3"T£'2 , &ll&r<&l£l£ (2s O®S?9 IKnBMSSIISIBSk Whole No. 2799. ILewlstown Post Office. Mails arrive and close at the Lewistown P. 0. as follows: ARRIVE. Eastern through, 5 48 a. m. " through and way 4 21 p m. I Western " " " 10 55 a. m. Beilefonte " " " 2 30p.m. Northumberland, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 6 00 p. m. CLOSE. Eastern through 8 00 p. m. " " and way 10 00 a. m. Western " " 300 p. m. Bellefonte 8 00 " Northumberland (Sundays, Tueesdays ■ and Thursdays) 800 p. m. Money can be forwarded through this of fice in sums from $1 to S3O, by the payment of the following fees: From $1 to $lO ten cents; $lO to S2O fifteen cents; S2O to S3O twenty cents. Office open from 730 a. m. to 8 p. m. On Sundays from Bto9 am. S. COMFORT, P. M. PE\!*SYLTA\IA RAILROAD. Trains leave Lewistown Station as follows: Westward. Eastward Piitsburgh and Erie Mail, 356a, m. 10 45 p. m. Baltimore Exnress, 5 26 a. m. ■ Philad'a Express, 605a. m. 12 18 a. m. 1 Fast Line, 625 p. m. 516 " Mail. 421 " Fast Mail, 10 55 " Ilarrisburg Accom'n, 3 44 p. m. Emigrant, 10 47 a. m. Through Freight, 10 30 p. m. 150a. m. Fast " 9 45 " Express " 12 10 p. m. 12 35 p. m. Stock Express, 500 p. m, 900 " Coal Train, 1 15 p. m. 11 45 a. m. Union Line, 7 41 " Local Freight, 730a. m. 625 p. m. NOTE. —The Pittsburgh and Erie Express leaves east and west daily except Sunday ; Baltimore Express west daily except Monday; Philadelphia Express east and west daily ; Fast Line east daily except Monday and west daily except Sunday; Fast Mail east daily ex cept Sunday; Mail Train west daily except Sunday; Ilarrisburg Accommodation east dai ly except Sunday, and Emigrant west daily except Monday. Fare to Philadelphia, $5 85 " Baltimore, 5 20 " Ilarrisburg, 2 10 " Altoona, 2 50 " Pittsburgh, 6 60 *S~Gaibraith'a Omnibuses convey passengers to and from all the trains, taking up or setting them down a: all points within the borough limits. ■ Miffiin & Centre County R. R. Lewistown and Reedsville. ON and after Monday, January 2, 1865, train will leave Lewistown and Reeds ville as follows: Leave Lewistown for Reedsville, (mail) 7 30 a. m. I Leave Reedsville for P. R, R. 830 " " P. R. R. for Reedsville 11 00 " " Reedsville for Lewistown 11 30 " " Lewistown for Reedsville 110 p. m. " Reedsville for P. R. R„ mail 215 " P. R. R. for Reedsville 425 " " Reedsville for Lewistown 515 " ffia?" The train will stop at Lewistown, Freedom Iron Works, Yeagertown, and the Crossing of the Turnpike above Mann's low Carriage Oil Cloths, of all colore, beat quality, and cheap, at the store of J. 3. SELHELMER,.