LOCAL AFFAIRS WHAT WE WANT.—We have ir. our community men ot means without en ergy and men of energj- without means, we mean in a public way—and although the latter occasionally get up something that will benefit the town, yet there is more truth than poetry in the fact that they are not al w.t\ s n couraged as they ought to he by the former. All that Lewistown wants <•> make i' a more thriving town ik.i ? has ever been, is for me I of c p to t embark at least a portion of their menus in producing basin---- beeau-e all such benefit the coin muni' y at hi; N"on producers we have tod many tl ready, and every addition of this class is a drawback to our prosperity. A little foresight some years ago, instead of setting it down as a fixed fact that Lewistown was a finished town, would have purchased the cheap lots then offered lor sale, and while labor and material were cheap, erected a number of small houses suitable for the poor and middling classes. Such buildings would now sell at from 50 to 100 per cent, advanoe. Glamorgan Furnace lay idle for a long time waiting, like Macawber, for something to turn up. It is now producing iron second to but few establishments, and promises to remunerate the stockholders well, as they deserve to be A large tannery | will soon be erected near town by the I Messrs. Spanagle, and hero again ! strangers furnish the capital, and we j hope "oil be repaid for their energy, j There are other things whicli individ- j ual or associated capital could readily i embark in with pospects of good sue \ cess, which will yet create marts of j industry here or in the immediate neighborhood, and if not developed by our own citizens, will be appreeiu ted and advantage taken of by stran gers, for Lewistown, Irom its situation at a natural outlet of a rich, prosper ous. and industrious back country, and the mart of such great establishments a- Freedom Iron works and Mania's Axe Factory, could not long retrogade towards becoming a one-horse town CENTENARY OP METHODISM.—Our j Methodist friends regard this ts a juUi lee year in the history of their detv-rn j inafion, it being the hundreth year of! their existence as a church in this country. Appropriate services wore held in their churches here and else where on the first Sabbath of the year, and a grand demonstration will take place throughout the country in Oei<> bee next, when it is proposed to rase a fund of two millions of dollars for educational purposes as a centenary offering. The old Methodists ol the Brother Broadbrim and Sifter Sun bon net type have almost entirely disap I>< ared, but the present generation composing this sect seem to be an earn est. ge a head people, though they hav.e laid aside some of the peculiar notions of their ancestors, as the following figures will show:—The Methodist chureh North alone reports about I.OOU.UUO of coiumuuicants, 7 000 itin erate ministers, 10 000 churches, 102 institutions 1 learning (including 25 colleges,) 1-3.400 Sunday Schools more ' ban 150.000 teachers, and nearly 1.000.0u0 scholars. Its jmblieations number about 250, with a circulation of 300.000 monthly. IRON BRIDGE. —The Pennsylvania Kail road Company recently replaced the wooden structure over the Juniata neat- Granville run with a neat anil substantial iron bridge, which has been the admiration of all who have exam bied it. It is about 500 feet long, and is a model of neatness and strength, i he wooden bridge removed was erect c 1 ten or twelve years ago, in place of the one destroyed by lire, under the s iiperi ntendenee ot Col. Thos. A. Scott, then we believe Engineer of the West tin Division—who accomplished its election in a few weeks, which show edthe letuaikable.energy that has since characterized him in all the positions he has held iu the company. a meeting of the II iiderson 1'" ar "l L. Co. held January 4lh, S, >G, the following officers were elect <■'-> serve the ensuing year : President. C. Hamilton; Vice President. Win D-vin; Treasurer, Jo*. M. MeFad len Secretary, Samuel Hemphill; Rei-or ' Fetzer; Directors of Engine John Berry hill and Win Fetzer• Di rectors of Hose, II C Patterso and N. Hoffman ; Directors of Ladder ruck. Ard Berryhiil and George S *bomas. SKATING POND Some of our citi zens, we understand, are talking about creating a skating pond, where ladies and gentlemen could practice thi- e lightful exercise free from the an tioyance too often met with on the river, where the ice is so rough as gen erai!\ to eonhne many skaters to a very limited space. The locality known .is the Suntish Pond, on the 1 . id> ■i: V\ in B Me A tee & .Son, is ;<■!?< ,{• the most suitable spot, •' d a:! < not likely that it can he n- ■ I.: ; Hlig o other jnirposes, fee oreoi if eofihl he secured fot ilu v' !t v ifpj.itea pi oji et. Ihe move is a !••> i one, ano vv hor>e it wib he <*a ri d i-ut On i'hursdav pi 'hubiv :i .t ■ e-- than between two ami three hun dred persons were on the rtv* an canal in i e height of enjoyment *©- Kev SAMUEL V\ PKICE, former ' ly of this vicinity, died at V, illiains port, Pa., on Monday the Bth inst , after an illness of only five days He had been thirteen years in the Metho disl itinerancy, and, by his christian , courtesy and ministerial usefulness, had won for himself a large circle of friends, who will greatly regret his sudden end At the time of his death | he was pastor of the Pine street M. E. j Church. Williamsport. ilts discus.- J was pneumonia. Sabbath evening last closed the 1 week oi prayer. Services were held | in the Methodist church, by the chap iain ot the 7th Maryland Volunteers, and a union se-vice of the Luihermi and Presbyterian congregations in tls< Presbyterian church, sermon by Rev Reimensnyder In the Methodist church the meeting fias been protract ed, and a sermon may be expected every evening this week. NEARLY FATAL ACCIDENT. While Cyrus Corbett, one of the hands at Glamorgan Iron Works, was employed on Wednesday last in cleaning the flues ho came very near losing his life by sotfocation from gas. He was in sensible for orne time, and with con siderahle difficulty restored tocouseious tiess. He had recovered from its effects on Thursday, with the exception of his feet, which appeared to he burnt, prob ably caused by the hot dust or ashes _ I'LRKS. rite ro f oi llie dwelling occupied by V J Miller, one of Mr. Burns tenants, caught fire on Sunday iraorning last, hut was discovered be t're it had made much hea way ami f-xtiii uisiied lln -IAC L-g IT} \\ i,i Bi i IP, de-. I|, was ai><> sniiie.v. 4 ; j :f j .red In fit > lite roof on Sun lay a week Zxtir- fhe woodwork of the court I hejse, inside and out, was recently repainted by John Eva •>. E-q, and elicited general commendation at j n uary court from Judges, Jurors ami ah others in attendance. The brick work on Main street and the square was oiled and penciled by Oapt. Joseph S. \\ ttr.eam, and also presents quite a new lace. When the walls inside are whitened, painted or papered, it will again Jbe a creditable building. BASK ELECTION. -We learn from the tenini r,it that at an election held by ihe -stockholder* <>n the 9th, Messrs. James Burns, Edmond S Doty, An drew iieed. E. L Benedict and Ira ■ Thompson, were elected directors of the Miflfc.i Co. National Bank, for the en-uing year. The Boaid was subse quently -organized, and Hon James burns was elected President, and ii J. Waiters, esq., re-elected cashier. aBT A regular m eting of the Mcndels sohn Association vvil. be held on Mon day evening next at 7 o'clock, at which important bus ness is to be considered. Members requested to attend. Our thanks are due Hons. A. A ! Barker, James M. Brown and L. W.T Hall for several valuable public docu- - ments. s otf' The School Fes- j ; tival vviii be held in the lower rooms of that church, to morrow afternoon. We had another cold day on j Monday, thermometer within a few : degree- of zero, but it moderated t> wards e' c*n*njr. and on Tuesday inorti _> i i • g:*:e read}- lor operation early in the spring. The members of the Lutheran Church, at Hollidaysburg, have con tributed three thousand dollars tow ards the endowment fund of the The '(logical Seminary of that denomina tion iocaled at Gettysburg. The old Portage Iron Works, at Duncansvilie, are again in operation, under the management of Mr Mussel in.m, who recently purchased them. A German named Charles Smith, who had been employed lor a number of years past in the store-house of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company a> AI toon a, and who has heretofore main mined an excellent character for hon esty and faithfulness, was lately arrest ed on the charge of having appropri ated to his own use, at divers times, property belonging to the Company. On the first of the month Edward 11. Williams, Esq., assumed the duties of General Superintendent of the Penn sylvania Railroad, in place of Enoch Lewis, Esq., resigned. George Houek, a brakesman, of Al loona was struck by a lamp post a: Huntingdon, while leaning fr m tin cars, and nearly cut off his upper lit. h\ the tall John Woods of Alloona had ins right loot crushed a? Bell's Mills whde at tempting to net on the local freight. Mrs. F A Ilouck of Alloona has been bound over on char.es of ill treatment, starvation, so as to cause the death of a colored girl four or live years old Huntingdon Comity. There is now a daily mail between Mount Union ard Shade Gap. John Lutz has withdrawn from the Shirhysburg fleraltf, and that paper will henceforth be conducted by Ben. Lutz individually. 'IV sorrel mare stolen from Mr. Daniel Kiper on the night of the 2d of December, was sold by the thief to a gentleman in MeVeytown, on the 4th Mr. Adam Rupert, living in the neigh borhood, read the advertisement in l.i> G/oi> and seeing the animal knew In r to be the property of Mr. Kiper, and lie was informed ot the transacts-n On Saturday Mr. Kiper went after hi animal and she is now again in hi stable. The purchaser paid a good price for the animal. Jit; will be more careful hearafier and not buy from a stranger. The thief is still at large and perhaps i , the business in some other locality. Snyder County, A (.'ol>l Ji/ooilrrf Muri/cr —On ihe evening of ti.e Slii inst , our neighbor hood was thrown into a stale of ex citement by the rep rt of a numb having noun committed in Washingto township, about three miles from th piaee The victim of this prcnicdita ted murder was Mrs. Peter Eby. fn deceased was well known in the cot n 0 > as s be has been a lainiladv f-r .. long time, in the tavern, known:. Eby's tavern The particulars ot i case as near as we can learn them ar as follows: She was seated betw toe bar and the store engaged in s:, tutig; there was no otic in t ie In u - excepting a small ho\ who wa- uU the bar-room. Mr. Eby was abs.-. from the house, visiting a neighbor house; while the old lady was thus e caged, a ball was tired through u, window, piercing her heart; she sprao. up from her eat and started to run but fell down dead. The little box started and gave the alarm to tin neighbors. Mr. Eby was returiiii home and heard the report of the tii\ aim but did not discover any p rs n The entire affair is clothed in niscx ; we hope no means will -v left unlrieo to discover the guilty party. The <' r oner held an inquest over her (> ut' and the usual verdict was rend -re Ihe deceased wa- a od an.mt .ori\ five years Thi* is the first ease, murder committed in Snydei on. ot the Transcribing Clerks of tin. Pennsylvania Senate A more deserv ing man could not have been lound in the State, and lie will make an etii ieni otliccr. We rejoice in bis success, ami admire the action ot the Senate in bis choice. James Walk, a citizen of Greggtp., while engaged in threshing, a lew weeks ago, accidentally got his hand in the machine, and "had it terri ty mangled together wnh p„ r urns ofthc wrist. The arm was amputated v Drs. \ auvalzah and Duncan, and the man is recovering lie is an imlustn trious man with a large family, and dependent upon his labor for support. J'rrss, s'• David Gilliland, Esq, of Poller toaushij , met with an accident while hauling grain to Lewiatown, a few days ago, by falling under the wheel oi his wagon, which passed over one leg, bruising it badly and fraeturin" one ot the bones, lie suffers greatly i'roin he injury, but is believed to he doinga> weil as possiule under the cir cuma Unices. Mr Philip North, a native of Eng ! land, and for many years.a citizen of | Bellefonte, was tounddeadon the floor !ot the Preshyter ; an Church in this j place, on last Sunday Evening. Mr. N.. was sexton of the church, and it is supposed that heart disease caused • his sudden death. On last Friday, Peter Tarr. an old ; : colored man living in Bcnner lp. was j killed by Peter Dcvine. an Irishman j living in the same neighborhood. Tarr ; i had gone to Devine's house to eollec. i halt a dollar whi< h he said vas due j I him. :.nd which Dcvine refused topav. According to Devine's story—f rit is believed the affair was not witnessed i by any other person— the negro at I ticked him and struck him, and he in turn fell upon the negro with a club or pick and struck him over the head with such force as to break his skull ami cause his death. Other accounts seem to make the case look much i worse for Devine, as people represent that the negro is a harmless and inof fensive old man who would not give any one cause to fear him, or justifica tion to attack, much less kill him, and which are far from furnishing any de fence for the murderous violence used. /"Vex*, 1 '2tfl. Union County. First Vun/ir J tut I. —At the Decem ber term of Court the first case of murder was tried in Union county. — 1 lie offender was George Harrington, •R W infield, for the murder of Thomas Kennedy. lie was found guilty of murder in the second degree, and was sentenced to three years and ten months hard labor in the Eastern Pen herniary Alahama lost to.uOfl men in the rebellion. I'orto Rico has huii a list-class earthquake. Mr. Pollard, of the Richmond Examiner tried to -owlude a correspondent of the New I ork Tune* on Friday. He was armed with pistols, cowhide and knife, hat the Yankee not having the far of the Vir . iinan before his eyes, disarmed him Tile pwltics wrc separated and no harm was done. Tins cow ardly business of the old chivalry ought to l-e d.-alt with in such a manner as to teai-h these old rebels at it is no longer a southern right. The Clinton Tiemocrat so long published by JJ. 1.. bie.tciihsci, and barring its politics always a readable pa ter. is now published by John 11. t ;r,h*. and has for its m tt-i Jefferson s saying that A wise and frogsi 4 eminent. which sh-.1l restrain men from iniu.ing each other; which shall leave toein otherwise free to regulate .heir own pursuits of industry and improve tn in. and shall not take from the vv-uth of tabor the bread it has earnnl." —and yet ostensibly regrets the destruction of slavery. PI Lbs TH A I aHK perfect There are mm y gtm(j pills in the world, I r e hope, for the sake of humanity, but tic \ fills that are realiy perfect, because they ar >i-rlcitt, tonic, laxative, stimulant, counter icrirant. sudorific, ami alterative all the sain •mo. „re Railway's Regulating PiiU. sold •verywhere, ami for only 2-i cents a box. •v iti. lle-se rare pills in your house. V'iii can hi v illi iUt purging by mean- .f other pilis ■ > .wdvrs. Ymi can ut salts, *eui- I z castor oil, citrate • I magnesia senna and • ttina. ami so on Yon want none of these. : t-iway's Regulating Pills are a substitute • *|IM wh.-le of rtiem, and wna is better. • a iy be taken with s.tlt-ty and comfort hy the •st delicate woman as well as the robust •on Tiiey are the only vegetable prepara i 'it exi-ting which will answer in place of h-nic], regulating the action of the liver nhout making yu a life hmg victim to the se i f mercury or *.iu<- pill Tltey open the wis Hi a r p.-r ami -ah l-s -iue m-inm r eg coinpo-fiS . t. • sets fstr.ii' i. • tiealueol- ffS'i -• t- [cog- ii-di-j,'!-; •v- the dr.-rt.. .. •. r Tu-'em j|. 111 ciai'ioill ■> 11:- ilniog •j.. its of ii.:, s-fti s | tiey arc. w- re pea: p< tf-c " putt oj the age. and. when la • - oep }i' r m se-retions in a hmlt vcm .t ■ compel the organs to d • their duty C 4 i",iiy. tuvify the bio n| and secure u tit- -tunable- td"s- ng s uind health.— e t- tiotiiir-g bkc Kadvray's Regulating ' 'ln- ctasw of a>l disorders of the j < cll.i■ h Tver, newels, kidneys and bladder; ■ . u- dtsrUises. headache, costiveness i.- -'".,1, i nlaws fever, piles, and all de . • 's ..f thie internal viscera. For £5 a v u isxve- iv tiiuse pills a panacea to*' d the painlul and dangerutts 1 all -iis-ases SuM b.v Druggists. N. U —lb*. Risi'Twav's pill- are elegantly "■>{ w t;h go in. free from taste or suiell o i t.e.-iiMarly adapted for tlie use of all \vh. /. r—- t- taking ptHs. A child can swal w thn uti case- they are mild soothing d healing in their operation, they purge " ■ ■' 1 ughi, ti ttt th" system Evet v I s -i k- ep 'h-tii kit the house. 2w ? ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! f cratch ! .Scratch ! Scratch ! YVlieuton's Ointment Will I'n re Ik Urli in 48 Honrs. cu - sal Roe-uin, Ulcers..Chilblains, wm Kmu loin of tut skin. Price 60 cents, ale hy 11 Druggists. By Scia.: . 60 cuts o WEEKS A PUTTER. Sole -! Washington st. l-iostou. Mass.. if will be 10.-warm-t i.> mail, free of po.-tuge, to any part of the i - ud States- j PKR YEAR! We want ; Jtgeutseverywliere to sellour I twrtswvso fjo Sewing Machines. Three new kinds.— i I ud--t and upper feed. Warranted five years.— j Above salary or large eoinmUsUrns paid. The oxly j triiiehiri-.s sold in toe United .Stales for less than ffo. i wlitrh are futh, lircn.-ci bo 11 met, Wheeler J ItUein. ! (irm-TJ- pectfully inform tha ■ . public that, notwithstanding their I'annery was J destroyed by tire, they wul Imy all the Hark they can i gel-for which they are prepared to pay the highest cash price. They will al-o keep constantly tu hand their usual < stock oi FINISHED LEATHER win.m they will .-ell ' ei:cap for cash. They are not prepared to Lay hides <■ |et BOW. tuay44-ly j IST O X I C E ! B\ agreement with the new publishers "f the Gazette, all subscriptions which have heeii paid in advance will be credited on the new list; and those in arrears f..r six months or less w ill he transferred -ntl become payable to &<• K Fry-T.ger. In cases w here sub ; scrim i ti are due fT ttie whole year between ; Ist -lanuary ami Ist March. I charge them ; for the whole year 1". mporarv advertise j ut a .s tn. 'he gi.ii er mi t-* lrtJ'ttiuan nr | tay. • t„ the nod rsigned; hut all others, ci •where special contracts have been ;• iv i'l !>. choigrd by G F it S. n from ; .51 -lanna'y. tiniess ordered to lie discontinu I oil : once \V;, re spe-r'at (Mntr'CfS exist, j'• • . -> - tit ■ n tfi- 'i t vhoot they are |ay : .iit Wc are preparing or .tints f-r suh-crip line, ulver'i-ing and j i, work, for settlement and trust all who know themselves indebted will call and make payment. • Those having claims against tne are re quested to present them for pavment. iaVid OVER Lewistown, Jan 10, D 66. Instate of Juseplt Hart, deceased. NOTICE is hereby giveu that Letters tes tamentary on the estate of Joseph Hart, late ot Wayne township. Mifflin county, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in said township. All persons indebted to said •state are requested tn make immediate pay ineiit, and those having claims to present client duly authenticated fur settlement. ELIJAH MORRISON. January lt>* Executor. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order issued out :>l the Orphans' Court of Mifflin county, will lie exposed at publid sale, on the premi ses. on Thursday, February 1, IB6G, ail that certain lot of ground, situate on Brown street, in the Borough of Lewistown, hounded on the south hy Mrs. Carney, north hy Henry Z rbe, and west by n aliev. front ing 27 •] feet, and extending back to said al' ley with a two*story FRAME DWEL i TT; LING HOUSE, in good repair, Sta J bie. and other necessary outbuild iv-tajw* mgs. thereon erectetf. A desirable ••a ion for any one wanting a good home. S-.e to commence at I o'clock p. ni , when i; ins will he made known II W. JE\KIN. janltl—lt Administrator. OF THE Great Rebellion. 'I MIK late Rebellion stands out peculiar 1. and extraordinary in human events; iwi he vtaynijictnt scale upon which the war has been conduced, constitute it one of the GRANDEST AND MOST BRILLIANT CHAPTERS oT i he world's history Mr Heatlley. of all writers, is perhaps best qualified to portray the stupendous fratures ••f tiie mi hty contest. His previous works •n less upunenti.tis themes have placed him in tha first positi m. as a graphic and power ful dehn-aror of war scenes and characters, and the magnitude arid grandeur of the pres ent subject, impart to his pen the fire and vigor of a yet more exalted inspiration, and tarnish ample scope for the highest exhibition of bis peculiar genious fur military descrip ton Under his powerful pen the stirring seer.es of the War pass in review with the ivi bti ss and diktinctness of a present and *it:t j reality, while his great talent f r con deti- . i 'i ■ t!*'.!•- fii.u :■• • m'. dv evcrythinjr •jtpo'f tn- •* .<■ .. •• nipas-just Kuited to the Want f r -'lt no other Source C4tt s. •in u e a | represented. octlAim Shipping Furs Bought. _ NOTICE TO FARMERS! PRODUCE \VAXTED. I HAVE leased the Warehouse at the West-end of Market Street, in Lewistown, (lately oeeunied hy Francis MeClure A Co.. where 1 am pre pared to purchase at the inchest market rates, or re •eive on storage all kindaof grain and other produce Coal, salt and plaster kept eonsrantlv on hand for sale. ABNER THOMPSON. Lewistown. Aug 23.185.-tf N . B The same bttslness also continued as herelo ore at the Warehouse in Keedavilie. LEWISTOWN STEAM MILLS AGAIN IN MOTION. T C BLYMYRR A CO. having pnr *l • chased the Lewistown vtenm MiHs wast t purchase, at the highest CASH PUIt'ES 50 000 Bushels WHEAT. 20 000 " BARLEY, 10 000 " OATS, 10 000 " RYE. Also. CLOVER, PLAX and TI.MOTIIT SEEDS. FLOCK and FEKD always on hand, atid dshvered j at auv place in tlx* boroogb. Also, FISH, SALT, PLASTER, eround or in the Stone. Wilkesbarre, Sunbury and Lvkens Valley Coals. JRDERS "FOB CUAL, FLQVR OR FtED LEFT Af TIT* STORE WILL BE PROMPTLY *TTKBDE TO septic Brown's Mills. I 'jpil I*l undersigned are prepared to buy all kinds of Produce fop cash, or receive on j store at Brown's Mills, ReedavllSS, Ph. We WllThave | ou hand Plaster. Salt and Goal. ' We intend keeping the mill constantly running, and i Dure mm, ?m,as., I for sale at the lowest Market rates, at cli times. ■•.S-The public are requested to give us a call. ! *ep27tf U. STRUNK t HOKFMANO. Lewistown Mills. THE IHIGHEST CASn PRICES Piiß WHEAT, ANH ALL KINDS (IF GRAIJi, I or received it on storage, at the option of thus* i having irfor the market. They hope. hy giving due and personal at | tention to business-, to uierit a liberal share of j public patronage. le?*PLA3'PER, SALT and Limeburnr | COAL always rm hand WW. B MeATKE & SON Lewistown, Jan. 1, 1866.-tf j'illl Bill MIDDI3I AT NOTICE TO FARMERS! I X F£E undersigned- annouDces that ha is now prepared to buy or receive on storage, and forward all finds of Grain and other Produce, at his new Warehouse at Reedsville. I'IiAKTUR, SALT & COAL kept constantly on hand for sale, lie also continue* the Produce Business at the old stand in Lewistown. octlJ-tf ABNER THOMPSON. I IRON BUILDINGS, No 37, Fifth Bt, PITTSBURGH, Pa. TtJXTIOir FEE HEVER €IIA TOED, FORTY DOLLARS PAYS FOR The Full Graduating Course. j , |IME UNLIMITED IN- Book Keeping, Business Penmanship, Commercial Calculations, Lectures Upon Law, Ethics, Detecting Counterfeit Money. OtlH-r Colleges have either advanced theirtuitioa fee l ) S6O. or charge #lO to 116 extra for Penmanship. Their Book* and Stationery, alsb. costing from sl2 V* | $20 —ours cost hut id. PUFF'S ORIGINAL PLAN OF BUSINESS EDU CATION. an taught rn this city for about twenty-fiv* years fro in Ins own systems of" Book Keeping, which are sanctioned hy the American Institute and Cham bur of Commerce. and other competent authorities af New York, a.- the most perfect system in use. with W. H. DUFF'S FIRST PREMIUM BUSINESS AND ORNAMENTAL PENMANSHIP taught n I) t V and LV€ VI > W ( lasses. he fo " n £ by proper inquiry that tins is only College ot the kind in the Union conducted bv an experienced .Horcharn, and whose Penman is a trained accountant. JMr-M-rchant- Steamere- and Bankers can always uon at ouroftce. cUuc6Ud *OUOIM on applies -I'hose de-inng our elegant new Circttlar. pp. TS ofatedy andprac with asm plea ot mtrPenmsn VBtiMness and Or ?rvH D a nun*, . mukt toe loss TWENTY-FIV* L&.> lb tO t DUFF k SON, Pittsburgh, Pa, > Wwill mail any pi-smn • i 'losing uF2. s copy ft> eitner ,ur Metcautue or t>ve*utiooui Hook Ke, p:ng pest paid. uov2P4©