Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, February 28, 1866, Image 2

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Wednesday, Foi>. 28, 1860.
G. Ai. G-. R. FKVSIStEK, Editor*.
TfceGIZKTTB : puMi-he£ ex cry UVdie*dav
at the A-i -rand. ; i .ii * or #2.i O ut the- end
*?( Z month*.
Cash Bates of Advertising,
trioati.A, 5 months, 1 rear.
One iVi'umn ?20.30 *4-u.>
"Mil 10.90 15.00 25.!*)
¥•lorth i--> UIM t.ifl V'i.rm 15.00
?••.' ■-'-*• exceeding 7 ''n~* and le** than
■ t 6 ' was. iacludmg paper, snri nr. j iMWel^'"
Rasine** Card* (7 line-■ je*.* ; I y",-:u '- '"J
Administration or Kx.-'-ttt-ir'- N 'J 50
Auditor'* ,l e 2 ■ii
fc.tray Notice, fnor lime*. . 2 J
Citation or other short N>n"e-., 1 59
Tavern Licen**.*. - 1 <*>
If nie-ro thsn <soe". e*r-fs 50
RegistT's Xotii-c* Ac. ..Hots, each 50
fe;irirt> S*;e.*. p-r .- pin,
h i Not:!•' pr .u* ' r M-h m.
7 ■ of inn . ••: 5 ! :>•— ol f it Riflkt ■*
i-iifcTdJri. \,c rcsulutkii-02
e ii; 4 .j? ::•> • A Im.!'
The-**- a
Job Work.
Eigkth *h*t ji ..>■• farfttv ten*; tartk afceet
V; - 11'.it 25 k—. -ii t i-iii. , for 25 or If-.
• •-e.linc. i.f p iblic rio et'ii_'-. r organiza- '
tton* .•; ,;ny kind, itiv dvtnx prffite ualciest* in a:.y ]
* •_. arc ■ hmniiMini the rate of f,v* <■.•;.•* per line, i
and I U.-l p- ■! for, a* '! wnteli en-i-r foi twelve
M. 1, per-oiis t' einjtnbiite a quarter niru. or
f ,rt> or forty t< u cent* e* h than for tls. who leave
71.. oiri-.-l io'.erevt in tin matter t<> fr-.y from on>- to i
two a0..;- n *tn*h thtit-into type. We i. ipo |
therefore! at r!l sin-li **-eiTit>la;-* fi-reafter some
tote vtol - e to tile ' olleeiion of the piobahleamouui.
\<illrr of Xttv AdrrrtUcmentt,
More reductions at llorimm.s—Notice to Tax Co!-
h-.-tor.'—-Several P.date Notices—lmpo: tatitto Fi-her
men—pjolio Sale* i.f P.-r*onr.l Property—Agent-
Wanted—K-1 i.i>. a .
The V: to—lts Assumptions
S nguiar Speech cf the Piesi
He said last week that to the nieie
t ;ct of Freedinen's Bureau
Bill there was no objection, bat to the
arguments appended thereto reflect
ing tipon Congress l'or not sidinitting
the rebel Slates into I'tiH communion
with the guvei nment, in fact denying
the right ol Congress to act as judges,
taw will as sent. Senator Trumbull, a
man honored for his nobleness, ir bis
• ;"tewe ot the bill, dearly showed that
the President was wrong in his con
struction of some of its clauses, and |
th it so far a- its provisions were to be
applicable, the President himself was
judge, and therefore could not only
restrict the number of officers but also
govern the expenditures
The passage by the Hru.se of the
jxint resolution declaring that the priii
tvple adopted ie>tliou'. obj-ctiun a vear
ago in reft renco to Louisiana should
be applied t< the other rebel States. |
was a eonscquonee of the President's
declaration in hi- veto message, and
well would it have been had he sufl'er
el this difference of opinion, for such
• 1
it was, to rest here, lint copperhead
ism, aided by a few political weather
cocks like Montgomery Blair, lievcrdy
Johnson, Ac. hoped they at last had
t jiind an tillering wedge to create a
f-'id between the Administration and '
('ingress. A meeting was accordingly
called at \V ashington on 1 hursday last,
a '* which some friends of the Presivlent i
made fools ot themselves bv as-o<-ia
ting politically with the scum of Val- ;
1 indigham's bootblaeks. S. S. Cox of
Ohio, a noted copperhead whom the
soldiers came near mobbing, was the
Tmxt speaker, one of Brigham Voting's
subjects the second, then Blair, Hen
dricks, Merrick. IT.gers of Xew Jer
sey came next, and so shamefully and
indecently assailed President Lincoln's
administration that when Hen. Clark
"l Indiana was called out. he refused
to speak from a stand that had been
used to slander Abraham Lincoln!
Rogers was appropriately followed bv
Bo vet and Strouse of this State. This
incongruous mass, composed ofretutn
••l rebels, rebol sympathizers, copper
heads, ami sundry office hunters, passed
resolutions in effect demanding the
admission to Congress of the rebels
elected to those offices. Having duly
prepared themselves, they then moved
to the grounds of the Presidential
mansion, where the President ot the
1 nited States, we are pained to say, 1
delivered an ill-tempered harangue
attacking by name Thaddeus Stevens
and Mr. Sumner, whom he compared
with Davis, Siidell, and Toombs, and
charging them with inciting Ifs assas
sin ition 1 Previous to this, the Com
mittee on Reconstruction, composed of
the ablest men in Congress, and bv in
uondo the large majority of members
who pdopted the reports of this com
mittee, were thus assailed:
"We tinit tiint by an irresponiohlc central directory
near.y ail tlie power* of government aie aseumed
witfioiit even couHdlting the lesi-latireor Executive
departments of the irovernmcnt. Yes, and by .* re*-
<.iut-.on reported by a committee upon wliom all tie
power of the Government ha* been coti
fei red, that great principle it; the Constitution which
author;;'• ati'i e,npo*rers ea.-h branch of the legisla
tive department—the Senate and House of Repreeen
tar;.. s—i., >..■ ibjudges of the election and qualitica
ttou of it- own uiemiers. ha* been virtually' taken
away from-these department- ot government aud
eonterred upon a committee, who must report l>efore
they can a tjindei the Constitution, aud alio* inem
le-rs duly elected to take their seat*."
So far as Messrs. Stevens and Sum
ner are concerned, they will probably
pass by the charge unheeded, for al
tbuuch singular aud radical in their
i views, no two men in Congress more
faithfully stood by the Cnion than they
did throughout the rebellion—a tact
the people have not forgot ten if Andrew
Johnson has.
In answer to that sweeping charge
made against the committee, Mr. fes
seiiden, the true and tried friend of
1 ■ Abraham Lincoln, a man who would do
honor to anv body of legislators in the
, | world, calmly but forcibly repelled the
! allegations made, and showed clear as
J the noonday sun that tin- committee
\ was but in the performance of its plain
\ duties*, and that Congress was judge of'
| the condition cf rebels and rebel terri
| tories.
Such is a faint outline of proceed
ings which are without parallel ill our
history—proceedings which are well
calculated to create distrust in our ru
i lers, and bring about a condition of
things worse even than the rebellion
The men who are now applauding,
flattering, and paying sycophantic ad
illation to President Johnson, are the
same who denounced hi in a- a d runkard
less than a year ago, and before that
heaped every term of obloquy upon
him that the tongues of rebels, rebel
sympathizers, copperheads and otliers j
ot that stamp could conjure up Jrom the ;
vocabulary of vituperation; while those i
who supported the administration in
all its efforts to put down the rebellion
—who defended him from these very
assailants who upheld the credit ol '
the government by purchasing and ;
holding its bonds when these now vvor j
shipping copperheads were denouncing
them as worthless as old rags or paper,
arc told that the representatives of the
people, elected by not less than three
fourth* of the popular vote, on the very
is.-ue at stake, have nothing to sav
whether rebels shall or shall not ! e
admitted to Congress! This, to s: v
the least, sounds very much like "one
man" power, a power which the veto
message strongly condemns
We shall a \vait further development-,
and see whether Andrew Johnson is
willing to return and stand by the de
ciaruiions -o often and -olemnly made j
since the assassination of Lincoln
that treason is a crime and that loyal
men, no matter how k-w in number,
must reconstruct and control the polit
ical machinery of rebel States. If he
does, bygones may be bygones—if lie
• does not, the Union men < t'the North, j
South. Last and \\ est will know with ]
w hat kind of "Moses" they have to
deal in the fu-ure.
nual meeting of the Stockholder-of the
Pennsylvania Railroad was held on
Monday a week. The report of the !
directors shows that the net earnings, :
during the year 1865, were $4,1^9,110,- :
Do. .V resolution approving of the
establishment i>y the company of a line
| of steamships between Philadelphia
and Livgj-p ol in connection with the 1
Pennsylvania Railroad, was adopted.
1 he following statement shows the
earnings of the Company since the be
ginning in 1850:
$33X462 • ls<r 5.155.331
761.674 ! 1*59 ' !i.3fi2,3
J V" 1.943 S2S 1 18H0 s.iri2.7<il
2774.889 ! IH<3! TZiOO.WM
, 3.51/9 IW i 186-J lu 304.291
i F'" 4 270.970 ISi-T - 11.591.413
; 10 ' 4>05 '-59 | ISUS 17.459.169
Proceedings of Congress
In the House, on Tuesday of last \
week, Mr. Stevens, hoin-the Commit- \
tee on iveconstruction, reported aeon
curreri that, in order to close
agitation on a question which seems
likely to disturb the action of the Cov
crnment, as well as to quiet the uncer
tainty which exists in the minds of the
people of' the eleven States which have
been declared to be in insurrection, no
Senators or Representatives shall be
admitted into Congress from either ot
s.iid States until Congress shall have
deiaarcd such States entitled to such
leprescntation. A minority report
picseuted by M r. Grider in favor of the
admissi n of Tennessee was read, but
objection was made to its reception,
i Great excitement was caused by the
resolution, and numerous dilatory mo
tions were made, which were all voted
dojvn. Finally Mr Stevens' resolu
tion was passed—yeas 109, nays 40.
In the Senate, on Wednesday, the
I lesident s veto of the Freedraon's Bu
reau Bill was sustained, as will be seen
by the following proceedings:
ThP rpiestK'-. .-•ailed for. the Chair aaaounoed
t.i-t i; ii ill t.i"Uil pas*, the Pre-idfeiu s ..bief*
ti"ii* upon which the vea* led
wi'i*"a* W fol!ow*? Ulrt ' the 'Tttc vote
• r .\ EVS —M**rs Anthony. Brown. Chandler Clarlr
■ Ha^r^r- ( -re "s f ' 11 -
of indiau^^ nflerson, Howard. Howe, Kirbwood. Lane
i u Vx Kansas. Morrill, \ve Pf.lmi 4
: i Trum! !
Doolittle, (iuthrie Co I w ? u ' I>ixon. !
: i
Absent—Messrs. Foot and Wrixht
'( fX n ,eagu *,' Mr
. | pre-enl w.uld have voted for the bSu R ' ckueß8 ' but lf i
' than
The bill now in operation will prob
• ably be continued.
The reassemblea at Harrislmrg Tester- j
T The hwdbowb ■UA mark>-i •!: mm* r.ft'nion
s-o! iter.- ; jravziie SUIU..U iuii Beu-rsburg. Va. ;,ayi
L L,earf> ati been ti>"-irjevi by r©c..h-tructed rebels.
T.i" A/r u'uirnl burexu at Washington has receiv
! m a iavoieeof foreign seeds, which will be diMrtbu
{ ted M fanners on np^i-atiou.
I/sring Dwt miier last <ihf4 ra: -.n* were jiyii-d bv
! . the <jr->verninr)it to refugees at. i .it .-tituta persons,
i white aut Ma.-k.
A -fo t-pre.serving company' has been org.ir.i2e l at
fj Baltimore, under a patent process t.v win.-!. it • >
elaiiiieil oysters, meats and fruiLi can r>e preserved
, . fresii and good for a:i iuuetintte period in auv c'l
, mate.
Th" L> mnerros at New tfaveu. f'or.n., fir*.! tbirtv
six gens iu honor ot itie vet,, ( .p flie- frrturnen's h:I
reau Idl Wonder whether thev ever fired uuv 4.lns
for In ion victories iunug ihcrel. ,iiw>;
• K ts. i .tnei. , 1 telegraph j, I **t'. 4 ramdfv -x
--teitdrd. i'he wires i,av > i. w n put up to a I>..;I,)" four
hundred nines uartii •: N< w \V.-t,,i;i.:---r.'i 1 Krazer
r. v ei. and ..sit pert- ; ih; 4 t j;, 1 e'*<n:t tut ahon "• *h
fciurupe ani Uu-sin will be t. ,-i iu a:, "her \,..r.
Senator f*twaa, who itr. issue* fiisnsilf the \tlasof
toe Constitution, frequently talks 3ix.lt having the
-tenor of representing Pennsylvania. As • i.e-i uit of
his Votes are ;st > eilsburv. ami Other
1 rebel Sjrnp .tlnzer.. wc ~re .Uit ~e . lieu/-.ts
| rt preM hi- ! 11. -
A fVnu-y li una pat ht eipperhf .J s.iv > the appear -
ante o! tied Ih.agias m tne gs.lt rv "of the Senate
"Chamber at Washin-.tm, .... a.- -rt-n.- 1..- -quuiitv
, ilh at.He liietl. T.n .... Co'.peris- .1 1 n
I ...is town who tal n sjin; ;r strain, hut has m>
1 scruples in taking a drink whisky with a darkey
I biat-k as ebony.
, i trouble 1-appreheu .t 1 from the course a-l-.nt
j ed bj t. * - 1 fesjitsiit. iu emboldening ihe btivuif •
HMltlutUers suit fcm to tyrannize uTrt the unrortti- I
i hut-- n.-gro population, may be inferred front the tart 5
j that jn <>. o. Howard, the chr -run hero and head
: ot t - }•: ee-linen's Bu:Va : has niready issued ord-r*
i 11. view of si] -ii difiieuiiies.
rite ' rubra fPenti-y.rani.it Iran Work-paid in
three years, for sa.-nes. v igCa. and cotttra- t cork. '
• 4> follows:
1S - J J $ 907.05$ 91
5* l,airJ.S..j t
l,jt,j,. .ill _ I
K. Porte from Mts:-ippi stiy th * the freedmen are
working intUsiiioasly fo/ their old mi-ters. the low -
| t-r v-i.is.s, sot ■■ lilies eillei ,tin .':0-TI!.- fe-'JlllgS toWnr-is
■lie Governitieiit. and the presence of the"mililarv • s
requiri-ii i'l prevent otfieeis of toe UoVcrtlliient fl'olu
ntaitrc-uiiiciit and pel nap- deutii. Crime is atorrrtinglv
nrevateni and the state aoihorilies -eeiii unwilling to
check it.
/should f'cp. Grant resign, wliat would lx- Uiought I
;t lie- Prescient would liom nute |,ee r H*-a ir- o
; as CoUiti.allder ot our Arini-sis l.'iere a loiai inan
j who would say sin-h an 3g|>oi(ltnicni Would be i tgi.t,/ j
i \s i--i;nlaliji's. seventy or eighty 111-11 in Col _t-e-s.
, fresh iroin a rebehioii, i-0u.'.l u>. tar inorwinjiuy than
j i.ee or lie.iurenartl in the position uaiiir^—vt t there
! are men who stand u; for siKli a iiiobsiroUs -i<x tru.e ;
, ami aie willing to admit to our couuuiis tlie same ;
, men who p-ijuretl ihetttselves 111 ISbl.
j Judge Lewis has decitled that 110 person in bound '
j to stamp a receipt l--r lutidspaid.iii'eceipibeiiigantii* j
1 strumeat of evidence useful only to the per.-on to i
an.mi it j- given, toerefore, if a man needs a receipt
:t i- in his place to furnish the slump for it. if one is
required, but if a person give- a receipt without re
quiring that the par.y to wholn it is given slmd fur
nish toe stamp, tne maker of t " receipt mu-i him
self stamp tl.c p..per before he deliver- If he fa.ls ,
to stamp it betoro i.c deliver- it he is liable to Che
penalty proi itted by law for the omission, but tl;e ,
other party may stamp it inuued.ateiy upon it.- bring
Al'i'iiSi iUI k^,
*T YEAH hJ'i apple trctfS, at Lit M. Ail de
*J sirao.c kitius and trees, fur sale at
feL-2s liOFFAiAN 3.
a %s; sito \,
j 4 T 0 cents per pound. li rse Shoes and
, a'A. N tis. iuvi lor cash at HUFFMAN'S.
4 LAKUK Hseurtnient -it very h.w prices, i
zV at F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
/ lEI>AR WAKE, fur sale by
V_/ feb'-H F .J. HOFFMAN*.
HAY f-r sale i.y F J. HUFFMAN.
fe Lift
Rid *Ir Ccalhcr,
IOU for ciish, at HUFFMAN'S.
j feL2ft
NOTICE i hereLv j;iveii tn the Collectorfl
_ of State and County talcs for the year
I IftGfj. not to prtx;c,ai </ t ihe collection of said
i taxes until further -rrdt re.
feb 28 Cotnujisionpr.
Estate of John iarncy , deceased.
N O ITCE is hereby given that Letters of
Administration ori the estate of JOHN
• CARNEY, late of i>. rrv townsliip, Miffiin
I county, deceased, have beet, granted to the
; undersigned, residing in the borough - f Lev.
j iotown Ail persons indebted to sai l estate j
j are notified to make payment immediately, ;
| and those havir g claims against the saute
j will present them duly authenticated lor set
| tlement. JUIIN C. SIGLER,
j fe 1)28-fit Administrator,
Estate of John Norton, deceased.
is hereby given that L< tiers of j
j. y Administration, de boitis in. rum testa J
men to annexo. on the estate of JOHN NOR
TON, late ot Wayne township. Mifflm county,
| deceased, have been gi anted *u the undersigned !
i residing in the bort.Utfh .-1 Newton Hamilton, i
1 Mifflin county. Pa Ail persons indebted to !
i said estate are notified to make payment itn.
i mediately, and those havi.-g claims against
i the same w iii present thera duly authenticatei
! for Be'tlciuent.
ftL2B-Gt Ad tn in i-t rat lira.
Fstate of Daniel Kcshoar, deceased.
N OTICE is hereby given that Letters of
Administration on tlie estate of I>A NIEL
BE'-IIOAK, late of Monticello, \\ hite coun*
ty. ludiana, deceased, have been granted to j
the undersigned, residing in lderry township, j
Mifflin county. Pa. Alt persons indebted to !
said estate are notified to utake payment im- !
mediately, and those having claims against
th* same will present them duly authentica- :
ted fur settlement.
feb2B—6t* Administrator.
j in tiie Post Office at Lewiatown, ftmte ol
Pennsylvania, on the 2>th of I'en.. lftbo.
Andertrin Robert L mg W m II
Bruner Eliza Millegan Lydia Ann
Btidler F F 2 Meily J A J II
1 Coliins n.rs Sarah Markle Lewis
i Clark W E Musser miss Ellavina
Cumuiings John M Nye A
Ferguson II Oidt Emanuel
Folk Amus Pearce Robert jr
Green miss Sarah Paine William
• Gaston S P Root J S
Gos lFnrv Slintcr mr* M A
Glais Wui II Siackp.de George
Hoffman Samifel Sawer A
Jinkius Andrew J Walker E L
Knepp miss Nancy J Wagoner Monroe
Knepp Simon Yeater Frances
To obtain any of these letters, the
applicant must call tor 'advertised letters
I give the date of this list, a'ud pay one cent :
for advertising.
tST"If not called for within one month,
they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office.
feb2B E. 0. HAMILTON. P. M. [
r secret art of catching Fish with the
X book and line—giving full and ample
direction* boar to succeed weil in cat'diing
all the different §p*s ;<=s of fish that inhabit
the vvuters <.f the I niteti States. Als-.-the
celehrared Indian Fi.h Charm, or Chinese
art if catching Fish in great numbers. This
tnears of takiug fish and the mariner of dmi g
it line heretofore beet, known t > but few. The
VH'ue ot such km wledge admits of ti-.t que*
tion. ami is rraity worth in re ih-tn a thu
and t :n— the price asked. Semi _0 cents e. -
I ciosed ju -4 ietter and you will receive the se
frets by return mail. Address.
feblft* A'■ rk Spring-, Adams Co.. Pa.
\\ ILL I.c soitl at public sale, at the re-i
v T ocuc# , i the utuier.-ign.-d m ijrauviile
township, near Ander.-.-n's Passenger Sia
tioD, oil
Wedneiday. March 7. 1866
the following personal property, to wit :
rl!I WORKt iI(HFM>.
d Cults, ri-ing 3. 2 and 1 veais; 6 Milch Cuw,
wilt be fresh in March; •*> Lead young Cattle. !
i hreshirtg Macl t nearly new. new Friil,
Pit)ws. Harrows. Luittiiil r-, agon. Bogz'v ,
Sp'ing Wngon, II tr-e Gears, large Grind
sf ne. Cradles. Scythes. Rakes. Forks ami a
variety of other articles too numerous to men
tiun. A;-o, vari us ttrtioies of iiousehold '
furniture, such as nir Parlor Stovo. 'l übios,
Bedsteads, At. - .. &<•.. Ac.
Buie lu couiuieio'e at 0 o'cl ok a. m , when
terms will be made kn..ut
Jos. S. Make.vm Auc'r. fel-2ft—it*
be sold at putjii' -a!-, at the residence
•if tite undersigned, in Oliver tow nship, on
'I HUKSF.W, March 22. 1-60,
the following pprsoital property, to wit;
4 Cows, 4 if. gs, two horse \V agon, t.ne horse |
Wag n. Buggy, 2 fti.-d*, Plows. Harrows.
Windmill. CiderntilS. 2 L-.g Chains. 2 sets of
wagoti llarticss. 2 sets single il-irr.ess. Poub
; letrees, Stiigietrees, ami a variety if other
(arming utensils, too tuiiDercus to mention. j
Sale to commero-e at 10 o'clock a. ID., vv lien !
teruta will I e made known.
feti2tttb* SAMUEL PRICE j
iY\ ILL be SOI iat I'U I'sit ,at the rt'si
f T deuce of the undersigned, iu Bruit .u
township, on
Thursday March 15, 1836,
the following personal property, to wit;
(one nearly fre-h) Calf. 4 IL-g*. hgh* two
i horse Wagon, Plough, Harrow. Cultivator,
; Fanning Mill. llo.ling Screen. Corn Sheller,
hand Cider Mill. Threshing Machine. Shaker
and llor-e Power, Carriage with shaft* and
t ngue, set t f single Harness, side Saddle,
\ ice. A>-., Meat Vessels. Citjer Barrels. Rakes,
forks. Ac. Also, n PIANO, made bv Loud,
Pttiia , Bedstead, 3 Feather beds. Chairs,
Chest, Cook stove nine plate fttove, j.ari r
Stove, ret of Fishes, patent Churn, and a va
i riety efc other articles.
Sale t'> commence at !0 o'clock a. m., when
term* will be ruatle known.
fet-28 THUS FRITZ.
uttdersigried Las applied to the Court i
I , "J Comm n Pleas of Miffiin c utnty, tot
the bent fit of the Iriolrerit Laws of Peitnsvl
vania, and said Court lias appointed the first
Monday of April. IftGG. at the Court II -u-e,
in Lew istowti, for the hearing of him and his
creditor-. My creditors ran then and there
appear arid show tacse, if any they have,
why 1 shall not be admitted to the benefit of i
the Insolvent Laws of thi Cnmnrnnwralth.
Lewistown, Feb. 28, lftGG-3t*
IjL ders for the best selling book now pub j
i itshed,
I'll It I [.1.1 Nc; StDltirs >F TIICCiKE VT
Comprising heroic adventures anil hair
breadth e-capieei ol soldiers, seouts, sp.tes and i
refugees; dat ing ezp.lnits of smugglers, guer
illas, desnetad .es atid otherf; taies of I .val !
atid disloyal women; stories of the negro. Ac.,
| Ac., with incidctits of fun arid merriment in
| camp and field. By Lieutenant CoL Charles
1 8 Greene, late t.f the Lnitcd States ari..v
; llaridst■mely illustrated with engravings on
steel and in oil colors.
Stud for circulars and see the lit eral terms
offered. CIiAS. S- GREENE A CO.. Pubs. j
fe2ft 4t 134 ft. Third St., Philadelphia.
A3SITTS I liwSr i
i In every Township, Borough arid Ward to
I canvass for
"Tlie Great One-Volume War
containing facts, and not politics.
The only work, every page of which has
i been prepared for the press since the close of j
the war. The popularity <-f this work has
j no parallel, as nmrc than 50.000 copies have
! been sold the last three months. Ir contains
as much history as any of the one or two vol
ume wot ks out, and yet is sold for only J-4.50
! bound either in nt>r ceo or she- p.
Our inducements are uectdediy the best of
fered, as we give the highest cemmission,
furnish hi xcs free, atid pay expressuge on
books. Also.
The most thrtllingly exciting little book of
the times, by one who has seen and experi
• eucrd the scenes which he describes.
Canvassers for any history t.f the war will
frnd this an excellent side book. As it cm
braces such important incidents of the war,
almost everybody will take one, either with
or without- a history, or where having previ
: uusly subscribed.
Fi sab led soldiers, released prisoners and
others will find in the aale of this and our
history, employment suitable to their condi
tion. Send for terms, or call at
Gut) Chestnut street, Pniiadelphia, Pa
feb 28i4t
E S T IR. A. "IT .
CIAMK to the premises of the undersigned,
/ residing in Decatur township, about the
first of October last, a WHITE SHEEP, with
! 3'> uiifkH. The owner is requested to come
forward, prove property, pav charges and
take it away. JOHN F. LOTZ.
i Decatur township, Feb. 28-3t*
VV'iLL be exposed at public *ale. t the
* residence >f ti:e subscriber, in Armagh
township, on
Thursday, March 1. 1866.
the following personal property, to wit
Breeding M ire. Y --ariing t*.■ it, 3 .Viirli C w*.
■1 tieilore. Call. Rr#-ding jnic. IL>g. ILiine.'
pa'ent Tnre*hing .Vuthine and I! rs# Pwer.
F mning .V :11. two. !; r.*e V'. i.g.m. tour horse
W igiin, 15 .v Lt ; ]>■#*. Dung B'.-uds. Sb-d.
Grain Lhiii. I lay Rake, 11 y Fork and Ta.-kie.
Bail's pttent Reaper and .tfbwer. a lt < {
Plows. Harrows. Cultivate#, I rn Plow.
Grain Cra'lies. .Vowing ! ythe- Doubletrees,
Stugle'rees. M-reader. I, g m 1 Oaw Chains
Plow lleais, Ir-mi Gears. lug //iriiess, Pitch
and Shaking K rk, 11 akt *, &c , Ac.
Sale l" c.i in me i u*e at 10 o'clock a. ni., whet
terms uiil Le mad# known
V E N D !}■ E .
VI T ILL be s .1.1 at piii lie sale. at the resi
f T denee ;.f the undersigned, in Gran
vilie township, about 5 UiiSs west of Lewis
tow n, uu
Thursday, March 1, 1863.
the f-.11 wing personal property, to wit:
including 1 M tre with Fual. two year old
Colt, 4 Sh >t. C rn Sheilci, Gram Prill,
fiireHiiog Machine. Plows, ll.itrows. Ciliti.
vat r. C .iri Piow, L g Chains. 11 >rse Gears,
two horse Wagon, Double and Singletrees.
Scythes, H ikes, with a nifty i f other Farm
ing l.i-iisiis.
S lie to <:■ mtnence at 10 o'clock a. ui-, when
terms will be made known
JuiiN L POKT.K, Auctioneer. fe2l*
IL.L lie sol.i at public sale, at the resi |
1 t donee of Jonathan Zouk, near Allen
v.lie. r,
Thursday, March 1, 1866,
the following pet> nal proneriy, to wit:
4 Cows. P> Sh. et>. 2 Hogs. Road Wagon and
; B 1. four l>. is.. I'iaota'.i .n W agon, two horse
Wag >ii. Cuiing#, |..r I or 2 horses. 2 pair
Hay La i <ors. Car*, "led. >!eigii, Plows. 11 r
r0.". t oitiiatoi.-. 1. iler, L g Chain.#. Double*
J trees, Sing'eirees, Ilav F-rk. Rope .t Tickle. ■
! Pit. 1; 1 r k s, Sl,ait rig Forks. Cow Chain#
i ii-mi s i. o Sii' Pel, 11.iv Rake, Faming
Miil. 11 r*e Power and i'iireher. Wagon
Gouts ( irri ige ii trees#, a let if Ilay b%
'tie 1 >n, oIC A iso, 2 ten plate Stoves and
Pipe. Hath away Cm a M ve unti Pipe, Tauies.
B'dstrads. w .fo a v .rtefy ,{' other urticles
inn mtin* )-. u# to menti-.n.
Site to commence at Id o'clock, a. in .
when term# wii! be made known
feb 14 JO\ ATH AN ZOOK •
I(lssiiniwlalur's "Hait*.
\\ I I.L be exposed to public sale, at tin*
it iate residence ol Hubert Buru.>, deed ,
iti Gram iile Pivvi.sb'ti. on
Friday, March 2d, 1866,
the following personal nropertv viz :
3 Co!'.#, 5 Cows, lot of Young Cattle, lot of
sin ep an i 1,-i>nbs Jij H .o*, 2 Sows with pigs.
, t ol 11 iv and Corn Fodder, lot of Corn, ,
••rain i:t ihe Ground. Buggy and Murn-ss,
Farm Rell. Fork#. Rakes, plows. Harrow*
1 hreshing Machine and Iloise Power, Fan.
uifig Mill and other Farming Utensils. A*s >,
LI" i ai.d Bedding Carpet* Tallies, Looki g
Glasses, and other Household Furniture.
Sale to e niiui'ifcc a: 1U o'clock a. ui , when
terms win be made known.
j in3!ts Aduir. Robt. Burns, dee'd. 1
i\' u.i. 1.. offered at pul lie sale, at the late
" residence if Rev. la>id 1). Cluike,
deceased, in McYevtown. on
Saturday, March 3, 1866,
a large lot of
Viiliitib'c PerNOiiitl ami Heal Proper!y.
consisting HI part ut the following: 1 milch
Cow ; 2 young bay Mares, gentle and well
trained to hurne# and saddle: Rockavray '
Carri igc, with shall# ami tongue : I set of I
! new double //niiese ; 2 sets of single //ar
ness, one neai ly in w ; Saddle and Bridies :
Sleigh ; one horse Wagon, Ae. Also, a fine •
! ly finished 7 octave
lEr* m cz> ,
male bv Meyer. I'niladelfhia. as good as
i new : llat Rack, Bureaus, Bedsteads. 1
i rabies, L hairs. Stoves, Sundlbrd'o licaler, j
: RefVigerat- r. Ac j
TOWN LOTS No#. ) 4. b J .u, in one. '
Lit. t J2. " |
j Lot djoining Presbyteiian church, con
raining three f uMhs of an acre.
Will be offered at the same time, unless
fiold at private sale, a
lying in O ivr township, Mifflin county, con
taiiiing 125 ACilEi, lUUof wliieh arc clear
ed. recently limed, and in a good state of
j cultivation, ibe balance contains excellent
timber. The improvements con :
i • A '""'fortable two story
j |jiS IFusi—Log Barn with Wagon
L v he<i nn j C. rn Crib—Smoke
11.ii:#c, Ac.. Spring li.-use with a l*rgc and
never lailing Spring—running water ma bun l ;
dance on the farm—a y. ung Apple Orchard !
,t;-t b"ciiining to licnjr—;i variety of Grapes,
; and id choice Cherry, P. ur, Plum, Quince i
I an i Peach tree-.
Hie best limestone very accessible, and
i abundant indications of iron ore.
lerins liberal a large portion i f the pur
i dius.- money i.i iv rmiiiiii. against the faim.
Sale to commence n t I2J p. m , when atten
•,an ;c wJ, be given and terms made known
b ? H. A. CLARKE.
Mc\ ejtown, Feb. 14, 'GO.
In the. Ho rough of Ijeicisloren.
4 LL that certain piece of property, situ
-sA Lcwistown, belonging tu Henry
i A. cSeboil, corner of W. .Varket A Grand sr.*",
is offered at private sale. Any person desi
j ring to purchase a neat and comfortable
home bus now us pood an opportunity as
' could be desired.
For particulars inquire of Aaron K Soholl.
! at the National Hotel, on or alter the lUih
j lost. Per sops will find it to their advantage
i to call soon, as the property will be sold
1 cheap. , Vb , 4
WILL lie offered at public mle. at (Ii
M rejidcrvew of the it.ib..r-i.-r.p i * '
Lillsysviiie. in Decatur towns- ip. R "
TUESDAY. Mareh 6. 186 G.
the fii .wing per* .nal pr perty. • w ;,
4 Uotk aio. v< V.
1. 2. and 3 year old Co t*. 4 u I ' .
, VoUl.g Ikittie, if) head < f It g> V, ; *
ifig S-.wr. IJ..VT Wirh pig. 14 f. ad , i *
f..iir h. r#e narrow v. lie- 1 and 1 br. ...j.. 1
wagons, -prii.g V'.g n. Boggy, b-vy !,.
llairi'-s' Thri—biivg Machine and h ~>r
grain Lhiil. Cultivator. Flows, jj'
Fanning mill, b os-* Gears, 1 >g C' , ■
('hain. groin t'rsdir. ijcyttica, at. ; i y ; ..
of other Istrorig wrensri*
S,t!c to CoiMincnce at ID u clock a. ni
terms *.vt)i U; uniTs known.
fcbT-dt T. G. STEURETI
Sibi"- ' N
ILL lie niierc.l at punbe - ii'. ft-,,
residence of ttie ttmieisigned, o. ,
ulh lowrri-hip. n
TEUR-DAY. MARCH 8. 1855,
the fdh.wing personal property, t •* :.
two."'ares with foal, 7 heal hurt: J r
5 nf them wi!l so in be fresh. G S
ing S ,t with pig lot of Chickens, two r ,
\\ agon, with tongue ami #!. it *. p. , w „
llitt iws, t 'lihivatur, 2 tkntrl I*l ivrs, j u'!j
shovel F! ivv. C rn Flow, Hurs"v-' t
Reaper snil .Vdwer, in go..J order .• *
Threshing, .</ic ine. Bii tk- tmi // „*■ p v '
er. gocd F..ii.ii.g A'..!. J/.y Rake, g jf ,
: Cham. F ftk Chain, 4 seta p] .vr Ge irs z • •"
i hind Gears. 2 sets front Gems, -it J t,
/fame##, set sing'e //.;riii#-. ii
, and -SproaE. A'wgon Sad
ing Saddle. Coila:s. Rri i.-s. Line- "
: lot Cow b't.anis. J grain Cr idle#. a,,'.
mg Scythes, b>t ,d i tkc* and F rk- I - r
| i.y the bush#!, crsrking Stove, t,n plate St ve.
j corner Cupiionrd, and other artKrlcs toy ij!
uier, u# to mention.
Sale t-i comnicm;e at 10 o'clock a ns , wL.-i
term* will be ma le known.
Vl* 1 LL lie s>id ut public a!#. at tiie r--,,
™ uence of the undersigned, in
Valley, on ' 9
FRIDAY, Tlarcfi 9, l>oC,
th° following personal property, to rv ••
2 M arc*, yearling Coif, 4 C As. •_ i/fcd
S:eer. Y-nr ..g Gi, 15 Sheep, bre. ding * ,
b.ur horse W*g O. Buggy arid iiscnesr, i; ..
proved Hi;#- -1 Reaper. Plow*, 2 11.rr
Cultivator, Double and Siiigi-.-trees,
Fanning Mill, Cutting B >t. Hatha wav C <
Stove, lta.es Forks, 2 sets hind Gea:-.
2 sets front Gears, and a general variety :
Larming Liei.sil*. t >o numerous to inenti n.
j Sale to commence tu ltj o'clock a. ui . w., a
terms will be made known.
I Vy ILL be sold at public sale, at tl # r#-i
deuce of the undersigned, in iv.-atw
tow n*! Ip, i>n
the following described rt-ai e-t.tre, t wit:
-A Farm, containing
j rm r# or it *-, about one hundred and f r'v-f
; w hi- h are eleari| and iu a good #•-;•••. t L.
tivatiun. and the balance go ! timb. r i.ind.
I here i* erected thereon a Log li.>uc, w . i „
erboitrdrd. large 15.mk Barn,
in good runuing order,Cguod Ap; !# Gm i a;-.
; Any person wishing turther inf rmat. n; i
, inquire ol the subscriber residing n tr.v
j farm, late tli# property of J Im Miller, d# .
Sale to •-■•mnience at I o'clock p m . a bet;
terms will Le made known.
I WSfflSSm KSA^TS.-,
4 LARGE two story Frame Dwelling
V II >use, weatherboarded, situate it- \ >
--—a ley street, Lewistow n. with a g i
H :: :: :: j Stable, {log Pen ur>d other imr r-v
--! Biiaiil nient# is offered at private s-i.e. A
1 ..-A2sk* well of water with pump is at t!;-
i front door l'fie House is weli finish?]. >:
is in every respect a desirable dwelling F
terms apply to 4 SAMUEL KALEY.
Lewi-town, Feb. 1 4. 18CG.-ci*
so- v J.ylui
I hb weli known andel'g:
• ua'ed More House on tlie '. •'
R-uik ut the western ten! nn:
i Sfiaß>>f Market street, i* eff#n i at •
vatc s.oe until luesday. April 3. 1 #CG iu;#r.
! il n >t disposed of it v*iU i>u that dav !■. >
| tVred at public s*afe, at the Court ll"'-•#". i
r Lewistown. at 1 o'clock p in. It is a large
! and comiiiod jr>os building, in good orJ#rw::b
, a tine wharf and lot fur coal. itc.. weli en
j closed. Fur further particulars inquire 1
j Lewistown, Jan. 31, 18GG-tf
MT. IHH'K Mills, sitiiute mi "
e<vjnil!as Creek, about one m: •# i ■* •*
• i# oiicreil wt private sale. It i- ex -
! cation, wiili water power, i# s >*'
j extensive business tvinl i# ju>l!v sis. -iv i •
, the most valuable rmU m the oouotv. Itwb, >iii
ie in market for a liimte.t nme.
1-or terms ami I'lirtlier mforuiauon. inquire
(i. I Ell!"
t Lewrstown, P. bl
W' ILL be received until Monday.
5, 18G6, for alterit g the Markf"
Stalls under the Town Hail aeeordinj! l 14
plan which eau be
, iried nt the office of the undersigned-
febl4- td Chief Burger?-,
Notice to Tax Collectors
r 1 1 H E tax collectors of this county are k "
X by notified that aii outstanding taxr ■. -
to and including iSGS, must be settrf'!; J "
before Ist day of April next, er wl ' i ' eC '.
. instituted against all delinquents. B} -
i tion ot the Commissioners. „ .
Lewistown, Feb. 21, ; oG. Tress ur; "
S&l&Hn A MONTH t— AtißM*
' ' aix
liieiss .T. GARLV, City iiailUiugj ls:aaeiDr ? *
| 1 cniU r 'AI, i^l\.