?II)2 LOCAL AFFAIRS. RELIGIOUS. —The "week of prayer" recommended by the Christian Alliance commenced Sunday evening last, with sermons appropriate to the subject for the opening services in each church. These meetings will be continued night ly through the remainder of the week, mid in the Presbyterian church every morning at 11. The subjects for this and succeeding evenings are as follows: Wednesday, JaD. 10. Nations: For their temporal and spiritual welfare; for kings and all in tuthoiity; for the main tenance of peace; and for the increase ol "righteousness," which "exalteth a nation." Thursday, January 11. For christian families, for servants, and for schools and colleges. Friday, January 12. For christian mis sions and ministers, and for all engaged in christian work. Saturday, January 13. For christians in sorrow, in sickness, and in persecution; for the widow and orphan. Sabbath, January 14. Sermons: The blessing to be expected from the manifest union of believers of all countries. FIRE. —The dwelling house of Job-. Kiefhaber of Oliver township, situate near the mountain, was totally des troyed by fire on Sunday morning last, with all its contents, except a table. Mr. K had been quite ill for some time, and there was no one about at the time except his wdo, who made some efforts to put it out when discovered, but was unable to do so. it caught on the roof, probably from the stove pipe or chimney. This calamity leaves Mr. K. in a destitute condition, there being probably no insurance. Many here wid no doubt recollect him as consta ble and collector of that township. J * LARGE HOGS. —We have seen a good deal in our exchanges about large hogs, but one raised and slaughtered last week by David M. Zuok, of Men no township, and delivered to Harshbar ger, Hughes & Co. of Mill Creek, takes them all down, its net weight being 710 pounds. Get. out with your little pigs of three or four hundred. A public meeting will be held at Liileysville on Friday next lor the purpose of forming a company to bore for oil on the Sigler farm near that place. Although we have not confi denc-e in oil in large quantities being found on the eastern slopes of the A1 leghenies on account of the broken character of those slopes, yet as un doubted indications exist in both Derry and Decatur, a trial cannot do much harm and might result in benefit to both landholders and stockholders, as if even found in limited quariitiea it would pay. The following are the officers of the Apprentices' Literary Society for the present term, viz : President —I. W. McCord. Vice President—T. M. Uttley. Recording Sec'y.—G. R. Fry singer. Cor. Secretary—Charles Newman. Treasurer—John A. McKee. Librarian—Dr. A. T. Hamilton. Asst. Librarian—Geo. L. Helman. Editor Banner—C. W. Walters. The whito sugar taffy manufac tured by Mrs. Mary Marks, is superior to anything in that line ever sold in Lewistown—a fact which any one can be conviuced by calling tor a bar or two. Our thanks are due to an old friend over the ridge for a bushel of black walnuts and a lot of sausage. The Hamilton McClintock Oil Com pany has declared a second dividend of four per cent., payable on the loth. A Good Templar Lodge has been formed at Chambersburg, named after our townsman, Rev. J. S. MeMurray. A successful revival of religion was in progress in the Methodist church of j Dry Valley last month. A vein of coal it is said has been j discovered on the farm of Henry Bridge, j in Decatur township— Democrat. We'll bet a hat or cap that it is black j slate or bituminous shale. lhe child ot an Irishman residing at Freedom Forge, fell into a bucket ot hot water a short time ago, and was i so severely scalded as to cause its death. Joseph S. \\ aream has been appoint- \ ed Clerk, and Joseph Alexander, Esq., i Attorney to the Commissioners, both < taking possession on the Ist. Charles ' W. Gibbs, the soldier boy, entered on his duties as treasurer on the 2d. Lewis Rudisill, one of the hands in i this office, while visiting Hanover, Pa., i during the holidays, was robbed of 1 his pocket book and some sl3 in mon- ' y. A lodger in the house is suspected \ having stolen it. j, COURT PROCEEDINGS. The following are the proceeding; in the Court of Quarter Sessions lasi week : Com. vs. Jos. Orner, Thomas Low ) i Theodore Loudenslager—lndictment j malicious mischief. Guilty, fined $£ ! each and to pay costs of prosecution ' | jointly. ■ | Same vs Eli Price—lndictment, as . sault ami battery. Not guilty, pros. George Soles to pay two-thirds cost ' and deft, one-third. Same vs. Albert Townsend and Wm 1 Cunningham—lndictment, illegal vo ting. True bill against Townsend, . not a true bill against Cufuiiiighnm Same vs. Samuel Aurand, Martin Mohlcr, and John Thomas Stone road Indictment, receiving illegal votes. True bill. Same vs. Win. Soles—lndictment, riot. Sentenced to p;.y fine of $lO and costs of prosecution. Same vs. James Jenkins—ln ict ment, malicious mischief. Sentenced to pay a fine of $lO and costs of pros ecution. Same vs. Jesse Horton, Samuel Tay lor, and Perry I). Moore—lndictment, receiving illegal votes. True bill. Same vs. Joseph Stutcr—lndictment, illegal voting. True bill. Same vs. Peter J. Wertz, Samuel O. llimes, and John Switzer—lndictment, illegal voting. True bill. Same vs. Josiah Kerr, Thomas A Dunn, and David F. Milliken—lndict ment, receiving illegal votes. True bill. Same vs Wm. Lowther. Henry P. Hughes, and Charles Rickets—lndict, Larceny. Not a true bill. Same vs. John Freed—lndictment, selling liquor to minors. True bill. Same vs. same—lndictment, keep ing gambling house. True bill. Same vs. same —lndictment, keep ing a disorderly house. True bill. Same vs. Wm B Laird, Alex. Cum mings and J aeob Norton—lndict ment, receiving illegal votes. True bill Same vs. John Sunderland and Da vid S. Brown lndictment, illegal vo ting. True bill against Sunderland, and not a true bill against Brown. Samevs Wm. Morrison, John Strunk, and George M. Hobaugh—lndictment, receiving illegal votes. True bill. Same vs. Robert Kinzer—l .dietment, illegal voting. True bill. Same vs John Hoffman—lndictment, selling liquor on Sunday. True bill. Same vs. same—lndictment, fur nishing liquor to minors. True bill. Same vs. Nathaniel Comfort—ln dict., furnishing intoxicating drinks to minors. True bill. Same vs. same—lndictment, selling ! liquor on Sunday. True bill. Same vs. John Malanaphy—Deft, j held to answer on charge of bigamy The following cases were decided in the Court ot Common Pleas : Wm. Reed vs. Hugh Dillett—ver dict for plaintiff for 8633 44. Collins E. Patterson vs. Mitchcl ; Jones—verdict for deft. Charles E. Thomas vs. John S. Mc- Ewen, jr.—verdict for plf. for $537 99. Bank of Middletown for use vs. Ab nor Thompson, Garnishee of William Reed—verdict for deft , jury directed to find. John Rhule vs. Glamorgan Iron Co. —verdict for plaintiff for SB3. ORPHANS' COURT BUSINESS. Henry Price was appointed guardi an of Martha J. With worth, of Oliver township. T. Whitehead was appoint ed guardian of Joseph M. Whit-worth. Samuel H. McCoy was appointed guardian of tho minor children of Col. j Win. Butler, dee'd. George W. Sigler was appointed ; guardian of the minor children of John Cubbison, dee'd. Michael Bowersox was appointed guardian of the minor children of Da vid Robenold, dee'd. T. G Bell was appointed guardian ot the minor children of John Himes. dee'd. R. L T . Jacobs was appointed guardi- i an of minor children of Jerman Jacobs, I dee'd. John Glasgow, Esq., was appointed guardian of minor children of John H. \ andyke of Wayne. Ihe writs of partition of the es-' tales ot Col. W m. Cummings, of Brown, ; and Michael Hostetler, of Men no, were i confirmed. The accounts filed to Januarv term were all confirmed. TEMPERANCE.— The Presbytery of Carlisle, at a recent meeting, adopted the following resolutions, which, with ; some suggestions by the committee on the subject, will commend themselves to all who view with alarm the grow ing evils of intemperance: "Resolved, I*/—That in view of the im mense aud increasing evils resulting from the wde of Intoxicating Liquors in luns, Restaurauts, and similar places of Enter- ; tainment, and the encouragement given to the traffic bj the existing License .System of Pennsylvania, we earnestly recommend to the Pastors and Members of our Church es to use their best efforts for the direction of public sentiment, so that a powerful in fluence may be brought to bear upon the next Legislature in favor of a repeal or modification of the preseut law relating to that subject Reso oed, 2d —That we cordially invite the cooperation of all Ministers of the Gospel, of whatever name or denomination, and of all christian men and lovers of hu manity throughout the State. And, in or der to aecure concert of action, we auggeat ; that everywhere—in towns, wards, towu I s ships, neighborhoods—petitions be prepar it ed rnd as ruany signatures as possible pro cured, and that they be forwarded to the r next Legislature, praying lor uch modifi ' cations or changes in the License System J of our Slate as will serve to remedy, or, at least, abate existing evils In these Petitions let the special atten tion of the Legislature be called torhelaw | for Licensing Restaurants, Drinking Sa t loons, &c The existing law gives the ! Courts no control over this matter, but I places it wholly in the hands of the Treas urers, of the several counties, aud leaves no discretion with them as to granting or ' | withholding, when application is made in t due form. That is, they cannot withhold j j license These houses, which have become alarm ingly multiplied, are the fruitful sources of untold evil. They are the sure stepping J stones which lead ?o ruin. They are fill | ing our households with sorrow, our alms houses with occupants, and our prisons I | with inmates. Let us strongly urge upon the Legisla ture the repeal of this 'aw, and the amend ment of the law for licensing of" Hotels : and Inns, so as to give a larger discretion ary power to the Judges of our Courts. At a meeting held in Lewistown, on Saturday, 6th January, 1866 for the pur , | pose of appointing delegates to the Fish Convention, to meet at Harrisburg, to 'ay. Wednesday, January 10, Dr. A T. iamilton was appointed President, and • muel W. Barr Secretary. Th- following gentlemen were appointed >elegtea to represent Mifflin county m iid convention : Dr. S Bel'ord, David Over, Dr A T Hamilton, E. C. Hamilton, John 1 George Frysinger, Rev J S McMurr*. Charles W Walters, I'. F Loop, \V N Hoffman, Lewistown. Lieut. E B. Purceli, and Captain da C. Dysart, Newton Hamilton. David Withrow, Esq . arid Hon. Li j h Morrison, Wayne. Geo. W. Mcßride, C C. Stahbargm nd William Macklin, McVeytown. George Settle and Simon Gro, B ration John G McCord and Gcor e W braith, Oliver Capt. James P So.ith sod :• ,* Coy, Granville. Moses Miller and Wm iir - _•!: • Joseph Sigler and A M Ingram r catur. John Taylor (pike) and J.ij. W Me j Kinney, Brown. James M Brown, Holmes MaaGy, an i j A. W. Graff, Armagh Dr Gibboney and Samuel II ifllv, Pro- Wm. McClelUn an J lto->■- iE. . ! Men no. All of tho above delegare, wo j i make it convenient are reque.- e> > tend said meeting, and urge the i.. e a law requiring sluices in all :he 1 .-n --the Susquehanna and Juniata and th- - j leading tributaries, so as to permi: fi-h to a ceud. A. T HAMILTON, Pres. SAMUEL W. BARR, Sec'y Communicated To School Directors I have a word to School directors, with regard to the employment of teachers in our public schools. Some of them think if they can only succeed in getting a suffi cient number of teachers to fill their schools at a low salary, and, by go doing, save a little money to the district, then they are doing God service. These men never, for a moment, take into considers ; tion what the character of a teacher ought i to be, witli regard to the mental and moral ! training of the children. They think this a matter of minor importance, and their sole aim and object appears to be ta em ploy the man or woman who will teaeh for the lowest salary. But there are others, who are governed by quite a different mot to. They not only seek to employ teach ers who are qualified, both for the mental j and moral training of the children, (and : this, 1 think, should he a matter of the very first importance,) but they are, also, willing to pay them a liberal compensation for their services The School Directors of Menno district differ, in s< me respects, from all these; they want, if possible, to secure teachers, who are well qualified for ! ; the position which they are io occupy, j both in regard to the mental and moral training of the youth, (and I must confess that they have succeeded in employing j teachers of considerable talent and ability ) ; But alas ! alas I they have failed to renin nerate them for their services, in propor tion to their ability. They expect them to teach for old salaries, which they re ceived ten y n ars ago, notwithstanding the advance on all kinds of produee Mechati | ics ot all kinds here have had their pay advanced, except the poor sell- ol teach- r i and when I say "poor," 1 mean jogt, what i I say, for most of our teachers are in real ity poor, and their salaries never c.lcolito to --"rich them, and no wonder, that so many are compelled to abandon the busi | n?§9, and seek employment in othei wa-.s "0 . that our hchooi Directors would cun ,ider their ways and be wise," that they would view these things in their proper light, "and do to others as they would that they in similar circumstances should do u'.to them," and not- ask teachers to do what they arc not wiiiiog to do 'heraselvta. j A TEACHER CANCER CAN BE CURED. Dr. Hebern, of Quincey, Illinois, cures cancer without knife, pain, or loss of' blood, in from four to twenty four hours; also treats consumption successfully. iy. i i he thermometer got down to a degree or two below zero on Monday e foorning, and up to noon continued in tensely cold. Yesterday it moderated i considerably. The river is froz n i hard with tine clear ice, and nearly all having ice houses are eugaged in till , ' n g them The weather along the sea board that morning was very severe. * l ''Wiuoineter varying from 10 to 1 30° below zero. r NOTlCE — l'ersoos having Deeds and ( oilier instr merits of writing, in the po— | session of the lute II gi-trr and Recorder, S. W. Ban, are notified fo call, and lift thenj immediately, as he is anxious to set tle up his affairs in that office Ueirs from other Counties. Juulala County. Bum Burned. ~ The large barn be longing to A. J. Ferguson. East Wa i | terloid, together with four horses, two cows, one hundred and fifty bushels of j grain, and the entire contents, were ! consumed by fire, on Saturday night week The fire was the work of an incendiary, and a young man named Bathgate, was arrested in aterford on suspicion of ' eing the guilty party D'-rr Killed —Samuel Klinepeter who | resides in Black Log, killed a large l deer about dusk,on Wednesday week, with a double bitted axe. The deer i came down to the yard of his dwelling. | when the dogs took hold of it. and ! he.tl it until Mr. K dispatched it with j : an axe ~ Register, Mfflt nto.cn Huntingdon County. At a meeting in Huntingdon, recent ly a com tin i tee of thirteen was ap ! '"< i to draft a constitution and hy i.i-vs tor the use of the "Soldiers Na j i onttl UII on" of Huntingdon county ; Committee o consist of VJ .j v John Porter, 9th Pa.Cav., j B- v. Maj A H. Creigh, 147 th Pa. In., ('apl.J i) Campbell, 49th Pa. In. J Capt. J Brew>ter, 70th 44 44 j Capt Neely, 149 th " 4< ;*" t jt J Doyle, A. C. 8. U. S. A. ' S L Liuyett, 19th Pa Cav. ' ' If ' Alexander. sth Reserves - Irvin. 19l!iPa Infantry ;.l ler 501 it 44 44 Lit ut. Keiiyou. 13th Pa Cavalry, i Capt. E Miles, 3d Pa. Artillery, ; < 'apt Jos J ohnston Four prisoners broke jad at iiunl j ingdon on Saturday afternoon week, j by breaking tiie l ck off the yard gat !Y' lii.g Stlytier itcl "aula ! Hardy mad-i heir escape --the other two were ' roc.'.pi ured I ' I Th-unas Gregg, of Huntin don, luts | tieen appointed a Lieutenant in the j reg'.T.sr army from this Congressional ; J lis! ■ . C ' Centre County. ! • -A very painful accident j occurred iasf Wednesday afti-rnoon i ne;tr Pleasant Gap, in which a young | man by the name of George Potter, I son of Mr. Samuel Potter, had his right arm entirely torn off at the ei bow by the terrible velocity and force of a threshing machine cylinder. The upper part of the arm is also so much injured that amputation was deemed necessary, and the physicians took off the arm about three inches above the elbow. HIE MARKETS. LEWTSTOWN, .January 10, 1866 Wheat, red, per bushel 51 93 " white " 2 00 Barley 44 00 Rye 44 80 0 ns 44 35 Corn, old 44 60 Cloverseed 44 6 50 Timothyseed 44 3 00 Flaxseed 44 2 25 Butter per lb 40 Lard '• 15 Eggs per doxen 30 Beeswax per lb 40 Country soap 44 6a12 Tallow 44 11 Wool 44 50 Feathers 44 75 lh.ps 44 15 Country Hams 44 20 Sides 44 15 44 Shoulders per lb 15 Dried Apples per bushel 2 50 Cherries 44 2 00 Beans 44 1 50 Potatoes, 1 00 "alt, hbl 3 50 44 Saek 3 25 Flour is retailing at the following prices : Lewistown Extra Family per cwt. 5 50 Superfine 5 00 Extra Family per bbl 11 00 Superfine 10 00 Philadelphia JHaketi. JANUARY B— Evening. The Flour market continues very dull and prices are unsettled and drooping. Toe only sales we hear of are in small ; lots to the retailers and bakers at from 87.50a8 for superfine, 88.50a9 for ex tra. 88 50a9 tor northwest extra fami ly, 89 50al0 50 for Pennsylvania and Ohio, do GRAlN.—There is very little de mand for Wheat, sales at 225a235c lor good and choice red, and 25Ua275e per j bushel for white us to quality. Rye is dull at 96a105c per bushel for Delaware j and Pennsylvania. Corn, new yellow sold at, 83c in the cars and in store. Oats are scarce with sales at 52c in the cars. Beef cattle were in better demand at an advance; 1,700 head sold at 12a 18Jc per pound for common to choice Sheep were iu lair demand at an ad vance; 9,000 head sold at 7aBJ per j pound, gross, for good fat sheep. Hogs —prices advanced 50c the 10b pounds; 3,000 head sold at 81Sal5 the 100 pounds, net. Teachers Notice? MEETING OF THE COUNTY ASSOCIATION Tlin annua! ir.petio.tr of the Mifflin Conner Teaehors' Association will be heiil at MeWytowii, on Wednesday. Thursday. Friday & Sat urday, Jan 24 25. 26 and 27 Reports will be read on the followiiu; subjects— District Institutes. W C. MeCtennhen. Gra iation of i earners Salaries. XV. t\ Gardner.- Graded S. hools. Jacob R. Elliott. Ibe Right Employment of aTt act - ers Leisure Hours. Mi<=- Mary Met'ord. K Union of Professional Teachers. Prof. S. Z Sharp Report* will tie open for discussion ' j Subjects for Discussion —Thorottgh Recitations; Rela ! tion of Ministers t> onr Comtnan Schools; The Abol ! lshmentof Whispering. lecturers —Frot. .1. p. Wiekersbam. Normal School, j Millersvitte. PH.. an. 4 R-v F. L. Floyd. Belleville. Pa. Basai/ijts—Misses K:te J* Stsiuber. Sallir HIH! j Geo. P Eld ledge, esq.. ..! Philadelphia q-af/>••—Messrs. \V. 11. Pndeanx, and J. K. Aiken* 1 liese exercises will be interspersed with the drill ; exercises on the different branches ami music. I Special efforts hare been made by the executive I committee to have tins the most interesting and prof, j itable meeting of the kind yet held iu the county; and ] it is earnestly hoped that teachers and others tnter s ested—directors, for instance, by encouraging teaeh j ers to go—will make a corresponding effort to have it • a grand success. • lam authorized to say in behalf of the citizens of McVeytowu and vicinity that their hospitality on the occasion shall not be behind that of other places in which the < .invention lias met. St* tiiat teachers can go with the reasonable assurance that they will have Something to eat and whereon to sleep, without pay. except good behavior and thanks before they leave. No teacher therefore of the County who is able to go—physically I mean—can have a valid excuse for staying at home. Let us have a grand rally, then. The political freedom of the country has been great ly enlarged of late, imposing new and greater respon sibilities upon iis educators. Let us endeavorto meet those responsibilities. Conic out. then, come prepa red to participate vigorously in the exercises, espe cially in the discussions, and'you w ill be amply repaid. MARTIN MOTLF.ER. Chairman Ex. Committee. Lewistown, Jan. 1,1866. 3ST O T L C E i I'HE public hereby have notice that the undersigned, convicted at August Quarter Sessions. ISOS, of Mif flin County, will apply to His Excellency the Gover nor ot the Commonwealth for a pardon. Dec 29. 1865 jan-i-.'it* JAMES R. ANDERSON. Mifflin County Oil Meeting. A MEETING will be held at LilleysviHeon FRIDAY. il the 12th day of January. 1866, for the purpose of | organizing a company to bore for oil in Decatur town ship Mifflin county. Pa. G. M. Kepler aild other prominent gentlemen en- 1 gaged in the oil business, wilj be present. The pub- ! lie invited to attend. MANY CITIZENS. January 3, ISOteL't* TYPES & FIXTURES. ' FOR SsfILXL.ES. \ ILL be sold at private sale, a No. 5 Washington l Press, having been osed only aKviu two years and a half, and all the type neeessarv for printing a large Sized country paper, consisting of 256 lbs. of Brevier; 185 lbs. Long Primer, and alt neeessaey dis play letter, sticks, rules, eases, stands, chases, Ac.. Ac. i Also SO lbs. of Pica, 5*5 Ihs. of Paragon. 36 lbs. of Dou ble Primer, 33 lbs. of Canon, and a considerable lot of other large Job Type, neeessarv for a country Job Office. The'newspaper and job type have only neen used tiv- 1 months and are nearly as good as new. The above will be sold by the editor of this paper and any one wishing to start a uewv paper or fit up an © i one would do well to call on us, as we will sell at a oargain. fSOO PEK VEAKt We want agents everywhere to sell our ! IMPROVED s2(l Sewing Machines. Three new kinds.— Under and uppti feed. Warranted five years.— j Above salary or large commissions paid. The OKI.V j machines sold in ttie United States lor less than &10. ' winch are fully licensed bit Ilmrc. H 'heeler tf- Wilson, j Ornvts d- Baker, Singer <1- Co.. and Baehelder. All other machines are infiingementg and the seller or user are liable to arrest, 'fine, and imprisonment. Circu lars free Address, or call upon Shaw A Clark. Bid deford. Maine, or at No. H23 Broadway. New York; No 236 Carter St.. Philadelphia. Pa.: No. 14 Lombard's Block. Chicago, HI.; No. l"o West Fourth St.. Cincin nati. O.; or No. 8 Spaulding's Exchange. Buffalo. N. Y. dec 20-isly VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. Ml'. ROCK Mills, situate on Kislia coqmllas Creek, about one nnle from Lewis town, is offered at private sale. It is an excellent lo cation. with abundant water power, is now doing an extensive business and is justly considered one of the most valuable mills in the county. It will only be in market for a limited time. For terms and further information, inquire of G. LKHK. nov.2Btf I.ewistown, P. U. Pa. OF THE Great Rebellion. late Rebellion stands out peculiar X "d extraordinary in human events; and the magnificent scale upon which the war has been conducted, constitute it one of the GRANDEST AND MOST BRILLIANT CHAPTERS <>T THE WORLD'S HISTORY 1 Mr Hundley, of all writers, is perhaps best qualified to portray the stupendous features of the mighty contest. His previous works on less momentons themes have placed hitn in the first position, as a graphic and power ful delineator of war scenes and characters, and the magnitude and grandeur of the pres ent subject, impart to his pen the fire and vigor of a yet more exalted inspiration, and furnish ample scope for the highest exhibition of his peculiar genious for military descrip tion. Under his powerful pen the stirring scenes of the War pass in review with the vividness and distinctness of a present and living reality, while his great talent for con densation enables him to embody everything of importance in a compass just suited to the j public want. Fr-m no other source can so clear a d comprehensive an impression of j I the grand march of events be obtained, so j easily and agreeably, as from Mr. Headley's j work. Other histories have been issued be fore Grant's Report and other Official Docu t ments were submitted to the Government, ! and are therefore unreliable. Mr. Head ley has delayed the completion of this till those documents so essential to authenticity and j correctness could be obtained. The second volume, completing this work, will be issued in March. 1866 Agents want ed to engage in its sale in every town and j county in the United States. Liberal induce ments offered. For particulars apply to or i address. AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO.. 148 Asylum Street, Hartford. Conn. Scranton & Burr, Agts. jan3-lm ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. LETTERS of Administration having been granted to the undersigned, on the eatata uf Elixabeth Burkhnlder, 'ate of Decatur j township, dee'd, all persons indebted to J said estate are notified to make payment im mediately, and those having claims against the Kiiuie will present them duly authenlicat ( •d for settlement < WILLIAM MITCHELL. > nuv.226t Administrator TIA WIRE. AT very iuw prices, and best article, at no? 15 HOFFMAN'S. j IRON BUILDINGS, No 37, Fifth st, | PITTSBVRGJI, P*. TUITION PEE > even nmucn, j FORTY DOLLARS PAYS FOR The Full Graduating Coum. j IME UNLIMITED IN Book Keeping, Business Penmanship. Commercial Calculations, Lectures Upon Law, Ethics, Detecting Counterfeit Money. j Other Colleges have either.adranoed their tuitiok i fee to SSO. or charge sli) to AlS extra for PeDtnitnshjp. Their Boot* and Stationery, also, costing from 911 to s2o—ours cost but $5. DUFF'S ORIGINAL PLAN OF BUSINESS KIT CATION, as taught in this city for about twenty-Ate years from his own systems of' Book Keeping, which are sanctioned by the American Institute and Cham bar of Commerce, and other competent authoritiea ef New York, as the most perfect system in use. with W. H. DUFF'S FIRST PREMIUM BUSINESS AND ORNAM ENTAL PENMANSHIP taught in ftl%¥ and liV fhiMpi, It will be found by proper inquiry that this is the : only College of ihe kiml in the Union conducted by an experienced Merchant, and whose Penman it a | trained accountant. kag-Merohatite. Steamers and Bankers can always | obtain thoruuguiy educated accountants on applica ( tion at our office. I j 49rThoe desiring our elegant new Circular, pp. 79 I containing an outline of onr Course of study and prao j tice. with Samples of our Penman's Business and Or ! nsmental Writing, must enclose TWENTY-FIVE I CENTS to P. DUFF A SON, Pittsburgh, Pa, *g-\Ve will mail any person enclosing u92, aVopr fo either our Mercantile or Steamboat Book Kee.piag post paid. BorJMm* ill IM\. GSKEAP AS PARKER & SONS. CONSISTING OF taws a toim* Woolen Knit Shawls, Children's Knit Coats, Balmorals, Ladies' & Children's, HOC? SXJ3.SS,LAS.S3 AXTS SMAXiXi, SiAKER BONNETS, CLOTHS, CASSIMEKES, Carpets, Rag and Imported, FURS ! FURS! FURS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! CHARLES OAKFORD & SONS, idhmbsmi a Dan. PHILADELPHIA. Hare now open their large and splendid stock of LADIES' FIR CAPS, COLLARS. MUFFS. CUFFS, GLOVES. AND HOODS. r a £m h tt"™£,¥X2E£ e,u of FANCY FUR ROBES, i ® RS * nfi ®tOYB9 ever before' ottered by them, all of which are warranted to be aa represented. octlMm Shipping Furs 'Bought. jttKQO A *OW*HI-AGENTS wanted for ' SU r e'ltirelu nexc article*, just out. Ad dreas U. T. GAKEY. City Building, Htddeford, Main December at), islv.