Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, March 07, 1866, Image 3

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SHUN(I ELECTIONS.— The election for
Borough and Township Officers this
year will come off on Friday, March
10th. Wherever tickets are formed
we hope our friends will nominate
good men for the offices to be filled.
In our borough this is a matter of great
importance to the taxpayers, though
from the indifference often manifested
by this class, one could almost infer
they think more of the right to grum
ble than the right to vote.
Br?k,\Ye learn that a most shameful
transaction took place some weeks ago
at the stone schoolhouse in Granville
township, about four miles up the river,
in which three or four young black
guards were the perpetrators of outra
ges too scandalous to be named in
print. Several sleighs were bedaubed
bv these fellows while the owners were
attending singing school, a buffalo robe
cut, iv:> We learn there is strong talk
about hauling them up for trial and
punishment at April term, sufficient
evidence to convict them having leak
ed out.
Freeburn and Spangler have associ.
uted for the purpose of carrying on the
butchering business at Col. Butler's
old stand, and of course everything in
that line, cut up in scientific manner,
can be had there.
Eli Avers, the young colored man
who was killed by the terrible explo
sion of a furnace at Middletown on
Monday a week, was a nephew of Ma
ry Ayers, of this place, lie had been
a soldier in the 22d U. S. C. T., and
participated with credit in the battles
in which that regiment was engaged,
lie was about 23 years of age.
'flic meat in three or four smoke
houses in town has been injured by
kindling too much lire. In one on
Third street a ham caught and did
more frying than the different owners
eared for.
The weather changed on Sunday to
a cold wind with spits of snow, and
still has a wintry feeling.
Armagh ought to have sent his com
munication to the editor of the Edu
cational column.
For ill-- Gazette.
MCVEYTOWN, March 5, 1866.
MESSRS. EDITORS. —The following re
port of the Secretary and Treasurer of
the Presbyterian Sabbath School of
McVeytown, was presented, on last
Sabbath evening, at their monthly
concert. I solicited a copy for pubii
cation, hoping it might encourage and
stimulate others in tiie good work of
Sabbath schools. It is a custom with
this school to have an anniversary
meeting on the fir-t Sabbath of Junu
arv, but the death of their pastor at
that time caused them to omit the
meeting for this year, hence the late ;
date and informal manner of the re
port. At this meeting, their ordinary
monthly concert, held on the first Sab
bath <>t every month, the attendance ■
was large and a degree of interest
evinced which was very encouraging.
Jan. T-S. I*os—Ma! scholars 73
Female scholars 6s
Teachers U
j any i.lStVj —Mate scholars 84
Female scholars 93
Teachers B -
Officers— Wtn Ma'-khn. Superintendent.
•irv. t • R' l it-r. Sci 'r an-t Treasurer,
s onuc: i resell. Librarian.
I'*vil St inc. Assistant Librarian.
Total now ,u conue -non with school, i<>f
No. of volumes in Librarv.
Most of these were purchased during the rear Jnd
not a volume was to*;.
To balance in treasury Jan. 7. litSfe, It;
Collection to pay Mr. Cuihs, if,
Proceeds of two concerts, jo
Old lihrarv books sold. 21 26
Mu.-tc ai d other laj- ks sold, * 27 ,*;s
Monthly collection from cla-es, 43
Coutru. mens of Hon'y members to school fund, sg oo
mission •• 62 oo
Total collected by school, $393 4c
Paid Mr. Culiis, 20 00
' • citing t expenses of anniversary and concert. 16 25
Library hooks, papers, cards, 4c. " 174 9S
bent to Board of Missions, 45 00
t> , $256 23
a.ance in treasury, jj- -3
It is a remarkable fact that in the
District of Ccjlumbia -SI,2UU,UUU of pro
perty belonging to colored men is tax
ed tor school purposes to educate the
v iildren ol whites, while no provision
whatever is made for blacks. The
new cry of no taxation without rep
resent at 1011 thus reacts on its authors
under their own noses.
A few days since a negro boy through
curiosity, went to tiie Oatoctin Furnace
establishment, in Frederick county,
Maryland, to witness the operation of
melting iron ore, and while lookir g
(.own into one of the receivers, from
jvbioa a large quantity of gas escapes,
tie was almost instantaneously suffoea
, and at once lost all use of himself,
tumbling headlong into the lake of fire
and burning to death. All efforts to
werJ 6r a bC Y : rom tlie H, E"d flames
weie rendered impracticable and he
left to his awfrl late.
Don't kill the birds.
For the Gazette.
- MESSRS. EDITORS:—In my commu
nication of lfith February I said tfiat
George Kime (Dem ) was charged
r '-6-s_toll, and Hurry Staekpole (Rep.j
8185. 1 have since learned that I was
s in error in part, inasmuch as ihat Kime
h was charged 10(l without the mail,
j and Slack pole 8185 with the mail. I
e am glad that lam able to say this much
in behalf of our erring brethren in
• thus repenting in part lor past sins in
1 this bridge iniquity, and only wish
1 they would give me a chance to sav
I ten times as much tor them in this eon
r neetion. 1 would gladly proclaim to
the country that they had come to
their proper senses. But why still
eliaige Stuck pole f Rep ) SBS more than
Kime. (Dem.) Does the weight of the
1 mail bag take §BS worth of wear and
tear out of the bridge?
Me\ eytown, March Ist. JUSTICE
Cho rhs Brat on, Bs<j. , and others. Direc
tors of the Mitawana Bridge Comjtaitiy.
GENTLEMEN : —ln reply to your arti
i cle in last week's Gazette, calling on
[ the editors for the name of the author
, of :lie several communications which
appeared in that paper signed Justice,
j I thus publicly avow myself to be the
author of the articles referred to
I have charged the Dulls and the
Bosses with having themselves elected
bridge directors year after year in reg
ular succession. I have charged you
j in your official capacity with making
unjust discriminations in favor of dem
ocrats and against ri publicans in the
assessment of tolls; with refusing to
give the bridge by contract to Slack
pole for a fraction ol the year, align
ing as a reason that the directors had
resolved not to give it t<- any person
by contract for the balance ol the year
when no such resolutions had been
passed by tiie boaid; whereas, about
the same time, or a short time before,
you did contract with Isaac Walls
for himself and family, giving them
privilege of crossing the bridge the
balance of the year at 60 cents. I
charged you with closing the toll gate
•oil Staekpole and compelling him to
either carry the mail through the
bridge on toot, or through the river on
horseback, as the only alternative to
escape paying 40 cents toll even round
trip, when at the same time you siif i
fercd Kime (Dem.) to pass over the
bridge with his two-horse bus at 5 cts.
a trip. 1 have charged you with sue
I ing Staekpole lor toll at 40cents a trip
1 1 called on you time ami again to come
out like men and deny these charges if
not true. At length you appear and
demand the name of the author, and
in a summary manner dispose ol every
charge by saying that the "whole is a
j tissue of falsehoods," without offering
a scrap of evidence to prove them un
ti ui'j but hear what Staekpole sa\>.
Very respectfully,
McVeytown, March Ist, 1866.
I certify that \v hen I commenced carrying
| the mail in o.*tber 1 made applicati n the
Dirodots • f die bridge company nidus place
| Ret the bridge by the year as other* bad git I
it. and was tidd by tieri HNSS that i C-uhi I oi
i get it fur the balance of the year, say ifrg ih> v
bad passed a tesoitrtion tint t,J do; se that I
must pay T Y the trip. 1 then p-.id b\ the
trip FUR several days, when i saw Charles
Bratten. President of the enrupanv. i ap
plied t I liiin fur redress He gave directions j
te TL;e tell GATHFRER to let nie pass the bridge I
1 r 25 CENTS a day until the 10-xt meeting id
the. directors. On the evening before the
meeting of the directors, the toll G theicr
came TO ME and MID me that Casper L)ui! and
Daniel Dull told lier to COLLECT foil L>ii .ff me I
FHEY (the direct, rs) held :T meeting IN i deei
ded that 1 niu:-t pay 4U cents a tiie tie- I.TL
anoe OF the year 1 refused to DO tins; pass
ing thr ugh the gate a few days after the
j bridge meeting was field, when the gate WAS j
locked on me 1 TLE-n paid t ill for my assis
tant who carried the wail TO the depot uu fmt,
and 1 returned with my team.
Alter that I carried the mail through the
river on horseback sometimes, arid again on
j foot through the bridge
At the beginning of the present year I ap
plied again for the bridge by the year and j
was told that my toll fur carrying tiie mail
and passengers was assessed at £lB5. I now j
carry tlia until over the bridge on foot and
pay by the trip as I go. About the tim the
gate WAS closed on ne I was sued lor tlie toll,
as can be seeu by my appeal from the judge
merit, and now on file in count? DOCKET at i
Lewistown. E. 11. If STACK POLE
Sworn and subscribed this 2d day of March,
A. P., I*oo, before me. 0. BECK, J. P.
Dr. Hebern, of Quincey, Illinois,
cures cancer without knife, pain, or
loss of blood, in from four to twentv
lour hours; also treats consumption
successfully. ]y
.•1 U'orihle, Broth —Joseph Baiston,
of Bbilipsburg. Centre county, met
with a horrible death by freezing, a
lew weeks ago. He had been drinking
freely, and had, while drunk, endeav
ored to wade the Mr.shuunou ereek.
but ere he had proceeded two thirds
across, his limbs refused to perforin
their office. He grasped a bough of an
over hanging tree, unable to advance
further, and soon tiie fast congealing
water eeineti ed close about him a tomb
of ice, which stretched from shore to
shore Two days after this he was
found standing there rigid as an icicle,
his knees imbedded in a sheet of frozen
element seven inches thick, his body
inclining a little forward, hands clutch
ing the houghs, eyes astare, and des
pair pictured on his features.
1 A| W j GARDEN PALING, just re>
At/ V/v/vr eeived arid fur sale Py
I i* n24 WM. B. HOFFMAN, j
Volume 1, Chapter 4.
Slowly they both came in at last.
! ** -
12- r
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1 t s? E
i w =
1 ! L
1 Z "!
r C- 5
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pssvd iquoj(j p43j) l%nx
To he Continued.
L XJ M B B 3FL .
under signed has just received, and
A will keep const null von hand, all kinds
GLES, LA 1 11.8. and material generally kept
in a first class Lumber Yard. Orders will be
promptly attended to.
All kinds of worked material, flooring,
weather boarding, window frames, &c.
fet2l-3n Huntingdon. Pa
i C/0 3 UJco -.; >-M S. j
i. S. Examining Surgeon,
LSI .Market street, Lewistotvn, two
T 1 doors from the diamond, offers bis
professional services to the public. Bv itu
I thority from Washington he has been ap
pointed an Examining Surgeon. feb7
IMIL secret art of catching Fish with tl.e
hook and line—giving full and ample
directions how to succeed well in catching
all tiie different species of fieli that inhabit
'be waters of the United States. Also, the i
celebrated Indian Fish Charm, or Chinese
art of catching Fbh in great numbers. This
means n! taking fish and the manner of doii g
it lihs heretofore been known t > but few. The
va ue of such km wledge admits of no ques
tion, and is realiy worth more than a thous
and f uies the price asked Send 20 cents en-
c l sell If. a it-tier ai d you will receive the se
i 'ii- iv i iii (, mail Address,
tcl.2B* Yoik Spring-, Adams co., Pa.
If Ha view ot laying in nn i
p; nly Spring supply, I aui
H selling my present stock of
at greatly reduced prices— shoes as low as GO
ce> ts, and from that up.
Call if you want bargains,
frb. 14 FRANK . W'KN'IZ.
$1,500 PER YEAR:
i \ < i \ w lie I •• I li our
i nreovgDsjo Sewitig Machines. Three new km.!-. !
, Under and upper feed. Warranted five years! j
Above salary <>r large c->miui-sions paid. The O.\lv '
iiiaclniie- sold in the United Mates tar loss than sl#.
winch mi.- fulhi liciii-.nl
j Urin'i c I- baker, Sirtget <c <v... a d Bcichctdcr, AH 1
olln-r rnacilines are monwfi,,ittils ami trie j nit,r > r
■i-cr are iitil'U id arrest, r.n, o.rtA impris mmcnt. Cireu
lar< free. A<hir.'.-s. or call upon Mim .V Clark. Bid
del'nnl. Muiue. dec
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Trains leate Lewst<iwn Snuion a- f.. 11 - ; |
Pittsburgh and Erie Mailf pi , ~,
Baltimore Exjues-J 5.24 a. .i>. 1
Philadelphia Express* sas . m
LmigritmJ ((>45 . in
Mailt 427
Fu-I Lit.i f (. "go . ~ |
L cii Ft itlit. 7:; i) .
Coal Tr Hi | Id J,
Stock Freight, oik* r> r,.-
Lin ii Line 9 27 p in
L.pi'ss Freight. 12 10 p in
Through Freight, li 00 p. m. j
Cincinnati Kxpressf 5.34 p. rn.
Philadelphia Express* 12 10 a. m
f ast Lin j C 03.i1. m
Day Expresfef 10 51a.m.
Mailf 0 40 p. m
Local Freiglit, 3.14 p. m.
Through Freight, 1.10 a. ni.
Fast Freight, 10.05 u. m.
Coal Train, 11.45 ain '
Express Freight, 12 35 p.m.
Stock Freight, 8 55 p. m.
* Daily. f Except Sundays. J Except j
®SkThe Philadelphia Express west on
Sundays tuakes all the stops of the Pitts j
j burgh and Erie Mail.
The Mail and Emigrant west stop at ali j
■ Stations. *|
Fare ti Harristurg, £2 10: to PhiUdel
phia 5 85; to Alt. ona. 2 50; to Pittsburgh, !
0 GO: to Baltimore, 5 20; to York, 3 20.
Jfejf'The Ticket Office will be open 20min j
utea before the arrival of each Passenger i
Train. D. E. IiOBESON, Agent. !
•jr-oalbraith's Omaibuses convey passenger* to !
vaii from all the trains, taking up or setting them
down at ali points within the borough limits.
I" tin Borough nj B, wis town.
\ LL that certain piece of property, situ '
Mnngiiifj to ilenrv
A >.-b d . cruer - fW. Market & Grand sis!, j
11 r. Dat private sale Any person desi- j
ring to purchase a neat cud comfortable I
Ii uie nas i,..w as ood an opportunity us
could te* desired.
F r particulars inquire of A aron F. Scholl. :
at ilo- National Hotel, ~n < r after tiie 19th
iu-t. Pi-r>. n- will find it to their advantage i
to call soon, as the property wii! he sold i
cheap febl4
wJi-ii/ajr AT |
at (feb2l) F. J. HOFFMAN'S
•*\ LAH nld apple tree?, at 20 cts. All de
; t/ -ruble kinds and large tries, fur sale at
BUS lltO\,
VI G cents per pound. Horse Shoe* and
X lis. low f or Cl> h at HUFFMAN'S
TilM i: (lUA!>V
A L \ R(L assortment v.-.-\ ! pi ice-
Beil *#!• LtMtlirr.
jow for cash at HOFFMAN'S
u it !>2B
fiirri Cases.
{il.Y your Bird Cage?—they are pretty—
Iv IKSsEH and soldered, a tine assortment
til all kinds—down, down, at
I_>LANK BOOKS, all sizes. Cap. letrer,
1 3 note and wrapping paper. Envelopes.
<kc- at HOFFMAN'S
Ver v Low a I
Good Molasses, 14 ets, per quart,
do Srup, 25 do
Best do 34 do
SUGARS, good brown, 14 ets. per pound.
Extra, very light, 15 do
White, IS do
TEAS, good Black. 1 25 do
C FFEE. prime, 34 do
Extra. 37 do
Lou! Oil, L(J ct* per quart.
TUT illtvM?
! . j
NOT ICE i* hereby given t the COLLECTORS
oi State and County taxes for the war j
j 186G not to proceed tn the collection of said j
tuxes until further orders.
feb 28 Commissioners. !
Notice to Tax Collectors
r | MIL tax collectors of this county are here I
A by notified that ail outstanding taxes up
to and including 1865, must be settled on or ;
before Ist day of April next, or suits will be
j instituted against ail delinquents. By diroc- >
tioi. ..f the Cotnuiissioners.
Lewistuwn, Feb. 21, 'GG. Treasurer.
I - E otid. t>igned hits applied to the Court !
1 1 mitt ti Pieas of .Mifflin county, for
io- I- to tit •! tit Insolvent Laws td Peiitt-\l ;
: ioi said C< i. it has app.'tnte.l the iii*t i
>♦ da i f April. i*Ct> >t thi-Cmrt If u-e,
!. I. w -town. t> r the hearing of him and hi* !
ri ditor . MV credit r* can then and there !
t'peat and show .a .s il any Micy have, '
' i y 1 shall lint he adioini d i the tie. f lit ~| j
1 Solvent L-.vvs 1 tl.i- C. o, vv, i to
at.. Fill 118 fstiti-n*
Estate of John Carney, defeased.
. Oi'ii h is hereby gt n mat L.-ra >s i ;
A-ituiiii.sti-Mti. n . ti the estate of JUfiN I
1 AUNL \ . late il Gerry township. Mifflin
cannly, deceased. have been granted to the
otidersigncvi residing in (he hnrough of Lew ;
istowi! Ali person* indebted to said estate ,
arc notified to make payment immediately,
and those having claims against the same
will present them duly authenticated lor set
tlemetit. JOHN" 0. SIGLER.
fcti2S-Gt Administrator.
Estate of John Norton, defeased.
""V 01 ICE is hereby given (hat Letters of
it Administration, de bonis nun. cum testa
"lento armexn, on the estate of JOHN NOR j
TON, iate of Wayne township. Mifflin county, I
deceased, have been granted 'othe undersigned j
residing in the borough ol Newton Hamilton, j
Mifflin county. Pa All persons indebted to :
said estate are notified to make payment itn. j
mediately, and those having claims against
the same w ill present them duly authenticated
for settlement.
fel2B-Gt Administrators.
Instate of lEaniel Oeshoar, deceased.
3k O riCE is hereby given that Letters ol |
At Adinuii-irition on the estate of DANIEL
BE S IIOAR, late of MouticeHo, White coun
ty. ltoii.no, deceased, have been granted to '
the undersigned, residing in Lterry township,
Mifflin county. PA Ail person* indebted to
said e*tate are n, tified to make payment im
mediately. and tiiose having claims against i
th same will pre.-eut them duly authentica ;
ted for settlement.
feb2B-6t* Administrator.
Instate of John Hamaii, dee'd.
NO 1 ICE is hereby given that Letters Tes
tamcntary on the estate of JOHN lIA
MAN, late ut the borough of MeYeytown,
Mifflin county, decetised, have been granted
to the undersignsd, the first named residing
in Me\ey'uwn, said county, and the other
at Cedar Rap ids, 4owa. All persons having
claims against the said estate will present
them lor settlement to Wni Macklin, to whom
al*o those indebted will make payment.
fcbUGt* * Executors.
CAMr. to the premises of the undersigned, i
residing iu JDecatur township, about the
first of October last, a WHITE SHEEP, with
no mtcks. The owner is requested to come
forward, prove property, pay charges and <
take it away. JOHN D LOTZ
Decatur township, Feb. 2S-3t*
In every Township Borough and Ward to
canvass for
"The Great One-Volume War
Containing facts, and not politics.
The only work, every page of which has
been prepared f r (he press since- the close of
the war. The popularity of this work has
no parallel, as more than 50.600 copies have
heeti sold t; e last three months I contains
a* much history a* any of the cite or two vol
nine works out, and yi t is s.Jd for only i'-4.60
bound -iihei in iimn ceo or sheep
Our inducements are decidedly the best of
fcr.-d, as we give the highest c mtnis.-ioo,
furnish boxe* free, and pay expre*.*age on
lan ks A i*o.
Ihe most thrillingiy i xciring little of
tiie times, by one who has seen and expert
encsd the Scenes which he describes.
Canvassers ft any history of the war will
find tin- an eve-ii'M t *ide inn k. As it cm
j braces such important incidents of the war.
| ahii '-t everyhoeiv vvili take one. eiiln-r vviifi
i or without a history, or where having previ
' ou-ly subsetibed.
Histrhled soldiers, released prisoners and
i others will find in th sale of this and our
history, employment suitable to their eondi
j ttoti. Send f*-r terns*, or cstJl a®
GOO Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa.
ft-b 2S-4t
X\. -iers lor the best selling book now pub
! Itsfietl.
| Comprising hemic adventures and hair
I breadth escapes of soldiers, scouts, spies and
refugees; daring i xph.its of smugglers, guer
illas. desperadoes and others; tales of loyal
and disloyal women; stories ol she negro, ic ,
&c., with incidents of fun and merriment iu
camp and field. By Lieutenant Co!. Charles
S Greene, late of the United States army, i
Handsomely illustrated with engravings on '
steel and in oil colors.
Send for circulars and see the liberal terms 1
ffered. CLI AS. 8. G KEEN E & CO.. Pubs.
fe2B 4c 134 8. Third st-, Philadelphia. 1
The Great English Remedy' ,
*liS .lAtftt* ( LiHltli'S
Celebrated Female Pills.
Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Olarke, M. D.
I'htleicutn Jd ti nor'lliwry to the Queen.
| Ttil* invnti alilr nn-.ik'inc I* unfailing in tliv cure of all j
j those l-aimul an.i •laiigeroua ills.-asrs to *hit'li Ihe jfinalc 1
; consiituiioii is snfpf. tt. It tiio<i.*rates ml vxtoss ami rc- i
neves at', obstructions, front whatever cause.ami a spee.lv
j curs may l>t rclle-.i on.
TO MM'lilEl) I. A DIES
|lt i- (Hfrticuiarlv It*•!. It \vi!!, ji a s'.tort tinip, bring on !
i th' UJoiiliily perU>.i with r^uliirUy.
Kaeh jirlop orio <ioli:ir, tlso '
i Stanj] of Great lJriiain. to prevent counterfeits.
_ Th• > >f IMlls sfiould not taken by f males fluring tie ■
j FiliST THHKK MONTHS of prcuriam y, as thev are "sure j
! I-- bring on miscarriage, but .it any other time they are
hvry woman Knows that the bloom of health must
! with the >!}gh! st Irregularity or ob>trnction of the men- i
j se>. "i*iiess* i'llls are truly the woman's frieinl in her hour |
; f trial, ami tiie only sure, positive. ani ueverfalling cure
ami regulator ol suppression of nature, from whatever j
! cause. So luiM that the feeblest can tak tlieui with per- i
tvet security, yet >o powerful in their effects, that they
I may be >:ifei\ caiiel. a ii' % veriaiiiisg Hcgul.itor.
, lti ail cases of Nervt.us anvi Spinal A!f"ecti>ns, Pains in
j the Hack an i Limits. Fatigue on slight exertion, khtii.ita
j Hon of the Heart. Ilvsieticfe ami whites. these Pills wi!! f
j tect a cure when all other means have faileil;ami although
!.i powerful reine.iv, f< not coniain iron, calomel, antiiuo
liy■, or anything hurtful to the coutitution.
Full tlirecHmc in the pamphlet aroumJ each package,
- which fchoulti he carefully preserve*!.
?oh- General Agent for the Unifeti Mates an !Ih hish Do i
, minions, |
.1*1! M' SKS, 27 t ortlan i >t.. New York.
>:. B —sl Oh anil 6 three cent ptistage >tanps ein !osel to I
\ any authorize*! agent, will ensure a bottle, eon fa time 50 {
; nils, by return until, securely sealed from all tun.
i 2 Sie Git.Tl i'Yt aieh B< in* in .
Prepared from a prescription of Dr. Juan Dclamarre, j
Chief Physician to the Hospital dit Xord ou
Lar ib. ■mere of I 'a? in,
TM- v-jißiai,}. ineitKiii* I- in> t.Tit :*tinfali { ng j
in ti t-turc ot *perinati.rrlt ur Srwitiai W>Mlinf.s. >.. r> '
I Bpt-ci< at (Mttl or (Jrramrjp IrrtraWitty, ftivatonrary or j
iiiuul Emi.-.-ions from whatever cause prodiit-ed f
. or however severe, will he speeditv-relleved ana the organs
! restoreil to healthy actio!..
Head the foUoutiiigopinions-cf eminent French pktjsicians: j
"We have used the Spncltic Pills pre|.are<l by Uaranclere
A i)utH)iit, So. 2U Rue Looihar.l. from the prescription of t
; Ih. .(tiah I>.■laniarre. In our private practice with uui
lorm sticcess, and we believe there i- no other medicine >o
; w ell calculated to cure all persons suffering lrom Involun
tary Lmissi<iis or any tlir w>aknw of thp fxinl or
: cans, whether caused by a sedentary mode ot living, ex-
I cessee, or uhUse.
R. A. Tir.vi-Rr.putiF., M l>.
. I>. Dt J vßiax, M. !>.
„ .. j£.vx Le LEVCKRE, M. D.
j I'aris, May sth, IW3.
j The Genuine Pills a-e sold b% ail the Principal prncglst?
throughout the world, price one dollar per box, or six box
[ es for live dodara.
GAKANGIKRK a DC PONT. Sole Proprietors,
No. 2M Ron Lombard, Pari-,
j One dollar enclosed to any autborzed agent, will insure
; a Pox by ret u 1 ti mad. securely- sealed from all observation. '
I Six liuxrs .or live dollar*
Sole Genera. Agents for America.
DSC AP. G Ml IS ES XCL. 27 Corf lan ! st X. A',
x. B Trench, tlerman, Spattisli ami English Pamphlet* I
containing full particulars and directions for use, sent tree
to any address.
Sold iu Lewistown by F. J. HOFFMAN. Janl"-ly
Effi- 52j£JB$2EAtS&5
( a i \ is it ii *v i rr.
i |
THIS Snuff has thoroughly proved itself to he the i
best arr.de known for curing the Ottarrh, Cold in !
the Head itnd Headache It lias heen found an excel
lent remedy in many eaes c.f SorcEgri. Deafness has
heeu removed tiv it. and lfi tring has often been great j
ly improved by its use.
It is fragrant and agreeable, and
to the dti'ii heavy pains caused by diseases of tiie head.
1 Io- sensation* after using it are delightful and invtg- j
orating. It open* and purges out ali obstructions, j
strengthens the giands, and gives a healthy action to
tiie parts atft-eted
of sale and use of lis. MARSHALL'S CATARRH AXD HEAD
ACUE Sstrr, has proved :t- great value for all tiie corn
ruoti diseases of the bead, and at this moment stands i
higher titan ever before.
It is recommended by many of the best physicians !
and is u.se<i with great success and satisfaction every- |
Kead the Certificates of Wholesale Drug
gists in ltS5-f. J
The undersigned, having for many years been to
attainted with int. MARSHALL'S CATARRH" AXD HEADACHE j
Ssiep. and sold it in our wholesale trade,, cheerfully j
state that we belieTe it to he equal, in every respect. >
to the recommendations given of it for the cure ol
Catarrhal Affections, and that it is decidedly the iie-t j /
article we have ever known for all common disease* s
of the head, i
Burr & Perry. Boston, I Barnc* & Parke, X. Y
Reed, Austin A Co. " jA.B. AD. Saints, " /
Brown, hansom A Co.. " t Stephen Paul A Co., " ,
Keed, Cutler A Co., " j I -raei Minor A Co.. " i
Seth W. Fowle, " | McKesson 4 Ruhhins, "
VVilson. Pair hank A Co. " jA. h. ScovlUe A Co.. "
Ilensltaw. Pdniautl A Co., |M Ward Close ACo , "
11. H. flav. Portland. Me. 1 Bush A Gale, -
For safe by all Druggists, TRY IT.
A MONTHS-AGENTS wanted for c
elx tl ,t irc (y ncic article*, just cut. Ad- ]
dress O. i. GAKEY. City tiuhdiug, Biddeford, Mam.
Deeeuthcr ao, tsly. ,
produce Wanted.
I II AVE leased the Warehouse at the
West-end of Market Street, in Lewistown. (lately
occupied by Francis MeClure A Co.. where 1 am pre
pare.} to purchase at the hitliest market rate-., or re
ceive .111 storage all kinds ot' grain and other produce
Coal, salt and plaster kept cnustanllv on lisnd for
. *'. abnek Thompson.
L.e*:<fmtt, Aug 23. lSSfe.-if
!N . H Tlie < me business also continued a* here; a
ote at the Warehouse m Keedsville.
V C BIA M \ Ell A CO. having pur
• cim-ed the Lewistown St<*m Mill* nt ta
( j a chase, u: the highest CASH PKICKS
50 000 Bushels WHEAT.
20 000 " BARLEY,
10000 " OATS,
10.000 " RYE. -
KLOI'K and FEED always on hand, and dtflivured
at any place in the borough.
j ground or in the Stone. Witkescarre, Sunbury and
; Lvkens Valley Coals.
-' irdess for Coal. Fiocr. or Feed lift at th*
Store will BS prompti* attended to sejl3
Brown's Mills.
: T IIK dersigned are prepared to
buy all kinds of Produce for cash, or receive on
store t Brown's Miils, Keedsville. Pa. We will have
; on hand
Plaster. Salt and Coal.
V* e intend keepmg the mill coniAtauMiv runuing. und
( nae
I for sale at the lowest Market rates, at all times.
1 he public are requested to give u* a rail.
Lewistown Mills.
• ir received it on storage, at the option of those
, laving it for the market.
1 hey hope, by giving due and personal at
■J ention to business, to merit a liberal share of
j public patronage.
TEGRPLASTEK, SALT and Limeburners
COAL always on hand
WM. 11 Mc A TEE & SON*.
Lewistown, Jan. 1, l*G5.-tf
i'jii ai-sr vmroviii
i f IMIE undersigned announces that he
I is now prepared to buy or receive on
l storage, and forward ail kind* of
Grain and other Produce,
! at bis new Warehouse at Keedsville.
kept constantly on hand for sale.
He also continues the Produce liustnesFftt
! the old stand in Lewistown.
No 37, Fifth st,
>evi:i: chanced.
The Full Graduating Course.
Book Keeping,
Business Penmanship.
Commercial Calculations,
Lectures Upon Law, Ethics.
Detecting Counterfeit Money.
! Other Colleges have either advanced their tuition
fee to f.Mi. or charge $lO to 41J> extra for Penmanship.
Their Books and stationery, also, costing from sl2 to
s2t) — ours cost but i-o.
CATION, a- taught in tins city for about twenty-five
years from his own systems of Book Keeping, which
are sanctioned by the American Institute ami Cham
ber of Commerce, and other competent authorities et
New York, as the most perfect svstem in use. with W.
DA V and Si V lU\'l<■
It will be foumt by proper inquiry that this is the
only College of the kind in the Union conducted by
an experienced Merchant, and whose Penman is a
trained accountant.
<SS"M*rehants. Steamers and Banker* can always
obtain thorougnly •educated accountants on applica
tion at our oltrce."
®S"Those desiring our elegant new Circular, pp. 76
containing an outline of our < 'Oar-e of study and prac
tice. with Samples of our Penman's Business and Or
namental Writing, must enclose TWENTY-FIVE
Pittsburgh, Pa,
<b-\V'e will mail any person enclosing uss2- a copy
fo either our Mercantile or Steamboat Book Keeping
post paid. nov-SHtn*
Scratch ! Scratch ! Scratch !
Wheaton's Ointment
Will I'ure the lirli in 48 Hours.
Also cures Salt Rhtnm, llltfr., Chilblain.,
and al, Krupiion, of tUe Sklu. Price an cents,
ror sale by tl Druggists.
By Sending ho cents to WEEKS A POTTER* Solo
Agents. I,u Washington st., Boston. Mass., if will he
or warded by mail, free of postage, to any pari of the
buited Sutes ' S ep2bbm
from the vrefbknown
Brown's Mills,
can la- had at ail titte* in Lewistown. at the stores of
F". J. llortm.ii) and llenrv Zerbe.
J .„ r , H. STKL'NA* A HOFFiIA! S.
Kee.dsville, Dec. 6, IScA.-dia