Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, March 01, 1865, Image 4

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    T HE
Egg Bread. —Beat four eggs very
light, and stir into a pint of sweet or
sour milk with a little soda in it; mix
in a large spoonful of butter. Over a j
quart of silted meal pour enough hot
water to scald it, stirring it to a stiff,
smooth mass. Mix this into the milk,
beat it well, and bake it in a pan or
muffin ring's. Very good bread can :
be made by the above recipe, without
eggs, if s-xia and sour milk be used. !
A Good pudding. —To eight tables- '
poonfuls of water add the juice and
rind of one lemon, quarter of a pound
ol sugar, quarter of a pound of butter,
the yelks of four eggs and the whites i
beaten to a froth. Bake it for one
hour in u slow oven.
Brighton Pudding. —Take three eggs,
quarter of a pound of sugar, quarter of a
pound of llour, quarter of a pound ol
butter, and the peel of a lemon finely
minced. Beat the sugar and eggs for ;
twenty minutes. Oil the butter and
mix it atid the flour in at the last, i
Steam the pudding for one hour. Serve
without sauce, only with preserves.
Sweet Soujfle. —Take a pint of milk
and as much flour as will come to a
thick paste over the stove; keep stirring j
it all the time; add six yelks of eggs j
and a pinch of salt, as much sugar as j
you like. Beat eight whites of eggs
all to a froth; stir them all together.
To be put into the oven a quarter of j
an hour before wanting it; the oven <
must be quick. Glaze it with white |
sugar, and send quickly to table. It
may bo made with ground rice. The .
rind of a lemon, grated, or lemon-juice
gives it a nice flavor.
Lemon Sauce. —Make some melted ;
.butter with water instead of milk;
then put in two ounces of sugar, the
juice and shreu rind of half a lemon,
and the other half freed from its skin,
sliced thin, and each slice cut into
quarters; give it a boil up, and serve.
Lemon Custard T irt. —Squeeze juice
of the two lemons upon half a pound j
of loaf sugar ; then pare the rind as 1
thin as possible, and put it with the
sugar. Boil the rest of the lemons in
a good deal of water until quite tender; j
beat and rub them through a sievo; i
add them to the other ingredients;l
pour in half a pint of white wine; let ;
it simmer by the fire for an hour; then ;
gradually mix it with the beaten yelks j
of four eggs and the whites of two; j
strain it into a tart-dish edged with a
rim of puff-paste, and bake for twenty j
Tea Cakes. —Half a pound of flour,
two ounces of sugar, two ounces of
butter, two eggs. Mix all together,
and bake.
Trafalgar Cakes. —Mix a pound ol I
well-dried flour with six ounces of finely
pounded sugar; beat six ounces of
butter to a cream, and stir in halfa
pound of currants, well cleaned and i
dried, and three eggs, well beaten;
then add the flour and sugar, and beat
for some time Flour some tins, and
drop a tablespoonful upon them; then !
bake as usual.— Godey's Lady's Book.
Sundry Useful Receipts —A hot shovel
held over varnished furniture will take
out white spots.
A bit of glue dissolved in skim milk
and water will restore old crape.
Ribbons of any kind should be washed
in cold soap suds and not rinsed.
Tfyour flat irons are rough, rub them well
with fine salt, and it will make them
Oat straw is the best for filling beds.
It should be changed once a year.
If you are buying a carpet for durability, j
choose small figures.
A bit of soap rubbed on the hinges of
doors will prevent their creaking.
Wood ashes and common salt, wet with
water, will stop the cracks of a stove, and
prevent the smoke from escaping.
A gallon of strong lye put in a barrel of
water, will make it as soft as rain water.
Half a cranberry bound on a corn will !
kill it.
In the winter, set the handle of your!
pump as high as possible at night, or
throw a blanket over it.
Make your own Neats-foot Oil.—A
correspondent of the Germantown
Telegraph tells what they do with
beeves' legs in bis family :
•The hoofs are chopped"off, and boiled |
thoroughly. From the surface of this 1
boiled mass, about one pint of pure
Jicats-foot oil is skimmed, which is un
surpassed by any other oleaginous
matter for harness, shoes, Ac. After
the oil is taken off, the water is strained
to separate from it any fatty particles
that may remain, and then it is boiled
again, until upon trying, it is found it
will settle into a stiff jelly. It is then
poured into flat-bottomed dishes, and
when cold cut into suitable sized
pieces. It hardens in a few days, and
you will then have a very fine article
of glue, free from impurities of every
kind, sufficient for family use for a
•By taking a portion of this glutin
ous substance before it becomes too
thick, and brusing it over pieces of
silk, you will have just as much Court-1
plaster as you desire, inodorous, tenac
ious, and entirely free from those pois
onous qualities which cause (as much
of the article sold by apothecaries
does) inflamation, when applied to
scratches, cuts, and^sores.'
Hoffman's the Store for Blacksmiths !
Hoffman's the Store for Carpenters I
Hoffman's the Store for Saddlers!
Huffman's the Store for Shoemakers '.
Huffman's the Store Jor Cabinetmakers!
Hoffman's the Store for Coach makers !
Hoffman's the Store for Builders!
Hoffman's the Store for Housekeepers !
Two Doors West of the Odd
Fellows' Hall.
PL RE and fresh drugs always on hand,
lhe most reliable preparation of
in the dry and liquid form,
Goodyear'S celebrated patent BREAST
PUMPS. A general assortment of
Notions, Perfumery, Soaps, &c,,
and in fact everything connected with Medi
eine or Medical treatment.
Physicians' and all other prescriptions
carefully compounded and put up.
All consultations strictly confidential, and
free of charge. Any preparation or medi :
cine not on hand will be immediately order
ed. 1 hope that the experience of sixteen !
years almost constantly engaged in the active ;
duties of the medical profession will be a
sufficient guarantee that no deception or
humbugs will be practiced upon those who
; consult me professionally, or who desire to
, purchase medicines.
xnar23 '64-ly R. MARTIN, M. D.
ASSETS on January 1, 1804, £2,457,849 95.
CAPITAL. $400,000 !
A CCli UED SUItPL US. 971.900
Unsettled Claims, Income for 1864.
.$8,416 $30*0,000.
Charles N. Baneker, Isaac Lea.
Tobias Warner, EUwarU C. Dale,
Samuel Grant, IKO (~'<* F.,l<-s,
JACOB K. smith, Alfred Filler,
Geore W. Iticharda, Fras. \V. Lewis, M. I).
CIIAS. N. BAXCKEK, President,
EDWARD C. DALE, V ice Pres.
Jas. W. McAllister, ssec. Pro. Tem.
11. J. WALTERS. Agent,
tnarl6eow Lewistown.
"117*ILKESBARRE. from the celebrated
IT Baltimore mines, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 K
SUNBURY, Nos. 2. 3 T 5. i
L\ KEN'S 5 ALLEY, No. 5, suitable for :
stuve and Limeburners' use.
I For sale at the lowest cash prices.
HajrOrders left at Geo. Blymyer's store
will be promptly attended to.
Lewistown, Sept. 21, 1864.
R IMIE undersigned having opened a Coal
\ ard at the old Logan Foundry property,
respectfully invites the public to give him a
call. \\ ilkesbarre, Sunbury, and all kinds,
including Limeburners, can always be had, I
at lowest cash prices.
Lewistown, Sept. 21, 1864.
J FTMIT undersigned announces that he
_l_ is now prepared to buy or receive on
| storage, and forward all kinds of
Grain and other Produce,
at his new Warehouse at Reedsville. i
kept constantly on hand for sale.
He also continues the Produce Business at
1 the oM stand in Lewistown.
| Lewistown Mills.
or received it on storage, at the option of those
having it for the market.
They hope, by giving due and personal at- I
tention to business, to merit a liberal share of
I public patronage.
LASI LR, SALT and Limeburners
LUAL always on hand
Lewistown. Jan. 1, L565.-tf
Blacksmith*, Blacksmiths.
j RPHE Blacksmiths say Selheimer keeps the
A best Iron and Steel in town. He doesn't
on.y keep the best, but he keeps the largest
assortment, and sells the cheapest. Go to '
S E un!J E K MEK S r! s the p!ace t0 w the best
O and cheapest Hand, Kip, Tennant, Com-
MER B A N I C * &BIT9 ' "AM
™6"' llatchet £. Squares, Rules, Chisels, Au
j gurs, Augur Bitts, Drawing Knives, Spoke'
I W eS T? eV ' and aU other To ° l9 in
! line. The carpenters all buy at
Cordage, Cordage^
ROPES, Tow Lines. Bed Cords, Clothes
Lanes, Twines, and other cordage for
,ale b J J. B. SELHEIMER. j
TYEST quality of Coal Oil for sale by the
A! quart, gallon and barrel at
For the removal of obstructions an ! the Insurance of reg
ularity In the recurrence of the monthly perio.l.
&~f Th-v cure or r-bvia'c tho>e numerous iliseases that
I eelf" Irregularity, h.y removing the Irregularity it- I
* They cure Suppressed, Excessive and PainfUl Menstru
* They cure Green Sickness (Chlorosis!.
u* l h " y .V ,T *' N>rvous "• Spinal Affections. Pains in the
i .' L , ami io'ver parts of the body. Heaviness, Fatigue on '
slight exertions. Palpitations of the heart, Lowiiexs of Spi
rits. Hysteria. Sick Headache. Giddiness, etc., etc. In a
*T'V OK n'"?!!" 8 ' r reguiarity. they remove the cause
; and with it all the elfects that spring from it
; Composed of simple vegetable extracts, they contain
nothing deleterious to any i institution, however delicate,
their function being to substitute strength tor weakness
which, when properly used, they never fail to do.
"'o.v at any age and at any period.
EXCEPT litaiNC, THE FII;ST THHKE MONTH-, during which tile
pregrla"icr" "f their action would infallibly prevent
: ;V' letters seeking information or advice wiil be
prompih, freely ana discreetly answered
Full directions accompanying eacli box.
Price $1 per box or six boxes for V'. Sent by mail free
of pONTrtjre. on rece'pt of price
Pamphlets sent by rcail. free' of postage hv
Hit. V. Ft. MERWIN ,fc CO.. Proprietors.
No. 03 Liberty street. New York.
; Prepared from Pure Vegetable Extracts, containing noth
i lag Injurious to the most delicate.
' "As the Phoenix rises from the ashes of its fire, animated
! new i ' fe ' —so doe s ilils Elixir rejuvenate the system
j and overcome disease.
SS7T'5 S 7T'i c vt ""tlng Elixir is the result of modern dis
. coverica r. toe vegetable kingdom. being an entirely new
j ani aotract method of cur*-, Irrepefctivfc of the- oUI ana
; worn-out system*.
medicine las been test*i by the most eminent
medical men m the day. and by thern pronounced to be
j one •! tin* r.-ie.ilea! dlscoveri 4 s r,t the age.
* One bottle will cure (.*tterai Debility.
A lew i- -es riire Hysterics in females.
• &m~" One but tie •u< e> lUipitation of tin Heart.
• **r 1-roiii one to three bottle* restore the manliness and
• full vfg..r of youth.
fc s ?- A i '\v doses restore the appetite.
15 I liree bottle;* ciir* the * orst case of luipotencv.
| J&if" A tew drw<"-i cure the low spirited.
£2?- One b rtlo re-*t*ire< the mental power.
: A few doses restore the organs of generation.
* ;V fevv ,ius *. -1 bring the r*js* to the cheek.
1 nis medicine restores to tunnl}* vigor and robust
j health the poor,debilitated, worn-dovn and despairing.
Ihe list enTv .it •• I youth, the over-tasked man of bu*
j sin ess. the victim of nervous depression, the Individual
suffering from general debility or from weakness of * sin-
gle organ, will all find immediate and permanent relief bv
; the use <! this Klixir or Essence ot Life.
l'rice $2 per bottle, or three bottles lor s.\and forwarded
j by express, on receipt of money, to any address.
C 5. The Cherokee Pills an i Rejuvenating Elixir ar*
soi i i y all enterorDlng druggists In the civilized world.—
: 2*ome unf rinclpled dealer*, however, try to sell worthless
| compounds in place of these; those which they can pur
: chase at a cheap price, and make more money by selling
1 than they can on ibt-.se mciiciut-s. As you value yotir
i health—aye, the tu alrb of your future offspring—do riot be
I deceived by such unprincipled druggists, ask fur these
i medicines and take no other. It" the druggist wiil not buv
j tlieni tor you,inclose the money in a letter, and we will
I send them bv Express, securely s- .tied and packed, free
from observation,
j Ladies or gentlemen can address ug in perfect confidence,
i stating fbtly ami plainly their diseases and symptoms, as
we treat all 11-.-a-.-s (l chronic nature in mitleor female.
; Patients need not hesitate because oftheir inability to visit
: us. as we have tr. at.-d patients successluily in ail portions
| of the clvili7*-d g -he, bv correspondence.
Patients a idrc-ing us will please state plainly all the
symptoms of their complaints, and write post office, coun
ty. State and name oi writer plain, aud inclose postage
stamp tor reply.
We s nd oiir 33-page Pamphlet free to any address. Ad
dress aii letters to the Proprietors,
decli-vowly No. 63 Liberty street. New York.
The Cigar and Tobacco Man,
Lewistown, Pa.,
I AYS that if his many customers, and as
lO many more as want to come, only have a
little patience, ami dont crowd him too much,
| on aud after this day he will be able to fur
: nish all with any kind of
i from a Sun Fish for 5 cents to a chunk of
j Navy for $1.00; and of fine cut, from a5 cts.
; currency foil to a barrel of best Michigan ;
j in cigar line, from a Cheroot for 1 cent to a
| Prime Havana for 10 cents, and in Smoking
! Tobacco from Scraps at 30 cents per pound
|to Turkish at $1.50. Also, a good selection
j of Pipes, Tobacco Boxes and Pouches, Cigar
• Cases, Match Safes, &c , all of which he
! offers as low as the law allows.
N. B. Merchants will always find his stock
I full and prices as low as in the city, he hav
j ing made such arrangements with manufae
! turers of tobacco as to enable him to sell at
j manufacturers' prices; and manufacturing
j cigars himself, at less cost than in cities, gives
| him the advantage over city makers.
Convince yourself by a trial. Address all
: orders to E FRYSINGER,
dec2l Lewistown, Pa.
Between Blymyer's and llitz's Stores.
i VI7MIERE is constantly kept on hand a
j t choice assortment of articles in his
line, many of which are to be had only there.
His stock comprises pure and fancy Soaps,
Perfumery, Writing Paper, Pens, Envelopes,
different styles and sizes, Combs, Thimbles,
Gum and Cornelian Kings, Tooth Brushes,
Hair Brushes,
of nil kinds. Photographs of Generals, Ac.,
besides Confectionery, Fruits, Nuts, and eve
rything to be found in a first class store of
| this kind.
A continuation of the liberal patronage
heretofore bestowed is respectfully solicited.
Lewistown, April 6, 1864.
I Is Expi'i'ti'd to take Place 111
BUT notwithstanding this the people
must have
and we would respecttully set forth our
claims to public attention, first, because we
keep a large and well assorted stock of Boots
and Shoes for men and boys.
Gaiters, and all other kinds of shoes for
' women and children.
We are prepared to take measures and
complete work of all kinds at short notice.
Repairing done at short notice, at
"West Market street, a few doors west of
Col. Butler's, and nearly opposite Daniel Ei
senbise's Hotel. mh3o-'64
I FOUND out that Hoffman's is the place
for Groceries.
,TT A\ ING taken the above establishment,
_L_L the undersigned are now prepared to
purchase, at highest market rates, all kinds of
Grain, in any quantity that may he offered
The milling business will be attended to
with punctuality, and no pains spared to give
satisfaction to all who may favor them with
their custom.
C. 0. STA NBA TIGER <fc CO. !
f McVeytown, July 13, 1864.
ALL kinds of grain offered will be pur
chased, and the highest market prices
paid. Flour and feed always ori hand. Coal
of ail qualities and sizes, Salt. Fish. Ac . con
stantiv on hand and for sale to suit The times, j
He has erected a Plaster Mill in connection :
with his Steam Mill, and is prepared to fur- !
nish all who may call, at any time, with fine, J
fresh ground Plaster.
Lewistown, January 1, 1865.
Tailoricg Establishment,
Respectfully announces
jS if* to f r ' en ds and the pub
lie generally that he has ta
k°n stanf l lately occu- |
■ Bvo [ pied bv Mr. Cogley, be-
I9 tween Rudisili's and Sel-
M heimer's stores, where he j
■ as °P a select assort- j
1/ I j1 f ment of Cloths, Casimeres,
y L Q.J ali( l Vestings, which he will j
! iRHhi make up to order in the j
| best and most fashionable style, and on reas- j
onable terms. Give him a call. inh23
HAS just received and opened at his es- !
tablishment a new supply of
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry,
Fancy Articles, &c.,
wb.ich he will dispose of at reasonable prices. I
He invites all to give him a call and examine I
his stock, which embraces all articles in his
line, and is sufficiently large to enable all to i
make selections who desire to purchase,
j REPAIRING neatly and expeditiously
attended to, and all work warranted.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore re
j ceived, he respectfully asks a continuance of
j the same, and will endeavor to please all who
may favor him with their custom. feb2
i SEXT DOOlt lo Iho HIO, HOI Sl.
The subscriber having now on j
hand one of the best and largest
stocks between Philadelphia and
Pittsburgh, in order to accom- j
modate business to the times, offers for sale
complete assortment of
Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Collars, Trunks,
Whips, Haines, Valises, Carpel Bags,
which are offered for sale low for cash, or ap- i
j proved credit.
Among his stock will be found some high- '
ly finished sets of light Harness equal to tTny
| manufactured,
Let all in want of good articles, made by j
! experienced workmen, give him a call
Lewistown, April 19, 1860.
r undersigned, having a large Stock of
| JL Eastern made
on hand, offers the same at very low prices
from now to the first of April, in order to
raise money. As the vrar is very near at an
; end, and, knowing that prices will be lower
■ as soon as that comes, he is determined to be
ready for the low prices. So, come on, Boys
; and Gir's. and get cheap Shoes.
MANUFACTURING attended toasusu j
| al. He has a full stock of Home-made Work
ion hand, which lie offers at very low prices. i
! a full stock kept on hand. Having purchas- j
ed the Patent Right for those Metalic Soles,
for Mifflin county, he cautions all others from
j dealing in them, unless by his consent.
Lewistown, Jan. 25, 1865—tap!
Numerous other Animals.
A FELIX has been to the city and pur
• chased an enormous Elephant, and
loaded him with about a ton of Christmas
Goods, suitable lor holiday presents, among
j which are the most wonderful curiosities.
Ibis Elephant left Philadelphia, December
; 4th and arrived at Felix's Store on the 7th,
\ making the trip in three days; and while be
ing unloaded seemed to express great relief. ■
A. telix has numerous styles of goods,
Albums, Ladies' Fancy Boxes, Ya -
ses, China \Y are, Glassware and White Tea
' j Setts, Perfumery, Notions. A., 4c. Feiix'sis
i the place to get good and cheap Groceries
and all kiuds of Dried Fruit, baking and
' i bunch Raisins, Prime Pepper aod all kinds
of pure Spices; and fur a general assortment
of things for family use, call at Felix's.
Come soon and lay in your Christmas
goods, as I am aware that by holding off un
, J t'l near the holidays, the excitement will be
so great that I fear we will not be able to ac
commodate our customers as we should like
dec? A. FELIX.
- Hoffman's Cheese, it is extra.
New Stock of Hats, Caps, &c-
Market St., next Door to John Kennedy's,
Kllas just received from s
New Y rk snd Pbiladel- I
phia, the most " T '" n *i r
stock and complete assort
ment of
F ? CSaaipss
ever exhibited jd this place, which will be dis
posed of at such prices as to defy competition,
and which he invites everybody to call and
examine, as he is satisfied that his stock can
not fail to please.
For the Ornish he has constantly on hand,
or will make to order, hats to their taste of
any required size or brim, at prices which
cannot fail be satisfactory.
Country Merchants will find it to their ad
vantage to give him a call, as a liberal deduc
tion will be made to wholesale purchasers.
Don't forget the place, next door to John
Kennedy's Store and nearly opposite the
Odd Fe lows' Ilall. may 11
S4 fislpAßlti J "
ins world's obiat remsdi fob.
Scrofula and Scrofulous Diseases.
From Emery Edes, a tceli-knoum mere/unit of Ox
ford, Maine.
"I hare soli! large quantities of your S.VRSAPA
i P.ILLA, but never vet one bottle which lailcfi of the
desired effect and full satisfaction to those who took
it. As fast as our people try it, they agree there lias
been 110 medicine like it before in our community."
I Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, Ul
cers, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin.
From Rev. Hold. Strntton, Bristol, l.ngiaml.
" I only do my duty to you and the public, when
I add my testimony to that you publish of the me
dicinal virtues of your S\lts\i*\itlLt.i. My daugh
ter, aged ten, had an afflicting humor in her ears,
] eyes, and hair for years, which we were unable to
cure until we tried your Saksarakilla. Sue has
j been well for some mouths."
! Erom Mrs. June E. Hire, a ice!l-known and much
esteemed lady of Dennisrille, Cape May Co., X.J.
i 41 My daughter has suffered for a year past with a
• scrofulous eruption, which was very troublesome.
■ Nothing afforded any relief until we tried your
i SARSAI'AIiiI-LA, which soon completely cured her."
| Erom Chariest P. Cage, Esq., of the widely known
Carte. Murray ly Co., manufacturers of enamelled
! pajiers in Xashua, .V. 11.
j 44 1 had for several years a very troublesome
s humor in my face, whieh grew constantly worse
j until it disfigured my features and became an intol
| erable affliction. 1 tried almost every tiling a man
1 could of both advice and medicine, hut without any
relief whatever, until I took your Sausapajut.la.
It immediately made n\y face worse, as you told me
i it might for a time; but in a few weeks the new
i skin began to form under the blotches, and oon
i tinned until my face is as smooth as any body's,
and I am without any symptoms of the disease that
I know of. I enjoy perfect health, and without a
! doubt owe it to your Saksapakilla."
| Erysipelas —General Debility—Purify the
Erom Dr. Ilobt. Sawin, Houston St., -Vctc York.
44 Bit. AY Kit. I seldom fail to remove Eruptions
| and Scrofulous Sores by the persevering use of your
j SAKsAPAiiiLi.A.aud I have just uoweuredau attack
j of Malignant Erysipelas with it. No alterative wo
possess equals the Baks.VP.vkii.LA vou have sup
plied to the profession as well as to the people."
Erom J. E. Johnston, Esy., Ifakemnn, Ohio,
44 For twelve years, I had the yellow Erysipelas
| on my right urni, during which time I tried all the
' celebrated physicians I could reach, and took hun
dreds of dollars worth of mediciues. The ulcers
were so bad that the cords became visible, and the
doctors decided that my arm must be amputated. 1
began taking your Saksapariiaa. Took two bot
tles. and some of your P11.1.5. Together they have
cured ine. lam now as well and sound as any body.
lJeiug in a public place, my case is known to every
body in this eommunitv, and excites the wonder of
Erom Hon. Henry Monro, M. P. P., of Xewcastle,
C. If., a leading member of the Caiuulian Parlia
44 1 have used vour Sap.saparim.a in mv family,
for general debility, and for purifying the blood,
with very beneficial results, and feel confidence in
commending it to the afflicted."
St. Anthony's Fire, Rose, Salt Bheum,
Scald Head, Sore Eyes.
From Harvey Sickler, Esy., the able editor of the
Tunkhnnnock Democrat, Pennsylvania.
44 Our only child, about three years of age, was
attacked by pimples on his forehead. They rapidly
spread until tliey formed a loathsome anil virulent
i sore, which covered his face, and actually blinded
his eyes (or some days. A skilful physician applied
i nitrate of silver atu'l other remedies, without any
I apparent effect. For fifteen days we guarded his
| hands, lest with them lie should tear open the fes
i teriug and corrupt wound which covered his whole
! face. Having tried every thing else we had any
I hope from, we began giving your S.vrsapakilla,
i and applying the iodide of potash lotion, as you
i direct. The sore began to Ileal when we hail given
) the first bottle, and was well when we had finished
the second. Tlie child's eyelashes, which had come
j out, grew again, and lie is now as healthy and fair
as any other. The whole neighborhood predicted
j that the child must die."
Syphilis aad Mercurial Disease.
From Dr. Iliram Stoat, of St. Louis, Missouri.
44 1 find your Saksapariiaa a more effectual
i remedy for the secondary symptoms of Syphilis
and for syphilitic disease than any other we possess.
The profession are indebted to you lor some of the
best medicines we have."
From .1. J. French, M. I)., an eminent physician of
Lawrence, Mass., who is a prominent member of
the Legislature of Massachusetts.
44 Dr. Aver. My dear Sir: 1 have found your
Saksapariiaa an excellent remedy for Syphilis,
both of the primary and secondeiry type, and effec
tual in some cases "that were too obstinate to yield
to other remedies. Ido not know what we can era
i ploy with more certainty of success, where a power
ful "alterative is required."
Mr. Chas. S. fan Line, of Xctc Brunswick, X.J.,
had dreadful ulcers on his legs, caused by the abuse
of mercury, or mercurial disease, which grew more
and more aggravated for years, in spite of every
remedy or treatment that could be applied, until the
persevering use of Aykk's Saksapariiaa relieved
him. Few cases can be found more inveterate and
distressing than This, and it took several dozen
bottles to euro him
Leueorrhoea, Whites, Female Weakness,
j are generally produced by internal Scrofulous Ul
ceration, and are very often cured by the" alterative
! effect of this Sarsapakii.i.a. Some cases require,
i however, in aid of the Sarsapaeiiaa, the skilful
j application of local remedies.
1 From the well-known and widely-celebrated Dr.
Jacob Morrill, of Cincinnati.
44 1 have found your Saksapariiaa an excellent
alterative in diseases of females. Many cases of
Irregularity. Leui-orrlinsa, Internal ITccration, and
local debility, arising from the scrofulous diathesis,
have yielded to it, and then- arc few that do not,
| when its effect is properly aided by local treatment."
A leuly, unwilling to allow the publication of Iter
name, writes:
44 My daughter and myself have been cured of a
I very debilitating Leueorrhoea of long standing, by
two bottles of your Saksapariiaa."
I Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint, Dys
pepsia, Heart Disease, Neuralgia,
when caused hv Scrofula iu the system, are rapidly
cured by this £xt. Saksapariiaa.
■ possess so many advantages over the other
i purgatives in the market, and their superior
! virtues are so universally known, that we need
not do more than to assure the public their
quality is maintained equal to the best it ever
has been, and that they may be depended on
! to do all that they have ever done.
Prepared by j. C. AYER, M. D.. & Co.,
Lowell, Mass.
Sold by Chas. Ritz and Dr. R. Martin,
Lewistown; H. S. MeNabh & Co., Belleville
Jacob Metz, Allenville; Mrs. Mary Breh
: men, McVeytown ; Joseph Strode, Strode'i
Mills ; and by dealers generally. jjH
Cedar and Willow W are.
| rpUBS, Churns, Buckets, Butter Bowls
Clothes, Baskets, Market Baskets, &c.
for sale by J. fi. SELIIEIMER.
Oils, Paints, Jfcc.
! WHITE LEAD, Red Lead, Zinc, Venitiai
; Red, and all other kinds of colors. A1
•o, Linseed Oil. Fish Oil, Coal Oil, <fcc„ fui
And Pain Exterminator,
An Infallible Rf-medy lor all Chronic and
Infiamatory Rbeumati.-in Dipthena
Sore Throat. Quinsy Sprains, '
Neuralgia, rain m iht Back
and Limbs. Cramps. &c
New Testimonials.
' Anderson's Station, Dee 31. Inl4
i Dear Sir: Having been afflicted with a
[ pain in my side, cau-ed bv un injury f-r
• which I use ! many remedies, tint none proved
i so satisfactory :< ymir liniment, which
1 | me inure relief than any other Aim. i„ v
• mother, who was troubled with cramp in the
stomach, hav ng frequent attacks t it which
often left her in a very feeble condition ; but
since she has used your liniment she has nut
1 had one spell of it, although she has felt it
; coming on six or seven times, but bv taking
j from 30 to 50 drops it has always been driven
away. So 1 heartily recommend"vour lini
ment to the public for any chronic disease.
Respectfully yours.
Win. H Rce,i
Mrs Elizabeth Reed.
Dec. 21. ING 4
Mr. S wyers : I took a severe pain in my
! ankle, very suddenly, so severe that 1 could
j hardly undure it until it became quite swol
! len. I applied camphor, spirits of turpen 4
j tine, <fcc., without effect. I then got some of
j vour liniment and rubbed it two or three
; times, and in the course of an hour it was
sound and well. My wife has been afflicted
with quinsey for fifty years and has tued ev
erything she could hear of, but all to no pur
pose. About a year ago she was taking it
again, when she got your iininivnt and ap
| plied it. It put it back and she has had or
| felt nothing of it since.
John Alexander.
August 24, 18G4.
Mr. S wyers; I fully recommend your
American Liniment to be the very best 1 eter
used for the cure of neuralgia. I have been
afflicted witli that very distressing disease for
many years and tried many remedies in vain,
until I tried yours, and two bottles have cured
me sound. 1 recommend it to the suffering
community. John Cnpples.
Additional References.
Isaac Pi ice, Frederick Steidle
George E. Parsons Mrs. Mary Riden
Samuel 11. Fry S. B. Davis
O. L. Umberger Mrs. Martha Owens
James Riden
Jacob Saeer, Y. 11. Stunners, James Mendwball,
.John Smith, John A Brought, Sv> mour Downs,
W. P. Memlenhall, Daniel Avers, John Holies,
Joshua Gorsuch, William Mowry, Robert Nei.-on
i Jonathan Price, John Yonce. Geoige Rase'r,
Melissa L. Basely, Noah Smith, Henry Hastier.
Catharine Dasher, L> dia Soger. Riiutra Dearment.
An loanable lonic Preparation, to rure
Dysjejsia. Liter Complain!, Loxs if
Appetite, Palpitation of the Heart
and General Debility.
Freedom Forges, Mifflin County, Pa.
B¥*L.The sole agents for the sale of my
medical preparations, are HENRY ZEHBE,
F.J. HOFFMAN, Lewistown, and WILLIS
MANN, Yeagertown, Derry twp. inh23'64
Produce Business.
fpilE undersigned begs leave to return
| ; _L thanks to the farmers of Mifflin county
for the patronage heretofore extended to him
; j in the above business, and also to inform
[ them that he has taken as eo partners in said
j business, JOHN D. TAYLOR and JOSEPH
R. HENRY, and that the business will here 4
after be conducted in the name of FRAN
Lewistown, August 1, 18G4.
| The undersigned having formed a co-part
nership in the Forwarding Commission and
Produce Business, under the name of Fran
■ eis McClure it Co., respectfully solicit a share
j of the patronage of the farming community.
| Strict attention will be given to the interests
i of their customers, and the highest cash pri
i ces the market will afford at all times paid
! for all kinds of produce.
I Lewistown, August 1, (3) 1864.
Jaoob C. Blymyer & Co.,
Produce and Commission Mer
i chants,
t i fSTFlour and Grain of all kinds pur
f j chased at market rates, or received on storage
I j and shipped at usual freight rates, having
; storehouses and boats of their own, with care
! ful captains and hands. Plaster, Fish, and
r | Salt always on hand. sep2
TN view of the Draft coming, I will sell at
' X COST for a short time. I have a good as
sortment of
r LJ also, a good assort Mi
of HOME W 1 •
1 MADE WORK, which will be sold at
[ I Reduced Price*, but for
CASH OA 1.1!
' N. B. lam still selling the Celebrated
Noiseless Grover & Baker SEW INO MA
' CHINE. It is, in fact, the only reliable M
" j chtne that will do all kinds of work, is eas*
| of operation and don't get out of order: an
81 it is the cheapest machine out. All who buj
3 j a machine will be taught to sew ; and ladie*'
who do not buy a machine at my store, *'
j also be instructed to sew- when desired.
Lewistown, Feb. 8, 1805.
A LARGE assortment of Tin Ware, at
wholesale and letail, constantly kep 0
j 1 . hand ; all our own manufacture, made out
1 ; the best material. SPOUTING and all km<"
,r ! of Jobbing done at short notice, by