Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, January 31, 1866, Image 3

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1) Reimensnyder will deliver a sermon j
on Temperance in Ge Lutheran cliurch
() „ Sabbath evening, next, at a quarter
before 7 o'clock. Tltis discourse is
delivered tit the request of the Good
Teinplars of Lewistown. In the after- j
noon of the same day, a meeting ot
the Sabbath Schools of said church j
will be held, to commence at o o'clock, j
Address by tho Pastor.
RICHARD, of Uarrisbisrg, a practical
K ii,i very successful Iron Master, has
proposed to the Glamorgan iron Com- :
natty to join them in erecting a Rolling
Mill in Lewistown, and we learn, from j
tj.- host authority that the proposition
be aCcepteJ. The eminent success
,' GI a morgan Furnace in making ad- j
miiuble motel from the ores of this
immediate vicinit}' has brought about .
tliis in:portanii iiioveuieut.
ACC.D ENTS —On Thursday last, about ;
iiuon, ilcnry Sides, a young man in the j
employ of the Pennsylvania Railroad j
Co., had his arm broken and was other- i
wise iftjtired, on a hand car while re-
Cirning from work. The wheel caught
hie coat, wrapping it tightly, and until '
relieved every revolution of the han
dle struck him a severe blow.
Eli Kipe, of Anragh township, had ,
bis ieg terribly shattered on Friday ,
Jast by the falling of a tree whkdi j
had lodged, it appears he l.ad movod ]
■out ot the way somewhat, and was i
looking at it, when it suddenly came I
-d' ovn. r.lied or glanced fr>m the st*np, j
the toj) striking him below the knee. ;
A hoy was with him at the time, hut :
some hours elapsed before XSK: stance j
arrived. He is a poor, but industrious, j
voting man, deserving of sympathy. |
GOLD PENS —H. W. Junkis has i
been appointed sole agenr.t h" Lewis- i
town for the sale of A. Mortoe's cele- 1
hratcdGold Pens, which for durability, j
elasticity and good writing qualities ;
are unexcelled by any pes made. !
Tiiev can be had with or without cases i
and will be sold here At the sane prices
as in New York. All in the habit of
using gold [ions are recommended to
give Mr J. & -call and examine the
MEAT IT MARKET Horse. —Robert,
Sterrett of Iteedsvillc commenced sup
plying our citizens with fresh beef at |
the market stall under the Town Hall j
on Tuesday morning, and content- j
plates furnishing Beef, ic , regularly
hereafter on Tuesdays, Thursdays and ;
Saturdays. We can bear testimony to
the quality on hand yesterday morn
ing, and recommend our citizens to
give itiin a call, as we have no doubt j
they will be able lo please themselves i
in kind and price.
The great soap man has arrive i '
- ami ha- taken Irs quarters at j
;i v. Hotel for a shot t time. lie!
gU'irauKa - to remove grease, oil, tar, '
pi s, ii;u, ci i,jkut or aimoftt any other |
stains. Also, makes u solt.sonp tnat '
he guarantees any one can iiiake in j
twenty minutes after tho water is ;
b tiled. He would iiko to have the cit- i
izens come and examine his article.—
lie has the soap receipes for sale. Anv j
one having clothing stained as men- I
tinned, can have it taken out free gra- j
lis, by bringing it to the Hotel. The
receipt for soap every one ought to i
have. Come one, come all, and give i
him a call. He guarantees to remove j
withou tinjury. N. L. PARMELIE, Agt.,
REV. JOS. A. Ross, formerly pas
tor of tiie M. E. church in tins place, j
lias for some time past been stationed j
in Loudon county, Va., the inhabi-!
tants of which were thought to be so '
well "reconstructed" that, on the 13th I
inst the Government withdrew its!
troops from the neighborhood. On
Sunday, the 14th, Mr. Ross was way
laid on his way to fill an appointment :
at VV aterford by three of the "recon
structed," disguised in gray overcoatsj
and slouched huts, and armed with
Government revolvers. They tried by
threats ol murder to extort from him ;
an outh to leave the State. Failing iri I
this, they demanded his pocket book, '
but threw it on the ground on finding
that there were no greenbacks in i<,
and concluded, alter a haif hour's de
tention, to let him proceed on his way i
Mr. Ross' only offence is that he is
fom the North,and represents a church
that has been conspicuous for its loy
aity. * j
MARKET.—Petitions are out request
ing the Burgess and Town Council to
build a market house on the square. •
and establish a regular market for the
sale of meats, butter, eggs, vegetables,
&c. At present it is difficult to tell
| where to go for anything, the butch- j
j crs being scattered here, there, and
' anywhere, while other articles have to
he hunted from Dan to Beersheba.
; We trust the movement will succeed,
ami the coming summer make an ef
j feet sal change in the present helter
j skelter mode of doing business.
j !
T. TOOTH. Esq., a sharp neigh
, bor of ours, has been making observa
tions upon tho tastes of Lewistown
giris. lie says they go into raptures
over- scream- particularly waterfttlh;
they see admirers of mountains, espe- i
j eraHv the An/h's and the- //('.■? ;;!:iv*hs;
: they ar-* passionately fond flowers,
; and the like: they do
- mil rare about the sea, hut are al\va\ s
. ready to cm Lark upon a court,-no/;
j and they are great lovers of monev,
! b-K show a decided preference lot
j -IT. Vance Crisswell, tin old contrac
tor. has just finished "a horse railroad '
in the vicinty of Petroleum Centre,
wfcich greatly lacilitates the transpor
: tation of oil.
The scholars ol tho Lewistown
Academy were out on a sleigh ride
yesterday afternoon
The revival which has been in pro !
gress tor several weeks past in the :
Methodist church closed on Monday .
The weather since our last hits been j
cloudy but moderate, with the finest j
sleighing we have had for years. Men |
! and women, beaux and lassies, boys .
| and girls, have" been enjoying them- j
| selves, which is more we fear than can >
j be said ol the poor horses.
. i
Htfllin County Teachers' Association.
The Mifflin County Teachers Asso
j ciation met at McVevtown, on Janua
ry 24, and continued in session three
I days and a half. In addition to class
| drilis on the branches of common I
1 school study ; reports on the following :
] subjects were read and dise.isvu : lbs- !
I triet Institutes, the cause of their fail- I
ure and tlie means necessary to restore |
tliem, by W. C. McClenahcn , A Teach i
er's Faculty, by Prof. £. Z .Sharp. The j
j lollowing subjects were discussed with !
much interest and we trust profit; The I
! abolishment of whispering and the re- j
| lation of ministers to our common
: schools. Prof. .1. P. \V ickurshum and
! Rev. M. Floyd lectured, the former on
! Thursday and the latter on Friday
i evening, to large and interesting au
| dicnces. Among the most active in
the convention were J. K. Ilartzler,
I>. M. Zook, W. C. McClenahcn, 18. G.
| Sharp, W. 11. Prideaux, J. I. Brougiii,
i G. D. Penepackei, J. A. Aikens, J. V.
| Mohler, M. Mohler, J. A. Austin, ii
| Pencpacker, and J. M. Bell. The a - !
i tendance wu- large, about severity j
j teachers being present, and the sessions !
| were decidedly interesting from first j
| tiil last. At the close the following I
I resolutions tvt e i id and uu. ms
j 1> adopted .
j Resu:ve;i, ifiat .re coa-i ier distri-t i.i'a
turn* ;;n iinjioi tiint means fir the inipr " -
' merit i tenehfrs, ilia: il.-y have proved a •
1.-,. urr ci.it.'i.j, *-ii aucouiiC ol ,L- n >ii.' , r
|ji teachers, ana tlial it. v .-f . nur :taper
I Line:*, v. • put |.c;h every t vr.-i-ie to hAve
j tltrt.i rvvived by vuimii.irv' insiiiu!-'
i until direv.-.-rs .-.•e fit to ro.-sor- tiiem to us
Resolved, i'hai m .i" en-:' of this assoe • i
| alinu wluepering in s>duMi,s is an evii, and
■ that teach'rv should make an earnest effort :
to abolish it.
Resolved, That it is our deliberate opinion
that the office of County Superintendent
: ought to be neld by a practical, live teacher,
and none other, because only practical 'each
j era have the skill and knowledge requisite to ■
determine what are the wants of the schools
and teachers, and how to make use of the
i proper means and methods of promoting the
improvement of both.
Res'dved. 1 hat while we h.tve no legal
voice in me selection of a -oin'.v superin
tendent, nor any <ii -itiou to disturb what
! sbail be the course <-.f the prop r authorities
we do earnestly request the SL directors
| of tb county, at their nex. trieaoial cii:vcn
j tion, to elect for the Dext term of office the
present energetic and devoted incumbent,
Martin Mohler, Esq., wth as lary increased
j in proportion to the advance of cost in the
' necessaries of life.
Resolved, That we the teachers of Mifflin j
county, deeming it highly important that a
| uniformity of text books should be adopted
in the county, use our influence vuith the I>i
i rectors of our respective districts, to have
, ti em legalize, as soon as may be, the action
! of the committee on text books.
The following officers were elected
for the ensuing year:
j President-J M. Bell.
Vice Presidents—J M. Mohler, John
Ex. Committee—Martin Mohler, Ma
' ry McCord, and J. K. Hartzler.
i Treasurer—S. W. Fleming.
Editor Educational Column—J. K.
G. n. SWIG ART, Pres.
G. I). PENEPACKKR, Secretary.
Dr. Hebern, of Quiucey, Illinois, ;
cures cancer without knife, pain, or
J loss of blood, in from four to twenty- 1
four hours; also consumption
successfully. ly.
Neter neglect diseased lungs until con
sumption sets in and you are pronounced in
curable, Always attend to a complaint at
onee. "A stich in time saves nine." is an
adage quite as applicable to bodily ailments
as to business transactions. Remember that
your life is in danger, however insignificant
may seem to be the malady in i?s first ap
proaches; and. as it is "the best life you got,
and you may never get a better," (to use Jobn
Wesley's quaint language,) take care of it.
The use of Radwav's Ready Kelief in the
incipient stages of consumption will always I
avert the grip of that fatal affliction. We
have personally known of diseased lungs
whieh looked just like consumption, and
which had many of the symptoms aceom
panyiug it of confirmed consumption, that
gave way immediately to Radway's Ready
Relief taken as a stimulant, in hot sweetened j
water on going to bed at night. The perspi* j
ration occasioned by it was copious and ex ;
treuiely offensive, but it carried off all the 5
dangerous symntons, and us a natural result
•• ■ 'ent use of the Ready Reli-f
evt i -i •fght for three or fui week.-, f! e
diseased lung* Cocaine well, 'lie.- raising ol
b. iod ceased. The c ugh gradually disap ;
prated. the pus ain the chest departed
The dark, thin, tenuous biood fruui site heart
onee more properly oxygenized in the iungs,
re to rued a bright led, and full of vitality for
cir>*tita!ion, and fbe Heady Role-i is
t'- rtuin to effe.-t such a whef-s nie eb?tr. ••• ii
its plication la- persever u in. Not that we
assert ii to lie a remedy for any decidt-d case
of consumption. We cannot conscientiously
aver that Bat we do say, we utter it with
confidence, that it has cured, and that it will ;
cure, many cases which look like consump I
tion, and may be called consumption in its 1
incipient state. That tnav be depended upon.
The Ready Relief is s.dtl by druggists.
N B —As an evidence of the importance ;
of Railway's Ready Relief, in the treatment j
of weak lungs, colds, and premonitory syinp.
Toms of consuint tion, we present tho follow- j
iug letter from a weli known citizen of Mich
igau :
"MEMPHIS. Macmnb co , Mich , I i
September 4. 1862. j
• U RAPWAT:— I'e.ar Sir —About tour :
.r- - ■ ' WHS very much affected with '
ii'XU:- My friends thought I had ;
the Consumption. 1 was entirely unfit for
business,raisod blood, and had every symptom
of the ab >ve disease- One night, on going to I
b il, 1 thought I would take a sweat, and i
took your Ready Relief (in hot water) as a
stimulant to sweat me. It did so. The per
spiration was of a slimy substance, and offon- j
sive smell. I followed takiug the Ready Re j
lief every other night for four weeks, and at
the end of thai t ; me was entirely well. This
is a true statement of facts, which 1 will tes !
tily to under oath.
" i ours, ite.,
2w "Sage's Hotel, Memphis, Mich "
iifjyjj a JUiUA-5,
Woolen Knit Shawls,
Children's Knit
Oa!mora!s, Ladies' &
Uishireii s.
T A "S? "S!
~ vi. -W '-*■ tmJm *TW • ] *-* A. W SaT aal
Carpets, Rag and
cfce., efce., ct?c.
-A !
Lumber. Lumber.
] N" addition to tny other stock ot Lumber. I have
1 just received a lot ot good two-teei ioint SHIN
GLES. and a lot of PINE BOARDS nd WORKED
FLOORING HOARDS, at my Lumber Yard in East
Third Street-
Also, a lot of good Llmeburners P COAL, for tale
eheap. ap26 W.M. B. HOFFMAN
Lewistown Premium Family
$5.00 per hundred, at Lewistown Mills.
jan24 WM. B. MoATEE fc SON. I
TON COAL, all under cover, for sale bv j
jaulTy WM. B. HOFFMAN.
best family FLOJR,
from the well-known
Brown's Mill*,
j!} n . V; a "' at "" times in Lewistown. at the stores of
*. J. H on man and Henrv Zerbe.
i., as™"
virtue of an order issued out of the
Orphans' Court of Mifflin county, will ,
b exposed to public sale, on the premises, j
by the undersigned. Un
Saturday, February 10. 1868,
A traet of land, situate in Decatur town
ship, founded by lands of Jacob Smith i>:
the south and east, land of Reuben Smith and
John Peter on the wa st, find of \N m Stein |
inger on the north, ami land i f Ja • Kein
eriing on the northeast, containing
eiohtekn At u .:s.
more or less. with a TWOSTO- |
J £ v FRAME HOUSE. Batik 1
••! it. Tan Yard, Bark House, :
'" ll ' v *'ll and other improve
ste nts tin reon erected. Ais'i, two growing
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock p. m. Terms j
Ac nr. of J ho M. Garihtn f', tiee'd.
Janoary IS'.iC-—4t *
mn m m mm,
LISV* I*TOWi\, I*4.
"I OIIN B SEIJiEIMER offers his sincere •
tr thanks to the friends and well-wishers of i
his establishment, for the steady and rapid !
growth of his business hitherto, and solicits !
a continuation of the patronage of the com
munity. With increased facilities, and devo
ting strict persona! attention to the details of
his business, he is confident that all orders
h" may lie favored with during the present
year, wil! ho executed to the entire satisfao !
tion of those giving them.
llis stock of Hardware, Woodwork. Leather, ;
Saddlery, Coach Trimmings, Linings, j
Shoe Findings, Paints, Oris. Glass,
Stoves, Nails, Ilurse and .Mule
Shoes, Nails and Nad Rods,
i.e., itc., &c. r
is heavy and well-selected, jith] is offered at i
prices as low as can possibly he sold. Hi: [
i a a %V kISE
is of his own uianufactnre. nn de iri a u< uj j
and workmanlike manner, by full hands, on '
der hi* own supervision, and is-offered whole- !
sale or retail, a.t .mperior fo a'ip/inthe. market, j
Merchants, Mechanics, Farmers, Ilnusc- i
keepers and Dealer.- get orally autf.rcl? upon j
getting anv article itt his litre with an assu r
ranee f fair dealing and promptness,- wiieth- j
cr in person or by order.
Rim ding. Spouting, Repairing, Gas Fitting j
and ali kinds I Job V\ >rk done at shortest :
Liberal discount given to tire .Trade and ;
Wholesale Dealers.
Lewistown, Jan., 1860— I y
•'# - ew. *■■* - t-i aa
\3 IN? atmi ma m.aa . ,-.i dW kk tat •
Tue Preparation J< r the Ilmr hirer i
let rot! wed to the Public.
FT IS warranted to res* G '{ /r 1
.1 natural i-olor. Ma.-, i; =;. n !•; Iti |
heads, wi.tr.- the - is n- : d •aty: j
stop Hair fr> m failing .TV tuining grav; ;
cure :!1 eruption* )j i -.-niovi- scurf, i
d:• i> tit!'. &:: Sh.f itiiai at! ironing. It wiH j
■..i-o -a r y In.-: i-. Icm-. me s ..: piiablt
■i! 1 •nxnri.-ii.ily gio.-.~y. It is
S-, 1 ngai>. t! j
..-.'l . a.....at ears he d -imd tor . or— '-g
1 dees not sol the ILuest linen u r st-.
nicest bonnet It i- nut a dye. but f.y so. j
i y :og ! - ij o'.r giauus, net.- as a restorer !
i ... prejis.iation contains no Sugar of Lead j
or other minerals so deleterious to the head !
and hair, and of which most of the com
pounds in the market are made hut is a
Purely Vegetable Production.
We challenge the world to produce an in
stance where the Restorer has failed when j
used according to directions. It is used and j
recommended by the Clergy and the Faculty. ■
The proprietor is aware of the many who i
have been disappointed by the high Hounding
preten.-e of the numerous hair preparations
with which the market has been fiiied lor a j
few years past, but such
Entire Corifldenre
does he place in the merits of his Restorer
the t he offers in cases to refund the money |
after a thorough trial of two bottles, if it
fails to give perfect satisfaction. Mothers,
whose children's hair is harsh and wiry, or
thin and scant, will find by using the Re
storer it will immediately improve, thereby
laying the foundation for a good head of hair,
so desirable in after life.
A Single Trial
will convince the most sceptical of its merit*.
Once use it aud you will always use use it
Dr. flock's Excelsior Hair Restorer,
and take no other. Sold by druggists every
where at SI.OO per bottle, or six bottles fjr
io. oo. Dr. F. B. CLOCK, Proprietor,
Manchester, N. 11.
F. J. Hoffman, Agt. lor Mifflin o. juiU-'Jm
Lewistown Premium Family
$5.00 per hundred, at Lewistown Mills.
WM. B. McATEE & SON. j
MT. ROCK Mills, situate on Kisha
coquillas Creek, shoot one mite from Lewis,
j town, is offered at private sale. It is an excellent lo
; cation, with abundant water power, is now doing an
extensive business and is justly considered one of
the most, valuable mills in the county. It will on!*
be in market for a limited time.
For terms nod further information, inqmr- of
li. LKHR.
nov.29tf Lewistown, P. O. Pa.
]IIA YE leased the Warehouse at the j
West-end of Market Street, in Lewistown. (lately
| occupied by Francis Met'lnre A Co.. where lam pre- !
j pared to purchase at the hi -'best market rates, or rc
: eeive on storage ail kindsoi vram and other produce
Coal, salt aud plaster kept constantly on hand for
Lewistown, Aug 2S. 18ks.-tf
N.R. The same bud no- ,-o continued as'i-rto
ore at the Warehou-c ih 1- -t- is\ . .e.
T U I' I. YM Y V.*l A* i '(>. having ].nr- !
■ * • iwn tn M lis wan; >, I
?****■ 1 . .est ASII PRICES |
50 000 Bushels WHEAT.
20 000 - BARLEY,
10 000 OATS,
10 000 " RYE.
l-'LOI'll and FKKD ulwaya hand, ami d!i*ereil '
i at any place iu tlie tiurocgh. Also,
; ground r.r in the shone. Wilkesbarro, Funbury ud i
| Lyken.- Valley Coats.
A-(.)rp:ks for Coil. Klcvr or Fkkd left it tsx
i Store will be Kuxmt attssoeb to septlß
Brown's Mills.
[•JHIIK un<l<>rß!gned are prepaivl to j
buy :tl? kiufls of f-r twh, oi ii't fivt' u
■store At Rrowu - .vlills, I\ceJ*vl lit-, Pa. \Y- will iia?e j
ou hand
Plaster. Salt and Coal.
We intend keeping the mil! constantly running, and
iiyjiii, 'ftiii) ■
j for sale at the lowest Market rait-s. at all times,
j public are requested. u> give us a <•!!.
ep27tf Il.fcißrNK A UOFFMANa!.
Lewistown Mills.
: or received it on storage, at the option of those
| having it for the market.
They hope, by giving due arid personal at
| u-tition to business, to merit a liberal share of
! public patronage.
I tSf* EL ASTER, SALT and Limeburnerg
t COAL always on hand
| Lewistovrn, Jan. 1, ISGS.-tf
iiiui aiir 'lAisaDiai
| r PHK undersigned announces that he
i 1 is now prepared t< buy or receive on
j .dosage, and forward nil kinds of
Grain and other Produce,
i nt hie new Warehouse al lieedsville.
| IM.ASTi R,
kept constantly on hand for sale,
lie also continues the Produce Business at
the old stand in Lewistown.
No, 37. Fifth st,
ifi.TT.SISI li'j It, F.
Ji. Im&ai, vS. Vof' l*m * fc ill }
•UiVi'.ti CSi
The Full Graduating Course, j
Book Keeping,
Business Penmanship.
Commercial Calculations,
Lectures Upon Law, Ethics,
Detecting Counterfeit Money.
j Other Colleges hare either advanced their tuition
: fee to SSO. or charge $lO to 415 extra for Pfmraitohip.
i Their Books and Stationery, also, costing from t
j s2')—ours cost but S-5.
CAT!- >S, as taught in thin city for about twenty five
j rears from his own systems of Book Keeping, which
ere sanctioned by the American Institute and Chans
! bur of Commerce, and other competent authorities nf
New York, as the. most perfect svstem in use. with \V.
DAY anil !sVK:\li\€ Clares.
It wil! lie found by proper inquiry that tins is tlie :
j only College of the kind in tlie Union conducted by
an expo tie nee. I Merchant, and whose Penman i* a
I trained accountant.
#*r~Merehants, Bterners and Bankers can always i
I obtain thorougniy educated accountants on applies- J
| tion al our office."
49*"Th8e desiring our eiegant new Circular, pp. 7S !
couiaining an outline of our coarse of study and prai - !
tice, with Samples of our IVnn.on's Business and Or
namental Writing, must enclose TWENTY-FIVE
Pittsburgh, Pa,
*" We will mail anr person enclosing uss2. a'copr i
fo either our Mercantile or Steamboat Book Keeping
poet paid. novtaum*
Lewistown Premium Family |
$5.00 per hundred, at Lewistown Mills.
No. 1, Price £BO
' A INO iWCHI.NE CO. invito the atrrtrtfeß of
Tailors, Hairnfirinrrrs cf rioiliins. BocU avi
SINK* ami Carriage Triuimrrs,
anl other? reqnwinc rapid, light-running. autl aura
, hie Lock. Si felt Tfc*rlittc, to their xivxt
No. 1 Sewing Machine.
It is of extra sixc. vert strong and txvwerful. easily
I operated with little ->r ; ~ adapted to v \,-i\ variety
j of sewing from th 'iynnest imttiir t liit>'hr:<rir;t
1 leather, ami trill orlk emtithy well with i-otion. Bnen
: or silk thread. Letters stwttar fo the following s
j being eo: -uuitD received;
•Our machinist and fni4p:tf> .1* :• Both thorough! jr
I exciii -.Mi and tested ymir .V\\ t ,W*vL'fs >ll d tier
! '• '■ Tom tin I ~ • ' . kvthvi
! id.fst 1,. A.i/ •!) nitii !*"><•'Til to th~ ► 'twst P*-.rte
j p.'i"-,. Without aiMiing iiie tut*.one. awl t'.nii it
1 Smger'- and pt • ;ai fee r.-vi i.ivc bo
. • ; -f. v ur No 1 Mi'itr • .Vach.ne
| tiie beat by ;r <>,' 41 y m -little we 1 ave it.-- i.
U'lWil-Aft f^€K.
jfcrclumt i.l Tkm 4 eet, f?ii.■rg>^ ,,
I "1 am the fortunate possessor of rte ~fy y>* new
; No. I Shuttle .If/uhtnes; I have 11-eil the Bitter
; -e.iii.g timet,true ■■; the past tew year.- a ltd it jifei
i me grv:t pleasure to .-ay that this -tie , fur nt|n ir
i -n ll p-mts to any that I have over used or seen.
' wat t 1. . hot tor. 'this maei.'.tjo" .ur Im itn ii at nif
, shop sI uny tune. Khun SMITH.
Merchant Tttitor. Lewis'. wit. Pa
should not fail to call and see this now for
i inibio lavor. as it is destined tr m|s>isfdr ill thf
! heretofore popular .Vitellines for itianiifuctitriifjf pilr
. poses.
liaritig the largest tunny o! machine* <>f any omti 1
I Company. we can suit alt tastes with a a tnacliinwad
i pt iees 11otti Soft to sllO. All ttiaehines wairantedi
4b*~i,rover a Baker's Cotton, Linen Thread and
| Machine Twist for sale.
I 111 formation an 1 samples of sewing given by
P. F. LOOP, Agent,
sep2C-ly Lwistwwn. Pa
The Great English Remedy!
*165 JA.tlE* tE.ARKE'B
Celebrated Female Pills.
IVepnrol from a prescription of Sir J. < 'lni t.it. M. T>.
* Pht, <1 riin Esitaordinaty to lUt (fucen.
This invaluable medicine is tm'alMrc in f! v cure of all
those pdiiiltti aid iirtins' ioiib jt>enss to which the icmale
j on!jiii!i!!|<i,i tctibject. It inoiie'att'> all excess und re
, rnv es nif obstructfons, from rliarever cause, an<i a apeedy
} turc limy b* relied on.
I t I* p^rth-nlarlv HT . It will. In a short time, bring on
j tin monthly periol a lih regularity.
1 Unrh bottle, price one dollar, bears the Government
| Stamp L< *ireut Urituiu. to prevent counteifetta.
| These Pills stiouM not be taken l,v females during tlio
KIKST XIIKKK MONTHS of pregnancy, us they are stlre
! to brins on luiscvrUge, hot at any otlier time tliey are
i safe.
Every woman knowsfhrt lieliitmn of beaKh mnstfade,
with the slightest Irregularity ov obetruetion of the men
ses. These Pills in c truly tin woman's friend In her hour
••f trial, end the on'y sure, positive, ami neverfulllng cure
and regulator oi sUiipression (.f nature, from whatever
cause, ft) mild that the feeblest can take them with per
fect s.-curity, yet so powerful In tludr ellects, that they
may besitf. iv Calle !, a nevcrl'alitog Hegulator.
11l ail < a-t. ol Nervous an ! Spinal Attrition*. Pains In
the Back ami I.imhs. Kat'irue oti sllitht exrtion. Palpita
tion ofthe Heart. Hy-tcriss and w liltes, these Pills will ef
fect n curt when all other mean* have failed; and tihliough
a powertui remedy, .in not eotilain Pott, ealtiuiel, untlnio
py, ov utjythlng hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions Im tlio pamphlet, nround each package,
which should he carefully preserved.
Irule tletieial Agent tor the L'nUed States and British Do
J'JB MOSES, 27 Cortland St., New York.
v , B. —$1 00and 6 three cent postage stamps enclosed to
anv authorized agent, will ensure a bottle, conta nine 50
Pills, by return mall, securely oenlcd from all obs< rvatlou.
Tile (.real Frcneli Kcmcdy.
TYcpared from a prcneriptian of Dr. Juan Dclamarrt,
Chief Physician to the Jlorpital tin Kurd ou
Laritr nitre oj Jar is.
This v.duahl ■ iiii.'tc::;. •- 00 ii.ywsi.ion. hut Isuttt.dlliiK
lit the • : .- 1; ma orrha-0.-inii...i V. 1 :,i..uKvery
■ 1 F
.1 Dupv.tr •• 21il.uelanid.iud.fi- m • ;•> or wripflon ot
j fortn success, aoit w v.-. %•' - riood'etftotlMfie
well fid :hd-o-;....ui. :.,i pc.-.tts ...i.terim; irotu luvolun-
I"T En. s-eutv ..• atrY wtser we >.- -• ■ the - xual or
-1 g ilt'. Wo. .. .. ,i". . 5 .0.. .. of living, ex*
! cesses*or abuse.
R. A. Huturuoi, M. D.
U. r> DUJAHPIV, ill. I).
■I.-A V Li! i.il JIC.K, M. 1).
; Paris. May ,Ith. 1365.
i The t;. iii tie pit:- r.i-e sold i v alt tie Principal I'ruitelsfa
ttirouyhou; the world, price otiy itvltar per boa, ..fstx box
! es for live rto'mr*.
i.AhAM J F.liE .v Ll IttN'i. Sole Proprietor#,
No. "It Ron Lombard, Pari*,
i One i iliir ero-iose.! to any nuthora.ol v -ji tnarre
a box I<j r. LUrt secure.- 4 ,|ed fruoi.Uobservation.
1 Fix boxes ~r v • dollars.
boh Ben. ui Agent., for America.
1 ltd. Alt H. M"- ' A CO.. 27 f rth.nl d \'.Y
; N. B —French, Her man, Spanish am! Eltglisli Pamphlets
t containing full puilicuiats and direction* rv.r use, sent free
: to anv aiidiest.
Solu In l-ewistown by F. J. IIOFFMAX. Janl7-ly
! rpKIS ftrmtf Las thorouahly proved itself to ho the
1 nest n tiele kttown for curing the Catarrh. Cold tn
, tne Ho t ami IJetui'irkt It has been found an egeel
I Ivtit remedy 111 many easnaof S-.rt. Knot. P.'tf,<'.** ha*
Leon removed by it- and Ifeunug luta often been great
ly impioved By its use.
I it is "ti-agrirnt" .tnri jigreea'de. tWul
I to the dull heavy i.uins caused by diseases of the fc*d.
. The s.-n-ntions after using it are delightful and invix
; orating. It opens and purges out si: oßstructiMiK,
streugthvus Uie eUoda, and gives ahealthv action to
the parts affected
! of sale and use of DR. MARSHALL'S I ATARKH ASP Hiad
: AC rititrt. has proved its great value for all the eoni
| oion diseases of the head, and at tins moment stands
I higher than ever l>eft>re.
It is recommended by many of the liest physicians
| and is used with great success and satisfaction erery-
I where.
Head the Certificates of Wholesale Drug
gists in 1854.
The undersigned, having for many years Been ac
quainted with Da. MARSHALL'S CATARRH' a..\d HIACACHS
I SXL'ff. and sold it in our wholesale trade, cheerfully
I state that we believe it to Be equal, in every respect,
to the rei'otnmendatioii.s given of it for tfie cure of
Catarrhal Affections, and that it is decidedly the best
! arfiele we have ever known for coniruou diseases
1 of the head.
Burr A Perry, Boston,! Barnes & Parke, Jt. Y
! Heed, Austin & Co., " iA.B. AD. .Sands,
. Brown, Lansoui A Co., " | Stephen Paul & Co.,
I lie .1, Cutler ftt*., "• I Israel Minor A Co.. •*
both W. F.wle, " | McKesaon & Kohblns, *'
U jisnrj. Falrbatik A Co. " jA. 1,. Scovlllc A Co., ••
II enbii, Kdmnil i Ofc, [ M Waril, dotie ACo . M
11. If. iiay. Portland. Me. | Bush A Gale, "
For sale by all Druggists, Taj jv,
janl7-ly. -
A MONTH I—AGENTS wanted for
J*' would respectfully inform th#
* puotic that, notwithstanding iheir Tannery wan
I destroyed by tire, they wilt buy all the Bark they can
get. for which they are prepared to pay the highest
cash pnee.
They will also keep constantly on hand their usual
, stock of FINISHED LEATiJEIt, which they will sell
Cher, or cash. They are not prepared to Luy hide#
! " '*• iay24-lj|