.
ftop Some of the ojfjz. ns of Mem phis :
.: wanted to form militia companies, t> be
armed by the United Stales, ostensibly ;
) for the puipo.-cof pre-eiuing order, but,
as it would seem, for any purpose the niu- !
nieipal authorities might -i-e lit. to us i
, them. ( Uiforal Ftonema'm ;o o horn their
request was addres-ed, li:w refused to sanc
tion the arrangement.
Judge Stiekney.*>w of tlie direel
; t;ix commissioners of the State of Florida,
Ins deei'ied that till tax sales >f property
' at Fcrnnndina and fst. Augusiine. arc void
' for want of conformity to the law. The
original owners, therefore, come again j
into posse.-siun. This is an ea-y mode of
dispossessing I nion men and repossess- >
ing rebels.
80i. Two lads, one fourteen and the
otln rseven.venrsof age. sons of M r. Jann -
i llarnn ii, of Flmira, Xew \"<rk. went iu
: search of sweet Sicily root in the woods
near that eilv a few day- ago. By mi.-
j take they dug up and ate u quantity of
; Indian poke or white hellebore, a viru
lent poison, from the ctl'eets of which they
i died ifi a short time.
We regret to learn that George Crit'|- i
man, of Harrisburg, V- as instantly killed,
on Friday morning, on the other side of
i the river. Mr. C'. was baggage master on
the aceoinniodation passenger train
of the Northern Central llailroad, and
was in the net of coupling cars, w hen, for
some cause, the train was put in motion,
throwing the unfortunate young man on
the track. A portion of his head was cut
otr, several ear- passing over the same.
jgs-jfThe charter election held at Wil
j liamsport on the hith, resulted in the
election of Maj. James Woods, the Union
candidate for Mayor, by a majority of
about our hundred andJifly —a Union gain
of nearly direr hundred. The Republi
cans al.- • eted ciyhtcut out of fh, (a in
j fy-l'our , .her.i of the city council. —
Heretofore ihe cops had a majority bt the
oltieors and entire control of the allaifsof
the town.
The Grant House, in Franklin,
Pa., was burned on the 19th. A lady
jumped from a window of the fourth sto
ry and has died of her injuries. Two ser
vant girD are iiiissingand it is feared that
they perished in the tlames. The Tire is
: supposed to have been the work of ah in
cendiary for tlie purpose of plundering
the house. The 10.-> amounted to trW.oob,.
on which there is an insu ranee of SSI. <HR>.
8?£|)„ Colonel 11"! >cr Thompson of I'ott.
ville. who during the war was a gallant
bpldier of the Seventh Pennsylvania Cav
alry, and who last year went into busi
ness in Richmond, Virginia, lias been
compelled to sell his business and return
North. The rebels, encouraged by Presi
dent Johnson's policy, w hicii exalts trai
tor' g-'l I'fil'h. ; t_ v.bn r-. •>. -•>; v-'J
such a system of perseeufion and ..strr.-
j cism, that Col. Thompson could not live
there any longer.
Mexico hi* been rather uuiet for some
time past, but now we again have the in
iiietton ot long reports of occurrence.- in
that benighted region. One d::v Maxi
milliatVs friends have tin advantage; the
next day the Republicans defeat their ad
versaries with terrilic slaughter, i'lvsi
dciit Ju.arez, the uliiijuitous. is heard from
:i half dozen places at once, while the
reader is lett in a iunthle of amazement.
, Mexican news i> about as hard to untler
sli'.ud a-i the Helileswig-fltiNtvin .men
EO-- Norwegians arc excited over the
state of oysters found in northern latitudes,
several sudden deaths having recently
occurred, (Juecn C'liristiana ordered tin
most < :ninent men <>t the medieal profes
sion in the realmtoiniiuircintothecause.
An investigation reveuletl thi' startling
i.act tliat tin- deaths were (livaluct-d bv the
eating of diseased oy-tev-, sMft'erSiig'lroin
"pe-tilentialconsumption,'" w hieh ili-ca-e
renders their flesh poisonou-. A rather
unpleasant pr-'.-peel i'--r t lie lovers of the
j delicious bivalve iti Xop>-y.
Is.*: iho extensive coal oil retitn ry of
; Mi .—rs. Bogati iV Bloyd, loeate-1 at the
corner of Twentieth street ami Washing
ton avenue, Philadelphia, took tire on
Thursday e ■ veu.itig, from a leak in one of
-tills. The principal buildings of the
rctinery, including the still and treating
house, office, stables, frame sheds and
about suit barrels of oil and benzine in
tanks and process of refining, were con
sumed, and tin-machinery, fixtures and
, apparatus rendered a--, mph-tc wrei-k. A
large quantity of refined oil and ben/.in.
. in barrels and cans, roeued.
j _ BsSv.. It appears that the S< iiatoiw eic t
from ('olorado Were summoned, the night
before the veto was vtit to Uongress, to
the \\ bite House, w here they were man
ipulated by one of the President's private
secretaries who slyly informed them that
if they ji' -dgcd th'-niselvcs to support
"my }K)liiy,' : the act a.dmitting tiicir ter
ritory as a State would be signed. To this
oiler an indignant refusal was given. The
Senators were next ushered into the au
gust presence of tin President, when the
same other was made theiu. The Pre.-i
--: dent of the United S-atcs did not hesitate
; to make the open bargain of crushing or
elevating the peop'g of a territory, giving
or withholding from them n Sum
eminent, as they emt-diuled to support or
oppose the policy of the Administration.
The Colorado Senators again rejected the
humiliating offer, ami, .■>■ a coneeyui nc ,
; the Colorado hill tea•• v< toed.'
Meeting of Soldiers.
In aceord-tneo wirli a call published by
Maj. Gen. John F. Hartranft, dated May
Ist, 18(81, the honorably discharged officers
; and soldiers ol" Mifilin county, nut in
j convention in th<- 'Town 1 lull, Lewistown,
:on May lf'tlt, lSOtJ,at 1 o'-dock, j>. m. Thi
meeting was called to order by electing L.
J. KI.HMKTV Pn -ide.nt. and Lieut. Frank
Went/. Secretary.
T!i.' object of the m eting wm- statcil to
! lie the election of thie- deli gates from this
1 county, to represent h m r.il ly dis-.-harged
. .-olhieis of Niiitiiti eounry, tn soldiers con
vention, tn be hold at Pittsburgh, on fob
; dav of June,
{•|1. A. W. Wakefield, Col John P.
Taylor and George W. Klberfy, were then
elected d- '.- gates to ;-ail convc-nfio-n.
('it motion, thc| roec-e.'iingnof i in
t ing wore ordcrcl to he puolisja- j -n tUi
, o-ar.tv paj
Fit a N't; H. W i
ft,! t'o i\.-:ihig of j; li iib. B-v.
\V . !(owns. S vMt'i-.t. i>. K. Hi-V I.t w -
>w ]i a:td Miss ELIZAKETH A. Sn.'.u in f,
of Huntingdon co., ba.
At tb.-- re- i-1 cf the b'.'i.l-p.',"'
in Y'ettgertown, May 9th, by the E •.
fJ. F. Di' ttorich, Joirx i'. ('.mu.i.v, of
Spru- ■ • it-: iv. Huntingdon county, to
Mi-- Sfi; 11. \ i;.v of Yi-agerlo\vn,
Milllin bo'inty, i'a.
On lot ii, by Rev. W. M. Burcb
field, W.it, WixiiVaiow, and Mi. KATK
Bi.oom, l.ioth of Knox township, < 'ieur
licld count v.
Lewistow N Mav £3. ISOB.
Wheat, r. 1. psr 1.-u-hei 50
white • 2 55
Barley " 00
Uye " 75
Oats " 35
C• r:i. new " 05
C'i-iversoe?' " 0 OU
j Tiniothysced " JOO
Flaxseed " 1 75
Butter per lb 25
L'inl " 1(5
Kggs p--r d- zer> 15
Beeswax per lb 35
Country so.ip " 7a 10
Tallow " i 0
Wui/l " 40
l'".'a thers " 00
11--ps " 15
Country Hams " 20
" Sides " 15
" Shoulders per lb 15
Dried.Apples per bushel 2 50
Cbcrri-j 2 00
Beans • I 50
P- : 1 25
Dilt. bbl 3 25
" Sack 3 00
Flour is retailing at the following prices:
Lewist -wn Extra Family per cwt. 0 50
Snj-eifine G 00
F.xti - Family per bbl 13 50
Superdue 12 CO
PlitlaUolphia .Markets.
The Flour market is dull, and prices
are drooping; there is no inquiry tor
shipment and the sales tire only in
small lots for the supply of the home
trade at SltU for superfine; -?8 50a0
50 for extra; SlOall for Northwestern
extra family; 810 50a 12 25 for Penn.
and Ohio do., and fancy is held at
higher prices. Rye Flour is steady at
BGa(i 22. Prices of Corn Meal are
nominal. \\ heat comes in slowly and
is dull; sales of fair and choice red at
82 4"a2 00, and White at 82 70a2 95.
Rye is steady at SI 12. Corn is in ac
tive request, and 18,000 bushels Vol
low sold at 81c, and 2,500 bush. White
at 82c. Oats arc firm at 70e. Butter
is held firm at 38a3P. Coffees, Sugars,
Molasses, no change. Fiax Seed is
wanted at S3. Whisky is dull , sales
a*. i^' nn at luui Ohio at
£grcial >lolia\s.
Cholera, Diarrhoea & Dysentery!
A CURE :s warranted by Pr.Tobias'celebrated VE
NETIAN LiNIMI NT, if used when first taken by
1 ; rsons of icmpertitc liabiw. This medicine ha b,en
known .1 the Imit, .1 States over 29 years. Thousand*
have usCd r '. and found it never failed to cure any
complaint for whi.-h :t was recommended, and all
those who first tried It sir." now never without it. In the
' i Cholera of 3S4S. Lr. T.bia* att. tided M cases and lout
; 4. 'l'ing called in 100 late to Jy a.Uf.good.
rl !•' !•> TP >NS —Take r. tea , *\f::l in aw negbias
I of water every half hour for two hours,ami rub the
sUi- :n '■ i .m.i e\tr. mi!.- <•!! v.ith the I t l'o
iv the thirst, take a lump of ice in the rooujhj aljgit
' . the size of a marble every ten minuter. Ii is v u".n
ted pi -rf*. etly innocent to take internally. by f.li
druggists. uri te 4'i and *•' rents. Depot, st Courtlm: 1:
m . N Y. myJ-lm.
- | __
4 Sittjjio SStjck. ol'lirarnirfllt's s*ilN
j contains more actable extractive matter than tueu-
ty boxes of any piiis the w, rid besides; fifty -
, J ii>" hundred physn : .us u-e thetn in '' ; prat : <.•<• to
ili-- > \ i- ii of other purgatives. The tir-t letter of
the r value is ■, ->t scarcely ay p: cct.it-> I. When they
• ;re better known, sudden death and contitiued - k
lmss wii; h. of th • vtst. Let lit, -e who know tlieni
-t- idt :h! jui lu their favor. Itt.saduty which will
! " '
Our ia ...-e suli,f- tto &r< Jundaney vitiated Idle
■at ti*i* se i~- . and it is .is ,I.ins -roil* as it - prct . , nt;
i it Brandrcth'a Pills afford an inraloablsaod efficient
pr- *••• u- By their occ-.t.-.iotial •• v.. preveut the
••'•lit ctivii of these impurities, whu-U, when in nitli
,-ient quantities, catise *o niU' li danger U> the ; -.--iy'*
i health. Th-.-y -. u cure. Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia
, L ss of Appei.tr, Pain in the iltaJ. Heartburn. P.
' in tic ilreast-' i ne.Sudden l -iiitness and C\- :.veo s.
. --..1 d L> all respectable m :n< a • &e. Im
' ! _
Reduction iu Price
< >F THE
Made at V/altham, Massachsetts
I*t c< us, piem - "f the recent great decline in gold
and >.H, : and all the materials used in the '.S.inufvc
. ture of our goods, ami m nr.*. -ipati. uof asiiil further
dec'ine. w< ic.ve r <i; *"d rgr price* to a* Sow a point
, 1 as they i-;ii| J,, p!ar -,i.
\v ith (hold at Par.
so **..,; no one need hesitate to buy a wnmh now from
the expectation th:.* will be ehc aper .it some Inturc
time. The test *f *> n years at.d the manufacture-and
s .!'• of
More thai. '-iOO.OOO Watches,
1 have g.vcn cur p* ~li.-tions the very highest rank
among time-he, per*. <".,mai- n.n, K with (|, deter
in nation to m.ik-.* i Jy thorotq;iily .*. celleut watches,
: nur : u-.io-.s.- jtca biy increased as the public became
■ a,-luainted nit!: their value: until f->r monthstogetlo r
I us- hate been unable to st;pp!y the dentu!*. 1. \t -
have repeatedly cul . ged our factory buddings if.til
' tic y now -ov. *.- v- r three acres of ground,and give
a ultimo.lation !> in,ire than eight hundred work
iiis-i. Wo arc fit Iy j i.*tifif.,i in siuiuie that we make
, ii MoUX TIIZN ONll-li •LV or iff TIISJjrATCHIS SOI.l) IS T IL.
• ciiii# STATFB. The different grades are distinguished
by tne following tra I-* marks engraved on the plate:
I. • American V -h Co . ' V. dthaiii Maw.
; Apph-ton. Tray A • o," W.dihaiu. .Mass.
3. ••!'. S Bartiett," Walthain. Mass.
4. **\Vm. Ellery.'
a. Our LADIES' WATCH of first quality is name i
Apph-tTracy A Co., Ualtiiam. M„,.
fi ""rjet; quality of Ladies' Watch i- named
' " ' . ■
< s are furiii.-i.od :n a great tu: *y . f *..: >-> and
• sc. I f i-e. - s.
ii.p A:u... *ur. '.*. .ce'i C*,., of W.dthatn. M• s„ au
ite that n
-MH-: kci i.y WAitr.AN i k;>
--* - -
■.*,*. .s : ;.i.y , t.i re, - i , r n,
. ber t\iui ::t *. s;.* g *rante*' ol ~ f* : t m.iker who
•# -i'Vrt l- rv.eli^<! 1 th:s *rruu\rv sg ik- k!
, "a-- ■ ' t !:., f 'jrupai.y r lia :r Age: ami ii.-,:
I " V • e-i •• 1 ..11,.C0 . til- A*V •!••• an VihlU jivs
tb\l ri'iN.— ihe jn : ea;.oop. -i ;r buy t-uly
lof r*.-*;■• e:*hLt. d aiers. \i: p-.-svts stihi.g counter
i f- :Us w:li he pr, seen'* i.
A'.r.N.o fcii i"IIK AM Li. I AN WATCH CO,
: 95m I*4 imOAUW IT, \. V.
or. ot': .*r w r is. ! . ad- '.v!isf on e ..:*■>: ti* K eL
li.-ve wuiiered an • nir.tt-red. can in a few m-. ::o-n*s
• re clothed with .... theit YOVTIIKI'L AT.
jTK ACTIONS. I.y a single applientien of that woo-
; bivtlnl >*,: -skt rs an I int-ustachi l..,lics* eu; J.* i
; t,> winch 'Tie situ-v . t .*-." In.s pr maturely dr;f' .i.
and red. : rindy. or wi.i:-*y-':-i -an I.aii*. r>-reive, as -t '• v
magic, the rarest s'- - .*.-.*s of black or brown from this
I Harmless hot an i i.a.r- larkener. Manuf.rctured I y
i CRfSTAIyOBO. 6 Astor Ilouse, New York. .Sold . y
| lrugg Aptd i sy i!: il.ur lCess rs.
\\ T EIiKK fc SON
> > Have ti:c* largest an<l i>esi selected
s'cck ol (groceries uj tlii,* section of coun
Brown Sugars at 10—12—13—14 and 15
cents j.er
White Sutrar I'i cents.
. J.ov. riiur * Synip. ()tl*.cr Syrups at S>,
an* 1 ■>" c. Nts per .juart.
iLikinir Mol:t>s< * at I.'! and ~l~> cents.
Prime ('otltv !<. Extra I'lintc tio. R2.
\lso. a i.ii'gt stock ol Mackerel am! ilt*r
t'liijf, (■ round Altun stntl I);tirv Salt.
NVc arc the onh* store that iiavw the gen
uine Jackson White Potatoes for sale.
LETTERS remaining nncjoiined in the
Post Olliee ;it Lcwistown, Pa., on tite
: TRi'il of May, ISGG.
Roytlen Thomas Miller G W
Craig Nash Martin Miss Marv
( oopei Samuel Myers Miss Elizab'th
Cull>erson John Maize W E
Dwelltiss Caroline M. ivJith MrsSa'h E
Dougherty Mrs ElisaMcLaughlin WnV
s Feev Samuel McKee Marv Jane
t" Eilwm S MeCork William
1 l evies Joseph Mcllalejohn
, Cregory Miss AnnieOlhit Magilalauc
tiuild Samuel Pituiell Rev J J
1 oss iliss Loviser Rean Henry
1 (ill Daniel li Reed Win *
I lagan J Rothrock Mrs Ann
t Hunter Maliala Riets George
Hamler Sylvester Stcwatt SJ,
, 1 Laine, Elizabtth R JShively (ieo W
\ JvristerJC Stewart Samuel
1 Jy pperimg Mr, M'vWaggoner John li
t Ivii ls Mrs Sarah S Wagoner J nines
i. Mortz Miss Mary E Warren Win
Miller Daniel i' Wagoner Jos It
Veater William
fi nnn a ''KNT3 wanted, to s!' SIX xv.w I>te>
VjUUU TI, i.f grr.it value to fainilu*.*; all pm
great profit*. Sruli 15 eerts and get St pugea, or UC
cents aud set 8-< rat*,*-* ahd *v sample gratis
mygMinoJ EI'HRAIM BROWN, Lowell, Miu*e.
CUEEPSDE AltS. lor sal*.* \ y
, g I * *'ll | I
MMncsrrn —-■ ■ n rr—
r in ™
DHESS->I .4KIAA* aiil SS:>^fAa
All kindd '-of* Sewing will ;
t ; promptly attended to by the nudei-siioi-
Hale Street, Lewistowu. s
iny23-3t. \V.
r • *k-4-
Tl:h STOC K.
\BOOK for the suhseription of ad.ii
tional -hares (of S2O each i oftheV,,,,.
- ital stock of the Lcwistown Water ('
• | jinny, is now ojH'ii. at the Banking Hoik,,
>. of William Rnssell, csrj., Treasurer, i*],'*
*. , money to he used for niakiug iiiipi*o\,l.
! ments and repairs to the water work*
i | . By order of the Board.
myi'i-U J. W. SHAW, Soe'v
i'OR SAl*£—A HAltf. 41\.
i J
The undersigned, finxious to quit hti*i.
ness within a short time, will sell hi*
of merchandise and fixtures at a
. The lutsiness is hteated in the nourishing
, town of Lewistowu, Pa., and is one of th?.
best loeations for business in the jilaee
may23-tf J. W. SHERIPP.
UTOIII-1 I OU 541.1 L
> ' 'l ite undersigned, being dcsirou* (l f
closing their business, oiler for sale an
eellent stock of goods and the good wjjj
of a line business stand opposite Browns
Mills Hotel, Beedsville, tit the junction
of-the Rig Valley <fc Centre Co. turnpike
Any person wanting to purchase at a har
irain, will give them a call.
inay2-'5-l in.
The books of the subscriber are vet in
the hands of the editors of the (.iazctu
find unless the accounts due me arc paid
by the lir.-t of July, next, they will hi*
| placed in the hands of a jiroper ofllccr for
j collection.
niav2:!-3t DAVID OVER.
Pfnoijlvania Railroad.
Tr:iin isaw Lewivlown Sit.nioH a* follow* :
ir,,f oinl. Eatittard
Philadelphia Exprr**, l> M. m. j*y j; R
Baltimore •' 4 *j; a. m.
w York Kxpre. 6 I* a m
Pay Kxpre-.-, 4 t." I:1 . noe a m
fait Line, e ii p.m. tia n
Way Pas*eng®r, S 31 a
Loral A'* *oiiiiiodatitiU, 33 u i
Mail. i 13 p. ,n. *
Cincinnati Lxprc**, j
Emigrant, 50 St a in.
Through Kreight, lo SO v wi. 511a. n.
" 9 Is a.m. ( ii a ni
express *' la 2-i pin 12 43 p. ni.
.stock •• 12j p. in. Toob m.
* 735 a.m. 316p n:
' rri.il. 31 50 p. m. 10 46 a. ni
tu:on J.iue, 9 05 p in.
Kar to liarruWurs 5 21C; to Philadelphia S"; t,
Altooiia ,iu i'lnsburgU oju; liklcmoru 120 to
\ ork r? 2'.
{ it* will ho
thw Arnvui of w.tch p:i>senpwr trnin.
I. K. RoHK-SONv Agent.
*nd from all the train*, taking up or setting their
iow 11 at al! point? within the borough limit*.
Great Excitement at the Post
. \N sc-Miir.: of ii.e urn- arrival of Boot* ar.d Shoai
v ' a* grwatly rsiuctd priow*. Thf iindrriirnH .
c-;,r; tfi.l'v inform ihe public thai he lia* ju*i *ri:v.
• r-m the* 5.,-tcrn cities with a largo a*-orime:it*|
•• s*: - ~f l.adj),*', i.cnflpmcn'* md ChiblrenN
j \v, ar. which !... |,a purchaaed at- *OOIO dew *i
*. Hi* :* 11. ,v prepared t *r -lieaper thah *.: ••
j cheapest, foj .-a*h. Al*w. ronstatitlv on hand a larg
~*--ir!ijiwr,t i f I.sm,-made m. rk, whiri, 1. mauufi
t'ire-i up I;-r h:* <• tj xiiprrvi*ion. and - f lh, h,-*;
tel :•■! a lid work maii>liip Huoi, au-1 Shoe, madi t
i.rder at h!t tit: *• . .iera.img doni :i *.iie n,
I 111 ,liner. < .'! i.,e P ,, 1U ;
y -;:>f]vi. *,y t.. TifolfX ;[*E ,
1* iv:.<; ..VII, y. Tv, T.
llfli'lili I.MI lilliiil.
Pigeon-Wing Self-Rake.
L'icislmcn, Mifflin Couny, I'i.
\\- r -*tr now manufacturing n.vll's Ohio K-aper ar. i
' X I ower. n uli F'.ge.tu-'.i .ng Self rake, wiiieh in ~f-r-t
r -t ' ~r the season of 1 **lVi a* a perfect Mower, a per
'• ! il-.iper on.l a perlVi-t :*.-lf K.,kor. A* a Mow, rit
** 1... superior, and a* a Kraper and Self-lfakrr :t
.' .*llO equal. I'eife.-t Sioc I>,-liven: hs* no M'i**
: ' 1 driving w.ieel*: hiugo.l bar. adapts it*e!f :
t < ■ :."vrnne*- of the ground 111 mowing and reap
-1 : •* .elf-rake i|,.es not interfere with the 'lf
- - *. at. The driv.-r can regulate the hei ;ht"f
.*■-.* j:, while tin* nuu-liine is in motion. b
\V. al - o msniifai-turc SKIDLKV PATENT
bit t*Alv b, Hi-.mes 1,-hr at I-. f Horse 1
•■.ll l i reshing Ma-hine. Agency for Gciser's pater.:
- : I'. vrulaiing Alrniii Thresher," Separator, ('ieauvr
■ and Bagger.
A .. n1 of Machine work made and fitted up f. r
Mi"* Kurnaee- .ami Forges. Also. Ho
au.l Reaction Water Wheels.
A filers will receive prompt attention, hv a i ircs-
I -ins REESE. SI.AGLK * Kdl'hT.
Letvistown, Mifflin I -*-. I'*-
! S I'-, nner, ffeneral Agent. f-*63 niv23'■
/affile-. " A " T 51 A - v "*■
I■ 1 P.- '-ontiniiestomanufactiir*-
< a. lie-, ('iirii*.-,. Huggtej.
*' *- '-'A ; ,t l,:s old sfand in Yeagartewn.
••u the Belle for. 11* on.l Lewisiown Turnpike, 3 miles
from Lcwistown. of u quality superior, and at price,
.owcr than elsew here 111 the county. A varied stoo
of n* ct and dtimhlc work is aliv.'iv* kept on hand,
w.iieli purchAsers may sele.-t. and any articie in
, 1 ills cue ml! 1„ made \u order at the shortest notice.
AG w>rk warranted to be of first quality and of th®
, most approved and reet-ut patterns,
i Ifcpaiijns; done wulj neatness and dispatch,
i Yt-iigerfown, Ms"V 23,1880-fim
1 Jas. K. Simon. 33 .South Fourth street, FhnadC"
pliip, is ngent for the following valuable Hook"
Apple ton's rlew American C'velopedia. lt> volume:
1 j do , History of tlie Kebellion, 1 large vol
do Dictionary* of Mechanics, i volumes
. : Rebellion Record, by Frank Moore. 9 vols.
Washington IrvingNi Works. 22 vols
Cooper's Novels. Dickens' Works. Mcnval i G -
■ boa's Rome. Macau ley's Works. I're's Dictionary
of Arts and Manufactures. *
Bancroft's t'mted States, 8 vols. Ac., kr.
1 furnish all books published, lor public and pries**
. libraries, at wholesale prices. Send a list
' books wanted, with a stamp, lor prices, which em " e
: sent by return maii. niay23-* in
Bitter wink of iron. .
An exquisite-impregnation of drv Spanisn nine
with lb* activity of CALISAY A BARK, and them®"
•> energetic of all the ferruginous salts. CITRAIr- "
MAtiNETIC OXIDE <IF IRON, li lias a Ttnous fla
vor, very grateful to the palate, is without ,*ha'Vbsa
taste and will not discolor the teeth.
it excites languid appetite, gives zest to ' !L.
prov-s digestion, increases the strength, steadies
en culation. takes olf muscular flabbiness, removes
pallor of debility, gives firmness and precision to
actions of the nervous system, with power to ecu ■
fatigue and resist disease. .
MnsartU 4 Citrate of Iron is new and p a
liar, differing from tlie ordinary Soluble 1 "rat"- -
con taming an equivalent of Protoxide of Iron- 111
of Amman,a It i* neutral, tasteless, without a •_•*,
J gen.*y, as prompt and cnergeiie a* the Chloride, a -
iiuhke that, ludttees no ioccl inflammatory action *-
,J headache.. ... ... ~
Calivaye Harlt i- pr-esninet .Among v(f
tonics, lia, equal a* a s'.rengthener or restora-t •
new rival ax 111 anti-periodic. . ~
Retails in $5 and i- botlies, Quarts and Uailf-'-
dispcnsing C> S. HI'BKKLL. Apothecary.
. ) 1410. (liestoDt St. Phitede'pd