-A-Q-PtiaXXXuT URAL - Plants for Special Purposes. We take the following interesting and valuable remarks in the adaption of plants tor special purposes from Vick's New Illus trated Catalogue of seeds, just published : Much disappointment often results by selecting plants that are not well adapted to the purposes for which they are de signed. Most of the trailing Lobelias, lor instance, are superb for pots and hanging baskets; but if planted in the gardeo, to add to the effect, and where it is desirable to make a good show to be seen at a dis tance, they are worthless. This is the reason why one customer will write,' Those Lobelias you sent me were beautiful; I never had anything so graceful in a basket —a wilderness of delicate flowers, and in bloom so long;' while another says, 'All the seeds produced magnificent flowers ex cept those choice Lobelius—they were tiny things, with flowers no better than many of our weeds.' Some inadvertently place tall and free going plants in the trout of flower beds, instead of using them for the background; and, because they dislike them out of place, imagine that they can be ot no use anywhere, while in their proper place they are really admirable. Tbere are places where even the coarse SuDfiower can be used with advantage and be made to produce a fine effect. Sad mistakes are ©flea made with running or climbing plants. Of course they are comparatively worthless unless provided with the nece&ary support Indeed, instead of being an ornament, they are almost a nuisance, if allowed to run about the ground, where they can never make a natural and healthy growth. The same plants, when used to cover au arbor, or buildings, or feuce, or when properly trained upon a trellis provided for the pur pose, are the most effectve means provided for garden decoration. Here we have the true drapery of nature. To aid in selecting seeds for special pur poses, I name a few that can be used with advantage. Others, however, not men tioned here, are nearly or equally good, as I have not the space only to mention a few. Flowers for a Constant Brilliant Shmc. These will be lound in the first department of the Catalogue, aud are familiar, doubt less, to most of our readers. The Aster, Antrrehinum, Balsam, Stock, Dianthus, Delphinium, Pansy, Petunia; Phlox, Drum mondi, Portulaca, Salpiglossis, Scabiosa, Double Zinnia, and other varieties that we have not space to name, should have space in every collection. For a Summer HeJye. —There are some 1 situations where a low hedge or screen is | very useful and ornamental. I don't know ! of anything that will make a prettier hedge, ; supported by neat brush, than the Sweet | Pea, if sown early in spring and deep in j the ground— not less than lour inches— ; and the earth is kept well hoed up to the plants. In good soil, the hedge will be | three or four ieet high. The Amaranthus makes a fine ornamental hedge; the foilage u dark, rich, and some varieties two or three colored. Delphinium cordiopetalum always pleased me for this purpose—about eighteen inches or two leet in height.— Gomphrena globosa, in a good rich soil, makes a pretty hedge two leet in height Ornamental lea it J Plants. —Plants with ornamental leaves are becoming popular in all parts ol the world. They produce e very fine effect when grown in a group ol \ half a dozen or more together. For use-J luluess in this respect, I know ol nothing! better than Perilla Nankinensis, Cannas. Ricinus and Amaranthus. The seeds ot! all these but the Cannas may be sown in 1 the open ground, and wiii produce a splen did effect'the first season; or they may be transplanted .from the hot bed. " The" Ri cinus has a tap-root, and il grown in a hot Vied should be in pots or in some manner so that they may be transplanted without injury Jbe finest I have ever giown, however, were sown in the open ground about the time of corn planting. The Canna does best started in heat. The Ri cinus is the tallest ol those named—lrom four to ten feet high—and should occupy the centre ol the group. F/oicers Desirable for Frayrance.— For fragrance, nothing equals the Migno uctte. Sweet Asylum, and Sweet Peas tor Baskets —Convolvulus, Fenzlia, lpomma, Leptosiphon, (particularly L. hy brida) Loasa, Lobelia, Mignonette, Nemo phila, Petunia, Phlox Drummondi, Thun bergia, Tropteolum, Verbena, Sweet Alys sum. Those of a pretty strong running habit, like the Morning Glories and Trapmolum raajus, should' have the tops pinched off il they run too far, which will make them dwarf and branching. All the varieties mentioned above, except the run ning sorts, are excellent ior pots. ClimLiny Plants —These are particu larly valuable for covering buildings, fences, etc., and making beautiful, what but lor them would be very unsightly Nothing will give more satisfaction than the annual Climbers when properly oared lor and used in the right place. Leather Store. J A. & W. R. M KEE have opened a • Leather Store in the room lately occu pied by Ephraim Banks, on Market' street, where they have constantly on hand IT XISHE D C ALES KIN S, Sheepskin*. Lpper-Leather, Harness, Skirt leather. Also, Morrocco, Jkids, P'mk Linings, Striped Bindings, Roans, and an assortment of SHOE FINDINGS. Those in want of any of tbe above articles will do well to give them a call. Lewistown, Aug. 9, I&Gs.—6m. IJO S T! ON Sunday, tbe 31st of December, on the road from the Pottery to the Toll Gate, or from the Toil tu Bank* Dam Bridge, a YICTORINE. of grev color The finder will please leave it at Selheimer's £tore or ■.ih ¥r* J. A. Valley street 1..w , „„ NEW OPENING ffiOTBMG STOBB. EAST MARKET ST., Lewistown, One door of Hamilton's Store, and opposite the Express Office. 3\HE subscriber has opened tms day a large and X fashionable assortment of ready made CLOTHING, aad latest styles of Gents' Furnishing Goods, consisting of a very large, and well selected stock of readv-rr.sde Beaver. Pilot. Union Beaver, un-sh.el der Overcoats, made in fashionable frocks and sacks. Also, a very large assortment of OT iiT&iIiAFBS, black Broadcloth Dre-* Coats, double and single breasted, and a magnin.-ent stock of business suits, which he will offer to die community at large 25 per Cent. cheaper than ean he purchased in New York city. I will guarantee ever garment which wili be purchased a: my store to be as represented. As my motto will be "Small Profits and Hutch. Sales,'' Rememher that this a genuine clothing establish ment. and Lewistown and the country around will be proud of such an establishment opening out. as ithas been long needed ;n this neighborhood. Call and examine my -tack l-efore purchasing elsewhere, and you will find my advertisement to be a correct one and as above me'nt.oned. These goods were purchased at panic prices, in oonseijuehce of which 1 will re able to offer bargains to purchasers at cheaper rates than the same goods can be purchased at this time —and vvhicb are new at least 25 per cent, higher. Nov 13m, A. ARON3ON. loss. loss. NEW GOODS! /\ p NATHANIEL KENNEDY'S STOR.B, In tlie Odd Fellows' Hall. JUST received from Philadelphia, a very choice assortment of Ginghams. Flannels, Checks. Hickorv. Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods of all kinds. atso, Sugar*. Coffee*. Tea*. Chocolate, Essences of Cofiee. .Stone ware. Hardware and C'edarware,Shoul ders. Hams, Mackerel, Herring, Shad. Root.s and enoes. Gram Baes. Also, a fine lot of Whisky. BRANDY, Wine and Gin, SALT, *e_ Ac.. Ac, which will be sold very low. Country Produce taken is exchange for goods "bv N. KENNEDY. Lewsitowo, October 11, lS6i. GO AND SEE THE Hit ELEPHA\T AND Numerous other Animals. A FELIX has been to the city and pur • chased an enormous Elephant, and loaded him with about ton of Christmas Goods, suitable for holiday rcesents, among which are the most wonderful curiosities. This Elephant left Philadelphia, December 4th and arrived at Felix's Store on the 7th, making the tr:p in three days: and while be ing unloaded seemed to express great relief. A. Felix has numerous styles of goods, such as Albums, Ladies' Fancv Boxes, Va ses, China W are, Glas-ware and White Tea Setts. Perfumery, Notions, i., Ac. Felix's is the place to get good and cheap Groceries and ao kinds of Dried Fruit, baking and bunch Raisins. Prime Pepper and all kinds of pure Spices: and for a general assortment of thiDgs for family use, call at Felix's- L ome soon and lay in your Christmas goods, as I am aware that by holding off un til near the holidays, the excitement will be so great that I fear wa will not be able to ac commodate our customers as we should like dec7 A. FELIX. OH, HOW LATE IT IS ! But better late than never, So now I'll turn the crank : jut wait And see what's kept the itimg so late: But. no my machine is too hard to rim To use it now lor sport or fun. But more important news you'll hear. If the machine don't get out of gear. While a fact I row give to the nation. Tis genuine Russian Stoves-no mutation. New in design, very prettv and neat. For saving yotufue anm raising "heat. My ba- durner Stove indeed cant be leak None likeihem e[-ewhere you'limeet. I have a large lot. and now 'tis late. Therefore the prices will accord;n!v rate. Many other Stoves, witn mv celebrated Cook Are in the wane fix—just give us a look. ' And here you'll see a very fine lot. Of mo,t handsome Oil Shade- I've bouiht- A.so. Stair Oil Cloth, 'tis a new style. ' ' With table and floor to wear awhile Treble plated Spoon* and Fork* first rate White ivory handled Knives. all to mate ' And something in Cutlerv you'll find new As well a, ;n toiie; and chamber war* too! But please remember this little bit, I sell new beginners a complete outfit, Cheaper acci better than vou can do By buying here a little and there a few. Now as for Tin-ware, I've plenty of that Also. Lard Can®, and Pre--cs for fa:; For jobbing or spouting vou're just right, If you call at the Coffee Pot day or night Many a new thing indeed you've missed, For I've no* had time to give you a list. And now I'd like to *av still more. But this only I'll say, f have a full store. And turning the crank. I'm tired 'tis seen. Oh ' that I had a pretty steam machine. To keep you all posted of things in my line, kept at the famous Big Coffee rot Sign, . t by J.IEVXN WALLLpe Lof 1 market t. Pa. I Attention! Attention. A Word to the Wise. i TTJE have just returned from the V V city with a full and splendid atock of Fall and Winter Good^, which we are prepared to sell to meet the wants and j pocKeta ot the people. Our Mock comprises ail things usually aept in a country store, embracing j DJiffiSS GOODS,' o? the latest and most stylish pattern*. Cloaks, Shawls & Woolen Goods. j >l.n's and B:y'3 Clothing. Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shoes. ALSO, Sugars, Coffees, aud Teas, and r 1 other things belonging to the Grocerv hue ' best quality; also. Hardware, queen-ware. Wood and j \vdiowa are. We would a-k our town and country tr.t-nds toc-.T* 1 Qk at-ali before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful lor the past far. :s, we would respectfully tin a continuance of the -ame. KITTENHOUSE A MAYES. Opposite Brown's MiUa. Keed.-viUe. • PS. Produce taken \a exchange lor goods and 1 the lugue-t market price allowed. Keedsriile, Nor. i, loci, BIIABMIS ' AND Victory over High Prices! ! IIIHE undersigned bare received from the Fa-tern , si T\ ""f,,V : varied assortment of BOOTS A 1 -n''E>, v[ a - "t.- and of c..-rern manu laciure. at n,eir store, one door west of Francisetis' Ha:aware St. .re. East Market street. Le -t ,wn. We will constantly keep on hand a targe assortment of HOMEMADE WORK. of all kinds and the latest styles. : w e will alo ta>e r..eai;re- and make work to or der. at short notice. Repairing done in the neat*-! i manner Ti.e public arc tented to call and exam;no j onr stock before purctiasiug elsewhere. We are ' bound to sell cheaper than toe cheape.--. f.-. r ca-- j HAMILTON A TH< iRNBCRO. Splendid Inducements! !IMMEH>E STOCK OF j Boots & Shoe ! Great Reduction IN PRICES ! THE undersigned having purchased the greater part of hi* immen.-e stock during i tne summer month.-, is now prepared to defy competition from aDjr quarter. That notwith -1 the advance of all ri.ods of goods, we ire j filing at greatly reduced price., j Men r Heavy Double : Buots, warranted $4 to Sc ! ' ~ " Calf •* ST to is. .T 8 ,e . " * 150 to i 4. Ai**o \ f'tTien s .*./'> of vAntty an i Our st"M>k uf Children"* Shoe*. i- Very larWand i prices ran ire from $1 upward*. Yv-e have a eonipie*® -toek Ci? Gum b:.oe-: —Men*", Woniens' and Cfiil- i •Irens wear. We shaii continue to pay strict attention to onr SaDofafturittf Dq'arHneut. . Having a full c.-rps of practicable workmen, we will I mage work to order, at -hurt notice. V\ e eig.il continue to suppiy the trade with ESWALD'S METALLIC SOLES i HEELS, ' and caution all others in Mifflin eocctv from selling I them unless bv mv con-cut. l , ' BILLY JOHNSON. 1 N. B. Repairing. also ncatlv done, j Lewi-town. Oct. 4, 1800. Mil (MS! \BI liIKIIK PF LOOP has just returned from i the City with a very'large itodt of BOOTS & SHOES, of every style. He hats the largest and Ng best sei* ted stock of goods ID town, I I—' gr, J ca.i eariy and *ee hi? st.s k. He will sell at a small 1 j profit for cash. He has a tine a-sortcient of LADIES', MISSES', sue CBILBfiE.NS' SHOES, ,of every style, Jfens' Boots—a very large a--ortment, I | and ol' tiie !>est Eastern n;am,:"icture, Boys and ; . Youths' Hosts of air, i- He still enntinue- home I made work, having a troci a-—:>rtin mt on hand, and :s prepared to make to order all the late styles tliat are worn in the city. Call at the old-r._nd in the pub lic square Also, a fine assortment of Cotton and Woolen Ho siery. consisting Of .Vehs', Woiuuia,' and T/is-es,' and Chikirens.' seipO NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE IN THE WEST WARD. j The nnderigne.l has ust opened anew and large slock c-t BOOTS and SHOKS in Ma ■ r Biiov's . store room. West Market -tree;. Low is town a few ; dr from the diamond and opp> -:te Eieeobise'- Ho i tel. where will be found an esure new stock of Fash- ! j iOILUL'.a BOUTS, SHOES, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, in lb. packages; o>rn '■ Btarch. Fanna. Hominy,l>eatis.atidail KindsofSpices, ; re-h and fine; prime Cheese, pure Cider Vinegar, j Basket-. Buckets. Broom-, and a variety of Dolls and I Notions for Children. Also. Kai-ins, "Figs. Prunes. Coeoantits. Aamonds. Ac, t-oside the largest assort ' men! of Soap* to lie found in town. Hair Oils,and an endless variety of extracts, ail ol' which wiii be sold ' cheap for easli". All k.uds of Country Produce token in ex ' change for Goods. i Thankful for pag*. favors, he hopes by strict atten tion to busines- to tuerir atid receive- a coatinuauceof | the patronage of a generous publta maylO End of the War! New Grocery and Provision STORE. THE subscribers have just opened out on the corner of Market and Brown Streets, in the room lately occupied by Edward Fry singer, as a Tobacco and Segar More, a large, splendid and cheap assortment j 01 Gr-s-enes. Provisions, Ac- consisting in part of The best qualities of Sugars in the market, ranging from li'Xto Ift, IS. - J6 and 23 cents per pound. Syrup. Sugar House and Baking Molasses. Liaguyra and Rio Coffee, Tornson's celebrated Pat ent Coffees. Rio, Turkey and Essence of Coffee : Ba ker's Chocolate; Imperial, Young Hyson, Oolong and j Japan Teas, the finest and the purest in the market. A complete assortment of Spices, ground and whole; Cream of Tarter, Soda, Baking and Washing Sal a rat us. Starch. Dairy Salt in large and small sacks, to suit pur chasers. Bnggs Swift's celebrated Cincinnati sugar cured Hams."Dried Beef: Burlington Herring, Ac. ar.eppaj-'i's celebrated Put-burg Crackers, water, Eutter, Sugar, Soda and Linger, snaps. And everything that is generally tound in a regular Grocery and Provision Store. Ail our goods Kara been selected with great care, and with the view to furnish tiie citizens of Lewistown and vicinity with a first class of Groceries at a low figure. A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited, t Country produce taken in exchange. 1 üb* 7, WEBER A SON PMni' msm. Save Your 3VI ONES Y!! Our entire Slock will be dis posed ol'at a very small ad vance oil Philadelphia Pri ces. Consisting in part of Plain and Fancy w DRESS GOODS, Very cheap. OA.LI3CES, MUSLINS, & DELAINES. CASSIMERES, A large and full assortment or Flannels & Shirting, All wool flannel from 50 to 75 cts. A rery fine assortment of XO TIOXS, and FAXCY GOODS. LADIES' and GENTS' GLOVES and HOSIE RY DIiESS BI'TTOXS, of ail styles, GIMPS and RIBBOXS, Ac., ALC., ZEPHYR KNIT HOODS. A large and full assortment of the latest styles of SHAWLS. BALMOKALS, of every description, at a low figure. A large stock of Ladies' COATS 4 CIIICb'LARS, of the latest and best styles. LADIES' AND GENTS' UNDER-CLOTHINC a large variety, and very cheap. HOOP SKIRTS, of the finest quality. CARPETS, A large and entirely new stock, at the lor est cash prieea. Every person goes to Pratt's to buy Groce ies. Sugars from 12 to 22 cents per pound, Syrups from 20 to 40 " *' Coffee from 35 to 38 " " Teas as low as SI per pound. Dried Fruit, (^TJEZEJSTS'WA.IRE, GLASSWARE, WILLOWWARE, cScC., ScC., cfeO. @-Call and examine our atock befoi | purchaaing elsewhere. We charge nothing for showing gooda. H. M. k R. PRATT. Lawiatawa, ®at. 25 186*, IEW GOOD! \\f E have just returned from the Eaet v F with a fresh stock of goods, which we are determined to sell cheap. We have Grey Twilled ail wool Flannel, at { SO cents and upwards. Canton Flannel 50 j cents and upwards. A general assortment of DRESS GOODS. ! In Ladies' Cloth we have Black. Drab. Grey, and W ater Proof. Black Cloth fur Ladies' Cloaks, which we are prepared to sell by the yard, ready made or make to or der. Black and white plaid wool long Shawls, very fine, Balmoral*. Hoop Skirts, Hosiery. Gloves, Hoods, Nubias, Breakfast Car es, Ac., 4c. We have made arrangements to keep an assortment of Eurkea Zephyrs, a splendid ar tide for knotting Shawls. lioods. Pulse War mers, 4c. Cloths. Satinets, j Kentucky Jeans, for Mens' and Bovs' wear, i Also, a full stock of GROCERIES, in fact everything usually kept in stores in this • place, all of which we have determined to sell as cheap, if not cheaper than aDj other establishment in town. S J. BR IS BIX Jt CO.. West Market st . opposite the Jail. LewieUiwu, Nov. 1, 1805. NEW Tailoring Establishment. I (S2:.£g&BiS3 Ws (SOKES A Respectfully announces to his friends and th- pub lie generally that he has re moved tu the stand former j ~ JMT Iv occupied by Dr. J. D, {ffjpj fe Stoneroad a? a drug store. I jg M next door to A. Kitting's Cabinet Ware Rooms, and , I SI where he keeps constantly ! j : i fl J on hand a select assortment i ; of Cioths, Casimeres. and j Vestings. which he will make up to order in f the best and most fashionable etyie, and on j re*s nable terms. Give him a call. mv 24 WILLIAM LIND, has now open A NEW STOCK OF Cloths, Cassimeres AND VESTI N C S , ; which will be made up to order in the neat jest and most fashionable stvles. apl9 New Stock of Hats. Caps, &c. 77. 0- SCILIiJSZ-?., i Market St., next Door to John Kennedy's, SHas just received from f Y ,rk and Philadei-teg, / a phia, the most extensive jSgftsL, ■stock and complete assort•■fgpPw ment of ClLSaa'iS3 ever exhibited in this place, which will bedis J posed ot a: such prices as to defy competition, and which be invite* everybody to call and examine, as he is satisfied that his stock can Dot fail to please. For the Ornish he has constantly on hand, or will make to order, bat? to their taste of any required size or brim, at prices which car.nnt lail be satisfactory. Country Merchants will find it to their ad vantage to give him a call, as a liberal deduc tion will be made to wholesale purchasers. Don't forger the place, next door to John Kennedy's Store and nearly opposite the j Odd Fe lows' Hall. ' inayll "FUR Tilt MILIUM ! In addition to an extensive stock of GOLD & SILVER WATCHES, MEDAUON3, BREAST PINS, RINGS, and other J IE W IE Xj 3R, , AT IL IL JJKLUJ'd I establishment, will be found a beautiful as sortinent of mm* imm, ■MIOTOURAFII ALU IttS, ALSO, of ail the prominent UIIIUJ ihSTSilAi*-, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, and hundreds of other articles. 11. W. Jt'XKIN". Lewintown. May 24, IbC5. ROBERT W. PATTON, L SOITH SIIOE OF *IIRRET STREET, LEWUfTOWS, PA. HAS just received and opened at his es tabiishment a new supply of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Fancy Articles, work in the best possible manner. All kicds of REPAIRING done at the shortest notice and on the must accommoda ting terms. Particular attention paid to re. pairing Reapers. Water Wheels always on hand. Circular Saws furnished and tittad up- REESE 4 SLAGLE! FARMEHS' HI:KE IS WHAT VOI ALLD TO TIIKESLF C* HAI A, Geiser's Patent Self-Regulating Grain Separator, Clrunerand Ba;er, THE undersigned, having made the neces ± sary arrangement with the proprietor, will keep on hand, fur the accommodation f owners of the machine in Mifflin and adjoin ing counties, such CASTINGS as are tiTstiv needed for repairing the Geiser Machine. We are also prepared to do repairing, and add such improvement* as are used in the la test new machines. Me also have the Side Agencv of Mifffln county for toe sale of the Geieer Machine, and are fully prepared to receive order- ar.j furnih maohime. Thankful for past patron age wo respectfully request a continuance of thh same. fetil REESE 4 SLAGLF. Oil*. Paints. Ac. yEATHI IE LEAD, Red Lead, Zinc. Yenitian Red, and ail other kinds of colors. A! an. Linseed Oil, Fish Oil, Coal Oil. 4c , f, r ***' at _ J. B. SELHEIMER'S. T AISPEATEKS. SELIIEIMER S is the place to buy the bet and cheapest Hand, Rip, Tennant, Com pass and Cress Cut Saws; Planes, Bits, Ham mers, Hatchets, Squares. Rules, Chisels, Au gurs. Augur liitts. Drawing Knives, Spoke' shaves, Beveis. and all other Tools in your line. The carpenters all buv at J. B. SELHEIMER'S. SHOE FIXDLAF/S. have Sole Leather, Upper, Kip, and v v Lalt Skins: Moroccos, Linings, Bind ings, Lasts of the best make, Boot Trees, Crimping Boards, Clamps, Wax, Thread, Awls, Knivts, Pincers, Punches, Boot Web' bing. La<*er*. Color, and a variety of Tool* - and other article*, for sale at J. B. SELHEIMER'S. Builder* and Farmers t 1 AX find anything in their line, such as / L A*. Screws, Hinges, Bolts, Glass, Putty, Nails, Spikes, trace, breast, halter, leg and other Chains, Forks, Shovels, Spades, Hoes, and all „ther goods used in the Luiid mg and farming bqiness. for sale at J. B. SELHEIMER'S. Saddlerv Ware. A LARGE stuck of saddlery ware constant ly on hand, consisting in part of Saddle Trees, Pad Tr*es. Hames. Buckles, Rings. Snaps, Terrets, Swivels, Stirruns, Bridle Bits, lacks. Awls, Needles, Thread, llair, Patent Leather, and a variety of other articles. for sale by j: B. SELHEIMLK. | TL\ W AKE, TU* WAKE. A LARGE assortment of Tin Ware. 3t jr\_ wh desale and letail. constantly kept on hand ; all our own manufacture, made out of the best material. SPOUTING and all kinds of Jobbing done at short notice, Lv JOHN B. SELIIEIMER. Lewistown. Feb. 8. 1h65. i C OAL OIL. COAL OIL 1 >EST quality of Coal Oil for sale by rb* JLS quart, gaiion and barrel at J. B. SELHEIMER'S. OIL CLOTHS. i LARGE assortment cf Floor. Stair and DJL. Marriage Oil Cloths, of all colors, *ai quality, and cheap, at the store of J. B. SELIIEIMER. Cedar and Willow WARE. TpUBS, Churns. Buckets. Butter Bowls, Clothes, Baskets, Market Baskets. 4c., for sale by J. B. SELIIEIMER. tk: - *■ Li .—■ h-w lIEST quality, for sale Ly > novlo. p. J. HOFFMAN*. Cordage. Cordage. ROPES, Tviw Lines. Bed Cords, Clothes Line*, Twine*, and other cordage for - - h> J. B. SELIIEIMER. KinrL*uiiltis, BLACK*!!!!!!* 9, Blacksmiths *ay Selbeimer keepstbe .. Jl best Iron and Seei in town, lie doesn't only keep the best, but be keep? the largest assortment, and ei!s the cheapest. Go to J. B. SELHEIMER'S. r Lft those now flew, who neurfhewtd before* And ih*)s< who chewrd. ocw fhrw tiie more. OOIVIIE, T at TO ceais per ih. a: Fi-yi-mijei','. Navy Ti4.<*tve a; A> eeut* btr It*. as Prysifger.*' Navy Tobacco at 51.10 per Ih. a: Kry-mger 4 - voacrea t .tavo at oects per lb. at Frysmgvry, re-- .-^ r ;t. a; Frvrtugera KioanJor l\*wo as ia.oo p, r sb. a: Spunro Totoco a; Sl.lv per .b. a: Krysiijr* Naiura, I, at $1 3o per its. at Fry-ingers. K e vMi Tolaex-.v u p p^ r ib . *j Fry singer*. Fii>e Cat IVvtaiwvx* a< 51 *> per iK at Frysmgvr N For MiioKers i '.ave a ar.e:v o:"r i -s.atli';:-g* ! - is the iUs Sly ceietirasej SanUirv Pipe at $1 "h> _ . r*," -> • j i. ' -.* .. vi*s..-ts ".ts p..rt u!' - atni Dry. Ihrnv le. Central Part " s.-"M \i ane;.a:.i." Clears ot best brand* as lowv 1 'PWs. may 1* E FKYSINOtB-