THE GAZETTE. i LEWISTOWN. PA. Wednesday, April 11, 186(3. G A. G. H. FUi'W'.t.ER, Ed!(or. TEEMS OF SUBSCEIPTION. The GAZETTE , published ©very Wednesday jit the ol'l stumi, at >1 j i hi advance, or SJ.jOat the end ol' - months. Cash Eatea of Advertising. 3 i'l-mtl.s, 6 months,* 1 tear, column iIS.iHJ ?25.*-, 1 year 6.00 Administration or Executor's Notices - 50 Auditor's - 00 Kstray Noti. ••. four (inn s. - no Cuution or other shot t Noticew, I 50 Turvru I.iodises, single, 1 00 If more than one. each 50 Register's Notices of Accounts, each 50 Sheriff's Sales, per square 1 00 editorial Notices 10 ■ cuts p-r lino for each insertion. 7 lines of nonpareil or t- lines of burgeois make a square. IVrsonal communications, resolutions of societies, obituary notice-,. . . half price. These terms will be rigidly adhered to in all cases. Job Work. Kighth sheet bills, SI .51 for 115 or !p<: fourth "hoot ' biiU for -• or ]ernbiHg<*s> hereafter pome . on® w J! see to the collection of the probaW • . n unt. • A'oticoi of \fu AdvrvtitifmcutK* Joel Zook, a |itterof much experience, : is now manufacturing Drain Tile at M;- : chanio ville, in .this county. For drain ing lands, cellars, Ac., his is u superior i article, and we dont know but that the Water Company might use the n with advantage at their springs. A Music Store has In en ojK-ncd in Hast Market street by Mr. Weld. >11, where in- j Htniiiients (.if all kinds, music and inslrue- : tions can he had. Parker iarni, oae of tin- tin st ill : {his neighborhood, i- advertised at public i sale. r lhe School r.n 1 t. i.- wiilmu i in eon-. volition on Tuesday, D; May, to eloet a County Superintendent and fix his salary. ! The directors elected this spring have no- j thing to do with this election. Hamilton & Tiiornhurg liave dissolved. ! The shoe hu-Inv.-s will in continued hy Mr. Tiiornhurg. Went- wanted, list <>f letters. ,W. Tlic Dialcxien Society will give j their second exhibition ibis evening. Uo see. hear and l.*.iigb. Pass.lcrc of the Civil Eights Bill. The Senate of the Unite ! States has ' passed the Civil Bill bv a vote of { ■ ; (° I~> om mor, t ban the requisite two-i thirds. |, Previous to tie-pa- .~f the bill T >.tv of Kentucky .-aid. ii (in- bill n i*,v h-fore , th" Senate In"i Mine a law,/n *houid fcl ' • U't /<; y, ijiti'ti hinto ,• ~, . | "J th' don',lll ;■> a u! '•> "' ri'mnr. He warned no bureaucrac. [ to govern (hi country. Mr. Whisky Saulsbury. of i: -law-ire. ' also took the floor and said I rise to-ay. * sir, that in inv judgment the passage of I 'hi - hi!! i- an inauguration of revolution. In the House, on Monday, tin-vote on lle-Vivii rights hill was taken and pa-ed, notwithstanding the President's veto — yea- -1 ——. nay- il—and the Speaker dc • i ned that llie bill Jiail become a law ■ w hen tremendous and long continued! deafening applause [billow e 1. with sonic j his-a-s, amid which the Hon-" adjourned. Since the President has deelarnd and j proclaimed the people of tin-rehel Slate- ! "wcli and loyal disposed," a prof', -*i<>n 1 l-iyahy like tie- f,,!lv. j M g i- ]H'.-uliarly mti- '< lying. It is taken front the Chtiriestoji t- mtu (faroliuian: "Is it -uppo.-ed hy the North that the ;ssi;, o! ihe wr ha-liad the si • iiit-sf efj. in '! -,urhing any Southern man's faith ! or eon vi,-i ions as to t he ri'.< of t in- ,s< i in relation to the J'"!- ,■<<*( b/o/;, a , up r- ! tained !,y all tin* lea Ii 11 g South, ru states- L men-.' I- it supp,. Ed bv Congress or tlic | -North that, in yielding to the oocv,- „| i the 1 nited States < i-rmnent, and pro- ; < (aiming itself sulunissive i;, future to tlmt Cov'-rnHH-Mt, the of (]„ ; Soutli j. ehange ! ;i> now prein|,t tn-ir /'/•-/' /' nn of that < lovenim. o! over ; that which they d- < ree l forth, mseive-i,, | to, e-i ;d >i ,-luneUt of tin -Souther■> ( ! t ■deraey? Fhe Georgia Legislature recently ad-j j-'uiued, after pa-soig -everal unjust and j obnoxious law.- „i- of wliieh di-fran- 1 ehlses every Union man for two yearn;} 1 hat i-. the old law re,pii reda'-i.\ months' residence to exercise t he elect ive franeli ise; and now they demand two years. 'I bis • •attag,-ous proee,.ding is done with a de termination to deprive every Unionist of i a vote, most of tin 111 having hem driven : away during the war. The suicidal p,.]i- I .vol Andrew .iohn-ou in pardoning and ! promoting the viie>t traitors in our I md to positions of tni-t and power in tin ! smith, i- fast und. -mining -tnietur, 1 ot treedom and universal liberty for the protection and lnaintenaneeof which riv ers of the Ix-st blood have been fredv sited. Matters are truly in a deplorable state there; and what is to become of the t moil men w ho Wive <-as( their lot south, under the deluded inipiv-sion that the v ictory was with freedom and loyaltv Hod only knows j .\ t an election held in savannah not one Unionist was permitted to deposit bis vote without being chal lenged in the most serotinous manner by trowning S<-ees>i,,i,i-ts, who crowded around the ballot-boxes all day. A letter from tlu-re says : D must, indeed, have been humiliating loi nun who have tought for tlie preser vation e! • lis I 115 n. to !,-com pel led to -wear.and kiss tin liibl, before those who have been known for yeai-s as the sworn enemies of the Government. The most treasonable remarks were unhhishinglv aiid openly uttered at I lie polls, -una- of I'liieli, p. rliap- are worthy ot mention. as revealing the spirit and animus of ma ny who voted against the Union ticket. One man, with a ballot iti his hands, de clared in loud tones: "Tes, by , / have always been a rebi!, and afiroyit ill . be, and intend to rote a full rebel ii'-U' t." Aimtlter said boldly: ' I hcin fakin (he oath of al!>giance, but ih< duvrnment of 1 die United States has forfeited it* •onfrnef with mc, and by , I trill forfeit my ob ligation* ft) it." Many who were anxious to vote right, ■ were overawed by threats and insinua tions of prominent rebels, who were bu sily engaged in circulating the report that tp*. Yankees would soon have to leave, and those who voted for them would not be safe iu remaining. Toe rebel vote at this election outnuinbfT'ed the Union ten to one. The traitors hero do not confine them selves to threats. Already have the lives of white Unionists and negroes been at tempted. Mr. John K. Hayes, tin-editor of the Savannah National Republican, has been fired upon as he walked the • ' streets. Ail this i- done, be it remember ed, whilst the United States troops are (piartered in the city. The Value of Pardons. People at a distance can have no idee, of the value of.pardons. This i- not aseer- j tained hy the restitution of personal j ' rights to the bentji' i'ti/'c, but by the ex ! truordinary, pecuniary relief secured i<> many who are fortunate enough it. It is a subject, says a correspond, nt 1 of the Press, upon wliieh I am not pcr ; mittcd t" ; peak in detail; but some of j these days, when the curtain is lifted K- I fore the drama now .-reietly pa-.-ing j round 11s. the civilized world will stand ! agluul. It is geib rally believed that with in a few weeks past Andrew Johnson's ' name sign- •' to a pardon more than otiec saved tlie r-atriotic ami humane rebel as i mueh a- one hundred thousand dollars. , : clothing him not alone with more privi -1 leges than (hose lie |Hjsses--t d bvfon he j went to war again- 1 the Union, hut en - Idingliim to cheat h - Northern creditors • !>y disregarding the most -oh inn oliliga- ■ 1 i Iff 1 owe you. ! have more Influence iu Washington than you liave. If you doi'tl tll :e. go tlu-i'< :ii ! and s,-e how inueli your 1 !a< k llepuhli ,i wiii ring v fhe C'-ip,--;*. , ;d Ecv'-bl. In the Stale Seiiad- oil r i'idav la-t, D eld lloj'ki: - v., - induigiug in ! 1 i-* pe euliar ran', • udeav. ring I<> liovv that In and hi* i'lnty 1,-iiovvs have i„-en and are now the only trie- support r-of Pre-'dent Johnson, when Senator ii-ili. with gs a! fbree and promptn •- , l.:-< ••-.• '.jm 1 , full hah vvitii the iiiiesi i< <>i, in> you - [o'ove Un der ('h, ' ~, */ani)ning ihe**'loor tij !r> • yd,it,l .\n>] ■- ;• • a . nroba: !y not r,-turned ; ftroiii ( icut, v\ h( k rc th u luu] uoiiu t<> lie!} ilkmlo, rtui • ;uiil Uiuir friond-. Municipal Jlrrfio.t*.— 4 \t tin? inunici pal e'.< etions, in tin We.-tcn State-, flu Republieans have been mor ■ than u*u ally suecos-fu!. Cleveland, Zaiie-ville, Dayton and Cincinnati, in Ohio; Indian apolis, Leavenworth, Kansas and .laek ; -on, Mielii -an. all , ii. t tie.- Jlepnbliean ' I ticket. The Democrats carry, :i> u-ual. ! Columbus, Ohio* and Dubuipic, lowa. I lie majoritv in t'ineinnali .'ilo i. Jp- - ihe deli, ;, ney ( . l>a i Hr f " r lht> -Mb of ' Mar. h com],], tes its fifty first annual vol ! 11 '• Mr. >axton began the publication i he 10-pository 111 iSlo and lias contin tied in charge of it ever since. Mr. S. we i Sfmn several years ago that he • 110.11 Huntingdon county. 1 m?" ! >llUu ' 1 CimTrock, an old citizen of ..un.istei, and well known as a railroad ( 'i;gnicer, vvas killed 011 the Junction Raill ■ road, \\ est I hiladeli.hia, on Wediu sdav ( .<-t. through the neglect of a switch ten •er. Jne ii reman was killed outright. His name was Robert Bingham. He was tlie .-eion of a well-to-do tamilv. and had • ngaged as lireinan 011 tlie road out of . ' j rs " ; ' aU( ' ,l °( from any ih ' hu'-neb cinpjoymem. Pen* Paste and Scissors* j3#Sf° General Hooker is nearly well. && Senator Dixon is still very feeble. RybH'oM was quoted on Monday at 12GA. ■ National debt April Ist, $2,7" Heed i.iglcr, son of ex-Clovernor Bigler, coinin.itted suicide by shooting hnnselt a tew days ago at Lock Haven. l~r; Tiie papers Smtfi argue that the peace proclamation of ihe President does away with the military occupation. s*-. iht railroad dispute between the Philadelphia and Krie and Atlantic and Great Western Railroads it i- said lias been compromised. The dwelling and stable of Dr. j Tipple were d<.- Iroved by tire on Sunda\ night a week at Loek Haven. it was the work of an incendiary. £r'-. A tiie at ilojicwell, Huntingdon county, on the 27th ult., destroyed a -ta ble belonging to Dowry, EichelbiT-gcr A I ('<>. Loss covered by insurance. &nD Mr. Samite] Stewart, of Hunting- ! don county, on Thursday a week, drop- ; ped suddenly dead, whilst working in bis barnyard. The deceased wasabout 70 y< ars of ug •. 1,-- John Dean, Esq.. Editor and I'ro- j j pra tor ol the liolliday.-Jiurg Register, has 1 -old out the establishment to Samuel lloover and Son. hy whom it will here after he conducted. fcti": Ihe latest reeon-tmet on news is the unconditional release •"!! enlarged to eight eolumns per page, with an entire dr.of new tvpe. Long 1 • nay it tlourish. tirV l ite budding lielojigi gto Simon j Colin, at Collie Utin station, Huntingdon eon Hi v. w ;h all it - content -, v.; - •i > -.t r< ■•. - j by bo on S ;nnlay evening a week. ; Toe ! uildingeont 'in! ■ iV -ion-, v an hou.-e and ; . the telt graph ollii-e. I:-- In tie' House of I tepiv-t mat ivv at Jiarrisbtirg another resolution wa tdop'! d i' '• | lies ti j; g t'owaii to iv-tell hi eat in the Si nate, as he no Ion: -or repre sellls the views oi a niajoriiv ot oi- <-on ■hituems. f- The President lay- much str -s HI his M'loes ami addresses alKiutconstitu tion::! s. nipi' s. yet it appears ipom a mes sage sent to Congress last \ve k that ids ■ southern apjiointinci:!- almost witho t* • xcejition ar< in violation of law. t>.o Tiie steamship England put in : t Halifax on tiie 'aili for in. lie.d aid. >he 1.-'; Liv, rpool on the 2Sth ult., and : - b- ami '■ r ,\'ev. Ah-T-k. -die iias otn lot - dred ami -ixt\ i •-< - oi eholer.a alto ■ dai i tin re have bei a about forty death-dm im | -- i lie . i lie "S -j j, i I ;■!!•, .Nevada, 1' a.noie (>!<]; and i rank flao j were burned at tiie ie\ .it St. 1 ...d-, >. Saturday morning. i.< - < -i : bo.-d. 225,- ' O0" ; O JO ;u .nan. The tats te -I.ingeit to :hi i;ut: Fur Don - ' p any, and were heavily k.den with sup- : piies for the i fading post TS-V . fhe Jtniia*-: Republican. b\ W. M. Allison repm - iiean mid f. o patent h n.g. ft pretty well git up, an l remain- ■■one ! spirited m.-iio r. fr-jP A fatal aeeiiie;occtt: red on tin railroad at I'revi rton on Monde.- a week, which resulted in lie- death of il irri l'iop.p* r of Selitisgrove. He was an cyt- j plovee of tile r dlroad r-uiipany and 115; in the act of coupling ears, he f U upon tic truck and iii> head w a-eoi .pled I;, s, vered from hi- body. iutd llueliaiinan, the wife murder* t and iic/.ekiah, wiio attempted to hum hi- restaurant, with intent to defr.- nii va rious I nsuranee companies, rei'eived tlieir --enteiices in the < h iminal ('out;. at In diana]K)li-. on Tluirsday iast, tiie former for nineteen ami t lie latter for ten .rear in the State Prison at .leflbrsonville. pvd Oil Saturday night iast, a boy; name 1 Ciiariey Ita.mcy, was shot througli : the leg liy a colored man named John j Carrol, in ' Williamsburg, P.iair county. . The injury to the boy i- not v< ry -eriotts. ! We understand that Carrol has been ar- ; r-'-ted and lodged in jail I'or bis lvekb ss use of fire-arms. On Frida\ a week four iiundred people were assembled on the second lloor of a public school at Mukwanago, Wis., to witiiis- an i xhibition given by the pu- j ]ii!s, when t lie tloorsuddeiily fell through, pivNpitating half the audience to the lirst : iloor, and again down into the cellar. No j livt- were lost, though a great numlx r of pa-son - wove badlv bvui 'd. ■ 1 JtOn Monday forenoon ofiast week, i ' about eleven o'clock, a shocking case of i suicide wcurred at IJraddoek's Field, on ' the J'ennsylvania railroad. A (lerman named John Oeirge Deitlirieli, aged ■ about forty-five years, and the head of a | family, committed sitii ide hy shooting himself through the head with a gun, literally blowing Ids brains out. JBspr '• A proposition was made in ( on- j g cess, a few days since, that tiie judiciary Committee of the House he instructed to inquire into the delay of the trial of Jet Davis, but Ancona, the Representative! of the I Jerks county district, at once ob- : jeeted to the motion. What, other proof need we desire of the sympathies of the j copperhead faction with tlie traitors lately in arms? i f.-'j John Hoiisley, in tiie employ of j the Plio. nixvilie 1 ton < 'oinpany, was kill ed on Friday last, by the sand caving in on him. He was digging for ore, and had made a considerable excavation. 1 lis son luul just driven out with a horse and cart, when the ground caved in, and thus narrowly escaped, while his father was , buried under the falling earth. flc.r'The Commissioner of Internal Revenue, under the direction of the Sec retary of tin Treasury, in the assessment : of the annual income, will not require of j farmers the return of the value of their farm products consumed by themselves and families; the instructions to assessors now being prepared, will expressly au thorize this relief. A bill has also passed the House postponing the collection of the ! income tax two months in view <.f some 1 i prnpo-cd amendments. .1 Curiosity. —A boy born in Drown field, 1 Maine, has neither hands nor to -. can feed himself without assistance, thread a needle, tie a knot in the thread, and sew on a button with considerable dexterity, i le gets on or off his chair, hobbles around the room and up a flight of stairs, nearly as qujek-as though be were full limbed. He eau also write a good and legible hand. Hi< name is Walter ii. Stewart. £-£-•'Mrs. Sarah Wat kins a re i dent of Huntingdon, for many years in a if-li tute condition, depending up. n herneigh • bors for sustenance, hut who in former days In-held the light of ease and comfort, and like all unfortunate ones, was desert ed by friends when fortune lied, lias re cently been informed that tin re i- a lega cy of t'llou sit-ri'g, or about js'JNM, await ing her in F.ngland, where -lie was born. Arrangements are eontjileied by whii-li i sho will get this money. 17 (Jen. Jos. Knipe has Ken ippoint eiT P. M. at Harrisbure in place of (leo. n- rgtcr. I'sq. The Hen. is a • lever fellow an I was a good Cnion soldier through the wai - , aiul while we are sorry that Mr. !. lost the olllee, we are content with the Little Corpora.l, though flow he can or will set cheek lij jowl with iho-< who used to consider bint one of Lincoln's i hirelings to prosecute an "unrighteous war, tfec.," is beyond our ken. lie may however t . hew p-.lilies, and attend to ! his 1 iiisine.— as P. whit h mayor may not suit (in- powers that be. .! /'/■'■<,,/• on d,-(. —ln one our! j Presbyterian cluirt lies the other Sunday : morning a minister was olfk-iating witii jail due decorum and siilcinnitv. AH a I j once lie began to cut up queer antics, and j shortly disappeared from public view, to , the no small astonishment of his auditors. 1 ; 1 lie pulpit being a close on*-, boxed upon all .-ides and tiie door shut, the people I could not teil what was going on. Fmoke : j arising from tiie pulpit gave assuranct ' ! that there Mas arc somew here, and tin j : stench filling the house, set i in-g every one : I sneezing and coughing, indented 'that i . flu re was more brimstone about ihe pu!- ! ; pit than was necessary to conduct an or- ! dinary .->ei vice. The excited eongregat ion ; learned after a while that the minister • was on lire; Assistance eameand themin- ; ister wet* put out. 'i'he whole thing: was ludicrous in the extreme, an 1 though the service was continued, tiie solemnity of' lhe audience was not as marked as oc some ot her occasions—A' y, / Do. Jo., oi Utsoiiitiiiii ef . In pu -ur nee oi al't solution udoptod I<\ \ the App;v:i:i. ,Lii-c/ary So-*i<-ty. tiie thanks ol that A.-.-oeiaP.o • a,-. Iht. o\ j puiilielv tend* red t ■ .' .emi . •• ( . ' ;he Dialexian ty and lion iiomin- string j Land, for a tioifttPoii ol 7->.!'o. 1. W. Met i KD. IT- -. (i' i-. !;. Fuvstxai:!:. i?- •. s K2;. :, 1 , ;I. Newsp. - j per Advertising and < ieiH i u ! an liasing J \gents. No. to i i iK-rnu! • >.. Phiiad. 1- . phia, are auiiiori/ed to .-:ve advert i.-e- j nn iits •ml - iltserq-: >n- it till- nap Au\ th ing, | which . t .. oi i;• i < ■■,. ;q a. home. ; u'oni a iiook to Piano, .an !•< , ontain-. d in the cdy, through tru-se ! .'. '■' l!!.-, Jit till' ( . ; . , j• o I:, - nussions 'o||lio. <>:t fhi -"h i-. t'ollilfl'x Mercll at-. : - w.-'i itua lis. \ ill lie • ' tii:- Am ney a great convenience. Ali letter- o. im.uiq.. "■. k ; . -•••mp -i0... ■; are promptly anivih,. -:■ i.-,o\ . c-tahlisle-d hou-- of s ' im porter- o. !• "ei.-ii is. b..-,. ..... oil hall Ul'T- ! i 1?1 -. ''' - 'A !'• • '■ i > lati-s, as well •: aii hm t-. ... \ ; y!.-• luaiiuiaetun i h-.ti "ml ; .. i ■ die- of evc;y Hi"-!' ru vc i-.ts . i ,'a ■ :n --■ To Farmers and Country Ivlei chants. If J .11 1t...- Hutu-: . l-.,-g ■!.. i. 8.1 . 11.. : ' " - I-. !• ''l C-. : •I I! il,--. \ ■ j -- : I ss-li y..n H- , ■. I --!, L-t j ■ J i • ■" . ■!' r >y I it! I . itiiil lu :-i. ... < i : .-, ! I ■ ei- • > alius- i Ji. ~.. l: .-. ; !<• Vv . lMiih-t,- I'lan- —, 1 ni.— j •■ >11111)1—11111 .| .1 j- : u,v< tii.-iU a i. : .1. 1 rllil ielj- : .. >1 11 i ... MARRIED At the residence of the bride's parent oh tile •>' 1 of April, iNriip by Rev. .!. ; Dietterieh, Wimsux p. ii; o v to Mi-s MitAU M. 11 A vis, . 1 witii of Annaul townsiiip. lilt, MARk'KTS. Lewisxown, April 11, 18G6 W heat, red, per bushel J2 10 * " white " 2 M B irley " 50 i ly " GO Oats " 35 (Jem, new " 50 Cluvt-rsced " 1 00 Timothyseed " 3 00 VI ixseed " 1 75 I bitter ; r lb 40 hard " 10 Eggs per dozen 20 Beeswax per lb 40 Country soap " Gal 2 Tidiow " 10 Wool " - 7)0 Feathers " GO I laps " 15 Country Hums " 20 " Sides " 15 " Sliuuldere per ib 15 Dried Apples per bushel 2 50 " Cherries " 2 00 Beans " 1 50 Potatoes, 1 00 Stilt, bid 3 25 " Sack 325 Flour is retailing at the following prices: Lewi-town Extra Family per cwt. 5 50 Superfine 5 00 Extra Family per DDI 10 50 Superfine ( J 50 Hltilailrljiliia .Unrkela, - Flour is quoted at 80 25a*-50 ; Wheat, red, 2 lha2 40 ; white, 2 20a2 7->; Corn, 71 ; Rye, 90 ; Oats, 54a55. JJeef ('attle are quoted at 10al7 ; Sheep 7aS ; iiogs 13a15; Cows 45aS0. NOTICE ! rnut; .Stoi klioWi 1> ..f tin- hi-uistoivn and Ki:i.n-< - ! * quillas Turnpike Road Company will bok| an el ■- tion tor mx Miiaagers of - aiit road. < the Ist Mi IN li.W. of May, next, at liie ht-u-a- of Wm. Coeina.i. in Ueedsyita-. 'flic old lionrd of li rectors wilt also hold i a meeting on the mane day, at 10 o'clock a. m. by order of the President, It. M. KITu-I.t'E, Trctftirt April f I- -0-4t TILE. H For Draining Wet Lands. Pipes for Collar Drains, Wafer Pis f lor Coiidiirtin? Water from Springs, ■ manii faetnred 11 ■nit!.■ b. st mutori .1 and f>r -ale in HIIV qnaiiutv desired, BY " ' " .TOP: I. >:ooK. aptl-Onr Bell. viile, Mitlliu county, l'a. *v>, BSusic! Music! Music! Pianos, . 55ol call and sec. Musical instruetiojis e,iven at the store on reasonable terms, and jiianos tuned at short not ice. apl 1 .It C SJOitB, Hiii Lilf'l'OlSS €'<3.\~- K*) 1 kirS'i-.'iH- V. The situ 14ion <>!' ike School l)ire< tors oi .MifTlin county i- eailed to liie following | section ot tlit* School law : ('IT. That the School [)irectors of the ' several countie- of the Commonwealth, I shall ineet in Convention at the -eat of 'justice of the proper county, on the first Monflay of .tunc next, and on the first MOIH'IM of May, in each third year ! thereafter, and -elect l i-ii >'<,<■■ hy a ma ;orit\ of the whole mmi'er .directors s>res< nt, .• uerson of literary .ui - ;eii i tide ae<|uiienn n! -, and of sail! and t xpe rieti-e in !<•.:< liing, as County Sujierinten ! dent, for the three succeeding school years, ! and the school directors. or a majority of, ; t'lein, in such convention, shall determine * rlie of c..;uj. n-.t is n •'< ••! lie oun | ty si!].-r: ntendeut. ill . 1 a.: of ;lie !n . a'.V 'fie i hue for ho'ding t.;c < m. .n lias Ken Unlived to th• lie-' Tuesday of May, -<> ilia you will iKS year meet 4 Ss-i ITs'-d fuoittii) ol" .Uaj , wiiieh is also the • l-l :i i : premise- ' -KA Mi -OT OK CllolND, K. !.. It-lied:. . Ai- , .1 / „•/ (if ' in l N "--ry Tv ii.'.iu -on ;y, a*;- • , i:ii . !•• ii'is o; "Mill'lo cm;.: . |'o

i:f: t.a l> I. -:' 1 ■ . U l . ■ .<• 3'elllMiil :• a ■ ■ a ' . aast an -. c ills ; .. T. • ■. Illi 1)1:'.! i. !r of sale : I i• ■ j i l ' -in-lie \T • i.f .- r. d l.y y■ ■ >_|)e >aie to : ; , ; i / ; : i 1 i*\i r - ; 1! | :;-lIK * ' Tn'stee. j [ pvodti'aa o:' ifudm rdi!;., - - : • hip (... rid" 'r< e.\: ' de. la-rwc . if. C. , : ' a, i!io; I .. . ; \\ . C. i imrnlniia. undi | .i. • nan. ...a! h: .a <•: 1 ia:i:■ m <•: Tim- i- I i fa . h:..- I iii- da \ ' - ;.ur " i>a o. , ' ,t .. . a idioridan r f:ju Fit;, j Lew ishAvn, .\jr' 11. 1 The liUsitn -- v. ill ! • arrk d a, ',y \V. ! <'. 1 hornhftrir, t tin ~l<{ -aami a; ti.cp ; i ot'iiee, where lie will always he found J ready to give the -people fits. He hones hy attention to laisiuess to inerit a lilicrul share of puhlie patronage. 1 f<• ]);>„< n full and genera! 'rtmenr of men's. I><\ women's, ini--. ' ntd chiidrei.'a siio;-, wiiieh lie will sail eheaji for cash, apl 1-it W . C. t'HOHA HC IKK ; J i.TTKIjs l'amaining unclaimed in the Jj I'o-t Oliiec at Lmvistown, Pa., 011 the i 11th of A]>rii. Ist la. S lilair Jea ol) jr Hosteller David jr I' ar John ACo Jones Mi-- Annie i i.eayra- 1-aae Jones AI iss Jennie ' 1 Hii-khol'. r A;R- c. s- Millikcti JUIIK.- , Brothers William Miller Jll I Crotsley John Prestey Margaret j Foulk John Perry Mrs Mai*y 1 1 i-her John Shochley la j Fowler Ii B Smith Mrs Marv (i rev ton John Sheet- Eli , (rlennan James Thompson W J A Bro | i-lawthown M Ann T N ingling Andrew :C> pl l E. C. HAM 1 ETON, I*. M. Tailoring Establishment Wo Qmrnsz ; \i E^: !' ANT , TAH 'V R : ii:! r-m-ned Ins shop a, the ■ AL btuhtihg farmer iy known as tlio -green house," ! I'd V' V'd:"""" 1 and Millstfeeuadjorwmg It. -r.-V b-I ca; - >toic, wlioro he corrii:.Hy ;|,VII. ~ ,:d 1 WHO IH- 'I iiiivilnng m his tin*-. Goods and Trhu i mrni-liyd and gentlrtnon s i-h.tidny inarl.-. ;b tho rate;, styir s, 011 short notice, anil at reasonable j P !llf0S - apll-tf 1 , AM. Victory over High Prices ! rpil E undersigned has received from the Eastern f\ 1 dJodiV ls'la V y- iru '} '--'Ullnrut of ItOOTs ; '-' :° J sorts and sizes, of eastern lininu : he ture. at hi- store, one door west of Fran, l-env ; ";!fdware Store, Kast Market Str. • 1., wi-tovvn. lie will constantly kn]. oa hand a largo assortment o! HOME-MADE WOJK. ■ of all kinds and tiie latesi styles. IK; win a!-o take measures and make work to or der, at short n0t:..... Uej.airiug done in the neatest manner, in* putiiioare united to call and examine • my stock belore pureliusing elsewhere, as I am ■ *>und to • : ! eheaj'Cr than th- ■.•hvinest. for cash. -I'M W i . i !loK\L)fUG Tf-AN-m -AGENTS— To er.r.vass f • •, • l> Indh:d .-. M. reorial:" Grenter indn T ' lc:then l-y 1. 1:\ f'tldT V ' • tm.rc moiD poiv in the tcrr:t.j \ T * then- l.i,- !c. i, nothing of the kind " Med- with universal approval, j. • - record ot Tftlue to tho.-o who,- to,! ' country's deleiiee. and to friends ofd., V.',''' For cir. u!n: -. e address, enclosing ~.l' , KKS, C< lumbue, O, Lock Box •" j. Disabled Men, Attention, "IT*ANTE I' one or two men. in I.ems'.w, • II nr. who have lost either an arm or prnof Artt-ra !!■■ : '- ' ■ ; bent and cheapest Court Piaster in ft le Fr m S5 to $lO per day eon be made. \ 25 „ ;, rii - for sample alitl full inf. rnn.'i " > ( lIJ-.H ios 4.'. Philadelphia, l'a y, ' and!. t> w ;ild find it to their int,j, - the awiv'o. * ,r i; " * f 1 GENTS WANTED—To sell the Great • .1 i e th t'hapestand most wo f the .. .' . : an r> :\ make from eents for a set ol p li? . , PHILIP HII L, I, cvG N. -A59 Market sk. Plilliu Pu. i ,l,a N eII ' ■.••••.!.' .-ut hy oasil on reeeij.t ot ao\ t> , PUBLIC EXAMINATION 1 ITMLI'.' Ex.tin nation wiil b ( .|ie!,i si A April -I. in th • high school r.iin I j who dee I. to HD| j . .■! !:"> t umuiencc At'A o'clock ap4-::t MAlt 1 IN Muiil.KK. I R E OVED. J A. & W. K. McKEE HU E removed their Leather Store to OdA .. , lows' Hmll, where they will eonstamli ■ •ii hand, -ole 1., alher. Harness. Skirting • Leather. Kips. \mcri<>an and Fn-neh < :!?! >,! ■ . \'ns l.ii.i and Bindings, and ." 111.-nt Ol Shoe Kiiohngs. Whli'li they w ilf-.-li : rrieh. Highest market price paid in cash f. jr .orj Calf Shins alir) Sheep Skills. wanted, for which the highest market i i.e. ~ e paid in < ash. E. REMINGTON & SONS. _• ~ "^•|- iL i u "ikj 1 i l=^ prf " •' D H n I 'j 3 o *e RIFLES, Muskets ard Carbines. . /■'•. /■ '"•;/.. nti'l Of}'a *l,hrtv* • > Remir-gtor.s 3 Revolvei s. I'.o c • de-in: •; to iil thenisolv.— I:.-, piio, orients in i istol-. and -upeiioi v.orkin.u: "i*i form, will I: d all eomhiited in the No . REMIMTGNS' EEYOLVESS, : ill • - ' mid! Ib • :< li of • -i Upon D|)]lif.'lDtt. 1. i MM I N(i rox v J>uNS. lliuii, N i*I■ J;- t- " N -t'j (i iirtlnncl -'Trc*'t. New \ r 5233 D-, KOUil GOOD BLACKSMITH'- ' |'t Iw IT ill steadv wo;-1. and good wages will 1* - 1 tpply at MANX 8 AXE FACTORI M:,l. JS. 1- l -ll Near Lev., :. JUST RECEIVED, Domestic Goods, AT DEDUCED P210E3. One Thcusand Fieces cf \ t \ i i j) { n J1 d LJj i A 1 jj 11, At Geo, Eiymyer & ten. Lew : >1 -r : . iMic-tf OFF AT COST. ; j) rn'VNII-„ MAYES, at Re. i-vili- nr.- - Phe stock "*• ry*ihin ;. > : , fcittiii in h Dry (uu W iXTTED, Five Tens Ungrcund Sumac AT HOEOCCO FACTORY, iPS'irsr-) by li. C. LOCHER. I. io: to. March hi, 18C6.-2m* j _ CHESTXIT OAK AND HEMLOCK BARK, I'elivtrcJ at the Tannery of s~. fr. St.) MAVISTUW.V I r which the highest market price wi'a - paid in CASH. Lewistown, marl4-ly NOTICE OF CITATION. I .TEFI-'KItSOX cnrXTY. OS. Ihe i'oinnionea!lh of to Man hams, .losepii Williams. Rachel Swisher :iu