Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, January 04, 1865, Image 4

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    ALMA X A C
FOR 1885.
v. - H A; h
Mil 111
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JANUARY 1234567
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MAY 123456
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With ceaseless course once morethesun, '
Hath its annual journey run,
And with the revolving year
Filled each heart with lkpe or Fear.
The Carrier too. true to his time,
Comes to claim his welcome dime,
Though should you offer quarter or half
lie'il not object—now don'tyou laugh—
But givo a thankee and make a bow,
Such as is not often seen we vow.
And now we'll take a glance and look-
To see how reads our country's book,
Since Old Abe called on U. S. Grant
To shoulder M'Clellan's elephant.
The sly old chap sat down and said
"We must load our guns with solid lead, 1
For don't you see that paper balls
Don't batter down rebellion's walls."
"You re right, 'said Abe, "for I can't see
How going backwards can science be,
E en though you call it 'change of base'
It has made no change in the rebel's face.
So go to work, and as I live,
Whate'er you ask 1 will give,
For I tell you now, come weal or woe,
Into the stake of war we'll throw
Ihe Stars and Stripes—our glorious
Under whose folds all freemen fight"
Honceforth let none in shape of man,
In whom the 'human' we can scan.
From lake to gulf—from sea to sea,
Wear the chains of Slavery."
The Warrior rose, and from his eye.
Shone forth the will to do or die."
"To arms, brave soldiers, we will go
The rebel hosts to overthrow."
From fort and tower, hill and plain
The patriot shout was heard again
A shout that told the traitor's clan
That now the tight was man for man.
Forward went the glorious host,
Until, like snakes, the rebs were holed
Where Davis sat within his fold.
"I'll hold you there,"said gallant Grant,
"Until each one with tear shall pant
And meanwhile I will Sherman call
To open up the western ball.
Sheridan too shall make them reel
And follow up with glistening steel."
Just then, like croaking raven, came,
A squeaking voice—"That's not the!
Don't hurt our brethren, they'll come I
If we but give them inside track—
hat is, let them rule and thrive
On labor of the Northern hive
Or let's make peace, such as we may
And trust Union to a future day !
Besides the war's a failure, don't you g eo
We're no match for Jef and Lee '
1 BfT lion rose the people in their might
nuwi n J at the pojis declared for fight.
• I told the vulture copper crew
ft HI I tW~ I _
That coward cry they should rue.
The soldiers too with stern resolve,
ltetused to see the States dissolve,
And by an unexampled vote,
Declared Old Abe should steer the boat
Till Treason by their arms wa* crushed
And Traitors in their graves were
So spoke the People, and soon our flag,
Was seen where long the rebel rag
; Had flaunted like a golden calf
Invoking aid in its behalf.
Not for its worth or liberty
But lor the demon Slavery.
I Since then bold Sherman, at slow gait,
' Led his men o'er Georgia's State,
! M'AHister falls without delay,
Savannah surrenders for Christmas day.
Thomas but waits to hear the news,
Then develops his deep ruse,
And sends the rebel General, Ilood, I
Back flying, stript of guns and food.
Meanwhile the work goes bravely on
Under the flag of Washingt< n,
| And ere another year conies round,
All shall hear the welcome sound
That peace once more has spread her
O'er a free and happy land.
I Not such a peace as traitors sought,
Or British gold would have bought—
! Nor such as Chicago's torv band,
Who'd kneel to kiss the traitor's hand,
And like the cringing, fawning slave
Would act the part of tool and knave, j
No! NEVER! For
j When freedom from her mountain height
Unfuri'd her standard to the air,
She lore the azure robe ot night,
And set the stars of glory there!
She mingled with its gorgeous dyes
The milky baldric of the skies,
And striped its pure celestial white,
' With streaking* fro in the morniuglight!
; Then, from her mansion in the sun,
She called her eagle bearer down,
And gave into his mighty hand
The symbol of her chosen land !
Flag of the brave! thy folds shall fly,
j The sign of hope and triumph high !
When speaks the signal trumpet's tone,
| And the long line comes gleaming on;
! Ere yet the life-blood, warm and wet,
I Has dimmed the glistening bayonet— 1
Each soldier's eye shall brightly turn,
To where thy meteor glories burn,
At)d as his springing steps advance, i
Catch war and vengeance from the
! And when tbeeannon'smouthingsloud, j
Heave in wild wreaths the battle shroud
And gory sabres rise and fall,
Like shoots of flame on midnight pall! i
! There shall thy victor glances glow,
j And cowering foes shall fall beneath
Each gallant arm that strikes below
That lovely messenger of death! ;
Flag of the seas! on ocean's wave
j Thy stars shall glitter o'er the bravo. I
When death, careering on the gale,
Sweeps darkly round the bellied sail,
: And frightened waves rush wildly back
Beiore the broadside's reeling rack;
; The dying wanderer of the sea
| Shall look at once to heaven and thee, j
And smile to see thy splendours fly,
I In triumph o'er the closing eye..
i flag of the free heart's only home,
! By angel hands to valor given !
Thy stars have lit the welkin dome
And all t by hues were born in heaven; !
For ever float that standard sheet!
Where breathes the foo but falls be- !
fore us,
ith freedom's soil beneath our feet.
And freedom's banner streaming o'er
SDDIfS Am 311 Oil
Just received at
U j Billy Joboson's,
W I which will be sold
at ver y 6ma H prof
iPS -gffiaggkX- its for cash. So
iSmL come on, boys
and girls, and see ;
for yourselves.
A fine assortment of Ladies Gaiters on j
hand, and all kinds of Boots and Shoes, both j
, an J home made work. The greater part '
o us eastern work is made to order, and is
homemade work against rips.
Manufacturing attended to as usual, and
repairing done at shortest notice. No work
to be given out until paid for. and in all cas
es where work d..n't suit, and is returned in
good order, the money will he refunded.
purchased the patent right for
Mimin county for Eiswald's
and Ileels, he is prepared to furnish them to :
his customers. It is one of the great discov- '
cries of the age; they will save four times !
heir cost in leather, and can be easily nut on
; by any one. Give them a trial. A liberal
discount given to wholesale dealers
ASSETS on January 1, ISG4, ?2,457.849 95.
CAPITAL. \ &400 (Wl
j Uiuettied Claim*, Income for 1864.
- 58 ' 410 $300,000.
_ , „ „ DIRECTORS:
Charles N. Bancfcer, Ju,c L a .
Tobias Wagner, Edward C. Dale
bam uel Grant. George Fairs
Jacob U. Smith, Alfred Kitlcr'
George W. Richards. Fras. W. Lewis Jf r>
BANCKKH, President,
j,- C * DAI.K, Vice Pres.
Jas. \\. McAllister, Sec. Pro. Tern.
11. J. WALTERS, Agent, i
marl6oow Le wist own.
New Stock of Hats, Caps, &c
--7r.3 ZOLIiIWGEB.,
Jlarkit St., next Door to John Kennedy's,
ggg -s Has just received from agm —■>.
WS£ I Sevt York and Philadei 1
phia, the most extrusive L
and complete assort
meut of
< - .CJQ/252 SJxZ
ever exhibited in this place, which will be dis
posed of ut Buch prices as to defy Competition,
and which he invites everybody to call and
examine, as he is satisfied that his stuck can
nut fail to please.
For the Ornish he has constantly on hand,
or will make to order, bats to their taste of !
any required size t , r brim, at prices which
cannot fail he satisfactory.
Country Merchants will find it to their ad
vantage to give him a call, as a liberal deduc
tion will tie made to wholesale purchasers.
• Don't forget the place, next door to John j
Kennedy's Store and nearly opposite the
Odd Fe lows' Hull. ' may 11
Scrofula and Scrofulous Diseases.
From Emery Edes, a veil-known merchant of Ox- \
ford, Maine.
i " I have sold large quantities of vour SARSAPA- j
| P.11.t.A, but never yet one bottle which failed of the |
desired effect an<l full satisfaction to those who took
, it. As fast as our jw-ople try it, thry agree there ha# j
been no medicine like it before in our community."
; Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, Ul
cers, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin.
From tier. Hold. Slratton, Bristol, England.
" I only do my duty to you and the public, when
I add ray testimony to that you publish of the tne- I
dicinal virtues of your Sars \!\u;n.I.\. My (l.iugii
ter, aged ten, had an affli'tinq humor in her ears, j
eyes, and hair for years, which we were unable to
cure until we tried your Saks.U'AKILLA. She lias
: been well for some months."
From Mr'. done E. Hire, a well-known end much- I
edceno I lady of Den nitride. Cape of"}/ Co., X.J. j
" My daughter has suffered for a year past with a
i scrofulous eruption, which was very troublesome.
Nothing afforded any relief until we tried your
SAIMAI-AKILLA, which soon completely cured her." j
' Front Charles /*. fin ye, Em/., of the widely-known :
fj'aye, Murray i} Co., manufacturer* of enamelled
' papers in Xashtaa, X. 11.
" I had for several years a very troublesome 1
' hum or in my fie-e, which grew constantly worso '
until it disflgured my features and became an intol
, erable affliction. I tried almost every thing a man j
i cou! lof both advice and medicine; but without any \
i relief whatever, until 1 took your SASAi*AR!M,A. I
It immediately made my face worse, as you tol i mo
| it might for a time; but in a few weeks the new
| Bkin began to form under the blotches, and con
: tinned until niy face is as smooth as any body's, j
and I am without any symptoms of the disease that
I know of. I enjoy perfect health, and without a
> doubt owe it to vour SAIt.SAPAKII.LA.**
Erysipelas— General Debility —Purify the
From Dr. Holt. Saicin, Houston St., Sew York.
" lilt. AYKR. 1 seldom fail to remove Eruptions
'< and Scrofulous Sores by the persevering use of your
i S VRSAPAUU.i.A, and I have just now cured an attack
of Malignant Erysipelas with it. N'o alterative we
J possess equals the SAKS.W-AKII.LA you have sup
| plied to the profession as well as to the people."
From J. F. Johnston, Esq., irdkem'tn, Ohio.
*• For twelve years, I had the yellow Krysipclaa
on my right arm, duriug which time I tried all the
! celebrated physicians 1 could reach, and took bun* I
; dreds of dollars worth of medicines. The ulcers
i were so bad that the cords liceame visible, and the j
I do lors decided that niy arm must be amputated. I
; began taking your SAKSAPARILLA. Took two hot- |
ties, and some of your i'u.l.s. Together they have t
cured me. lam now as well and sound as any body.
Being in a public place, my ease is known to every
body in this community, and excites the wonder of
From lion, lfenry Monro, M. I'. /*., of Xewcastle,
C. fi~., a leading member of the Canadian I'arlia- i
" I liave used vour SARS \PARTLLA in my family,
for general debility, and for purifying the blood,
with verv beneficial results, and feel eoiiiideuce in
commendiug it to the afflicted."
St. Anthony's Fire, Rose, Salt Rheum,
Scald Head, Sore Eyes.
From Harrey Sickler, Esq., the able editor of the i
r l\tnkhannock Democrat, Pennsylvania.
" Our only child, about three years of age, was
attacked by pimples on his forehead. They rapidly
spread until they formed a loathsome and virulent
sore, which covered his face, and actually blinded
liis eyes for some days. A skilful physician applied j
nitrate of silver and other remedies, without any
apparent effect. For fifteen days we guarded his
hands, lest with them lie should tear open the fes- j
teriug and corrupt wound which covered his whole
face. Having tried every thing else we had any
hope from, we began giving your SARSAPAKILI.A,
and applying the iodide of potash lotion, as you j
direct. The sore began to heal when we had given j
the first bottle, and was well when we had Blushed
the second. The child's eyelashes, which had count j
out, grew again, and he is now as healthy and fair •
as any other. The whole neighborhood "predicted j
that the child must die."
Syphilis and Mercurial Disease.
From Dr. Hiram Slvat, of St. Louis, Missouri.
" I find your S Alls AI*AK!I.LA a more effectual
remedy for the secondary symptoms of Syphilis I
and for syphilitic disease than any other we possess.
The profession are indebted to you lor some of the I
best medicines we have."
From A. J. French, M. I>., an eminent physician <f 1
Laurence, Mass., who is a prominent member of
the Legislature of Massachusetts.
"DR. AYKR. My dear Sir: I have found your
SAKSAPARILLA an excellent remedy for Syphilis,
both of the primary anil secondary type, and effec
tual in some cat.es that were too obstinate to yield j
to other remedies. Ido not know what we can cui- <
piny with more certaintv of success, where a power
ful alterative is required."
Mr. Chos. ft. Van Line, of Xew Brunswick, X.J.,
had dreadful ulcers on his legs, caused by the abuse i
of mercury, or mercurial disease, which grew inorc
and more aggravated for years, in spite of every
remedy or treatment that could be applied, until the
persevering use of AYKR's SAKSAPARILLA relieved
liiin. Few cases can be found more inveterate and
distressing than this, and it took several dozen
bottles to cure hiui
Loncorrhaea, Whites, Female Weakness,
are generally produced by internal Scrofulous Ul
ceration, and are very often cured by the alterative
effect of this SARSAPAKILI.A. Some eases require,
however, in aid of the SARSAPAKILLA, the skilful
application of local remedies.
From the wvtt-lmomn and widely-celebrated Dr.
Jacob Morrill, of Cincinnati.
" T have found your S ARSAPAIULLA an excellent
alterative in diseases of females. Many eases of
Irregularity. I-eueorrhasa, Internal Fleeration, and
local debility, arising from the scrofulous diathesis, j
have yielded to it, and there are few that do not,
when its effect is properly aided by local treatment."
A lady, unwilling to allow the publication of her
name, writes:
" My daughter and myself have been onred of a
very debilitating Leucorrlne-i of long standing, by |
two bottles of your SAKSAPARILLA."
Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint, Dys
pepsia, Heart Disease, Neuralgia,
when cancel bv Scrofula in the system, are rapidly
cured by i ilia K.vr. SAKSAPARILLA.
possess so many advantages over the other
purgatives in the market, and their superior
virtues are so universally known, that we need
not do more than to assure the public their
quality is maintained equal to the liest it ever
has been, and that they may lie depended on
to do all that they have ever done.
Prepared by j. C. AVER, M. 1)., & Co., \
Lowell, Mass.
Sold by Chas. Ritz and Dr. R. Martin,
Lewistown; 11. S. MeNabb <fe Co.. Belleville; j
Jacob Metz, Allenvilie; Mrs. Mary Breh- '
men, McVeytown ; Joseph Strode, Strode's
Mills ; and by dealers generally. jy!3
Oflar and Willow Ware. 1
fTTUBS, Churns, Buckets, Butter Bowls,
Clothes, Baskets, Market Baskets. &c.,
for sale by J. B SELHEIMER.
Oil*, Paint*, Jkc.
IVIIITE LEAD, Red Lead, Zinc, Venitian
' ™ Red, and all other kinds of colors. A1
so, Linseed Oil, Fish Oil, Coal Oil, &c., for j
sale at J. B. SEI.HEIMER'S. i
Tailoring Establishment,
Wj (£2112&
Respectfully announces
/aT jgj to his friends and th° pub
lie generally that he has ta
ken the stand lately oceu
iwfl _ pied by Mr. Cogley, be
'ft twer-n Rudi.-ili's and Sel
, d <?n(> 'P il select rt.-sort
\f[ J jl* j merit of Cloths, Casirneres,
,/_/ ojj and Vestings. which he will
njnke up to order in the
het and most fashionable style, and on rpas
unable terms. Give him a call. uih23
HAS just received and opened at his es
. tablishment a new supply of
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry,
mmivLAWJMi \
Fancy Articles, &c.,
which he will dispose of at reasonable prices.
| He invites all to give him a call and examine
his stock, _ which embraces all articles in his
line, and is sufficiently large to enable all to j
make selections who desire to purchase.
®-UEPAJRIXG neatly and expeditiously
attended to, and all work warranted,
j 1 hankful for the patronage heretofore re
ceived, he respectfully asks a continuance of
the same, and will endeavor to please all who
may favor him with their custom. feb'2
The subscriber ha ving now on I
. LS/fibjiQhand one of the best and largest
stocks between Philadelphia and
j Pittsburgh, in order to accoin- j
i modate business to the times, offers for sale
complete assortment of
Saddles, Harness, Bridies, Collars, Trunks,
Whips, Hautes, Valises, Carpet Bags, j
which are offered for sale low fur cash, or ap- '■
proved credit.
Among his stock will he found some high
ly finished sets of light Harness equal to any
| manufactured,
Let all in want of good articles, made bv
experienced workmen, give him a call.
Lewistown, April 19, 1860.
In the Odd Fellows' Kail.
K Very Cheire Assortment of flltl Liqnors.
J OFFER fur sale all the liquors, late the
. stock of John Kennedy, dee'd., embracing
prime French Brardy, Cherry Brandy, Gin,
Wines, Jamaica Spirits, and Scotch Ale. Ho
tel keepers arc requested to call,
j Physicians can always obtain a jmre •
! article for the sick.
Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Groceries,
Queerisware, Stoneware, Hardware, Cedar
w are. always on hand; Shoulders, Hams, Fish,
Herring, Shad, and Mackerel ; Dried Beef of
! a most excellent quality; with Boots and Shoes i
in great variety. All the goods will be sold
very low. N. KENNEDY.
Lewistown, January 1">, 1861.
IS the place to buy Cheap Shoes. Having i
waited till the fall of goods before laying j
in a stock, I ani now prepared to sell at least j
2.> per cent, cheaper. Having purchased a !
good assortment, I am prepared to supply mv
; old customers and all others in want of good j
and cheap BOOTS and SHOES. For the men ;
1 have an excellent Boot for winter—warrant- j
ed none better in town. Also. Boys' Boots, )
Youths'and Child's Boots. FOR THE LA- I
DIES, I have the latest styles, such as Glove i
Kid, Balmorals, Congress Gaiters—kid. goat,
calf and kipp—and a variety of Misses' and
Children's Shoes.
Home-made WOrk
on hand and made to order.
I am agent fur the Grover 4 Baker Celehra
ted Noiseless SEWING MACHINE, and
would invite the attention of all those in need
of a Machine—and in fact everybody is—to
call and see them. I have Machines always
on hand, and will sell them at the same price
they are sold at in the city. Having an end
less variety of Machines, G. Sr. B. can suit
everybody, Their new improved Shuttle Ma
chine is an extra large size, operates with
great ease, makes hut little noise, is superior
to any Machine now in the market, and will
supersede all the heretofore pof ular Machines
for manufacturing purposes. Instruction !
free to all who buy a Machine.
Also, the Grover and Baker Thread for
sale, a superior article.
Terms, positively Cash. Don't fail to find
your way to P. F. LOOP'S Cheap Shoe Store,
in the Public Square, 2d door west of Geo.
Blyniyer's Store. nov9.
OELIIEIMER'S is the place to buy the lest
O 'and cheapest Hand, Rip, Tennant, Com- j
pass and Cross Cut Saws; Plaues, Bits, Ham
mers, Hatchets, Squares, Rules, Chisels, Au
gurs, Augur Bitts, Drawing Knives, Spoke' j
shaves. Bevels, and all other Tools in your
line. The carpenters all buy at
Cordage. Cordage.
ROPES, Tow Lines, Bed Curds, Clothes
Lines, Twines, and other cordage for
sale by J. B. SELHEIMER.
ti\ wab:i:, tin wake.
A LARGE assortment of Tin Ware, at
X JL wholesale and tetail. constantly kept on
hand ; ail our own manufacture, made out of
the best material. SPOUTING and all kinds
of Jobbing done at short notiee, by
• ~YY7"E have Sole Leather, Upper, Kip, and
It Calf Skins; Moroccos, Linings, Bind
ings, Lasts of the best make. Boot Trees,
Crimping Boards, Clamps, Wax. Thread,
Awls, Knives, Pincers, Punches, Boot Web*
bing, Lacers, Color, and a variety of TooU
and other articles, for sale at
tilt !toki;i; rn,i>,
© fej
5 g
2 I
e s
Cl-K J iI \ AM) > Al-' R
for-the removal of oi>sirticMor.s ait*l the insurance of r*c
tiiaritr lit the recur:enc-e or the month'* j .-rio i.
Cm" rhey i-urr or ohvfate those nunte- .us GUea*c* that
troni irregularity, by removing ihr lm-guiariiv ii
* They cure Suppressed, Kxceesivc an.i rain fill
! atfon.
* They cure Green Sii (Ohhv^sls)
■ * They cure Nervous and SpH.-sl A , :-,rn. Pain* in the '
1 Back ait.i lo'v.T par's >i i~. U> iy. Heavness, Kuii-'U- ou i
exertion*. Palpitation* of the heart, Lovmcs* of 8\l
--nr >. Hysteria. >ck ileadiiclje, (Ji-liliHi***, etc., pt In a i
word, by rt'nHv|nfr the Irregularity, thes remove the can-e
, an-i with it all th- (•:' eta that spring trotu ii.
< < nif*ns**| i- -;i)p|e veuetatilc exiract*.'they contain
( nothing deleterious to ti\ tuition, however delicate,
their funclioii h4*ii:g to Mib*tiute ecrentrth for
which, when property ti-e.?. they never Ii! to do
Tiiey may he safely u*ej at auv a*c and at eny period, ;
. SXCKPr DCRINO THE MR ST THRfcE JkJOMHS -Hiring which the j
u:iuliing nature of their action would Infallibly prevent
: pregnancy.
Ad letters seeling Information or advice will ho
: promptly, freely and discreetly an>werei.
Full directions accompanying fmai ?i box.
I r^ r ' ce l'** r box, or six box**.* for $5. Sent by mall tree '
• of postage, on receipt or price:
Pamphlets sent i-v mail, fret of postage, hv
DR. \\ . H. MEI'WIN A CO., Proprietor*, !
No. 63 IJberty street. New York.
j Prepared troni Pur.- Yeeetsble Extracts, contaiulnx noth
| ln,< injurious lu the lrsu-t delicate.
" As the Phum'.x rises l>nnt the ash-sofits fire.animated
: with new life —so does ti.ls Klixir rejuvenate the *vsQ ru
; and overcome diseas**.
£ #" The i<eju\ eita'ing I-Itx*r Is the restilt of modern dU
• in the vegetable kingdom, being an entirely new j
; atm abstract method ol cure, irreap*etive of the ud and :
j worn-out >yafvnj-.
; It 9.. '1 hia medic*:se has been tested by the nt*>st eminent
; tnediv;! men of the day, an 1 by tlirii] pronounced to be j
one >s the greatest medical disc overiea of the age.
WOne bottle will cnreGenerai Debility.
Us?" A lew doses cure Hysterics in females,
j jo£TOn* bottle cures Duijdlaiion of the Heart.
I </"" r ' ; ni one to three bott!♦ restore tlie r.ianiixienji and {
; full vigor of youth.
U*L- A few doses restore the appetite.
: Mff-m Three bottle* cure the wo *' of Imputency.
; Uo" A f-\v doses cur*' the low spirited,
j £j" i Mie bottle restores the mental power,
i A few J -os restore the organs oi generation.
U Jit- V f \v doses bring t?;e ros • to the cheek.
t I his medicine restores to ntanly vigor and robust 1
i health the poor, debilitated, worn-down and despairing
| The l;-?}*-.-*. -nervate ! youth, theov* r-fAsked man of bit- 1
s'.ness. the victim of nervous depression, the Individual
u during froiu general debility or from weakness of a sdi
t gieo'gat), w.li a .I find Initm-diAte ami periUAoeut relief by
I the use <o thin Klixir or Kss*-nce of Life.
Price %2 per bottle, or three bottles tor ss.and forwarded
; by express, on receipt of money, to any address.
| The Cherokee Pills and Rejuvenating Elixir are
} sold uy at! enterpri-ing druggists in the civilized world.—
j Some unprincipled dealers, however, try to sell worthless
| compounds in place of these: those which they can pur
| clta.se ut ic cheap price, and make more money by selling ,
• than they can on these medicines. A* you value your j
1 health—aye. the health of your future oilVpring—do not be !
> deieived by such unprincipled dmgvii>t>, ask for these 5
; tnc.fcities anl fake no other. If the druggist will not buy !
j thein for > mi, inclose the money in a letter, and we will 1
send them by Express, securely sealed and packed, free
i fro.n observation.
Ladies or geml nien can a idressus in perfect confidence, I
. stating luliy and plainly their diseases and symptoms, as j
; we treat all diseases of a chronic nature tn male or ft male,
j rat lent-need not hesitate because of their inability to visit 1
us a- w-hsve treated patients successfully la all portions :
' ol tilt- civilized globe, by correspondence.
1 Patients addreoing will please state plainly all the •
j symptoms of their complaints, and write post office, coun- I
j ty, >tate ami name of writer plain, and Inclose postage
si:nip for reply.
\\ e s nd mr 32-page Pamphlet free to any address. Ad
l dress .ill letters to the Proprietors.
decl4-eow ly No. 63 Liberty street. New York.
'i/i m m uDiira |
i Ilojfman'g the Store for Blacksmiths !
! Hoffman's the Store Jor Carpenters.'
j Hoffman's the Store jor Saddlers
i Hoff man's the Store Jor Shoemakers !
j Hoffman's the Store tor Cabinetmakers!
1 Hoffman's the Store for Coach makers !
j Hoffman's the Store for Builders!
j Hoffman's the Store for Housekeepers !
i)UCKETS, from one quart to three gal-I
) Ion!-, I>ish Pans. Wash Basins and Cul-
lenders, made of solid material, without sol- j
dering. Coffee Boilers, Tea Pots, Pie Plates,
Pudding Pans, and everything usually found
in a first class tinware shop, and sold very !
; iow, at F. J. HOFFMAN'S. " !
Kililfs, Itible*.
Bihle Society's Bibles and Testa-
JL merits. Also, Photograph Bibles arrang
ed for card pictures. Bibles in three volumes,
with Commentary, at $4 per set, a book that
should be in everv family, at
Wall Paper and shade*.
4 LARGE stock of Wall Paper, ready for j
JTJL. spring market, of every style and pricis. '
Window Shades and Paper. Call before
purchasing elsewhere and see the best seleo l j
tion and largest stock iu the town, at
Ellank ISooks A *!;tlioiM-ry.
4 LARGE stock of Blank Books, such as
XJL Ledgers, Daybooks. Memorandum and
Time Books. Cap, L-Uer, Bill and Note
Paper. Envelopes, Pens, Pencils. Penhold i
ers, Copybooks, Ink and Ink Stands, at
MAN Y pretty patterns, of all kinds, at 1
TOKA€€O <fc SEk.tߧ,
PERSONS using Tobacco go to Hoffman's j
and try his extra Chewing Tobacco.
Smoking, we have Turkish, Killikinoick Si
gel. Garibaldi. Fine Cut, *. Segars and
Pipes of all kinds, at HOFFMAN'S
BEST quality of Coal Oil for sale bv the !
quart, gallon and barrel at
A LARGE assortment of Cooking. Parlor
and other Stoves, always on hand, at
the lowest prices, at
Lycomicg County Mutual
YI T IIIS company allows no debt to acutau
i late against it. It is econuiiiii-ai in all ci-n.
tingent expenses, anil prompt in the adjust
ment of ail honest claims
Amount of losses settled and adjusted f,, r
the ye r ending June 10, 1804, ?1M1.044 SO,
I and the whole amount f f losses paid up in
June 10, lco4. is $1 3F>7.747 75.
jylo Agent for M ftiin County.
Two Doors West of the Odd
Fellows' Hall.
I)CRK and fresh drugs always on hand,
1 lie most reliable prcparatii n of
in the dry and liquid form,
Goodyear's celebrated patent BREAST
PUMPS. A general assortment of
Notions, Perfumery, Soaps, &c,,
i ar-d in fact everything connected with Medi
' cine or Medical treatment.
Physicians' and all other prescriptions
carefully compounded anil put up.
All consultations strictly confidential, and
free of charge. Any prepaiarion or medi
j cine not on hand will be immediateiv order
ed. I hope that the experience of sixteen
years almost constantly engaged in the active
duties of the medical profession will be a
! sufficient guarantee that no deception or
humbugs will be practiced upon those who
; consult me professionally, or who desire to
1 purchase medicine -.
mar 23 '64-ly R. MARTIN, M. D.
uuiirn ram,
And Pain Exterminator,
An Infallible Remedy for all Chronic and
Inflamatoiy Rheumatism I'mtheria,
Sore Throat. Quinsy. Sprains,
Neuralgia. Pain liitht-Back
and Limbs. Cramps, &c.
' New Testimonials.
DERBY Tonxsntp, March. ISG4.
Mr. Joseph Swyers—A Iter my best re-pects
to you, this is to let you know that I have
i been troubled with chills for the last fifteen
years, some of them so hard that I thnu"ht I
could not live over night. I was for days
and nights not able to go out. Last fall they
came on again as usual, and having about
hnlf a bottle of your liniment about the
, bouse, 1 thought I would try it, and took
I about 20 drops night and morning for some
time Front the time I took it I have never
had one chill, and can say that I never had
used any medicine that gave so much satis
faction us your liniment. Your ob't servant,
Adam Baird.
March 28th, 1864.
Mr. J. Swyers : My son had a sore neck
for three months back, for which I used vur
! liniment, and it is a perfect cure. Hc also
had a sore leg for two years back ; I got cue
of your bottles of liniment, which has cured
: it soundly.
Yours, respectfully, Charles Mitchell.
FREEDOM FORGE, March 28, iso 4.
Mr. Swvers : I recommend your liniment
to be the best that I ever bad in mv house,
] I had a pain in my side for about 15 Years,
; and I doctored with doctors far and near,
I but they done me no good, when I heard of
your liniment, tried it, und I ain thanklul to
say it has cured tne sound and well ; and
for the cnildren I could not do without it.
Hugh's hand were dreadfully cracked open
with the wind, and he rubbed them with
| it, and it has cored them.
Mrs. Margaret E. Summers.
Hugh Summers.
LII.LEYSVILI.E. Decatur fp.,
MilHin County, Pa.
■ Mr. Joseph bwyers : I his is to certify that
! I cured my ch id of the diptheria in three
| days with your liniment.
Mrs. Mary Dandsizer.
Additional References.
Isaac Price. Frederick Steidle
George E. Parsons Mrs. Mary Riden
Samuel 11. Fry S. B. Davis
0. L. Umberger Mrs. Martha Owens
James Ridt n
T'. U ? u ?, ln " s ,' Jn " les Mendenliall,
u- u -. £ 1,11 A Hrcusht, Seymour Downs,
. v * Daniei A\ er*, .John Kolliih
J°shu* GOMUCU. \\ tlliaiii M.-wry, Jtohert .Nci.-ln.
Juiiathan t lice. Jolni \onci-, Grow lla-e'o
Melissa L. Buieiv, Noah Smith, llenrv Dasher'
Catharioe Dasher. Ejdta Saser. Kluilra Dearnirot.
S7f 7EB.S'
An InvtuabJe Tonic Prpparnlion, to mre
Dysjejsia, Li\**p Complaint, Los tf
A]*i elite. Palpitation of the Heart
and beneral Dcbililv.
Freedom Forges, Mifflin County, Fa.
-EPk-I he sole agents for the sale of my
medical preparations, ore HENRY ZERBE,
J- HOFI* MAN, Lewistown, and IV ILLIS
MANN, y eagertown, Derrj twp. iuhl!3'64
I lixpeeli d lo lake IMace in
BU I notwithstanding this the peopl®
must have
I£Q;.2.®S iiSS-ffi SSISSSa
and we would respectiully set forth our
j claims to public attention, first, because ®
keep a large and well assorted stock of Boots
und Shoes tui men and boys.
Gaiters, and all other kinds of shoes lot
women and children,
j U e are prepared to take measures and
complete work of all kinds at short notice.
Repairing done at short notice, at
Wpst Market street, a few doors west of
Col Butler's, and nearly opposite Daniel Ee
■enbise's Hotel. ssb3o-'64
llriisliPH, Kriishtti.
Dusting, Sweeping, Hand. Scrub
bing and Horse Brushes. Paint Brush
es of all sizes. J. *B. SELIIEIMEK-