©o & 180 MmsaSJJtfßßk Whole No. 2870. i yiercantilc Appraisement SAst for IS. fplIK following is :i List, of Merchants, 1 ano; Class 11 pays 15 00; . A lass 10 pays 20 no; Class 0 pays 2-7 00 fswitiioivn. " C'fas/s. A ndfs. riaimiol Marks (store) 14 7 on A. Felix 44 12 10 (k) Anthony Felix (cabinet) 14 700 John Kennedy 14 7 00 Daniel Muthersbntigh 14 7 no Michael Nusbaum 14 7 no j. Irvin Wall is 14 7 no John liauin 14 7 00 Henry Zerbe 12 10 00 John* Davis 14 7 oo Prank, disc no < . \V. (libbs 14 7 on 11. M. A R. l'ratt 2-5 00 William 15. MeAtc A Son 12 In nn Reese, Slagle oo . J. F. Rohrer 13 I<> <■ Mi>. M. T. ilrehnian, drug. 14 7 no I Wayne Totcnrfii/i. James F. Duncan 11 7 00 D. Withrow A Co. II 7 00 Xttcfoti Hamilton. !•:. K. rurct-ll J- 1- 50 , Sutnuel \Y. Norton 13 lo no ; John Yanzant 13 10 on John (Y.lhrrtnon l't lo on JatiH-.s M. Stevens I t 7 0° , Jiccclsvillc. J .. Swope A Co. J3 to (Ml it. M. Kinsloe 11 to oo Kohler & Murphy I.H loon j Abner Thompson 11 7 no Uittenhouse A Maves 18 10 00 . f/ilroy. < Raft* A Thoini>son 18 10 on John Knhler 11 " ,M) Samuel SiveLs 11 # 700 James McXitt - 18 lo on Cox, 1 hire foot A Co. 18 10 00 Siylervillc. S. (). MeCurdey 18 10 on Tavern*. M. A. Sample, Lewi stow n 7 2-7 nn H. G. Karr 44 7 25 on John Hippie 44 7 25 oo Daniel Kisenbiso 44 . 7 2-5 on J. 1). [.. Roar 44 7 25 (X) Jaeob Rearly 44 7 2.5 00 George Settle, Rratton twj). 8 15 00 R. A. Rradley, MeVeytown 7 25 00 Daniel Rush . 44 .7 2") 0o W. Rrothers, N. Hamilton 7 25 on Aaron Slioop, lietsLsville 8 15 oo A. A. Murray, Rrotvn's Mills 8 15 on 4 eo. \Y. Graham, Milrov 8 15 00 F. A. Mutton s ].-> oo Jos. druver, dranville twp. 5 15 on Simon Veager, Yeagert-\vn s 15 oj I'atrnt M divines. Dr. J. K. Metz, Allenviile 4 500 I>itUlcr.< 'IN-1 Dm IV-IS. Emendorfer & Maeber, Lew istown 12 hi 00 lit! Hard Ta'.h . . Samuel Marks, I.ewistown, 1 table 30 o0 Vdam llamaker, Ist Billiard Table 2n On " 44 2d 41 " 10 i.K) John Ilofl'man, 1 Hagx-telle Table 5 no An appeal will be held at the Register's Office, in the Borough of Lewistown, on the lsth day of May. at which place and time all jiersons aggrieved mav attend. JOHN L. |>()il i'ER, aj2s It Mercantile Appraiser. BUSINESS COIIEGE N. E. cor. Tenth and Chestnut Street:*. PHILADELPHIA. HHll? most complete ai l thoroughly L Appointed Business or 1 ointm-i I < ullcg# in On- country. The only one in the city p • I • - 4ai:i" Charter, .iu-1 tlio only "ic* in ih> ! ■ \ Shit. - i.illi rixetl to confer I>egrees of Met t. Dipt unas awnr-le:" !iI: .i • •' .ii -l-i exiensive expericiii-e in tin- ml ■ ■ iu!e-- qualled advantages l -rthev -■■_ :• . . I ■ .! ■ I pra-li-al c -t tiiue .. ■•.imp u> * ■ into t•- rotllilic. details. CUS'.IIS and !■ n- ! '■ in -- u general, ascondttetcd in the '— t regulated imii er eial ami tuisneial Theoretical B ookk ee pi n g Upon a new j-IAH. with an • of accounts i a !ii ami fMihl i proprietor of this n ♦ ■ ; A V*!V 1 r t - ow i use, srtvinir ono-h!f tin* ♦•n.iinarv ; '• i i' -ti •l ilt. AIl l llifll ?t iMHnfi' [r ... •!- • 1 i'.A . prai'tii'l* of it" 4 -! ;U'nHilll.dlD. Tin* ('(immt-i'cial (. oupw r.Mt.! i i < Hvokk't ytitui. (Vfttiin' i .i Iln . ■ . putilic. A tegular i'.degr • !.. ' and in which the student- ii. -in !■' - iiie ■ , , , ,i ; e- i- •. Patro? age. This In-t,tutinii is 110 i-i ■ i .:- t ' .me eti-r lie-' >wcd up- '1 my. ■ c I - tlie State, over tive le.ttdr ■ j the pa-t y. :u * i tie IK— l -ii; . | rial.lv !••• found here,; .mi 21 Location and Accomm -Jut ions Tll Institution is iiifn' or It!.' 11l >-t • I ..'ft !' th- • -11 y. an. I its ;I<•(■ <. 111111. • lan 1.-. I r \' - ••'. • le gitime .'III.I convenience. an- ••)-! : . it..- imiini haw Been fitted up in tin- v 1 ■ li IJI'SINEss OFFICES Ol{ COTXTINo 1101 SKS. TELEGRAPH OFFICES, STATION EKV -STOKE JMNK oK DEl'i |>Kl ANI> isst,-.. MtyfilM wnil finely-entrrav. it lithographic notes used a> .-ir- ul.'.tmg iiK-iliiuu in tin ! 1 ;.u ' .ten: <.>: \ .'tuai Busine,.-. To Young Men who de-ire tlie very be.-t fa- -iktif- f( r PracOcal ICtlucat iuu for Bii>lnfs>, wn guarantee j "iiijr-e of iiistrncti-. snn wh.-i •No equalled. while tii. reputation and -'in-i:'.'? <•! 1 • Institution among bust tie-s mci) Ufa! • n- en t• —- infill tin* best passp,, : to - i ---ess u:, ■ e: All eontegaplettng entering any Commercial ( oileg -. art* invitf.i to send for an Illustrated Circular and Catalogue. containing complete interior views of the (.' ill. go. r.n-t lull particulars.f the course >•' luslrte-t; a. terms, *e. 1.. FAIRBANKS, A. 31., T. E. M KRCUAXT, Sunt, of er- Just ' ■ •if- •t. • < ■r 1 ■ 1 I <*f Mai kit an. I It row nSt r .the n. ■ ■ • mifUttifil by Edward Fry.singer. 1- a TIKW-OO an i Store, a large, splendid all'! I'llcaf as I ;.- . of'.r 1 a I'rn imoii-. .1 ■ .. 1- i-t ~m| a; -f 1 if I" .1 qualities <.t >a.:;ir- i tl •• :i ■ from Ito 1. is. A and Si c. Nts per p..-in i. Syrup. Sugar House mi l Uj yj , Laguyraand KlO Coffee, Tonj-on's ... 1. ... ,toil l't flit t'ollees, Rjo, Tut k ali 1 j. I;i • i'. ~ ker'* Chocolate; Jiuper t on- lit - ui.o ... , Japr-n Teas, the finest and th- pi:;-, -t j. lie m-, A complete assortment of Spiees. ground an I whot; ('ream of i'arte, >.. da. l'.aku.g : : .1 U.-li. Salaratus, Starch. Dairy Salt iy large and smai: a> Us to si:t p eha.er. . ltriggs Swift'- eelehrate-l 'in "ana' .. .r 01 • Hants, Dried Beef: Burlington Men ng. i Sheppatd's < elehrated I'ltt- 1 •. 1! . <.-. w r Butter. Sugar: S.ala and fdiige- ~i . os. And everything that 1- n rally found 111 a repttia: Grocery and lTovi.-:on Sow* . i'l . t. been selected with great rare, aud with tin view t furnish the citizens of I.< wistowu and vicmity with 1 first e la-s of l.roi-ericsat a lot. \ -hare of tin public patronage i.- re-pectfo ly -••li.-itcd. I Country produce taken tu e*cl ■ jutie 7 V i BUM A siiji. At D. Grove's Store, New Arrival of Groceries ami Coiifcclionrrim D GROVE wouM again inform th- pnhlio that • ha* ju*i received a fresh supply, t • which h wcnld call their attention. N w tiietmieto cheap prime Mola-.-e*; tl.• very • -t ■■! sttv it>: prin. Coffee, 7 different kinds, put up 11 • packages; Con Starch, Faiina.llomiuy. Bean -.-i i ail !, 1. re-h and tine; prime ("lea p.,: 1 ( idei v ee jai Baskets, Buckets, Broom* ajida variett of Dolls am Notions for Children. Also, Raisins, 'Figs. Prunci Cocoanttts. Almouds. *••.. 1 -ei • 1.-.vy -' .i--ori tnent of Soap- to he found 111 o.wti. II u Oil-.ailii :: endless variety of extract-, ali of oi<-ii will he sol cheap for cash*. He- All kind- of Country t'r iuee take 1 in < v : change for tiood.-. Thankful for past tivo: he hopes i.v strict alter tion to business io merit and r> • ■ accntititian. •he patronage of a generou- cul r.<. - 10 WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1865, Pennsylvania Railroad. Tta: .s leave I.••••;.-tnvri, j'tafi'-.ti as follow* : VetfiMrd.] Eftsfuxtrd. j I'hll. lelphia t-fxpicss, - r > a. m. 1- 17 a. 01. : li.lit; :i -re •• 4 40 a. ill. Fast t.iuc, C 44 p.m. 6 00 a. ni. j , Day t' x pros—. In ;,4 a. 111. 1 , Cincinnati Ix |." ss, GOO p.m. I Wav l'c.--eiig.-r, 9 Sia-in. >! 4 20 p.m. K intrant. 10 IS a. m. Ft- -'ht. iv i". p st. 1 11 a m. Fast •• " 0 47 a. m. Express 12 to p.m. 12 30 p. m sioe:, •• ."1 cap. 111. 7 22 p.m. 1.0 d " 7 3o a. in. 3 on p.m. Train. 1 05 p.m. 11 04 a.m. Fmon lain*. s 55 p. m. Fare to II rr.-hure ?21 •: to Philadelphia 5-." :■ Xltoona 2. 0. t .1' tsLint. r. the. to Baltitn re S2O; to . Vork :■ Jo. :.ii i.i •n ;■ \--rn. -I t'- i-- •••'! A—i —:.. i.. • - of the < • .ur.ry stij erintetfient ex • /r-z • *s SK- -■ *ss **** ** • 1 I . *O.--. r -.y J. ■- % Attorney at Law, ililice Market Square, f. w i-tiwn, will at lend to liu-ines.- in Mllllin. Centre ant! Hunting Jon counties m*.*Jh l£/_£w 1- 'H..- T', / >• ~'•// lit in'l Sll ;l. V 4 ri'l-T Market street. Lewintawn, two j j ( door-* iVnm the diamond, off'-rs proi't si oiai services to the public. P\ an tiioritv IV -in Washing!, n he h.io h'-rn ap pointed tin L vatnining-"urgetm. J.-. i DENTIST, . ' * '/5. aw ■ ho.: . i ■ !1 • - in.% found at .a till - .t - oiU-c. tat ee d, ..-sea- .: ii. M. A It. P. It"- st V.'ilev a, ! i-ly M. R. THOMPSON, D. D. S. I j in. n iil'thi ■p! i a- and v m ' f " - il . '• sua • •*ar Ei- tihi-e".- hotel. ■ , • th.-e - Moii". 1 "f •.. ; !i nioiilh uird :foiin a : NEW (H)ODS! . 4 NATHANIEL KENNEDY'S S T O !F5- 'JEI , In Ihs Odd Fellows' Hall. T IST reeeive<) from I'iiiiu !i !ji!ii:t, it J v.-ry eh ~.••• as*. rtm.*ir. • t. ".itlemis. 1 aiir, <'ie ' !■-■ 1! ■ ko'" 1 . 1 <•!'• .:r, and Dalll' -lie laV ti ■ 1 a 1 ! 4 ■ U' mt- Si:g"i ~. < viSrccs. Teas, f'lijiailnlr, - • i.e . Hams, M • or. . than:: .. S! i;u I. I i(*' >t s:' ih I . a lit! let o! \V i,.-1.-. . ii it V .\ It *. . XX Itlc : lid '.ill. . \ I J' v,. ..vhieh V.i'.l I ■■ ■ ; I very low . (. ting \ l't id'K* •hd *tl in • a hallgc I a . Ood- ay X. KENNEDY. I.< wsitown. October U, 11m. lie wistown Mil Is. THE !U!i!!i:ST CASH PRICKS FOR WHEAT, AM •j/L KINDS DP CHAIN, .r re civ .2 it on Htortig ■, at thtj opti'in <>t th m I tou it.g it to" Ihe market They h- pa, ! v giving due and pcr>"ii'ii a rention t bti-ituiss. tu merit ti !i' ef.il >hin: •> (itjl.ilie patrotmge. 4tt"PLAS I'LL, SALT and Limehurtiert • OA L alvvays on hand W.M. |>, .Me A TEE A SON*. Lewistuwn, Jn 1, lSu5.-tf WHAT'S ALL THIS ? Why. tlio Grain Business Reviv ed at McCoy's old Stand rjMIE undersigned, having rented the largi £_ and commodious Warehouses furmerb occupied by Irank ..'cl ay, esq., is now pre pared t > purchase or receive and forward S. All Kinds of Grain, 10 {, r xv!i:cii In- will pay market prices. Also h will keep for sale, Salt, Piaster, Coat c Fish lie ictuiii ; tii.tr.As to all h n ,i.l cust 'tnei 1 •..* their f rmer patronage, ami -hall fee ,d graft lul f.r a renewal td pa.t hu-ine-1 r.'a -• ii ,i,s. He lias ii- ac opted the agency to ' the celehrat'd x l "~' M i li. u it to their udvauiug to giv ■ i u call ' Ularl: IV W.V. WILLIS. 1>. CLOCK'S IIAIR RESTORER. /v Warranted to Restore it ever so Rra./, R'-im e Jluir. it'tier so o'rui/, Tods (<#/or o/ f-.a rher Jh'ye, Co/or Earlier J>ay.* t Keeps the Ifntr Jo/in Eal/iny thj\ Jldir t,oiii. Fallii,a (hT. Ii ill surety Cure till Humors '■ / the Cure ail Humors of' (he scalp, Ann iii a he, (he Jfair yroic on liald Ii ids Hair grow on Hahl lie ids When Jit/liny OIT from Disease. Ill*, (lock's Licebior Hair Restorer, The only Hoir IA- ; r:n tho market which posscs s- - til tho merit cUiitiieii for it. Clock's Excelsior Hair Restorer. T ■ perfect Hair K*ctover and Haii trcssiog coiiiLiiicH. Clock's Excelsior Hair Restorer. Tbe only Kmr Itcstorer known where the Proprietor :eh:au the money if .t tnii? to fci.o i < : feel M.ti-.wcteiti. Clock's Exoelsicr Kair Restorer. • -t i :.tidr>- • i tided by th. . lergy u;..t ti faculty. ! Clock's Excelsior Hair Restorer. XV:.:: im ,1 t • re-tor.- r . J: •*.- to it- r .imil ■ >!or. 'iii.i* from fr.lling oil Mi.tr. -t-.rc inc.r oil l I 'hi II- ;; l> WllCl I til" ill-. . I t. ; tit redit:i"V. * ; Clock's Excelsior Hair Restorer. V. i; ;i . tic Hnot I men or th- .st i -iniic t. ! Clock's Excelsior Hair P-estorcr -- :.t. ■, .ii . tl.'T pt'.*l It c.itm- f ; t'.m imir. Clock s Fxoelsior Hair Restorer. A>i ■ 2 :i --v: i • :-1 -t -2.' p.ic.i! o: value. X'itH'k"'- f N ctlslor ijuir c-turcr. "■ -• .> :it.'i \ ■ .|i w ..: : it. L'lufk's iNcel-iof iSnli - I'oJorcr. !- -■ hi . invito the jutcniion of Tailors, Aianiifarlnrtrv if Ciolliin?, Boots and Sliors, and Carriage Triiuraers, ■ ii.i i.li,-i -r-•i nn iL* a tMp'.l. liglit-running. mid ruu.v i.b hurl. Stic* It Alac Uinc, ti tlur. new No, 1 Sewing Machine, 1 |t -~f . vtr . very strong .and povvcrf ;l. \i-i!y .or„. I with iittic noise": is adapted •> every variety ,t -*• v. . ■ !. •m tho tliiutn -t li.tisltn p. tin- 10-avi.-t . leather, nil I will work equally well with . ottou. lii:.- 1 . ■ tlire la .-'.lunar to lie -wing r-i b, . . uist: "tly re-Dived: i .;. j : iii'iisf sr. i f..reman iiave belli Ih-.i "Ueliiy . xitmiut -! and tested your No. I Afocliint - •>:: ditt'er , ut in ,: . ." • I .m i lie fortunate possessor of one of your new No. I smitlh A/aehilies; I have used th Finger >; i _ to ..-Iniic for the past tew year-, mid itgtve ' rue -i a: > a-ure t. - v that tlii- one 1- far superior :: all p ...u- t-> any ihav J liavo ever u.-ed or seen I want II i .|. Ti.ts maehin • van 1 , se m ■' niv ~ ~) v t.tn . Kr.i'htx Stun h. Menduuit Tail ir. Levvistown, I'a 2. 1.1. WHO WANT THE LVE'LKT iSE>T i! should not fad to -ail and see this new a-pir:mt tor f public favor, as it is destined to supersed* nil the heretofore popular Machines !'• >r mannfactnring pur no Hating ti - hit g-st Variety ol tn.uhm-s of any olh-t ' ( on,!, inv. we -an >uit i'2l tastes with a a maehir.-at i ptiees from $55 to 7ib*. eAil machines warranted. Hui'lirow r .x Baker's Cotton, l.inen liircad and M ... (.me t wist for 5.,10. information an i samples of sevriug given I y P. ]'. J.OUP. Airetit, j sep2C-l v Fa. NEW re BOOT & SHOE STORE I IN THE WEST WARD. Die under-igned litis ju-t opened a new and hire s'. ■• i v c.i" HOOTS jiit SHOES m M -"t Bu " ■ :-*i'.r* roonr,. W F -; iJ.ukf • J,*\nstiV"UiiLe aiii -•<;*> !. r^ 1 tel. where will b. found ail em.r. new stock of Fasli- A 1 .liable BOOTS, {SHOES, GAITERS, I. .• I. . ii--. t.■• ntleniau. Girls. Bovs, on i Childi' :i. , r leete i w much care, and which will he -"hi at re* sonal.i- pr.-es for -ash. <'ll—t■ >r 1 -.." ik will u.s.i i.e punctually att-tnled to ibis branch Im IDS undi r the superintendence of XX m T. XVetit :• an old'and experi-uce workman. REIWIRIN'j also attended to re Th, public, as well as In- fellow c ul Iters, are invitee to 4 'vc liirn a call and vxamiti'_ , F j j r . S r--r n C.-lt 6, l S t'' <&m Trloral ami Vicligions. .4s it Should Be. Not long sint'o a worth}' minister was inviletl to lake the pastoral care of a church in a growing placo. Some < t the prineipal tnemliors had a personal interview with him, explaining their condition, wishes and purpesos Among many kind expressions, they said, AYe do; not invite you here to lill op our house j with hearers, or to increase the value j ol our pew stock. We wish you to labor exclusively For the spiritual \x ei la re of this people and leave to us the care ol' all the secular matters of the i society. (Jive yourself no anxiety about the salary. We have heretofore j paid dollars. Should that be; insufficient, the amount shall be in-' creased. We are able to support you. and will do it.' Such were not prom ises made to be broken. That church was always just as kind to ils pastors. Watchman. The It est Chapter of Roman.,. —1 )r Worcester once said that he had been told ly a-returned missionary, that atier reading the tirst chapter < I lio mans to a heathen congregation, they came around him at the close of the service, and said: ton wrote that chapter fur us.' The Watchman and Reflector savs : 4 We have heard the Rev. Dr. Dean, of China, relate a sim ! il-ar fact. lie had been conv* rsing with all intelligent Chinese respecting our sacred books, assuring him that they were very old. He gave him a specimen. Soon after the man tame to Dr. Dean, and with a triumph and ; accusation exclaimed: A c>u told me ] your book was very ancient; but that chapter," point ing to the Ist of Romans, 'you have written yotirseif since you came here, ari l learned all about the ' Chinamen?' Some men talk iikt angels and pray xxltix fervor, and meditate with deep earn -trie-*, .md speak to Cod with a flection, aid words of union, and adhere to Him in silent devotion, i and when they go abroad are as pas sionate as ever, pecx iah as ,*x frighted fly, vexing themselves with their own letiectioris; they are cruel in their bar gains- unmerciful lo their tenants, and proud a** a barbarian prince; they are, for ail their fine words, impatient of reproof', scornful lo their neighbors, lovers of money, supreme in their ; thoughts, and submit to none : all their spiritual fancy is an illusion; they are . still under the power of these passions, and their sin ruios.ihem imperiously, and carries then away infallibly.— J Jeremy laylor. Jk3-R.IOTTXjTZJ-IR. YL. Chloride of Lime. Chloride of Time as a Disinfectant. — Always, during the prevalence of warm weather disinfecting agents should be liberally used, hul the pres ent season, as a guard against tbe chol era. which may become p evalent in this country, there would seem to be a greater neeessiiy than ever, to make use of every appliance ior destroying offensive odors, and keeping the air about residences, workshops. Ac . pure and sweet. No better agesit tor ac complishing this has yet been found than Chloride of Lime. It has been found al>o, to be a most excellent rem j cdy for the destruction of vermin. A gentleman publishes the result, of hi trial with ibforthe latter object, in tbe London Builder, as follows: " Some years ago, I read in a French * scientific periodical, that clorido of lime would i i i a house of all vermin 1 treasured up ti*.e information until an opportunity offered for testing it value. 1 took an old country house, infested with rats, mice and flies 1 stuffed everx knot and mouse hole with r the chloride. I threw it on the stone floor of the diary and cellars. 1 kept saucers of it under the chests or draw ; ors, or some other convenient piece of i; j furniture; in eveiy nursery, bed or dressing room. An ornamental guts' held a quantity at the loot of each staircase. Cowsheds, .-.tables and pig stys, all had their dose, and the re sult was glorious. I thoroughly routed my enemies : and if the rats, nioreim j pudent than all the rest, did make re ( newed attacks upon the diary, in about ten monllts. when probably from re peated clean.- ng ami washing a!i tea ** ccs ol it, the chloride again routed ,v! them and left wo waster of my " n i premises. Lu-i season v, as a grout one ' i lbr wasps. They could not lace the chloride; though in the dining room, in which we had none —as itssmed,to inc most refreshing and wholesome, is not approved of by ail persons xve l * : had a perpetual warfare. And all ol o comfort for eight pence i Only let housewives beware that they place not the chloride in their china pantries u i ur in too close proximity to bright —**■ warcr o. -he c.uh ,x f.. i*o ... a Vol. LVI, No. 20. theirgilded china will lie reduced to plain, and their bright steel fenders to rusty iron, in a short time." A New Vegetable. ( ho last now thing in vegetables is really quite a startling wonder. Think of a radish with seed-pots about three ; feet long, and sometimes growing five ••r six initios in tour and twenty hours. We can think of nothing like it except j Jack's immortal bean stalk, which au thentically described plant isneverthe -1 less nut spoken of as good to eat, whereas tins radish is said to bo as palatable as it is monstrous. The pods are its edible portion, and when half-grown you may pickle them ch eat thorn as a component part in u sal : ad. When they are full grown 3*oll 111:13* boil them, and they taste like u combination of asparagus and green peas. The plant conies from Java, but we are told thai it lias been lairly tried in the open ground in England, and succeeds perfectU* well. To add to its merit-, its pods arc ready for use in less than three months after the set <1 is sown. At pi esciit, unfortunate ly, tin so seeds are i:uneiitabl3' scarce ; but if all that is said about the virtues j ol the plant is true, it ought to be quickly prolific, and people who can not all'oni to give a guinea for about ! ball'a dozen seeds will soon be able to try what il is like for theniselecH. A Curious Cane. Several weeks since, Win. Grady was bung at Kiizahetli, New Jersey,, lbr the murder of Fergus Collins, on the 11i111 ot August, 18(>4. Id appears that Grady had previously been in the itniiy, and, alter the murder, which was perpetrated while Gradv was drunk, he enlisted a second lime in the -tli .Xeiv Jer-ey \ oluiilcers, which was assigned to Gen Sherman's <-oj, ur.in, jt: -t before it proceeded on the grand man!i to the sea shore. \Y bile the army in question was moving be tween the Ashley and Cooper rivers, Grady became separated from bis com pany. and suddenly* sank very low in to the mud of a treacherous morass. While in this situation, without any prospect of getting out of it. with cv ; cry evidence of dying there, be made a solemn declaration to God that if he ever uid get out he would make a clean breast of all he knew in the case of the Collins murder. Fortunately, a straggler from a Massachusetts regi ment came along and helped liini out ;of his perilous situation. On arriving at Goldsboroh X. (A, Grady made a statement to the military officers there, who caused him to be arrested and held in close custod3* Thereafter ho was given over to the civil authorities of X. J . tried, convicted, and senten ced to death for the murder of Collins. Effort was made for a commutation of his sentence without avail, and Grady | wa> hung, as above stated, but protes ting with bis last breath that bo was en tirel3* innocent of the eri tne for which ; lie had been condemned to sutler. WK The powerful speech of Judge i .Shellabarger of Ohio, delivered in the llot.se lately, on the subject of Nation al citizenship, and the manner of its i forfeiture, and the power and right of ] the National Government to control . its resumption alter forfeiture, lias clmlleiigedas profound attention among leading thinking members as anv I speech yet delivered in Congress, lie assumes that citizen-hip, under our Constitution, i* of National, and not State, origin. I>y a masterly exposi -1 t ion of authorities, of a State, national ' and international character, with the , uniform practice of civilized nations, be shows that by participation in the ' Rebellion the Rc-l el- have lost all right ' to participate in the Government, and he further claim- and diows by procu ' dents that Congress, or the legislative power, can absolutely prohibit their rc.-irnption of the right of franchise, except upon such terms as Congress 1 i may determine, and that the States 1 have no authority over the .matter, s ..... h A German, being required to give a i receipt in full, after much mental cf * fort produced the following: 'I ish full. I wants no more monish. John l * : Swaeham met iLi rowrt-— - 1 .-.-1 -*tx*.-~ xtvji Mill Mm m ; MRS, M. E. STEWART, - SSAIYO? SIOS.B, 1 Wr.it illhfkft si-, Lev. istov, ti, 1 A!• iS i KNTLI:MKX*s rt'UMSHINO Ooi>I)K. < !. .1 i. . Hit-. Bonnet-, l.ttiii.-s Kill.' Jjßliti.S I OOODS and Tnnanpings. e i>.it 1 • n. i.f ! jito-' -t\V. always on liand. Millinery and Dress-Making ex.'. ui. d ir. U.<- nio i approved stylo, fe , Lewi-town, Ipril 1-, 1506.U" - STAMPING ! STAMPING ! ! L T A1 'I I'.S wishing to have Stamping t dc.n.fi>r eitli-'i BRAIUor£MBItOIBGR>, . can 1 a romruodated with tho latest patterns, by ' . ..ling ~n Mrs. SHAW, at her residoitre 011 Third it street, adjoining tho old U.-tptiAL ehureli. . Pattern -of every do crip': au-i *!.•' !aV*st stylo, it a'. •• .* lwfl 1.1. ffc all ..yj.--:'..: