Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, November 23, 1864, Image 4

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From Peterson's Ijodies' Magazine for Dec-
To make Mince-Meat —lake two lbs.
of raisins, stone them well; two pounds
of beef suet finely chopped up; two
pounds and a half of well-cleaned cur
rants, two pounds of apples pared and
cored; two ponnds of brown sugar;
three-quarters of a pound of candied
lemon and citron; the grated rinds of
two lemons; one grated nutmeg; half
an ounce of salt; one teaspoonful of
pounded ginger; half that quantity of
Eounded mace; half a pint of the best
randy, and half a pint of sherry.
These ingredients must all be minced
separately and well mixed with each
other, before the brandy and wine are
added. Those who like meat introdu
ced into their mince meat should add
to the above quantity of fruit, one lb.
of unsalted ox-tongue, boiled tender,
or the undercut of a sirloin of beef.
The mince meat should be kept in close
covered jars, and should be made some
days before it is required for use.
Ginger Biscuit. —Rub half a pound of
fresh butter into two pounds of fine
flour, add half a pound of sifted sugar,
and three ounces of pounded ginger.
Beat up the yelks of three eggs, and
take a little milk, with which make
the above ingredients into a paste.
Knead it all well together and roll it
out extremely thin, then cut it into
the form of round biscuits with a paste
cutter. Bake them in a slow oven un
til crisp, taking care that they are a
palo brown color.
Griddle Cake —A very nice cake can
be produced by rubbing some butter
into flour, as you would for pie crust,
rolling it about half an inch thick, and
baking on a quick griddle. These
cakes should be opened and buttered
hot like muffins.
Short Bread. —Rub one pound of but
ter and twelve ounces of finely pow
dered loaf sugar into two pounds of
flour; with your hand make it into stiff
paste, with four eggs, cut it into round
or square cakes; pinch the edges, and
stick slices of candied lemon peel and
some caraway comfits on top; then bake
them on iron plates in a warm oven.
Keeping Potatoes.
The following from a cotemporary
makes some suggestions which may be
of interest to our readers:
We find great care used to prevent
potatoes and other roots from freezing.
Freezing does not hurt them, it is the
THAWING that does the mischief. Po
tatoes may be frozen and thawed three
or four times during the winter, pro
vided the thawing be properly conduc
ted, and not be injured thereby in the
If a member of the body, such as a
hand or foot, be frozen, and be sudden
ly thawed by fire or warm water, the
flesh will mortify and drop off; but let
the frozen member be rubbed with
snow, which is a little lower in temper
ature than the frozen foot, and thus be
gradually thawed, and no inconveni
ence will ensue.
Only last spring I planted potatoes
which were kept in a heap in the open
air, and covered with threo inches of
earth all winter. They were twice at
least frozen solid, and twice thawed,
but were uninjured.
In the spring, if early vegetables,
such as beans, peas or tomatoes, should
be frosted, or completely covered with
a white frost, they may be saved by
being sprinkled with cold water, if ad
ministered before the suu shines upon
them. The water reduces the temper
ature gradually, without any bad ef
fect. If potatoes, apples or other veg
etables when frozen solid are placed in
cold water, they will be thawed grad
ually, and no harm will be done them.
Vegetables may be kept all winter
by making them into conical heaps,
and covered with three inches of earth,
and a sod on top to shed rain. A thin
layer of clean straw may be placed
over the vegetables, to keep them from
the dirt. YVheu put up in this manner
apples or potatoes may be taken out
at any time during tho winter, and if
thawed in cold water are as good as
If your potatoes freeze in the cellar,
don't wait for them to thaw but throw
them in a conical heap, either where
they are or in the open air, and cover
them with dirt, straw, shavings, old
clothes or chaff, packed tight around
them and they are safe. The cover
ing will prevent sudden changes, which
do all the mischief. I have saved fro
zen potatoes in this way, aud it ma}'
be new to some of your readers, and
of use to them as it has been to me.
Cedar and Willow Ware.
'THUBS, Chums, Buckets, Butter Bowie,
-*■ Clothes, Baskets, Market Baskets, Ac.,
for sale by J. B. SELHEIMER.
Oils, Paints, See.
LEAD, Red Lead, Zinc, Venitian
* v Red, and all other kinds of colors. Al
so, Linseed Oil, Fish Oil, Coal Oil, Ac., fox
sale at J. B. SELHEIMER'S.
Cordage, Cordage.
ROPES, TOW Lines, Bed Cords, Clothes
Lines, Twines, and other cordage for
sale by J. B. SELHEIMER.
Between Blymyer's and Ritz's Stores.
"VI J HERE is constantly kept on hand a ,
\\ choice assortment of articles in nis
line, many of which are to be bad only there.
His stock comprises pure and fancy Soaps,
Perfumery, Writing Paper, Pens, Envelopes,
different styles and sizes. Combs, ihimbles.
Gorn and Cornelian Kings, Tooth Brushes,
Ilair Brushes,
of all kinds. Photographs of Generals. Ac., i
besides Confectionery. Fruits, Nuts, and eve
rvthing to be found in a first class store of
this kind.
A continuation of the liberal patronage
heretofore bestowed is respectfully solicited. ,
Lewistown, April 6, 1864.
Lycoming Comity Mutual
UAibaJsi mmm*
THIS company allows no debt to accumu
late against it. It is economical in all con
tingcnt expenses, and prompt in the adjust
ment of all honest claims.
Amount of losses settled and adjusted for
the year ending June 10, 1864, $101,644.80.
and the whole amount of losses paid up to
June 10, 1864, is $1 387,747.75.
jy 13 Agent for M IHin County.
mi if I in- The subscriber continues to
make to order Castings of brass
or ' ron °c * )eßt at
prices as low as the times will
permit. Having a large variety of patterns
on hand, I am prepared to furnish almost
anything required for Grist Mills, Saw Mills,
and Agricultural Implements, and to finish
up in the best manner also,
Blowing Cylinders, Hot Blast Pipes,
and other work for Furnaces. Water Pipes of
different sizes. Hydrants, Stop Cocks and Fer
rils, Water Wheels, direct action and reaction
of different sizes. Horse Powers and Thresh
ers of different kinds, Bar Share, Side Hill
and Bull Plows, Wagon and Carriage Boxes,
Blacksmith's Vices, Screw Plates, Heads and
Rests for Turning Lathes, Straw and Feed
Cutters to work by hand, Ac., &c.
PATTERNS made to order.
Having obtained the right to manufacture a
Counter Balance Shakei,
a first rate article, farmers are requested to
call at the shop on Elizabeth street, and ex
amine it. It can be attached to almost any
thresher in use, and will not fail to give en
tire satisfaction.
Thankful for past favors and anxious to do
his work in the best manner, the subscriber
asks a continuance of the patronage so gen
erously bestowed. JOHN R. WEEKES,
may 11 Agent.
Tailoring Establishment,
tfsgk Respectfully announces
yf to bis friends and the pub
lie generally that he has ta
g&Rs ken the stand lately occu-
Jpa pied by Mr. Cogley, be
twf>en Rudisill's and Sel
fffPiß heimer's stores, where he
has opened a select assort
i N J ment of Cloths, Casimeree,
and Vestings, which he will
make up to order in the
best and moat fashionable style, and on reas
f onable terms. Give hm a call. mh23
"UiD MM33 tMStm
Our Change of Base.
He who by the plow would thrive.
Himself must either hold or drive;
Franklin thus wrote the words of truth.
When Uncle Saru was in his youth.
But now Young America is all alive.
And needs to be cautioned BOW to drive;
And Uncle Bam, 1 think, he too
Is rather dashing his way through.
Now, he who safely would progress.
Must step by step still onward press;
But he who would take two.
Often falls down " a few."
And to prevent that state of affairs,
I've moved to where there hi no stairs—
Across the street, you'll please to nitnd.
Now swings the Big Coffee Pot Sign.
'Tis here I want my friends to call.
And see my stock—l can't mention all
in short, your house-wants all you'll Und
Supplied at the Big Coffee Pot Sign.
N. B. Manufacturing and Jribbing oarri
ed on as usual, and our inotto is "Small prof
its and quick sales." Don't mistake the
my 4 Sign of the Big Coffee Pot.
HAS just received and opened at his es
tablishment a new supply of
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry,
Fancy Articles, Ac.,
which he will dispose of at reasonable prices,
lie invites all to give him a call and examine
his stock, which embraces all articles in his
line, and is sufficiently large to enable all to
make selections who desire to purchase.
neatly and expeditiously
attended to, and all work warranted.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore re
ceived, he respectfully asks a continuance of
the same, and will endeavor to please all who
may favor him with their custom. feb2
Large Stock of Furniture on
is still manufacturing all kinds
• of Furniture. Young married persons
and others that wish to purchase Furniture
will find a good assortment on hand, which
will he sold cheap fo cash, or country pro
duoe; aken in exchange for same. Give me
a call o 2 V alley street, near Black Bear Ho
tol* feb 21
Country Bacon, Fine Eastern Cheese, Sour I
Pickles, Dried Poaches, Prunes, Cherries,
Apples. Beans, Hominy, |
Tomatos, Cranberries, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, '
Black & Green Teas,
Syrups, Orleans Molasses, Ac. (
The above goods are of choice quality, and t
are offered at the lowest Cash Prices.
Is the Place to Buy your
mmm 4 Bwiiwia,;
as the People say he has the Goods that will .
please all. and so cheap that they have some
nennies left to buy Candies for their children. '
Coine all, we will be pleased to see you. Call
and buy your friends a present. marlC
The subscriber having now on
hand one of the best and largest
stocks between Philadelphia and
Pittsburgh, in order to accom
modate business to the times, offers for sale
complete assortment of
Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Collars, Trunks,
Whips, Haines, Valises, Carpet Bags,
which are offered for sale low for cash, or ap
proved credit.
Among his stock will be found some high
ly finished sets of light Harness equal to any
Let all in want of good articles, made by
experienced workmen, give him a call.
Lewistown, April 19, 1860.
Genuine Oriental Turkish, Im.
Turkish, Hose, Favorite, Un
ion, Kiss-me-quick, Seafar
latti, &c.
No. 1, i and 5 CUT & DRY, very low.
and in fact everything that belongs to his
line of business, at very low figures.
Call and examine for yourselves, and save
money by buying at the Cigar and Tobacco
Store of
novll Lewistown, Pa.
In the Odd Fellows' Hall.
A Very Choice Assortment of Old Liqoors.
1 OFFER for sale all the liquors, late the
stock of John Kennedy, dee'd., embracing
prime French Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Gin,
Wines, Jamaica Spirits, and Scotch Ale. Ho
tel keepers are requested to call.
KEXUPhysicians can always obtain a pure
article for the sick.
Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Groceries,
Q.ueensware, Stoneware, Hardware, Cedar
ware, always on hand; Shoulders, Hams, Fish,
Herriog, Shad, and Mackerel; Dried Beef of !
a most excellent quality; with Boots and Shoes
in great variety. All the goods will be sold
very low. N. KENNEDY.
Lewistown, January 15, 1861.
In addition to an extensive stock of
and other
establishment will be found a beautiful as
sortment of
Photograph Albums, $1 to $9,
of all the prominent
aaaoa aaaaam
and hundreds of other articles.
Lewistown, Dec. 0, 1863.
Blacksmiths, Blacksmiths.
rpilE Blacksmiths say Selheimer keeps the
[_ best Iron and Steel in town. He doesn't
only keep the best, but he keeps the largest
assortment, and sells the cheapest. Go to
tin wake, tin ware.
A LARGE assortment of Tin Ware, at
wholesale and retail, constantly kept on
hand ; all our own manufacture, made out of
the best material. SPOUTING and all kinds
of Jobbing done at short notice, by
WE hare Sole Leather, Upper, Kip, and
Calf Skins; Moroccos. Linings, Bind
ings, Lasts of the best make, Boot Trees,
Crimping Boards, Clamps, Wax, Thread,
Awls, Knives, Pincers, Punches, Boot Web
bing,' Lacers, Color, and a variety of Tools
and other articles, for sale at
I FOUND out that Hoffman's is the place
for Grooeriea.
New Stock of Hats, Caps, Ac
Market St., next Door to John Kennedy's, "j
KHas just received from
New York and Philadel- WM.
phia, tbe most extensive jp*jS|taL
stock and complete assort•
ment of ; j
ever exhibited in this place, which will be dis
posed of at such prices as to defy competition, I
and which he invites everybody to call and ,
examine, as he is satisfied that bis stock can
not fail to please.
For tbe Ornish he has constantly on hand,
or will make to order, hats to their taste of
any required size or brim, at prices which
cannot fail be satisfactory.
Country Merchants will find it to their ad
vantage to give him a call, as a liberal deduc
tion will be made to wholesale purchasers. l
Don't forget the place, next door to John
Kennedy's Store and nearly opposite the
Odd Fe lows' Hall. may 11
>) THE peculiar taint or
infection which we
call SCKOFCLA lurks
in the constitutions of -
<JS. multitudes of nicn. It '
jt \ either produces or is '
produced by an cn- j
■I | fi rlill I vitiated state i
' ; . ife-of tlie blood, wherein 1
fluid becomes in
j to sustain
/fjMmjirifflfthc vital forces in their
vigorous action, and
eaves the system to
~""r fall into disorder and
decay. The scrofulous contamination is va
riously caused by mercurial disease, low i
living, disordered digestion from unhealthy
food, impure air, filth and filthy habits,
the depressing vices, and, above all, by
the venereal infection. Whatever be its
origin, it is hereditary in the constitution,
descending "from parents to children unto
the third and fourth generation;" indeed, it
seems to be the rod of Him who says, " 1 will
visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their
children." The diseases it originates take
various names, according to the organs it
attacks. In the lungs, Scrofula produces
tubercles, and finally Consumption; in the
glands, swellings wliieh suppurate and be
come ulcerous sores; in the stomach and
bowels, derangements which produce indi
gestion, dyspepsia, and liver complaints; on
the skin, eruptive and cutaneous aflections.
These, all having the same origin, require the
same remedy, viz., purification and invigora
tion of the blood. Purify the blood, and
these dangerous distempers leave you. With
feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot
-have health; with that "life of the flesh"
healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease.
Ayor's Sarsaparilla
is compounded from the most effectual anti
dotes that medical science has discovered lor
this afflicting distemper, and for the cure of
the disorders it entails. That it is fur supe
rior to any other remedy yet devised, is
' known by all who have given it a trial. That
it does combine virtues truly extraordinary
in their effect upon this class of complaints,
is indisputably proven by the great multitude
of publicly known and remarkable cures it
has made of the following diseases : King's
Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Tumors,
Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores,
Erysipelas, Bose or St. Anthony's Fire,
Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from
tuberculous deposits in the lnngs, White
Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia,
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and
Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases,
Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole
aeries of complaints that arise from impurity
of the blood. Minute reports of individual
cases may be found in AYHR'S AMERICAN
ALMANAC, which is furnished to the druggists
for gratuitous distribution, wherein may be
learned the directions for its use, and some
of the remarkable cures wliieh it has made
when all other remedies had failed to afford
relief. Those cases are purposely taken
from all sections of the country, in order
that every reader may have access to some
one who can speak to him of its benefits from
personal experience. Scrofula depresses the
vital energies, and thus leaves its victims far
more subject to disease and its fatal results
than are healthy constitutions. Hence it
tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten,
the average duration of human life. The
vast importance of these considerations has
led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy
which is adequate to its cure. This we now
offer to the public under the name of ATER'S
SARSATARILLA, although it is composed of
ingredients, some of which exceed the best
of SarsapariUa in alterative power. By its
aid you may protect yourself from the suffer
ing and danger of these disorders. Purge
out the foul corruptions that rot and fester
in the blood, purge out the causes of disease,
and vigorous health will follow. By its pecu
liar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital
functions, and thus expels the distempers
which lurk within the system or burst out
on any part of it.
We know the public have been deceived
by many compounds of SarsapariUa, that
promised much and did nothing; but they
will neither be deceived nor disappointed in
this. Its virtues have been proven by abun
dant trial, and there remains no question of
its surpassing excellence for the cure of the
afflicting diseases it is intended to reach.
Although under the same name, it is a very
different medicine from any other which has
been before the people, and is far more ef
fectual than any other which has ever been
available to them.
The World's Great Remedy for
Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con
sumption, and for the relief
of Consumptive patients
in advanced stages
of the disease.
This has been so long used and so uni
versally known, that we need do no more
than assure the public that its quality is kept
up to the best it ever has been, and that it
may be relied on to do all it has ever done.
Prepared by "DR. J. C. ATCB & Co.,
Practical and Analytical Chemists,
Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all druggists every where.
Sold by Chas. Ritz and Dr. R. Martin,
Lewistown; H. S. McNabb & Co., Belleville;
Jacob Metz, Allenville; Mrs. Mary Breh
men, McVeytown ; Joseph Strode, Strode's
Mills ; and by dealers generally. jy 13
MANY pretty patterns, of all kinds, at
PERSONS using Tobacco go to Hoffman's
and try his extra Chewing Tobacco.
Smoking, we have Turkish, Killikinnick, Si
gel, Garibaldi, Fine Cut, to. Segars and
I Pipes of all kinds, at HOFFMAN'S
m m m adm j 1
FOR 11
Hoffman's the Store for Blacksmiths !
Hoffman's the Store for Carpenters !
Hoffman's the Stare for Saddlers !
Hoffman's the Store for Shoemakers!
Hoffman's the Store JOT Cabinetmakers !
Hoffman's the Store for Coach m akcrs !
Hoffman's the Store for Builders!
Hoffman's the Store for Housekeepers !
BUCKETS, from one quart to three gal
lons, Dish Pans, Wash Basins and Oul
lenders, made of solid material, without sol
dering. Coffee Boilers. Tea Pots. Pie Plates,
Pudding Pans, and everything usually found
in a tirst class tinware shop, and sold very
low, at F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
Itibles, Bibles.
FflllE Bible Society's Bibles and Testa-
I ments. Also, Photograph Bibles arrang
ed for card pictures. Bibles in three volumes,
with Commentary, at $4 per set. a book that
should be in every family, at
Wall Paper and Shades.
A LARGE stock of Wall Paper, ready for
spring market, of every style and pricrs.
Window Shades and Paper. Call before
purchasing elsewhere and see the best selec
tion and largest stock in the town, at
Blank Books Ac Stationery.
A LARGE stock of Blank Books, such as
Ledgers, Daybooks, Memorandum and
Time Books. Cap, Letter, Bill and Note
Paper. Envelopes, Pens, Pencils. Pen hold
ers, Copybooks, Ink and Ink Stands, at
mum m
Time will make Changes.
HAYING purchased the entire stock of
Notions, Spices, Perfumery, &c., of J.
F. Sturgis, in East Market street, Lewistown,
two doors west of Kennedy's store, would in
form his friends and the public in general
that he has lately returned from the city with
a variety of Goods, consisting of Coffee, clar
ified and brown Sugars, Syrups, New Orleans
and gilt edge Molasses, Imperial and
Black Teas, Brooms, Baskets, Buckets, Co
coa, Chocolate, Rice, pure Spices, Figs, Rais
ins, Almonds, Pea Nuts, Crackers of every
kind, Spice Cakes, Tea Cakes, Sugar and
Ginger Cakes, No. 1 Cheese, fine, coarse, table
and dairy Salt, No. I and 2 Mackerel, scrub
bing. clothes, blacking and whitewash Brush
es, Cider and pure cider Vinegar. Twine,
Ropes, Pepper, Ginger, Mustard. Sal Soda,
Washing Soda, Soaps, Sims' Solidified Lye,
for making family and country soap, Indigo,
Cloves, Mace, Cinnamon, Allspice, Lemons,
and a large stock of Candies, Fancy Notions
for children, and a variety of Goods not enu
nierated. Also, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Ac ,
all of which will be sold at reasonable prices.
He respectfully solicits a call from one and all.
B@3uCountry Produce taken in exchange
for Goods.
Don't forget the name amd place.
(Sturgis's old stand,)
oct!2 East Market st.
Is Expected to take Place In
BUT notwithstanding this the people
must have
and we would respectfully sec forth our
claims to public attention, first, because we
keep a large and well assorted stock of Boots
and Shoes foi men and boys.
Gaiters, and all other kinds of shoes for
women and children.
We are prepared to take measures and
complete work of all kinds at short notice.
Repairing done at short notice, at
West Market street, a few doors west of
Col Butler's, and nearly opposite Daniel Ei
senhise's Hotel. mb3Q-'64
WM& asm MOM,
gn\ i dust received at
K'll I Billy Johnson's,
wl I which will be sold
Rt ver f 6ma H prof
®Hf its for cash. So
pll come on, boys
and girls, and see
for yourselves.
A fine assortment of Ladies Gaiters on
band, and all kinds of Boots and Shoes, both
city and borne made work. The greater part
of hie eastern work is made to order, and is
home-made work against rips.
Manufacturing attended to as usual, and
repairing done at shortest notice. No work
to be given out until paid for, and in all cas
es where work don't suit, and is returned in
good order, the money will be refunded.
Having purchased the patent right for
Mifflin county for Eiswald's
and Heels, he is prepared to furnish them to
his customers. It is one of the great discov
eries of the age; they will save four times
their cost in leather, and can be easily put on
by any one. Give them a trial. A liberal
discount given to wholesale dealers,
mayll '64 BILLY JOHNSON.
CALL at Hoffman's for the best Valentine
Iron, Horse Shoes, Nail Rods, Round A
Square Iron, and Scollop from 1 to 5 inches;
Bar Iron, all sizes and a very heavy stock of
Caßt, Shear, Spring and Blister Steel, Anvils,
A ices. Bellows, Files, Borax and every thine
you want. 8
Save your Money and Encour
age Home Manufactures.
HAVING lately purchased the Patterns
remaining at the Logan Foundry, I atn
prepared to make to order various sizes of
Cml StoTri, Nine Plate*, Hnthawav Cook.
Stores, Iron Fenee,
Ac., Ac. Thankful for the past I hope to
merit the future patronage of a generous pub.
lie. Terms cash. The highest price paid
for old castings. JOHN R. WF.EKES,
Lewistown Foundry, Sept. 14 Agt,
Two Doors West of the Odd
Fellows' Hail.
PURE and fresh drugs always on hand.
The most reliable preparation of
in the dry and liquid furm,
Goodyear's celebrated patent BREAST
PUMPS- A general assortment of
Notions, Perfumery, Soaps, &c.,
and in fact everything connected with Medi
cine or Medical treatment.
Physicians' and all other prescriptions
carefully compounded and put up.
All eunsuitations strictly confidential, and
free of charge. Aoy preparation or medi
cine not on hand will be immediately order
ed. I hope that the experience of sixteen
years almost constantly engaged in the active
duties of the medical profession will be a
sufficient guarantee that no deception or
humbugs will be practiced upon those who
consult me professionally, or who desire to
purchase medicines.
mar 23 '64-ly R. MARTIN, M. D.
OF the late firm of McCoy and Ellis, has
just returned from the city with a choice
assortment of
selected with care and purchased for cash,
which are offered to the public at a small ad
vance on cost.
Spring & Summer Goods,
suitable for ladies, gentlemen and children,
with many new patterns. His
comprise choice Sugars, Molasses, Coffee, Su
perior Teas, Pure Spice 6, &c. Also,
and all other aktWles casually found in Stores,
all of which his old-cilfctomers and the public
in general are invited to call and examine.
BgU Country Produce taken at full market
Lewistown, March 9, 1864.
And Pain Exterminator, j
| An Infallible Remedy for all Chronic and
Inflamatory Rheumatism. Diptheria,
Sore Throat, Quinsy. Sprains,
Neuralgia, Pain in the Back
and Limbs, Cramps, &c.
New Testimonials.
DERRY TOWNSHIP, March, 1864.
Mr. Joseph Swyers—Aftermy best respects
to you, this is to let you know that I hare
been troubled with chills for the last fifteen
, years, some of them so hard that I thought I
could not live over night. I was for days
and nights not able to go out. Last fall they
came on again as usual, and having about
half a bottle of your liniment about the
house, I thought I would try it, and took
about 20 drops night Bnd morning for sotne
time. From the time I took it I have nover
had one chill, and can say that I never had
used any medicine that gave so much satis
faction as your liniment. Your ob't servant,
Adam Baird.
March 28tb, 1864.
Mr. J. Swyers: My son had a sore neck
for three months back, for which I uacd your
liniment, and it is a perfect cure. He also
had a sore leg for two years back ; I got one
of your bottles of liniment, which has cured
it soundly.
Yours, respectfully, Charles Mitchell.
FREEDOM FORGE, March 28, 1864.
Mr. Swyers : I recommend your liniment
to he the beet that I ever had in my house.
I had a pain in my side for about 15 years,
and I doctored with doctors far and near,
but they done me no good, when I heard of
your liniment, tried it, and I am thankful to
say it has cured me sound and well; and
for the children I could not do without it.
Hugh's hand were dreadfully cracked open
with the wind, and he rubbed them with
it, and it has cured them.
Mrs. Margaret E. Summers.
Hugh Summers.
LILLKYSVILLE. Decatur tp.,
Mifflin County, Pa.
Mr. Joseph Swyers ; This is to certify that
I cured my child of the diptberia in three
i days with your liniment.
Mrs. Mary Davidsizer.
Additional References.
Isaac Price, Frederick Steidle
George E. Parsons Mrs. Mary Riden
Samuel 11. Fry S. B. Davis
0. L. Umberger Mrs. Martha Owens
James Rid- n
Jacob Sager, Y. H. Sumners, James Mendenhall,
0- ,1 •? .' . John A. Brought, Sevmour Downs,
W. P. Head.nh.il, Daniel Ayers, John Rollna,
Joshua Gursnch, VI iliiam Mowry, Robert Nelson,
Jonathan Price, John Yonee, George Basely,
Melissa L. Basely. Noah Smith. Hears- Dasher,
Catharine Dasher. Lyclla Sager. Elmlra Deartnect.
An InTanable Tonie Preparation, to core
Dyspepsia, Liter Complaint, Loss of
Appetite, Palpitation of the Heart
and General Debility.
Freedom Forget , Mifflin County, Fa
•QuTbe sole agents for the sale of ®y
medical preparations, are HENRY ZERBE,
, F. J. HOFFMAN, Lewistown, and WILLIS
i MANN, Yeagertown, Derry twp. mb2364