- ■- . __ r| IBs iPiß'srsaisrjHKSa sFsaMssnaißSk ■Whole No 2857 QENERAL statement Ot Receipts and. Expenditures of Mifflin County. AMOS Ho°t, Treasurer of Mifflin County, in l-C!,iuit with Mid County from January j IsGa, to January 8, 1806. Ir. T,i ouU nJiu K Ux lur 1860 * l9l 3:1 C, " " 1862 178 86 £7 " 1863 253 96 J. " 1864 4.987 32 St 4 te. Co., wul Relief tax '65 42.316 91 kj bal [,^e militia fund appropri i aied tn relief fund 185 11 k amount received on bonds issu feJ iij Countv Commissioner* 15,500 00 fr. aui 'uut received of Geo. Fry ,in'er. clerk of Commissioners 2.824 00 j-, uiiQoe doe Treasurer 2.342 77 68,810 29 Cr. |r> outstanding tux of 1860 191 33, Ely " " 1*62 '3 2 J B* "' of collectors of 1862 104 40 ■ percentage " " 48 ; | exonerations " " 1 % j I" percentage " • / 1 I" c>mnii*sions for prompt pay C 13 85 j I- error iu mut. of D F. Stevens I duplicate , 50 j t|" outstanding tax of 1864 -24 6 j j exonerations of collectors 1865 219 ..I j I" percentage of collectors of 1865 255 93 i I" emn. for prompt payment '65 1.13 i 28 j I" uutstsnding tax of 1865 5,381 96 i I" amt. appropriated Poor House 6,610 92 ! I" auit. paid for gas bills 4 40 i ■ r iad views 40 (X) | " wild cat ft fox scalps 128 30 I" amt, paid James Mateer, exone | ration allowed after settlement 3 25 I" arnt. due Treas. previous set 896 64 I* aiut of State tax paid for '65 11,282 52 B" *int. of percentage on same 113 94 ■" amount paid State tax on old I irid"btedn-ss 10 51 ; ■" amt (ercentage on same 65 I" County orders lifted 28.903 05 ■ liehef urders lifted 9.375 54 I' unit, [mid Eastern State Pen. 194 31 1" I reasurer's cum mission 1.337 79 68 810 29 Br balance due Treasurer 2.342 7i ■Vwittrrr in Account with the Commonwealth. I>r ■u amount State tax tor 18G5 $10345 71 f •• i mill " " 1996 40 12312 11 Vue county at laat settlement 325 23 $12016 88 Cr. Br amount allowed Collectors 617 12 | | " of Treas. commission 117 24 J " jiaid Statu Treasurer 11282 52 $12016 88 | flwern Lie uses. Dr. ■ > amount of said licenses $345 00 Balance due treasurer 272 25 617 25 Cr. It eah paid State treasurer 600 00 j B' treaaurer's percentage 17 2i $617 25 | Eating House License*. 1 . ~r - ! W amount of eaid licenses $l2O 00 ; 1 Cr " ■y treasurer's percentage 6 00 j ■alauoa due Oonini mwealth 114 00 > $l2O 00 I Distillers and Brewers Licenses. I l)r - B> amount of said lic-ue $lO 00 I Cr. ■t treasurer's percentage 50 | Hiiance due Ouaiinuuvvealth 9 50 j $lO 00 | > Liquor Dealers' Licenses. Dr. ■a amount of said licenses SSO 00 Cr. By amount treasurer's percentage 2 50 Balance ducOomaionwealtb 47 50 SSO OO Retailers' Licenses. I l>r * ■3 amount of aag-zs S. <% =5 sri§ I i I " \ Z=ss= 3 r 5 r. , - IJ? 5. -7 f ~ < 3. ? s i • = |5 . .So-. . i 3 5 = ji 4 i ~i i i a-! I > } i to j- [j :• r- so :c ycs n, c j c-; xisf-ir. c■s. -=• - 5 | ci: is, "Z. 51 Z1 Zl ci Z' II w i^ ; I* ~ wiao-i-ij-j —i-isj,isyixc " I —I —~x c c is. o g* Sg x i ! J •" > > c i'i c f. 3 1 -Taobxel iZ Ss S- ia 3s o -• £ I ei-SMioxoc-ioecioc p- - H. | Xl tO-Q&6 J.CIvC XJ j i ! i L 2 a. ao o— Exoncra* ! *®j 15 11 w " 3O o"- ; lions I Cc: O O Ci> c- i - , • to to C _ : j to Cullectors' j ! o! X. | I OS! to I'vY j ! e'oi yt ; cesitage. ! ! Commiss'n ! K>;_— . . t- 3 Si XTo to ~J Si Sw?-o to on prompt : lo^MOapij^-j'oaorj.c; CCI oj' O C v X K; IO pit oi P"/ n l''nl Cf cc oioj-Cf -jot o cm;! uoiHiona I—| Oi-ow*. j ti g # I I to I to CI XO X CO —Soa_ TO -O- i oi ro o o< o o -r to so so I State and County Taxes for 1861 I z. f 3 ~ ~ : "i i ; i ! P I r : a . I c ■ <-,< s .<2 o-.so | - ! , X ~ Z ® 3 - P - S ! I i* <5 to 10 Ci ' ICOx t* 2 fr 4e cr- to to c. o. ro o -JO £. o j Cf r-UKS S. to XW —— p. = c; X'tcnocn C i-CMO ! -lI'IOtOW 00_*-c_x o I j so to —ro-t —o Exoncra ; * o-csi-rccioH lions,.. to 4- u4.s>Oi:eco ! ~r s- -1 ~to ~ cr. c- -i 4- -o or ; •' o-' 1 to --t W~ r r -® o '5 * Collectors' | j sr. - i -ss o ic i-i-c o- x i y ; . r | i .-• -wo co s ts ... - - - , , IS | IS -X -1 to IO —7- . : • i "* Wfi II • 5i £> . i s.v'Uhi.i. to, -~1 Oi ■ ' a.| IO -3- CO to IO ||lg coi OS OO CO CO O C-JI cn o O C,-' The amounts appearing due to J"hn Peach ay and Jautes Walli* were paid them by Treasurer. L>. F. Stevens should have credit in addition to above for error in amount of I > Duplicate, $15,50. r Outstanding Taxes for 1860. J. J. Cottle. Collector Armagh— Amount due sl9l 33 Outstanding Taxes for 1862- Daniel Snook, Collector Decatur— Amount dtjp S3O 83 do paid 30 83 30 831 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 18£6. II 8 Price. Collector Oliver— Amount due sllß 36 do paid 13 96 ; Percentage 104 40 118 36 Geo. W. Mo Bride, Col. McVeytown— Amount due $29 70 do paid 16 43 16 43 Outstanding 15 27 Outstanding Taxs for 186-3. Christian ,Py era, Co'lector Armagh— Amount- due $253 96 do paid 5 29 percentage 231 48 exonerations 17 19 County Indebtedness. Amount ot bonds issued $39,500 00 Houds redeemed 2,000 00 , do outstanding 57,500 00 Order to Mifflin eo. liink - 1.000 00 Outstand'g orders on relief fund 3.125,34 do do old indebtedness 2,902 23 Due Amos Hoot, late treasurer 2,342.77 $46,930 34 Bounties Paid by Commissioners of Mifflm County during the War. j Capt. \Vstream's Co. $4,900 00 I'itUon's 4,850 00 Soult's 2,700 00 Kisenbise'a 5.050 00 M iclay's 5,060 U0 Rothrock's 2,250 00 Dysart's 4,C00 00 W oiler's 900 00 Men in 26tli and other regiments BUO 00 jjieut. Purcell's (Jo. 2050 00 ('apt Selheiiuei'a *4300 00 Stroup's, and interest 2,735 81 . nti • cotr.ninic- $46,195 81 i u iy .iu- 85 ill •-C * "'1 It ! tile t 'rr i! ,!t ilij-t f . 186 t - ■■, t -i i j t ~ j ■ it, 1111 • ! I ! ' ) t.ntU. | i i'.i assessor ano constable 650 ! Constables (tay, January term 11 22 'lipstaves, do 15 00 ; Henry Zerbe, interest 32 0(5 Hoar & MeXahb, interest 30 00 i t>. Frysinger, clerk to Dec. 31.'04 150 00 i D. M. Contner, .laii expenses 'O4 133 85 | do Sherill's lees 1804 125 05 do jail do 238 25 J. C. Hlynijer & ('o , coal 120 00 John Keever, assess., miking list, Ac. 0 33 ; Ira Thouipsoii, ex alter settlement II 40 j l'eter Barefoot, ex. on parsonage 3 50 i James Burns, interest 300 00; William Willis, do 90 00 j I D \\ Woods, do 330 80 j | Asses ..irs' pay for 1805 050 07 ! | F. Striink, leea Com.vs S Taylor et.al. 1 15 | j H. Glass, do tio 50 j H 8. .McNabb, do do 2 09 8. 11. Bennett, do do 2 09 | J Taylor, < n account of salary 75 00 j Moses Miller, do 100 00 j 1 Spigelmire, room for elections 12 00 I K E Locke, do 9 00 j Mrs Sample, do 9 00 j F. G Frauciscus, locks, Ac fir jail 2 62 | Pay of return judges, spiring election 27 43 j do inspectors and clerks 84 00 j do Grand jurors, April term 96 59 ! do Petit do 148 18 j (r. H. Swigart, list, a attending elec 8 08 | Wm Ross, return judge 17 20! C. Myers, refunded tax on parsonage 4 50 j Constables' pay attending spring election, and making returns 65 13 j Tipstaves' pay, April term 24 00 j F. J Hoffman, sundries 19 86; G Frysinger A Son, print. A adv. 80 50 1 H Frysinger, advertising 75 00 j Sauiuel Drake, on account of salary 133 00 1 G. Frysinger, clerkship to April arid incidental expenses 106 22 1 0. Burdell, for order 192 of 1858 276 ! .J. D. Taylor, interest 208 00 j Klizs Butler, do 90 00 j John D Taylor, do 21L 66 j M. Miller, on account of salary 35 63 John Taylor, do G5 31 j David Bloom, interest . 103 54 ; John Peachey, do 107 77 | Robert Taylor, do 180 00 j Win. Lind, do 120 00 I John Alexander, do 120 00 j John C Sigler, do 120 00' Michael Ruble, do 60 00 j D M Contner, fees to May 19,'65 303 75 i' G Frysinger, clerk Co July 1, '65 100 00 j •' If not • jtjj ID <), t. | ( '65 >5 jtf. . •'' i " J' | j?.i. . , j - do •{ i-,I T. c it&r d-> ■ •!,♦. i.(t --i?) TV- DaU'-t-i. do IR* J .. Ojt.Z . JU'.icr. iio >u (r. Mliier, repairs at c Uutise A jail |j g5 J. D L. Bear, boarding enrol board 18 00 A T. Hamilton, stationery, tapes, Ac. 1 88 Adaui Lutz, work at court bouse 3 50 W. B Hoffman, lumber ate. house 3 51 G- W- Thomas, deed book for Reg. A lteo., & books for Proth'y, office 68 25 1. Ward, return A tipstave, Aug. term Iu 10 ! Inquest on Nancy J. W'ertz, and professional services 35 76 do Hugh Hardy, 19 87 do Henry liqckley, 10 57 J. M. Shadle, serving notices, Ao. 400 J. F* McXcar, do 5 00 J. Wallis, exoneration 1864 19 36 ; Grand juroYs pay, Aug. | Cr m 124 47 j do do 407 80 i Tipstaves do 24 50 D Over, blank printing and adv. 114 00 I M Miller, on account of salary 50 00 3. Drake, do ,i„ 117 00 J. A M'Kee, Auditing State acc. J Evans, painting Court House 100 • Fay ot Inspects A clerks of elcc. 90 U0 di Return Judges do IJ4 30 do Return Clerks 10 00 J. 3. Waream, oiling & penc'g C H. 37 00 R Brafion, making assessment li-ts 4 70 I : Jacob Hook, do do 5 00 ; J. M Stevens, attending election I 45 • D. D. Mutthersbough. 5 cords wood 25 00 I G. Miller, repairs at jail 5 95 : H Frysinger, in full for adv. 75 00 | : Constable pay, Nov term 19 46 | Grand Jurors, do 110 72 • Petit Jurors do 199 99 i Lewistown Water Co., water rent at jail to April 1, 1866 25 0U ; G. Frysinger, clerk relief fund 100 00 i L J Liberty, assessor, lists, Ac 14 43 G. Peters, cleaning 0. 11. cellar 2 50 ; Robert Taylor, interest 90 0U j j S. Comfort, coal for jail 92 59 ! James Bice, exonerations 4 00 i ; S Drake, for service* as com. 100 00 i i Tipstaves at November term 24 00 : J. S. Waream, re indexing records 205 00 J Bipes, work at jail A Court 11. 25 00 j ! Wiu. S. Bell, interest 60 t'f.i ! ; John Alexander, do 60 OQ 1 j J C. .Sigler, do 120 00 i Michael Ruble, do 6>J 00 i | John llimes, do 30 00 1 John 1). iaylor, do 60 00 \ Amos Hoot, do 30 00 ! Joseph do 39 uu | G :t> !n-s o, 30 U0 j Joseph liaffly do 30 00 ; •>.. •: !i !'• nt-.er w.-iml ! ■ "j"' ,-4 1 oii-e.- ~ j, ( -s 393 Jf) sessions do 298 46 ** I 6So 9o j Fees A tines collected (58 00 John Glasgow, assessor lots, Ac. 7 73 J \\ . Brown, cleaning at court h. 9 15 ' j G. Bivmyer, cover for office counter 7 5U j M J Flemming, assessor lists, Ae. 7 55 I ' Keiler, repairs at court house 625 j G. Frysinger, in full as clerk for'6s 50 00 ' T. M I ttley, 1 > st. Attorney's fees 74 00 ' \\ itnesscs cots in sundry com. cases 52 95 ' ! John ;>loirison, costs, feet, Ac, 10 50 i i G. W. T iiomas, do 1 15 j John Birger, do 1 25 ! C. Beck, do 1 25 ' ] C. Hoover, do 23 01 i • George Sigier, do 50 I G. W. M Bride, do 15 50 j N. Comfort, do 17 66 J L Forer, constable do 735 Eli Friec, do do 13 57 j 11. Ferer, court crier, cleaning, Ac. 121 3(J 1/V REWARD.—The Commissi-n r\ / ers t.f Mifflm County will ; ; tt>- above reward for the apprehension and ' eonviction of the person or persons who | broke into the Treasurer's '-dine on the night j of the .'!oth Janu:r\. and exploded the iron j safe with gunpowder. M MIIJJTR. ) J. TA4 LoR. I Com'.s J C. DYSAKT) Jos S WAREAM, Clerk. Lewistown, Jan. 31, 1860-3t Poor House Business. The Directors of the Poor meet at the Poor i House on the 2d Tuesday of each month. C-37. 77. ELDER. Attorne y at Law, Office Market Square, Lewistown, will at : lend to business in Mifflin. Centre and Hunting i do-u counties mv 26 | ma S2a DENTIST, ! /AFFKttS his professional services to t(ie citizens of ! VI I.ewistovn and vicinity. All in want of good, neat j w.>o\ will do well to give fiini a call. ! lie may be found hi all limes at his office, three ! doors east of 11. M. 4 K. I'rait's store. Valley street, i ipts-ir* DR. S. BELPOKD, DENTIST. ■ iFFERS liis professional services to the citizens oi ' Lewistown and county. If you want substantial work,give him a call. Office next door to the Post Office apl2-ly* M K THOMPSON, D D S. ■ }\V: permanently loeatci n Lewistown. offers ' ■ r .{.-s.;Anal •<> ; it lies and gentle men,,, is place and vicin . v*.*i.'-;s.s ,f y- ' - in possession j.Cf- Jf'-\ S?*v of ail the late improve oent~ in ;ne Denta, Profes- ' , - -.-.vSaiglß™-am'in,, hetiattershimsejfthat ; j tton to those who may need ' s.,- , . tt ft rjfyJ his services in ail branches of his profession. Kefer- . enees—best families. Office west Market street, near Eisenbise's hotel, where he ean lie found for professional consultation ' trom the first Moudav of each month until the fourth < Monday, when he will be absent on professional busi ness oue week. rnaylO-tl BARK! BABE!! JA. k W. R.McKKE would respectfully inform the . public that, notwithstanding their Tannery was j destroyed by tire, they will buy all the Bark they ean goto for which they are prepared to pay the highest 1 cash price. { They will also keep constantly on hand their usual stock of FINldilEO LEATHER, which they will sell t gheup for ca*!i. They are aol prepared to tuy hides f*t now. niayZ4-A{ IPIfiSyXTo POETRY. THE PRICE OP TRUTH. Great truths are dearly bought. The common truth. Such as men give and take from dav to day, Comes in the common walks of easy "life. Blown by the careless wind across our way. Rnught in the murk -t at the current price. Bred of the smi:.* tb |e-t. perchance the bowl; It tells no tales of taring or of worth. Nor pierces even the surface of the soul. Great truths are greatly won. Not formed by chauc*, Not wafted on the breath of summer dream; But grasped in the great struggle of the soul. Hard buffeting with adverse wind and stream. Not in the general mart, 'mid corn and wine; Not in the merchandise of gold and gems: Not in the world's gay ball of midnight ipirtn, | Nor 'mid the blaze of regal diadems. Biit in the day of conflict, tear aDd grief. When the strong hand of God. put forth in might. Ploughs up the subsoil of the stagnant heart. And tilings the imprisoned truth-seed to the light. i i I Wrung from the troubled spirit, 111 hard hour* ' Of weakness, solitude, perchance of pain: i Truth springs, like harvest, from the well-ploughed j field. And the fresh soul feels if, lias not wept in vain. ISA. FSCELL A. JST OUR AMERICAN GIRLS. Tlioy arc girls from the very first— never r-hiltlren. They have their little : 'beaux' at seven rears old, and carry ! on miniature fliriations be tore ihey get i into algebra and long drosses. Fretty, ; but pale; lair ami fragile, ami are just ! what you would imagine might be i 1 fashioned out of a diet of late hours, j j iee-ereain, polkas, and poisonous eon i lections. Ami then, just when they ' j should be in tin- perfect, peerless bloom of maidenhood, lusher than ruses, | there is a breakdown or hcubh, ana 1 life, and s-diiis If. i'anii y pLysi cian in coiistilled . gymnasiums, ridi'ig ! schools, watering and sulphur springs are recommended. As it uii the inedi- i oines in creation could Guild up health . on a foundation of' nothing jit all ! !' Now this is ail wron. ratlica'ly and ! j intrinsically v. rmg L tlis lovely : ciinialc of outs. witii ">• ;ciu_ air. clear j ; sky, and health inspii in,, breezes, tj.ere J j -a no earthly reas.m " iiy our girls | j should not be models ar ..nliouairiv. GO ; to bed at a reaso-m'tle hour; rise early i 1 in the morning; cat something besides j colored sugar aud red hot spices.— j Spend at least one-third of your time j in the open air. gardening, playing j i croquet, walking f.r ex- it-ise, arid you ] will not find it nfetre-ssiirji to marry out ! of the school-room in „rder to avoid ; the dreadful fate of old-maidhood! ! The remedy for headaches and pule J cheeks is in your own hands, arid ruost ] earnestly do we counsel you to use it. —Piirenolo'jical Journal. \ * Character of a True Friend. Concerning the man you call your j J friend ; tell mo, will he weep with you ; in the house of distress ? Will he faith- 1 fully reprove you to your lace for ac- jj tious which others are ridiculing and j T censuring behind your back ? Will he | C | .' >. - " Pf * \ I . Vol. LVI. No. 7. dmo to stand forth in yoiir defence,, when detraction is secretly mining its deadly weapon at. your reputation ? Will he acknowledge >'ou with the same trienlyd : ttention, in the compa ny of your superiors in rank and for tune, as when the claims of pride do not interfere with those of friendship? If misfortune and losses should oblige you to retire into a walk of life in which you cannot appear with the same liberality as formerly, will he still think himself happy in your soci ety, and. instead of withdrawing him self from an unprofitable connection, | take pleasure in professing himself i your friend, and cheerfully assist you j to support the burden of your afflic tions? When sickness shall call you' to retire from the gay and busy scenes ; of the world, will he follow you into j your gloomy retreat, listen with at tention to 3*our ' tale of 83'tnptoms," i and administer the balm of consolation |to 3*our fainting spirits ? And lastl3 r , when death shuli burst asunder every earlhl}* tie, will he shed a tear upon your grave, and lodge the dear remem j brance of your mutual friendship in 1 his heart ? A Lesson of Trust j Some time ago a boy was discover o '*? ; in Clairborn street, evidently bright i and intelligent, but sick. A vnan who lias the feeling of kindness strongly j developed went to him, shook him by i the shoulder, and asked him what he was doing there, j "Waiting for God to come for me," i said he. j "W hat do 3-011 mean." t aid the gen -1 tlemnn, touched l>3' the pathetic tone j of the answer and the condition of the 1 boy, in whose 03 c and flushed face he saw the evidences of fever. "God sent for mother and father and I little brother," said he, "and took them away to His home up in the sky, and mother told me when she was sick that God would take care of me. I have no home, nohodt* to give me any thing, and so I came out here, and have been looking so long up in the sk}- for God to come and take care of me, as mother Biii 1 c-itios n large and varied &ffortnie.tit of BOOTS I AM SH'ihs, of all aorta and aizes, of eaatern niauu* facture. at their store, otie door west of Kth no i sous* Hardware Store, East Market Street. Lcwistowu. We will constantly keep 011 hand a largo tuy.given t!i.-t L 'erf is n o - 1 uj, on , 01, estate ot „ oaeph Hart, iaie ci i .wtisiiiji Ah dim county, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in said township. All persons indebted tu said estate are retjuested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims to present tbem dulv authenticated for settlement. ELIJAH UOKKISOX. January 10* Executor. BEST FAMILY FLOUR, from the well-known Brown's Mills, can he had at all times in Lewistown, at the stores of f. J, Hodman and Henrv Zeri>-. If. if RUN A' 4 HOFFMAN'S. Reedtrville, Dec. ft, lSfta.-Cio Lumber. Lumber. IN .addition m my other stock ot Lumber, I liar. " 'ot of good two-teet joint SHIN- S' * lot pf BOARDS and WORKED rwrd Sheet. my Lurober Vard tn JSast Also, a lot of good Limeburners P COAL, for salo ;f eap- ap2d VVM. B. HOFFMAN