Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, October 26, 1864, Image 4

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    New Stock- of Hats, Caps, &c
--7T. o- sclihtssb,,
Market St., next Door to John Kennedy s,
KHas iust received f rOID t
New Yurk and Philadel- ttg /
pbia, the most
stock and complete aosort
ment of
32s G2ac^pS3
ever exhibited in this place, which will be dis
posed of at such prices as to defy competition,
and which he invites everybody to call and
examine, as he is satisfied that his stock can- !
not fail to please.
For the Ornish he has constantly on hand,
or will make to order, hats to their taste of
any required size or brim, at prices which
cannot fail be satisfactory.
Country Merchants will find it to their ad
vantage to give him a call, as a liberal deduc
tion will be made to wholesale purchasers.
Don't forget the place, npxt door to John
Kennedy's Store and nearly opposite the
Odd Fe lows' Hall. may 11
THE peculiar taint or j
infection which we
call SCROFULA lurks
\ f in the constitutions of
< rr> multitudes of men. It
Tv. i eitiier produces or is
- a produced by an eti
r vitiated state
,s=rof the blood, wherein '
t thud becomes in
leaves the "system to 1
fall into disorder and
decay. The scrofulous contamination is va
riously caused by mercurial disease, low
living, disordered digestion from unhealthy
food, impure air. filth and filthy habits,
the depressing vices, and. above all. by
the venereal infection. Wliatever be its
origin, it is hereditary in the constitution,
descending ''from parents to children unto
the third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it
seems to be the rod of Hiin who says, " I will
visit the iniquities of the fathers uj>on their (
children." The diseases it originates take j
various names, according to the organs it
attacks. In the lungs, Scrofula produces
tubercles, and finally Consumption; in the
glands, swellings which suppurate and be
come ulcerous sores; in the stomach and
bowels, derangements which produce indi
gestion, dyspepsia, and liver complaints ; ou
the skin, eruptive and cutaneous affections.
These, all having the same origin, require the
same remedy, viz.. purification and invigora
tion of the blood. Purity the blood, and
these dangerous distempers leave you. With ,
feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot
have health; with that "life of the fiesh"
healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
is compounded from the most effectual anti- •
dotes that medical science has discovered for '
this afflicting distemper, and for the cure of :
the disorders it entails. That it is far supe
rior to any other remedy yet devised, is
known by all who have given it a trial. That j
it does combine virtues truly extraordinary
in their effect upon this class of complairtt*. j
is indisputably proven by the great multitude j
of publicly known and remarkable cures it j
has made of the following diseases: Ring's j
Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Tumors.
Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, i
Erysipelas, Rose or St. Anthony's Fire,
Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from j
tuberculous deposits in the lungs. White ;
Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia.
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and
Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases,
Female Weaknesses, and. indeed, the whole ,
series of complaints that arise from Impurity j
of the blood. Minute reports of individual |
cases may be found in AYER'S AMERICAS |
ALMANAC, which is furnished to the druggists !
for gratuitous distribution, wherein may be j
learned the directions for its u>e, and some }
of the remarkable cures which it has made i
when all other remedies had failed to afford
relief. Those cases are purposely taken
from all sections of the country, in order ;
that every reader may have access to some j
one who can speak to him of its benefits from i
personal experience. Scrofula depresses the j
vital energies, and thus leaves its victims l'ar ;
more subject to disease and its fatal results j
than are healthy constitutions. Hence it I
tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten,
the average duration of human life. The j
vast importance of these considerations has I
led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy |
which is adequate to its cure. This we now j
offer to the public under the name of AYF.R'S
SARSAPARILLA, although it is composed of
ingredients, some of which exceed the best
of Sarsaparilla in alterative power, By its
aid you may protect yourself from the suffer
ing and danger of these disorders. Purge j
out the foul corruptions that rot and fester
in the blood, purge out the causes of disease,
and vigorous health will follow. By its pecu- ;
liar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital |
functions, and thus expels the distempers
which lurk within the system or burst out ,
on any part of it.
We know the public have been deceived
by many compounds of Sarsaparilla, that
promised much and did nothing; but thev j
will neither be deceived nor disappointed 111 :
this. Its virtues have been proven by abun
dant trial, and there remains no question of
its surpassing excellence for the cure of the
afflicting diseases it is intended to reach. I
Although under the same name, it is a very
different medicine from any other which has i
been before the people, and is far more cf- i
feetual than any other which has ever been
available to them.
The World's Great Remedy for
Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con
sumption, and for the relief
of Consumptive patients
in advanced stages
of the disease.
This has been so long used and so uni- 1
versally known, that we need do no more
than assure the public that its quality is kept
up to the best it ever has been, and that it
mar be relied on to do all it has ever done.
Prepared by DR. J. C. AVER & Co., j
Practical and Analytical Chemists, j
Lowell. Mass.
Sold by all druggists every where.
Sold by Chan. Ritz and Dr. R. Martin, i
Lewistown; H. S. McNabb & Co., Belleville;
Jacob Metz, Allenville; Mrs. Mary Breh
men. McVeytown ; Joseph Strode, Strode's
Mills ; and by dealers generally. jy 13
Lock Repairing, Pipe Laying,
Plumbing and White Smithing
THE above branches of business will be
promptly attended to on application at
the residence of the undersigned in Main
street, Lewistown.
BEST Note and Letter paper at
maroh2. SWAIN'S. 1
And Pain Exterminator,
An Infallible Remedy for all Chronic and
Inflamatory Rheumatism. Diptheria,
Sore Threat, Quinsy. Sprains,
Neuralgia, Pain in the Back
and Limbs, Cramps, &c.
New Testimonials.
PERRY TOWNSHIP. March, 1864.
Mr. Joseph Swyers—After my best respects
to you, this is to let vou know that I have
been troubled with chills for the last fifteen
years, some of them so hard that I thought I
could not live over night. I was for days
and nights not able to go out. Last fall ihey
catne on agaiu as usual, and having about
half a bottle of your liniment about the
bouse, I thought I would try it, and took
about 20 drops night and morning for some
time. From the lime I took it I have never
had one chill, and can say that 1 never had
used any medicine that gave so much satis
faction as your liniment. Your üb't servant,
Adam Jbiird.
March 28th, 1664.
Mr. J. Swyers: My son had a sore neck
for three months back, for which I used your
liniment, and it is a perfect cure. He also
had a sure leg for two years hack ; 1 got one
of your bottles of liniinent, which has cured
it soundly.
Yours, respectfully, Charles Mitchell.
FREEDOM FORGE. March 28, 1864.
Mr. Swvers : I recommend your liniment j
to be the best that I ever had in my house, j
I had a pain in my side for about 15 years,
and I doctored with doctors far and near, j
but they done rne no good, when I heard of
your liniment, tried it, and I am thankful to j
say it has cured me sound and well; and j
for the children I could not do without if. I
Hugh's hand were dreadfully cracked open
with the wind, and he rubbed them with
it, and it has cured them.
Mrs. Margaret E. Summers.
Hugh Summers.
Lili.eystii.le. Decatur tp..
Mifflin County, Pa.
Mr. Joseph Swyers : This is to certify that
I cored ray child of the diptheria in three
days with your iiniraeot.
Mrs. Mary Daridsizer.
Additional References.
Isaac Price, Frederick Steidle
George £. Parsons Mrs. Mary Riden
Samuel H. Fry S. B. Davis
O. L. L'mherger Mrs. Martha Owens
James Riden
Jacob saaer, Y. H. 811 toners, James Mendenball.
John Smith. John A. Brought, Seymour Downs,
W. P. Mendenhall, Daniel Ayer, John Koli.'i*. i
Joshua (iorsueh, William Mowry, Robert Nelson,
Jonathan Price. JohnYonce, fieorge Baselv,
Melissa L. Basely, Noah Smith, Henry Dasher,
Catharine Dasher, Lydia Sager, Ihm'.ra iK-arment.
An Invacable Tonit Preparation, to rnre ;
Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Loss of
Appetite. Palpitation of the Heart
and General Debility.
Freedom Forges, Milfiin County, Pa.
he sole agents fyr the sale of my
medical preparations, are lIEXRY ZERBE, j
F.J. HOFFMAN, Lewistown, and WILLIS j
MANN, Yeagertown, Derry twp. mh23'G4
Save your Money and Encour
age Home Manufactures.
HA\ ING lately purchased the Patterns
remaining at the Logan Foundry, I am
prepared to make to order various sizes of
Coal Stoves. Sine Plate*. Hathaway Cook-
Stoves, Iron Fence,
Ac., Ac. Thankful for the past, I hope to
merit the future patronage of a generous pub
lie. lerms cash. The highest price paid
for old castings. JOHN R. WEEKES,
Lewistown Foundry, Sept. I t. Agt.
Two Doors West of the Odd
Fellows' Hall.
I}LRE and fresh drugs always on hand,
lhe most reliable preparation of
in the dry and liquid form,
Ooodyear's celebrated patent BREAST
PUMPS. A general assortment of
Notions, Perfumery, Soaps, &c.,
and in fact everything connected with Medi
cine or Medical treatment.
I hysiciaiw' ar.d all other prescriptions
carefully compounded and put up.
All consultations strictly confidential, ami
free of charge. Any preparation or medi
cine not on hand will be immediately order
ed. . I hope that the experience of sixteen
years almost constantly engaged In ilic act;*.,
duties of the medical profession will be a
sufficient guarantee that no deception or
humbugs will be practiced upon those who
consult me professionally, or who desire to
purchase medicines.
mar' 23 'ol-lv R. MARTIN, M. D.
51. P. ELLIS.
OF the late firm of McCoy and Ellis, has
just returned from the city with a choice
assortment of
selected with care and purchased for cash
which are offered to the public at a small ad'
vance on cost.
Spring & Summer Goods,
suitable for ladies, gentlemen and children
with many new patterns. His
comprise choice Sugars, Molasses, Coffee, Su
penor Teas, Pure Spices, dec. Also,
and all other articles usually found in Stores,
all of which his old customers and the public
in general are inv.ted to call and examine.
Country Produce taken at full market
r . R. F. ELLIS.
Lewistown. March 9, 1564.
TTT'HEREAS, in and by an act of theGen
f T eral Assembl/ of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, entitled " An act to direct j
the manner, time and place of holding Elec
tions for President and Vice President of the
United States, enacted the 2d day of Febru
ary. A. D 1820, and the supplements thereto,
i it is required of the Sheriff to give due no
tice of such election : Therefore I, UAVIS
, >l. CONTNER, Sheriff of Mifflin county, tic
: hereby make known and give this public no
tice to the citizens of eaid county, who are
qualified to tote for members of the General
Assembly, that on
■ TUESDAY, Ihfi Stli day of November, 1564,
an election will be held at the same places at
which members of Congress Senators and j
; members of the Assembly shall have been
i voted for at the last preceding election, as
! T he electors of the Borough of Newton ■
Hamilton are to meet in the new schoolhouse <
in said borough.
The electors of w ayne township are to
meet at the new schoolhouse in the Borough '
of Xew'on Hamilton.
'I he electors of the Borough of McVevtown
are to meet at the Union schoolhouse in said j
j '1 he electors of Granville township are to j
meet at the Court House in the Borough of j
Lewistown. and vote at the window of the
1 Protbonotary's office.
The electors of l>erry township will meet
j at the Court House in the Borough of Lew j
istown, and vote at the window of the Judge's !
The electors of Oliver township are to meet
at the Union schoolhouse in the Borough of !
McY eytown.
The electors of Bratton township are to I
met at the brick sehoolhouse on the farm of '
William Harshbarger. in said township.
The electors of Menno township are to
meet at the house now occupied bv the lam 1
ilv of William Semple, deceased, in Allen
ville, in said township.
The electors of Union township are to meet
at the bouse now occupied bv Kichard Brio
The electors of Brown township are to 1
meet at the public house Bow occupied by :
John G. McGlaughlin, in said township.
Ihe electorsa>f Armagh township residing :
east of the line commencing at the middle of j
the road at the stone meeting house, in Brown
township, thence along said road to the end !
of the lane known as Jonathan Abraham's ■:
lane, near the residence of Thomas Longwell.
| jr.. thence running in a straight line to Cress
i man's Knob to the Union countv line, are to
■ meet at E. E. Locke's ivffiee, in said township. '
Those residing west of and not included in
| said limits, will meet as heretofore at the
public house now occupied by Wm. Swine
| hart in said township.
The electors of Decatur township are to
meet at the h.Tuse of Joseph Stumpff, now
occupied bv Israel Spigelmire.
The electors for the East Ward of the Bo
rough of Lewistown will meet at the Court
House, and vote at the window of the Coin
missioner's office.
The electors of the West Ward of said
borough will meet at the same place, and
vote at the window of the Sheriff's office—
For the purpose of electing TWENTY SIX
persons nf this Commonwealth as Electors
for the election of President and Vice Presi
dent of lie United States ; and the several
| Judges, Inspectors and Clerks who attended
; the general election on the 2d Tuesday of Oc
: tuber, are hereby enjoined to attend and per
I form at the said election of electors to be held
i as aforesaid, the like duties, subject to the
| like penalties for misconduct, as they are lia
I ble to at the election of members of the As*
1 st mbly, &e ; and one judge from each district
is enjoined to attend at the Court House in
Lewistown. on FRIDAY, 11th November, be
| ing the third day after the election for dec
| tors, for the purpose of making out the re
. turns of said election.
I also make known that, by an fcet entitled
: an "Act relating to the elections of this Com
j monwealth,' approved the 11th day of April,
' 1852, it is provided that 'Every year in which
! the citizens of this Commonwealth shall vote
for Electors for President and Vice President
; of the United States, the Assessors of the
i several . - ards, townships; incorporated dis
; tricts and boroughs within this Common
wealth, except within the city and county of
Philadelphia, shall, at all reasonable times
! after the 2d Tuesday of October in said years,
: and until within ten days of the time fixed
! by law for the election of Electors of Presi
j dent and Vice President of the United States,
i on the personal application of any white free
! man claiming to he assessed within the prop
: er ward, township, incorporated district or
j borough, or claiming a right to vote therein,
sas being between the age of twenty one
and twenty two years, and having resided in
I this Commonwealth one year, enter the name
! of such person on the list of the taxable in
j habitant 6; and said Assessors shall, at least
, eight days previous to the day fixed for the
j election, make out duplicate copies of the
name or names so entered, and after certify
ing and signing the same, shall deliver one
i copy to the Commissioners of their respec
! live counties, to be filed by said Commission*
. ers in their respective office; and the other
j copy said Assessor 6hal) hold and hacd over,
without alteration or addition, to one of the
Inspectors of the proper election district, at
or before 8 o'clock on the morning of the day
fixed for the election of said Electors.'
Giton under my bund at Lewistown the
12th day of October, in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four,
i and the eighty eighth of the United States.
octl2 Sheriff.
Ail Act to Regulate Elections by Soldiers
in Actual Military Service.
I SBcnnx 1. R- it ennrtd by the Senate and House of
i Representative-! of the Cominomreallh of Peansuleania in
I General Aeyiahiy met, and it u hereby enarted '/ the au
! thority of the tame. That whenever any of the qualified
1 electors' of this Commonwealth shall be in any actual
military service, under a requisition from the Presi
i dent of the United Stales, or bv the authority of this
j Commonwealth, aud aa such, absent from their place
of residence, on the days appointed by law for nold
i ing the general or Presidential elections within this
I State, or oil the days for holding special elections, to
i fill vacancies, such'electors shall be entitled, at such
i times, to exercise the right of suffrage, as fully as if
i they were present at their usual places of elections,
j in the manner hereinafter prescribed, and whether
at the time of voting, such electors-dial! he within the
l limits of tins State or not; and the right of voting
shall not be affected, in any manner, by the fact of the
voter having been credited to any other locality than
the place of his actual residence, by reason of the
payment to him of local bounty by such other locality.
! srr. 2. A poll shall be opened in each company,
1 composed, in whole or in part, of Pennsylvania sol
diers, at the quarters of the captain, or other officer
thereof, and all electors, belonging to such company,
1 who shail be within one mile of such quarters, on trio
i day of election, aud not preveuted by order of their
' commanders or proximity of the enemy, from return
ing to their company quarters, shall vote at such poll,
I and no other place; officers, other than those of a
, company, and otlier voters, detached and absent from
J their companies, or in any military or naval hospital,
j or in anv vessel or navy yard, may vote at such polls
; as may lie most convenient for them, and wtien there
shall 4e ten or more voters at any place, wno:ShaU be
' unable to attend any company poll or their proper
place of election as aforesaid, the electors present
marS>pea a poli at snot) place as thev maj select. and !
certify in the poll 0,,k. which'sTudl be a recwfoTthe j
proceedings at said election. substantially in manner ■
ajKt form as hereinafter directed.
Svc. 8. The polls shall be opened as earlv as praetl
j cable on said day. and remain open at least three
i hoars, and. if necessary, in the opinion of the fudges. I
jof election, in order to receive the votes of all the !
■ electors, tliev may keep the polls open until seven ;
o'clock in the sfternoon of said dav: proclamation
thereof shall be made at, or before, the opening of the
polls, and one hour before closing them.
Sec. 4. Before opening the poll, on the day of dec- !
tion, the elec tors present, at each of the places afore- i
said, shall elect, viva voce, three persons, present at the |
time, snd having the qualifications of electors, for the i
judges of said election, and the judges so elected !
shall then appoint two of tl.e persons present, who I
shalt he qualified, to act as clerks of said election: snd
the judges shall prepare boxes or other suitable re
ceptacle for the tickets.
Site. 5. Before anv votes shall be received, said j
i ittdges and clerks shall each take an oath or affirms- !
■ tion. that he will perform theidunes of judge or clerk.
I (as the case may be.) of said election, according to law
I and to the best of his abilities, aud thai he will stlidi
; ously endeavor to prevent fraud, deceit or abuse, in
• conducting the same, which oath or affirmation any of j
j the said judges or clerks, so elected or appointed.
I may administer to each other: and the same shall be
| in writing, or partly written and partly printed, and I
I signed bv said judges and clerks and certified to bv |
the party administering the same, and attached to o'r :
entered upon the poll book, and there signed and cer- '
tified as aforesaid,
j Stc. 6. All elections shall he by ballot, and the • !
! judges of elections may. and upon challenge of any
! other voter shall examine, under oath or affirmation,
i the applicant to vote, (which oath or affimation any of
I said judges may administer.) in respect to his right
| to vote, and his qualifications to vote in the particular
j ward, precinct. <-ity. liorough. township ©r n©uuty of
; this State, in which he claims residence; and liefore
l receiving any vote, the judge*, or a majority of them.
I shall lie satisfied that such applicant is a qualified vo
j ter of such place.
SEC. 7. Separate poll books shall be kept and sepa
; rate returns made for the voters of each city orooun
' ty : the poll books shall name the company'aud regi-
I merit and <he place, post, or hospital ;ji which such
'election is held: the county and township, oitv. thr
ough. ward, precinct or effection district of each voter
shall be endorsed opposite his name on the poll books:
! each clerk shall keep oDe of said poll books, so that
j there mat be a double list of voters,
J SEC. 8. Each ticket shall have written or printed, or
: partly written and partly primed thereon, the names
l of all the officers which may properlv be voted for at
said election, for which the said elector desires to
! vote.
SEC. 9. That the judges to whom any ticket shall lw
; delivered shall, upon the receipt thereof, pronouce
i with an audible voice the name of the elector, and if
no objection is made to him. and the judge.- are satis
| tied that said elector is a citizen of the I'mted States
| and legal iy entitled according to the constitution and
j laws of this State to vote at -aid election, -hall itnrre
diately put said ticket into the box or other receptacle
I therefor, without inspecting the names of persons
j voted for: and the clerks shall enter the name of the
j elector on the poll book of his county, ward, precinct.
I city, borough, or township, and county of his resi
i dence. substantially in pursuance of the form herein
j after given.
' Sue. 10. At the close of the polls, the number of vo
j ters shall be counted and set down at the foot of the
i list of voters, and signed by the judges and attested
! by the clerks.
SEC. 11. After the poll books are signed, the ballot
box shall be opened ami the tickets therein contained
shall be taken out. one at a time- by one of the judges
who shall read distinctly, while the ticket remains in '
ins hand, the name or names therein contained for
i the several office- voted for, and then deliver it to the
| second judge, who shall examine the same and pass
j it to the third judge, who shall string the vote for
each county upon a separate thread and carefully pre-
I serve the same: the same method shall be pursued as
i to each taken out. until all the votes are counted.
Stc. 12. Wheuever twoor more tickets shall tie found
I careful iy folded or rolled together, uoiliicr of such
j tickets shall i.e counted: and if a ticket shall contain
more than the proper number of names for die same
office, it shall tie considered fraudulent a-to all the
i names designated for that office, hut no further,
j stc. 13. As a check iu counting, each clerk shall
■ keep a tally list for each county from which votes
I shall nave heen received, which tally list shall consti- t
j tute a part of the poll book.
! Sec. 14. After the examination of the ticketsshall be
j completed, the number of votes for each person, in
> 'he county poll hooks as aforesaid, shall he enumera
j ted under the inspection of the judges, and set down
i as nereiuafter provided in the form of the poll book.
| Bsc. 15. The following shall be substantially the form
of the poll books to be kept by the judges and ole.rks
I of :h- election, filling in ine blanks carefully :
Poll book of the election, held on the second Tues
-1 day of October, one thousand eight hundred ana
, i.or other election day as the ca-e may be.) by
j the qualified electors of county, (or city.) State of
Pennsylvania, in company .ofthe regiment
of Pennsylvania volunteers, (or as the case may be.l
i held at (naming the place, post, or hospital.j-A li. C D
i and E F beiiig duly elected as judges of said election
I and J K and L M being duly appointed as clerks of
; said election, were severally sworn or affirmed, as per
1 certificates herewith returned.
Number and names of the electors voting and their
; county, city, borough, township, ward or precinct of
j residence
: No. 1, A H, county of , township of
No. 2. CD, countv of , township of
It is hereby certified that the number of electors for
county, Pennsylvania, voting at this elec
j tion. amounts to
A B, Judges
<J D. > of
F. F, ) election.
Attest—J K.
J. M. Clerks.
Form of certificate of oath of judges and clerks :
We, A B. C D and E F. judges" of this election, and
• J K and L M. clerks thereof, do each severally swear
j (or affirm) that we will duly perform the duties of
judges and clerks of said election, severally acting as
i above set forth, according to law. and to the best of
j our abilities, and that we will studiously endeavor to
; prevent fraud, deceit, or abuse, in conducting the
! same.
A B,
C D,
EE, Judges.
J K,
j LM. Clerks.
1 hereby certify, that C It E F. judge, and J K and
. L M. clerk* were, before proceeding to take any votes
• j at said election, fir-t duly sworn, or affirmed, as afore-
I said.
i I Witness my hand this day of , Anno
; Domini one thousand eight hundred and
A B. Judge of election.
1 j I certify that AB, judge aforesaid, was also so sworn
• | (or affirmed) by me.
i Witness my haud. the date before written.
1 j J K, Clerk of election.
• j SEC. lfi. A return, in writing, shall be made in each
. i poll-hook, setting forth in words, at length, the whole
number of ballots cast for each office, (except ballots
rejected.> the name of each person voted for. and the
, ; number of votes given to each person, for each dilfer
, j ent office; which return shall tie certified as cor
' ! rect. signed bv the judges, and attested by the clerks;
I j such return shall be substantially as follows :
■ At an election held by the electors of company
| of the regiuieiit of Pennsylvania soldiers, at
" , (naming the place where the election is heid> there
t : were (naming the nuralier in words, at length i
, j votes cast lor the office of governor, of which A B
had votes, C D had votes; for Sena
! tor. votes were cast, of which E F had
| votes, Cr H had votes; for Representatives,
votes were cast, of which J K had votes,
- j L M had votes; and in the same manner as to
any other officers voted for.
, I At the end of the return.the judges shall certify in
| substance, as follows, giving, if officers, their rank and
r number of their regiment, if privates, the number of
: their regiment and company, viz:
• j A true return of the eiectiohu held a* aforesaid, on
? : the day of Auuo Domini one thousand
t j eight hundred and
. : A 11, Captain company A. one hundred and thirty-first
j regiment. Pennsylvania volunteer*.
] C l>. company A. one hundred and thirty-first regi
; menu Pennsylvania volunteers,
j EF. company A. one hundred and thirty-first regi
-1 • incut, Pennsylvania volunteers.
, ! Judge of election.
Attest —J K,
L M, Clerks.
Szc.lT. After canvassing the votes in manner afore
i said, the judges shall put in an envelope one of the
• poll books, with its tally list aud return of each city
i or county, together with the tickets, and tranmit the
i same, properly sealed up and directed, through the
■ ] uearest post office or by express, as soon as possible
thereafter, to the prothonotary of the court of com
r mon plea* ofthe city or county In which such etee
rl i tors would have voted, if not in the military service
j aforesaid, (being the city or county for which said poll
j ' book was kept.) and the other poll book of said city
i or county, enclosed in an envelope, and sealed as
J aforesaid and properly directed,shall be delivered to
i one of the commissioners hereinafter provided for,
• i if such commissioner calls for the same in ten days,
i and if not so called for, the same shall be transmitted
by mail or by express, as soon s possible thereafter,
' to the Secretary ofthe Commonwealth, who shall
J' ■ carefully preserve the same, ami on demand of the
, proper prothonotary, deliver to said prothonotary. uu
. der his hand aud official seal, a certified copy of the
return of votes, so transmitted to and received by
hiin, for said city or county of winch the demandant
j is prothonotary.
B i SEC. IS. It shall be the duty of the prothonotary of
t the county to whom such returns shall be made, to
0 | deliver to the return judges of the same county, a
. : copy, certified under his hand and seal, of the return
.' | of votes so transmitted to him by tiie judges of the
j) election as aforesaid, or as officially certified by the
r Secretary of the Commonwealth, as aforesaid, to said
, prothonotary.
g j .SKC. It). The return judges of the several counties
r i shalt adjourn to meet at the places now directed by
; law, on the third Friday after any general or Presideu
'• tial election, for the purpose of counting the soldiers'
jJ ! vote; and when two or more counties are connected
a ' in the election, the meeting of the judges from each
1 : county shall le postponed in sucli ease until the Fri
j| | day follow ing.
e i SBC. 20. The return judges so met shall include, in
e j their enumeration, the votes so returned, and there
r upon shall proceed iu all respects in the like manner
! a . fi provided by law. in eases where all the votes
shall have been given at the usual place of election:
Provided. That the several courts of this Common- ;
wealth -hail have the same power and authority
to investigate and determine all of fraud or
illegality, in relation to the ratine of the soldiers. as
i a £ <- , now tested tn said courts, with regard to questions
i "* rrHU 'f ftu d illegality arising from the voting of per
! sons not in military service, under the present laws
I relating thereto.
! £C - 21. In elections for electors of President and
; Vice President ot the United States.it shall lie the
| duty of the Secretary of the Commonwealth to iav
| before Hie Governor all returns received by him from
I any election, as aforesaid, who shall compare the same
■ with the county returns, and add thereto all such re
! turns as shall appear, on *uch comparison, not to la?
contained in -aid county returns, in every ease where
said military returns for such counties shall have been
received by said secretary at a period too late for •
Inuieun'tiag them to the pwwperproihoiiotary. in tune
for the uefi n of the judtes of the said counties.
>zc. 22. Alt said elections shall he -object to contest
in the same manner as is now provided hy law; and in
alt eases of contested elections, all legal return- which
shall have been bona fide forwarded by said judges
IU the mariner hereinbefore prescribed, shall L*E count
ed and estimated, although the -ame may not have i
arrived or been received by the pn>per officers to be
counted and estimated, su the manner hereinbefore
• direcieit. before issuing the certificates of election to
| the persons appearing to have a majority of the votes ,
thou received, und the -ani returns shall be subject to |
i all such objections as other returns are liable tn. when •
1 received in due time.
I >(i". 23. It shu'i tie the duty of the Secretary of the
I Commonwealth to <-u.-e to be printed a sufficient
j number of * opies of this act. with such extracts from j
! the general election law. as shall be deemed impor- j
; tant to accompany the same, and blank forms of poll ;
I nook.-, w iili tally fists and returns as pgy*cr>iieil ui this
j act. which, with* the necessary postage stamps tode- j
! fray expenses and postage on returns, shall, in suffi- !
[ cient time, before any such election, be forwarded by |
j -aid secretary, at tiie expense of the Commonwealth.
| by eommissfoners c.r otherwise, as shall be deemed I
; ihost eertain to insure delivery thereof to the captain ;
j or commanding officer of each company, or in case of
i detached voters, to the officer hat :ng charge of the
j post or hospital, who shsll retain the -atne until the
j day of election and then deliver the same to the jndges )
i elected, as provided in this act: Pi n-idnl. That no .
j election shall he invalidated by the reason of the ne
j gleet or failure of the said secretary to cause the de- j
S livery of said poll books to the proper persons, as j
j aforesaid.
! SKC. 24. That for the purpose of more effectually ;
carrying out the provisions of this act. the Governor j
shall have power to appoint and commission under
the great seal of the Commonw. alth. such number of
commissioners, having the qualifications of an elector '
in this state, as he shall deem necessary, not exceed
une to each regiment of Pennsylvania soldiers in the '
service of this State, ox of the I'nited States, and shall
apportion the work atnong the commissioners and I
supply such vacancies as may occur in their number, j
Such commissioners, before* they act, shall take and j
subscribe an oath or affirmation.'and cause the same '
to be filed with the Secretary of the Commonwealth, to j
the following effect: "1—; -appointed commit- ;
sioner. under the act to regulate elections by soldiers '
•n actual military service, do solemnly swear 'or af- j
firm) that I will support the Constitution of the United J
suite- and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and
impartially, fully, and without reference to political
preferences!, or results, perform, to the best of my
Knowledge and ability, tfie duties imposed on me by
the said'act, and that 1 will studiously endeavor to
prevent fraud, deceit and abuse, not only in the elec
tions to be held under the same, but in the returns
thereof." And if any commissioner appointed hy or
under thisaet shall knowingly violate his duty oi fcnow
ngly omit, or fail to do his duty, under this act. or vi
j olute any part of his oath or affirmation, he shall be i
j liable to indictment for perjurv. in the proper county, j
i and, upon conviction, shall lie punished by a fine, j
i not exceeding one thousand dollars, or imprison
ment in the penitentiary, at labor, not exceeding one
j year, or both, tn the discretion of the court.
I * SEC. 25. It ahall be the duty of such commissioners
1 to deliver, as far as practicable, at least four of the
copies of thisaet. and other extracts of laws published
a- hereinbefore directed, and at least two blank fonns
of poll books, tally li-c- and returns entrusted to
them, as mentioned iu the twenty-third section of
this act. to the commanding officers of every com pa- !
nv, or part of company, of Pennsylvania soldiers in 1
ihe actual military or" naval service of the United j
i States, or of this State : and to make suitable arrange- I
, ments and provisions for the opening of polls, under !
j this act: it shall also be the duty of said commissioners 1
, as oon as,practicable after the day of election, to call :
upon the judges of the election and procure one poll :
book, containing the returns of the election, and safe- :
ly to preserve the same, not only from loss, but from :
alteration, and deliver the same without delay to the j
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
SEC. 26: Said commissioner- shall receive, in full j
compensation for their service.- under 14ii act. ten
eetit- per mile, in going to and returning from their i
respective regimeuts. estimating the distance of travei
by the usually traveled route; and it is hereby made
the duty of the Auditor General and State Treasurer
to audit and pay the accounts therefor, in the same
manner as other claims are now audited and paid, by
law : all commanding and other offnters are requested
to ai l the comnti-sioners herein appointed, and to
give them all proper facilities to enable them to carry
j out the design and intention of this act.
Sac. 27. No mere informality in the manner of car
rying out or executing any of the provisions of this
act, shall invalidate any election held under the same,
or authorize the return thereof to be rejected or set
aside: uor shall any failure on the part of the commis
sioners to reach or visit any regiment or company or
part of company, or the failure of any company or
part of company to vote, invalidate any election which
may be held under this act.
SEC. 2S. The several officers authorized to conduct
such election, shall have the like powers, and they, as
well as other persons who may attend, vote, or offer
to vote, at such election, shall" be subject to the like
penalties and restrictions as are declared or provided
in the ease of elections by the citizens at their usual
places of election; and "all of the provisions of the
general election laws of this State, so far as applicable
and not inconsistent with the provisions or this act.
nor supplied thereby, shall apply to all elections held
under this act.
SEC. 29. No compensation shall be allowed to any
judge or clerk muter this act.
SEC. 30. When the sheriff' of any city or county shall
issue lis proclamation for an election, for a presiden
tial, congressional. district, city, county or State elec
tion. under the laws of this State, he shall transmit,
immediately, copies thereof to the field officers and
senior captains in the service, aforesaid, from said city
or county.
SEC. 31. The sum of fifteen thousand dollars, or so
much thereof as inav he necessary, is hereby appro- J
printed from the general revenue." to be paid upon the i
order of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, to carry |
this law inns effect. | |
SEC. .'hi. When any of the electors mentioned in the j
first section of this act, less than ten in numher.shall '
he members of companies of another State or Terri- j
tory. or for any surti.-ient and legal cause, shall be sep- j
arated from their proper company, or shall be in any |
hospital, navy yard, vessel, or on recruiting, provost, j l
•>r other duty, whether within or without this State. I
under such circumstances as shall render it probable !
that he, or they, will be unable to rejoin their proper : 1
company, or to he present at his proper place of efec- '
tion. on or before the day of the elections, therein j
j mentioned, said elector or electors shall have u right ! '
] to vote in the following manner.
I SEC. 33. The voter aforesaid is herehy authorixed, i
j before the day of election, to deposit his"ballot or bai- !
i lots, properly folded, as required by the general elec- !
; tion laws of this Stale, or otherwise, as the voter may >
: choose, m a sealed envelope, together with a written 1
! or printed, or partly written and partly printed, state- '
j menu containing the name of the voter, the county. I
! township, borough or ward, of which he is a resident, i
j and a written or printed authority to some qualified ;
I voter in the election district of which the said voter !
I is a resident, to cast the ballots contained in said en- i
! velope for him. on the day of said election. Said 1
i statement and authority to be signed by the said voter ,
; and attested by thecomiiuuiderorsomecornmissioned ;
! officer of the company of which he is a member, in 1
j the case of a private, and of some commissioned offi- i
jeer of the regiment, in the ease of an officer, if any of j
I such officers are conveniently accessible, and if oth- ;
erwise, then by some other Witness: and there shall j
: also accompany said ballots an affidavit of said voter.
, taken before some one of the officers aforesaid, and !
| in the absence of such officers, before some other ]
1 person duly authorized to administer oaths, by any ;
I law of the Slat*, that he is a qualified voter in the i
j election district in which he proposes to vote, that he :
j is m the actual military service of the United States .
i or of this State, describing the organization Go which j
j he belongs, that he has not sent his ballots to any j
j other person or persons than the one in such author- :
itv mentioned, that lie will not offer to vote at any j
poll which may be opened on said election day. at any |
place whatsoever, and that he is not a deserter, ancl J
has not been dishonorably dismissed from the service j
and that he is now stationed at in the State of '
. Said sealed envelope, containing the ballots,
! statement, authority and affidavit as aforesaid, to be j
j sent to the proper person by mail or otherwise, having I
: written or printed on the e.utside. across the sealed j
| part thereof, the words "soldier's ballot for
township.' borough or ward.) in the county of ." '
| Sic. 34. The elector to whom such ballot shall he
| sent, shall, on the day of election and while the polls j
I of the proper district are open, deliver the envelope i
as received, unopened, to the propier election officer, j
who shall open the same in the presence of the elec- j
. tion board, and deposit the ballots therein contained. ;
j together with the envelope and accompanying papers. '
i as other ballots are deposited, and said" board shall
| count and canvass the same in the same manner as
1 other votes cast at said election ; and the pierson de
i livering the same may. on the demand of any elector
• tie compelled to testify on oath that the envelope, 90 •
1 delivered by him, is in the same state as when re- 1
• ceived by him, and that the same nas not been opened :
j or the contents thereof changed or altered in any
, way by him or any other person. i
t SEC. 35. The right of any pierson thus offering to
j vote, at any such election may be challenged, for the i
; same causes that it coti'd be challenged if he were )
j personally present, and for no other reason or cause, j
j B*c.iJti. Any officer of any general or special elec- I
, tiou in this Btaie, who shall refuse to receive any such •
. envelope, and deposite such ballots, or to count and ;
< canvass the same, and any elector who shall receive 1
j such envelope, and neglect or refuse to present the i
j same, to the officers ®f the election district, endorsed
on the said-envelope, shall be guilty of a misdemean- '
, or, and on conviction thereoi, shall be punished by
i imprisonment in the Stale prison, not exceeding one j
year, and by fine not exceeding five hundred doll*,
or either, or both, *r< the discretion of tie coun
Sec: nr. Any person who shall wilfully and oorrunti
make and subscribe any false affidavit, or make si,
false oath, touching any matter or thing provided"
this act. shall be deemed guilty of wiifqJnnd corriiM
perjury, and upon conviction thereof, shall i,|.:
ished by imprisonment in the sitate per.itentiarv uw
exceeding nve years, and by fine not exceeding n
--thousand dollars, or by either, or both, in the ,i? v ',
uon of the court.
SEC 38. That it shall be the duty of the Secretarvrf
. the Commonwealth to prepare the necessary biant
forms to carry out the provisions of thisaet. andi
! furnish the same for the use of the persons so e®
gaged in the military service aforesaid.
SEC. 39. In case anV qualified elector, in military Wr .
; vice aforesaid, may be in any hospital, military or"
yal. or in any vessel, or navy yard the statement* and
• affidavits in this act mentioned, may he witnessed by
; and made before any officer of the vessel, naw vr.)
or other place, in which said verse! is tor the time ul
ing engaged.
SEC. 4<J. It shall be the doty of every ASSESSOR within
this Commonwealth, annually, to as-e-s and let tunic
j the maimer now required by law. a county tax of
cents upon each ana every non-comrnissioned officer
j and private, and the nsuaf taxes upon every ecn.m s.
] sioned officer, known bv them to tie in tiie mil'itarv
service of the United States, or of this State. -'n 'hi
army ; and when any omission shall occur, the oiimtei 1
, name- shall tie added by such assessors. tothes--e- '.
i ments and hat- 1" voters, on the application of aiiv
i citizen of the election district or precinct wherein
, such soldier plight or would liave a right to vote •'
not in such service as aforesaid: and such non-com
missioned officers and privates sliall be exempt irom
jail other personal taxes during their continuum ei a
such service ; and said assessors slmii. in each amj
i every case of such assessed soldiers, or officers, wiffi.
i out "lee or reward therefor, give a certificate of such
i regular or additional assessment, to any citizen of the
! election district or precinct who may at any time de
: tnand the same: and upon the presentation thereof to
j the tax collector of said district, or the trea.-urer of
i of the said county, it shall be the duty of such officer
j to receive said tax of and from any person offering to
pay the same, for the soldier or officer there.n named
and to endorse upon such certifieutc a receipt there
for: and it shall also be the duty of satd coliector or
| county treasurer to receive said assessed tax from any
i person who may offer lo pay the same, for any of said
! officers or soldiers, without requiring a certificate of
i assessment, when the names of such persons shall
have been duly entered upon the assessment books
, and tax duplicates, and give a receipt therefor to such
' person, specially stating iherem the name of the so!-
j dier or "officer "whose tax is thus panl. the year for
which it was assessed, and the date of the payment
thereof: winch said certificate and receipt, or receipt
! only, shall be nrtia facie evidence to election board,
provided for bv this act. before which the same may
be offered, of tfie due assessment of said tax against,
and the payment thereof by, the soldier or officer
I therein named, offering the* same, as aforesaid, but
j said election board shall not be thereby precluded
; from requiring other proof of the right to vote, as
specified by this act. or the genera! election laws of
| this ( ornmotiwealth: and if any of said assessors
; collectors, or treasurers shall neglect or l efn-e to com
• ply with the provisions of this section, or to perform
j any of the duties therein enjoined upon them, or ei
i ther of them, he, or they, so" offending, shall be con
sidered and adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor in of
fice. and shall, on conviction, be fined in nnv sum no*,
less than twenty nor more than two hundred dollars;
Provided. That the additional assessments, requiredto
be made by the above section, in the city of Philadel
phia. shall be made on application of any citizen of
the election district or precinct thereof, upon oth or
affirmation of such citizen, to be administered bv the
assessor. that such absent soldier is a citizen of the
election district or precinct wherein such assessment
i is required by such citizen to he rnadq.
SEC*. 41. This act shall not apply to the election of
I memiters of council, or to ward and division officers
iu the c ity of Philadelphia.
APPROVED —The 26ih day of August, A. I. 1864.
The subscriber having now on
hand one of the best and largest
stocks between Philadelphia and
Pittsburgh, in order to accom
modate business to the times, offers for sale
complete assortment of
! Saddles. Harness, Bridles, Collars, Tronki,
W hips, Hames, Valises, Carpet Bags,
which are offered for sale low for cash, or ap
j proved credit.
Among his stock will be found seme high
ly finished sets of light Harness equal to any
; manufactured,
Let all in want of good articles, made by
experienced workmen, give him a call.
Lewistown, April 19, 1860.
Is Expects <1 to take Place in
BUT notwithstanding this the people
must have
! and we would respectfully set forth our
; claims to public attention, first, because we
| keep a large and well assorted stock of Boots
and Shoes for men and boys.
' : Gaiters, and all other kinds of shoes for
i ; women and children.
We are prepared to take measures and
| complete work of all kinds at short notice.
I ! Repairing done at short notice, nt
West Market street, a few doors west of
1 Col Butler's, and nearly opposite Daniel Ei
senhise's Hotel. mh3o-'64
P. F. I.OOP.
IS the place to buy cheap Shoes Hating
purchased a large stock, I propose to sell
at but a small advance on cost, but only for
cash, I would invite all in want of good and
cheap Shoes to call and see my stock before
buying elsewhere, as I have all styles of Wo l
men's Misses and Children's Shoes, with a
large stock of Gaiters, which will be sold ve
: ry low.
Home made work always on hand, and
prepared to make to order any style at short
j est notice. Always up to the latest styles in
> the city. Call and see,
I am also agent for the Grover & Baker
and will have sample machines on hand at u'|
times. All who buy a machine from me will
be regularly taught to sew. Call and see
this machine before buying elsewhere, AS it
has all the late improvements and will do
mote work than any other machine now in
■ use. Also, the (Jrover & Baker Thread ,
for sale
Call at the old stand in the public square,
three doors west of Geo. Blymyer's store.
Lewistown, June 8, 1864.
Genuine Oriental Turkish, Im.
Turkish, Kose, Favorite, I'n
ion, Kiss-me-quick, s*ealar
latti, &c.
No. 1, 2 and 3 CET k DRY, very lot.
and in fact everything that belongs to bu
line of business, at very low figures.
Call and examine for yourselves, and M re
money by buying at the Cigar and Tobaw fl
j Store of
novll Lewistown, P*-
Blacksmiths, Blacksmith*'
rpHE Blacksmiths say Selheimer keeps th #
i JL best Iron and Steel in town. Uedoeen'
| only keep the best, but he keeps the large ß
assortment, and sells the cheapest. Go to