Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, February 21, 1866, Image 2

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Wednesday, Feb. 21, 1860.
C. A. u. n. y*nT*l3fajEß, Editor*.
T!i (HZHI fK ! V,"Ja.d-sv
*!'.*- . -'■* i >tti . " jTiiii t, or $/.'..• *: the en i
• f J /i- i-.;n.
Cish F.aSCB of Advertising.
-* in 1
#•: f.j v,
H;.' c.iuma !".•*) 15.00
Fourth <*•!,ona 7..0 lo."0 V- *.
*■"■■■** •' bu** •* T L.l*- HftJ >*. tf.is
•'• ""• pwp-r. per y-ar, i-.wAi.V'<o
B'l.iiir-- • trd f" ! u-- or ir-n, I .*r if ■v)
A 1-iiih.-itAi. ju or Kx?c?ltr' Moh-.** 2 V."
A .2 f:t->r * a.
Lir*y c-e. four time*.
Caution or other *hort Notica., 1 pO
T*v-rn I.ien.-e. Mrtgle. j ou
If aor<* (hbQ unii.fti.'h
Peciiter N >?u e of <?*oa *u
p*r 1 OS
E iiVifiai XotiO*!* • , '*b{p j*r liof
• Hnet of aonpareil or * c: ource'si* rn*** *
#••,*** r*.
lVr*oa<J '"rflTaS!' of *■•
A.-., half ur."*.
* 'lu r.g.d.'v %R.#rcJ torn rt*€p
Job Work.
FnChth r.*t r S! io f -r >•
!• •?* 51 fr 2> - -h-;?-: |4 f >r J5 ,?•
ti ( %_Pro —ed.o3- • f p.'/ ?' './-.or ,rz*: ti
w.-r. are -;,.-r/*ab * t t -a",'- of fire p—r -:•*
*■. I m:i*t b** pa--: ' *- : • fflt) •!. --j-.-r * ■
' rt* or f?rty '.'-a ••-'!■* • n thanf>rn'. w: .hare
r i d r-- r,*?: - t , pat from . n- to
lv* J?. -in ntlini**t liti anmuttvpi. Wvbope
lti. "ha: I", -hi -U i fi-r- after ->"ri
. .* I*l -t > the •;.• .r, of the (jrotnhle amount
."Votlre* of .Vn .\dvertlrmenl*.
Ti'.r property, e-.rner r.f U*. Market r,n J !
i• . f>r -a;e i* a 'iireah:e i.; ieD -<- '
•if. i w:'i i,e .old low
H-jfirni :- •...• ... : og a brown Sugar a: .
1 • and w '■• at lr. Uth *r ~t a d^
I: is p'->p..-d to erect the now Court f., r |
Mr.yd-r • ::.!>• 03 ">etv - • .13 to prevo.t futoi* . .
p -lae in <*•: i;t retn the ■ oun'y -eat.
' H. Ai.'ier 3. li uatiagdon, mvtte* attention to i
li .c< ..f lumber.
Fifty Shar*- 2. -I O.i to -k_N,u ce to lev C..lee- I
tore—ai.i o; Pcr.>iia. {'/• perty. Ac.
R-psal of the State Tax on Rial
The copperhead* of this State will j
{frit their teeth to learn that the Biack
iiepnbiieaii* have connnitted another j
outraijeofi their Constitutional feelings '
ly repealing the tax on real estate,'
because, as these Hiaok Jvopubiicaris'
aiiege, the State can manage wiihout i
it, at least until the heavy local taxef :
can he dispensed with, and possibly !
altogether. I'liis outrage on the irhitt I
will afford another grand :
opportunity for tlie copperheu i State i
Committee to issue a condoling address
to the-sympathizer* of Jet Davis's late
freo and enlightened government—aj
government that was to be without ;
sinai! fisted fanner* and northern mud- I
sills hut plenty of slavery white, tun I
latto and black—and give room fur any '
number of indignation meetings.' We ;
think it is becoming more evident every
day, as Congress also talks of reduc !
ing some and repealing other taxes,
that we will have to put down th c .
Black Republicans by force of arms
and restore the good old days of ennui i
and Portage Railroad contracts here,
an I Buchanan's gentle thieves a'
Washington, or the white people will
: m have neither State nor National
taxes to pay. Here, however, is the
bill as passed by both Houses of the
Legist.tLuto every Black Republican '
voting for it. What will these fellows !
not do. after this?
Scctiss I. B- it *nvt*.i by lb- * n< f
01 it--pr-9e!itit4ea ol tii* < "f p.-iir- 1
v!.uia in A— etuoly nitfCanU is 1. I,r. </v i
,M t " 1 t,v lh - "Utburity <>l (In- J i, ; , jrom a „ - i J
trie -t U. -a. t, n -ball beth. Imv .u
cashier ofevr> L:tnk in rli i
ncorpi.rAt-ii imi-r if*- 1 w- j| t!i:s Sut- or of u lt
I s?tate-5* t' <-_]i*rct, fr<>tn frerv t <h n
hu.-Jrr ol .-Aid bank, u t,er .-uuim upon
HM par vaiu*- of the 9t'';k held t.v Mttd -'...-kjio '■(< -
n.-vi to pay the -aiue into the s.ate"tr-.„ur*i on or b-'- 1
lore mo hr-t .ity of July nj ev.-rv vw i.ere-,ft.. u . , n .
meuc ug on the trrst day of Juiv. Anno llmniiii oi.-
thoiisund hundred and -i*ty ms. iud the oid
.re a' , ; Xe, "- C,t rrom aH taxaiion under
to- ia. ol this Cotutiioutvea lit.
ore. I. I bat in addition to the tai'v now nrovid-d 1
for r ,y law. 'very rath ,ad. ear.ai and tran-portation j
>nio.ay in .-rp. rated under the Jaw of tins Common i
Utb. a-u no, :,a„;e to .be tax upon :i1 e.,,,,e muieV !
of Li'ri i ,m'i " "V Commonwealth • tox '
r / iot' t' Pr eentotß upon the grnt*
rr. eipt.s „( ,„! eompaiiy: the -aid tax -hall be paid •
annua. ; y. upon the liret days of Juiv and Jauu- !
try. wimineit'-niu on the first day of July; one thou- :
'' ' " u " lrc <l atid -ixiy -ix: *ud f..r th- Dun- -- 1
-:t useerta-niug the amount ii,e same-, it -bah be j
tn- outv of u.e treasurer, or other proper .til or of !
the fzrrw T"*"" 1 u * U,e A ""'lor ueueral. at '
dau s .nore-ai 1, a -tatr tnent. under oath or atti--
rnatiou, of th amount of the gros- reeeiyt- of toe !
.said company during the preceding six nnluthk in.i !
if any su.-.i . ofjpMtij -hali refuse or fail. j., r a pet ~i :
of thirty da} - altei sut-h Ux becomes due. to ui*l e '
*. i return, or to pay the same, the amount tiiei-Jt
.with an addition of ten per centum thereto, >,
collected, for the u-e ol the Common wealth, a, other I
t.ie- are recoverable by law. .mm -aid companie,
SII.J. the revenue Jenveu under the-ef-oud -e.- I
o{ l '" a at ; l sha " tje pphed lo the payment of tie I
principal aan interest ol th- debt oohtrVted u ,' t i
the act of loth May, 1861. enhtlod Au act to create a !
loan, and to provide lor arming ihe State I
6*c A. From nud after the passage of this act the !
real e-tate „r this CotnmouwoaiUi sin.., be cx-nurt
f.oiu lantiou fur state purpose*: hroiuUi j 11-
v:uuii snail not be construed to relieve tseVa.d '
re*, estate from the pavn.et.t of anv tax. - d P 7?,f,
at tr.e date of the of ,n"s i
' j
Pennsylvania Legislature
Legi-lature of this Stat- has adjourned unt ' 1
!.♦<? iTth dav of she preseut itiouth. " !
rhe act regulating marriages, the main feature of I
which impose-, a fine of five hundred dollars or no, I
son- performiuj! the ceremony, except Aideribcn, .
Ju lice-, Clergy it e i. .Mayor* and Kecorder*. pass.-,, i
in* iloti>e i>u j
iLL-a -t ailiFwiog vUiins to bo preset!tel for person- !
a! pfopeny dosuoyed t>y our own militia during the
wf aiho pa. v >*u. ° 1
Tne subject of Sunday cars in Philadelphia, ha- •
cite,ted a targe uutuU-i of petitions and remonstran- '
Oes from that City. ;
/U'.J 4,< "* a I' l '" tl,! ''d a petition froui the citizen* '
0. Miftliu county against huutingdecrbv tioiisiu-a.u '
county.* so {
Wcin Forney, Ksq.. a worthy officer and able editor, '
I.av.ng been r-noiniuted as State Librarian bv Oov
"•** ''o'lSrmcit for that posttieu bv !
the state Senate on Phumiay last. I
An order hit- ia-.-n is-ded by en Grant to the com- !
k"?T. U slir" ln *' " lrt . , ' ren '- military di-u.cts tn the i
Sou h. calling upon tlicm to fui„i ß r, the hca 1.,u. rter- !
of tlie army of the I nit<;.J States, from time to time
with copies of such papers issued within their differ
ent department- which may publish, or ar- in the
habit of publishing, articles hostile to the.(,-veru
inenl. I'liis is done with a view to their suppre—ion
which iiereaftcr will only be done br order of the
commani'lihg general.
Gen. Grant refused torevolte hiacrder for •oppress
ing the Kichmond Examiner, but uin said I'res.deut
l A*v -weo>wi
Veto of the Preeiaen's Bareau Bill-
The President has vet*jed the freed
iijCti ? bureau bill. It was returr.ed to
the Senate ou \londay alteriifyijn, ac
companied by a message, in which the
President states his objections. The
points made arc these:—First. That
¥ lhe bin gives the Kxoeuti*♦? t'o much
1 power. Second. Thai the measures
provided for the b'l! we'd entail too
:. much expense npon the government.
'< ■ Third, iii.it the iegisJation provided
lor to the bill i-not necessary, fourth.
That the bill is unconstitutional.
The first points rr..ide by tile I'resi
dent are in great part correct, as they
j ' p>oint out features tn the bill tirnjtie--
' : tionably oijecii ihable, but bis fourth,
based on the hypothesis that the late
r-.-be! States were not represciiteJ in
Congress, and therefore unconstitu
tional. Is certainly fallacious and will
be divented from by nine out of ten
wit.' voted tor Lineoln and Johnson, j
Bk-T Fr.MALK SjiATEft.—On Moll da}' I
a week the managers of the Skating !
i Park at Piltsburgli presented Mis* Car
rie A. Moore a magnitieent gold medal
' arid chain, which bears tlie following'
| inscription: '"To the Skuloriai Queen
' of America," Ac. Tiie fact that such I
a proud position has been attained by
i a Pennsylvania!! is certainly encoura
-1 ging to our lady .skaters. And we
hope the Keystone will not only pre
•; serve tiiis individual distinction, but
: that her lair skaters generaliy will be
among the first in the country.
• I
JJetrs from other bounties.
i A tl.re- y-si-ol ! -oo of w:doir tauv r.xrned Slia-j,. j
irv-if.nj ; :i Esen- .rj whii-,.t j.i.ty'in a H-ijjiib. r- ;
h>u- with -v-r... ot.'.er cbi!.ir*n tw-*•-(<-
aco. -udif-nly -*nk to the floor and exp r-o witlioot i
i g:v:n„ any i lieaUoa of aMroachiig 0.-.uh. an* {
m'jr'itH x*rniCallon rV"Ai '1 ' fi— pr< —nee of a p
| ol w >•-!, n(.'.ut •.*•• -j,-r— — 1 ,:i- ar-l of j
' an'ti'-b wide. :u h:-win lp;p. but I-.* ;t jfot 1.'.-r-.. - i
> a my-t-ry ur.-xj. .t.'ucu aod uiifxplain.it .-.
i A yoiini' man i.*'ii-'f ••.,. \ br_'ht ,i, ih---npior j
of E'iwani i-wit. it "-pr'i-2 ' r--k. ILiurin-don
! eouoiy. 12' • '*<• i e> iiijuri 4 * by tr.e bur.tingV.r ; i
Icointii >n thrAshi;.*' m. u. a ie*.v Uuy* -;i.it?. The I
velocity 'if the ''\ti .rt-r l,a>i i>?i-fi Aeer-l-rated to a :
terrifi: degr—. o* u* to ini.e or no maw imniz fed i
i to the in* at the t.rne.
! T'iomx- But 2-(". !::'•! f - 1 - tii - barn of A.
• J. Fergu-on. m E i-l \V:ii-rfr<J. J inia'.a i-ouikv. wa- !
j conricr-tl and -d to tw. .m r 'ti.r.?. ,
[ months in tlie F.a-teru Tenitentiu v.
, A -on of John L ax. of Zioo.ntre "nntxy.ewa- -e- '
< ri'io-lv hart by be.;.;/ • . i,- I .' by , tam-,; ~*. . ,*f. u j
j a hove power. Some pert or tlws boy's clothing l>e- |
: c* r.e K::.-.-ii- l lu tt.? ,r.>n j*her- tb*- j<>.u: i'(7ft,le. i
j ami he *• -arr.e.i anraad w!;!, ere it force ami daah- i
| ed against th-erouud. Hie tliigii wa- V.n.'f
ti?? w*>- t-a.ei .t.-t; hurt, i.'t.* is ..u a tan **v I■ recover, i
A marr 1 man r.m- -I U.a. it. an i Mr.-. Au-pa -h,
*i eoi on- of Ml netgbbai-. left Saotisgdoo eoaoty !
to jmri- li'ir .usn. r. .. t 1 ave- a witc and four :
eb-l-l-en. Mr*. \i.pa.-h l-acs a fiu.-i.aud auj 1
a -.i.i i. takn-g o.ie with i. r.
A i nam ! i i t /. fiin^er,-ommitted
c:. .1- by hin/ n- him-e fat in.- • i<ion<". W.,oj-
Ward tuwnahip. Chniuu ontj'y if i w—k--.mc
•I s [ii'y:-' M :-j. f'nion < (itliy. wa- •
S'i'l eii y k. ion Sat i*-i..v a<--h. vti,;i.. h- 1
in.- lin L-llmtfirr—*.:. 1.-ta-h- 1 ) nbi.av.ug hit r..m i
on tiie - d- of (be- hr-K-J w tti nre*t n>r'--.
i homas \-.ro-i, an *, r-.tiz-n <.f Lawrence tr.wr,- 1
-hie. living about two and a baff imlr- frutaCh't field, j
.roze to ■ ieatii on dw -th. while he wa- m T.;,e wood*. !
BKldUrs MoVfuLV --.v. hare received -be !
Mar -r. num'-r of t. - . erary pu . . au.-i,. : ~.t , id,. :
ou . xa'u.iia.. .ri We find e* ■ ! u- pr- It-,.-. or- :n va- !
riety. It i-a<iv.ti|,-ing toward a!i _-ti!vint-r<—tin/ao.l !
pop .lar m-:.otn:y with l :.u -low ari l .i..* iv tread I
wnieh always fnanre* wn-cea*. The appearance r.f a i
•n*.- IT: ne often render- it attra-tive.bnt it i- ■>„ .. . „
look .it,* Beadle that it- ailra-tivo-ne-- turn- tnlti re;t! ■
?~ u g; $: ir> j> - r an num. B*.vile ACo .
lis William street. .New York.
I'K I hit— I'!; - ladte- raak'axine. with it-u-tia!
brio.ant array ol ■., _ruv a„.| ill.i-tratiori-. for
Mareti. t- oa o ir: Me ft* matter poetry, uro-e. A<-.
e .ti, from the pen- ol -t,m- of the great Itterarv
eheT,r , r: i* •: " Ttoabbv. and
ehnap, the term- oe neo ilj K'utr* f . aJa*vi,nd- i
Ptvladelphuu I'etersoto UoO ftleetuut i !
ij lU t K | I f^ r,V ' S Kti l If vir. a month:* mat/axine. j- a i
de.-i led f .vonte w.iu th- la he-, b—hle ate-l pia;-. ■
eolore.i faehion-plme. and - her i!it,-?:at!-m.r the'
WarebjMtmber contama Home. Poetry, and a yr-at '
J*'."" -*• readtng, such a* n-utlly adorn* it* pace* 1
I ducamyte are fcred forclnfrbing. It ia mnla%- I
113 W Hivau ° e - } • iby Uiwjn I Peterson.
AJ y\Sitxiui street, Pi.iiAdtlpl,i. k |
Communicated. j
SL~ ,
den, .... % , . i taken irom th?- *
Lt,"n.,uv. >* 1
-11-irated r . loam* th^t-'bjVh-Vn d-.- 1
through a* o o+ni. T . <-t- n t i,v -♦- *. h i I
V : u •■noMld have the Bridge tar contract
triiM >Trrv' -.trl.th.'.pnrtje-f*.,, -ve
far" a" 0 :- taSK a ftfiSiftS It™™ )
defy them to pr.-j'u.-e^ Li-il're-olmton fnthw'tr "
Kratton tuwnahip a itti n a ,r ' > A
th! i : !^
er.)ss,n* the bridge -everai tim? - evebv ,f*v wh.le he ' B
former mmmots
publican,. 1185. But more of tu &iu * K
McVeytown, February 18, 18-36. J'Mice.
Our readers must bear with u- il
for another week alter lids, when we ■
Rhal! be able again to devote more I
sjt.iee tn reading matter. 5
Aoounti y who recent I v vis- 1 -
ted the eiiy for the tir>t time, gives
Ins views of the ladies in this w '
.-orncwhere in every circumference of
" •f n : , VC,m lhut along
* s allars a woman, I s'pose: but
how much of the holler is filled in '
L^\nmon Ut t' U,,,i h ° W " lUch Ufi,led witl J
f ,"pfctator'dun no. A fel- 11
mam-s a with, m ,j w| 'V
tomes to the pint, he • , -
" rms b "' " <-°g"lar aimtoinv. S
men gay deceevers wof, t „ be eade
Ot the female that dresses f„ r a kun
dred and It.rtv weight, but hasn't ree- "
ly as muehlat as would grease a grid
- :,| l I'ie apparent plumpneoe eoa- f
Mating of cotton and whalebono."
L*t IE-m bo'rn Eny —The manner in
which our military heroes are let down
to their original level, on their return
' home, i- sometimes mor? ana using ta
' the lookers-ot) than flattering to the
; , subject. A ease in point: Gen. Sam.
, If. went out in a regiment from the
Badger State as Captain Before he
left the rendezvous he was promoted
to Colonelj and for gallant conduct in
.'the field wan brevetted Brigadier Gen
eral. On his retirement to eiril life he
told friend "they let him down easy."
At Washington it was Gen. II j" at
Madison, Col. II ; at the town where
he organized his company if was. "How
are you, Captain?" and when he got
op to -S, where he resides, every hoy
j wi; , ir--klcd nose was shouting, "Jlai
"ii . - thilj ufiaw Meruit!.
IHO "Ztfttfa' is the latest fivak of
l the fashion in the way of female hair
dressing, h G gotten u> by twining
among the lock - of natural hair, false
hair of a different color. We have not
as yet seen it upon our promenades,
but we think the effect must he "sluti
ning " At all events the Zebra" can
not hut be an improvement upon the
tiie "Bobtail horsy ' style at present in
vogue under * lie title f the Water
lu t! ; iuce. ( ,s: lie, :nt_s.{ lUI house of U.e
Brer* " P*'+ *'} H - J- f:. fi—i.snsr.i—r. 11l >hf R f
KIDEN i-> Mi-s LI. 1.1.N I.AI i't.Y-LAoLu, both of
tCh* Cou.i*y.
? n the er-.-ii:n2 of :*e .a: ::• M£Pa •
jon.sgs by R v. W I. b JOHN K M MI'LU.s ui
Mus .XA HO A Ml wKK, "I Lc^
In J •*i* wri. of lypii j fever. I bur* iv. J,n
' ?'■• w!T. third child of John M an * E'li-a C.
IU siiini. louueri/ eft! s plix-e. 6 vtar-. 1 to.'
D i 1 it day •
, * ia ■" rnmnup. F.LI.ENORA
REBECCA. daughter o: U Miiche!:. U-x T m a-thj..
CuHtm </ nir.jf&J.
' WeA Cnan'il? townatiip, oaOctober22d jfo
KI.I.KN BAR" As. daughter el Ar;.;U.j ~n i Mi y
Haix-ar. agea Si ye:ir* .-!■ i 11 t,, i.e.*.
In the jiravc. v> dsrk, so irrar*
Mo'.J! I- tav Ualv to ;
i> *. t.'iV s > . . >ji grown Wearv f
Birr- Mi never tiding day.
He who asve to tr.e- thv r *o:l2.
it:- Ihou art.— l<, Hon art S'r-tf.
A:! I+r* glory t art • u ;
iie ita.- failed thee Br Hi- ovrn.
While ive wairu liiv departure,
i Hope. bright hope, our cheer;
Jeus .i.e 1 !■>[ -infill nature.
We Wid ca=t on linn our care W.
T-i Oranrilie t Fe'.-to.iry "J ISC®, EI.L.- -N.
. infant daughter of Henry and Mary Breu-.aedC
noatiis. arifjt v- ti *\ •.
She i- dad—vet -till there : ng:s
On her lip- a i-ni ::nn -': i \ :
K" h one s .zinj :*• e' more noly.
_ M- re Heav-n ' -r the a one;
For they tliink Jhel;. ... Cancel-,
As they iioie i.i-r -/,.|| hW.iv.
Left a tr >' - of i, ih iinnitirtal
Stamped nimn her infant eiay. 1..
LzwiSTows, February 21. I^GG
Wheat, re.]. per t.uliel $i 90
•a!.its " 2 (hi
Barley •• SIJ
Rye •• 70
(Nte •• of,
Curn. new •' • 4.',
Cliitrrwed 6 c>o j
Tirmuliyseed •• 3 yO
Flaxseed " 2 25
Bdfer per lb . 411
Lard •* 15
per dozen 25
Bee-wax per lb 40
Country ts /ap " 6a12
Tallow •• U
Wool 5(1 i
F- iftiers " 75 j
H-P- •• 15 ;
if -.in* " 20
Sides " 15
Sitmiidere per lb 15
I'ried Apjiiea per hmhel 2 50
Cherries " 2 00
Beans " 1 ;.0 ,
Fotatfies, 1 00
isalt. bbl 3 50
" Mack 3 25
Flour u retailing at the following prices;
Lewistown Extra Family per cwt. 5 00
Superfine 4 75
Extrv Family per bbl 10 50
Superfine 95U i
Philadelphia Markets.
Febreakv 10. ;
I* lout" sold a I £F> o'JalO ; Hyc Flour, '
4.75 ; Corn Meal, 4 25.
Wheat continues inactive lied is i
quoted at ?I 75a2 ; White. 225a255;j
Rye, SOaSo ; Corn, (50a70; Qals, 47.
Beef Cattle sold at lOal.'l ; Sheep, I
6a7; Jiogs, 1d.50a14.50; Cows, ?25a
80 for Springers.
j in the Fust Otiiee at Lewistown, Stale of
Pennsylvania. <-n the 21-t ttf Feb.. 18G6.
Alexauder Ciiarles VV. H<>stetir Darid
Aui-oim Mr-. M. A. Krone I'r H
Itenehiin Junes Krepp- Mrs. .rulia A.
Brosrti Klizatiett) Kel in el' Ml. J.
Birdcti I). F. Myers Kphraun
Uiirkholder Miss E. S. G
Bortle William Meek Misa Charlotte A. !
L'xrngan Wm. H. H. Markla Lewis
Cooper Win. R Moyer Samuel
Cliaiiiberiam i'hiHp 11. I'armale "ieorge A.
Derr George Srinok Heter
Elverlurt Soiomon nydeli J C.
Fislter John Stetser Oeor^e
iirahil! Henry Sauiei Miss rahitha
iroff Llavid Wall Mill Ji Co.
>or<leu A .Swaitzlri; 2 Waiters J. Blake
Hiiiieutttkler Martha 11. White Hannah J.
Hiolev Tilhe Weiler Band
Hall Mrs. Uumiah 0
Tu obtain any of these letters, the
applicant must call for 'adcrrtiscd letters,'
give the date of this list, aud pay one cent
for advertising.
t&~ "If not ca!!< d for within one month,
thev will be sent to the Dead Letter Office.
feb2l E. 0. HAMILTON, F. M.
V finely inlaid, rosewood seven octave
Piano, in good condition, of Fisher's
manufacture. New York, is offered for sale at
a reasonable price, for cash. Apply at this
office. febl4.tf.
LLjL-s* JLo SO SUA • JFt ILlfe^
l r . S. Examining Surgeon,
\l7 EST Market street. Lewistown, two
▼ v doors from the diamond, offers his
professional services to the public. By au
thority from Washington be has been ap
pointed on Examining Surgeon. fl7
0 Uat (feb2l) F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
0 w
SHARES OF STOCK in the Hamilton
Isy' M Ciintoek 0.1 C impany, a dividend
e paying concern, at ccst. $-5 per share Th e
e company bar declared tw . dividends of 4 per
1 -Cot. in the past fur months. ?-n4 ni.w <*x
1 p >cU ■ ' declare monthly di.idends of m t l"-s
than 2 per cent, a mouth. leb2l
L XJ X-JL 33 3EJ R .
t '| on: urniersigne 1 has just received, and
j A W| li keep constantlv on hand, nil kinds
i.L> I, \ t li**. -,nd m iterial g-nerally k-ft
. I !il :l o -f ••no Lomts-r OrJers 'i!f !>e
promptly attended to.
feh2l—3m Iluntiiigdtin. Pa
f j Notice to Tax Collectors
1 | 1 H h tax "u.-ctors of th: ctxinty are Lere
' A by notified that all outstanding taxes up
; ; to and including ISGS, tuu-t he settled on or
bet'To Ist day of April next, or suits will he
j instituted again-t it 1 i delinquents. Bv direc
i lion uf the Commissinriers.
Lewiatoivn, Feb. 21, '6O. Treasurer
ILL he s oi at pub lie sale. a th* 3 r<*s
f v denee of tfie undersigned, in Gran
; viil* township, about 3 iniles west of L< Wis
town, <;lt
Thursday. March 1, 186 S.
the following pers ,nai properly to wit •
including I M.ire wim Fual. two n-ur ..! i
Colt, 4 Sh ate. i rn Sh.-ilei, Grairi Dj-u , j
j Threshing Machine. Pl-.w-, Hi r we Culti*
vator, Corn Plow. 1, >g Chain= II .re Gesr.
two li ne- Wag..i. D .ut.ie and Singletres,'
Scythes, Rikes, Willi a varierv of uthcr Farm
; in - lVnil*.
j Sale to commence at 10 o clock am. whet;
terms will he made known
Jolty L PORTEK, Auctioneer. G2l*
iA'ILL he Sold itC puijiic U Hi
; * dence of the undersigned, iu Ferguson's i
| Valley, on
FRIDAY, flarth 9, IsSG,
the following personal prop.grv, to wir*
: 2 Mares, yearling Colt, 4 Lows. 2 He>\ r-.
: Steer Y'eariitig Calf. 15 Sheep, breeding S w.
t >i*r fiorse Wagon, liuggy arpj Harness, im
j proved ilu-sey Reaper. .1 Pi ,vv-. 2 II irr.iws, i
: L'oitivittor. Double and SirigLtrees. Spre.,d#
1 Fanning Mill, Cutting Bjx. liathawav •' 10k
j Stove, Rakes and Forks, 2 sets bind thars,
I 2 sets fr .nt Grars, an i a general variety of
| Farming Utensils, too numerous to mention. '
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a. m , when
terms will be made known.
VL T ILL he nceived until Monday, March '
5. Goo. 11.r alterit g- the Market
Stalls under the Town litti acc|irding to a
piati and specifications which can he exum
fie J at the office of the undersigned-
frh 14- id Chief Burgess.
4 fL r *! 6 j X. C V# m.
f 7 -mj -i- — I r -' 1 i <r .
V LARGE two f-ti rr Frame Dwelling
If ush, vieatherboarded. situate in Val 1
• ---* lev street, Lewiotown, with a good i
p[ ■ Stable. Hug pe and other improve
H merits is offered at private sale. A
Gaaa well of water with pump is at the
| : nt door Ibe Hons- is weii finished, and
iis in every re-pect a des : rahle dwelling For
j terms apply t-> SAMUEL KALEY.
Lewi-town, Feb. 14, SchG.-dl*
•eg VV' ''" :l V '* !W fJ ' laying iri an j
J \ ear 'j Spring supply, iam
selling my present stock of
| -t greatly red need prices—sb< ee as low as GO
1 cents, tind from that up.
Call if you want bargains.
fcb. 14. FRANK 11. U ENTZ.
"S&l SOO PBR v I:AR : w ® >
;tg"nt i'Vrywln-rt- to sellour
> mPRovEb fjo Sew nig Mh'-lih,.--. three to-vv kiuds. ! |
• t'nii r and upper Bed. Warranted five i car,,- !
ib-.ve s.i'.ary < larKeyoiuim--i.,n paid, 'j'lie om.t I '
| maeliine- -"Id in tr,< I'niMtd J.. r i-v-s tbiiii J4il. , i
! which are /'•/ U'-Itxed bi/ timer, Wl,r t lr r -f II -,i.
, <jrot'r d h-i• •.". Stivjti d: a t-i liaciiri'lrr. ,\ll 1
: other mai l.ines are infer,'i-i-ten'* and ttie nJ/cr ,-r ! I
I nvrr ufe it-lb'.' (■- nrrtit. Mie. aiui impTixoninint. < ;rm- I
! lar /r. Address, or call upon Siiaw A Clark, Bid- i
| deford, Maine, dec2o-i-i, J '
r pHE undersigned having a large atock of
X Eastern manufactured Boots and S'i„.,. B 1
on hand, offers the aiue at cash prices from
now until further notice is given.
Men's Boots, warranted, double soles from
S3 00 to 5 50.
Men's !> ots do do ( ] () ca ;f
G 50 to 7 00
Boys' Boots do do 200to 3 00
, Youth's Boots do jh, | (M) jo 225 i
Men's Gum Overi-hoe, best 1 25
Women's do do 1 10
Men's do cloth tops 2 75
lie has also a stock of city w.,rk on hand. I
which he will sell very I ,*.' ami warrants it
to he good for nothing. So, come on, buys i
and girls, and get prepared for the coitl
Manufacturing and repairing attended to :
as usual. A large stock of Trunk*. Valises .
and Cttip t Bags on hand which will he sold i •
at very reasonable prices. A full stock of !
home made work kept constantly on hand at i i
ow prices. BILLY JOHN&ON
Lewistown Feb 7, 18GG
of .|i,|iu Hainan, lier'd*
"VOTICE te hereby given that Letters Tea
- " tamenury on tlw e,t M n, „f JOHN HA
MAN, late of the Borough of McVeytown, | I
Mifflin county, deceased, have been granted
to the wnderatgrmd. the first named residing
IU McAeytown. said county, and the other
at Led at Rapids; lowa. All persons having j
claims Mgair.st the said estate will present
tberu lor settlement to Win Macklin, to whom
also those indebted will make payment. i
JOHN II 11 AM AN, i \
febllGt' Executors. c
TOBACCO aud SEttAKS, a the
the very Lest brands can he had at i
' lI.L be - !<1 c( pubiie si:e. at the resi
f T denee of the h-te Geo. W
dee'd, in Armagh township, rear Miirov. on
Thursday February 22d, 1866,
the following personal pr pert*. to wit .-
KM fi UOiik llOU*v|.*.
7 Mitd) Owtm, V hif gCail&, !I .g. Br—ding
Sow. Sbff p, "J (ji ii.jgir?, Iliir-t—'
i lirestiing .Mnctiiue. [' w-r & !' iiDde Shaker
br >adwheled two horse W (£■•[!.
Spting YV'a gon. YVagin Med. II ,% Ladder*.
Fanning Mill. Cor- Shelier, Wheelbarrow.
Gr.un Drd ! . Cutting: B>x Met' rtnn*k' Rea
p~r tad M iwtT. tcombined. j S>e L S b-igb, 5
PI i*.- 3 H.:rr ws. 3 Cultivators, t' .rti Pi<>,
nire 11.-v Rake. Grindstone. L-.g Ch tin. Filth
Cham. i' uf.'-tre-#. Singletree* 4 --is Tug
Harness, Front G-ar-. Piow G- . r*, 2 B*f?
Double D I'lif-' Single Hart • -*. 2 Side S t'j
die, H tthaway Cook ten pl.t.- >r v.
and itiai.y oilier articles, ton numerous t>>
mention Al*o. Sot ~| Mortioed Post-.
>awel and Sr > Rail* A
Sale to li.nirnce in .•'clock, atn .
when terms will • made ku ivn by
fehlT* YV. C. A J. 11. CKISSMAX
\\ T ILL tie s M at public sale, at the resi
M d-uce of the subscriber, in Brown
township. near Ki-h ic.iquilla* Seminarv. m>
Tuesday. February 2T. I*UG.
tiic f olut- i'.o personal property to wr :
i h"ad Mreh Co*?. \ >ung Cattle. ! head
il ■, 24 Sheep. Reaper a nil M war Combined.
(Ir-iirt irill. Thr-sbing Maefiine and ller—
P.vrep, Pi >w !farrows. '2 four h -r*e and I
two I: Tse YV -tg us. Carriage A • . (I .n-eho!-!
•in-1 Kit.-lien Furhi'ut". c-.tnpri*ii,g mint
art! !e< in genera' ui- Ae.
i Sj'ti" • rotuHiepee ar |() uVl.iflt ntn . who
{••mis >yi!| h- uiatie kn .wti
jw.Xl-ts* ROBERT BAKU.
ll' ILL 1+ exposed at pllhiie sale, at the
T r residence ot the late Th s Sr. neroud.
tiv rSi# uoilerstenet). iii D-rry township iri
Wednesday, February 23, 1866,
the f Mowing p-rs nal property, to nit.
I WBKIt fiK!k|>,
including i Mare with Foal. 2 three rear o'd
i 0 !>. \ siring Cult. G fresh milch Cows, 0
young I'attle. G Noting Sheep. 10 Hugs, four
I horse t.f. a iwheel Wag in, spring Hag at.
"v h rse !>r .adwheel agon. Boggy ami
utiles* "led. Sleigh. I! lines' I*hre>hing .Ma
j chin- M.-''ormick Reaper, steel twoth Hay j
1 uke, ii iv t tk. Fanning Miil. C >rn Planter,
Pi ws, 11 irroHts, irid other farming utensils
Vis ;l s..t of hraiy wagon and plow liar
! 'o-ss. Hay by th- tct:. lot if seed PoUtoes.
ten tint- Stove, large copper Kettle, Ac-
She to commence at I'l o'eiia k a m . vrto n
terms will he made known by
Drrrv township, F-b. T-ts
- I
YY ILL he exp sed at public sale, at the .
r-sidence >1 the useriher, in Armagh i
township, on
Thursday, Elarch 1, 186 S.
the f .11 owing personal property, to wit:
Breeding Mare. Yearling Colt. 3 .Vileh C ■. •
1 Ueif-rs. Call, Breeding Sow. 11 gs. Ilainei' I
patent threshing .l/ieliiiie and IF rse Power, '
fanning -Vill. two horse Wagon, four horse
Wagon, Hay Ladders, Dung Boards, Sled. '
Grain Drili. Hay Rake, Hay Fork and Tackle, i
Bail's pitent Reaper and .tfower. a lot of I
Plow-. |jarrow>. ('uliii ators, (Jorn Plow, j
Grain Cradien, .11 .wing Si ythes. Douhletrees, i
Sing. tr-L.s. Spreuder. Lcig and Cow Chains.
Plow Gears. Front Gears, Tug 7/irriess, Pitch ,
and Shaking Forks, Rakes, Ac., Ac.
Sale to uommenee'at i" o'clock a. m., when i
terms will he made known
■ viz:ixrz3TJii.-.
\\ ILL he sold at public sale, at the resi- :
t f dciice of Jonathan Zook, near Alien ;
till-, i n
Thursday, March 1, 1866, j
the loilowing personal property, to wit: !
1 C -vv", 10 Sheen 2 Hogs, Knud YV agon and
B d. lour horse i tantation \\ agon, two horse j
Wag .n. Carriage, for 1 or 2 horses. 2 pair !
Hay Ladders. Cart. Sled. Sleigh, Plows, il r !
rows Cultivators. Roller. Log Chains. Double- i
trees. Singletrees, il iv Fork. Rope A Tackle, j
Pitch F .rks. Snaking Forks. Cow Chains'
Lakes. (. irri Sh"i'er, Hay Rake, Fanning i
Miil, If r-e Power and Thresher. Wagon
Geats. Carriage Harness, a lot -f Hay l\ i
the lon, Ac Also. 2 ten plate Stoves and
P 1 f ii' Hathaway Cook St-.-ve ami Pipe, Tables.
Bedsteads, win, ;i variety of other articles
too numerous to mention.
S.t> to cotnmnon !4 r 10 o'clock, a. m .
when terms will he made known,
hb 11 * JOS A TIIA X ZUO K ■
ktiittisti(r:iloi-'.H *;i|e,
\T * il-L he exposed to public sale, at the
T l ite residence ol Robert Burns, dee'd ,
in Granville township, on
Friday, March 2d, 1886,
. the tolliiwing personal property viz :
•5 Colts. 5 Cows, lot of Young Cattle, lot ol
Sheep and Lambs 1" H"gs. 2 w itli pig?,
iot ol ll.iv and Corn Fodder, lot of Corn,
Grain in the Gr- uod, Buggy and Harness,
Farm Bell, Forks, Rakes. Plows, Harrows
Threshing Machine and Horse Power, Fan,
ning Mill and other Farming liter.sils. Also,
Bed and Bedding Carpets Tallies. Looki g
Glasses, and other Household Furniture.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a m , when
terms will be made known.
janSlts Admr. R ibt. Burns, dee'd.
la (he. lioiouyh of Ij< laisfoiru.
VLL that certain piece of property, situ
ate in Lewistown, belonging to Henry
A Scholl. eornpr of YY. .Varket & Grand sts ,
is offered at private sale. Any person desi
ring to purchase a neat and comfortable
home has new as t oud an opportunity as
could be desired.
For particulars inquire of 1 aron E. Scholl,
at the National Hotel, on or after the 10.h
inst. Persons will tind it to their advantage
to call soon, as the property will he sold
cheap. ' fcbld j
i- ILL i.e off-red at public -a i. „< ;
I, TT residence of Rev. |*sid J, p. ,
r de-eased, iti Me\'e*town. on
!, Saturday. M*rch 3, 1836
h large lot i f
Vdk-ab.e Prrxicai ao.! krul Pro|triv.
. i -i-isi:og ir part ..J ir.e f.-ii.. u jog ; | >
Cow ; g y Ol g bay ,M iH r, gel tie y ,
r itfi-d ft hrr- and eaddlc ; 1f.., ko v
t.'ai rmg-, with ebafl arni tongui : | *►, ,'j
r-. * d i.l.b- //mi. ; 2 f su-gi, yy .
t0... ~i - r.-ar v r. w i e r.f|
>!• igri : • tie I, ,!.. W'agvwv, 4c. AL-. a fV,
ly tini-hi d 7 <*
I made Cv M'-y-r. P, hm g-. g r; ,
. m.'h ; Mi' Rack f'oreans. Reii-tead*
Tables, (.haii*, St *•?, Saitdfi,rd' Heater
R-fr.ger.it i Ac.
. TOWN LOTS N•• id. 13- r i, I3G, in ,r,s
131. 132. •• '
L-t djvtintng Pre.-lvts,tan chori-h. ,-.. n .
tair it g three f urtt.* f B n acre.
YY ill i ffi-red at toe same time, uniesg
S'dd a! private sale. :
lying in O.ivcr township, M.fflin county, con
taining 125 ACRES, IHO of whieh are'elenr
' etf. r-ei-f.tly lipiei) and in n good state ~f
iiitiva,t n. Ihe haiatice etititains excellent
timber. Th® improvements cnit
•J J 1 r- 1 of a coinf 'itai.le iwi m -y
w'J'B " "*■— - g Barn with YV*g, n
""'-'l and Corn Crib—Sin k
j :i 'use, >Ve , Spiing il -u-e with a large ami
over faiimg "i: ing—running water in n!. !,!,■
| dati.-e ii tli- farm— a y ting Apple Orchard
inning t- i''ir —a vanity of Grapes
, • t I i-• i ■*• ''in try, P ar. Plum, tynjm-e
!' I: i pf a -!i tr*e-.
The best firm sh neva ry nccessihle, tr <J
I thuroivfif .it n iti-ns of iron ore.
. ierrns liberal a Firge portion f the pr
t .'.se jm ii—\ id iv remain against the farm.
:<• c mnier-cc at 12} p in . when atten
' w iii be given and terms mad ktu.wn
•. Veyr .IV n. Feb. 14, 'OG.
U" "H LL be off-red at public sale, at the
residence of the undersigned, near
Lii'eyvil!e. in Decatur township, on
TUESDAY. March G. 1866,
the following personal property, to wit:
I U ot'lv IIO! <■><**,
I. 2, and 3 year old Colts. I milch Cows. 2
young Cattle. *.O head i f Hags with 1 breed,
it.g Sow. re w with pig. 14 head of Sheep. 1
fair hi rse narrow wheel and 1
wagon?. spVing YY agon. Buggy, hay Laddei?.
Haines' Threshing Machine and horse power,
; grain Dii I. i uitivator. Plows. Harrows.
Fanning null, horse G-ars, lag Chain, fifth
, Chain, grain Cradle. Soy the?, and a variety
i f "tlier farming utensils
Sale to commence at I" o'clock a m., when
terms w ill be made known.
feL7-3t T. G. STERRETT.
' z*' y~ s- * * •* t£ ■
| 11 "ILL he off ••red at public sale, at the
resid-ni-e of the undersigned, in Gian
vi.let mvfiship. . n
the following personal property, to wit :
, tw o M ir-8 with foal, 7 head horned Cattle,
; 5 i f them will Minn he fresh. 6 S oats, breed
! •" Sow with pig lot . f Chickens, two oise
j YY agon, with tongue and shafts. 3 Plows, 3
U.irrows. Cultivator. 2 shovel Plows, dou: ie
shovel Plow. Corn Plow. Husseys' Cmiihiiied
Reaper and J/uwer, in good order, go >i
Threshing M.nine. Shaker and //arse Pow
er, gocd Faulting .Will,//,iy Hake, good L g
j Chain. F;ftl Chain, 4 sets plow Gears, 2 s-ts
hind Gears. 2 >ets front Geais. set double
//.irtress, se|, single //arness. Doubletrees.
Singletree? and Spread?. YVagott Saddle, rid
' '"t? Saddle. Coi-iais. Bridles, Lines, //alters,
; lot ijl Cow C'litiins. 3 grain Cradles. 3 mow
! ing Scythes, lot of Rake? and F -rics. Potatoes
|E v ,^le bushel, cooking Stove, ten-plate Stove,
! orner Cupboard, and other articles too nu
j uieruu? to inen'ion.
Sale to com iiit-nce at 10 o'clock a m , when
I terms will Ue ma le known.
| VV'ILL he sold at public sale, at the resi
i deuce of the undersigned, in Decatur
; tow n?hip, mi
the loilowing de-cribi*d real estate, to w it :
A Farm, contniuing
T M REE II L X D Ii E l> A 0 R KS.
! more or ios. ab. ot one hundred and f-vtv of
j w lib h are cleared ami in a good state of eul
tivation. and the balance god timber land.
There is erected thereon a Log llou?e, weath
erboarded. large Bank Barn,
in g . ft running order. 2good Apple Orchards.
A'iv person wishing further information will
inquire of the subscriber residing on the
turn, late the property ..f John Miller, dee'd.
S-iie to commence at 1 o'clock p. m , when
tonus will le made known.
F O E=l S L E .
dfeaA. ' w pII known and eligihlv sit-
House on the Canal
at the western termination
. Market street, is offered at pri
vate sale until Tuesday. April 3. 18GG when,
if not disposed of it will on that day be of
fered at public sale, at the Court House, in
Lewistown. at 1 o'clock p m. It is a large
and commodhius building, in good order with
ik t and lot lor coal, kc.. weli en
closed. rur turthi-r particulars inquire of
Lewistown, Jan. 31, IBGG-tf
VT I. HOCK Mills.-situate on Kisha-
L'-L coqijillas <"reek. about one note from la**i
niwii, is offered at private a!v. it is ao excellent lo
ill'ill, Willi abulia*!) l water power, is now detua< an
extensive business and is justlv considered one of
tie most valuable mills in the eouutv. It will oulr
" e 'ti market for a limited time.
'or terms and further information, inquire of
„ *w G. LEUII.
nor.Jdrf Lewistown, F. O. Pa-
A MOSTH l-AGENTS wanted for
"7 . ... tu " entirety eeir nrfi>.',-a mst out. Ad
dress 0. I . GARKV. City building, Biddeford, Main.
Deceuroor 30, isly.