Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, April 18, 1866, Image 2

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    pole and they punch for a spell, and so
it goes till fl o'clock in the morning,
then each go hum, having enjoyed fine
exercise, u little drunk perhaps, but
the muscles in their breast ar so ex
panded that tha kant ketch the kon
sumtion nor the small pox.
This is Billyards.
._ • TT - u* • j-^caex.'t&*■ "-ivi ir.2VEi *1••
Wednesday, April 18. LBGB.
O. A.a. PRVSIKCKR. Edi-.orn.
The HAZETTE i i every WVdiiMdn?
>•; the ul<i st.ind, attl.jj in u(i\ Auee, orsJ.ountiheer.il
of 'i mouth".
Cash Eates of Advertising.
S month.?, C months, 1 i nr.
ut; column $15.00 SOS oo #40.00
llulf column 10.00 15.00 'JS.OO
Fourth column 7.00 10.09 1.'.00
Notices of b t-incss excee<tiiii 7 line" and Ices than
I column, including l -M" r. per year, 10.00a15.00
Business Cards (7 hues or lessi 1 year
AdmiuisUatton er Executor's Notices " 50
A editor's do - 00
Estray Notice, fonr tim es, J 00
Caution or otli r short Notices. 1 r 'o
Tavern Licenses, single, 1 00
If more than ouc. each 50
Register's Notices of Accounts, etr ii 50
Shorttl's Sales, per square 100
Editorial Notices 10 cents jc r line for each insertion.
7 lines of nonpareil or 5 lines oi burgeoi- make a
Personal communication". resolutions of societies,
obituary netiees. Ac., half price.
j'ltei terms vvdi !ic rigidly adhered to in all cases. !
Job work.
Eighth }eet hills. 51.5" for 25 or !c--: fourth sheet
t.lis for Jor le h>lf slteet bill, $t fur 25 or less.
f.^uProceedings "f pnMi • no stings, or organiza
tion* of any kin i, involving private interests in any
w,n . an- charat the mte of Jive eonts per line,
toi l must lie paid lor. as . is ntueit ea-U-r !•••,• twelve
or tifie'en persons to e aitribute a quarter each, or
thirty or forty t -n • ents ■ .ch. than ;• i us. who haie
no direct interest in the matter, to pay from one 11
t • toilet" -.a getting stteiithtngs into :tp. We hope
therefore that ~j v.. .j, n-setnhhiin -fn , < after sotno
one will see to the collection of the pro! able amount.
Xotlff" f Xcw idvtr'istnifHls.
Mrs. M. F. Stewart has just opened un
elegant establishment in "West .Market
site. t. nearly opposite lie Rod Lion Ho
tel, where may he found a large and splen
did assortment of all kind-of limey goods.
A •., A;'. Call alul see her stock.
11. Ik Stone, Agent for a firm in Mass
achusetts, manufacturers and importers of
Foreign and Domestic Straw floods, has
opened a brunch store in Mrs. Fiehthom's
store room, where he will wait upon till
who cull.
See batch of new advertisements of F.
J. Hofl'nian.
McCoy dc ilohrer, liave dissolved part
nership, ami the store has been removed.
Orphans* Court dales.
List of Letters. A •.
Four Coopers Wanted.
Tlio Assac hu.'itioa of president Lincoln.
Oig the morning of the loth of April.
• S'Fi, t )i. ]>eop!.. of tit a loyal States were
appalled by the horrible intelligence that ■
Abraham Lincoln, the Prc.-idont of the i
I niieu State-, had been murdered < n the
previous night, while attendin j :i perfor
mance at Ford's Theatre, "Washington.
ko event in human history, says the
Pre—, is more certain to survive the rush
of rov< -idion and the accidents of time.
As in Cod*.- Providence no portion of the
known habitable globe has ever seemed
to v -o didinctively a—Lnod for the trial
<•: proving the illness of man for his own
. government, so it would st r.i that
he who had ltd. a people onward in the
path of almost impossible progress, was
marked out for such a death as, would at
one. his sucec—fui experiment,
and wed his name to Liberty through un
counted ages. He died at the hands of
file enemies of bis country, in the midst
of ,T'i-i n! ] jj-don and words of forgive
, and lie fell on the day of the cruei
tix:o!i ot the Son of Cod and tin- Saviour
<>f nam. So, as men study the 1< ssons of
inspired martyrdom, they will recount
the • it• 1 thai I' -t a Christian nation its
liiierutor and its friend. But these are not
the only elements that preserve the liv
ing serv: es and the linal sacrifice of
AUK AH AM LINCOLN. When lie fell un
der the bullet of the pro-slavery fiend,
his country was rising, re<*ujerated and
revenged, from the triumphant fields of
buttle. "He fell on the very day the oid
lag came down on Sumter, but n.-t till
:iis soul had gone up with that flag."—•
There Was nothing wanting, therefore, to
jori>eUtate this stupenduou* crime and
the resulting calamity. How the Ami ii
can people and the eivili/i d world re
ceived ii i- i>ld in th e page- of historv.—
•puck, spontaneous, universal via.- this
wondrous demonstration of human sor
row. From the highest to the lowest,
from the prince on his throne in tiic far
thest and oldest nations on the earth t"
the just-liberated slave in the everg! ides
of the American .South, "from lands of
Snow to !: mis of dowers," myriads spoke
the language of .amazement indignation
and woo.
The Cholera at Halifax,*
HALIFAX, April I b- The city medical
olneer reports up to last evening 1 70deaths
amongst the pas.-engers by the steamer
■ iij,and. including 40 who died on the
voy. g He \\ port - the disease as proba
!.y a cycie form of ship fever, with
niaiiv di the prominent symptoms of
cholera. It amounts to a regular plague.
no surviving passengers have In n re
moved. some to H. B. M. receiving
•hip Pvramus, and others to boats on
jV."" v a j Ihe quer uitine grounds. The
disease is apparently deer. anng.
M'. M. .lACKSOV,
I . S. Consul.
. (1 i?*;: r on the steamer
nounecd to ix the cholem. 1
®, An attempt has made to re
iesae 3l;ijor 1-ee. one of the iienda who
starved I uion soldiers in the jn-isou-pens
ofthe'bouth, and now on trial for his
crimes. A writ of iiobcaa corjjv was
granted bv the State Court, arid-ervedon
vsAtc.'al linger, v. he reft;, . d i-v •; 'K
Hon. L. W. Hall, Speaker of the Senate.
The election of Senator Hall to the
Spvukership made vacant by tiic expira
tion of the term of Speaker Fleming, we
cordially agree with the Harrisburg Tel
egrap, is a compliment at once well be
stowed and reflecting credit on those who
' entertained the preference. This is the
second time Senator Hall has boon eleva
ted to th?name responsible position. In
18G1 lie was made Speaker without an
opponent in the caucus which nominated ,
htm: and now he is again selected, when
the majority in the Senate is comixxed of
some of the very ablest men ill the Suite.
Tt is not necessary for us to refer particu
larly to the talents and services of Speak- •
or Hall. He is prominent among tiie
rising young statesmen of tlie State. He i
knows what is lueos-ary and has theabil- j
: ity to accomplish what is desired for the j
welfare of ids fellow citizens, and we pre- j
diet that the d*.y is not far distant when |
1 Louis W. Hall will occupy positions of
1 higher honor and active influence than
■ that to which the preference of his friends
has Just elevated him.
The Norfolk Va.) Old Dominion, a pit- '
per of decided rebel proclivities and mark- 1
j ed ability, thus frankly confesses the wis
j doni of the b'ivil Rights bill vetoed by j
the President, just passed into a law by!
; Oongres.- :
'While we must admit that the bill in i
j itself wears the gar If of authority and j
somewhat of dictation, if it could ho in- i
corporated into the laws of Virginia ami
all the Southern States, and all laws upon
; our statute books not in harmony with it
repealed, the radicals would be disarmed
at once and forever. If the bill becomes
a law, /' ic!.'!. n'j~<*/xv f'it rcj)< <tl of our ,
S'af'c taws in relation (6 the ncyro sooner I
or la ft r, and whom r and udiaft r Slide,
if i' difi/to.o-il to eland on! at/arid if- >
provisions, ictU necessarily retard tin. rc
attract ion of the S/a'e<. ILvonstr.ctioii
cannot take place —or in other words, we j
do not believe that our Representatives
will be admitted to ('ougro>.s—unless this !
bill is indorsed by our State Legislature,
and sanctioned by the people.
"//?(/' >d, belt' re that tltr re willh bid
little if any opposition to p. end if it i*
aet< I upon /ironipt 'j >■■■■ shall hart flu
Union thweouyh'p < hi';'/ du d. and the
radicals in such a small minority that our '
political troubles, sectional sfrife, and
party.hatreds wiii l>e*of lint small impor
"The main objection to (hi- bill i- tin
' forei theory which is plainly stamped
upon it. It carries with it a disposition
! to compel the Southern States to do thai
! w.'ii<dt, if left alone, t/n// inouhl. hi <lia (inn !
do of tin ie own m-' ord.
Greeley's Conflict.
Horsn OF Hti'tif -KNTATSVCS. <
VV'ASHINOTON, Jan. fly, 18'il. f i
Messrs. O. D.< 'ash & t 'o., Hartford, Conn.
<_>'( nth nti/} J liavo the honor to ee
; knowledge the receipt of your favor of
: the b'ih iiist. f have read tin first- vol- !
| urae of Mr. (ireeley's "American Con- '
Jl i •!.' ii'insi lor ii tlieinord ctunplele, U.M>
; Jul and attractive work which has been
written on the subject embraced in the
I volume. They are treated with great
ability and fa inn-s b\ Mr. < ireci. v, .mi 1
' the arrangement is mo.-t. admirable, I
regard it as a most v 'iuabb coutribetiq.ii
, to our history.
I am, very r< -ixvtfuiiy,
\our oheiiieiil servant,
M. B. WASIUfi'ltX.
. Vi . 1.. Harvey, agent fur this work, is
i now in this county.
Keep/ Saturday, a journal of choice
reading, still presents* to its reader.- the
. j be.-1 selections from foreign current iitera- I
, iure. Suitable for home reading, it- con- '
i tents meet the want-of the fireside,and ,
■ it" perusal leads to gem ral satisfaction. :
j Price S'o.oo jer annum. TicknoriSE Fields,
j liM 1 i'eiiiout sisvet, 80-ton.
The Laity's lit nil. —Among the em- '
' hellish iiicnt - for May are the fineand sug
j gestive picture entitled, "the return of:
! the Swallow:- ;'* a .-liowy, pietur-.-<|Ue and
; tasteful Fashion Plate, comprising cos- i
| mines for riding and other lively out I
: < oor ainu-ei J sent - ; the v. ood-euf "T'jov. -r- ;
I bohs," illustrating the story "How Dr. !
| Rounder beat his boys," and "The Bird j
! I .over," aceonijianiedliy a pleasingskeb h. !
The )>att< n:- for dres-are unusually cap- j
; tivoting. I'he stories are as usual varied 1
land excellent. Then there are poems;
; ami in conclusion, editorials, book notices, ,
j receipts and fashions. Price $2.50 a year: j
, - copii-s Sl.00; .n copies and one gratis) J
; sl6.* Wh< ■lfr &' Wilson'* ct lebrati d S'< u- j
j 011/ Marhines are j nrnishi das Pyrm iinti*.
Single nuinliers for sale liytlienews dcal
( rs. Adtlre-s Deacon A Peterson, .">l9
Walnut Street, PliiladeJ[>hia.
lie '.ataxy, —This is the title of a new
candidate for public l'avor in the illustrat
ed Magazine line, to be published at New
• \ "ik on tie Ist and 15th of each month,
at gb cents a number, or b/> per year of
bl numbers. Is- table of contents eoni
| prises The Cluvcring.-, by Antiiony Trol
iope, u i?h an illustration; < • iaiit-, Dwarls
|and Fairies : Childe Harold ; t'liapter
j ti'oin Noble Life; Archie Low!, by Mrs.
Howard-: Spring—isflij, with ail illustra
tion; A Winter with the American Per
ipatetics ; John Ryland's Wife; Nebul;e;
and these serial storks will I>e varied l.y
; tTie publication of others equally merito
rious. The shorter stories, -ketches, es
says, and poetry of The Ualaxy will he
i by the best American writers, with manv
of w horn arrangements liave already been
made, and the editor has now iii hand
article- from Cal l Benson, (Charles Astor
Bri-ted.i Dr. 11. \V. Draper. Fit/.-llugh
Ludlow, Profo""'r lilot, K. < b Stedmen,
Mi— Roe Terry. Miss Kate Field, Tluv
Author of "Emily Chester," France#
Power Coblx' (of Englan 1, and others
well known in American literature, 'liie
authors will write over their own names
or initials, and will be .allowed abundant
! latitude in the expression of their opin- ;
ions. It i.- got up in beautiful style, with
an oruamantal cowr, and we have no
doubt will at onee take rank among
j the last magazines published. The Amer
ican News Co., New York, are general
Tto 'I he President lias nominated to
fhebenate lor confirmation,\Vni. Smy the, |
■ President Central National Bank,'to be
; collector for the j>ort of New York, and
| Samuel Courtney for United States :
j Attorney for the Southern District of
.vow i ork, vice Diekin ui. decea- d.
Pen, Paste uistl Scissors.
B@_, Gold is-quoted at 1251 f" 12(5.
£•s?*• A woman died of the cholera in
Richmond, Va., on Sunday week.
Hun. DaniclS. Dickinson died in
New York on the 13th.
The mail facilitn-:- in Virginia are
rapidly improving—at the expense of the
fisT* R. ft. Winder, reijel captain, held
a prisoner at Richmond, has been dis
charged by orders from Washington.
R@u It is said Cowan is to have thedis
j trihulion of offices in this State. Demo
crats in search of their ]>riarij,''\-i t will
apply accordingly.
t-.'f Oil Friday morning last a party of
seven men entered the jail of Spencer
county, Ivy., and forcibly released two
murderers in confinement there.
BcfV Tile steamer Financier, from Pitts
, burgh to New Orleans, was burned on
; Thursday night, on her voyage south.—
; Ten iives were lost.
£-A New V ork house js about iui
; porting 70,000 reams of paper, an item
which may bring down the exorbitant
[ prices still demanded for that article.
(u'ti. Hays, a rebel brigade com
mander, has be-ii nominated as tiie dem
oeratic candidate for mayor of New Or
' leans. "llow we apples swim.''
teg" Lieutenant General Grant lately
I acknowledged the service of a v. arrant
i lor fast driving, appeared before the jus
; tiee of the peace and paid the tine.
I _ Srcji.. Since the -murder of the Duenna
| family the bii'r.n rs around Philadelphia
Inn • discharged many foreigners lrom
; their employ.
Brt\ It is rumored that Henry Stanb< r
' ry. of Ohio, has l>oeit apjiointod associate
i justice of tlie Supreme Court of the Unit-1
I ed States Judicial District, vice Justice
j Catron, deceased.
The greatest activity prevails in all
( auadian cities to keep out the cholera.
Precautionary and sanitary measures are
j being taken. Cimleric diarrhoea is re
jKirted to prevail ;U Montreal.
Forty rfifty Indians in Minnesota, '
comprising ail entire band, were frozen to •
death in a terriljle si:ow storm, a low
: weeks ago, while out in s< irch of buiialo.
Only one survived to tell the tidings.
! Ex-Governor .Win. F. Johnston
; has been nominated to the Coll< etorship
of internal Revenue in the T\v nty-tliird
District of Pennsylvania, in plan of Mr.
: David N. While.'
iy-j flic re is but one regular licensed
iiot--i in Johnstown. Remonstrance
: were presented to Court against ail other
; houses in the place, and licenst s were re -
fused them.
£~jf Fourteen keepers of I :ger beer i
saloons and j\ -tailrant, of Hollidavshur-j'
have been returned for selling iitpio'r with
out license, selling liquor on Sunday and
. selling liquor t-> minors.
I b~j" Ihe ham of Jacob '/]. Nagle, far
mer. Allegheny twp>, Cambria co., to-;
gether with horses, grain, firming imple
. ments, etc., was totally con aimed by fire :
! during the night two w< ks ago. I
| 23, 1 100.
: fe=-;f Ihe contract for constructing the
improvement:- to i lie County Building- in
Mifiiintown, liave b< --n award, dto G'.'. ,
; Jacobs, esq., for the sum of - 13.97, and ' a- {
: building the bridge in Delaware township, :
to John .-die Hick for
1- <MI t- I*l ia\ • • >M 1" ■•• j; < blent
ccitrr. d on the Vermont < entral railway.
A bri :go a. out ;v. i.c f>-. . i<> n•_ had ben
•union <low.l, and ii bem_ d u i-c,'he lruin
fell inrou.Ji ilie (-has-.-., due man w.:- j
kill- 1 and sevral li.
f- • Mr. .Tacon Zr rbe old .st eitiz.-n
: of Cumberland county, <ii d i n M<mday. i
in South Middletou township. Hisage
i was ninety-eight years, four months and
five days. He leaves a wife but little
young'-r timn hmr-ul;'.
An aid to incorporate the Ml.
Union Manufacturing Company, passed :
by the legislature, confers tny quantity
. of power en tin- corporators to end ark in
; i ttsim -s lrom keeping u boarding house
t to constructing a railroad, a dam across
; the Juniata, el cetera,
j BcSt. James !'. Hood, a member of the
j I'etiiH <see Legislature, lias been expelled
I for refusing to answer to Ids nan:", when ;
j brought before the bar of the House on ;
a charge of contempt, lie had absented 1
; himself to prevent the a—embling of a 1
I quorum.
r:-*-, in a murderous a 1 tray at Yonker-, j
j N. Y. on Friday night, Mat hew Tans v
I was killed, and ifis brother Roger mortal! \
\ wounded, by a man named Dclenoy, for
i mcrly in the rob; 1 servi e. The Tanseys
; wi re endeavoring to stop a light in which
I the murderer was engaged.
| p On Monday the colored people at
Norfolk, Va., torn: d a proec-..-ion in honor
j of the pa-- age of the civil rights bill, and,
• while the line was in motion the white
niggers as u.-ual caiis d a disturbance: one
man was killed, and a man and woman ,
mortally wounded.
The enactment of the civil-rights
i lull into a law ha- had a magical til •t. .
| The President has "anscil it to be s< mi
j ollieialiy announced that he will notonly
cl#erfuliy carry it intoeiieet, so tar as its
execution may depend upon him, but
! that he is not half as indignant at the ac- ,
tion of ( ongre- - a - lbs • - in-isted.
K?"A An old grey hcai p] erlu-ad in
j the Pa. Senate, w ho i- < ' i .■■ : eugh to quit
living politically, having charged that i
I the republicans had not favored the si >l
- dicrs in appointments about thecapitolat
: llarrisburg, a iist has been publi.-hei!
front which it appear- that ten • nion
soldiers wore employed by the Senate alio
fifteen by the House.
The Richmond Ivxaniiitcr, edited
1 hv a reiel scoundrel wlio once announced
that he took pleasure in making known
to our prisoners at Richmond that tliey
would be sent to tlie southern swamps,
i now prays that the cholera may decide
the question between his adversaries flic
if nion men and the late rebels. Such
are the fiend- who again desire to govern
, this country !
p Bgi„,Senator Saulsbury, who repre
' sents the whisky faction of democracy.
! in a speech beiore Ftic National Deuio."i*at
i ic Association at Washington last week,
! exjircssed himself as disgust, d'.vith .Tohn
j son because he don't take the copperheads
ito his bosom as cabinet officers. He also
saiii that "when Jeflerson Davis left the
• Senate lie was a i iter I'liion man than
Abraham Lincoln.''
Roe" A Soldiers' As-ociaiiou Juts been
formed at Bellefonte, having for its object
the purpose of "Preserving the records of
the soldiers of Centre county; paying a
i proper respect to the memory of the fallen;
extending aid and assistance in securing
i suitable eniploymcut for wounded aud in
j valid soldiers; and generally to use all le
; gitimate means to further pdo.
' eats of the soldier.''
Fr" The Milllintowu papers announce
the sudden departureof 1r. i'. M. T.eivlit
from that town. The Register says "that
previous to his leaving he turned over his
personal effects to his wife. She sol i the
same at Public- sale on Saturday, poeki -
ed the money; and we presume, is now
ready to follow after. Tfiis is the most
infamous swindle that has .occurred in
our community within our recollection.
ss-v! The Supreme Court of the Unite I
States having decide J the Indiana milita
ry commission for the trial of civilian- to
lie illegal, and the person covj<.-t>(| fiy R
having in consi'ipience btxu*. "discharged,
there is no doubt that steps will -oon be
taken to release Dr. Mudd, G'Baii-li
lin, Arnold and Spaugier, convicted of
conspiracy against the life of President.
Lincoln, and the friends of these parties
claim the benefit of that decision and *-\ ill
take action accordingly. Of course nd":i-e
them —tiiat's the ni w-lashion d way of
making tre-ason odious and punishing
15-b . The steamer Saxonia. with news
to the 4tli inst., has arrived ut New York.
The all-absorbing topic continues to be
the suite of affairs between Austria and
Prussia. These relations appear to he as
warlike as ever, although diplomatic re
lations have not yet been broken off. If
the powers go to war, it is considered that
I Vance cannot remain neutral. Bismurk,
tlie foreign minister of i'ru.-sia. has esked
ilii* support.' the minor German Slates
in the event of war. Austria declared to
Prussia that her armaments were made
without hostile intention, and Prussia, re
ptie 1 in the same manner. Italy is arm
ing. Tlie alliance reported to have been
made between iter and Prussia is denied
by some journals and affirmed by others.
h- - i icft uiid< r th> iwli'j i>.<■ of' klo
roform.— Mrs. Lctitia 8. Lister, wife of
;n cyinpany with female acquaintance,
on Monday a we<-ic, ti > 111< room of dentist,
to liaye teeth extracted. Being deli -ite,
and tearful that she would suiter much
troin Cue op< ration, she requested tin
'dent st to administer chloroform, which
!i • did, in a quantity, a- he thought,
-'•uied to tli" phy-icul eoiulitiou of the
lady, lie was protv. ding to extract the
ttci'i vehen the patient was ohserved to
Ie in spasms. An eflbrt was at once made
to store her to eonsei< >uness, but though
asi proper mi -us wcr" nsed. it was unsue
ees-ful, and -be died in c. t< w minute.-.
T/'<> J h'st Word tin■ S'C'-H of a JTorrih'-
of Eight Persons, Murdcri d.
I'liiL.vmfi.iii.'A, April 12
One of tlie most horrible butcheries
of i. mail beings more atrocious i -
its terrible details than the Langfi-iJt
or the i - a-!; i mar del-, w hieli - i: g-i;
eel the community v.-ars :;g- -was taa.le
known yesterday afternoon, tvlwvcn
■<: this hornbio tragi-iv. or trag ..
i- on J inc.-' lane, wo- of ti.e (ire- -
wi- a ; ant ro;id, n f far ,id :i an
ti: • Eoin!, on :i.e it. iiv.-.i'e. in t'ne
r ir&l '. it . i \ . i ;a.s t>l llio inu:
dercr are (!• "r I.) •■■■ g, aged
ti irt •' i igb' y- ars : .1: {in, i - wi! ,
Ihifty-six y. -ifs: J•■•!•!; e. -. •
ei gilt y.-:u*s: i !uo-a- D a- : a..
y< al's; Annie l)ee:ii.g. : a;*
I*, mm a ring. I ail - ia eitii ; . --
lad. aged b nr'e • ; •• rs, u "... i:.-
with the family in i worked u; a:'
fat ni, :.s tm.-.-ing. i. a- sir g is-. m that
he was kti;.-! and his I ody i .row i in
t■ a deep well, which wii! I iliorough
ly search.cd tin- m-o ni ng.
The dwelling house, a two story
frame, is located on done- lan , the
barn and stable o ing a short distance
. off. Mr Deering was a e ; .;lt!e dead r,
and a qui-'t, u: >-tontation- man. lie
attended strictly to his own business,
and thus won the esteem of all who
knew him. ile occupied the farm n>r
five or six years, having rented is from
the owner, Mr. JamesMitcln.il. Mr
Deering was last seen alive on Satm
day morning; at this time be pma fin
ed six pounds of b< i-f in the Wharton
rill.' bod}* of t: UiOtlle!" Uie.i ill.-SO
of her font* children won humd in one
c >n:er ol the barn, near a stindl out
house adjoining, which communicate
bv a bole, through wi'.ieh the remains
of the victims were brought to view
It. seems as thougli the\ wore thrown
into one heap, pell mell, and then cov
ered over with dirt and hay. These
unfortunates were terribly mangled
about the heads It would seem that
a new, sharp and l> oody axe. that
was found in the rear of the dwelling,
was the weapon used by the heart!o--
wrcleh in commit*ing the linrrihle
crime of murder. Ail ol them seem
to have been struck on the left side ot
the forehead, ju-t above the eye, with
the heel of the axe, and then with the
blade of this murderous weapon the
dam on cut their throats.
Such a .-ight. was appalling to the
stoutest nerves. One of the little
boys, the youngest, it is believed, was
so horribly cut that bis head dropped
olf. Iho other boy, when discovered,
had bis right arm crooked and partly
raised as though fending oft* the blow
that sent him into eternity. The
babe had received an awful blow on
the upper part of the bicast, near tlie
shoulder, almost severing one of it
arms. and also another, a sharp cut on
the side of the head.
It is the opinion of some, and it is
probably the most correct of the theo
ries expressed, that all this bloody
work was done on Satin day morning,
during the absence of Mr. Deering
Hi- body, and that of Miss Keating,
his first cousin, were alongside of the
barn, and not far distant from the spot
where tho others were discovered.
1 ho.-e bodies were covered'over with
hay, aud one of hi feet partly stick
ing out led to the discovery of the hor
rible butchery.
The body of the boy was subsequent
ly found in a hay stack near bv.
The murderer h us * : neo beer, arrest
cd He is either a German or French
man, by the nan e of Antoine Probst,
and oonfes-es to Tm butchery of one
.of tbe victims, but- alleges liiat an
: ccotnpbre done the r. st of the l.hxdy
work. The co. onet's jury has render
ed a verdict of guilty ot she louvder of
! he Peering family.
Jfev' Country dealers who buy tlrrif ,
candies, fruits, nuts. <fcc., from Giakgi.
Mii.lkk A Sons, uiy Market street, Phil
adelphia, iilway- get prompt attention, r
frisli articles, good weight, and tnti.-fac
tion in every respect. This account.-, for .
• the large and rajmlly increasing trade■
Miller t'i Sons are doing. Give them a
Ir/gFuvsiNOKK, Brothers, Newspa
per Advertising and General Purchasing
Agents, No. 400 Chestnut st., Phil'ialci- ;
pliia, are authorised to receive advertise- j
luenis aeei subscriptions for this jaj>r. j
Anything, [which cannot lie bought at j
home,] from a Book to a Piano, can be i
obtained in the city, through these j
Agnus, at the loic< ' prices, their com-j
missions coining <ilf tlieseller- 1 . Country
Merchants, as well as citizens, will find
this Agency a great convenience. Ail
letters of inquiry, with a stamp inclosed, :
arc promptly answi ;vd. inh2N.-mi;>t !
BSSI .Stkfiikn F. Whitman F the;
largest manufacturer of Fine and Fancy j
Confections in Philadelphia. His Candy ;
and Fruit Preparations are all of superior :
quality and exquisiteJlcivor. People who j
once i'uy Whitman's wiil afterward buy
no others. Couniry Dealers supplied in j
large or small quantities itt short notice.
Address, or call at. No. 121 > Market street,
331 ED
At Mills, Blair com.ty. Pa., on
March 20th, 1 sGG, Mrs..Sarah A. Spaxo, •
widow oi the tat t ieorge 'I. Spang, Es p. ;
deceased, in the tilth year of her age.
Lgwi3Town, Apr'.! IS, 1 C>C
\\ l.cat, red, per but-hci 82 '25
'* v i:i:e " 2 .'lO '
I. irDy • " GO
Rye " " 4i)
0 its 35
C'Tii. nrw " ? si'
CitfttTKced " 4 uu
Tiat Jtii vsee.l • " 3 C(J
Fias-eed " i7l !
llate-r e-er j!> 40
hud - .10
1 ggs per dozen gt) ■
]sei-M\aS per h 3,1 I
Country senp " Gal 2 j
'll. Haw" '• Itt
v.l, ! .. 41
li.ps " 11 !
(' nintrv Iher s " go
SiiouKipr* per lb 15 ■
lb 'd ■' - P l.u.vlu i 2 50
t.iae.-i.s " 2 00
B. at - " ] ;,o
P ' a - 1 tit.)
S•• ■u ■i i 3 25
I I. ur.i* refuting r.t (bllov.inc • :
I :>ti wtt Extra l .uiiiiy per ov. t. G 0'
s T' ■ 5 tat
Kxir •> Family p ;-r b-bl p: : i
j y jo
I s > ilat e > j.Ui a "JnrJu.s.
Ft or is* quo;, i at SO -la" 2 : V.*l;eat.
. red, 2 JdaJ ->; white, 2 i'Juil iM) j Corn, 7Sa j
--a : IJ\e. oj (<;.
I ' ■
i>u'i Cattle are tpjui si at U-T7 • Kh-vn
, 7aß; Hogs 13a! 1} ; Cows 40aU0. ' ' i
i y-.-r-n A "i 7'~i r ~s n.' vr
i S /-U 'j * W.'* n AH .- **/ tK & m s
; Vtrsl Mtirkil St., L' vvi>tnv..i,
.: ok:.jt.kmk.\ - ffiiM-tinxi; tnnis, i
|sa-;- <" Hal-. Haiai-ts, l.a.ii.-s i-me 7,
I SOtWS -iM Trimming*.
Millinery and Dress-Making
exoeat.-t in the in..,-t ajipr.'vcj >tvio.
Lewi- - n. 11. April Is. IV- .u
Goods & ffiilliuery,
1 ;> EII.IiUtERS t can offer tliemost fuvoriUJe
terms, es ail mv [too i- jure shipped directly from the |
t t-.rj Mu.--h.-mi' -tts. n%: <a.-.i:ng ..• -i ! ~,•
*le. .1 ..... f ! : , N',. i.. ,yt- , -i: ,-pi] .
pack ige. Oive us a call. Sare yourself <<t the need- i
less esp use. None but the latest styles kept on I
I h '-i. A!'. - 1 l.y <.;, i a.ents pronij tiy lilleg. ;
! In ilu ino.-t r- -p'tfi"!y invite the ."tentifu ut t!.e i
; La.he.-of t.iis to'.i;i an-i vi.-inuy to >ur stock Mi- '
I es and Ladies Bats and Bonnets, which we wiil sell i
■ ai-r than r i.ll -i e.i l.t iue at retail. i
11. C Si'ONE.
f>>r sr x re mi:?.- t i.\>„ Win.les ie Manu- !
:itu. .:-oi imp- i i- 4 aiet lii.im sttc St jaw Goods.
Lewi-town. April is.
j E'i i'FKS remaining unelaimtd in the
1j 1 <,r F at I a wistown l > u, on tiic
: i < til oi April, isGG.
I ,b r > :in ' IV \ V r - Mefory Win. r.
■ nir.-. i iri • ra Nlchaei?* William
; Blown Mr-. Jan- H. Peflery M: - - U.i liel
; Burki-t t-.nn IVnepi-r .Mis- Marv
! • inrli ia Jr- Sarah F, Smtth Aaron W. "
i 'a ii i-W in K. Btewimi J.—eph
;\i " :t >bjn M--s Maria Shorter Dam.-l
: II"i-1 -m*keri I'. Sciirager Henry
K" tali Mt-s Sa IP L. Sower Ah-aiotn
lv l nlc r .Mi— Anna Simple Bnker 4 Co.
; L'" i; f" M;-s Marparet '1 -.its E.imnnd F.
-t David Weeii Trumtin A. I
diitvheii Mi'v MatticS. Vc\vri<*l ,\l—Mus"ic C.
■4} >■-r- ,-i -- Ay Veater William
I MeLougilin Charles s.miuel
upis K. C. HAMILTON, P. M.
Cooiiers- wanted by the Fugar Vallcv '
iron a Ochre Co., at Newton Hamilton
I- our to six coopers to make barrels. Also
t> cone.act tor a quantity to be delivered
: atjho taetory. Apply iininedijitely.
Newton Hamilton,' April is, lsiid.
Vi'l iil.IC Kxatninaimn w )1 h" held i.nS.i Tt'F '"> '
April 21. in the high school rami Lewisto#ri "tvr
0.0-e leat hers W.JO m-n e t.. appij for profeseional
C ( 'l iJCAI ,-i. lt>nim'!ee Al 9 O CliM k
rp;iK Stockholders -if the Lew:: invn and K'isl
' s T u M F r Ke Roa< i c " m,ani ' "fi h-i i ,ii.
n*i 't Vi , 11 n:i y.*; —of said road,on th< i-t MON
i ,' n ; - ! *-.g, ' x ! , :l ' 'he in u-e ol Wm. Cochran, in
heed-t 111'-. Ihe old Gourd of Directors wi!i also hold
. meoni.e on the same day. at 10 o'clock a. trs.
By order of the President.
v , . . j, R KIN-SI,-JK, Treasurer.
The firm trading under the name of
Met. • y <v Rohrer lias this day, April M
by mutual Amsenf
ne. hip. All persons indebted to tic
•id firm by Note or Book account wit
call and make settlement without further
The books and accounts are in the
hands oi J. F. Rohrer, who will settle
. t he same.
McVevtown, April 18, 18Gt>.
Having moved mv store t<> Ihestanti
op[K>site the Post Olliee, formerly oeeupir
| eri bv J. H. Ross, I now offer t<i tiie eiti
t z.ens of MeVeytown and vicinity, a tine
assortment of goods, purchased' at the
j low prices, such as
Sb-.t (ftiuds, Ch'ocerirs,
Hartlware, (Biocuisware, Cedarware. Fish
Salt. Ac. Also, a very fine assortment
: of Men's, Women's and Children's Boots
j and Shoos. As I intend Rolling goods
smelly for Cash and Produce, (utiles* bv
-peeial agreement, l 1 can offer great iu
liueetnents to my friends who favor me
willi a call. Thankful for the liberal put
nonage heretofore received, I hope a eon
tinuanee of the same. All kinds of jr<s
i dime taken in exchange for goods. Call
and examine my stock before purchasing
elsewhere. My motto is "Quick salts
1 and small profits. J. P. ROHRER.
MeVeytown, April 18, ISGG.
OSSf'SI 4.W (Ol II I S 42.5:.
'3' i ni!e r I. a a |.
By virtue of an order issued !<y the Or
phans' < ourt of Miillin county*, the im
dersigned will offer at public sale, on the
premises, in Men no township, on
Thui'<ida}. April •<;. is(f,
: the following dc-scrii-ed Heal Estate, viz:
Thrt Tracts of Timber Laud,
-i:u; te on Scone Mountain opposite White
llail, adjoining lands of John Wilson,
-• n . Jacob Zook, Jonas Voder, Susan
Stt eiy and othera.
i raet No. 1 contains 47 Acres, 02 Per
ches and allowance.
Tract No. 2 contains 50 Acres, GO Per
ch'.— and allowance.
i raet No. 3 contains 50 Acres, 100 Per
ches and allowance.
1 mis: One-third cash; balance April
Ist. 1807. 1
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock p m
i ZM> ee for the Heirs of Mieha 1 llos
tetler, dee'd. uplß-2t.
i In pursiiimoe of nil order issued out or*
the Orphans' Court of Mifflin county,
\v.;t : e i xjxi.-ed at public sale, on the
| p:.-misers, on
Siittuiiny, May io, IS<;B,
the following Real Estate, to wit:
No. 1. A Lot of Ground situate m
-'■ '.'k -t street, in the Borough of MeVev
"t-i), omting •>. feet on said street and
: ■ ndiug bat x twohuntlivdandtburteeu
•• • ; four inches to Sarah's alley, bounded
north by Locust alley, south bv lot of
0.-epii .laei-b'.- heirs, west by Market st..
.i:id kn-'Xvii in tiie plan ol Borough
No. 2s, with a HorsK, Bjiot, AC.,
' hereon ert:ct< d.
- " Gin- Is t, bounded north by Lo
"" ; oß,\ , < .st by canal, lot lateofVri—
v. el! on lire south, and .Sarah's alley on
■ i-h beii!| fitfy-three feet -evvii i..-
i ■- - irojit.
in commence at one o'cloi k p. m. t
w.-.i :i ten us v. ;i I n);u i t , i :i >own.
apis Aihui'. v. W. Brimmer, dee'd.
CHEEP SHEARS, for 1- ly
i U - ! pg r. j. HO'kfsi \N.
f G'..h EN I', for sale by
I ' 1 '' ' 1 rah J Buckeye Reaper, ni~.il
j I Mower, fur sklo by F. J. HOFFMAN,
IJ, i>li . ITSI] ; [lnfTiijan's is the store
j _L t'-r M.A-kf-rt'i ai lt | Herring.
i \\/ '■•f') a fine assortment, nt
I * * F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
pI-OUGII STEEL, fur sale by
PARPET CHAIN, for aale by
} 1,1 aid NAILS down again in price.
•i . -.1 p i lug. Host liar Iron fcent- per :!>.
A-d i.hi(, AN llay I-tirk and Knife Ev
■ A eiy fanner slioulU have this fork. It is one of
i> G, -t forks to uiiKrhl hay from the wniron and
' !. "'!• ' mow. It is also a perfect Knife to
, ' ' . or stack and hi wamuiwd to eiren
--' -II . It has advantages we think liu other
i ~ I"'--v.-m-s. F. J. HOFFMAN,
Agent for ;ke Manuf-cturers.
; niIOFEhIES reduced again !
Al Good Brown Sugar, I2g, cents,
bxtra Brown, 14 * ( - lo
v (' . 17 .io
r hip House Molasses, 14 do
y eiy good Baking, If, do
Good Syrup, 26 ,io
Good Black Tea, 1 00
G'tfee. 33 to Si
J A. it VV. R. McKEE
|(A\h removal their Leather Store to Odd Fel
i lm' ilaill, where they wiil constaniiy _'k •< P
on D.iiiti. Sole Leather. Harness. and I pi
i •.•ather. Ki*ts % American ani French t*a!t skins. M "
l.otinc-. ai Bindings, and u general assert
ment of Shoe Findings* which they will sell cheap W
}' k'Thest market puce puia 111 casii for nides
; ul Skius and Sheep Skins.
•*a;it'.-ii. t'./i which the liiehest market i-ric< wJI T
p.yd in Cash. sjltf
TO m in stead v work and good wage - will he given
i A] ,"': -i'- ' MANN'S AXE FACTDItV,
March as, 1 SGC-lt* Near Lcwistown.
llird Caseis.
13UY your BirdCagcs—they are pretty;
) i HOFFMAN'^-