is S®ST a IPtinKLnsiliaiSSs, hole No. 2804. Lewistown Post Office. Mas;- >rriie uiuse nt the Lewi-town P. 0. us follows. ARRIVE. Eastern through, 5 48 a. m. " through and way 4 21 p m. Western " " " 10 55 a.m. Rellefonte " " " 2 30p. m. Northumberland, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 6 00 p. m. CLOSE. Eastern through 8 00 p. m. •' •' and way 10 00 a. tn Western " " 300 p. m. Rellefonte 8 00 " Northumberland (Sundays, Tueesdays and Thursdays) " 800 p.m.: Money can be forwarded through this of fice in sums from SI to S3O. by the payment of the following fees: From $1 to $lO ten cents; $lO to S2O fifteen cents; S2O to S3O twenty cents. Office open from 7 30 a. m. to 8 p. m. On Sundays from Bto 9 a in. S. COMFORT, P. M. PEIMSYLTAMA RAILROAD. Trains leave Lewistown Station as follows: ! Westward. Eastward. Pittsburgh and Erie Mail. 356 a. ra. 10 45 p. m. J Baltimore Express, 5 26 a. m. Philad'a Express, 605a. m 12 18 a. tn. j Fast Line, 625 p. tn. 516 •• Mail 421 " Fast Mail, 10 55 " Uarrishurg Accom'n, 3 44 p. m. j Emigrant, 10 47 a. m. Through Freight, 10 30 p. in. 150a. m. j Fast " 9 45 " Express " 12 10 p. m. 12 35 p. m Stock Express, 500p m, 9UO " j Coal Train. 1 15 p. m. 11 45 a. m. Union Line, 7 41 " Local Freight, 730a. m. 625 p. m. ! NOTE. —The Pittsburgh and Erie Express j leaves east and west daily except Sunday ; | Baltimore Express west daily except Monday; | Philadelphia Express east and west daily ; j Fast Line east daily except Monday and west daily except Sunday; Fait Mail east daily ex cept Sun lav ; Mail Train west daily except Sunday; Ilarrishurg Accommodation east dni- j iy exe.'i>; Sunday, and Emigrant west daily j I except Monday. Fare to Philadelphia, $5 85 Baltimore, 5 20 Warri-burg. 2 10 Altoona, 2 50 Pit'stiUigh, 6 LO WGaU'rauh't Omnibuses convey passengers to : •nj from all tlie trams, taking up or setting them i lown at all points within the borough limits. niFFLIA K CENTRE COUNTY RAILROAD. J VN ami after Monday, February 20. 1*65, j \ * PasseMger Tra ns will run on the road ns follows: (Sundays excepted ) I SOUTH WARP. a. m. a. m. p.m. p. n>. ' Penna. R. R. Mail. 11.00 1.30 I.ewist avn 7.45 11.08 1.25 4.38 | Freedom Forge 7.57 11.20 1.37 4.50 Veagertown 8.02 11.25 1.42 4.55 | Turnpike Crossing 5.07 11.30 1.47 5.00 • Arrive at ReedsviiTe 8.12 11215 1.52 5.05 J SOUTHWARD. Mail a. tn. p. m. Reeilsville 8.45 11.40 a.m. 2.15 5.15 ! Turnpike Crossing 8.50 11.45 2.20 5.20 j Yeagertowti 8.55 11.50 " 2.25 5.25 j Freedom Forge SJ.oO 11.55 " 2.30 6.30 j Lewistown 9.12 AR. 12.07 p. M 2.42 Ar. 5.42 I lArive at Pa. It. R. 020 2.50 in Lewistown, the 7.45 and 1.25 P.m. train north and the 5.42 p. in. train south will stop at I Main and Dorcas street-crossings; a!! other trains will j stop at Dorcas street-crossing only. G. ALFRED SCHAFFER, feb22 Engineer. Lock Repairing, Pipe Laying, Plumbing and White Smithing above branches of business will be ; X promptly attended to on application at j the residence of the undersigned in Main j street, Lewistown. janlO GEORGE MILLER. WILLIAM LIND, has now open A NEW STOCK OP Cloths, Cassimeres AND VESTI NCS, which will be made up to order in the neat- j est and most fashionable styles. apl9 AMBROTYPES AND The Gems of the Season. r PHIS is i humbug, hut a practical truth A The pictures taken by Mr. Burkboldcr are unsurpassed fur BOLDNESS TRUTH FULNESS. BEAUTY OF FINISH, and DURABILITY. Prices arying according j to size and quality of frames aud Cases. Room over the Express Office. Lewistown, August 23, 1860. Kishacoquillas Seminary AND NORMAL INSTITUTE.| \\ commence its winter session. OC j * v 10BER 12. 1864. and continue twen ! ty weeks. Cost for B .nrif, Furnished Rooms, j and luitioii in English Branches, $75 Fuel. ; Light and Washing extra lor particulars see catalogue ' S Z SHARP. Principal Kishac qiiillHs. Sqt. 21 IBt>4 Academia, Juniata Co. Pa, ( 'DM WENt 'ES its Suuituei IVM, \LA) lu> \J l8()4 For circulars address Mrs O J FRENCH Princip-,1 ..r AN I KEW P \ I' 1 ERMJX. Proprnrt r *p6 Ixo4-1\ luiti.xr IXI.I, fN the price of Iron and Nails at J jan4 HOFFMAN'S Lycoming County Mutual ESTABLISHED ISi 1840—CAPITAL $? SOO,OOO-- 51LTLAL OR CASH RATES—CHARTER PERPETUAL. r |~MIIS company allows no debt to accumu- I late against it. It is economical in all con tingent expenses, and prompt in the adjust ment of all honest claims. Amount of losses settled and adjusted for the ye:ir ending June 10, 1864, $101,644.80, and tho whole amount of losses paid up to June 10, 1864, is $1,387,747.75. JOHN A. STERETT, jy 13 Ageut for Mdßin County. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO. Munufaclnrers of Photographic Materials, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. IN addition to our main businees of PIIO 1 TOGRAPIIIC MATERIALS, we are Headquarters for the following, viz: STBMOSOCPBS STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS 1 i Of these we have an immense assortment, in- : eluding War Scenes. American and Foreign ; Cities and Landscapes, Groups, Statuary. &e , i i &c. Also, Revolving Stereoscopes, for pub lie or private exhibitions. Our catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of stamp. Photographic Albums. We were the first to introduce these into ■ the United States, and we manufacture im ! mense quantities in great variety, ranging in I price from 50 cents to SSO each. Our A1 ! bums have the reputation of being superior j in beauty and dttrabili'y to any others. They will be sent by mail, free, on receipt of pri e. ftaT Fine albums made to order Xsa CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our catalogue nu\v embraces over fiat ttioil sand different subjects (to which additions art continually being made) of Portraits of ; Eminent Americans. &e . viz: about 100 Major- Generals, 550 Statesmen, j 200 Hriy. < G'ederats, 130 Divines. ; 275 Colonels. 125 Authors, l('b Lieut' Colonels. 40 Artists, 2 it' Oilier Officers. 125 Siaye. To ,Vv/ vy (j/u'-rs. .(> i'rom'nt Women, lob l'i ominent En-tig a I'm tra its. 3000 Copies of Works of Art. including reproductions of the most celehra ted Engravings. Paintings, Statues, &o. Cat 1 alogues >erit <.ri receipt of sttnnp. An order fur onp t quality The Same Gold Pens, in Solid Silver Gold- Plated Ebony Desk Holders and Mo rocco Cases j For $2 25 a Xo. 3 pen Ist quality, or a Xo. 4 pen 2 i quality. t r fr 50 a *s°- * quality, or a So. ft pen 2 i quality. I J" r J3 20 d No. 5 pen 1-t quality, or a No. 6 pen 2d quality. ' 51 No. 6 pen Ist quality. For $550 a N0.7 pen. For j *o .5a No. 8 pen. For sl2 00a Xo. 12 pen; all first quality, j Our pens rank throughout the country as equal It not su perior to any gold pens manufactured. Not onlv for their writing qualities but durability and elegant finish. The greatest care is used In their manufacture, and none a i sold .. ith the slightest Imperfection which skill can de tect. Parties in ordering must specify the name, nunib" r ana quality in all instances aud whether still or limber fine or coarse. To Clubs. A discount of 12 per cent, will be a lowed on snmsof sls, If sent to one addreas. at one time: li per cent, on $25, 20 per c nr. U.i S4O. i All remittances by mail, registered, are at our risk. To j all who enclose 20 cents extra for registering, we guarran j tee the safe delivery of the goods. j circulars of all our new styles, with Engravings of exact i sixes and prices, sent upon receipt of stamp, if desired.— ! Fens rejoint d for 50 rents, by mail. Stationers an I Jewelers are requested to correspond with ! us us we can offer them great Inducements. • Address, AMERICAN GOLD PEN CO., ! Jai,2s-3tn Xo. 200 Broadway, X. Y. NATHANIEL KENNEDY'S STORE, In the Odd Fellows' Hall. \ Very Choice Assortment of Old Li joors. j OFFER b.r sale nil the liquors, late the ! i k.(J. bn Kennedy, dee'd.. embracing ! . r i.i.i Fieneh Bnn dy. Cherry Brandy. Gin, Wines J =ttn.ii> a Spirits, and Scotch Ale. llti j ei k>-et>er> are requested to call. S93ul'ltysieians can always obtain a pure j article for the xick. ALSO, j F-... IJII iri'i Domestic Dry Gtmds, Groceries, j qiineosware. Stoneware, Hardware, Cedar- A. ire always<>n band; Shoulders, Hams, Fish, ilernrg, Shad, and Mackerel : Dried Beef of : a most excellent quality; with Boots and Shoes in jfreat variety. All the poods will be sold very low. N. KENNEDY. 1 Lewistown, January 15, IS6I. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1865. 11l lIHITHBL THE BEAUTIFUL GATE. It is a fair tradition, one of old, That, at the Gate of Heaven tailed Beautiful, The souls of those to whom we ministered On Earth shall greet us as we enter in With grateful records of those lowly deeds Of Christian charity wherewith fraii man Proffers his humble loan unto his Lord. May we not so believe, since he iiath said That, inasmuch as it was done to one Of those His little ones, 'twas done to him! Oh. think, if this be true, how many eyes Whose weeping thou hast stilled shall glisten there, How many hearts whose burden thou hast shared And heavy feet whose steps were turned by thee Back to their homes, elastic through the joy Of new-found hope and sympathy and love. Shall welcome thee within the Gates of Biiss, The Golden City of Jerusalem ' EDWARD'S TEMPTATION. BY IIORATIO ALGER, JR. It was s x o'clock in the afternoon. At this time the great wholesale warehouse of Messrs. Hubbard & Son was wont to close, unless the pressure of usiness corn pelted the partners to keep open until later. The duty of closing usually devolved upon Edward Jones, a hoy of fourteen, who had lately iieen engaged to perf rni a few slight duties for which he received the sum of fifty dollars mutually He was the 'hoy,' b it if he behaved himself so as to win the approbation of bis employers his chain.e of promotion was good. \ et there were some things that render ed this small silary -t hard trial to hint— circumstances with which his employers were unacquainted. His mo'her was a wid ow The sudden death of Mr. Jones had thrown the entire family upon their own resources, and these were indeed but slen der There was an older sister who assisted her mother to sew. and this, with Edward's salary, constituted ttie entire income of the family. Yet by means of .:ntiring i.olus try they had continued thus far to live, using strict economy. 01 cour-e Yet they had watticd none of theobsoiuie necessaries of lite But Mary Jones—K I ward's sister—urew sick She had taken a severe cold which terminated in a fever. This not only cut off the income arising from her own labor but also preventing her mother from ac co'uplishing as much as she would other wise have been able to do. On the morning of the day on which our story commences, Mary had expressed a longing for an orange. In her fever it would have been most grateful to her. It is hard, indeed, when we are obliged to deny those we love that which would be a refreshment aud benefit to them. Mrs. Jones felt this, and so did Edward. 'I only wish I could buy you one, Mary,' said Edward, just as he set out for the store. 'Next year 1 shall receive a larger salary, and then we shan't have to pinch so much.' 'Never mind, Edward,' said Mary smil ing faintly. 'I ought not to have asked for it knowing how hard you and mother find it to get along without me.' 'Don't trouble yourself about that, Ma ry,' said Mrs. Jones soothingly, though her heart sank within her at the thought of her e upty larder. 'Only get well, and we shall ! c t"r aA.Ju, . fresh and line ; prime Cheese, pure Cider Vin j egar, Baskets, Buckets, Brooms, and a vari ety of Dolls aud Notions for Children. Also, j ! Raisins, tigs, Prunes, Cocoanuts Almonds, j , Ac., beside the largest assortment of Soaps [ to be found in town, Hair Oils, and an end- | lrss variety of extracts, all of wbich will be ! sold cheap for cash. All kinds of country produce taken 1 in exchange for Goods. ! lhaukful for past favors, he hopes by strict i i attention to business to merit and receive a continuance of the patronage of a generous public. febß | | ITUT as nc passeu the desk of his em | ployer his attention was drawn to a bit of I paper lying on the floor beneath. He picked it up, and to Itis great joy found it to be a ten dollar bill. The first thought that flashed upon hitu was -flow much good this will do .Mary, i I can buy her the oranges she wants, a..d she shall have some every day. And per haps she would like a chicken ' But a moment later his countenance fell. 'lt isn t mine,' he sighed 'lt must he Mr Hubbard s. Th sis his desk, and he must h ve dropped it' 'Still, urged the tempter, 'he will never know it; and after all, what are ten dollars to hitu? He is worth a hundred thousand.' Still Edward was not satisfied. Wheth er -Mr. Ilubbard could spare it or not was not the question. It was right fully his. and must no. given back to hiui. 'L II go to his houlO money, and hud sold his mother's watch to pay the income tax. The Govern ment made u good thing of it jso did the young man. A Illustration. —J. Solis Bitter hand, E*q , at a Union meeting in New York recently, in speaking of the bragga docio of the rebel press, and the sell lauded prowess of the "chivalry," said: "They remind one of the showman who prated of the great capacity of the aoiuiai he was exhibiting. 'Ladies and gentleman/ said he, 'this is the celebrated Bengal tiger, measuring fourteen feet from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail, and fourteen more from the tip of his tail back to the tip of his nose making in all twenty eight feet.' • [Great laughter.} Now 1 think their estimates of their forces and capacity are just about as liberal." [Great applause and laughter.] A hansom young gal sot up with one night by a noble young specimen of the true American, with scissors in his vest pocket —I mean a dry goods clerk—and the young gal's- mother hearing suthin pop, rose f rom her couch under an impression that her eldest boy was holding a wild revel on the root beer in the west room. But, on opening the door, she diskivered it was huggin' and kissin' which awakened her frota her peaceful repose. "My datigh ter, oh my daughter," this fond parink, did cry, "oh, that I should live to see this doinsin my own bousen !" "I know, dear mother," this sweet village maiden did unto her mother quickly reply, "that it is quite i improper, but it is so orful soothin\"