Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, April 04, 1866, Image 2

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Wednesday, April 4, 1866'. |.
a. R. FXTBUrn* Kdltors. | j
Tl r;-/rrrE i pablolwi every Wednesday !
m <.,tj -'tana, at jl -I in advance, or SZ.OttKt die end j j
.J f [
Cash Kates of Advertising-.
o liii'iithn, 0 nu.mli-, 1 *"•'
One column Jl.ct'o 1
HAlf.olumn M.OJ J6.® T-'il i
i'mirtti column < "t "■ ** 1...U
vtiesof' us • • es • <*; 7 linen and l' •- i j
column, including paper, p i year, lO.OOatMJi '
H:;ines. t *y l r lilies or !".-sj 1 >ar -J ]
\ ifxiifi r:tion •!' Kxecutor's Notice* *■ i
a,.-.;/ ,
jvanv Nuti— . four lim—. 7 • , : I
Oil':':ti or other .-Lr,rt Noti—, 1
TnT"rn 1/ etJM-.-. single, '
It more than one. e : -h •' •
ll—a-tor's NoUv. s .f Accounts. i n-Ji j"' j 1
' Kditorlal Rots ltfeents ;er line fur each insertion, i '
- linra < f n< npareil or 8 lines oJ burgrohtmuK n j ;
personal rotr.ti uni' ->ti solutions of s(,ieti> s. j ;
t>) : ..try netiees. A-,%. half to ; : ,
, t. riii- ■' l " ngi'iijrr. Ihered loin ai - • e~.
Job Work,
Kiuhth sh-ei lolls, rl.o'l f r , r f.-tilth sheet ! '
biils f- for or It ".-; half sheet biil, $1 foi 25 or lew.
tangs of ]11> • tio.'etiiii!". or or,:a , .i.'.<- ; ,
t. a- . •' .mv l.tii-i. involving private mler..-sts it, any I
IV.,v, are ei;'ar_eali!e at the lb:.* of five oents ; r line. I ;
1 ;-.'i ie.a-t l>. |,!ul for, (IS it ;s tinn-ii ea -|e: ; ; t .v.'lve 1
, - ; ■ . ,a p *r"o11 s eet.tre' 'it.* a joarter j
IH, lUreet interest in the metier, to j.-iy from • ' •
i a,j ,ii.i: l rs in getting sin li tilings into tj j>e. We hnp •
therefore that at all sin'.', assKsmwngea nehenfter some j
A"utii-e of .\i tv AJverilsements.
Tiu- extensive Carpit Establishment of
Me--;-.-. J. F. ,v E. it. Orne of I'hihidel
j.lii.i isadwrtised innnothercoluinn. list- i
ported ami 1 Jomostic t. arpets. in immense
. ariety, an- ottered .'if reduced }i*i •- on ;
tiecoiuit of thodeclinein gold. They have ,
first class goods rend one invariable ee -h
j .rice.
Remingtons' Revolvers —Meerselu urns j
and Pipes —Trusses —Blinds and Shadt I
PuMic Examination —Removal —MeEw - j
ens' Photograph Gallery —Turnpike No- !
lice —List of Betters. Ac.
We advise every one to obtain '
Horace < : ree'ey's History of the Rebel- j
lion, it i- niiei]utiled for clearness, fuil
ne- uuid at i uraev ofstatements, combined
with candor :tnd grapliie delineation of
events. Win. J>. Kolley, M. says
" i i Would he difficult to place too high an
estimate on the service Mr. Greeley has
r> illicit ,1 our country by the preparation :
of this volume. W. IB S ward says *'lt '
l-.ars the marl.- of studied candor and ;
W. HHaney, a/ent for Greeley'- His- j
lory, will soon give nil in this eminly an 1
opportunity to examine this great work.
!•-; We again refer our readers to the 1
advertisement of the Revenue Extension I
Silver Mining Company. There <;in be
110 don! t that a company v ho own 4 -il- i
ver i.edge and will work it m ■■■? //>■;,'
! ri/( dirhlf n't!--: ai d, judaing from the |
iiigh standinu' of the olfieer- of this cmn
pany, and the -.el! attested li hue- of
,h frTorm?
citizens who were unfortunate in ih-j r
investments in tJie oil business—a busi
g ll ' s> aeapmpanied by nrneh risk,
e\ n under the best management—might ;
<i" well by venturing a few hundivils in i
r.— Filver ami gold mining have ai- ;
ways been enormously remunerative,even
under the old processes of working the i
quartz; and modern inventions will cor- i
lainly not diniiuish hut increase the pro
h's. 11l nee. those who invest in eom]>a- i
na st hat are re frnt/h/ irnrkituf tin ir mi'n
iun very little, if any, risk of loss. ' j
The Civil Sights Bill,
fhr ! ill aw anticipated and predict- !
' • b-is 111-en vetoed hy Pi- -ideiit John- :
il Hi '"P f . v ffuarsuiti. e.l equal civil j
••Mi c t., all ela-s.-sof men, and furnished 1
'•"V'' bu ii.tu - er ttiet nfom merit of tin
.aw everyu here by iheexeeutive. ju.lieial '
and military authorities of the Cnite l '
'-V'"' ' he '--sigueit for vetoing I
1> ale hy lto mean- mitisfaeto: ,i
1 " iit ' :ill!l " r ' i! 1 of what
. than what is the real condition
pi atla.rs. it isa much longer document
than wermvtojum! . rourciuiuu-Avitl, i
' I' '.V! 111,1 " 0t IV! ' a - V IV; :diie,' if p„| '
L 1 hr-t section, which i< the
marrow ot the bill, provides s ,„ follow.- : 1
Section B*Tliat all persons |,
'."d.-d>t : „e-. and not suhjeet o"1 v for
'. -"ll":'',' *' IlltlLuiS lln! t-v-'f ,
torec' Ih'gVg .u.,1 •
and pcr.-oual propc iy, and n, lu- i-iitiilV-.'l* '
' uaUn fi 10 the contrary notwith- ;
Manning. • j a
I: 1 - to imagine what ohjeeiion j 1
an> man could have toa iiJlgivinge,ual ! °
rights to all jKivons before the law. j 1
The President has issued a
Which about ali w - can eatlmr i
that lie considers and proclaims tin i„-N
Mu reel ion at an end in theStah-sof Geor
•---'-•-'Mina. - ' p
"i 1, AhUimn; Boui-iana, :
b* B ! fississippi and Florida but I 1
Jien.ier n -ton- the writ of habeascorpu- !
. "" ; ' r . v "t'Uioritv -pv.'t, v'clear ii'- i !
dieation that >< also thirds el-are not 1 '
yet, in conjunct ion with northern eot.per
heads, quite tit to rule the loy.d 11C0 ,,,,. of !
1 his < ountrv.
This important act of legislation, we
learn from the Harrisburg Telegraph, litis
received the signature of the Executive, ,
and is therfore a, law. The bill as passed <
liiutlly is very nearly similar to the shape
in which it wtis jjresented to the legisla- i
ture by the Executive Committee, aj>- ■
jKiinted by the State Convention called
for {hat purpose and held in Harrisburg j (
la.-t fall. The amendments em brace an
extension of the operation- of the bill to
the Sivatara and certain other streams
not named in the original hill ; appoint
ing hut one commissioner, instead of one
and two assistants; reduces the jer diem i
pay of the commissioner from ten to six ,
dollars; and cuts ofTthe section prohibit- •
iug the construction of fish dams and
fish baskets in any parts of the streams
indicated in the bill. If we except the
the last, it will lie seen that none of these
amendments are of an imjMirtant nature;
and even the exclusion of the fish basket
section i- a matter of very little moment, j
for these already are prohibited under a
-were penalty in the Susquehanna, the .
North and West Branches and the J.unia- '
ta hy the law of lsMfi. The section, there- 1
fore, was deemed unnecessary, and might
with propriety have been left out of the
bill when it was originated. The bill in
the shape in which it has become a law
meets with the hearty aj>proval of the
Executive Committee, ami other friends j
uf tin i-'i-h Restoration measure,aslieing
in every sense adapted t<> secure the great
object in view.
We presume that in aeeordtiiue wilh
the provision— of the law, the Governor
will immediately appoint a commission
er, who will proceed at once to the per
formance of tlieduticsonjoincd upon hint
in the streams, in order that the several
corporations or other parties owning the
dams in the streams indicated in the law
may proceed to alter them in the pre
scribed manner; and as tln .-e alterations
are required to be made by the first of
next October, it is jiossiiile that by next :
spring we may be able to regale ourselves
with a really/. < -7/ shad, at a very trifling
Railroad Accidents.
Tims. McGovcrn, a sub-eontraejor on |
the M anheim Branch of the Betiding and
1 Columbia Railroad, was killed 011 the j
Pennsylvania Railroad, near Kaiili turn's ;
, Mill, on Saturday. It i- sujijvsfd that j
; lie was struck by the Mount Joy ACeom- ;
j unidation train going west, whiif he was
1 crossing Ihe stream at that placu
A man named Christian Maone. in j
i the i-mploy of Cooper A Co., efal ojiera
< tors of lioliidaysburg, was kided, on
! Tuestli.y morniiig last, in the Buna. R.
IB Tunnel, at Gallitzen, by ieing run
over by a freight train.
At the outer depot, in Ritt-furgh, 011
Wednesday la<i. A'mos B. Zinlroilftune
to lii- death hy being run over h* a freight >
train be! mging to the IVnnsyhtuia Rail- '
roatl Comjiany.
Mrs. Hamilton, a widow !..<! ;e-idin •
, Jit,. t.'i4K:UUUtgl I. t 'ai.Js' A eeiOtty. .
-t.-10-.l 1..-V..IU il. inn-nil the iflloiiii. our 1
when just opposite tin M.vharvd Work
■it v. —t aught by tl'.e eleveir'eloek ex- a
pros- train wed, knocked <lu<t ujMmthe ,
1 Kick, ami the whole traiiiassod over
her. ' t
I he Aju-il number of u- .\m> rican ' '
: Agriculturist contains 14 pages •• 1 b'x 1 u j j
inelu-si in-tead of the sßdurd S2, and t'<
.each of the juvvious tlm nuiuhers of li
tins, thequarter-eentury dume, litis eon- 11
uned at least 4o pages, vh ti prospect of j
! '' : 'biiuing at this size, ver loOengrav- Ifi
nigs have already apptred in the lir.-t ! '
I te-tli:i*il ol tiie volun. Tiie jtreseni
April number ojtcn.s -Itli a s>>2eudid j
head engraving of •' J'gon of Oxford," i (
one of the most vaiuab animals of the
j '-attic kind >ll this cot 1 try, or in the a
world. Ne\; are 1 pag(of "Hintsabout ! o
Vi ork," to be done dung the month, in o
tue field, orchard, gaivn, apiary, t te.. n
giving some hundreds r practical -ugges- ' v
'lis, esjteeadlv valuale for the opening j
>priitg work. Next ar o pages of 'Ha— k
Matter, ' or some hi or inoiv shorter ji
items on various tojiies/f general interest, :
.111-\\er> to queries, iisi'ul iiints from cor- i
respondents, etc., ineldingan onslaught
upon humbugs. Xexare 1 jxages of top- | ,
' 1" I..tilling to geneal !• iiJd and Farm
aitima's, buildngs, etc., with sev
<':;al ' itgraviii; -. molding a full jiageone '.A
"fa Barn on Eire, aid hints as to what
is to be done. Foi living tliia is the Hor- j "
iieultural, or fruit, lkwer, and garden de- ! ' n
pan mem, also tine'y illustrated. Tlu i-
I [ouscJiold dejiartmmt comes next, inehi- :
ding an illustratoi description of the J
I'ork Work" or Trichina, and an ini- i g
Jiortant article ~11 silver "I'latetl Ware," v
showing the deceptions practiced. The i-
out I,M departm nt is certainly admira- |J!
{| ie littl.i adks, and inelmU-a verv |i
hue engraving of "The Voting Runawav," ,
A bout Shot Making; also a capital puzzle :
I.M-i tire ot An Enemy in the Camp, and !
ot hei puzzle- and instructive items. The j
whole number Supplied fori.",cents,and \
tin- volume for the year at SBoO, <n-four i
eopies (or S-,OU, which will hardlv pay !
("I toe limiting j;.]M-r used, and the press ; J
work. Every family will fijid j t a dvan- 1 (
lageous to take tiie Agriculturist The 1 y
April number is a | one worth the whole ! P
voar s -übseription pril . e> wh|J|? t , M . j
vmils three number- are scarcely less val- I '
u:d de and the future eight months prom- : V
se to he even more so. Send the sub- dp f
hon price to the Publishers. o KA xr i A
Pl> A Co., 41 Park Row, New York 1
' ' lt . v - Hn(l P-vt the whole volume. A bet- j!'
. r investment .f tiie money cannot well ! 1
be made. * ] j
if I'hila North American, i-dead. 1 j
Pen, Paste niidl Scissors.
They are beginning to eomplain of
warm weather in New Orleans already.
James W. Duncan, one of the Ander
sonville jailers, is on trial at Savannah
on the charge of maltreating prisoners.
A fire at Danville, Va., on Monday last,
is said to have destroyed property to the
amount of one hundred and fifty thous
and dollars.
The National Intelligoneer of Satunlav,
contains a l'eeler l'or the release of the
infamous Dr. (.twin, who is still confined
in Fort Jackson, near New Orleans.
The sheriff* of Conk county, Illinois,
denies that Joseph Moore was hung there
for killing a man, as had been nqiortod
in .TohnskAvn.
There is a band of Oypsies, numbering
one hundred, settled near Boston. It is
governed by a queen, who was chosen for
seven years.
The Sol in-grow Times says it is the
only loi/i'l J taper that stands by the gov
ernment ill Snyder county. Will the
Timt < tell us which is the greater man, in
its opinion—Andy Johnson or Jef I>avis".'
Governor Poirpont, of Virginia, has
addressed a strong letter to Senators Van
Winkle and Willcy, of West Virginia,
earnestly and ard-uitly supporting the
course of the radicals in Congress.
The remains of Senator Foote. in charge
of the committer, arrived in llutlaml,
Vermont, on Sunday, and were transfer
red to the care of tin* Vermont commit
tct\ •
Major Harry For-tor. of t.Vtitre co., has
been appointed Assessor for the Dtii Dis
trict, composed ff tin- counties of By com
ing, Tioga, I'ottr, Cent re and Clinton, in
place of Judge JJoal, resigned.
An old gentleman whose name i-not
given, was, diaing one <>f the recent
gales, blown frmi his porch, in "Well'-
valley, Fulton (Utility, and had his thigh
badly fractured.
The Mitllinhjrg Telegraph says that
Alfred Dichl, )i Laureltmt, was robbed
iiy three high wiynien on Saturday night,
at the Four Xil< run, in the N rows.
About S!M oo vcre taken from liirn. The
robbers were 'jvliite niggers.''
Charles Han\y, tanner, residing at Kn
uisville, Iluittijgdon county, fell from
tlie loft over .'is bark mill, on Friday a
week, striki j. against the edge of the
hopper of tin. mill, fracturing his neck,
which caused dinosi instantaneous death.
The actual -pint of tiio Southern rebels
finds uttcram ins follows in a recent num
ber ot tlie Najiville Haulier:
"But in hoipst truth, the great majori
ty ol the so-Ailed Fnion or loyal men
of the South vcre the mhrest trash that
could be colli g <l in acivilized communi
ty, ol no persinal credit or social respect
Wc learn funi the Tyrone Hemisphere
that A lexaiuer 1 >ysart of Sinking valley,
committed s.ii<■ ii< - <>n Tuesday week, by
shooting bin- If with a pi-bd. The de
ceased was Unmarried, and had been la
boring miifr a strange hallucination of
mind for onie time previous to the rash
act. Altluttgh he was reputedly w* althy,
a for*'hoilug of want and starvation i
ailcgod at lie cause of his committing the
uniiatiir.l deed.
II trace King, Ej., announces that tin
"Great Rebellion," byJ.T. 1 lead ley. w id
be tilled b.v ile d.lo ...• vm. n ascar
h as possible the j>r>ut >/><tr. lie calls
attention to tin foilowing extracts from
tlie j till tljslicrcircular in reference there
"Any Agent who has canvassed for
if i -adicy -11 :-i i >ry of 11 J ;*.■! tell ion in tu'o
1 oUnm < ha the ]>rivr *■////*' and will he
expected to deliver the si-cond volume
•onipleting the work, provided lie noti
fies us of his intentions to do -o on or !>■.-
f*' re April 1-t, lsun. Otherwise the pub
lisliers will consider thenis*-1 v* s justified
in appointing sonh other j>erson to deliv
r the same.
No Agent now eonnncneing for the
iir-t time to canvass for tlio work has the
right to supply the -eeond volume to old.
-ultsr ril■* rs, unless sonic satisfactory ar
rangement lia.- IK'CII made wit h the Agent
who first canvassed the territory, and the
•onseiit of tlie puhli-iicrs been obtained."
Our reader- are tln refore cautioned
igainst r* eei ving t lie second volume from,
>r giving an order for the same to, any
>thcr person, a- such order, whether
made through misapprehension or other
wise, is void.
Vol. il will be supplied either by Mr,
King, or one holding a duly executed
[tower of attorn vyfroat him.
Greeley's Conflict.
1 lie aillov ing is another testimonial of
his great work :
WASIUMSTON, Jan. 24, Ism;, j
Micssns. <). J). CASK A CO.
(if nth i/)( it:— I have read the tii'st vol
ume of Mr. Greeley'.- Hi-tory of the
American Conflict wit!) great care, and 1
nay also say. with gn at satisf .-tion. It
s, undoubtedly, t lie tit -t expo.-. ■ >u of tlie
•rigin, causes and progress of the late re
>ellion that has yet been published. It
s written with a candor, imparlialitv ;ind
fairness, that at once in-pires the reader
with confidence in its truthfulness, audit
- s*> thorough in its detail of events, that
m reading it I discovered nont l of impor
ance were omitted. I thereforecommend
to all who wish to be thorough! v ae
piainted with tlie history of the great re
Yours Respectfully,
W. 1,. Hstrvoy. agent for this work, i.- now ia this
lornXAi. FOR Ai'itu, contains Thomas
Cook the Excursionist; Dr. Nott; \V. V.
Wallace; J. ( arhart; Alex. Campbell*
Mi.-.- Carmicliael: with l'ortraits, Charac
ier, and Biography. Cause.- of Suicide,
Temperament, Marriage, Idiocy; Mirth
fulncss, Modc.-ty, Order; Signs' of Char
acter; How to Observe; Pliysiogiioniy,
Primary itides; Inquisitive Nose. Our
o.n i.il Tv t-hw Clirls by Mrs
Wyllys; Teaching by Love; How to be
Hapi>y, a Dead Man; Visiting America,
how to sec it; A negro Baptizing; Music
cs a Moral and Pliysical Agent; Frogs,
Fish and Toads; Religious, a Discourse by
Rev. li. W . Beeclier, on Self-Esteem;
Faith; Self-Improvement; Benevolence;
Ethnology, Physiology, etc. Terms S2 a
year. Address Fowler A Well-, gSM
Broadway New York.
Another Fire in the Oil Regions,
f PirrKOi.Kt/M CKXTHK, March 31.
•The most disastrous fire ever known in
. this vicinity, .commenced about 8 o'clock
1 this morning on the Hyde and Egbert
farm; and lasted until 3 o'clock this after
noon. The tire originated froiu a ga- pipe
\ running from a tank of the Burlington
1 well to ti dwelling. At the time there
was a very strong wind. The burning
oil running down the hill set fire to the
• famous Coqyette tank. The flames rush
'* ing towards the creek swept everything
1 before tlicNi, and on reaching the creek
set tire to some six hundred barrels which
. were tilled and lyingon the bank, togeth
e cr witJi seventeen tanks of oil. All were
1 destroyed, Some eleven or twelve boats
lying in the creek, loaded for shipment,
j also took tire and were destroyed. At
s one time tin' creek was a vast sheet of
v flame. The bridge which tlividcs the
town of Petroleum Centre from tlie farms
alluded to took tire several times, thus
endangering the plaee, but the flame
were finally cxtinguislied. There was
( nothing hurn*l on thi- side of the creek.
~ The fire could be seen for miles around.
There was one-halt mile of tin me. Some
s thirty wells were hurtled, besides various
1 engine houses, engines, derricks and
• tanks; also several dwellings. The most
intense excitement prevailed at the time.
The loss i- abdtif 2">.ooo barrel- of oil, and
c sli'o.oou in projierty. At four o£cloek the
, tire was extinguished, and everything
- was quiet.
luf 'uh nt <it tt Th' filrc. —Some of our
• readers perhaps remember McKean Bu
- elianan. A few nights ago Mr. Bueliau
" | an and his daughter were announced for
1 'Hamlet,'at I'crre Haute. Mrs. Buchan
an was at the same time lying very dati
t gerously ill at the Terre Jlaute 110 j-i .of
t neuralgia of the heart. After the lir-t 1
- scene, it \v;t- announced that Mi-- li.
i would not Tie able to appear its 'Ophelia,'
; on account ol her motiier's iliac—, and if
( the llay went on, her part wouhl have to
1 be omitted. The audience desired the
drama to proceed, but when Mr. Buchan
an appeared and commenced tiiesoliloquy,
t , j' lo in> or not to he—' he was noticed to
lack his usual lire and energy, lie had
not proceeded Jjalf a dozen iincs, when
( lii- taltering voi*-e broke, and falling into •
a chair, he* xclaimed: 'Aly wife is living
—t;;k<.' your money—run down the cur
t 'iii—J cannot jtlay !' ami the audience
' slowly ami sa l!y dispersed. Mr-, liuch
. anan v a- lea<l wiieii tier iiu-band readied
~ the hotel.
1 lon. < h'orgc ('handier-, di*-d at hi- res
, id*nee in t lianiiiershurg, on Sunday a
I week. Mr. ('. was born in the town of
. Cliamlier-burg, so called after his father, 1
_ in 1780. Evincing talent at an early age,
he was sent to Princeton College, whence
he graduated in isal. after which he-nid
; ied law, being admitted to (lie Tar in lso7. j
; : He i>ractice*l quite extensively in the j
' I courts of Franklin county., in 18.33 he I
"J was chosen a Representative in Congress,
. j and was re-elected in IS3">. Sußu-ptcnt I v
he was a nu'tuhcr of the Constitution d !
Convention. In Ddl, he was appointed ;
•'by Governor Bighr a Justi* <• ot the Su
" prenie t'otirt of the State, and was unait
i iinou-Iy confirmed in tiiat po.-iti*m by the
Senate. He held the office until tlie ex- j
piration of its tenure uiuler the Cotistitu
! t ion, si nee which time he has lived in ;
retirement, though taking great interest i
in the promotion ot education and kin
' . OuiiUco;-ei;t gjxociion
"( 'he l tuthus far reeeivel indu-at*
- the election of < ten. Hawiry, a gallant ,
i Fnion soldi* r. over English, a renegade
- democrat who voted for Lincoln's a'>oli
i tion measure.- in company with McAllis
ter, Colirot h, and otliers.
' ■ 1 - the I'r silcnt satisfietl, or will he >
wait for 30,0*1!) majority forGv'ii. (tcary in |
. I'etinsvlv.uiia
j The Democrat appears to lie satisfied I
, with the sjjriug ejections. So are we.
Tiie l'l-nnsylvania h-gislature wiil a>l
. journ 1 g'ih April.
Gold dosed on Monday at 127]. Gov-i
eminent bond- were in demand, the seven- i
■ • thirties at an advance. The ten-forty j
gold-hearing bonds were lover.
Through tic failure of Culver, Penn A j
Co., of New York, the notes of tlie fol
lowing hanks are no longer received:
Oil City Bank. Venango Bank, Petro
leum Bank, Crawford County Bank,
•'Tioga Bank and Lawrence Conty Bank.
•The notes of the Venango and Petroleum
Banks are secured by deposits in tlie Au
ditor General's office in Harri-burg, and
will ultimately he redeemed. The Law
rence County and Tioga Banks are proba- !
! My not concerned, and may prove t<> he j
■ good. I
A large tract of property, situate in the j
town-hip of Sewiekiy, Allegheny county, i
• and once belonging t Gov. McKean, ha- ;
lieeome an escheat to t he < 'mum en wealth '
of lVnn-x ivania. Tlie jiropi-rtv eonqirises
! about twenty-four hundred acres, ami is ;
; divided into twenty three farms. It tie-j
scended to the only daughter of the
Governor, who married a Spanish gentle- |
man, ami became a resilient of Madrid. !
Failing direct issue the title lapses to the
State. Samuel P. Boss, Esq., lias been
appointed eseheator.
ftaf The following is a copy of n act reg
ulating tlie m > le of voting at all election* in
the several counties of tliis Commonwealth,
which leis been pa.ei by both the Senate
an*l the lIou;
SEC. 1. Uc it enndeJ. etc.. That the quali
fied voters of the several counties ot this i
Commonwealth, at ail genera!, township,
borough and speci d elections, are hereby
hereafter authorised and required to vet' by
tickets printed or writt-n, or partly printed
; and partly written, severally classified as
follows: Ohs ticket shall embrace tbe names
-1 i f all thejudges of courts voted for, and to
< . be labelled outside '"judiciary;" one t cket
■ s'hall embrace the names of all State officers
i | voted for, and be labelled "State;" one tick- j
" ! et shall embrace the names ot all county of
• ficers voted for, including office of Senator
and member or members of Assembly, if
voted for, and members of Congress, if voted
for. and be labelled "county;" one ticket
shali embrace the names of ad township of
ficers voted for, and ts labelled "township;"
one ticket shall embrace the names of all
b trough officers voted for, and bo labelled 1
; '"borough;"' and each class shall be deposit
ed ii) separate boxes.
SEC. 2. That it shall be the duty of the
sheriffs in the several counties of this Com
: rnoiiwealth to insert, in their election proc- j
lamation hereafter issued, the first section 1
• of this act.
A Man Divorced for Months "Without Know
ing it.
A curious petition has been present
ed to the Pennsylvania Legislature by
a man named Warren Johnson, of Pot
ter county. lie swears that lie lias
recently discovered that his wife pro
cured a divorce last winter without
his knowing that she had made an ap
plication for such a divorce. ILe was
fii*st informed that such an act had
been passed by seeing it in the pub
lished laws. Jle also says that she de
serted him without any cause to his
knowledge, and that the court had lull
jurisdiction in tlx?case. The affidavit
is fortified by a document signed by
forty-two citizens of Potter county,
who say they knew both parties; that
he is an honorable, upright man and
indulgent husband; and that bis wife
deseited him without anv reasonable
cause, and has refused to live with hiin
for the last two or three years. This
is probably the first case presented to
our Solons where it lias been sought to
repeal an act annulling a marriagecon
tract, and although he may probably
merit sympathy, what must have been
liis intelligence and shrewdness when
he could be divorced for months with
out knowing it. although his late wife
resided in the same county ?
Death of Alexander Campbell,
i he Rev. Alexander Campbell, found
er of the religious sect called by their.-
I selves 'Disciples of Christ," but br
others more commonly Campbellites.
died at his home in Bethany, West
irgiuia. on .March 4, aged 7 s years.
J lie deceased was a native of Scotland
and was originally a Presbyterian, but
withdrew from that church in l s l2.
and received baptism by immersion
the same year. Jn connection with
his father, the Kev. Thomas Campbell,
i be formed several congregations which
united with a Baptist association, but
protested against all human creeds as
a bond of union, accepting the Bible
alone as the rule of faith and practice.
Being excluded from the fellowship of
the Baptist Churches, in ISJ7.1 S J7. his fol
lowers began to organize into a sepa
rate body, which has spread in ail
| parts of the 1 nilcd States, especially I
in \ irgiuia, Tennessee and Kentucky,
fliu number of Disciples was estimat
ed in altogether, at about 2."i0.00<J
mom hers , of whom only a small num
ber belonged to (.Beat Britain,
j Jn IS4I, Alexander Campbell found-i
ed Bethany College, of which he re
mained President until his death. Jle
aimed to keep clear of the anli Slave
ry agitation, and the majority of his
churches sympathized with him.
J,i„Fi;Ysix ;KK, Buoi iini.s, X, AY-; ta
per Advertising am! General ! 'itf-liasi ng
Agents. No. 4(M ('la-timt -t., I'hihelei
: pliia. are authorized to receive advertise
ment- and -i.hs -riptions ldr this paper.
Anything, I which cannot !>• I tough t at
home, , from a Ho>k in ;> Piano, can !><•
i <>l,t!iiiii><i in Tin- city, through rhe-e
Agents, at the hm-, .J prii. their coni
! nil-si. >ns eon ting off the sellers. < ouut-v
.MeiViiants, - weil as eit:/.eiis, wiii find j
this Agency a grc;it convenience. All
I letters,of inquiry, with a stamp inelost d. :
| are promptly answered. IHIIL'N-OW :;t
t>~. Roasted Almonds, Cream lion lions, :
fruit < andies. all sorts of Frcncit Can-;
die-, and all < ;her kinds ot rare and fait- i
S ey confections, as well as plain candies,
always tresli, supplied to country dealers
at short notice hy (iiiouot: MII.I.KI;
■"* sN"s, i.io Market street, Philadelphia.
Send them an order and try them. You I
cannot help but be pleased with the new ,
To Farmers and Country Mer
chants .
ll' j lie.- I timer. tg_-. Lard. J;., .11. H.me '
Onions, Seeds. potatoes. .Ini-d fruits, vinegar, or any
thing else for which jam want to getthehighest price
1 >•>—.- 1 . 1 .-. si i ip it by rail or canal to SHK IMI, < 'III.I-T JT
Bao. Produce Commission Merchants, lU>£. Deta
w .re Av ■ I'ldkibtphi I— a strietlv rssj...n- tinn.—
1 hey make liberal a ivan.-. s on crm.-ignmom.-. mid
pr >uipt returns on -a!.'-, charging only the usual
commission ol I percent. Hive them a trial
j l'iiiia.Ulphi.i, Mareh 21. 1 soc.-3t
In Lowistown, 011 March 81st, at the j
resilience of the hritle's father, hv the!
Kev. <>. <>. Mr ' Clean, Mr. <l. A. SCHAK
FJ:K of Philadelphia, to Miss M. ETTII:. ;
daughter of < ten. Win. H. Irwin.
The happy couple have our hot wishes |
for their welfare and prosperity through '
i life.
In Allenyilie, at the residence of Mr. j
A. 1 iazlett, hy tie Kev. i. F. Brown, !
.1 AMMS GKKKX of Huntingdon, Pa., to
Miss MIUIAM Dtt 1 UMtAt n ofAUenville.
: [lluutingdoii jmpers please ropy, j
On March ]SE,<;. .TAAIKS IK HX.S 1
Si> \ M.t.KH, eltlest son of Peter and Caddie
S. >pangler, aged 7 years, 8 months and 1
Death always loves a -Inning mark.—
Little Jimmie was a remarkable child— :
remarkable for his love of truth, and of
the religious. He Avas the jov of the
household —too pure and spot less for earth, \
and "Cod took him." His place wiii he 1
missed in the family circle around the
liteside, tiie table and in the Snndav
School room. No more will Ids voice l>7- j
heard singing "I want to he an aicel "
and ' We'll gather at the beautiful river "
He now ■/* an angel, and drinks of that
"Kiver the streams w hereof make glad
the city of our (tod."
See our darling little .Timmie
Peaceful in his similiter lay;
Gently to the grave we've borne hiin,
Laid him from our sight away. ' I
Sweet one! Thou art gone forever'
We no more thy voice shall hear
Cone to a blighter world altove u-.'
bar, far above all sin and care.
But we know that Cod in wisdom
Brings afflictions to u> all-
And we humbly l, (nv before Him
Waiting tor His future call.
List, and hear the angels' welcome,
-Vj, ol ; ' DILI floats far above;
V , not weep, for Christ has taken hint.
And we know that Cod is love.
I>. AV. J
An Indiana cop paper eompi ( ji,-
the police ol Indianapolis mane a |-e.V'
. the houses of liad repute the night
the democratic convention met ,
'rested the inmates. The s; m,. ~. '
- says the tory Voorliees i- a fair san, ,' ■''!
* the democracy of that State!
; LEWJPTOWN, April •} j s,,
I Wheat, red, per bushel v"
white " 7 A
Parley " " ■,
U.its "
(Jem, new "
Cloverseed " .{ , ,
Timethyseed "
Flaxseed " I p-
Butter per lb p,
Lard " lf
r.ggs per d("Z''n
Beeswax per 1!) p
i Country soap "
Feathers " r.
Hops p
Country Hams " g
Sides " 1-
* " Shoulders per !!>
Dried Apples per hu.she) 2 p
Cherries " 1! in
Beans " ] :,<
Ibitatoes. 1 p
Suit, l.hi of,
" Sack ;; 2?
Fh ur is retailing at the following price?
Lewi-town Extra Family per cwt. 5 " i
Superfine a (Hi
Kxtn Family per bbl 10 ,gi
Superfine 9 ,ju
Piiilnlrl|iliia Markets.
Flour is ((itot(*d at SO glaS . r ,u ■
red, - lUa'2 4n ; white, 2 20a2 To ; ( oru 7!
Kye, ltl; Oats. 4Uaoh.
Beef ('attle arc quoted at lOiil7; Sht-a
7:is : Hogs l.'talo ; ("ows 4o:iNO.
I ft HI.It K.x.iniinaliiiii will U'lieM >iii s ill i;;iVi
j i\ April 21, in the Ingii svhoui room. Lcwistowu, ■
: tln-<- T'.4**li'i - who liesa e lo apply f a'.. ..
i-riiiTit ale.-. Coiuim-IK'C At 9oVto)'k
j)] )t—.t MAUI IN M> >111.1:1:. i ■ -
J A. & W. R. McKEE
riAA'K I'tito'l i.'i-or Leathers' •!• t . OcUl IX
II luu ' Hal), where they will -t.cri;, ie
i ( 11 i nul. s.i!e Leather. Hrt -- Skirting .af t'pj-
Leatio-r. Kip. Amrra an iiiiil French ( y|fSk;ri-. 5l
j rci'i'us. I.ii.inc- ainl-f.inilin-s. .nut :i >;.*n.'rnl
! in.oit of Shoe Fimiing.-. w Inch they wit I .-ell ehenp :'-r
<•""/<. Ifiph.'-t iniuket price pai.f ia ea-h Cr ... i>
' .ot Skin- ami Sheep Suitis.
[ DT winch the* liighost innrkct pric*
Till. S;.>. khol.l'i "t the l.ewi-town :ui<l I\ !,
qilill is Turnpike Kesiti CotupMiiy wilt bold allele
■ tion for m.\ Managers of raid road,n the i-t MOX
IMV. of May. next..at tlio house of WM. Cm-hntn/iu
Uee.l-ville. I ol.j iloitni of 1 i-t etors will a!-.. i, .1
. meeting 011 ;!;<• one day, :.r ID o'clock a. 111.
In 0r.1.-r "i- tie l'i'e..idrnt.
t:. M. KlNsl.'iK. TreiiMir. r.
! April I. l^C'!V4t
15. .1. II.I.IAMS
N". f. NcUTII SIXTH .STUCK I'. fitll.A.,
M.l.wi'll ll lllllt OF
In" ! :-ge-; and ■-t .iimeiit 111 the e:lv a: t!.
-I **a -! 1 j)tie. - -tore -i e 1.11 • > made and
I tula l-lplna. April 4. 1.-(C-.m§
£ I .;U.'. KV> HA,{ b nriißKß TRUSS" cures 111 p.
■ i ,' J ' ' s "" ''rout ali prc.—nre: will te
| nwr, Tr> ak. limber, eiwfe. or become tillhv. the fine
: e| -p: iiig being t o..te-1 with bard fi! -p;
■ ma-.e any power r-.pi.red: 11-ed u- batl.uic file"
; fortn: requires 110 .-ti apprtoe lei, -tig 11 tie-1 c:iu -l
ami.be.-t 1 1:-- I;iieu n Semi f<a pSliln:'. let.
I- 15- 5r.1.1.K1. Mi,. i'roprieU r.
4 1 ;.ig 1-17 t'liesftnu St . fbi.'a.. fi.
l'Ol I.A K .v. st)\,
MKl'.ltSi liAIM MANt."FA 1 "11"t:K!:-,
r.l'J 1i,, V1,1,my. r.urtf, A'. )
W and retail at reduced rate*. Tip—-.".:!
I 'lder* cut to order and repaired. Alt goods war
• , - ' vciiume. Bend stamp for circular. Pipesfi
I ' ♦
x l" I'A ("I l" J \ KKS of
/m 71 1 Jj) 1 1 i a i
Muskets aud Carbines.
! ~ "/ JMtnv. r ,
7/v", J{ri,ik. and (Mff ,AoW hart one of
Remingtons 5 Revolvers,
Parties de-irme to avail tliemselve< of tiie late
I , Cr. uiars containing ent* and description of •ur
Anns will be tnrmshed upon application.
~ ,J" RMMINi ■ 1 ( >N Jt sfNS, ilion, N. V.
MAORE a iS ICH 1..5,
p4:lst. No. 4u Courtland Ftreet, Xew York.
Photograph and Art Gallery.
MCFA7 ENS can now furnish the pub
he with Likenesses, from the titiicsi
< .<;m to a Portrait or fi/r l'hotogr:ii>h,
We have the only Solar Camera at work
m the Juniata \ alley, aud desire the pub-'
a- to eall and examine w hat Mr. Burk
boMer (an aeeompli>hed and well known
: <ir L-t i and others have jiroiiouuced "a
siieeess. Look ;it thearrav:
j .Vlbalvpes or Ivorv-
Ferrotjpes, | types,
; - ielainotypes, Photo-Miniatures
Anilirotyi.es, j Cabinet PJioto-.. A
Card 1 hotograj.hs . Portrait or Life size
A igilett.es, , Photographs—
liotograplis for ; plain or in colors,
oval frames, j &c . ?
Our work is executed in the IK-SI styie,
I'lain or in colors, and at the lowest rates.
' a " a j. MeEW.KNS.
i>. instructions to students give it
: at lair rates. aphf
L'i",' ' DKS remaining unclaimed in the
1 <>st Ottiee at LoAvistown, l*a., 011 the
ith of April, Ist it i.
Becker Magdaletia (iootlwin James L
l.eekery Theodore Grienv Gustave
•eggs Kev Jos Hniino James
Lurkliolder Emily JHartman P
Brow 11 \\ i n (• Itourarrd AHu rt
Lurket John Harvev B 4V
( rough John H luglaiid Havid
lunch James \\ King Joseph
Grant Homer L Kline M J
' "l' l E. C. HAMILTON. P. M.