Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, December 14, 1864, Image 4

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On Understanding Things.
*1 will believe nothing that I can not
woderstand/ said a very self sufficient
young clergyman, once. 'Then, my dear
sir, your creed will be the shortest of aoy
person's I know,' answered tbe geDtietnan
t> whom he spoke, to the silencing, it is to
be beped, of the shallow prater.
But such persons we continually meet,
and it seems to me very often among
teachers : at least, I often see at teacher's
associations or institutes those who say
Teach nothing you can not make the pu
pil understand;' and I suppose they be
lieve this : and then the above reply comes
to ray mind As I lie out here upon the
grass this bright afternoon, under the
•hade of this large apple-tree, and almost
coneieve that I hear the springing of the
gr&33 and the growing of the corn, I find
ay powers ol understanding limited; and
I must iuppose those of the child to be
so also. I can not with all my study un
derstand how the grass grows from its tiny
seed, or the tree pots forth leaf and bud
and blossom, and loads itself with fruit.
The botanist tells nie, indeed, of germina
tion—the radicate, the plumure,—and, go
ing into chemistry, of starch and sugar
and diastase, and of certain conditions
necessary; but all these only talk about
the thing, and do not tell the thing itself.
I see this little ant, laborously and busily
dragging along a dead fly, so much larger
than itself that its efforts seem preposterous,
and I question it of its life, and of the life
that but now animated the mass it is drag
ging homeward, but I can get no response.
Kirby and Spencc are equally at fault with
the veriest infant. The former ruay indeed
tell me more facts, but of reasons they and
we are alike ignorant. lam hungry, and
1 ask for food; but the widest physiologist
cau not tell me why that satisfies the desire,
nor how the mysterious life that I feel
throbbing within me is kept up by it. In
his loug discourse about chyme and chyle,
and lacteals and blood, I detect only igno
rauce and not wisdom. I turn away to hide
my face from tbe rays of the sun that have
at last pierced my leafy screen, and I ques
tion the astromoner about that orb that
with its silent influence binds unto itself
this earth, and moons, and planets, and I
hear of attraction, and centrifugal and cen
tripetal forces, etc , etc; but the reason is
still not given, and I am still unsatisfied.
And so in all sciences I find that we have
at last to rest satisfied that certain things
an facts, and never go beyond them. Per
haps in that higher and perfect manhood,
to which this earth-life is the childhood,
we may understand more of these things;
but even there I think we shall still find
God unsearchable and his ways past fiuding
Now it seems to me that this very prat
ing about understanding things, which is
all very well in due time and season, is
really at the bottom of a good deal of tbe
shallowness of our day. Do not teach a
child what it can not understand seems
very plausible; but alas! in tbe endeavor
to get things down to the child's compre
hension the life is all taken out of them,
and what can be comprehended is so very
small! And so the poor teacher, and the
poorer parent, and the still poorer pupil,
think that a certain study has been finished,
merely because a most crude and bare out
line has been gone through with.
'\\ ill you have your bread mummed
(mumbled,) or crumbed?' asked a toothless
old lady near the White Mountains of a
traveler, who had culled and requested a
bowl of bread, and milk. The traveler, to
whom mumbling was new, choose that;
but coucieve his horror when she be
gan to chew his bread for him and drop it
into the milk ! So it seems to me with too
much of tbe mental food of today: we
try to get it too soft and too easy of masti
cation, forgetting that God has given teeth
for their appropriate work. In other words,
I believe that, although due explanation
should be given of such things as the child
can comprehend, it should often be required
to study that which it can not as yet un
derstand; and by persistent effort fix in the
memory that which future years alone will
enable it to see the value and use of, and
to understand it at all. lam sick of see
ing philosophers running around in short,
jackets and pantalets. It doesn't accord
with my idea of the fitness of things. I
have seen this, that the first and most
necessary thing for the child to learn is the
due acknowledgement of authority, parental
and all. The parent who never requires
the child to obey unless he can see the
reasonableness of the requirement will soon
find himself in the dilemma to which a
reverend friend—now, alas, a prisoner in
the land of Dixie—found himself reduced
His son Ned was to be reasoned with always
hut at last he found that Ned had no idea
of obeying unless be was beaten in argu
ment, and that he was pretry skillful in
finding reasons to support his side, and so
that he didn't mind at all. Now ray friend
was a man of sense, and when he found he
must either give up his pet theory or ruin
his boy he chose the former; and thence
forward Ned obeyed because his father told
bim to, not because be saw tbe reasonable
ness of it. But I am rambling on to a
great extent.
Childhood has so oAen been called the
spring-time that the simile has grown
rather stale, and yet let us use it once
more. It seems to me that we expect our
crops too early: like those high northern
latitudes where the sowing and the reaping
follow one another within two or three
weeks, but the crop is hardly worth the
harvesting. It is too much like the old
farmer's crop of potatoes. Said he 'I can
always tell to a potato how many I shall J
raise: I raise just as many as I planted,
for my land isn't strong enough to rot 'em.'
But this treaches a little upon the subject
of training the memory, concerning which
I shall have a few words to say in a future
number. — Illinois Teacher.
New Stock of Hats, Caps, &c-
Market St.,'next Door to John Kennedy's,
Has just received frotn gig*
I New Y irk and Pbiladel- ll|j| ,
tbe most extensive
and complete assort
ment of
SX2aulss <£s CSJsiipss
ever exhibited in this place, which will be dis
posed of at such prices as to defy competition,
and which he invites everybody to call and
examine, as he is satisfied that his stock cau
not fail to please.
For the Ornish he has constantly on hand,
or will make to order, hats to their taste of
aoy required size or brim, at prices which
cannot fail he satisfactory.
Country Merchants will find it to their ad
vantage to give him a call, as a liberal deduc
tion will be made to wholesale purchasers.
Don't forget the place, i ext door to John
Kennedy's Store and nearly opposite the
Odd Fe lows' flail. mayll
Scrofula and Scrofulous Diseases.
From Emery Edcs, a well-known merchant of Ox
ford. Maine.
I have sold quantities of your S.VUSAI-.V-
I'.ILLA, but never yet oue bottle wtiieh failed of the
desired effect and full satisfaction to thoae who took
It. As fast as our people try it, they agree there hits
been no medicine like it before in our eoiumuuity."
Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, Ul
cers, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin.
From Hex. Holt. St ration, Bristol, England.
" I only do my duty to you and the public, when
1 add ray testimony to that you publish of the me
dicinal virtues of your S ARAAPAKJLLA. My daugh
ter, aged ten, had an afflicting humor In her ears,
eyes, and hair for years, which we were unable to
cure until we tried your BA us.VPAUILLA. SHE lias
been well for some months."
From Mrs. Jane F.. Bice, a well-known and much
esteemed lady of Pennisrille, Cajte May Co., S.J.
" My daughter has suffered for a year past with a
scrofulous eruption, which was very troublesome.
Nothing afforded any relief until we tried your
SARSAPARILLA, which Boon completely cured her."
From Charles P. Cage, Esq., of the widely-known
Cage, Murray Co., manufacturers of enamelled
papers in Xashua, X. 11.
" I had for several years a very troublesome
humor in my face, which grew constantly worse
until it disfigured my features uud became ail intol
erable affliction. I tried almost every thing a mau
could of both advice and medicine, but without any
reiier whatever, until I took your SARSAPARILLA.
It immediately made tny face worse, as you told nie
it might for a time: but in a few weeks the new
skin began to form under the blotches, and con
tiuued until my faee is as smooth as any body's,
and I am without any symptoms of the disease that
I kuow of. I enjoy perfect health, and without a
doubt owe it to your SARSAPARILLA."
Erysipelas General Debility—Purify tho
From T>r. Holt. Sawin, Houston St., Xew York.
" Hit. AVER. I seldom fail to remove Eruptions
and Scrofulous Sores by the persevering use or your
8A RS VPARILLA, and I have just now cured an attack
of Malignant Erysipelas with it. No alterative wa
possess equals the SARSAPARILLA you Have sup
plied to the profession as well as to the people."
From J. F.. Johnston, Esq., IVakeman, Ohio.
"For twelve yean,l had the yelloiv Krysipelas
ou my right arm, during which time I tried all the
celebrated physicians I could roach, and took hun
dred! of dollars worth of medicines, 'l'lie ulcers
were so bad that the cords became visible, and the
doctors decided that my arm must be amputated. I
began taking your Took two bot
tles, and some of your I'II.LS. Together they have
cured me. lam now as well and sound as any body.
Being in a public place, niy case is known to every
bodv in this community, and excites the wouder of
From Hon. Henry) Monro, M. P. P., of Xevwaxtle,
C. IF., a leading member of the Canadian Parlia
" I have used your SARSAPARILLA in my family,
for general debility, and lor purifying the blood,
with very beneficial results, and feel confidence ill
commending it to the afflicted."
St. Anthony's Fire, Rose, Salt Rheum,
Scald Head, Sore Eyes.
From Harvey Sickler, Esq., the able editor of the
Thtnkhannock Democrat, Pennsylvania.
" Our only child, about three years of age, WHS
attacked by pimples on his forehead. They rapidly
spread until they tonned a loathsome and virulent
sore, which covered his fact-, and actually blinded
his eves ior some days. A skilful physician applied
nitrate of silver and other remedies, without uny
apparent effect. For fifteen days we guarded his
hands, lest with them he should tear open the fes
tering and corrupt wound which covered his whole
face. Having tried every thing else we had any
hope from, wc began giving your SARSAPARILI.A,
and applying the iodide of potash lotion, as you
direct. The sore begau to heal when we had given
the first bottle, and was well when we had finished
the second. The child's eyelashes, which had come
out, grew again, and he is now as healthy and fair
as any other. The whole neighborhood predicted
that the child must die."
Syphilis and Mercurial Disease.
From Dr. Hiram Slout, of St. Louis, Missouri.
" I find your SARSAPARILLA a more effectual
remedy for the secoudary symptoms of Syphilis
and for syphilitic disease than any other we possess.
The profession are indebted to you for some of the
best medicines we have."
Irom A. J. French, M. I)., an eminent physician of
Isiwrence, Mass., wh<> is a prominent member of
the Legislature of Massachusetts.
"DP.. AVER. My dear Sir: I have found your
SARSAPARILLA an excellent remedy for Syphilis,
both of the primary and secomlary type, ami effec
tual in some cases that were too obstinate to yield
to other remedies. Ido not kuo-.y what we cau em
ploy with more certaiuty of success, where a power
ful alterative is required."
J Y r - S- 1 Lieta, of Xeic Brunswick, X. J.,
had dreadful uleers on his legs, caused by the abuse
of mercury, or mercurial disease, which grew more
and more aggravated for years, in spite of every
remedy or treatment that could be applied, until the
persevering use of AYKB'S SARSAPARILLA relieved
bjm. row cases can be found more inveterate anil
distressing than this, and it took several dozen
bottles to cure him
Letfcorrhaea, Whites, Female Weakness,
are generally produced by internal Scrofulous Di
ce rat ton, ana are very often cured by tlie alterative
J'HCCFC of this .SARSAPARILLA. Some casi'H require,
however, m aid of tho SAICSAPAHILLA, the vkilful
application of local remedies.
Irom the well-known _ and tridely-celebrated Dr.
Jacob Morrill, of Cincinnati.
' 1 h*ve found your SARSAPARILLA an excellent
alterative In diseases of females. Many cases of
iHmS&r* LcuPorr ' , ®a, Internal Ulceration, and
L. debi ity, arising from the scrofulous diathesis,
have yielded to it, and there, are few that do not,
when its effect is properly aided by local treatmeut."
A lady, unwilling to allow the publication of her
name, writes,
" Mv daughter and myself have been cured of a
very debilitating Ismeorrhcca of long standing, by
two bottles of your SARSAPARILLA." :
Rheumatism, Gout, Diver Complaint, Dys- !
pepsia, Heart Disease, Neuralgia,
When caused by Scrofula in the system, are rapidly
cured by tlus L.vr. SARSAPARILLA.
possess so many advantages over tlie other
purgatives in the market, and their superior
virtues are so universally known, that we need
not do more than to assure the public their
quality is maintained equal to the best it ever
haa been, and that they may he depended on
to do all that they have ever done
Y ,V A W D HY J - C - A YER, M. D., & Co.,
Lowell, Mass. '
Sold by Chaa. Ritz and Dr. R. Martin
LeviistawD; 11. S. McNabb & Co., Belleville*
Jacob Met., Allenville; Mrs. Mary Breh
Mills '^nd e h tO ,r n i : J ° seph Strode ' Stro( ie'B
Mills , and by dealers generally. j y 13
ANY pretty patterns, of all kinds, at
*® BACCO * secjarsT" I
pERSONS using Tobaeco go to Hoffman's
JL and try his extra Chewing Tobacco.,
Smoking we have Turkish, Killikinnick, Si
plLrn?-' Cat ' *■ S'C"" • i
Pipes of all kinds, at HOFFMAN'S
mi DOOR I, (he 11101 801 SE.
The subscriber having now on
£3jAhand one of the best and largest
stocks between Philadelphia and
H&JQ Pittsburgh, in order to accom
modate business to the times, offers for sale
complete assortment of
Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Cellars, Trunks,
Whips, Hastes, Valises, Carpet Bags,
which are offered for sale low for cash, or ap
proved credit.
Among his stock will be found some hih
--: ly finished sets of light Harness equal to any
1 manufactured,
Let all in want of good articles, made by
! experienced workmen, give him a call.
Lewistown, April 19, 1860.
In the Odd Fellows' Hall.
A Very Choice Assortment of Old Liquor*.
I OFFER for sale ail the liquors, late the
stock of John Kennedy, dee'd., embracing
prime French Brat dy. Cherry Brandy, Gin,
Wines, Jamaica Spirits, and Scotch Ale. Ho
tel keepers are requested to call.
•Sa.Physicians can always obtain a pure
article for l/ie sick.
Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Groceries,
Queensware, Stoneware, "Hardware, Cedar
ware, always on hand; Shoulders, Hams, Fish,
Herring, Shad, and Mackerel; Dried Beef of
a most excellent quality; with Boots and Shoes
in great variety. All" the goods will be sold
very low. N. KENNEDY.
Lewistown, January 15, 1861.
We offer to purchasers throughot the Uni
; ted States a large and splendid assortment of
Jewelry, and Plated Ware of every descrip
tion at prices which defy competition.
Articles sent by Mail
For the benefit of persons wishing a neat;
pretty and useful article at a moderate price,
we attach the following price list :
Ladies' handsome Neck Chain $1.00; sin
gle stone imitation Diamond Ring $1.00;
Cluster imitation Diamond Ring $2; Heavy
Plated \ e6t Chain $1.25; Heavy Plain Rings
(will Btand the strongest acid) $1; Heavy
Plated black enameled Sleeve Buttons 50 cts",
gents single stone or cluster imitation Dia
rnond Pins $1; magnificent Bracelets $1.25:
handsomely chased Medallions $1.25; Pen
and Pencil with extension case $1.50; Ladies'
beautiful Revolving Pin (can be woru either
side) $1.25; Ladies'small Jet cr Garnet Pin
$1; handsome ladies' set of Pin and Drops
I Coral; Carbuncle or Opal sets $1.25; fancy
i Watch Keys $1; Ladies' Long Guard and
J Chatelaine Chains $1; genuine Gutta Percha
i Pins for 1 air or likeness $1; Seal Rings $1;
j red or black Ball Ear Drops 50 cents; chil
dren's handsome Carbuncle or Coral Armlets
jsl; Vest Hooks, fancy patterns, 50 cents;
Carbuncle Studs and Sleeve Buttons $1; Sil-
I ver plated Butter Knives $1.50 per pair; Sil
ver plated Spoons $2.50 per half dozen.
All articles Warranted to give satisfaction
or money refunded.
All orders filled immediately. A liberal
reduction in price will be made on order for
a number of articles at one time.
Address all orders to
31 li Walnut St., Phila., Pa.
Foreign and American Music
HAVING on hand the largest stock of
Foreign Music in New York, which he
exports from Europe expressly to meet tb
taste and requirements of tho American lov
ers of Music, respectfully calls attention to
the fact, that he is now supplying Music of
every style at u reduction of twenty five to fif
ty per cent, less than any otlVfer house in the
United States.
Private families can be supplied (post free)
by forwarding the cash to the above address.
Should the amount of cash forwarded exceed
the cost of the Music, the balance will be
promptly returned in postage currency.
DEALERS and Professors should not neglect
this opportunity; they will be liberally dealt
N. B.—Aoy and every piece of Music, TO
cal or instrumental, published in Europe or
America, will be supplied to order, if accora
panied by the cash. Remember the address.
Foreign and American Music Warehouse,
- sep2l.3m 824 Broadway, New York.
Cedar and Willow Ware.
TUBS, Churns, Buckets, Butter Bowls,
Clothes, Baskets. Market Baskets. Ac.,
for sale by J. B. SELHEIMER.
Oils, Paints, Ac.
"ASTUTE LEAD, Red Lead, Zinc, Venitian
Red, and all other kinds of colors. A1
so, Linseed Oil, Fish Oil, Coal Oil, &c., for
sale at J. B. SELHEIMER'S.
Blacksmiths, Black Mini III.
riMIE Blacksmiths say Selheimer keeps the
I best Iron and Steel in town. He doesn't
only keep the best, but he keeps the largest
assortment, and sells the cheapest. Go to
A LARGE assortment of Tin Ware, at
wholesale and letail, constantly kept on
hand ; all our own manufacture, made out of
the best material. SPOUTING and all kinds
of Jobbing done at short notice, by
WE have Sole Leather, Upper, Kip, and
Calf Skins; Moroccos, Linings, Bind
ings, Lasts of the best make. Boot Trees,
Crimping Boards, Clamps, Wax, Thread,
Awls, Knives, Pincers, Punches, Boot Web'
bing, Lacers, Color, and a variety of Tools
and other articles, for sale at
BEST quality of Coal Oil for sale by the
quart, gallon and barrel at
Genuine Oriental Turkish, Im.
1 urkish, Rose, Favorite, Un
ion, Kiss-me-quick, Seafar
latti, &c.
No. 1, 2 aod 3 CUT k DRY, very low.
O? IG-A-irlS,
and in fact everything that belongs to bis
line of business, at very low figures.
Call and examine for yourselves, and save
money by buying at the Cigar and Tobacco
Store of
novll Lewistown, Pa.
Lycoming County Mutual
1"* HIS company allows no debt to aceumu
. late against it. It is economical in all con
tingent eipenses, and prompt in tbe adjust
ment of all honest claims.
Amount of losses settled and adjusted for
the year ending June 10, 1864, $101.644 80.
and the whole amount of losses paid up to
June 10, 1864, is $1,387,747.75.
jjl3 Agent for M tHin County.
I i. i" 1 !'—" The subscriber continues to
mtvke to ordr Castings of brass
or _ ' ron of the best quality, at
prices as low as the times will
permit. Having a large variety of patterns
on hand, I am prepared to furnish almost
anything required for Grist Mills, Saw Mills,
and Agricultural Implements, and to finish
up in the best manner also,
Blowin? Cylinders, Hot Blast Pipes,
and other work for Furnaces, Water Pipes of
different sizes, Hydrants, Stop Cocks and Fer
rils. Water \V heels, direct action and reaction
of different sizps. Horse Powers and Thresh
ers of different kinds, Bar Share. Side Hill
and Bull Plows, Wagon and Carriage Boxes,
Blacksmith's Vices, Screw Plates, Heads and
Rests for Turning Lathes. Straw and Feed
Cutters to work by hand, Ac., Ac.
PATTERNS made to order.
Having obtained the right to manufacture a
Counter Balance Shakei,
a first rate article, farmers are requested to
call at the shop on Elizabeth street, and ex
amine it. It can be attached to almost any
thresher in use, and will not fail to give en
tire satisfaction.
Thankful for past favors and anxious to do
his work in the best manner, the subscriber
asks a continuance of the patronage so gen
erously bestowed. JOIIX 11. WEEKES,
may 11 Agent.
Tailoring Establishment,
Respectfully announces
M jga to his friends and the pub
lie generally that he has ta
ken the stand lately occu-
Fpg* pied by Mr. Cogley, bp-
If J i&|B tween Rudisiil's and Sel
p'- HI l )e ' ln er's stores, where he
V-i 2 ® ba® opened a select assort
if If ill men * of Cloths, Casimeres,
,/ / £|l.J and Vestings, which he will
make up to order in the
best and most fashionable style, and on reas
onable terms. Give him a call. mh23
TO 1M23 nil,
Our ( f Hair.
He who by the plow would thrive.
Himself must either hold or drive;
Franklin thus wrote the words of truth.
When Uncle Sam was in his youth.
But now Young America is all alive.
And needs to be cautioned now to drive;
And Uncle Sam, I think, lie too
Is rather dashing his way through.
Now, he who safely wonld progress.
Must step by step still onward press;
But he who would take two.
Often falls down " a few."
And to prevent that state of affairs,
I've moved to where there Is uo stairs—
Across the street, you'll please to uitnd.
Now swings the Big Coffee Pot Sign.
Tls here I want my friends to call.
And see my stock—l can't mention all
in short, your house-wants all you'll find
Supplied at the Big Coffee Pot Sign.
N. B. Manufacturing and Jobbing carri
ed on as usual, and our motto is "Small prof
its and quick sales." Don't mistake the
my 4 Sign of the Big Coffee Pot.
HAS just received and opened at his es
tablishment a new supply of
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry,
Fancy Articles, &c.,
which he will dispose of at reasonable prices.
He invites all to give him a call and examine
his stock, which embraces all articles in his
line, and is sufficiently large to enable all to
make selections who desire to purchase.
PAIRING neatly and expeditiously
attended to, and all work warranted.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore re
ceived, he respectfully asks a continuance of
the same, and will endeavor to please all who
may favor him with their custom. feb2
Large Stock of Furniture on
A FELIX is still manufacturing all kinds
•of Furniture. Young married persons
and others that wish to purchase Furniture
will find a good assortment on hand, which
will ha sold oheup for cash, or country pro
duce: aken in exchange for same. Give me
a call o : V alley street, near Black Bear Ho
tel. feb 21
IFODND out that Hoffman's it the place
for Groceries.
Save your Money and Encour
age Home Manufactures.
HA\ ING lately purchased the Patterns
remaining at the Logan Foundry, I am
prepared to make to order various sizes of
Coal Stoves, Mnc Pla'cs, Hathaway Cook-
Stoves, Iron Frnee,
Ac., Ac. Thankful for the past. I hope to
merit th e future patronage of a generous pub
lic. iemu cash. The highest price paid
for old eastings. JOHN" K. WEEKES,
Lewistown Foundry, Sept. 14. Agt.
Two Doors West of the Odd
Fellows' Hall.
PURE and fresh drugs always on hand.
The most reliable preparation of
in the dry and liquid furin,
Goodyear's celebrated patent BREAST
PUMPS. A general assortment of
Notions, Perfumery, Soaps, &c.,
and in fact everything connected with Medi
cine or Medical treatment.
1 hysicians' and all other prescriptions
carefully compounded and put up.
All consultations strietly confidential, and
free of charge. Any preparation or medi- i
cine not on hand will be immediately order- j
ed. I hope that the experience of sixteen
years almost constantly engaged in the active i
duties of the medical profession will be a
sufficient guarantee that no deception or
humbugs will be practiced upon those who
consult me professionally, or who desire to
purchase medicines.
niar23 '64-ly R. MARTIN, M. D.
itniii\ LIMIT,
And Pain Exterminator,
An Infallible Remedy for all Chronic and
Inflamatory Rheumatism Diptheria,
Sore Throat, Quinsy. Sprains,
Neuralgia, Pain in the Back
and Limbs, Cramps, &c.
New Testimonials.
DERRY TOWNSHIP, March, 1864.
Mr. Joseph Swyers—After tny hest respects
to you, this is to let you ktiuw that I have
been troubled with chills for the last fifteen
years, some of them so hard that I thought I
could not live over night. I was for days
and nights not able to go out. Last fall they
came on again as usual, and having about
half n bottle of your liniment about the
house, I thought I would try it, and took
about 20 drops night and morning for some
time. From the time 1 took it I have never
had one chill, and can say that I never had
used any medicine that gave so much satis
faction as your liniment. Your ob't servant,
Adam Baird.
March 28th, 1864.
Mr. J. Swyers: My son had a sore neck
for three months back, for which I used your
liniment, and it is a perfect cure. He also
had a sure leg for two years back ; I got one
of your bottles of liniment, which has cured
it soundly.
Yours, respectfully, Charles Mitchell.
FREEDOM FORGE, March 28, 1864.
Mr. Swyers : I recommend your liniment
to be the best that I ever had in my house.
I had a pain in my side for about 15 years,
and I doctored with doctors far and near!
but they done me no good, when I heard of
your liniment, tried it, and I am thankful to
say it has cured me sound and well ; and
for the children I could not do without it.
Hugh's hand were dreadfully cracked open
with the wind, and he rubbed them with
it, and it has cured them.
Mrs. Margaret E. Summers.
Hugh Summers.
LILLEYSVILI.E. Decatur tp.,
Mifflin County, Pa.
Mr. Joseph Swyers : This is to certify that
I cured my child of the diptheria in three
days with your linitnent.
Mrs. Marg Davidsizer.
Additional References.
Isaac Price. Frederick Steidle
George E. Parsons Mrs. Mary Riden
Samuel U. Fry S. B. Davis
0. L. Umberger Mrs. Martha Owens
James Ridi n
Jacob Salter, Y. H. Sumner*. James Mendenhall,
John Smith, John A. Brought, Seymour Downs.
W. P. Mt*n<lenhall, Daniel Avers, John Kolins,
Joshua faorsuch. Will tain Mo wry, . Robert Nelson,
Jonathan Price, John Yonce, Oeorge Basely,
Melissa L- Basely, Noah Biuith, Henry Dasher,
Catharine Dasher, Lydla Sager, Limira Dcaruient.
An Inra liable Tonic Preparation, te core
Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Loss of
Appetite- Palpitation of the neart
and General Debility.
Freedom Forges, Mifflin County, Fa.
sole agents for the sale of my
medical preparations, are HENRY ZERBE,
F.J. HOFFMAN. Lewistown, and WILLIS
MANN, Yeugertowu, Derry twp. mh23'64
OF all patterns, constantly kept, and for
sale at very low figures, as usual, at the
Lewiatown, August 6, 1862.
A LARGE assortment of Floor. Stair and
Carriage Oil Cloths, of all colors, best
quality, and cheap, at the store of
Brushes, Brushes.
Alf ALL, Dusting, Sweeping, Hand, Scrub
bing and Horse Brushes. Paint Brush
es of all sizes.' J. B. SELHEIMER.
Cordstse, Cordage.
ROPES, Tow Lines, Bed Cords, Clothes
Linos, .Twines, and other cordnge for
gale by J. R. SELHEIMER.
A LARGE assortment of Cooking. Parlor
and other Stoves, always on hand, at
the lowest prices, at
WJ AMm flMßfi
Hoffman's the Store for Blacksmiths !
Hoffman's the Store Jor Car/enters !
Hoffman's the Store for Saddlers!
Hoffman s the Store for Shoemakers !
Hoffman s the Store Jor Cabinetmakers !
Hoffman's the Store for Coachmakers.'
Hoffman's the Store for Builders!
Hoffman's the Store for Housekeepers !
BUCKETS, from one quart to three gal
lons, Dish Pans, Wash Basins and Cul
lenders, made of solid material, without sol
dering. Coffee Boilers. Tea Pots, Pie Plates,
Pudding Pans, and everything usually found
in a first class tinware shop, and sold very
low, at F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
Bibles. Bible*.
rpilE Bible Society's Bibles and Testa
_l_ inents. Also, Photograph Bibles arrang
ed for card pictures. Bibles in three volumes,
with Commentary, at $4 per set, a book that
should be in every family, at
Wall Paper and Shades.
A LARGE stock of Wall Paper, ready for
spring market, of every style and prieis.
Winduw Shades and Paper. Call before
purchasing elsewhere and see the best selec
tion and largest stock in the town, at
Blank Book* A Stationery.
A LARGE stock of Blank Books, such as
.JIJL Ledgers, Daybooks, Memorandum and
Time Books. Cap, Letter, Bill and Note
Paper. Envelopes, Pens. Pencils, Penhold
ers, Copybooks. Ink and Ink Stands, at
I* Expected to take Place in
BUT notwithstanding this the people
must have
and we would respeottully set forth our
claims to public attention, first, because we
keep a large and well assorted stock of Boots
and Shoes fot men and boys.
Gaiters, and all other kinds of shoes for
women and children.
We are prepared to take measuies and
complete work of all kinds at short notice.
Repairing done at short notice, at
West Market street, a few doors west of
Col Butler's, and nearly opposite Daniel Ei
senbise's Hotel. mh3o-'64
ii > Just received at
E[j j Billy Johnson's,
F I which will be sold
small prof
Its f° r oash. So
come on, boys
pBSk, a °d girls, and see
for yourselves.
A fine assortment of Ladies Gaiters on
hand, and all kinds of Boots and Shoes, both
city and home made work. The greater part
of his eastern work is made to order, and is
home'made work against rips.
Manufacturing attended to as usual, and
repairing done at shortest notice. No work
to be given out until paid for, and in all cas
es where work don't suit, and is returned in
good order, the money will be refunded.
Having purchased the patent right for
Mifflin county for Eiswald's
and Heels, he is prepared to furnish them to
his customers. It is one of the great discov
eries of the age; they will save four times
their cost in leather, and can be easily put on
by any one. Give them a trial. A liberal
discount given to wholesale dealers.
may 11 '64 BILLY JOHNSON.
IS the place to buy Cheap Shoes. Having
waited till the fall of goods before laying
in a stock. I am now prepared to sell at least
25 per cent, cheaper. Having purchased a
good assortment, I am prepared to supply my
old customers and all others in want of good
and cheap BOOTS and SHOES. For the men
1 have an excellent Boot fur winter—warrant
ed none better in town. Also. Boys' Boots,
Youths'and Child's Boots. FOR THE LA
DIES. I have the latest styles, such as Glove
Kid, Balmorals, Congre&s Gaiters—kid, goat,
calf and kipp—and a variety of Misses' and
Children's Shoes.
Home-made WOrk
on hand and made to order.
I am agent for the Grover & Baker Celebra
ted houseless SEWING MACHINE and
would invite the attention of all those in need
of a Machine— and in fact everybody is—to
call and see them. I have Machines always
on hand, and will sell them at the same price
they are Bold at in the city. Having an end
less variety of Machines, G. fe B can suit
everybody, Their new improved Shuttle Ma
chine is an extra large size, operates with
great ease, makes but little noise, is superior
to any Machine now in the market, and will
supersede all the heretofore popular Machines
for manufacturing purposes. Instruction
free to all who buy a Machine.
Also, the Grover and Baker Thread for
sale, a superior article.
Terms, positively Cash. Don't fail to find
your way to P. F. LOOP'S Cheap Shoe Store,
ni the Publia Square, 2d door west of Geo.
Blymyer's Store. nov9.
CALL at Hoffman's for the best Valentine
Iron, Horse Shoes, Nail Rods, Round 4
Square Iron, and Scollop from 1 to 5 inches;
Bar Irou, all sizes and a very heavy stocky of
Caßt, Shear, Spring and Blister Steel, Anvils,
Vices, Bellows, Files, Borax and everv thing
you want.